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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 9, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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applaud, applaud, applaud, widely, the doll always, like this, here, here, to read, here, bravo, bravo, masha, well done, oh, well done, like this, to understand what acting is, you need, of course , try it yourself, it’s not as simple as it may seem, this is the most complex doll - a puppet, it walks, this is what it’s called, there are a lot of all sorts of devices that the arms move, the arms rise, the legs walk, the eyes blink, plus the head should look somewhere else. every theater actor should be able to control any type of doll, but you need to get used to each one separately. believe me, of all those who play, the actor will not immediately take my red riding hood, and i will not take it. someone else's,
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because each doll has its own individuality, it needs to adapt to it, you need to learn how to walk, to feel it, how it turns its head there, well, it's like a violin, on a violin, how many strings, a bow, you need learn to play it, so this is what happens with this doll, by the way, literally everything that can be seen in the theater is done here from scratch, this is the work of a design engineer who lays out the mechanics of the doll’s movements, a fashion designer who comes up with costumes for dolls and actors, scenery and backstage, as well as prop artists who create props. all those who leave the theater are greeted by another fairy-tale character, only in bronze, tariq khatabych, the favorite character of many children is directly related to vitebsk, because he is the author of the book.
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khatabych, the creator of this character, is from vitebsk. lazar lagin wrote his famous book in 1938, since then it has become a classic of children's literature. this sculpture is a tribute to the author and his creation. and the same author who worked on the grandmother with flowers, sergei sotnikov, worked on the project. and according to tradition, you need to lose khatabych’s lamp for your wish to come true. oh yes, at khatabychi's. i still need to pull out a hair, but now it will definitely come true. the impression i received today was simply immeasurable, well, that ’s not all that viteps is interesting about, someday i will definitely return here, well , for today i say goodbye to you, see you in next city.
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in a fashionable photo studio on sovetskaya street in minsk, at the beginning of 1939, photographer elya bergman was putting himself in order in front of the mirror, what had to be done.
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march's songs, and of course, the setting, the old surroundings clearly did not correspond to the spirit of the times, now portraits of peasant women and factory workers are in fashion, let them become famous. the lines of the popular song by isaac dunaevsky, which the whole country sang without exaggeration in the thirties, personified the image of a soviet girl, a woman, free, liberated, beijing spring, a girl in
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red scarf, first demonstration, the main thing is to find a decent place for them and arrange them so that they create the right atmosphere. and the arable land is all our dear and dear home, let the new day, the day of yesterday, with their cheerful joyful ones, they are the builders of a new society, the masters of this life, then few people thought about the fact that for such drastic changes it took only about 20 years, how about about how difficult the path to solving the women's issue in the country was.
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women, comrades, women, let grenkevich speak.
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he started his work on february 5th. the women's
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issue was to be discussed at such a high level for the first time. about the work of women, their promotion to responsible work. and this was a fact that was unique in itself. in democratic europe of that period, there was a lot of talk about women's rights. rallies, proclamation demonstrations. at the initiative of the german socialist clara zetkin , many countries began to celebrate march 8 as an international day, when once again it was possible to declare the equal rights of women in society. in the bssr, delegates from all regions of the republic from high tribunes were preparing to outline their bold plans.
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and i also want to become a musician, famous all over the world, and i will definitely tell the congress about this, i will teach myself. please, barysh, not for the group photo, these sounds
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, the persistence of the confused owner of the atelier, finally helped to seat the delegates on the prepared chairs. and put someone in the second row to take the treasured photo. young ladies, young ladies, you are all so interesting and why do you need all this, and even this komsomol member, she is almost still a child. and also wants to cost a new life, and what it will be like this new life, not without that, so much
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has happened, has changed, oh, ladies, but there really are a lot of changes, here? at the congress , the first secretary of the communist party of belarus, jan gomarnik, celebrated from the high rostrum the successes in resolving the women's issue. the first census of 1926, conducted in the ussr, showed that there were already half a million literate women in the republic against 1 million literate men. this was the result that the republic achieved in less than 10 years of soviet power, but such indicators were clearly not satisfactory. on the agenda the main question is how to involve the largest part of women workers in the governing bodies of the party
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organization, therefore task number one is to completely eliminate illiteracy within five years, but special attention would seem to be given to a completely secondary issue, everyday issues, how to expand the network of kindergartens, public kitchens, laundries, in order to free up woman from household chores. the discussion on this matter is not a joke. i propose to improve the cultural life of workers at the enterprise.
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houses should be built so that the public kitchen is located below, a common one, it should not take up space in the apartment, then in minsk , behind the red church, a bold experiment was brought to life, the first kitchen factory was built in the capital, where lunches could be bought. there was a lot of debate about what a soviet woman should look like. in moscow, in 1934 , the first soviet fashion house with the original name trest mosbelieu opened. he proposed a new direction in clothing. the style of constructivism dominated. minimalism in everything. nothing in the land of soviets should
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distract attention from the woman herself. she was even involved in the design of clothes famous architect. the author of the sculpture is a working collective farmer. the first decade of soviet power, a time of searching for fundamental changes in a woman’s life, she was changing. in march 1939 , the book “women of the land of socialism” was published in the soviet union in a million copies. she talked about famous women who have achieved success in various fields of activity. enna stubble. the world's only female sea captain. valentina grizadubova, brave pilot, hero of the soviet union. nadezhda grekova, chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, the first and only woman in the ussr and europe to occupy such a high position, and more than twenty other names of outstanding
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representatives of the fair sex of the country of the soviets, who headed large-scale production, succeeded in science, and steel. how could a woman ever dream of such a thing, how could she believe that she herself would determine her own path in life, and the transformations in the country would be so rapid, while in the ussr this was becoming the norm. elya berman, secluded in her darkroom after a tense day, i was sorting through photographs of komsomol activists and village women. he peered into the faces of women, as they were now called, of the new formation. every image he created was so
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close and dear. having opened a brand new album, elya began to arrange the photographs in a certain sequence. his name was so unusual for him, a woman from the country of the soviets. women. the new country of the soviets changed its appearance so much that many belarusians were talked about not only in the ussr. they proved to the world with their achievements. in the soviet union for the first time in history has created conditions for women’s self-realization in politics, creativity, production and science. and many truly changed this world. watch in the next episode about
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larisa alexandrovskaya, an outstanding opera singer, the first belarusian artist to be awarded the title of people's artist of the soviet union. all. how modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, travel around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia , croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia. estonia! set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day
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every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are in... here are parts of many other saints and people know from vitebsk they come and pray to these saints and turn to them. future regents, future singers, icon painters, florists, searchers, that is, all those who are now needed by the church everywhere, graduate and study about the history of the most ancient religious educational institutions in our school. how the most ancient shrines appeared on the belarusian lands, here was the appearance of the krupetsk icon of the mother of god, and gradually a temple was formed here, and a parish,
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a brotherhood that was engaged in construction this temple, this is the pokrovsky temple, about the sacraments of church services, if there is a priest, then there should always be a choir, because the choir symbolizes, in principle, prayer. and developed countries, all important issues are most often resolved not at official negotiations, not at ceremonial exhibitions and not in formal suits, the most important issues, whether
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in politics or economics, are most often resolved in an informal setting, the presidency is the most complicated in the world, this schedule never happens static, something is canceled, something is added, something else is rearranged , but still, in this schedule there is never a note... a day off, so the head of state is the leader of the country 24x7 365 days a year. author's project of igor turay, propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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elizaveta lashkevich is a good evening and a short one. vorachnaya 2024 at the gas parks of the minsk region.


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