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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:50pm MSK

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let’s sum up the main results of the day, this is a panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, watch the episodes: stars emotions, a big holiday, how the slavic yul heart of the country roared, we’ll tell you in the panorama. now officially for peace and creation together with shows, 10 official delegations arrived in vitemsk and in detail.
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the idea of ​​a new world order is so consonant with the belarusian traditions of the sco our baths. what is common and what does economics have to do with it? i alexey avdonin will tell you how the restoration of tradition allows you to return to the roots, unite, respect work and create. simple economics in panorama. the admission campaign in belarus is at the finish line; acceptance of documents to universities has started today. we will tell you about all the nuances and bonuses for applicants in our material.
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people are the main capital of the slavic bazaar and artists and spectators from forty-two countries of the world found each other in vitebsk, the north of the country is dancing, singing and breathing this july. only today it rained, but in the cultural capital it is hot in every sense of the word. stars of aalon.
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we always come big estonian delegation from estonia, 66 of us, first of all, i would say, friendship between countries is a must, and of course, a good mood, and great emotions, sleepless nights, the stage, oh, to be honest, i didn’t even watch the program, we watched, but you know what will be cool? well, of course, a full amphitheater, everyone is in a good mood, people are open to dialogue, the slavic bazaar is about to open officially, a ceremony where all the stars traditionally perform, tickets cost from 60 rubles. and live for you in one program they will sing “buinov, gazmanov, leps, pavali, annilok, lyusya chebotina - this is just the beginning of the list. a special feature of the vitebsk festival is the availability of any concert, and there are an endless number of them. what do you look forward to the slavic bazaar from year to year? well, chanson -
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little by little, yes, not every day, i myself work as a wrestling coach, and after training i calm my nerves, i put together a sculpture and a box, i made a practical thing, there are more than 100 parts in the head of this lamp, yes, then there is such a team, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, eight circles, in each circle has 12 parts, plus one more, you are father and son, your father taught you this. no, myself,
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communication, people, atmosphere, this kindness, this approach immediately gives results, from the sun, smiles, shopping and just communication, people become happier. children slavic bazaar, wow, wow, the most important thing is fun, you can feel it, yes, this is the best holiday in vitebsk, anya lorok let's go, lorok, you love lorok, our daughter is performing, alexander lukashenko traditionally declares the festival open, despite the schedule, finds time to come every year, 2024 was no exception, the hall meets the leader. for centuries, a unique atmosphere has been created here, an atmosphere of creative search, an atmosphere of dialogue between civilizations. for centuries , trade routes intersected here, connecting
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east, west, north and south, this city gratefully absorbed new ideas and trends, and developed due to this. that’s why the history of our forum began right here, in the city of world-famous people whose professional path passed through its workshops. vitebsk has become the creative homeland of real geniuses. today this festival unites people of different generations, religions, cultures , true connoisseurs of art, with a wide variety of preferences from the avant-garde to... but most importantly , it has become a truly family holiday, a holiday of traditional values, here residents, our guests can really relax their souls, this year the slovenian bazaar brought together guests from 42 countries: armenia, bulgaria,
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germany, georgia, venezuela, india, israel, italy, colombia, mexico, malta, turkey, croatia, czech republic, rock, pop and jazz, day and night concerts, which are the future, future development humanity on the principles of equality, respect and creation. i declare the thirty-third international arts festival, slavic bazaar in vitebsk, open. another
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tradition, the president will present two awards through art to peace for mutual understanding to grigory leps. this year he appeared on the walk of fame of the slavic bazaar. mine star. thank you very much for such a high award. thank you for appreciating my work, musical work, happiness, health, all the best, peaceful skies and great prosperity to your brotherly people. thank you! and yasmina khusmedinova, she took the grand prix of the vitebsk international children's music competition.
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but the audience will rise, of course, to war songs, this is memory, history is still pain, remember while you live, people, remember! for your happiness, your youth, their life, their youth, aura, oleg gazmanov, dima bilan and alexander buinov will sing about dreams, love and 100 weeks, everyone knows this track, fall, fall, fall, fall, more riots, well, let it be transparent light, let it be transparent to memory. grigory leps, this is already under control
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the concert audience is delighted, especially when you can easily shake hands with the president. thank you. thank you, final chord and fireworks. vitebsk is just starting the marathon this year, the slavic race will last until sunday, and this is an event that needs to be seen live. katerina krutalevich, veronica buta, lydia zablotskaya, alexander oleshka and pavel poznyakov. and it should be noted that that's all. for ten years the festival has been a consolidating platform on the path to world mutual understanding; today this message
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is shared with our country by the organization future sco the shanghai family is one of the headliners on friday's bill, and here at the festival the union state has been represented hand in hand for 25 years. report by lydia zablotskaya. it seems that we were just celebrating the opening of the slavic bazaar and then at 9 am the vitebsk concert hall. for your attention, real diplomacy. that you, together with your colleagues, have accepted us into a friendly family, here each of the nine countries
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has the voice of an ambassador to belarus or a deputy minister. we now have a special relationship with belarus, because the republic belarus was officially admitted to the shenhad cooperation organization precisely at the site of astana, within the framework of the forum of heads of state, the incredible variety of benefits to the benefits that the sco brings, i am sure we will all be simply amazed by it. can give, firstly, a positive, positive, bright, kind culture, it is present in the sco, it is very good that within the sco we all have a single cultural code, not yet in the sco, but azerbaijan has joined the dialogue, by the way, this meeting was organized in a week, it was impossible hesitate, because the bazaar is the key to the ideal version of the world. belarus on the organization of shamkhai. cooperation has added, added, powerful force, fresh
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force for the development of this organization, you have already begun to organize such an important cultural event, which is important for strengthening friendly ties and contacts between state members of the shoslavian. the bazaar is a unique festival of global scale; tens of thousands of concerned people visit it every year. pakistan is taking part in the forum for the fourth time. in advance predicted that our projects would be successful. and today's event is an indicator of the high level of the slavic bazaar. and how many times have clouds gathered around peaceful associations, but people united by true and sincere slavic values, even... they can be separated, if not with their hands, then with a kind attitude towards historical memory. the union
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state is strong, has a common history, an example to others on the traditional day dedicated to belarusian-russian relations, never without a minute in the name of the memory of the fallen. by the way, and one one of the awards was the laureate of the union state prize, which was presented by the president on the eve of the renewed khatyn. it was nice that my work was appreciated. it was like a big responsibility, a lot of work was done, it’s very nice that there is such an award, what was the mission of your project, why?
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does it matter where you are registered? my grandfather served in the brest fortress in the post-war years, in general he was a senior corporal, then my father served and studied at the minsk vizru, then it was called a university, now, now it’s a military academy of the republic of belarus, well, generally speaking, he spent his student years here, and you know, recently my father and i were sitting, looking at a map of minsk, studying, i
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showed him, i said, this is where i was, and he told me, here this is where i spent my student years, this is where we carried. it’s like a family album, so i understand it’s no coincidence that the first place i went to in belarus was the slavic bazaar. the people's brotherhood will be broadcast immediately after the panorama, it will probably come out on top in terms of views, as well as the opening ceremony, which became the leader of the evening prime time on our tv channel, was watched by half a million, among them we, lydia zablotskaya, sergei matveychuk, katerina strikha and alexander samailovich. tv news agency. the tenth
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brix parliamentary forum demonstrated the unanimity of the participants on issues of world order, multipolarity and further economic development. today in st. petersburg is the second day of his work. our parliamentary delegation is at the meeting. participates for the first time, speaking to the participants forum, the chairman of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus noted that parliaments bear a special responsibility to their voters for eliminating modern threats and challenges. today, the system of international law is collapsing and economic and political crises are being artificially created. first of all, this is beneficial to the collective west, which wants to maintain its world dominance. and the situation can only be changed by joining forces with like-minded people. that's why belarus became top ten. full-fledged member of the sco and has applied to join brix. the activities of brix are multifaceted, these are political issues and economic issues, financial institutions, humanitarian projects, culture, that is, almost all areas of activity of countries where joint agreed positions are being developed, which
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are directed against sanctions, against discrimination, against illegitimate financial measures that are applied . of course, this unification is of interest to us, this is additional opportunities for the development of our economy, for entering markets, you look at which countries are leaving brix today, the russian federation, china, india, iran, brazil, in fact, this is such a, i would say, powerful center that is able to resist the so-called collective west and the united states. also today , a meeting of the council of the interparliamentary assembly took place. participants discussed the work of observers from the ipa of the union of independent states in the parliamentary elections in belarus, which took place in february. the results of the observation of belarusian parliamentarians over the russian presidential elections were also summed up. took place this spring, there were some pleasant moments; valentina matvienko was awarded a medal for strengthening inter-parliamentary cooperation between belarus and russia. as we see, belarus
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is an active participant in serious systemic changes in world politics and economics; the unipolar egoism of the west is being replaced by a new world order. in it , organizations such as the shanghai cooperation organization act as conductors of the ideas of mutual assistance, equality and accessibility of opportunities, and these principles are closely related to belarusian deep-seated traditions. why is there such a close connection between the sco and our origins? alexey ovdonin will reveal the hidden relationships of economic policy. author's column simple economics right now. hello. this is simple economics with alexey avdonin. you and i are becoming eyewitnesses of important historical processes. a new economy and world order is being created. our president has made it clear that
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changes are happening now that haven't happened in 100 years, and we are driving these changes together. belarus is a participant in serious systemic changes in the global politics. the current model of the global economy, modern political economy, is explained simply: anglo-saxon. the world in a pirate way, colonizing and mercilessly exploiting all other countries for centuries, created the foundation of its wealth, political, economic and military superiority. now washington and london look at the world as their property, the multi-billion population of the planet is not people for them, a means to achieve personal well-being, this is the main reason for numerous challenges in the international field
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, including the poorest states of asia, africa, latin america, are forced to starve, it is within our power to destroy the walls of a unipolar world, feed the people, eliminating many contradictions and conflicts due to. social inequality, food and resource shortages, but for this it is necessary to unite at the international, regional level, therefore belarus is now a full member of the sco, at the same time it is important to return to the roots, community based on the principles of mutual assistance, equality and availability of opportunities, therefore belarus is actively popularized and widely held such events as the bathing party in alexandria, the sco our bathing party. have a common idea: strengthening the strength and prosperity of the economy through the restoration of the traditions of deep history and good ties between peoples. our president clearly indicated that in the 21st
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century it is necessary to build genuine and indivisible global security. the countries of the global majority must take the initiative. the narcissistic, selfish west turned out to be incapable of this. the sco is built on the principles of mutuality.
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after the historical period of the rampage of capitalism, destructive for humanity, people in the world are in confusion and ignorance, people are waiting for a certain orientation of certainty, they want a clear understanding of the prospects for the development of our planet, a rejection of economic selfishness, achieving our sovereignty of thirty years of history, which is inextricably linked with strong national power a leader who is ready to make the right and principled decisions.
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institute of the presidency in belarus. 30 years is an important milestone, an opportunity to look into the past and appreciate the present. the older generation remembers the difficult nineties, not rich and unsafe with vague development prospects, but thanks to a strong leader, we managed to overcome the difficulties of that time and set a course for creation and development. we talk about how it happened with our expert, political scientist vadim borovyuk. vadim aleksandrovich, looking back at the events of thirty years ago, when everything was at a crossroads, what? the decision was then a principled decision, including that of our belarusian president, allowed us to avoid chaos and generally set a course for development? alexander lukashenko came to power, relying on the broad support of the people, but there was a request for a strong leader who would restore order in the country, and order needed to be restored in various spheres, in the sphere of public security, in the economy, in the sphere of social protection of citizens, some people left. then from the black schemes of doing business,
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we began... to develop trade along the entire perimeter and retained the connections that we had due to the legacy of the soviet union, with at the same time, we actively increased exports to those countries where our products were in demand, preserved the industrial potential that we inherited from the soviet union, while we modernized it, made it modern and built entire new sectors of the economy, in belarus this is the nuclear industry, these are space technologies, pharmacology, biotechnology, that is, the republic of belarus over these 30 years has gone from being a fragment of a huge empire, which was in a very difficult position depending on energy resources, the need to find new markets for selling products, because what we produce, we cannot consume, we export more than half of the products, today we have become a modern, truly sovereign country, with a powerful strong economy, the economy is the main thing, the president then is now setting the government up for
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maximum return, we didn't go. paths of individual post-soviet countries, we have always had a clear position on how we need to build our economic model, based, among other things, on the best experience of the soviet era, which in your opinion can be the best argument is that we have chosen our own, correct, true path, we need to understand that our partners in the west very often gave us advice, especially international financial organizations, the international monetary fund, they demanded some very drastic reforms, total... privatization, refusal of certain social guarantees, a liberal labor market, well, what would this lead to, it would lead either to one of the color revolutions that we saw in the post-soviet space, or to the loss of state control over property and resources, this is the most dangerous, vulnerable situation in the world, when your economy is under external control, consider that the political system is also under external control, this is the advantage of belarus and the model, we can call it the
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lukashenko model in the economy, this is what we are. .. we control our own national economy, we control the flagships of the economy, which are such blue chips, provide us with the main foreign exchange earnings, provide employment in the country, allow us to implement serious infrastructure projects allow for reinvestment in the economy, while the private sector is free for investment, foreign investors are free, well, what kind of condition do we have for investors, for private business, bring benefit to the country, and not in order to benefit here, as in in many countries, how investments work,
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“we have never provoked our partners into confrontation, we have always tried to act as donors of stability, to promote the peaceful resolution of any conflicts, by the way, partners in the west they initiated sanctions against us, made some political demarches, we , in turn, have visa-free status, this is such a soft power of belarus, we always come from the position that neighbors need to agree, negotiate, respect each other, we have the same position. "we have clearly defined our national interests in the world, we respect the national interests of our partners, but we are ready to cooperate on a mutually beneficial basis with those partners who respect us and take into account our national interests. three decades of evolution of the belarusian state, what path our country has traveled and what our neighbors have achieved during this time, expert. and
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guests of the editors' club in the new issue discuss the main events of the past week. why did belarusians choose alexander lukashenko as president in july 1994? what other options were there for the development of events and how did they differ? this is one well-known politician already in a neighboring country, who jumped into the presidential chair on the topic of ending the conflict with the russian federation, zelensky became president because he said, he dragged the war, the day after he
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was elected, he forgot about what he promised, the task was completed, he sat down in the chair, we went further according to a separate program, as well as the corruption of the lies of polish propaganda, the world of biden’s illusion and who really rules.
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i am also pleased to report that as we speak, the transfer of f-16 fighters from denmark and the netherlands is underway, and these aircraft will fly in the skies of ukraine this summer. to ensure that ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against russian aggression. and yes, russia remains so for the bloc the main threat, but at the same time nato is said to be not interested in confrontation with moscow and is even ready to build communication channels. what our country got, as follows from the final declaration, is that belarus and china allegedly contribute to inciting the conflict in ukraine and threaten the defense of the alliance. at the same time, the organization itself does not hide its aggressive plans and does not... moderately stop the expansion in the strengthening project in the black sea in the eastern balkans, the middle east in africa, as well as in the indo-pacific region. they don't hide theirs militaristic ambitions in warsaw, as reported by reuters, the polish army's night headquarters stated
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the need to prepare its soldiers for a full-scale conflict, as the country increases the number of troops on the border with russia and belarus. so, from august , the number of shatyk guards guarding the eastern border of poland will be increased to 800 from the current six, and an additional rear of 9.00 people will be able to come under arms within 48 hours. moreover, in may warsaw announced the eastern shield program, costing almost $2.5 billion to strengthen defense along the border with the union state. the project includes the construction of bunkers, minefields and anti-tank barriers. meanwhile, the polish security forces again demonstrated the practice of cruelty towards refugees, throwing
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everything at the belarusian side... he and my brother too, and i are all legs, i can’t run, for four hours, when they were over, they took away the phone, took away the food , they took the bags, they took the hope, that’s it, they opened the doors and everything went to belarus, they closed it, that’s it, they couldn’t move independently, they asked for water and medical help, to the place the investigative team left. the refugees told investigators that they were heading to germany via poland. at the border, armed poles detained them, took away their money, personal belongings and water, and then beat them with batons and machine gun butts. the exhausted men were forced through the
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animal gate into our territory. the migrants were provided with medical assistance. the criminal actions of the polish mercenaries are carefully documented, and their atrocities will be given a fundamental legal assessment. let us note once again that it was created. poles buffer the zone allows armed mercenaries to hide facts of robbery and atrocities against refugees from the eyes of the public and the media. the consequences of brutal abuse, refugees from numerous traumas. die or remain disabled. a criminal case of non-payment of taxes amounting to 100,000 rubles is being investigated in gomel. the person involved is a businessman engaged in the production and sale of recreational sports boats, as well as installation pools and saunas. as reported by the financial police, more than a million dollars in equivalent were found at the businessmen’s home so that to get money from a secret safe, i had to turn to the professional help of the ministry of emergency situations. trying to escape punishment, the owner put forward his own versions. it is known that
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the director supplied the goods to the russian market, but sales were carried out through a controlled company registered in the city of novozybkov near bryansk. according to the dfr, the defendant used the tax evasion scheme for two years, starting in 2021. primary documents for the sale of products to the russian counterparty and end customers, were drawn up by the person involved.
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the admission campaign in belarus is at the finish line; acceptance of documents to universities has started today. applications for most specialties will take place until july 17, we will talk about places on the budget form, then. internal exams will be held from july 18 to july 25. as for accepting documents for a paid form, it will last until august 1, yulia khmel continues. for future students, now, perhaps, is the most important and exciting time to make a rational choice to decide on their life’s work. today belarusian universities began accept documents from 9 am; you can submit them both for the budget and for a paid form of education. applicants will be able to monitor the competitive situation on the websites of universities, given in the document submitted. will be updated daily every 3 hours at 12 15 and 18:00 i will note the admissions
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committees until july 17 will work seven days a week on saturday on sunday for specialties of the power unit of an agricultural focus before submitting documents for passing exams may differ slightly from applicants applicants for an interview, these are graduates specialized classes and a national children's technopark, documents are accepted until july 14, for example, at bsu they plan to accept almost everything... so at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university, international affairs specialists, logisticians and conflict specialists will be trained again this academic year, these are unique profiles for belarus. we are already seeing even 30% closed specialties in a number of areas, for example, at the faculty.
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logia, so far everything is good. today i submitted documents to the faculty of geography and geoinformatics for the specialty geographic information system, was among the first, passed without competition at a discount, at the international olympiad. i am entering the faculty of socio-cultural communications, majoring in costume and textile design. i have always dreamed of glorifying our country specifically in the field of fashion, that is, some kind of design, i was very pleased that a faculty has now been added, well, such a specialty has been added to the faculty. that is, a separate one at bsu. in addition, applicants to bsu can
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use the applicant’s personal account, its functionality allows you to reduce the time for submitting documents, and it is also possible to track passing scores online. we chose the faculty of journalism, faculty of information and special communication major. we chose this specialty because we really like humanitarian subjects, social studies is the highest exam i took, i passed it with 99 points, belarusian language. 98 and the history of belarus at 89, i hope to go to the budget, we are twin sisters, that’s why we we were preparing for the same subject, because we are interested in the same subjects and... we chose, respectively, one specialty from the same faculty in order to continue studying together, the guys who enter the university can apply for a group of specialties at a number of universities, then there is when in the application they can indicate not one, but several specialties, all this in each university individually, then in case of failure to pass the first
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specialty chosen by priority , they apply for the next one, submit documents to several universities in the republic of belarus are not possible with the exception of two. of our higher education institutions, these are the academy of the ministry of internal affairs and the mogilev institute of the ministry of internal affairs. i would like to note that this year the opportunities for medalists of college graduates with honors diplomas have been expanded, so without exams they can enter almost all specialties at regional universities, with the exception of some individual profiles, for example, medical specialties, law and international relations, capital universities, they also will be able to enroll without exams in the most popular specialty in economics, the list of which has also been expanded this year. by the way, the number of budget places this year has increased by more than 3.00. this applies to teaching, engineering and medical specialties. in total, the country's higher education institutions will accept almost 51.00 applicants. for those who have not yet decided on a university and specialty, a single portal for applicants can help. yulia
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khmel grigory kristofovich, television news agency. established in belarus abnormal heat, a red level of danger has been declared in the brest, mogilev, minsk and gomel regions, tomorrow the air will increase in places with gusts of up to 20 m/s, hats and drinking regime will help to avoid overheating, it is better to choose morning or evening time for walks. tests of heat at the beginning of next week on monday up to +36 there will be short-term rains with thunderstorms in places, at night from 16 to 20. 3°, but from tuesday it will become a little easier to breathe. daytime temperatures will be from 24 to 31 degrees celsius. here they develop innovative production, tame the energy of the sun, and popularize traditional crafts. today in our section place to live we will talk about the small but promising city of shchuchin in the grodno
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region. it was founded in the 15th century, a public school appeared here in the 18th century, and during the war, local residents gave a worthy rebuff to the enemy. several partisan detachments were operating at once. today it is an industrial center with a developed infrastructure, where young people, like our heroine anastasia taras, strive. she works in the local cultural center considers his small homeland the best place to live. chuvchyn is my favorite city, our regional center is constantly developing, over the last 10 years a new
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residential neighborhood with modern multi-storey buildings, a kindergarten and playgrounds has appeared here. another five-story building will be put into operation this month. for 60 apartments with an improved layout, barrier-free environment and comfortable living conditions, employees of enterprises and organizations of the city, young professionals, by the way, my own square meters will soon appear in the second entrance. chyuchin is also an industrial city, private and state-owned enterprises are successfully developing in it, the production of which is being introduced with the most modern technologies, this is a mushroom growing factory, a solar power plant - atoprovod plant. the leader in the implementation of high-tech innovations is the whey processing enterprise . the production process here is fully automated. new investment projects are implemented annually, in in particular, they mastered the production of soft cheeses.
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shuchin products are popular in north america, africa, china and arab countries. shchuchin is a city with a rich history, here their heroes are remembered and honored, in the central square there is a sacred place for every resident of the city, a mass grave of soviet soldiers and partisans, in which more than 230 people are buried; in the first days of the great patriotic war, fierce battles were fought in the area battles, and during the occupation in... in the surrounding forests several partisan detachments that successfully defeated the enemy. and of course, shchuchin is a creative city with cultural traditions. there are more than a hundred activity groups based on
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the interests of creative studios, 15 of which have the title of people's. and here they develop traditional crafts, fancy patterns , amulets, as well as strange birds; all this is made by hand from ordinary straw and is filled with deep folk symbolism. no less... traditional weaving is also popular in shochen. on ancient machines, craftswomen create unique ornaments, characteristic only for our region. shuchin is a promising regional center with great opportunities for self-realization. i can say with confidence that my favorite city is the best place to live.
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a big premiere on our channel, the television news agency is presenting a film dedicated to the vladimirov police battalion, which in july of the forty-first year, together with the red army soldiers, defended the approaches to magilev, together with the townspeople. the police, including young cadets, were also preparing to resist the nazi invaders. at the cost of their own lives, the defenders defended the line to the end. watch the film on the day of the historic battle of the first major battle of the police on july 13th. attack. hooray! life death is battle vladimirova. many of the battalion’s actions, many of its battle episodes , some turned into myths, some into legends. to shed light on those events, historians, journalists, military personnel and volunteers are literally digging history out of the ground. we
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realized that too much was not said and could not be left, for us it was like an incentive to dig somewhere, look for something, find out something. decades later, new facts emerge about the heroic confrontation of the police.
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