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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 14, 2024 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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i cried until the morning, all your words melted water will run away forever, a mob of horses for berries, don’t look, don’t write, throw the words into the distance, if not from the heart, threaten the words with a white line and leave. and not fast, my life will be long and holy without you, we won’t watch beautiful blue dreams together, you won’t sing a swan song of love. don’t bake, throw words, words for berries,
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don’t look for, don’t write, throw words and natalie, if not from the heart, throw words with a white line, you go away without grieving, my life will live, i will fill the saint without you. throwing words at berries, don’t look, don’t write, throw and heat, if not... let's go, throw
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white we have, you go away, there is no time, my life will be a long holy one without you, oh-oh-oh, na-na, oh-oh-oh, na-na, oh- oh, na-na, oh-oh-oh, na-na. throw the words at the white line, and leave without scorching, my life will be long and holy without you, my life will be long and holy without you.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts are especially important. events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands.
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editors club program, we will discuss important topics of the past week, i introduce the guests who are present here in the studio 600 m on makaenka street 9, we start with dmitry aleksanovich zhuk, editor-in-chief of the publishing house belarus today. and a member of the council of the republic, visiting oleg romanov, chairman of the belarusian party white russia, deputy of parliament, alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism of the bsu, candidate of historical sciences, andrey krivasheyev, general director of the minsk news agency, chairman of the belarusian union of journalists, and minister of information of the republic of belarus, margeevich markov, good evening, thank you very much for coming, and although this week we go out in the original on sunday morning, so good morning, whoever watches us on sunday morning. all because of the slavic bazaar, and we are not jealous, we are very glad that the next festival is taking place these days in the northern capital, as they say in the republic of belarus, a huge number of guests have arrived, the hotels are full, the apartments are full
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of foreigners from the sea, i watched the program opening ceremony, when our program comes out, the ceremony will already take place, the opening concert, but... so to speak, i watched the day before, well, quite a representative composition, i think it will be very interesting, the isolation of belarus is in full swing, dozens of countries sent their participants, a similar situation from russian federation, was driving to work, started browsing the internet, bloomberg or whoever wrote that putin is somehow not so isolated with twenty leaders , he recently met and went on business trips six times, despite the fact that pseudo court... the hague put him on the wanted list, well, in general, the slavic bazaar, the story is cool, and we are glad that it continues, although at one time they wanted to let it die, well , this would most likely have ended, by the way, the president i had a hand in ensuring that the festival was preserved, yes, i saved it on
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the territory of the republic of belarus, i talked with the people who were at the origin of the creation of this festival, they told in detail how it happened, the soviet union was just beginning. .. broke up and most likely was this event would be put an end to, but there is no need to destroy a great mind, then go and gather such a company so that they and, for example, jurmalo, we will then have statistics , including on the efforts of the baltics, economic, this will be in conjunction with the story about the thirtieth anniversary presidency in our country, what they have achieved, especially recently , the results have impressed and pleased them. i’m joking, this is in response to them for the sanctions that they imposed on us, not just, not only imposed, the most shameless supporters of the introduction against sanctions against belarus, against its closest neighbors, but we will discuss this too, well, the big date was this week 30 years ago, on july 10, 1994
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, the fate of the country was decided, alexandrevich lukashenko won the presidential elections, and a lot of materials in the media the information was yesterday, i saw it on... but usually it happens like this, it was different with soros, he came, promised to change the education system, and so on, got a kick in one place from alexandravich lukashenko, as a result we have no war in during these 30 years, unlike our neighbors, even the russian federation could not resist, we know, there were big, bloody
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conflicts, i myself came to minsk in 1994, entered, graduated in 1998, you all remember that what was going on here, i mean the standard of living. then i worked in law enforcement agencies and i know that it was a gangster, semi-gangster country, all the main cities were divided between criminal groups, and some territories were protected by several at once, it’s impossible to calmly it was necessary to transport cargo from the border of the russian federation to the border with western countries, at first they were robbed, the drivers were killed, then when they started to pin them a little, there were simply hookers, the so-called, i remember, they cut the awnings, threw away expensive equipment on the move, whatnot... there was no, at the customs, the customs worker there had a shift change at 8 am, at 10 am in socks 5 thousand dollars could already be found on him, this is the same money that should have been paid in the form of duties to the belarusian state, and then to form the basis of salaries, pensions and so on, we were sliding into the abyss, then the president
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won the elections, and of course the people supported him, the support was crazy, like many times later during various election campaigns and... then the machines stop at enterprises, angry workers go on protests, people simply have nothing to feed their children, coupons are issued for essential goods, vodka is almost the main hard currency, a crisis of ideas, trust and a feeling of complete hopelessness, the situation is conducive the rise of nepotism and corruption. take it. it is considered not only appropriate, without it it is even impossible to enroll a child in kindergarten. a wave of popular indignation is ready
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to demolish the supreme council. under pressure from below, a special anti-corruption commission is being created. a young, energetic deputy, alexander lukashenko, is elected head. in fact, this is a firing position, the attention of the entire belarusian people is focused on it. the demand for every word and action is not just great, it is critical. the first report of the head of the commission becomes information bomb. you tell stanislava stanislavich that there is no need to look for the guilty. stanislav stanislavich must ensure that this does not happen again, so that everyone knows for sure that if he dares to raise not just a fist, as davlyut said, just a finger, he will be immediately cut off, only in the name of the future, in the name of our little children , we must do this, and there is no need to gloss over these problems here, everyone must answer for... the devastating report knocked the chair out from under the head of parliament, stanislav shushkevich.
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many involved in gray schemes continue to occupy key positions in the young republic. parliament and the government are pulling the blanket of authority between themselves, but are more than willing to share responsibility. the conflict between the branches of government is literally paralyzing the country. in just six months , 168 cases of violation of the law were recorded. on the part of local councils of people's deputies, the reason is ignorance of the laws by officials, no one is ready to change the situation, even more, it is enshrined in the basic law of the country, an imbalance has been created in the system of state power, therefore , excessive restrictions were established in the most important areas of the president’s powers, the country was literally being pushed to an auction, everything was being torn apart...
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and people immediately felt it, the sincerity, the openness of what did not exist, when
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a person boldly went out to any audience, people were very impressed with this, believe me, for the first time belarusians have a chance to escape from devastation and poverty, in ninety-four people go to the polling stations and vote for the sovereign development of the country without distortions and radicalism, in society they see their future as a strong leader who is ready to take on... responsibility, we are going to elect a president, the first president of the republic, and who gets the trust from the belarusians, alexander lukashenko takes the situation into his own hands, with no room for error, the president delves into all the circumstances, a personal approach to each enterprise to each problem, well, it was necessary to save the country, it’s true that when we, i remember, there were moments, we were going from one factory to another, this is here in minsk, suddenly the motorcade stops, i was well then too. this is an escort and we need to go to the store, we are journalists ourselves, but what’s in
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the store? in the store it turns out that there are warehouses, but not in the hall, why? the president goes to find out, yes, it happened, now when you tell young people about this, so i tell my granddaughter, she doesn’t believe that this could happen, that there are empty shelves, that’s what he was doing then, yes, today belarus is advanced a high-tech state, we are creating production and... enterprises that have no analogues in the cis. belarusians are conquering space. our country has joined the club of nuclear powers. we have provided our economy with a peaceful atom, not an unshakable one.
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or further according to a separate program, well, this is the difference, i will also say a few words, i will highlight two aspects, the first is the development of those ideas that ivan mikhailovich, aleksandrovich spoke about what was, what has become, here i want to recall the theory of the english historian arnold tonby, who described that any civilization develops in a challenge-response relationship, our president received challenges, what kind of challenges they were, the collapse of the union, the break externally economic, economic relations with russia and other countries in the post-soviet space, banditry.
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take it away from parliamentary-presidential, make it presidential and even, as political scientists say, super-presidential, well, with increased powers of the president. why, again, the challenges of the time in this and that in...
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should we follow the lead of these western schemes, but should return to our roots to create a management system that corresponds to the mentality and logic of the time, i think that this also its huge the merit is that he strengthened the institution of the presidency and made our country so powerful, centralized and strong. yes, i’ll give my word now, but i want to draw the attention, especially of young viewers, that it wasn’t 30 years later that we achieved such results, in 1994 i entered, in 1998 i came to work, in the year 2000, yeah.
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not tools, i want to take the tools and be responsible for what i will do, and why do we need a conflict in power, we know that the west in any case needs a conflict, in power, not in power, between the military and authorities, he doesn’t care, in troubled waters, as you know, yes, well, just continuing this theme, then, if we remember, many were eager to get into power, yes, and desire, in your little film it was said that desire among the majority of those who were sitting then...
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ukraine, the baltic states, and what the great economist who supports economic reforms, comrade soros, proposed to us, yes, that is, to tear apart the state, destroy state property, thereby weakening the state. and those people who went to power, look, they perceived themselves as temporary workers, they wanted to come, yes, snatch a piece for themselves, then go somewhere, hide, this was absolutely clear to the majority then, that’s what alexandrevich did, he walked, yes, he needed power, it’s true, a man who demanded great powers for himself, but why did he need this power, and he wasn’t lining his own pocket,
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the flagships, who today are the main
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suppliers of money to the treasury, who today are the beauty of pride belarus, saved belarus kali retained mas, mtz, and then a number of new enterprises joined them, but that was then from the point of view of the situation at that time, right? most people thought, why? look, this is all a dying enterprise, let's take this burden off the state, let's transfer this responsibility, why does the president need such responsibility for dying enterprises, for dying collective farms? the participant has no responsibility, this is his business, he works today, closes tomorrow, he has only a private responsibility to his wife the owner will put things in order, if we had followed this path, nothing would have happened today . here, on the one hand, we understand that a person went to power, he needed this power in order to do the right things, this is the correct orientation towards maintaining as much as possible
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a normal economic situation for people, so as not to squander the country , it was actually, it seems to me, then in the first years in general alexander grigorievich, he was alone against this crowd, alone against this supreme council, in which comrades like our bpf members, everyone looked to the west and were ready to implement all these soros programs here from right to left, we were home-grown, this mr. shushkevich, too, who is today.
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they didn’t understand that there are specifics to their country, they need to save the country, and not build some kind of mythical pseudo-democracy, in which it would be good for them, but it would be bad for the majority of the people. on july 3, i heard one opinion, which i want to quote: belarusians are very modest people, this was told to me by the head of journalists in bulgaria, who just came to us on july 3. i stayed here for several days, we communicated closely with her, signed an agreement, by the way, between journalists’ unions, and why modest? she says: you have built a unique political system and model, and you simply have no idea how effective it is. in bulgaria , elections were held six times in six months. there is still no normal government. technical government. can you imagine the shock and stress the bulgarian people are in to live in
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permanent conditions for six months? elections and at the same time not have normal functional government, she looked at us, secondly, she said: you have a state, you walk, drive around the city, go to stores, go to recreational areas, you can see that the state cares about everything, basically in small, middle western states, the feeling of the state is deliberately destroyed, that is, if you are without medicine.
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business, commercial enterprises, we have not reset, as these liberals or libertarians said, the social state has not been reset, that is, a person remains in center of the economy, this is also our unique experience, so i agree with snezhanka todorova that we are modest people, our modesty lies in the fact that we do not always speak loudly, do not always clearly talk about our successes, but for 30 years it was about
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there were economic ties with the entire soviet union, we worked for the whole country, this is the main point that we lost instantly overnight, thanks, in quotes, to these decisions that... were made against the will of the people, when enterprises lost markets, when people began to come out with tales on independence square, that we don’t remember this very well, when in stores, excuse me, these are the shots, i wish sometimes there was a time machine, so that our most stupid, frankly speaking, young people who then jump on squares and think that by doing this they will win prosperity for themselves, so send them there. live at least for a month, in these conditions, when you line up there at night for socks, yes, when sausage, a piece of sausage thrown on the counter will be happiness for you, because you will run towards him and push with your elbows everyone who is running next to you, this situation,
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you need to feel it, or better yet, experience it at a certain moment in order to never want this to happen again, you need to say thank you to the president, i disagree a little , maybe it’s just one with alexey... i’ll be specific, yes, yes, he was alone in the nomenklatura, among those people who were sitting in parliament at that moment, and in general everyone was surprised why a person who had no support security forces who have there is no support, no administrative nomenklatura, no support for any front or movement, yes, and he was still able to, they say, outwit everyone, no, he had such...
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the opinion of the first source is always interesting, i’ve already told you, i’ll tell you again, i had the opportunity to talk with kebich for several hours, interviewed him, and he told me the story, when it all fell apart, and he and dementey, we got off the train, in my opinion, it was moscow, they weren’t in belovezhskaya pushchina, in my opinion, from moscow, we went to moscow, he says, son, there was a feeling of complete confusion, complete hopelessness, we got out at the station when...
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but these were not the times to engage in this demagoguery, of course, strong government, the people understood this, yes, as far as i understand, only strong government will save , a person appeared who said, i take responsibility, for many people this became the key, it seems to me a factor, to support him, because the entire parliament, the supreme council, he is all about jumping off this responsibility, stepping aside and for what ...
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not a system where 400 parliamentarians, independent of you, sit, who we had in the supreme council there before, before all the reforms, and who each came there and imagines themselves to be the navel of the earth, who each expresses their point of view, he absolutely does not care about others, that is, our parliament was incapable of reaching agreement and could not make compromise decisions, that was not its task, here it was necessary to make some kind of shortcut to this absolute anarchy and absolute... chaos, the revelry of this
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democracy based on populism, on expressing yourself. but the referendums that began to be held, the opinion poll of the people, which later, unlike the same soviet referendums, referendums were held, the people spoke out in favor of preserving the ussr and the ussr collapsed safely. what the president did was conduct polls and strictly in accordance with them, developing this strategic line. then he built a specific policy, this is very important, this is that he took the credit of trust from the people, that he asked the people where to go, in which direction, then he led in this direction, there is no longer distracted by the little things, already creating this specific management situation, this is probably how we should have worked, there are two more points that i would like to note, returning just to these nineties, first , belarus built its own system, it was a presidential one ... there was a presidential vision of the future of the republic, we had no place
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to look, in general there was no one in the world from whom we could take ready-made recipes, manuals on how to build an average european state in such conditions, on the contrary, all those who built these the states around us were taking a different path, this is the second point that i would like to emphasize, we were then in ninety- four, ninety-eight, in the hostile environment of our national model, the presidential republic. you will remember, even the russian federation, our closest ally, but from the point of view of the economic elites, at a minimum, was hostile to the belarusian economic, socially oriented.
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the poles simply received dollars from the countries of the european union and the united states so that the polish people would shut their mouths and become anti-russian, we are we know, these are in open reports, including europeans, when the poles began to wonder here that we, remember kaczynski, judicial reform, they were
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immediately reminded how much they wasted european money, nevertheless, i have to steal a coupon for a year, well, yes , but this is already a question of the effectiveness of the state system, but look what... your thoughts, i thought about burning, it doesn’t burn, but i’ll speak out, now we’re talking a lot about the president, quite rightly, more needs to be said, because there’s a lot faces we won’t be able to review his activities in no less time, but i would like to say something about the belarusian people, who then in the nineties retained this healthy, moral sense of the path to salvation. let's remember, from
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the republics of the former soviet union, who gave the largest percentage for the preservation of the soviet union, the bssr, then, well, the union collapsed. they didn’t give a damn about the will of the people, we need to look for new ways in this new world, and we didn’t chase, so the belarusian people are looking for fashionable ideas, and individual people, of course, here, but if we talk about the deep people, then he felt where the truth is, in this sense, our people turned out to be a wise people, a people who are not inclined to run, why run after the komsomol with their pants up, yes, that is, behind fashionable ideas, behind fashionable words, he stands firmly on the ground and knows where the truth is, where life is, where salvation is, where the future is, and thanks to this, including our president , he was able to rely on his people and follow the path historical success. yes, but here are the latest numbers based on the results of 23 years, estonia demonstrates the largest economic recovery among eu countries. lithuania is the european leader in population decline. in the nineties, there were
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3.7 people living in the republic, now there are less than two. the twenty-eighth is told it will be 1.6 - half as much. more in 2050.
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and so the population of the baltic states is already being placed in a situation where the human dignity of people is, well, extremely wounded, and that means these people are capable of succumbing to any provocation, including forceful actions. distinguished themselves from our energy system, well done, great, instead of a ruble there will be 10, well, no questions, continue in the same spirit, mikhailovich, this is very important, our people understand images well, and images, when they let it pass through themselves, because the baltic countries, the so-called baltic states, yes, they were the closest to us, just like poland, well, even due to geographical things, due to the fact that they always have something that belarus does not have. the only thing belarus doesn’t have is the sea, yes, that’s why, yes, we wanted to go there, and the thing is that
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what dmitry aleksandrovich says is correct, emphasis, it is extremely important for politicians to solve their own plans, yes, to solve their problems, they don’t think about the people at all, these are the one and a half times or almost halving decrease in the population of the baltic countries to
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remember his last name, because it doesn’t mean anything to the president of latvia, they are all barrels, they are all barrels, i would call
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them all ursula, that’s why for some reason i always have this picture before my eyes, ursula the witch, yes, that’s it in the cartoon, yes about mermaid, well, it’s real, i’m not making anything up, they’re all either good, bareli or ursula, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, the essence remains the same, about the country. i think that here, on the one hand, there is ideologization much more severe than it was in the soviet union, they are ideologized
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people, they act out of their ideology, this reformatting of human anthropology, they have already reached this, the second thing sanich said, they very cold, cynical, pragmatic people, it’s true, the smaller the population in lithuania, latvia, estonia, the fewer hungry routes and the fewer those who will demand efficiency.
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blogger to the european parliament of the island in a language with a boneless tongue, so that you understand why they will all support any decision that is handed down to them from above, there is first washington, then london, then brussels and then barel, urshula and so on. urszula makes money, steals from billions, we know, from vaccines, there is a huge amount of incriminating evidence on them, they don’t solve anything at all, then there are smaller clerks, remember, who all vote against us, so you understand, they never life. they won’t say what they really think about, i hope that they still have gray matter in their heads, they are really capable of assessing the situation, but listen to how a member of the european parliament lives. let's start with my salary, every month i put 8,000 euros in my pocket, plus on top of that, every working day i come here to parliament and sign, for this i receive an additional 350 euros, which seems quite strange to me, in addition,
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i have 3,000 euros per month. on the salaries of my team, i can also have an office in my country, for this i am allocated 5,000 euros per month, in addition to all of the above, i have another 4,000 euros per month to promote the work i do in parliament. another cool expense: i can use 10,000 euros a month to get people into parliament so they can see and understand what i'm doing here. in addition to all this money i have. video of a calculator, yes, that’s why i sat down yesterday and just did the math, but i didn’t count, i did the math , but i really didn’t get 60 or 55 thousand
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euros, maybe i’m bad at math, the question is different, what does this figure mean?
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representatives of the people against the traitors from brussels, well, yes, i hope that this blogger is only the first sign of the formation of this new third force in the european parliament, we will see many more hidden skeletons in their brussels closets, and you know what will really happen, considering their mentality and the propaganda machine that works there, those simply wanting to get into parliament
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will increase manyfold. yes, and i think those who want to raze this parliament to the ground too will increase manifold, it is very convenient to work in this parliament, because it is not responsible for what it does, and most importantly, what is the european parliament, that is , national governments have been preserved, national parliaments have been preserved, if hungarian feels bad, the hungarian will complain and scream against their hungarian deputies, and the french will put forward claims there against the french national assembly.
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the european parliament, there is another office there, the european commission, which calls itself the government of europe, which no one in fact, he doesn’t choose,
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although instead it has become even worse, but they are going to, so to speak, become larger, and this will be, as far as i understand, part of a large foreign-language project aimed , among other things, at the russian federation, that they have abandoned us or what? they don’t make decisions now, they have ceased to be a legal entity, they have become openly an offshoot of polonium, just like... before they generally depended on it, but at least there is some semblance of an independent channel, now it is a piece of the polish media group , which is in in the current current state, where poland as a whole is doing everything in order to
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quarrel with russia, of course, they will work and serve interests primarily there, well, they won’t forget about us, don’t worry, well, the polish government is there too, it’s everything sees, i know, there is information from there, they are also studying the situation, they see that all these things have gone downhill...
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plus i know what the schedule is, well, you know, that the wife works as the president’s secretary for 10-12 hours without any- or problems, well, fortunately, in faith, we see the internet there, there is specialized telegram channels, half past twelve and we see the president’s schedule, but despite the obvious thing, yes the obvious, we all see what the schedule is, but they simply do not hesitate to lie, but i think that this is also the polish one about mikhailovich, well, it never happened here again, well , this is a sign for... people, people, understand, the imagination of our opponents has slipped into a negative value, not even zero, already
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a negative value, but the president is seen on tv, seen thanks to the telegram channel, instagram, there too , by the way, interesting lately, insight has begun to develop, but you know, they don’t work for our people. people, uh-huh, to report, they are not working for us, ours perfectly understand and see that the president is in uniform, and the same events of the second ceremonial, the third parade, in the evening in astana in the morning there is a speech on the highway, you just understand what concentration a person must have emotional, psychological, mental in order to carry it all out at such the highest level, but they will say this, you know why, this their...
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researchers, yes, they now have an object, and there is a little overseas, but this is an object for the truth, but for some reason they don’t want to train on it, they don’t look in that direction, well, by the way, he said that he said that news of the last few days, he said that he defeated putin, in general he said, he said that god should come to him, in general he said, in general he said that you are all not human, only they are human, let's listen there . yes, i think that's his line. you know, i not only spend election campaign, i rule the world, even if it doesn’t sound hyperbolic, but we are the key nation of the world, i created nato, its future, no one thought that i could expand it, i am the one who stopped putin. and these are generally signs of nazism, i am the key nation in the world, this is generally in the spirit of the americans, this is the specifics of the cop.
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and it’s absolutely true, now we have the same thing, but in a much worse version, and indeed something is unnoticed by those truth-seekers who will speak. that the situation, to put it mildly, is getting out of hand control in the literal sense, and it seems to me, well, i don’t know whether to support it or not, our people have seen this in recent years, but their eyes have been opened to many things, to absolute double standards, to absolute lies then and now, one at a time and there, on similar
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occasions, their positions are completely different and our task is, of course, there is one more point about this for people, which is not customary to say, but still, we probably need to say about it, look. he is so expressive, extravagant, yes, a peculiar person, very, with his own point strong-willed, biden, he’s like that, he pretends to be an intellectual, so, but all these two people have one quality in common: under their characteristics , you can push through any wild decisions to justify these decisions, well, they are such people, and there will be decisions anyway.. .
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and doesn’t say, but he could, well, he didn’t delve into it, i don’t believe that he didn’t delve into it, but this is the story, and regarding the deep state, we once did something about this material, now a good post has appeared, we are on the internet, i have it. saw who is the most influential in the world, musk, trump, bezos, correct answer, lawrence fing, who is the head of black rock, remember, we talked about black rock, the black rock company, assets that exceed the amount of... and it is they who control the us federal reserve service, a private company, central banks and treasuries, crushing the entire financial global system under themselves to the world. finka
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distributes agendas to the financial world at every economic forum in taoism, he has all the world media, so you understand, independent families, cbs, nbc and cnn, and he also controls it. apple, microsoft, meta, tesla, and also this comrade owns shares of coca-cola, pepsi, cabooni, ibm, hp, philips, intel, shell, well, i can list, all the world's largest companies belong to him, do you think mr. trump or biden decides at least anything in this country, no, trump, in my opinion, tried, for what, right there, for what right there. paid the price, uh, one more piece of news, we only had about five minutes left there, last week’s news, you said what the european parliament is doing, that’s what it turned out to be, that georgia is a terrible parliamentary dictatorship, marad sergeevich, horror, and the european union took on
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this country thoroughly, what they came up with, the leaders of country c came to an agreement on the issue of stopping the accession process. georgia and the european union, i propose to declare this day, well, not a national holiday, but a red one, a day of salvation, by the way, there will be a freeze of 30 million euros allocated to support georgia in the field of defense, which is the cost of approximately, i think, the annual budget of buffets in european parliament, but judging by their salaries , they wanted to buy georgia for 30 million, in the biden administration has developed a large-scale information campaign on discreetness.
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and did not want to sign an association agreement here now, which was really deadly for the ukrainian economy, confirmed this in the next 2 years, but there is no country, people from... hundreds of thousands, i think, are no longer there, millions have left, loss of territories, just our georgian brothers,
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look at the ukrainian experience and do not succumb to these provocations, the georgian dream, since it has been spending recent years as a party in my politics, i want to wish fortitude and endurance, everything, everything they are guilty of, they just wanted to say out loud about georgian national interests, for this they became enemies.
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but besides this, orban at one time ensured that
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it was written in the constitution, in the constitution of hungary, that hungarians are united by god and christianity, so for georgians christianity is not an empty phrase, they received it much earlier than we, for example, but the second question is, here from a position, an active position, public, for the people to see, and inappropriate when the rulers. when leaders are beginning to agree among themselves on the right things, what happens in georgia will largely depend on this support, and there is no need to be ashamed of this, this is not interference, this is a position that we are obliged to demonstrate, that we will support this country in any case , and there is no need to be afraid of these sanctions for 30 million, something else, you and i have been living under sanctions for 27 years, 27 years, if these sanctions did not exist, belarus would not only be developing.
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zones of its exclusive national interests, where it determines many things, not the country's politics, in no case, but issues related to security, with self-loyalty, the experience of ukraine has taught us a lot, so i think that here a lot really depends on the tough position of russia, on the issue of this money, well, of course i don’t know, i can’t speak for the president of russia, but it seems to me that if the negotiations had raised the question of the need for assistance, approximately in this amount, it would have been available. georgian brothers just look at the experience of others and not repeat it, well, they had their own , i once again ask the georgian people, our
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sad, maybe this will sober them up a little, and even more so for them...
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why do this, look at the baltic countries, if they say it’s possible, it’s normal, it’s okay, people are surprised that they are being bullied for not are causing damage to their country, but we will complete our program, according to orbán, by the way, yes, the same situation, the politico begins to persecute him, to persecute him, when he flew on this tour, an article was published under the heading: viktor orban appoints himself president of europe, come to terms with this, but we know that politico is the mi6 wall newspaper of british intelligence.
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thank you very much, it was editors club, see you in a week, goodbye.
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