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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 14, 2024 4:35pm-5:10pm MSK

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it’s not visible, so you need to work with it very carefully and kind of have an idea of ​​where areas are painted and where they’re not, working with this paint is, well , the easiest way, i have a technological education, klim offered me this one to join the team , and well, for me, as a person with a technological education, this is , in principle, a very interesting process, it is quite labor-intensive and quite complex, oddly enough, well, i don’t know...
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how complicated it is in manufacturing, well, today, of all mine. here i am not i will say that this is the peak or achievement, but it is in leppanta, lepanta that has collected all my torment, thoughts, goals set, it connects everything, like material, here it is, as i want to see, and my skill, and mastery of execution , my assistants, and the integrity of the firing, built-in... compositions,
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so to speak, everything that they are complete, laconic and what i told you about, the lack of details, their presence of details and decor, that’s what the characters are very similar, these are specifically historical characters, philip ii, that is, compare this, or servantes, we took servantys, uh, here... suleiman the second with a glass of wine, because he had the nickname suleiman the drunkard, today they embodied exactly my goals, objectives, it almost seems to me that we have achieved them , everything is done so precisely, but this is klima ’s skill, his skill, i can’t do that anymore, i don’t have enough of this patience, i can think of it. to finish this
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, to bring it to the end, i no longer have enough, at that time the commercial activities of communication with the west were already beginning, one of my good, very acquaintances, an artist, painter, monumentalist, he organized his own stained glass workshop and now he became very rich, he had orders pouring in from abroad, and somehow he just casually... in a conversation like this , he said: listen, well, you ’re like a sculptor, a sculptor, this is lun, well , make chess for the french, here i am making chess, suddenly even when i was already making them, my relatives helped me, here they all are, oh, this one, he says, this guy, will finish this chess game and drive away in a white volvo, someone predicted it, i didn’t leave in a white one, but in a gray one by the will of 850, for those times only a super businessman.
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that’s it, in fact, the world of chess pieces has existed for a century, a century, a century, a century, but this is for a very narrow circle, i don’t know, i had no literature, nothing, i drew the first images from films of the flying squadron, both films are showing today, it is necessary rather, how did they have a handbag here, then further, when it became clear, these were not enough films, i had to go to moscow there, to look for these costumes, somewhere in some, oh, mommies, somewhere... that? history, work on
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material when there is no access to the internet, the internet is just a salvation, you can do this all your life, i laughed because... for me it was, well, it was common, it was done with the left foot, carelessly, and even with some such , well, not with contempt or something, but oh, well, with embarrassment, yes, i still saw myself in a completely different direction, in a different fate, it was flooded right away, you know, this is a test of money with success, actually a young man, then, but difficult trial. i don’t know what saved me, probably then i collapsed about 10 years later, when it was a continuous rise, takeoff and stardom, and then at the beginning of the 2000s, there was a complete collapse, boom, someone saved me again so that i wouldn’t go down completely morally, then i found myself in complete decline, that
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is, a little i didn’t go to work as a taxi driver, but that’s all, the workshop was closed, there was no one , there was nothing, so i’m going to go like this... and i was saved at that time by a good man, a businessman, who liked to bring his friends, almost acquaintances, to my workshop to brag, and he says, what are you talking about, well, take my room, finish it off, and i’ll this little room is a year or two old, just like i was writing a novel, that is, i was no longer engaged in production, but purely in creativity, sculpting, sculpting, sculpting. and then again i began to rise, again to return to moscow, again to those circles, again i had to again i began to take people, again train, here again again a second wind, as if masterful, and then my son came, the studio dates back to the ninety-first years, from the moment of the creation of these chessboards, they still exist, the very idea
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of ​​​​porcelain chessmen, it is ridiculous, what beats, this is something that breaks, and something that should be constantly used in the hands, and if... it may not stall, but the studio has not yet formed to such an extent that it can be independent, we are going the way i want it seems necessary, but we are not forcing it too much, because the son is still a general, i repeat, and
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a man must be an absolute king in his business in his world, no less, if he does not strive to be a king, like a soldier-general, yes, but a man in in my business, i think i have such complaints, i just have to be a king, to build, create your own world, space, you can be a king , your shoemaker, with your hammer, but you are a king, no less, if you are not a king, you are driving a car there, behind a plow in a field, but you yourself must to strive to be a king, to set this task, but to what extent, well, as god willing?
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do you need to feel love for the character you are working on? it is not at all necessary to experience crazy passionate, crazy passionate feelings for him, because sometimes you sculpt not only sweet, beautiful, nice people, but in your opinion, negative characters that you have a bad attitude towards, so to make them even worse, caricatured, harsh, very simple, so i set myself other tasks, to look at them
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through the eyes, god forgive the creator, that he can see in them, but my father and i, thank god, have different tasks at work, i have enough love for my work, i love it very much, but... somehow personalizing or singling out someone when i do it, i don’t i have to, i once tried to contribute something of my own, but my father he told me that i couldn’t do it. that’s all, so, probably, my worldview is more connected with this for now, so i decided that i should bring as little of my own as possible, your time will come, maybe be patient, i’m trying to be neutral, the most difficult thing is getting out of your comfort zone, and i’ve been doing this for about 10 years, depending on my character or this is typical for all people, i’ve already developed my own... certain technique, and the most painful thing for me is when my father comes, he
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doesn’t appear here often, it’s possible, saves our relationship with him, when he comes, he, oddly enough, is younger than me, much more in the world of sensations, i’m already a grandfather, and every time i have to fight myself with him when he asks to do something differently to another, i’m not an artist, i don’t feel the world like he does, and i… with my mentality, it’s always through great effort, i often disagree with him, but i don’t agree specifically with what he says, but i don’t agree with anything that has to be done - to change the processes and stages that are familiar to me, and he says: let's try it this way, and my question is always, why try it differently, because we already have everything. people like why we would change something, this is the difference, so i
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’m not just proud of him, i admire him as a person who, at his age, is capable and feels the desire to try new things, this is for me, because i if it weren’t for him, i would have been riding on the same sleigh a long time ago, and no matter how much i need anything, i think that everything is more than good with us. you have to love your family and tolerate them in many ways, and this saves, so you let it go over your head, realizing that it’s not that you ’re a bad person who criticizes, but it’s like a discussion and advice, it doesn’t happen, you can’t redo it, it’s criticism in this case, we come to a general decision, how do we to do, criticism is a search, it turns out that he also reprimands me, fortunately. i’m really looking forward to them from him, i’m waiting for my comments, my view,
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my interpretation, my observations, here are the comments to me, behind them, for the young ones, everything is ahead, you’re still lagging behind, no matter how zealous or young you are, so they should be pusher now, so criticism is a search, a search, to this path, which requires effort, effort to look for it, it is not determined by itself, with the right tone and intonation, any criticism can be very creative, yes, yes, even the ability to slightly expand your view of something, who from the list of famous people, the first one who makes an impression for some reason is chuck norris, but he himself bought it in moscow, in the central salon. i bought chuck noris in person at the october show, it made a great
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impression on the whole salon, and i was there again rose in authority, as far as i know, it was bought for someone, as klim said, yes, this was only passed on to me later, for someone we personally made it to order, in a talented family, in which the father is a sculptor, and the mother is a actress, son is not very talented, i certainly have abilities, i’m not bragging, but they are there. but at school for many years i heard, damn it, well, in such a family, yes, you are clearly also some kind of genius, but you don’t feel it inside, and it doesn’t bother you so much, but you are a little ashamed, that’s when you you admit it that you don’t not do the business that you love first, but love the business that you do, so i came here. since childhood, i have always been interested in what my father does, and i was proud of it and
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it was always very cool for me in front of the boys, that’s how my father is, that’s it, but the first time i came to the workshop was only in the tenth grade, when i was working money for my trip to bulgaria, so i won’t say that i fell in love with this business, but when you do something unusual. this, this attracts, i feel that we are walking side by side, and we are walking together, and for me this is a great pleasure and...
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okay, son, it’s a draw, i agree,
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i’m not an ethnic belarusian, but my wife, all her ancestors, are belarusian. among our people still living there are those of whom you can simply be beyond proud, those people who have invested in belarus, beyond which to be proud, i am very proud of my relatives and my wife, and the children, of course, are real belarusians, that’s why belarus is the one for me today the source is so deep. a little crown, yes, going deep into a century, a century, a century, a century, a century, a tear, whether it’s crystal or it, i don’t know, you can drink from it endlessly, but you ’re welcome, if you were, not only drink, but if you don’t, well, if not by hand, well, at least a drop, yes,
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that goes there, pom, into this source, at least be a drop in this source. the most important feature, and the state of mind, probably, should be simply gratitude, yes, whoever you want, whomever you choose, be grateful to him, the plan in the future is only for this boat to be turned, rebuilt into a boat, so that we modernize it, two-masted, three-masted, we no longer need a sparkler, no we need a sparkler, and a good frigate, so that there is... in my mind there are lines, yes, along which this is necessary, where we need to work, that ’s it, we’re working in this direction, that’s it, but i’m already trying everything to it was not only mine, not only me, but
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everyone must be a little crazy in this matter, but... you know, maybe this is not a sweet cake, but all the time on a tray with a blue border, and not torn, happiness , probably, completeness, conscious sensations in general, this is happiness, completeness more important, probably, and i don’t consider myself such a super-smart person anymore, yes, but it seems to me that he is a smart person. cannot be happy in our generally accepted understanding.
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i am history, nature, culture. vera, people, shchodrast, adzin time.
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the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. how they cook in the suburbs and polesie, we go on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. today i
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visited shklov, which can be called a real cucumber heaven. the menu includes shklov-style cucumber and a salad born at the intersection of oriental and belarusian cuisine. lavash with cucumber, fast food found. i mean, this city is famous for its cucumbers, they say them here, film news stories, write poems and even erect monuments, everything here smells of cucumbers, even tomatoes smell of cucumbers, it’s hard to believe, but you can check, just come to shklov. shklov is a small town, but there is something to see here, you can stroll through the park, you can visit the temple and the town hall, this is one of the old towns. shklov's architectural monuments are the visiting card of the city. also here is the only stone jewish purgatory in belarus, located in the jewish
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cemetery. there is also a paper production factory in shklov. and yet, despite such a variety of attractions, the city chose the cucumber as its symbol. humanity has been eating cucumbers since mesopotamia - 4,500 years ago. anatoly grows cucumbers. a little less, but still very, very long. hello anatoly, hello, anatoly is professional, as it should be called, borage, borage, borage, he knows absolutely everything about cucumbers, understands all varieties of cucumbers and knows how to grow the most delicious shklov cucumber in the world. anatoly’s greenhouse grows about eight varieties of cucumbers. we won’t list them all, but we’ll list the top three. this is a fontanel. first place herman, it is sweeter, it is considered a salad cucumber, so it has more sugar content, since it has a thin
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peel and is suitable for the table, well, third place, well, i would say, courage, fontanel rightfully takes first place, this is one of the most popular varieties of cucumbers, they love it for its crisp, aromatic pulp , versatility, delicious to eat both fresh and pickled. and now i propose to analyze the cucumber lengthwise and crosswise, they are different, how do they differ, why are some large, others smaller, which one is more correct? more correctly, one that has received sufficient development, it has developed a seed of a certain size and taste, which has reached its peak. actually a ripe cucumber is a yellow cucumber, but you are unlikely to see it on the table, because it is even sweet. cucumber is translated as unripe, it tastes best when it is still green, young, crispy, have you ever wondered why, but there may
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be too much moisture, it is through these pimples that excess moisture comes out if you come to such a plantation early in the morning, you will see that some cucumbers seem to have dew on them, but this is not dew, this is moisture removal; in our latitudes, cucumbers are as big as pimples. let’s move outside, now it’s good, picking cucumbers in the fresh air , the greenhouse alone is hot enough, so it’s a pleasure, and i can feel like a real resident of the village, we’ve worked, we can eat, there are a great many recipes with cucumbers, anatoly, what do you think is the right way to eat? the very first cucumber, so to speak, is a rejuvenating cucumber, which just appears in the season, you must definitely eat it correctly, you must definitely follow the ritual.
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ritual, let's follow the ritual, take small pieces of cucumber, these are we dip cucumber traditions in honey, which will be ready by this time, cucumber with honey is a fairly common combination, the cucumber itself is fresh, and the honey is sweet, such a completely dietary sweet, what other popular ways do you think there is a cucumber? i prefer it, of course, as a man needs strength, i really love cucumber with lard, lard and this has always been a traditional food for our peoples, so as soon as vegetables appeared, lard was consumed primarily with cucumber, i was still little with father in the village, that’s what they often did, lard, cucumber, onion and bread, everything is ingenious, it’s just the very thing. a popular way
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of eating cucumber among real men, and you don’t need to eat it, you need to drink it, i’m ready to write poems to cucumber pickle and sing songs, by the way, there are some ditties about taking a walk, but of course, now, now we’ll sing, frame hut , let's not be rich, dear home. such is the nature of the native hut, and everyday life is holy, remember, the cucumber is musical, so it is not surprising that a whole festival was organized in shlov in honor of cucumber, it takes place once a year, at the end of august, and it happens something like this. we must
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welcome you to our famous shklov land, to the capital of cucumbers. according to our good tradition, we ask you to try this delicious cucumber with honey right next to the sculptural composition of the cucumber. as a festival participant, they gave me a festive boutonniere with a cucumber, of course, well, they didn’t deprive me of gifts, we’ll now try dishes made from cucumbers, but this is a brand of our region, this is a cucumber, this is a drink for adults only, it... has the strength is 40°, but it has cucumber inside. the cucumber gives away all its strength, endurance, the drink becomes invigorating, tasty and healthy, i have one question, thank you very much, how did you get this cucumber in, it’s huge, the bottle grows, it grows in the bottle, grows in the bottle, but it’s special secret, not everyone can do this. perhaps the secret of local craftsmen is that they have their own cucumber patron. the cucumber monument is a real symbol of the city. we
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have interesting traditions with this vegetable: young people who want to have fun with their children, rub the bee at the same time. to improve their financial situation, our residents work hard to get bills from their wallet, so that their wallet is replenished, these are the bills of our cucumber. but local sellers, on the way to the market , always rub the handle of the basket to get all their goods.
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cucumber in all its diversity, snacks, salads, pancakes, smoothies, all this is made on the basis of cucumber, thanks to it any dish becomes fresh and juicy, but there is something that immediately caught my eye: what is this ? this and what does it have to do with cucumber? this is the most unusual variety we have grown this year, the indian cucumber momardika, its fruits are used as a spice. i would never have thought that it was a cucumber, it looks more like some kind of fruit. so, the indian cucumber, mamordika, comes to your attention, tara, you stuffed it with something, no, this is a fruit, this is the fruit of momardika, this is a spice, add it to the dish, now i can smell it, this is not the smell of a cucumber, but something unusual
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for us cucumber, unlike ours. russian cucumber's indian counterpart is only edible pulp, you can’t eat a lot of it, so it’s mainly used as a spice, so what kind of indian are you? cucumber, if i don't mind, i'll try it, i don't understand what it tastes like, but well, it's definitely not a cucumber, but it's very, very spicy, very spicy, i would say that it's a mixture of capers and red pepper, well there you go that’s pretty much how it feels, but i still find the regular shklov cucumber much nicer than its indian counterpart, so... to completely immerse myself in the holiday atmosphere, i change my costume, i’m sure now i can easily pass for local, or at least i’ll amuse those around me, take pictures of me, they’ll recognize me, i’m a cucumber, they love me, i
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’m a school cucumber, i’m a shklov cucumber, and who are you? and i am a shklov girl, and you know who i am, a cucumber, just like a cucumber, and you are a tomato, that’s right, you are also a cucumber, i experienced great grief, because the cucumbers in bloom were killed by frost. in fact, it was thanks to shklov that russia recognized cucumber. catherine often visited here; she loved shklov cucumbers very much, so much so that they
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began to export them to russia, and the nobility there fell in love with the crunchy, pimply green shklovsky cucumber. catherine stayed here for a reason, because one of her favorites, semyon zorich, lived in klov. at one time donated these lands, instead of strolling this city, wasting it, he made it a wonderful place, for which grateful residents erected a monument to him, they say that at the dawn of the czechs he turned into the belarusian versailles, at his own expense he opened a school for noble children, built a theater, built a huge greenhouse, and this is only a small part of his achievements. in order to understand the secret of pickling a cucumber you need for many, many years, this can only be done by trial and error. i don’t have that much time, so right now i’m visiting a delightful hostess who will share her best recipes with me. in my hands
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the most valuable thing that a housewife, a real housewife, can have is a book with recipes, carefully made with her own hands, and next to me is the hostess, whose name is... a real master of pickles, she knows about 50 recipes, and this is not the limit. for valentina, cucumbers are not just a hobby, but a guarantee of family happiness, because it is love for cucumbers became a common hobby between her and her husband. we traveled together, sold them, it was like a tourist trip. where did they sell it? we transported cucumbers to kiev and to karelia .
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i’m glad that they take it with them, it’s wonderful, my son is full of cucumbers, valentina has many years of experience in pickling cucumbers, and today she agreed to share one of the recipes. i was lucky because i ended up in valentina's kitchen.


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