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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 16, 2024 3:25am-3:56am MSK

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we didn’t grow it on purpose, it’s beautiful in bloom, many people like it, some even like lighter lavender, the shade is the smell of the shade, yes they are more fragrant, compared to the english lavender it is more fragrant, but when it dries it so light, it turns grey, practically we say that there is a more bouquet valanda, there is a less bouquet valanda, and a more bouquet, less, because since we use all this later for floristry, we still divide it into these varietals... .difference, yes, the advantage is that it will be better in a bouquet, what is worse, what can be used in a sachet are aromatic bags, for example, such a light lavender, it’s good for these aromatic bags, there is also a variety like this, well, it’s not even a variety , this is a hybrid of angustifolia and broadleaf lavender, specially bred, it’s called lavandin, its variety is a gross variety, that... lamadin still has
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many additional varieties, they have already been specially bred by breeders, that’s all that grows in provence, this here is lavandin, it has a smell, yes, like this one, i don’t know, like a french perfume, like a perfume, a good men’s perfume, it’s such a comfortable smell, it smells like cream, and lavender usually smells like grass, like hay, the smell is like lavender, like lavender over time, during drying, it... changes, that is, every day it is a new smell, many people are looking for lavandin seeds, even vitalik once argued, he and i argued very strongly, he found some seeds from lavandin, and here we are black dots, but this is not it, only if you get it somewhere plants or a cutting of a seedling, we are almost constantly asked why you need so much lavender, people who are not a little knowledgeable about the topic ask, well, you planted it, why do you need so much, are you just taking pictures there or are you doing something else, we... initially we didn’t have
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much of it, for some reason i decided that i could make bouquets, although i’m not a florist at all, i never studied this, but maybe, apparently, this whole story is somehow earthy , it reveals some new facets in people, and i started making bouquets of dried flowers, add other dried flowers, our lavender, again we collect the flowers, then we use chromatic sachets in bags, this is all our material, that is, after it blooms at a certain moment we need to collect it. no later than a certain flowering stage, you need to collect it, dry it correctly, fold it all correctly, and then use it correctly in a bouquet, in general there are a lot of subtleties, we do all this, what questions may arise about growing wavanda, but our main question is: this area arose that she doesn't like acidic soil, and here we are practically in the lowlands going into a swamp, forest, pine needles under here, pine trees, against soil oxidation, we have lime flour and troubles. mite flour will be
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the best remedy, and for a summer resident , the main point in choosing a place to grow lavender is that it should be an open, sunny place like ours, without oppressive plants, even if it is a meter away, the lavender will feel that it something is stopping it, it won’t develop as well as it can, it’s good to clear the ground of weeds, that’s there should still be light, maybe even sandy soil, well, usually belarusian garden soil, it is perfect for this without stagnation. that is, if you are planting some kind of overgrown vegetable garden, yes, nezina, this is very bad for it, the whole season, the entire planting of lavender from april, practically, if it ’s already such a warm spring, until october, that is, you can plant all this time, if you have a bush, very often a mistake of beginner lavender growers, they regret the taste, it blooms beautifully, so i ’ll trim it, well, that’s what flowers are for me i want it to bloom longer, i really need to trim it, then the bush feels like it will be stronger.
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on their root system, that is , their main nutrition is from their leaves, as you can see, well , not much, that is, there is no such foliage, that is , all nutrition comes almost through the root, and of course, if it sits there for 5 years in one place bush, it is clear that it has already collected all the minerals near itself, that is, in principle , we don’t give fertilizers there at all, but if the course is already large, then i think that in the fall we should feed it a little with some complex pressure won't hurt.
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we agreed on a love for the italian language, i was learning italian, i had a new group at the italian language school, and vitalik already knew italian, and in a conversation with another person in the same office as him, i said that i would learn italian, and he spoke to me in italian, and we were like, well, in general, everything worked out in the end, then... we started dating, got married, and we started looking in the same direction, specifically, when we started, when he i was persuaded to plant lavender here, but lavender was already in my life from the beginning, because my mother just grew lavender
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next to our house in brest, a small little skid, literally a flower bed of lavender, and for many years she was not able to do it, in the end it worked out by accident she sowed the seeds, they went in, because, who knows, lavender from seeds is quite difficult to grow, there are many conditions that need to be met, then this miracle happened, it grew, it grew, we decided to use it to save money in decor wedding, vitalik said, come on we’ll do something else with it, we’ll plant a lot, a lot, on my plot, it turned out that he, he’s such a pinsk feudal lord, he happened to have such a big plot here, that’s when we finally started thinking about that how to do all this, this has united us very much, we always have a consensus, we always make concessions to each other, even if i suggest something, sometimes it’s unnecessary, she goes, she, then i think why you agreed, or vice versa, she offers something crazy, i’m going with her into this madness, too, but we’ll try each other
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support, let's start with your parents, come on, come on, i think that these are wonderful people, i'm not because they show your mother-in-law on tv, everything is there, no, in fact they are awesome, because they haven't ruined this area, they support everyone our crazy ideas and i understand that they are very much for us, well , they are rooting for us, worrying, worrying, yes, they are very cool, in fact, we have all our lavenders in history for 8 years, our daughter is 6 years old and we are very grateful to this place, we we feel that this is what it gave us, daughter here, i visited for the first time when i was 4 months old, we came with her already...
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people like it, people want to slow down, especially from big cities, there are a lot of visitors from minsk, because it is a green city, of course, but this is such freedom when you you see nature so close. days these are also different smells, after that we also have a wind blowing from the black sea, so it reaches us, of course we want more, every year we want more, but lavanno there is such a thing, at first there was very little of it, there were small plants, but young plants in some third or
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fourth year, in my opinion, simply give a multiple increase in their volume, if we talk about the mistakes that we made, we once hung a lot in our barn, in which we dry, a drying rack, we collected. the glasses hung a lot of lavender, very densely, and the weather was humid, like this, like the weather was like this now and we had a lot of mold, it’s just that we have about... throw it out, everything will be fine, they’re alive, in general already it has also been proven that plants have -
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feeling, in general, bushes each have their own character, their own mood, there is a north, a south side, there is a desire to grow, there is a desire to die, and as a lavender grower you need to be prepared for the fact that the bush can die, but this is very interesting, it is much more interesting than potatoes , it’s exciting and in general, well, they are, well, they are, if you grew it from a small seed or cuttings, it’s like children, before sasha - these are generally all our first children, that is, we treat them very kindly, very you can’t betray them tenderly, when you feel that you cannot live without it, then well, this is the most high in life in general, a sign from the sky for you that the rain confirms it. this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work proactively, it’s time to understand and feel your
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information enemy, and these are , first of all, the centers of information and psychological operations that are grouped under the roof of nato: ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. international non-governmental. reporters without borders has released its new world press freedom index. ukraine ranks sixty-first, while belarus and russia are 167 and 162, respectively. lithuania - 13, latvia - 12. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there at least one portal, russian or belarusian? no, they, they were cleared out right here one by one. if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are in the dock.
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they also brought lavender oil, rose oil, in this most precious stone for belarus the iconostasis is not just an entire historical era and a piece of the soul of every parishioner. local families donated money for some icons, and pilgrims donated money for others, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. the poet wrote 17 poems here, which were included in two cycles: old belarus and place, and two poems: veronica in ddera. only in 1871 did a temple grow on this site, later consecrated in
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honor of the intercession of the most holy theotokos. ancient iconostasis and rare icons. st. nicholas, protection of the blessed virgin mary. she has been protecting the city from various misfortunes for many years. watch the program “cities of belarus” on the belarus 24 tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides, and find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, as well as suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the ether 24 project on... 7 watch on tv channel belarus 24,
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i don’t remember who i dreamed of becoming, i remember that i dreamed that i would have... just like barbara bryski, all from childhood dreams, but i wasn’t involved in agriculture the family is connected in principle, just a little bit like my grandmother was a little bit. and on my mother’s side, she was the chairman of a collective farm in the stavropol region, but here in brest, i myself was born and raised in brest, we didn’t have any special farm, that is, there was only a plot in the private sector, an ordinary vegetable garden, and my grandmother, of course, on an industrial scale she planted tomatoes and cucumbers there, that’s all, the second grandmother, she also did this kind of farming,
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usual around the house, and well, since childhood i ’ve seen seedlings on window sills, then weed it all in the garden. but there was no such kind of farming or any such agricultural direction in the family, all of them were engineers, my mother was generally a philologist, that’s why there was no such kind of direct special training in farming, the only thing is that my mother always took me with her to garden to vegetable garden, but because she she told me she was bored, come with me, well , apparently that’s how i say the same thing to my daughter now, come with me, i’m bored, but my mother loved me very much, she really loved growing any... plants, the most exotic ones, lemon trees, a coffee tree, houses, indoor plants on the street, southern cherries, my mother herself grew up in the northern caucasus, that’s where stavropol is, mineral waters, and all this southern stuff grew there, she really wanted to grow it all here too,
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and so to all this, of course, here's yours she pushed me by example, she comes from pinsk, from polesie. that’s why we had an empty plot here, so somehow we ended up here, no, wait, you had one grandmother with a plot of 24 acres, a second grandmother with a plot of also many tens of acres, but it seems to me that vitalik is bigger than everything - still, he is being modest now, but in general in pinsk in polesie or in pinsk, everyone is very enterprising, everyone really likes to grow something, and vitalik most likely saw it all, i haven’t seen so much, i saw it for the first time such a village here, when you go... all the vegetable gardens are in these greenhouses, we didn’t have any capital, that is, we don’t have such a goal here to create an agrotourism complex or company, that is, it’s for our own pleasure, so what? this is a hobby, because well, as if i ’m still working at my main job, this is such a product - when we were just starting out, we thought maybe we could plant a whole plot of cucumbers,
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put up a greenhouse, i say, vanya, you should get up every morning to water it, drown this one. well, there are some seasonal things that needs to be done, but it doesn’t need to be done every day, that is, we can safely leave; she is growing under the polish sun. in general , it has already been scientifically proven that working with the earth, i’ll just say, when you dig in the earth, there are bacteria in the earth that work like endorphins, and a person receives... physical pleasure and a feeling of happiness when he digs in the earth, many people feel this , but they don’t understand how this happens, of course, there are people who are purely urban, i also met such people and i know, even in my family there are people who here the people live well, they don’t need the land, that is, there are different people, and there are, and i
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think that most of them are people who really like working with the land, you really feel a... peace, you feel it, you don’t listen there is no extraneous noise, you listen to nature, even these birds, you dig, and after some time you see the results of your labors, it’s also such a thrill when you came, plowed, plowed, and then it blooms, it’s in general, is this so, so cool, or have the fruits grown? in our country, belarus now has everything
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the conditions, in principle, to start some kind of business, let’s say, now even depend more on the individual. you have enough of everything to take and do, you always need to try, you never need to be afraid, you feel yours on your land, you live calmly, you rejoice, this is a very,
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very important element in life, but if this is not there, you are not you know where you are, yes, you are lost, then it is very, well, i think it has a very strong effect on the psyche, when you know that there is a corner of the earth, yours, cool, still beautiful. we still want something, in general they say happiness loves silence, but for some reason i decided to share it all, not hide it all, and
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it all resulted in a blog, and then from the blog it all resulted in a book called part among the lavender, and indeed, i described completely randomly everything that happened over these years while we were creating our farm, it turned out that these are very similar stories. to many people, it’s happiness, it’s, well, it’s everywhere, it’s in you, it seems to me, just wherever you go let's go, if you have it in you, well, it will be there, we take our happiness, our family, a woman creates a very important atmosphere in the family and i can directly feel it, we have one , you can believe in it or not, but we have my condition depends on my condition. vitalika and daughters, they feel it very much, it is very important for women to create this hearth, comfort, yes, you are like the center, you feel like this heart is the main one in the family, thanks to
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our work, again, thanks to the fact that we are creating this in the house - our family, the history of our family, our family, its continuation, and this is a very pleasant feeling, very important for a woman, for a man he also feels this...
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it seems that the world has plunged into silence, all the sounds of bustle have disappeared, only the song of the wind specially caresses the ear, so that you look around and realize how quiet it is all around. whenever possible , go to nature, go to forests, fields, rivers and lakes, breathe fresh air, admire the clear sky, listen to birds singing, the rustling of leaves, smile at the sun. enjoy and notice this beauty around. in harmony with nature. belarus 24.
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hello everyone, in a minute the hero will take his place and answer all your questions, but first, according to tradition, our questions for the heroes: in what mood are you going to the conversation? with the beautiful, are you ready for the fact that children sometimes ask uncomfortable questions, i expect them, promise to tell only the truth, of course, until
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luck. so, we welcome our hero, member of the council of the republic of the national assembly, director of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk. glep lopitsky. klep, i want to warn you that you have the right to refuse to answer questions three times. be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program you have to choose the best one. well now you have one minute to briefly tell us about yourself. time has passed. my name is gleb lopitsky, i am originally from vitebsk, now i live and work in this beautiful ancient glorious city, i live with my wife christina, with two sons, i work as the general director of the vitebsk cultural center and the director of the international art festival slavic bazaar in vitebsk. i really love my job, why everyone wish. great, you did it in one minute,
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now a question. from our audience, we have 100 children in our studio, each has their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer, are you ready? yes, then let's start and start with the red sector, please, hello, my name is anya, please tell me why they call you the singing veterinarian on the internet? they call me a singing veterinarian, because by first education i am a veterinarian, well , i do creativity, probably these two qualities came together, i got a singing veterinarian, what was yours? what kind of family did you grow up in? my childhood was wonderful, carefree, everyone loved me, i loved everyone, in a family of completely ordinary people, my father was a builder, my mother was a salesperson, in my family i had a city grandmother, there was a village grandmother, so everything was in harmony with me , probably, this was reflected in my upbringing, in what ways you are similar to your mother, in what ways you are like your father, i look like my mother, well, in principle, i look like my mother in appearance.
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so many people say, secondly, i probably look very much like my mother responsibility, i probably look like my father, the desire to make dachshunds was good. the next question is from the black sector, it’s a little to your right. hello, my name is anya, you look very confident, were you the same at school or were you a shy boy? but no, at school i was not the same, somewhere i was shy, somewhere i showed myself on the contrary, well, each of us shows. where he is strong, if it’s an amateur activity, i showed myself well there, but if it was, for example, some kind of sport, i always wondered if i could make it i'm up to the highest mark, because well, as something is given one thing, probably that's why, but in order to look confident, you need to work on yourself, so i'm working, but also, thanks for the compliment, i think that i haven't reached my peak , and which school subjects did you like, and which ones not so much, yes, i liked all school subjects, in each
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subject you could find something useful for... yourself, do you remember your first appearance on stage, what was it like? it was an enchanting performance, i don’t know if you remember, you probably already that generation that doesn’t really remember, but earlier there were stage areas in the courtyards , such neighborhood celebrations were organized, and for us young people who are involved in amateur performances, it was beyond our entire career, singing, creative, to get to such a concert, and so we performed in front of our residents of nearby houses, these were the first on moskovsky avenue in the city. these are my performances, it was very exciting, let’s move on to the yellow sector, why don’t you organize a solo album for yourself, you’re the director, slavic bazaar, yes, yes, there is someone in the slavic bazaar to perform in solo performances, i think that first of all you need to not satisfy your vanity, but most importantly satisfy the request of the viewer, if the viewer feels that he is directly furious and wants. ..


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