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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 17, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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at this moment i want a brisk run and a rainy day, like a rainy day, a shady forest, a sunny day, and like our life is built up from these crushed stones, i want to look at this light for everyone, and zhny zen adkryvatsa for sebe neshta new, we geta so tsikava. there we work together with anyone, with anyone and belarus. we welcome everyone who is with us now. hello. it just so happened that this day
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is special in our history, it explains a lot about us today, so let’s start with it. july 10, 1990 belarus passed the second round of elections; they were choosing not just a president, but destiny. in the first round , six different candidates met, from communists to nationalists, this is how the country was in a fever, but the people made a different bet, chose with their hearts, and in the second round alexander lukashenko received more.
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i wouldn’t say that he chose with his soul, the people are quite literate, and we understood perfectly well at that time that well, i don’t want to say such a banal phrase: an assembly shop, we were an assembly shop, we needed it, we were created by enterprises in the soviet union in the territory belarus was created in order, so to speak, to supply products to all other regions of the soviet union, and we were very dependent on these markets, when the collapse occurred, it is clear that all these cooperative ties collapsed. and i remember how the director, the now deceased director maza, said, when i was talking there about new forms of communication between enterprises, he said, you know, we had 200 enterprises, i remember this figure, 2,000 connections with various enterprises in the soviet union , and can you imagine, when it all ended, he says: we were forced to do all this, well, within the country, as it were, in this case, why did you choose?
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those regions on which he counted on support, in which they opposed him, there are amazing memories of his associate, sergei naumchik, how he rides when they found out the results of the first round and it doesn’t matter whether it’s there or the second, and he’s riding around minsk, and thinks, this is not my city, that is , they didn’t trust, didn’t believe in their people, despised this people, that when the choice was made in favor of lukashenko, they just like that they reacted, yes, there was vasily novikov, there was the respected alexander iosifovich dubko. but
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the true leader was certainly alexander lukashenko, and if we are talking about the depth of the transformations that alexander grigorievich began to do then from the first day. in general, we can use the term, i know that he doesn’t really like it, but nevertheless, let him forgive me, this is lukashenko’s revolution. the path of the baltics was prepared for us, the path of ukraine was prepared for us, clinton came there at the beginning of 1994, the lava has already been built, everything turned out, belarus is already included in this path, a completely different, soros path. i assure you, no matter how pro-soviet belarusians were, they would have been brainwashed so that we would now stand together with... with ukraine in the same line to this tragedy that the ukrainian people are experiencing. alexander grigorievich, what slogans did he put forward then, take the people away from the abyss, we really stood at the edge of the abyss, take the people away from the abyss, i’m not with the left, not the right, i’m with my people, these are these
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slogans, his position is anti-corruption, which he has been professing all these years and strictly putting into practice, nevertheless, be that as it may... let's say frankly, his smile, his charm, his influence on people certainly played this role, and began exactly 30 years ago the era in which we live, the era of alexander lukashenko, 30 years later, look, a curious episode in the fields by journalists immediately after the military parade on independence day, in general, this is such a frank thing, and what’s most difficult, here is the president’s version, let's listen, the most difficult period for... the present the president is the high trust of the people, every day, in the morning, in the evening, at night, you wake up in a cold sweat and think, you have been entrusted, so as not to let him down, this is the hardest thing for a real president,
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quite the formula that lukashenko is looking for , yes, how not to let me down, yes, i remember exactly the year ninety-four, one might add, what was different about lukashenko’s campaign... it was face to face, as they are, quite seriously, this is the style, of course, it i fell in love, and if we talk about software things, they are also very important, yes, in fact, you already remembered the bureaucratic market of kebich, which has already realized itself, yes, that is, already in ninety-two, ninety- three, belarus created
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a bureaucratic market that compensated for this decline production connections that he had, he worked his way through and somewhere in the ninety-fourth year he already started. to cover up, that is, it was necessary to start something new, in this regard, lukashenko’s project, a project of close integration with russia, which will allow, in fact, to feed russia and the markets sales and gain access to russian resources, but strictly speaking, it worked again, let’s say that this made it possible to preserve not just industry, but urbanization, the degree of urbanization, because belarus, since soviet times, has been quite high.. .
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this country needs, this country needs products, i always raise the question of how to deliver, logistics are important, and the fact that
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the north-south road has now been built, russia and azerbaijan have built, this takes us through iran to the ports of iran and we go out to we can deliver products to african countries, and, accordingly, to the countries of southeast asia, so this organization is important to us both from the point of view of the original purpose of this organization. so from the point of view of the strategic task that is set to create, that is, a free trade zone, moreover, i’ll give an example, if you compare, well, compare, don’t compare, i’ll just give the example of kazakhstan, kazakhstan is in this group, which means only twenty third year, in one year alone they received 4.7 billion investments from the sco countries, i i emphasize from not just anywhere, but from the sco countries, they have created 500.
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the number of members has increased and the effectiveness of decisions has dropped sharply, because the principle of consensus, the principle of agreement between everyone and everyone, yes, that is, an inevitable process until new pictures of the world are developed and the idea of ​​how it should be, now the sco has transformed, in fact, it has added itself another function, that is, it is, again, by the will of the united states, because the united states is now promoting the concept of a rules-based world order, that is, the situation when... the source of law is an international organization, respectively
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, unites the state, which is based on the principle of sovereignty, where the source of law is the state, in this regard it is its own main center, this thing turned out to be extremely attractive and in demand today, yes, that is, those states who want to independently decide what will happen within their territory responsibly, it’s clear at this... at the moment when all these things need to be decided, because these are the ones that come first
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very important ideological things are formulated, well, that is, how we first sit in the club, say what the problem is and how we can solve it, and then we move on to the level of how we will solve this, so, if so far for the most part, the foreign policy of belarus was faced with the question of how to do this, but now the question arises, what to do, that is, moving to the next level, with this... in fact, we can congratulate both the belarusian president, and belarus as a whole, and belarusian foreign ministry, because that these are completely new ambitions, a completely new scope, compared to what... was for this, despite the fact that the previous task, it is clear, also does not disappear anywhere, here is one of the key players in the shanghai cooperation organization of china, we are talking about this we’re talking to you right now, but how does beijing see the belarusian accession? we asked ourselves this question and before our broadcast we contacted our chinese colleagues, that’s how it was. so, beijing communications columnist sijiten
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liutin, greetings, well, how do you like this replenishment at the expense of minsk? hello colleague, let me first of all congratulate you on your country’s accession to the shanghai cooperation organization. if we talk about the significance of this event, then with minsk bringing the status of full membership, the number of participating states in the shows became double-digit for the first time. this dissolution of the organization is a completely historical breakthrough, which once again indicates that the shows is gradually becoming the most influential. regional international organization, well, we generally answered for ourselves a long time ago, why sco, and how do you see it from your side? the sco is an important international organization that carries out constructive cooperation in the fight against the three evils, organized crime and drug threats, for belarus itself full rights
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to membership, with more opportunities for... interaction in the field of strengthening security and combating crime in order to maintain stability internal situation and at the same time, being a non-military alliance, the show is also a multilateral mechanism aimed at strengthening economic, cultural, scientific and technical exchanges and cooperation between participating countries. i would like to note that today the share of the member states lies.
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490 billion us dollars, with the accession of minsk, the economic complementarity between the participating states is only enhanced, the potential for awareness of cooperation will grow. well, thank you, vladim frantsievich, we are talking about what interests us, including to our partners, i told you. raztana, which in the twenty-third year attracted almost 5 billion dollars in the form of investments, and we have such potential, why are we interesting to this organization? look, firstly, it must be emphasized that the path the sco has taken, it was created largely as a reaction to the taliban coming to power in afghanistan, then it seemed that this was such a threat to the region,
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how will the situation develop there, the taliban is still in my opinion , an organization banned in russia, yes, but at the same time i do not exclude the possibility that in the near future, well, in the relatively near future, afghanistan under the leadership of the taliban may join showst so that in his interviews he says, i saw them at the st. petersburg economic forum now, they are easy to identify, they have national clothes, which , by the way, is also one of the signs of the new world, now we will talk about this, why belarus is interested in the shanghai organization cooperation, i remind you that belarus is the first, the first full member of the shanghai cooperation organization with ten, which... is completely geographically located in europe, all other countries are geographically eurasian or simply asian, we we are completely in europe, so all the logistics chains that are being built, north-south, others, they, in many ways, belarus is strategically important for them, moreover, the shanghai cooperation organization is now developing and we
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have joined the conditions of acute geopolitical confrontation, but this is an organization future, we must understand that this is along with brick. we have very cool qualified personnel, which is also an investment in the sco in the development of this organization, we have extensive experience not only in industrial cooperation, but also industrial industrial development in general, rural...
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let's look from a security point of view, the security system in europe is completely devalued, the osce is just a piece of paper after the latest actions, we do not have such an organization on this large continent of eurasia, which is called, except an sco that would guarantee these security rules to such a extent, in such a number of countries, on such a territory, yes, there is our csto organization, but the sco is much broader, and of course, we now need this filling the organization with new meanings, i will voice it once again. we need a shanghai one, we need a single shanghai educational space with common criteria, we must move away from the pro-western, western-centric system of scientometrics, assessment of higher
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education, ratings and so on, we must create our own, maybe it will be called minsk, because we have for everything is ready, we can offer this program, and look how belarus is relatively, let’s face it, a small country, but how quickly, first vladimir putin, now we we see how this arouses interest. a wider range of countries, how quickly they began to support the idea of ​​belarus, put forward in october last year, about signing a charter, diversity for a multipolar world, this is our idea, and we in this organization can come up with such ideas, they will meet with support. the issue of security really in this case and the sco has to do with what we are seeing around us, here in brest there are anti-terrorism exercises taking place together with the special forces of the people's liberation army of china, here it’s interesting here that the british... the guardian, in its review of the main world news , put information about the joint exercises of minsk and beijing at the forefront. i'll quote. this comes just days
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after belarus officially joined the shanghai cooperation organization led by china and russia, deepening their coordination on military, economic and political issues, garden writes. well, i noticed everything correctly, if i may be very brief, we are talking a lot for the first time, why this has caused such concern, this. the first exercises on the very border of the european union, where chinese military personnel are basically participating in this, why didn’t they tense up, that’s why they tensed up, yes, i remember when they were fighting somali pirates and the chinese fleet for the first time went beyond the chinese so-called seas, what there was tension, a seemingly good cause, the fight against somali pirates, but in the west there was almost hysteria, this is a violation of their hegemanism, this is a violation of their monopoly on security guarantees, in fact on... impositions their security models and let’s also say, this completely destroys the concept that supposedly dudo went to beijing and sidinpin, yes, listen to how
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sidinpin put pressure on us, he says, he loudly shouted at belarus, shouted so much that we were accepted into the soo , shouted so loudly that we had a parade box of chinese military personnel at the parade, that we were conducting an exercise together in brest, precisely on that border for security, which is so worried about the atmosphere of bilateral relations and... which does not contribute in any way peaceful regulation and security, and shus, excuse me, but these are the four nuclear powers of eurasia, that is, this is the resource that...
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the division of india into india and pakistan, and what lord mountbeton did, who then burned all the records because it is clear that it provoked a monstrous conflict, that is , millions of people died during the subsequent redistribution of hindus into muslims, despite the fact that before the british they lived perfectly together, and
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no one...
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entered into normal negotiations with the belarusian side on border protection, because what's all this for happened, somehow they are building some concepts there, putin forced lukashenko, this is a hybrid war. what happened? in april 21, the polish side interrupted all contacts with the belarusian, attention, border authorities. they do not maintain any contacts with our side at the border security level. the european union, which came before.
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sorry, yeah, when time passed, that is , understanding, they understood, that is, maybe it was difficult to immediately understand what was happening, but time passes and understanding comes, glory god, what is this happening, about the main threats to attempts to save the world from the latest conflict, we will try to understand what orban’s tour will lead to, stay with us, we continue, the next nato summit has opened in washington, feeling. again they are talking about ukraine’s membership. 61 foreign policy experts signed an open letter calling on nato not to promise ukraine membership in the alliance before the july summit, saying this would make the country an arena for protracted showdowns.
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en stoltenberg, who is living out his last months as secretary general, says no one talked about that ukraine will be accepted into the alliance even after 10 years. i will now quote the entire phrase so that you can feel the essence of the sworn. kiev, so, no one spoke specifically about 10 years, but it is obvious that the admission of ukraine is a very serious issue. the most important thing we need to do is to increase support for ukraine to ensure its victory, stoltenberg said. vladimir frantsivich, please translate into human terms what this man said. well, they want to force ukraine to fight without accepting themselves in any way serious obligations for her conditional protection there, that is, they understand. if ukraine is a member of nato, then the military operations that are currently taking place, according to the nato charter, the treaty that was signed in washington in 1949, this means that they are using all armed forces, well, at least ukraine has the right to request consultations, most likely they will have to get involved in
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a war with russia directly with their troops, this will lead to a nuclear war, but while managing the escalation they don’t want to bring it to this extent, but how can we understand then, watch cnn, and even on the eve of the summit, citing its sources, it reports that in the final declaration,
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russia is increasing its efforts to achieve its goals, they cannot oppose anything to this, their western military experts say that even the allocation of assistance to this 60 a billion cannot lead to a turning point in the situation, and in this regard, nato is trying to do what, take, as they say, a strong position, everyone is well aware of the current confrontation. one way or another will end in negotiations, one way or another it there will be some kind of peace formula, this is definitely not zelensky’s formula, in this situation the parties want to show the strongest position, so nato raises the stakes, says, we will accept ukraine into nato tomorrow, the ukrainians are told, well, most likely we will not accept, but the russian
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federation, she naturally seeks to enlist the support of her allies china, india, turkey, or partners, say, not necessarily, these are direct allies; in this regard, we must consider orban’s tour of the world in fact. everyone understands that the elections are the united states will somehow influence the situation in november, regardless of who wins, but now trump's chances are very high, well, besides, let's say frankly, except...
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force, the third thing, biden lost to trump in the debate, in in this regard, has in fact already turned into a good duck, which means that on the one hand, nato and the united states will not be able to move to a new level of escalation, at least until november, until the next elections, but at the same time they will not be able to cancel the planned confrontation, yes, that is it a useless, hopeless offensive that will...
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influence like no other unelected
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us president has had in its history, so he will meet with trump, they will talk about a great relationship, but therefore it cannot be said that he anti-american, i think this is not entirely true, but orban is also amazing at using the institutions of the european union, look, seven main institutions he now heads the state of the chairman of the council of the european union, this is one of the seven institutions, according to their documents the council european union. has the right to conclude agreements on behalf of the european union, but only then does he need approval, now he has a full mandate, as the chairman of the council of the eu carries out any negotiations and no one else.
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separate diplomatic contacts with kiev, through the attention of minsk. we had, there was twice the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, the president stated that moscow supports openly spoke about the fact that we have emissaries from other states, and there were these leaks, which we can confirm, we can no, that these are representatives of the french military-political elite who are very close to macron, let’s say, well, the head of french military intelligence there, yes. and some others, i will also tell you, we have emissaries here, and minsk is one of the platforms for these, maybe not always public contacts, let’s call them so carefully, which will ultimately turn into a search for an acceptable formula for peace, attention, not in ukraine, we are not talking about ukraine, in our
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region, because the eastern european theater of military-political tension has formed, it is not is limited to ukraine, now, unfortunately, through efforts... pipeline gas is the cheapest gas that comes, it is clear that hungary goes through ukraine, which is why he, among other things, went to meet with zelensky, i think, to agree on that well, maybe, let this gas be partially supplied to hungary there, because using the gas that
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is offered by the united states, well, it is enough there by 30 percent, it seems that this gas is more expensive, and accordingly, how does this affect, accordingly affects competitiveness
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they give more and more interviews, although their strangers are asking you to leave this race, he’s holding on, but if we talk about biden, maybe for preventive purposes, i would like to touch on one episode, but the fact that everyone is asking him to leave the race, this is also such an interesting game, it has its own drama, well, the publication reports: the largest sponsors of the us democratic party are demanding that biden be removed from the elections. this topic has already been discussed many times, i do not propose to touch on it now. and i was wondering what kind of main sponsors these are and then the most interesting disney, heir to the walt disney company media empire, or netflix co-founder reid. here it turns out that when we watch a movie from disney or a series from netflix, we should, well, naturally, yes, naturally,
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not art, these are actually representatives of the deep state, but i would pay attention to one more thing, now we are watching such a historically very important thing, the discovery of the limits of manipulating public opinion, this is interesting, that is, if before this it was actually believed that omnipotent manipulations, that you can mold in general... out of anyone, anything, that you can fool any society, now the limits have clearly emerged, when it no longer works out, then trust is lost, the whole situation somehow collapses, and if we talk about, respectively, about sponsors, about donors, there is a wonderful book, if i’m not mistaken, 50 families of america, which was published back in stalin’s times, it is precisely about the fact that... the deep states of the united states were formed back in the middle of the 19th century, if not earlier , that is, at that time it was just consolidated and in view after the civil
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war, this moment of the civil war, no , it was its design was laid down by the founding fathers and after the civil war , but it was filled due to the plunder of the plunder of the south, but most it’s interesting that politics already at the beginning of the 20th century was marcus aluis hanna, then assistant and then secretary of state. they will quote chadayev’s colleague, who said and formulated that the situation of confrontation between clinton and trump in the elections, respectively,
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which trump won, it is completely similar to the situation when in the kostorama province the municipal head, in order to definitely win, put his own cleaning lady against him as his only rival, and she won the choice, that is , it turned out that he was not so popular, but this ... it was not popular, they voted against him, it turned out that this machinery, after all, let's look at the united states, because there are two families since the eighties, the bush family, the cheyins and the mccains and the rotham family, the clintons on two ruled the united states before the arrival of trump, because reagan is a protege of bushi, bushi, it is clear that father and son personally ruled, with clinton everything is also clear, obama is a member, strictly speaking, of the clinton clan, well...
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manipulation, there will be no need to look for it to your people, then there will be no limits, in fact, our original political model, our people’s power, it is now characterized by interest throughout the world and...
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under the state and under individuals and under everything, and what can and should be changed - this is probably constantly add your intellectual capital, an understanding of what is happening, an understanding of the coordinate system, knowledge is never superfluous, this is the thing that equips, which makes you stronger, stronger and stronger. thank you for participating in our program. thank you, and finally, an important detail in which the essence of our politics and national soul is compressed. in a series of high-profile events, many missed this message: alexander lukashenko, on behalf of the belarusian people, congratulated himself personally, the attention of the people of the united states of america on independence day. well, in general, this uniform is certainly not new for us;
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the president regularly congratulates the poles, lithuanians, germans, and french.
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we will always find a common language and agree, that’s all for today, happy that for belarusians, the usual life may seem truly exotic to others?
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initially, smoar was an indicator of wealth, yeah, but an indicator of status, and only very wealthy people could purchase it, there were such shipyards, so we made ships on the spot, one might say, from our places navigation on it began, bread symbolizes well-being and well-being, salt was a kind of amulet, so guests are wished health and well-being in the form. bread and salt, watch the travel show at home, on our tv channel. we have forgotten how to enjoy little things, be surprised, feel the connection between generations, and simply notice. but
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every day is made up of tradition: today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, without noticing it, we pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it's in our smile, the waves of our hands. in such a familiar view , real traditions are formed from simple happy moments. we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present.
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belarus 24. president of belarus alexander lukashenko is personally monitoring the progress of restoration work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, which affected a number of regions of the country. all necessary measures were carried out at the most intensive pace under the control of the head of state. details of the situation to the president deputy prime minister anatoly sevak and heads of regions reported. to do it in a fairly short period of time.
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also restored. alexander lukashenko also decided to transfer all damaged forest to the disposal of the heads of regional executive committees. a ceremony honoring graduates of higher military educational institutions and senior officers
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was held today at the palace of independence. the head of state called this day special and solemn in the life of the country. all these people had the high honor of achieving heights in their profession and career in the year of their eightieth anniversary liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. not guarantors. sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and the shield of our fatherland. ensuring a peaceful, calm life today requires incredible efforts; not turning the country into a battlefield is the most important task. everything that is happening today on the southern western border of the country does not need to be said, i will not, you know this well, you know, no worse than me. in essence, we find ourselves in the same situation as our ancestors eight decades ago. we also need to withstand, not to let there is an opportunity for enemies to drag belarus into a military conflict, and we are doing everything necessary for this, including by stationing the most terrible nuclear weapons. we are reproached
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for escalation and escalation of the situation, but in reality we are simply ensuring our military security and strengthening the defense capability of the state. we will not allow the tragedy to repeat itself. 1941, we will continue to develop, strengthen and improve our armed forces, also taking into account the experience of combat operations. belarusians do not want war, but any provocation against us must be answered to be decisive and tough, each of you must learn this. this is our principled position. who has something to answer to any aggressor. the president presented general's shoulder straps to representatives of senior officers . belarusian government delegation on an official visit to
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latin american countries. the main goal is to develop cooperation with the far arc countries. new projects were discussed the day before in venezuela. during the meeting between roman golovchenko and president nicolas maduro, the topic of sanctions pressure on countries was raised. counter this by developing our own production. the import of products from venezuela to belarus was also discussed. the parties are convinced that the time has come to expand the horizons of cooperation. this was discussed in the national assembly. it is very important to raise parliamentary relations to a new level. the parties expect to sign a new cooperation agreement with legislators. what does venezuela have? there is metal in venezuela that interests us in a certain, well, area. this is aluminum, this is hot briquetted iron is cast iron.
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for smelting and mining companies, here our belas comes up, which has proven itself quite well here, since we are working today with support points for belaz using different equipment, that is... specialists, training, a spare parts warehouse, and most likely the presence of representatives plant, and not on a business trip, but on a permanent stay here in the host country. official riga announced its intention to ban vehicles with belarusian license plates from entering its territory. this the decision was made by the latvian state revenue service. this ban implies that for violations of the ban , the most severe punitive measures can be applied to the driver, including confiscation of the car. the latvian side insists. this decision was made
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within the framework of the eighth package of anti-belarusian eu sanctions, although this particular restriction is not provided for by the mentioned package, the belarusian foreign ministry called the latvian move openly hostile, the ban comes into force today, july 16. filming of the military drama karuz is underway in belarus, production is underway the action-drama production center belarus cinema together with the russian film company began production in mid-june. this is a full-length feature film by a russian debutant director and... the film tells about a dog named koruza, who saved people in besieged leningrad. on the set there is a star cast of sergei migitsko, svetlana ivanova, alexander baluev and others. the general producer of the film was rafael minazbekyan, among his works are silver skates, doctor lisa, serf. the film is based on real events and dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war. large-scale filming will take place in russia. the film will be released widely on may 9. 2025 in the cis countries. in
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our show, participants will not be helped by cheat sheets; here you can only rely on your own strength. is it true that korolevich elisha, the hero of pushkin’s fairy tale, during the search for the princess, turns to the wind, the sun and the eagle for help. i remember well that he addressed the wind to the sun, here. i don’t remember, i turned to the whale on which the village was located, to the sun to the moon, from where whale from man of the world, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, is it true that in viktor vosnetsov’s painting there are heroes, a horse in the center is black, option, yes, i remember that in the middle there was really a black horse, but what other heroes do you know, alyosha popovich, ilya murovits and... and kind, kind, so,
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i forgot the last one, it’s okay, he remembers about you, yes, he really was black, and it was ilya muromets’s horse, watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus24 tv channel. journey - it's not just about getting to know the history and sights. konstantin mikhailovich lived in this forest village for 12 years. here he learned to read and write, this is the place about which the national poet talks about the life of his own family. it’s fun, it’s an opportunity to get something new. we have such a tradition, good lord, all on this saroska, dze lie down, you bachytse, these rouge stones, here you can make a wish for greed, greed, what a vykonvaetstsa. it's amazing, i have creepy eyes. features of coastal dolls
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are that they have no face, why does this happen? well, especially the eyes are forbidden, because an evil spirit will move into the doll, and it’s dangerous, look at the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. do you promise to tell only the truth? i promise. good luck then. how was your adolescence? michael, it was a difficult time. was it that you didn’t like the song, but had to sing it? fully charged, of course. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. well, i skipped school once and got there to the final station by trolleybus. this is probably one of those actions for which i.
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since 1943, pyotr kupriyanov fought in the partisan detachment rodina brigada razgrom. in the first battle with the nazis, he got himself a weapon. the young partisan collected important intelligence data, penetrating the garrisons of the invaders, and took an active part in the rail war. for the courage shown in the fight against the fascist occupiers, he was awarded the medal to the partisan of the patriotic war, second degree. in july '44. when the red army expelled the nazis from belarusian soil, peter volunteered to go to the front as a private. to the third battalion of the 53rd motorized rifle brigade of the twenty- ninth tank corps. a young soldier died on november 2, 1944, covering
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the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his chest. this sacrificial feat helped his comrades in arms to master the nameless height. in the distant kruna region of latvia and move on victoriously, expelling the fascists from soviet soil. eighteen-year-old pyotr kupriyanov was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, posthumously.


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