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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 3:25pm-4:30pm MSK

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based on operational data, 30 areas of road flooding were recorded; also, according to information from the ministry of transport , stops of public transport were recorded, while employees of the ministry of emergency situations are monitoring the current situation; equipment from the ministry of emergency situations, as well as romaftador brigades, went to the places of flooding; we are monitoring the situation and are ready to go to provide assistance at any time. part of city. ours.
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since lunchtime, all repair and construction work has stopped; at the moment, there are six brush tractors, seven maz-based vehicles and 35 people working. the most important thing now is to clean the gratings and rainwater wells so that leaves and debris do not become dirty, so that water flows normally. you see the window, the car has rolled down. skills, taxa management showed new...
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chalavek. the farmers of the minsk region are working hard. already the sabran is large for 470 thousand tons of zbozhzh. geta ab'yom za ulіkam rapsa. darechy, menavita this culture at the same time adzin s galloin nyukers borachnaya. so only in the stauptso region the rapeseed area is 3700 hectares. palova is already exhausted from them. on the contrary, in silgaz arganizatsy agranyumanskiy the average yield of aley seeds exceeds 30 cents per hectare. in some cases, i admire the meat farmers and their efforts to stand on their own. yashche and that fact, the onset of the storm has hit us and the staubsovskaya land. there are 200 hectares of pale soil here, and there is a lot of pressure on machinery to harvest from such areas. we produce the oil ourselves, and we sell our slaves according to the state order for the vitsebsk oil extract plant, for 100 gases of the severin superelite variety, here. hybrids
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of course, they give the best yield of about 35 cents or more, the severin variety, well, in the range of 28-30 cents per hectare. in terms of our combine harvester fleet , we have 73 grain harvesters, all in good condition, prepared on time, our area did not stand aside and suffered from strong wind and rain, in the polygania area it was just over 200 hectares according to the survey results, well, we will monitor the crops , of course, there will be difficulties, but we will clean everything up, nothing will remain on the field, i would like to note that the year very favorable in terms of forage procurement, we collected almost 50 thousand tons more haylage than last year. darachy, vyalik ab'yoms, high karma spray intensities lived gadouls, senny staubtsko district on the fifth month of the minsk region on the creativity of malak. and now the agro-industrial complex
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of the central region of the country is introducing new significant aspects. navasel is named agranyomanskiy, this small-scale farm from kamarushki for 1000 carou. dziatsya paliklinika in the leninsky district. the capital is about to establish a new awful health on the streets of yanka luchyny, different changes have been made. the medytsyn building consists of a central building and two data wings, which house rooms for medical and preventative procedures. there is also a laboratory and diagnostic
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center here. leninsky has a new aspect of poor health and another vitally important installation in the area. at this stage, all manual parts have been completed.
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there are a lot of new objects that can be visited by bicycle with interesting seedlings, trees, shrubs, flowers, of course, this is a manor house and a manor outbuilding, as such a historical center of this entire location, this territory, we also looked at fragments of the chapel of the 10th century, and we met with personalities who are connected with loshitsa in one way or another, learned about who had been to loshitsa at different times, what they did in loshitsa, what role they had on the development of loshitsa, a month of active... tourism in the capital of the capital, the highest skin age, is highlighted by adam's sport in the old age, an hour of water fun, astudzitsa and sleepy days, including fishing tournaments, kayaking, boat trips. the peak of flowering of the lily in the batanical garden is bright-yellow, red,
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two-colored, lush, caruncle, with a variety of buds and well-behaved flowers. in all of our gardens there are more than a hundred lilies, and 300 lilies. the most important part of the sarto asian hybrids is eggs.
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we are not firemen, we are not carpenters, but there are no bitter regrets, just like there are installers, high-altitude workers, yes, we send you greetings from above, he ruffled our lips, and kissed the clouds lightly. on you won’t look down on such a height, dear, you won’t
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look down on me, well, they’ll get tired of me! there is a coach, why are assistants called, the head coach gives each coach his own tasks, my task, well, the head coach told me, take the time of the hockey players to record who is replaying the shifts, but as if you probably saw this on the board with my players, i time the time when he went on the ice, and when he will be faster. head coach, he
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can remove the goalkeeper himself, but more often he looked at me and asked, well, what are we doing, and how would be, and i have to react quickly, either we let them play more, or we change them, in principle, here on the bench my task was to do this, well, in the training process, your main function is the rotary trainer, we lead them, it’s like communication, yes , it’s more about the head, psychologically, like them, the better the goalkeepers play, the more the team will win, this is our direct job.
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i try to give the goalkeeper all the options so that he can try everything, choose the best for himself, i even more often try to make sure that he gets to it himself, because when people get to themselves, it remains inside them, a discussion, and i try to understand that a person needs to try to give it to him. kolosov has improved a lot this year compared to previous years. clarify, do you want to become the main one, or do you see your role in this? you know, when i started my career, and, as it were, a coaching career, i initially had the idea that yes, someday i should come to this, but i had to try myself in different areas, and
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i was lucky that in my life it turned out to be dave lewis, he gave me this opportunity, so at first... i was a goalkeeper coach and deif entrusted me with working with the forwards, we talked a lot, we talked a lot, especially since we went to the belarusian championship, watched the games, went to gomel there, well... to all the cities where the games were held, the two of us and well, imagine how much time we spent together in the car, in the arenas, well, he asked me what my plans were, i said, well, someday, in principle , i have such a dream, but probably, when you come to something, you set some kind of goal, well, i... said that someday, but i need to study all aspects, so he gave me the opportunity, so i worked with the forwards, my second, of course, is translations, from english to russian or vice versa from russian to english, it worked out here, the coaches were all north americans , everything that the coach says, i translated to the team, but the head coach
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understands this, you are on the phone every second, every second, you don’t sleep for days, yes there, you must be active, yes there, for now i would like to work at dynamo, here's a goalkeeper coach, we have a good team, that's it what to learn, and from everyone, today. here is this photo, our park, in which there are a lot of people, where
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a lot of time was spent all weekend, andryusha has just started walking, he is 9 months old here, here we are... with my husband and andryushka in a cap, that’s all that on andrey, everything that is on me, everything that is on my husband, was sewn by me, the city at that time was just in a high phase of development, a photograph that is symbolic, andryusha’s father, his name is anatoly, was a football goalkeeper, here is his son, he is here in the photo right next to it, it has always been behind the gate and watched his father catch swords, he has a very... chelyabinsk is the center of the southern urals, the biography of its enterprises is the pages of the labor chronicle of our era, the airport began to accept us.
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chelyabinsk metallurgical plant, this is yours, this is where i was born, then chtz is the chelyabinsk tractor plant, leninsky district, but there are many secret factories there, well, if you know in the leninsky district there was just such a signal plant, then there was a northeast, a northwest, but the northwest is more of a residential area, so where we moved, my father got an apartment at the factory, so everyone was moved there, well , the central region, of course, by district, but there before the soviet era... there were these skirmishes from district to district, well, i think this is in all cities, million-plus cities and not only, well , i think it was everywhere, that is, you
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went outside the area, well, it somehow happened to me, why didn’t i participate, because i was busy all the time, i already played hockey from the age of 6, and that is, he took you from the street, it turns out that this is andryusha, the graduating class, where are all the guys, hockey players. famous names studied in this class, such as nazarov, gonchar and so on, this is andryusha in a stroller, and he is 8 months old here, here he is, he was chubby, wide cheeks and a snub nose, and here he is, also yulia, little sister very small, here is a photo of them, he was very afraid of something... to hurt him, to take yulia in his arms, he was always very, very careful, she loved him very much, this is how they came up with such a harsh
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chelyabinsk, then all my friends father, yes it was one group of people there, who were the kindest people, played football, shop to shop, then factory to factory, so he played for my shop, for the factory, for the national team, and all this happened not far from our house. they participated there twice a week or three times and i was always with him, he played in goal, that’s why i always wanted to be a goalkeeper, i always wanted him to be proud of me, i was proud of the way he plays, because that the men carried him there, one might say, carried him in their arms, this determined my fate, that i became a goalkeeper, although he played very well in the field too, we had an ice rink there, not far from the house where we lived, so there was a stadium there... in short, in the winter it was flooded and hockey was played there, and we went there for walks, so we came for a walk, i was with koryazskaya and my daughter, my husband was playing hockey with the guys,
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and andrei was sitting on a bench, watching them play, they didn’t have a goalkeeper, they said, listen, put your guy in, and that means in general, for some reason, he immediately decided in early childhood that he would be a goalkeeper, here’s my memory, first, this is the area, the metal district where we lived, that is , such a soviet classic childhood, everyone had it almost the same, but you are on the street all the time, i like my childhood, how it went, now it’s not like that, now it’s different, now everything is on the internet, i say, i lived on the street, we tried all kinds of sports, and there were mopeds, everyone lived together, everyone shared, boiled condensed milk - that was of course, but we did it all the time, then we made candy ourselves and for me... chewing gum was something, i wanted chewing gum, well, we didn’t have it, we had this kind of chewing gum from chelyavinsk, but it was called yellow, i remember exactly the packaging, but with it you could be
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left without teeth, because of his hearing, he looks at a person very carefully and understands speech from his lips, that’s his, that’s why he’s a good goalkeeper , that he has amazing eyesight, that is, he sees right through everything, that means one defect gave these... advantages in life in general, that is, during the birth the doctor made a mistake and damaged andryusha’s auditory nerve during his birth, this is not immediately appeared, so he spoke instead of grandma grandmother, grandfather, because he couldn’t speak with anything, and i spent 2 and a half years to find a speech therapist who would give him... this letter, well, in fact , it turned out that the speech therapist gave him with and after that, when she put it on, he learned to speak all hissing words and he began to use them...
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across the yard, that is, he generally earned such authority in the yard, that is, he immediately became the hero of the yard, many could not understand people who have difficulty hearing , well, i recently had a test, i have 70% hearing loss, so they speak, but my speech is speechless so that people who have been hard of hearing since childhood, well, there is no such speech, that’s why they can’t understand that i really don’t hear well, i learned to read lips, read, look my interlocutor in the face, i learned to cope with
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myself, with emotions, yes, this is also character, yes to overcome, that is, you have problems now, i use headphones, yes, especially well, meetings when they take place in the coaching room, so as not to miss anything, then they filmed a little at the game, this is not a hearing aid, communication with assistant coach, well, on the coaching bridge, yes, i had that, i had andreevsky, the two of us, this is a connection with a video trainer, chelyabinsk metallurgical plants today produce 600 grades of high-quality steel, i was at chmz for 2 years. to metalgia, so my mother brought me, because they saw that i had the makings, here is my first coach dubroven, i remember exactly, a sunny morning, so well, lunch, probably that’s all at 12, my mother picked me up from kindergarten, we came and it worked out there the guys skated and walked, i remember them exactly, the sun, well, it was already spring and the goalkeeper comes out from this area, and well, from his back he’s so healthy, he’s just huge
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well, it’s beautiful, i’m so, uh, like knights, yes in success, yes, yes, that’s exactly what’s in my head, hooked and delighted, yes, i was with him for 2 years in chemsha, played for the guys for 3 years older, this also helped me, which is why we switched, well then, of course, an invitation came from the tractor, my name is tatarintsev konstantin sergeevich, we went through the children's tractor school. together with andrey mezin, born in 1974, head coach viktor mikhailovich peregudov. in a good way, the hockey-soviet spirit is here has been preserved, and thanks, probably, to this bleacher, you can see that it was once not covered, yes, as i understand it, there was an open space here, that is, you played in the open air, an open skating rink without a roof, this tribune was large , but this is the one we found, there were two ages, we skated on this site, but if
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we take the soviet era, then... then after the cosmonauts, hockey was probably the most popular, and higher than ballet, and higher than ballet, well, my father loved hockey, took me around, and somehow instilled in me, and even before in in those years, hockey was generally a very popular sport, then viktor mikhailovich peregudov took us and led us until graduation, you told me the demons, but it surprises me that there are really a lot of cool names in one team, this is exclusively the role of a children's coach. yes, this is the merit of viktor mikhailovich, it was he who brought us together, he instilled a love for hockey, developed these skills in us, but he tinkered with us from morning to evening, well, he came around 9-10 years old. the first time you saw it, did you realize there was something there? or was he the same as everything, nothing stood out, but we were all like boys who loved hockey, loved the game, tractor school, we, i’ll say,
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graduated 10 or 12 people per... somehow they made of you not only hockey players , but they also tried to make decent people, it happened, our team itself somehow got rid of dishonest people, i just hear you now , you know, everything looks so exemplary, a soviet boy, a hard worker appeared in the family, went to hockey, was purposeful, really? you didn't have any problems as a child, i don't know
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with anyone? well, look, my daily routine, yes it was, on monday we had school from 8 in the morning, we didn’t have training before school, we got ready at school, from 8 in the morning and so early there was an hour before school. i had to go with two transfers, this is full, i left there at 7 am, roughly speaking, this is full, everyone is going to work, full buses, well, it’s good without forms, well, anyway with a briefcase, then first transfer to the bus then transfer to a trolleybus, then you still had to get there by tram, that’s all we kind of went on our own, after school we immediately had a training session, then... there everyone was given a 1 ruble coupon, we went to the canteen to eat, then we came to the locker room, rested a little, we also had an evening training session, an evening training session - this is a gymnasium, for example, our coach, so he agreed, a coach, a professional
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gymnast, that’s it, and we went to the gymnasium, we have training in the gymnasium, the next day the same thing repeats, after school we have ice, then lunch, rest and in the evening some kind of game... sports, yes, there’s football, handball, we have games on weekends, first it was the city championship, then it was the ural cup, this already involved moving, but, well, just imagine, this is how our whole life is, our team, we were fighting with each other , the biggest person in your life, as i understand it, one and the other, yes, well it turns out, yes, to what extent, well, let’s talk about the first one, who raised you, we can say, yes, parts, i came a little later, already, in principle, trained, a little, and in principle i skated better than the other two goalkeeper, and even there such a situation happened that due to the fact that i switched to a tractor, and somehow i switched incorrectly, or something else, 20 points were deducted from the tractor and then we did not take first place in the city , at that time
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, hockey models, who were you, that’s who you looked up to, then tretyak was probably the most popular in the ussr, well , for me he was the strongest goalkeeper and was my idol then. they didn’t leave him in the tractor, yes, they didn’t make him an offer, i told andrey, andrey, let’s take a year off, here he is says, mom, we won’t take a break, my name is in the polytechnic, in the hockey team, stanislav masharov, 1993, we are now in the locker room of the polytechnic student team, in the ninety-first year it was half the size, 20 people, yes , yes, but they were more friendly, mine is here, andrei, on the contrary, and andrei still plays football very well, viktor mikhailovich is a hockey class. who produced more than one generation of hockey players in our country, we have the next year, i was in sixty-seven, viktor mikhalovich was also in sixty-six, so knew his skill, this was their first such men's hockey, because they graduated from
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a children's and youth school, the nature of the fight at that time was, well, just so you understand, and the regional championship consisted of about twelve to 14 teams, all the teams factory ones and there were only two student teams, this is chpi. institute and chamsha, factory teams - these are men there, about 40 years old, who, well, they are freed from the factory there, but then they went out onto the field, and we were like boys of 18-19 years old, here we were already accomplished men, it was very difficult, that is in terms of the fact that there were all violations, blows and so on, that is, we accepted all of this, accordingly it was almost impossible to answer there at that time and because of respect, well, this hockey rink has such an interesting history: it was built with the help of professional builders, but with the hands of a student, you see, a small attack zone, the blue line is close to the goal, it’s like there is more intensity, there are more shots closer to
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the angle, so i think this experience was also useful to him, next to gagarin park, as a matter of fact, where we ran cross-country on these paths and... among these relict pines it is always better to prepare, you are from 1967, andre, but you have a serious run-up, yes, but we finished the tractor in one school, so we talked in in one language, for a long time the team could not win the regional championship, andrei came and greatly strengthened the goalkeeper’s position, i felt here, firstly, experience, and secondly, when we won the regional championship, well, this is a better option for spending time for young people than there in the yard yard, yes, in hockey everything was decided for you, of course, of course.
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i didn’t try to persuade him, although in principle i could, so andrei took the academic degree, if you don’t get along with the institute, then we won’t keep him at this institute, finally, from this season you are about 18 years old, well, 18-19 there , it turns out that at that moment you didn’t leave chelyabinsk far at all, and how at such a moment to take, it’s just hard for me to understand, go to novopolotsk, firstly, we already have two guys from our year already playing in novopolotsk, it’s too bad, he's just them peregudov sent them earlier, and so did we... , of course, we met with them in the summer, talked, they said: oh, cool city
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, we like everything, peregudov just met my mother, so he says, oh why didn't we go? well, my mother also acted as an agent, she acted, probably yes, and i remember exactly, we met then at the nazarovs’ house, it was peregudov the younger, peregudov the elder, my parents were, we were family friends with nazarov, and so was peregudov for me he says, why did you end up like this, well, they invested so much in you, what? wants to play with you well, well, well, i say, okay, okay, he says, come to the training camp, you’ll get into the team, you’ll get in, well, i’m thinking, why don’t i just prepare for the next season for the polytechnic, and i’ll go and go and undergo training with a professional team, i’ll come one step higher, i’ll be in a quiet city, and such a small one, well, i didn’t know about the city, but they told us that it’s a cool city, well, everything went to the gathering and after 2 weeks, well, here are the tatars... here are four of us from chelyabinsk not boring, i think, well, a month or two of training, i
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think it will be ideal for me, i’ll change situation, i didn’t even think that i would stay, but after 2 weeks it turned out that he approached me, he said, that’s it, you’re in the squad, you’re staying for the season, we ’re leaving you, training camp is ending, he tells me, go, take your documents from the polytechnic institute, there is a polytechnic institute in novopolotsk, you’ll just transfer, well, i left and never came back. still in fact, well, i went with my faculty to go potato harvesting, now i’m harvesting the potatoes, that’s it, the session begins, peregudov flew to chelyabinsk, here we met again with my mother, well, one evening she came and said, i had a meeting, well, i thought that my mother wanted me to be a businessman, to study, i didn’t continue playing hockey, but well, for me it’s like i felt comfortable at the polytechnic. well, my mother says: well
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, listen, well, i see how you are suffering, but with this university, don’t you want to play, i say, well, of course you want to, you want some certain heights, but you and i agreed, that hockey will end, but studies, well, she says, no, that’s how it is once you try, if it doesn’t work, you’ll go back to college and start studying again, he says, well, try, otherwise you’ll regret the missed opportunity in the future. this is the time in the states when andrei and his best friend sergei stassy have fun. we're at the national museum of canada. we are looking forward to the excursion. a more modest belarusian city, then in ninety-three you go to
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the united states of america, america in the nineties, hockey in the nineties, it’s something like that, you know from the movies, you were flying and realized that it was as if you weren’t flying at all to another planet, that’s how it was, i was worried, naturally, a different culture, generally different approaches, here’s this button, look, you see it in red, what’s that there, come on, look what’s filming there, what ’s written , pause or reg, reg, it means they are already filming, this is what you are filming, this is closer, then there are things to do next. i’m glad, very glad, and how you cried here, no,
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no, you don’t want to, show me how you cried, show me how, and i’ll tell you, at that time hockey players from our countries were going to america, this is how agents helped, or why interest he came to us, well, i also went, in principle , at first i went for 2 weeks, there was a qualifying camp, but they looked at it for the colonial league, because i was not drafted - no one knew me, so we just went to an empty place, for me, our country is still much closer, i had a junior, colonial league, then an international league. american league, you just described it by ranking, well, yes, yes, well, in principle , tsyplakov went through the same road, he started in the colonial league, then he started, played in the international league, then he made it to the nhl, but i already got my next chance when i was already over 30, when glenn hanlen headed the belarusian national team, so after the first season
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he offered me to try in washington in his team, but at that time i had a contract with uva, probably not bad. and i say what the conditions are, he says, well , the most important thing for me is to know from you whether you want it or not, we didn’t even talk about money, it didn’t matter to me, because this is the best league in the world, everyone dreams of getting there, in sixth year, i was already 32 years old, so he told me that i guarantee 20 games, my question was, if i play better than the main goalkeeper, i will play more, he said no, i have a goalkeeper who gets 7 million, he owes... nothing personal, but at least he guaranteed me 20 games, this is a very significant photograph, this is the ninety-eighth year, a foot in the olympic games, this is a time when
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the games have not yet begun, only they are like we arrived there, after that they showed me a very good result, he said, well, i’m going to minsk through. 3 days, i say, come on over, i say, what kind of olympiad, well, there are a lot of all sorts of mathematical olympiads, he says, how will the olympic games be flooded, i rolled my eyes, he says mom, so you know that olympic games, i say, well, i know, and andrei was in approximately this state, he came to these olympic games, as he told me.
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went to the olympics, it’s a holiday, yes, it ’s great, there’s also the opportunity to play against the best teams, well, it’s like the world cup, probably yes, that’s why the olympics i remember everyone, for me it was probably the most emotional, probably, the olympics were, pamkov, reducing the gaps of evidence to a minimum, in general they dressed us there, i don’t know,
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i had two trunks, i probably had enough things to wear a coat to the parade, and hats, what else i remember, then alexander grigorievich arrived, and he came to the story in the morning. everyone gathered in the center, he gave us a parting speech, and what a breakthrough you had, what a success, but then there was a feeling that the backbone of the belarusian national team was beginning to mature in order to shoot, it was the same team only four years older, they played better in nagana than in salt city, we basically fought all the games, we qualified the french who played in group a, can you imagine this, this we haven’t played in group a yet, but being in group b we beat them 4:0. the germans are 8:2, well, imagine, the teams play in group a, we are in group b and we simply carry them forward with our feet. salt lake is the same team, only they are older and started to concede more, roughly speaking, we don’t have the strength enough. because well, we had the oldest team, firstly, friends, andrei kovalev could not open an account
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for his generation for their generations, just where andrei played, there is tsyplokol, kobelka dig, here they are reached the peak of their form. that is , it was just such an optimal age, when the guys needed to shoot, prove something of themselves, show that they had a fairly even composition, because there were no direct superstars there, in nagana, when bure and others arrived there quite cool stars, and belarusians have very there was an even team, but it was so united, so very skilled, and most importantly, it was motivated to really win something for these generations, thudik throws. the belarusians take the lead 2:1, the puck hits kovalev, well, andrei, score, well , soltek city really went, it’s really a helmet like trophies, well, i remember these shots before the match, when it’s on your head. yes, hockey players hit for luck, before everyone would come up and hug there, now they’ll get in line and everyone there, the whole team turns out with
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the whole team gave this helmet, well then, i don’t think anyone there, it’s just there they just attacked and it was a small bunch after that game, it was dear friends, for the sake of these people it’s worth living, well, it somehow worked out with the swedes, and you being at that moment of the throw to... on the contrary, remember this one on the right, well, from this zone, his throw, you just saw how the fat leads to the puck? no, well, i saw it, sort of, but i didn’t think it would be a goal, it’s just that if you look closely in the first period, there was almost the same moment, they also shot from the middle zone, and it headed it off, it flew off, well, beyond the throw-in area in their zone, less than 2.5 minutes before the end of the third period, the puck hits the basque, tobistala and the cross bounces off. i think here in his head, like this , i analyzed how a goalkeeper of this
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level could miss such a goal, i think that initially he probably also wanted to hit her with his head so that she would go into the stands, but the throw-in would be in their zone and this is basically dangerous, i think that at the moment he first made a decision with his head, and then changed his mind and began to catch with his hand, this one here a split second just... he got in the way, it wasn’t with his head, not with his hand, she was messing with him, to be honest, i didn’t even believe it myself, the atmosphere is just great, yes there, and it was the guys themselves who created it, this is vancouver, yes, because that my helmet is already dynamo, glue antonenko, are you that person? who played in three olympiads, it turns out, well, in three, yes, he could have done more, well, if he had gone to
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riga for qualification, he could have gone to italy, we didn’t get to sochi, very often there were team events there. yes, this is the first time i i tried to play golf, yes, well, they showed me how to hit, i played calmly, then many, when i was already playing professional sports, yes, after training, there are one-time training sessions, usually the weather is good and the guys get together, go play golf, well, i think, why should i sit at home, yes, when a field opened here in minsk, of course, i came and started playing here, and for me this is a hobby when i enjoy... this is football, basketball, volleyball , maybe the workload there is not the same, but in football i always then, when i was older, i played in
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attack, well, where too, and on a large field there is a very decent load, and in the summer i played a lot of football to keep in shape before the season, you can say to yourself, at the amateur level you are a good footballer, amateur, well , i played pretty well, yes, the position, well, i’m an attacker, i just played in germany, was in good standing with the management in... the club was a leader, always in germany, well, there are official podromes, yes, where official horse races are taking place, and somehow they decided to invite athletes, well, they offered me, i say, you ’re like a horse, i won’t come close, he’ll kill you with his hoof, well, how scary, they say, don’t, well, not the horse itself, ride, on this cart, like we did four times, we probably rode like this, we trained, they explained it to us, i met with the horse’s owner, first there’s a warm-up, the horse warms up for... then there’s a race and after one race that’s it, you ride out, again a short warm-up, this was necessary, coach
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explained, i was driving first, and instead of doing a warm-up lap first, i i made half a circle, i turn around, i accelerate, these guys are coming at me, i understand that i’m doing something wrong, well, i’m the last one, in my opinion, to sit behind this car, well, the car runs away, well, it’s clear that the horses themselves are no longer trained , well... my how so i let her go a little, so i went out first, well, you understand, it’s all hooves, everything, well, the horses are letting out air there, but not very much, you’re still under stress, here’s the second horse running , yes , also a rider, there’s a muzzle sticking out from behind, who’s riding behind, i just let go of mine, it shot like a bullet, just, well, i i already finished in the city alone, well , at the end they all took me up there to the vip room, all the jocks there were... just your age was so cool, yes, from 25 to 30 , yes, in this window for probably hockey this is very good and in terms of this it is right for
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you the best stable time the german championship, firstly the level was not bad. i see my knee is swollen and i can’t even sit down after the operation after probably three and a half months, i remember exactly on december 15, the doctor says, well, you can go out try to ride there, i went out, i thought that my career was over in kazan , it’s clear how they could leave me if i only played there for 10 seconds, he was a senior comrade then, he was the leader of the team
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, i wasn’t like that in akbars, well, now it turns out like this. situation, he is a leader, i work with him, in st. petersburg boris petrovich mikhailov did not trust him, he played for 2 years in ufa and mikhalev was very pleased, and the management was there, they persuaded me to stay, they gave me, offered me a new contract, but i didn’t like it , that the decisive game, they didn’t trust me in the playoffs and we lost it, in magnitogorsk i had a very good first season, we took bronze, the second season we also took bronze, but the results were already worse, but this is the ninth year, my name is. .. ivan savin, i played with andrey mezin in the metallurg magnitogorsk team. i played with andrei in metaluga magnitogorsk, spent one season in hockey, we were close friends with him, and i am also now the general director of the traktor hockey club. we signed a contract with him at the same time, we lived in chelyabinsk, but went to work in magnitogorsk, and we were always on the road this time,
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well, while we got to magnitogorsk we always laughed, moreover, we lived in magnitogorsk in one. driving and in the same way went to visit each other, from the same city, we have one such life concept, one philosophy, this is always a distinctive feature of nashikha guys - this is determination, and what does it mean to marry a tractor, for your native club, when i never played, closer to forty, maybe even sometimes it was harder to play your hometown, yes, as it were, because well , such a responsibility, well, this was a big event, probably for the guy, of course, the return of any chelyabinsk student when he goes on the ice is big. we know that he was recognized as the best goalkeeper at the world cup, but this is a really cool achievement, to be the best goalkeeper in the whole world, and in order to achieve these heights, you need, of course, you need to, well, just invest in the black, so here in in this regard, andrey certainly has no equal, we won the 2006 world championship
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best result. some generation came up, good, hanlon’s talent, his first arrival, no one had ever encountered such an approach, short training, one-time, everyone was assigned a role, allowed, okay, the whole team go and drink beer there, 2 days before the hanland world cup gathered everyone in the restaurant, he was already the head coach in washington, hanlen and heikel, different people, no, well, of course, yes, it works out with heikel, it didn’t work out, can you explain in a nutshell how it happened that top gate belarusian? i took it, packed my things and flew away from the world hockey championship, they clearly told me that you are not needed either in the national team or in dynamo, well, i didn’t see the point in continuing to be there, they bet on koval, koval played the first two games, please, well , even if he played eight, no matter how i wouldn’t have any problems, he just got injured and after that they didn’t want to let me play, so naturally i then asked
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a question, i say why, well, here’s to me... shone, because well, you are not needed in any way national team, not at dynamo, no one is counting on you, i sat at the airport all day, not a single call, not anything, how, why, no one even tried to bring me back, well, this made it clear to me that, in principle , i no need, andrey, we are at the place where you played the last match in your life, at a professional level for the belarusian national team, let's probably remember about this match first, you were already about 40 years old then, well, yes, almost 40 , yes, that is... very mature age and that’s right what happened on this ice, what kind of match was it and tell us why it was the last and what surrounded this fight? well, this opening match was with the americans, there was a background before this world cup, i didn’t plan to compete at all, because my son was supposed to have an operation, but hanlan arrived, came to my home, persuaded my wife: the americans are the only team , which i didn’t beat, well, i thought it was good that my son had surgery on the same
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day, and it was postponed exactly on the day of the game. well, i thought it was basically mine enough character, yes, so many events, yes, how to overcome all this, well, it turned out a little wrong, we lost 1:6 and after the game i’m already talking to my wife, she’s all in tears. they tell you how it all happened, well, i realized that i made the wrong choice, and for me at that moment hockey was over, you can say so, and you remember, this match ended against the usa, right here, yes, for sure you go to the stands, and to the locker room, you remember some details, you are leaving exactly, this is what is happening at that moment, the world cup continued, so i just thought, well, maybe in a day or two, somehow all this could end, plus there’s a big holiday around here, and the belarusian national team is an unusual story for you, because you... a guy from chelyabinsk we discussed this with you and you became for the belarusian national team, i don’t know, a more important goalkeeper in the history of belarusian hockey, but no, look, but in general for you, for the guy who grew up in chelyabinsk, the belarusian national team than she for became you? andrey mezin hit 30 alone
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a shot out of 32 that were aimed at his goal, well, now it can be said that it has become my home country, thanks to alexander grigorievich with his permission. they say, a guy from russia was allowed to play for the belarusian national team, i would be very grateful to him, the national team gave me a lot, it gave me an impetus in my gaming career, because immediately when you play for the national team at the world cup, all the specialists come, they look and how it gave me a start in life, so i couldn’t let down either the team or the country, belarus became native to me, i i live here now, and i don’t plan to leave anywhere, and i tried. give everything i can to achieve the goal. soleil, you saw him as a very young guy, right at that time? no, we met here, first in
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the youth team, when we played for the first year, playing in america, and i too in america, we crossed paths during the qualifying tournament in riga, when it was, in my opinion, the ninety- sixth year , soleil and i, i’ll say, became good friends, from then on. he was a sympathetic guy, he always, no matter how he refused to help anyone, so being overseas, and being here, he always tried to help everyone, extended his hand, it just happened that you know, people are leaving
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our hockey from those nineties, but ruslan salei, tseplakov, koltsov is now gone, you somehow analyzed, that i understand that for you each story is personal, difficult, but that ’s why this happens, these are the legends, you know, at the dawn of their strength, it’s clear that everyone has completely different circumstances. all three with a big heart, strong, very strong character, these are the right people, i don’t know why this is so happened, you spent a dark match with tseplak for the belarusian national team, he also has experience in the nhl, and is truly a unique hockey player, that’s when you saw him on the ice, that’s what you can define in him as his main quality, i’ll say that he such a fighter right on the ice and a leader, and just like koltsev, he is also a leader. my husband gave me these bells shortly before his death, i actually have a whole collection of these bells, i have them put together in this, and i say, what if it’s
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you, suddenly i haven’t collected them for a long time, he says, well, let him stay somewhere, six months later he was gone, my daughter is nearby, this is my grandmother, grandfather, my father-in-law and my mother-in-law, my parents died early, my wife is there, my dear sister is in a yellow blouse... but when i came, well, it turned out that we dated for 2 years in a row, well, with my future wife, well, then somehow at one certain moment it turned out that she was pregnant, she says: the choice is yours, as you say, it
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will be so, well, i think, if the relationship is already like would have arisen, but this was my longest relationship at that time, in 2001 she gave birth, the baby was premature, lay in the incubator there for another 2 months and was born so small that well... i couldn’t stand it, maybe or, well, i don’t know , i got married, i think it will go now, but it turned out it was the other way around, the second wife is also ukrainian, the second one is also, but it turned out that’s all these problems , i lost 10 kg, with a playing weight of 82
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kg, i weighed 71 kg, both with my first wife and with my second, so i have no complaints, anything can happen in life, it’s always both of us to blame, yes, the only thing i regret is these are still children, yes, children should live in a full-fledged family, sister, here is her best friend, my future second wife, angela, here in kiev, and as they said, she had an unsuccessful marriage there, she mu...
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started straight away, she almost immediately moved to live with me, approximately identical stories, yes, let’s just say, i also have two children, after that i’ll get married, it’s the same story, and almost even in terms of timing , i got a divorce from both of them in the same month, well, the second story, you understand, it became better known, because your friend and famous belarusian goalkeeper was involved, everything happens in life, but someone... basically, well, i was brought up differently, i have a lot of friends who have beautiful wives, but just imagine, i come to visit, i’ve had this since childhood, i just had it in my head, i don’t care about her i even look at her as a woman, i just look at me as a friend, this is my friend’s wife, if i come and he’s not at home, she’ll say come in , wait, i’ll say no, let me better come later so that there won’t be any kind of misunderstandings there. well, here's a little...
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