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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 2:20am-3:10am MSK

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when i was young, i went to bed in the evening, and in the evening i went to sleep. i love the tsyabe, my berach is dear, the dzeletsa are in the silver waters, the oaks are dzyadro, know the charm, the flock of saints. my dear ones, how dear you are to me,
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forget you, i have no strength, forget you, i have no strength.
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how dear you are to me, forget you, i can’t help you, forget you, i can’t help you, my dear, how dear you are to me. forget your little strength, forget your little strength.
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a white stork flies over. the white dust flies, the belarusian mats, the songs of the veris, the songs of the rockets, all the earth flew, and care and affection and flame burned over the earth, the sky is honeycombed
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like a banner of gods, my youth, belarus, songs of partisans, pines for fog, songs of partisans. halaya dawn, my youth, belarus, our memory walks along the forest partisan path, it could not be overgrown.
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songs of the partisans, hala am the dawn, my youth,
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belarus, white the stork flies over the woodland, over the quiet. we are walking somewhere in the top of the swamps , the cooling thunder is buried, the white eye is strepping, everything is flying over our native wings, my youth, belarus. songs of partisans, pine trees before the fog, songs of partisans, and my dawn, my youth,
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belarus. my youth, belarus, songs partisans, daduman pines, partisan songs, and i am the dawn, youth. mine, belarus.
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this belarusian strawberry is known among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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good afternoon, on the air of the first national channel of belarusian radio and belarus 24 tv channel belarus24, the analytical project “current microphone”. my name is evgeniy meleshko, and i will introduce our guest, today on the air sergei tomashov, an analyst at the belarusian institute of strategic studies. hello, sergey vladimirovich, hello, let’s move on to talking about our western and northern
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neighbors, about poland and the baltic states. the belarusian foreign ministry stated that it is ready to talk with poland. regarding the situation on the border, in your opinion, as an analyst, what is happening there now, why are they killing people, transferring them to our territory, what... comes from, why do they need this? well, the situation, of course, at the border is, to say the least, tense. for our part, for our part, the republic of belarus has always said that it is ready for dialogue. this was always heard in the speeches of both the head of state and representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs, we continue to remain ready for dialogue, but they obviously don’t want to hear us. what does this have to do with? with the fact that poland obviously chose a different approach
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to solving the problems that arose in the belarusian-polish border. the migration crisis, it has been going on for quite a long time, and it is not belarus that is to blame for this migration crisis, but the migrants, first of all, were invited by germany at one time, right. our leadership says that this was a german initiative for in order to replenish the labor force, in order to boost the economy, and of course, they hoped that at the expense of migrants they could somehow compensate for the shortage in the labor market, well, the situation took a completely wrong turn , it went wrong, because in fact, a clear migration policy has never been proposed, as at the level of the european union, as it seems to me. and as for poland, it’s clear that the polish side itself
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admitted that it does not have a clear migration policy, plus, as we now understand, the so-called visa scam also came into play here, when migrants were attracted here for money, that is, actually for money, who paid money, entered poland, and then disappeared. somewhere in the vastness of the eu, and i understand that things have already reached the point that migrants began to appear in the united states of america, which is why, obviously, this whole story began with a visa scam, washington made it clear in warsaw that, somehow the situation is already going beyond some limits, and poland was forced to accept some decisions, an investigation has begun, and now such unpleasant facts are emerging that , in fact, over several years, more than hundreds of thousands of migrants could simply. go through polish
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job seekers who are in dire straits in african countries, in other visa services, so it is clear that people in the regions, of course, for them the understanding that one of their relatives, one of their neighbors was able travel by paying a small amount, well, quite a large one, but nevertheless an amount that can be collected. got into the european union, of course they will move with this the same route, so the accusation of belarus here is clearly far-fetched, moreover, we are ready to resolve this issue, we are ready to jointly hold some consultations, work in this direction in order to reduce the level of the problem, including the polish side, but that means an answer, an evasion from a direct answer from warsaw means. that they approach this issue a little, well, a little
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in general and categorically differently, what kind of answer would that be, well, it’s obvious that they decided to take the, let’s say, military path, that is, firstly, well, there have been military contingents on the border for a long time, providing support to the border guards, providing support to the police forces, it is clear that it has arisen... so now it means that changes have been
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made to the legislation, changes have been made, the sejm adopted it, and now should, in theory, consider senate, amendments to the law on what rights military personnel have, these are the first at the border, performing certain government tasks, the second is an innovation that concerns the introduction of the concept of the so-called operation:
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what restrictions legislators will choose for this, it will be interesting to see, but so far - as such there are no restrictions for conducting a military operation, but in fact they are not provided for, i read that some separate amendments have been made, about what it means that there is some kind of partial control on the part of the sejm will be for - that means for the conduct of the operation there will be reports from leading officials. according to the results of their conduct and so on, but how serious this is, this will have to be looked at, plus, again, the polish military personnel who will participate in military operation, receives exemption from criminal liability for the use of weapons, it is clear that there are certain circumstances in which he can use it, but if you read it carefully,
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permission is actually given in the event of some minor threat to use weapons. do what you want, that is, what this can lead to, this can lead to the fact that if last year, as representatives of the polish ministry of defense stated , about 1,300 shots were fired, in my opinion , at the border, maybe they are there and maybe it’s his there were many more, but now these 1,300 may result in specific cases of the use of weapons against migrants, against people who may not even have shown any...
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the side is carrying out the so-called displacement of migrants from their side onto our territory, now theoretically they can begin to use weapons in order to simply scare away, and you know, i believe, sergei, that this is their weakness, because well , the use of force only occurs when a person or society or state, yes, let’s say, is not confident in himself, and in general there is interesting information that... polish military personnel are not able to pass physical training, i have information that the supreme control chamber of poland checked physical education training in several units of the polish armed forces, and what was discovered: lack of routine days,
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there was no lack of mandatory physical training classes. until the moment when in 1991 the west, so to speak, gained the upper hand in the cold war, in principle there was talk of that, well, that’s all, now there are no barriers to human civilization developing and progressing, globalization began, and of course,
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less and less attention was paid to the military side. it is clear that this led to the fact that, firstly, the military industry degenerated, and the training of military personnel began to take on such a conditional nature, the emphasis was mainly on special forces, on the special forces there, but now all this is coming back, therefore - so far the situation this is the case, but unfortunately, unfortunately , it’s clear that this flywheel is military, it’s uh... it’s spinning up, look, you also talked about germany, that it’s their task, right?
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well, plus in general the vector of birth of population growth has shifted to asia, shifted to africa, the population there is growing, countries are not
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ready to provide full opportunities for self-realization, of course people are looking for where, well, well, let’s not take there, let’s say the asian region, but let’s say if take africa, then of course there in general, if the european union were larger paid attention to these problems , sent money here, i think that...
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well, we always strive to ensure that there is benefit from some solution, it doesn’t matter for someone , maybe it will be bad, but latvia
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should probably benefit, but i don’t feel this way there, well, of course , we would like the relations between neighboring countries to be friendly; naturally, we have always been primarily interested in this. in this regard, economic cooperation, since the economy is the basis for the development of the state, which regarding situation with latvia, then of course, if you carefully read the sanctions regulations that were adopted on june 29, thank you, it directly states that the competent authorities of the european union, specifically the customs service, but in latvia o... it is included in structure is different, this is the ministry of finance, so it is obvious that the competent
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authority, in this case, perhaps the ministry of finance, has the right to make decisions at its own discretion regarding the entry of vehicles from which citizens of belarus they enter the country to introduce certain... restrictions or there are additional requirements, all this is left to national structures, that is , in fact, this is, well, let’s say, latvia’s initiative, if we look at it this way, because both poland and lithuania are so far so draconian did not take any measures, yes , poland, there is an eighth package of sanctions, they explain it as if yes, yes, the eighth package of sanctions states that the eu country’s import ban includes goods under the product code a eight and regarding passenger cars a
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this. i could be wrong 8703 it seems, uh , but it still allows for the possibility that the national body itself makes a decision on whether to allow or not to allow, that is, let’s say the polish side took the path of introducing an additional requirement for the presence of the car owner in the car , which crosses the border, the lithuanian side has not yet introduced additional requirements, well, we’ll see how it develops further. the situation will develop, as for latvia, there is a strict ban here, in principle it is not enough which is explicable, the only explanation that i can see, connected specifically with politics, is this: at the beginning of the year, the national association in latvia introduced amendments to the traffic law, the amendments are aimed specifically at prohibiting entry
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registered vehicles in belarus, these amendments did not pass, their own opinion, well, i won’t say negative there, or well, their comments on this issue were expressed as firstly by the relevant committee and by all latvia, and the structures involved in this issue, these are both the ministry of finance and the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, they gave a conclusion that, well, it would be undesirable to introduce such restrictions for now, the amendments were not accepted, they were... rejected, but now suddenly such a decision arises, a seemingly consistent conclusion arises that in this case, it means they decided to take a different path, since they don’t go through seven, let’s go through referring to eu regulations, which means we’ll shift all the blame to european officials and we will still introduce the restrictions that we as if for which we were happy, well, so to speak,
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so where is the benefit, i cannot understand. well , for our domestic consumption, as they say, well, we probably didn’t suffer much, but they, they won’t suffer either, this is a blow simply to human relationships, this is to contact between people at the border, this is contact between people who live near the state whose family is divided, some live in latvia, some live in belarus, and this, of course , is a blow to these very people...
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a simple person said: “wow, how do i it’s hard, i can’t cross the border today, because this decision was made due to the fact that the latvian side doesn’t like us, i think that of course, maybe there was also an idea to really cause some kind of people are dissatisfied, dissatisfied with the fact that..." it seems like this is happening, which means belarus is to blame for these processes, probably such a moment also has a right to life, but let's see, maybe we are discussing, or maybe here it's just such an individual initiative customs structures of latvia, all the more surprising in terms of the fact that just recently the five baltic countries, finland and poland, gathered together customs
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structures and agreed together. that the point is to act in a unified manner, complying with sanctions, that is, regulations, monitoring, exercising control at the border over the movement of goods, preventing the circumvention of sanctions measures, and so on, here, as they say, some are in the woods, some are in the firewood, so let's see maybe in a week or two the situation will be somehow different develop, but if it doesn’t change, then i would be inclined to believe that, of course, there is a political moment here...
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a scopic baton, a stun gun and even a grenade, maybe he should have better tried to return home. well, of course, here it is worth looking at what motives prompted him to take this action; perhaps, potentially, he did not receive a solution to some issues, in which, especially some kind of ministry, on family issues and so on, that is, most likely , most likely, this means that there were some issues that he wanted to resolve, they simply weren’t decided to play football, and accordingly, the only one...
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well, may god grant him happiness, as they say, well, to be honest, i would say, maybe that in principle for us, it’s probably not particularly important who will be in the head of america, because under trump, under
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biden, what may happen under another president, i don’t think that us policy towards belarus will undergo any significant changes, unfortunately. its own position, it has always been, although the history is not so rich, they have 250 years, but we have thousand-year-old, yes, well, i think that the truth is always behind us, i would like to believe, of course, let's see how the situation will develop, when if trump comes to power, then some steps, of course he will take, i would not say that this will affect the lifting of sanctions, because. this is such a question, very complex, it is easier to introduce sanctions than to remove them, in fact, in principle, the united states of america has been using these sanctions for a very long time, this is also a history connected with the law, with a bunch
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of laws adopted back in the early 20th century, so here we should expect some of these... those aimed at withdrawing will not be withdrawn, i would not, as for detente, theoretically it is possible, but many experts say that it is possible that this will lead to detente, other experts say that - if the parties do not agree or the conditions are not will satisfy the negotiators, then of course everything could go in a completely different direction, so let’s hope that reason will prevail, although i liked... one certain term that probably characterizes politicians in the west now, this is how russian experts used it, strategic insanity, you know, so this is how it will be further, well, this is
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an interesting question, a very interesting term, a deep meaning in it, you know, the mechanisms that existed do not work. created after the second world war, they stopped working, what new mechanisms will be, they are still in the process of being built, what we will have to go through is also difficult to say, and we will hope that, after all, reason and rationality will prevail, but we need to understand that trump is not pro-russian, definitely, this is pro-american, so none of them were ever pro-russian, they... were always guided by the fact that, well, you can engage in conspiracy theories, that the world government, yes, the so-called dictated to them, that is, today we see from biden, that this puppet is just a mummy, well
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, let's be frank, which is capable or not capable of meeting those... requirements that are dictated by the higher, let's say, this is how the system in the west is built, which... in principle, neutralizes the role of the individual , you know, that is, whoever came yes, trump or biden, marinette, he’s not a marinette, anyway, in any case, decisions are made by a certain, let’s say, political activist, these are the advisers who are around, these are government employees of government agencies, these are analysts, experts who - ask certain directions, where to move, and so on, all
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this works together, that’s basically why the effectiveness of a fairly western and , let’s say, western construction of political systems is that, as it were, they have a personality somewhat pushed back, uh, but so where did the efficiency turn out to be, well, i mean in the sense that, after all, we have efficiency, in my opinion, efficiency, each, each system has its own advantages and its own disadvantages, we must always talk about this, understand that no - in the land of ideal societies, there are always some certain nuances related to who implements what, we also have an effective system set up, which regarding the west, unfortunately, did not go a little , probably in the other direction, related to the fact that human rights have become...
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it will always be this way, so that they feel us,
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understand that we are peaceful people. all the best! and...
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these units have modern computer technology, but this is not enough today. today, a number of enterprises of the ussr ministry of automotive industry, these are automobile factories, factories, suppliers of electrical equipment components, are delaying our development and delivery of these products. well, this machine is certainly much more complicated, if we assemble it, of course.
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for example, from the mtz assembly line, in recent years, at the address of the grain grower with generous, compassionate flows of new equipment, spare parts, mineral reserves, above-ground preventive maintenance and machine repairs...
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our azers are blue like the sky in the early days,
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which is in the right of the racing forest, panachah angry dawns, creatures wash and light, and disaster is known. nybesses, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, smiling at the sun, look for yourself, and never from the sea, the bottom, which is gilded with gold, and from their endless, accumulated azer s, like not this year, it hurts so much and i want to sustrezza, so that there are no known mountains, seas, and no lakes forget it, love the sir. petrus brouka.
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belarus is here. year expects an unprecedented harvest in the fields, but in order to collect the grain quickly without losses, a number of problematic issues must be resolved, the president set tasks for farmers at a traditional conference call, the summer harvest is at a decisive stage. alexander lukashenko's connections with the whole country. adjustments to work are being made by the consequences of the recent hurricane. at the meeting, the current situation and measures taken were reviewed in detail. the head of state instructed to provide assistance in restoration of settlements by the beginning of august.
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we will close, we will provide a food supply and save foreign currency on imports, moreover, we will create certain reserves for future years. as usual, we have and have pitfalls. the weather conditions are such that the timing of plant development is approximately 10-12 days ahead of last year. this means that the cleaning dates have moved, not moved, but already moved. we will have to clean up, like i already did. spoke several cultures at the same time, and the harvest itself overlaps with the harvesting of herbs of the second and third cuttings, as well as sowing winter crops, cruciferous crops, what to do in this situation, we also have experience, there is no need to invent anything, we need high organization of work, good motivation of farmers and iron
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discipline. at the meeting, all problematic issues were considered, in particular, the head of state was informed about the facts of theft of corruption with... a list of unreadiness of equipment. already during this year’s sowing campaign , 142 crimes were identified; this should not happen. alexander lukashenko drew attention, since this year agriculture in the country has never been supported. the demand will be appropriate. the main result of the official visit of the belarusian government delegation to nicaragua is the signed contracts. the amount of $85 million is the first step towards greater economic bilateral cooperation. the moment is historic, because such... deals have been concluded in central america for the first time, in particular, the development bank of belarus will finance the supply of more than 700 units of amkador mass equipment to nicaragua. as part of the official visit of the prime minister of belarus roman. lovchenko in nicaragua a meeting was held with lauraana
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facunda ortega murilio, advisor to the president of this country on investment, trade and international cooperation, agreements were signed and certificates for ambulance were handed over, as well as five grants for training specialists in belarusian universities. a significant day in the history of our relations. the intensive, hard work of enterprises and departments of the two countries today ended with the signing of a substantial agreement. package of intergovernmental agreements and commercial contracts. taking into account volume signed agreements, i believe we can confidently call today’s event a real breakthrough in bilateral relations. contacts were created through the joint efforts of our ministry and 139 city halls, which will receive the use of more than 700 units of belarusian equipment for road construction. and other works. belarusian bread is a symbolic brand of our country. the sales geography is expanding every year. russia, israel, kazakhstan, azerbaijan,
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armenia, bahrain are just some of the countries to which bread is exported from minsk. supply products for 1.0 km allows the technology of shock freezing. this bread can be stored for up to six months, while all the consumer properties of the product are preserved. the technology was developed by the beltechno-bread enterprise. the shelf life of products is extended without using prohibited products. preservatives. as for the domestic market, in each region of the country belarusians give preference to different types of products, but small loaves of bread are in demand among most consumers. manufacturers study people's tastes and actively offer new types products. today there are over a thousand types of bread on the belarusian market. at the veleisk central district hospital , a new method of endoscopic examination shows its effectiveness. a patient under anesthesia can receive a complete and highly accurate examination in one visit. digestive tract, doctors have a full range of equipment at their disposal, all doctors are highly qualified. one of the goals of this procedure is
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early diagnosis and detection of diseases, including cancer. the service is available to residents of the veleisky district, as well as minsk and grodno regions. among the achievements of regional medicine is also a new cone beam computed tomography room. it opened in the dental clinic of the priveleysky central district hospital. thanks to modern equipment and diagnostic information. can be promptly received by dentists, ophthalmologists and other specialists. in the future, they plan to replicate the experience of veleika doctors in other public health institutions of belarus. the action of the ministry of defense victory march continues its journey across belarus. residents of the city of chausy saw the legendary t-34 tanks that took part in the military parade on independence day. this weapon of victory is still called the best tank building machine. it was the thirty-four that were the first to enter the occupied area. minsk in july 1944. t-34 tanks will be transported to populated areas that particularly distinguished themselves in the fight against
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the fascist occupiers; in february of this year they were awarded pennants for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. these are baranovichi, derzhinsk, kalinkovich, asipovichi, chausy, the urban villages of obol and asvia, as well as dyatlovo and lyuban. just one chance to show my strength, i remember there that minsk was mentioned for the first time in the chronicles.


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