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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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or some kind of bonds or cash, which means in dollars, in euros, they began to slowly get rid of this matter, this is, again, predictability and trust of partners, which is built on some examples. if we are talking about the muzzle, well , what distinguished us in the west is that over the last 200-300 years it has been putting this muzzle on africa and asia. and today we see what kind of relations, french relations with the african continent are simply being torn to pieces, the british flag there no longer flies so proudly those former dominions and former colonies, yes, but germany was completely forgotten, which was once also present in africa, not to mention belgium, which or italy, which fled at one time, taking only the last suitcase there from their former dependent territories , and they allowed such... a massacre,
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allowing such a massacre, it’s just their good that until now these countries at a very serious international level have not raised the topic of the genocide of their peoples, which was carried out in their time, have not raised the issue of any compensation, reparations, the return of the historical heritage itself, which was carried around mercilessly in its time, which from the louvre there to wothanton in... today is, well , listen, so i still choose a responsible approach to my partners, but for now we’ll leave the muzzle to those who uses a muzzle, but i think it’s a matter of time, great, better than the belarusians, yes it’s true, thank you maxim vladimirovich, you know, it was a wonderful conversation, it’s a pity that we are limited in time, thank you, thank you.
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each of us has a toy that associated with childhood, however, when we ourselves become. parents, we begin to think not only about functionality and appearance, we also begin to worry about the issue of quality; we will find out how toys are made right now. good afternoon, my name is sergey shevlev, i am a father of many children, our house is full of toys, i would really like to get to the project and see how toys are made, how safe they are and whether it is worth making a choice in favor of belarusian manufacturers. hello, hello,
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as they say, where else can you meet a large family either in the park for a walk, or in a toy store, yes, yes, this is the place, yes, the place, please tell us about your family, well, the mood of the children, matthew, peace, and varvara and my wonderful wife, irina. and please tell me, in general, how many toys you have at home, a huge number, in fact, we have a second floor. playrooms for children and that’s where all our toys are located. how many belarusian-made toys are there? well, belarusian toys mostly predominate here. production. tell me, are you generally interested in learning how belarusian toys are produced from start to finish? it would be very interesting. and as a father, i am also interested in learning how these toys are made, so today fathers come to us to learn how toys are made. well, let's go. yes, guys, and then you
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look at the toys here, dad will definitely buy you at the end of the evening, we agreed, i always want to look at what we buy, yes, what do we give money for, what do my children play with, just look at this from the other side, hello, hello, pavel, andrey, sergey. very nice, yes, mutually, i brought you our hero, who wants to know everything, in general, like me, about the enterprise, tell us a little about it, this is a belarusian manufacturer of children's plastic toys, the history of our enterprise begins in ninety-eight, for 26 years now we have been producing children's toys and working in this direction. in addition to children's toys, of course, we also produce some products for the belarusian... automobile industry, mechanical engineering,
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products for household purposes, but our main assortment is toys, in general there is a lot of assortment, the assortment of toys numbers more than 400. different product groups, ranging from construction sets, cars, educational toys, bowlers, we even produce electric cars, toys for the sandbox, very large assortment for different age groups, i used to think that we have a lot of toys at home, it turns out 4,000 is a lot, tell us, how do you predict what a child will like, we have such a saying, toys there can never be too much, any child will confirm this, parents probably don’t like it very much, but in fact it’s... so we study what is produced in general on the toy market by various other manufacturers, famous brands, conduct surveys, talk with teachers in kindergartens kindergartens, we organize focus groups in which we really study what children like.
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a toy at the moment should not only serve as a toy, it should develop the child and develop in different directions. why exactly did you decide to do it? toys made of plastic? made of wood, not from any other materials, specifically from plastic, well, initially, back in ninety- eight, our founders, enterprises began producing plastic toys, they liked it, looked at it, and it’s not so easy to repeat, it’s a complex production , as you will see today, it was very interesting to start from something simple and move, move further and further, it all started with a simple pyramid, another question... such sales markets, how many countries do you supply your products to? how many continents know about your toys? i think they know it everywhere, even in antarctica there are employees whose children once played or are playing with our toys, reliable information, we are incredibly interested in knowing
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where it starts, probably with an idea, that’s right, let’s show you all the stages of production, let’s start with the design stage department, where to go, right, left, left, right, let's actually... in fact, i have never been to such enterprises, what i expect to see, perhaps, to plunge into childhood, to be that little child, maybe, somewhere in the depths of my soul i remained, to see and visit the paradise of toys. we are now in the design department, in this department they develop toys, the idea arises in the marketing department, after which the design department develops the toy itself. the process of developing a toy and developing a technological one. equipment, it consists of certain stages, let's go through the very first stage, the stage associated with the development of 3d design, the guys here are developing a toy, that is, they receive a task, for example, now mikhail is developing a new direction
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, soyuz cartoon, this is a well-known character, the cat matrossky, accordingly, using a special program, mikhail draws every element of the cat, after we have created, developed a 3d... model, this model needs to be felt with your hands, to simplify the presentation it is necessary to grow it on a special printer, well, we call the growing process, in fact it is 3d printing, 3d printing allows us not only to evaluate the appearance, overall dimensions, but also the functionality of the toy, that is... twitch arms, twist your head, legs, it often seems like something is missing, and you add some additional action, that is , for the character to bend or for his nose to move, or his ears, people from production look at how this works will be felt
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in the child’s hands, let the child hold it, unscrew it, break it or not break it, well, this is also many times, it’s plastic, therefore biodegradable plastic, which when released into the environment after 2-3 years it decomposes, seriously, how long does it take to print something like this? toy? this toy will take about 5-6 hours to print, but there are parts that take a week to print, we get a task already at the finish line, we can have one or two prototypes right away, the first time you understand, well, that’s it, great, that’s it this character went, and sometimes seven, and i saw 3d printers for the first time in my life, i was already greatly impressed, but this, as it turned out, was just the beginning, all the surprise came later. can we call you an adult child who creates toys? absolutely right we are all children, and i think that even the fact that we
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have grown up does not kill these little consumers in us; everything that we wanted to play in childhood, we are now bringing it to life, when i... i tell about my job, i say: i have a wonderful job, this is the kind of work in which i can remain a child and play, and we are all here, here are guys, healthy adult guys, we are all playing here. it has already been embodied on the machine, an additional large amount of work also needs to be done, that
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is, this toy, after it approved, it is already being received by the next structural unit, we are developing a 3d model of the mold, a mold is a tool with the help of which the parts that we came up with are already produced directly on injection molding machines, and these parts will only be assembled later. toy - the guys, accordingly, receive a 3d model, let's go to evgeniy, now he is using special software, he is developing a 3d mold model, that is, accordingly he receives a character, in this case 3d the model is a mold, here on the character’s body, and the mold is made of metal, there are different metals, that is, the main shapes... the heating plates are made of high-quality metal with great hardness, so, accordingly, this
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metal should provide a long lifespan, the number of closures, then there is a number of castings that we want to obtain. after we have prepared the necessary drawings, the information goes to the next department, these are the guys who develop control programs for machine tools. and chpo, yes, yes, absolutely right, that is, in the tool shop that we have, so the guys write control programs so that this machine processes parts, now the machine supposedly shows what it is cutting, right, yes, yes, yes, so, and, accordingly, you immediately see here, if you have, uh, let’s say, some kind of mistake, then you correct it here already, we are engaged in the selection of tools, materials, workpieces. mainly selection of tool cutting modes, it dawns on me how many people
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involved and how much work it takes to make one small tiny detail, absolutely true, that is, there are a lot of specialists, they are, in principle, each a professional in their own field, to say that i am surprised is to say nothing, this is a huge work and not the work of just one person a whole team, but we will probably go to the production of molds, all we have to do is find it.
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mold size for large parts , large molds are needed, well, we have reached the tool shop, working on production of molds, maintenance and repair of technological equipment, we have here milling equipment, very high-precision, deep-drilling equipment, turning electrical discharge equipment, you can go through and
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see where injection molds generally begin, we make our molds from high-quality alloy steel, here here there are blanks that are manufactured in our procurement workshop, that is, sheets of iron are processed, polished, after which these blanks go to our equipment, there is something drilling in you. they are produced on high-precision equipment, the accuracy of our equipment is 0.1 mm, the positioning error of these machines is 0.1 mm. meters, yes, there is even more, more accurate equipment, there is 5 microns, 0.5 mm, the positioning accuracy of that machine is like in toys, it would seem that a child would not notice this, and even an adult, such accuracy is needed to some extent then there are hundredths of microns, but
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here it is, we are in a production workshop, but what kind of volume do you have here? what is the area of ​​the workshop? area 8. m, this is exactly the production workshop, in more detail we will learn about all the technologies, everything that the deputy head of the production workshop, zlotnik sergey, will tell us in the production workshop, hello, sergey, hello, our production workshop works around the clock, two shifts, shift, work shift is 12 hours, you can’t stop,
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after unpacking in the container and after unloading, the supply to each injection molding machine, the material flows through these pipes, here are the containers into which the primary material is unloaded from the bags raw materials, here it is in its original form, this is its appearance, plastic granules, snow-white, without any... without garbage, without unnecessary additives, if somewhere a child puts a toy in his mouth, then it is safe, well, of course it is not safe to swallow , i didn’t intend not to swallow, but it ’s safe for all sorts of things, i tested it on myself, i even decided to bite a little bit of one granule, naturally i didn’t swallow it, because this is strictly forbidden, i want to tell you, yes, in my opinion everything is natural, everything
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is safe, you see, he's still alive and well you, sergey, have more than thirty types of plastic, yes, but why so many? plastics differ from each other in rigidity, impact resistance, elasticity, depending on what the toy or part should be, we select a certain material, as for me plastic has always been plastic, there are 30 types of them, i, gentlemen, are in shock, let's move on, today there are 113 tanks in the production workshop, 91 of which are automatic thermoplastic machines, the rest are extrusion blow molding machines, this is one of the automatic thermoplastic machines, that is it is poured, mixed, and here we see a whole bunch of pipes coming here, the dye is in the barrel, this is where the dosing time is counted, it is set, so that
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you don’t have to guess why there is an operating card on each machine. where there are photographs of this car, and there is a name, this is such a beautiful car, the production involves units that, well, if we talk about dry numbers, then they have a clamping force of 900 tons, well, if we talk about it dryly, but when we talk about things that are understandable to us things, it's 12 thousand people, imagine, 12 people stepped on one place in order to compress and produce this small part. melted, took on a given shape , cooled again, colored some more, but tell us about this plastic itself, we have all the plastics that can be used in the food industry, so that children can chew, well, firstly , chew, and secondly, they take with their hands , then they touch their hands somewhere again, then
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they eat, caring about the final consumer , it’s nice that you think about all this, use in production. which is already used for dishes, well, it’s just a bomb. this technology consists of the robot placing a label like this. form-building, it is not paper, it is also a plastic label, it is polypropylene, the film is put inside the form, then polypropylene is supplied, it becomes one whole. and it’s still hot, it ’s not hot, it’s not hot yet, it’s not hot anymore, it’s not hot anymore, this film, look, it can’t be caught or broken, it’s not afraid of water, it’s not
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afraid of anything, without a seam, it seems like an ordinary sticker stick it on the mug, but nothing complicated, but they got confused, they went to the extent of not just sticking this sticker, but so that the child couldn’t peel off this sticker later, you have one half, the body of a motorcycle, and the wheel, right? in order to fold and pack correctly, you must first study the operation card, so the operation card indicates, before packing, where to pay attention to ensure that the part is of high quality, how to properly place it during storage or during movement in assembly shop, and i i understand it's happening here. quality by how the part is pressed, how the part is produced, it would be correct to say how it is produced, primary quality control is carried out by the operator on the machine, it is here, it is
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here that you need to pay attention, yeah, that means there is a color standard, there is a standard, black, yes, the part should be well painted without streaks, evaluate, good, good, good, check the hole for the screws, check, there is a hole. on the reverse side, here is the hole for the screws, that’s what this is for too, this is for the axles, this is the wheel, okay, we check the hole, but everything is there, everything is there, then if overfilling, underfilling and other defects occur, you must immediately report to the foreman, shift or boss, we won’t report, we won’t report, because everything ok, here you go. well, here we are at one of the sections of the assembly shop, we have the hero of today’s project and me, this is a father with many children, who
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is absolutely interested in everything about toys, what question, sergey, i’m very interested in yours, how the process itself happens, this is how everything is set up for you, why exactly those parts that we buy on the counter end up in the box, before they fall into your hands, the parts are delivered from the warehouse, the semi-finished products warehouse, in the warehouse each part is assigned its own address . in general, at our enterprise we have a vms warehouse management system, a warehouse management system that allows you to track the location of a part and its quantity online, that is, if it is very convenient, the controller, based on requests for semi-finished products, makes an application on the computer for delivery of parts, the storekeeper delivers, if you want to try to assemble the toy, we can try, let's go, let's go. let's get to work: it will consist of placing
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a little man and a carrot one piece at a time, in the next cell and the next one, okay, but in general, approximately how many sets need to be made per shift? i understand the shift is 8 hours? 8 hour shift, depending on size. designer, in general , we have certain production standards for each toy. sergey, tell me, is it difficult for you? well complicated in fact, there seems to be nothing, if you do the same work for 8 hours in a row, then you can make a mistake, you probably miss it, you’re already skipping it, you’re already missing it, you worked for 5 minutes and you’re already missing it, do it in a short period of time it’s possible when you sit there for a few minutes, but eight-hour shifts, i don’t know how they work here, before...
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you admit that maybe they put something wrong there somewhere, something won’t fit, but there is no such thing here, when we were given the opportunity to screw the linings on the wheels to the wheels using a mobile machine, i was just ready to just do it, take it and put it together, i like it so much. now you and i are at the printing area, uh, where with the help of special equipment a drawing is applied to the parts, well, to be honest, i thought, uh, these parts. maybe
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there are people sitting somewhere who apply this manually, but you have robots doing it all, as automated as possible, as safe as possible, in this room there is ultrasonic equipment for gluing parts, they glue together directly on this machine parts for a rattle pendant, since glue is generally unacceptable for small children, so we glue the parts using ultrasound, the parts stick together very... they are glued together so that they cannot be broken, you can even test them, hit them, hit them on the floor, when choosing a toy, the most important thing you pay attention to, the very first thing is its safety for the child, this once again offends me in the fact that when i take these products, when we buy them, take them from the shelves, we are making the right choice. andrey. thank you
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thank you so much for this amazing day, we now know how belarusian toys are made, come again, we invite you, i want to say that this was some kind of discovery for us, it was just the destruction of stereotypes, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, sergey, i want to hear your impressions now, how did you like this day, it was great, so now going into the store, looking at these games. you will buy them with the feeling that it is safe, environmentally friendly, very high quality, well made. in fact , it seems to me that we managed to surprise ourselves surprise you. thank you for the company, it was really interesting. thank you, and if you want to become the hero of our program to visit places you haven’t been before, record a short video, send it to us, and together we will find out how it’s done.
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editors' club people gathered with their families in their apartments to watch our parade, because it was also such a good reminder that somewhere there is this island that values ​​peace and talks about peace. this is a demonstration, including economic power, not every average country can conduct. the parade is simply summary: belarus has become a member of the shanghai cooperation organization, which accounts for 30% of world gdp. belarus has overtaken south korea, australia, the usa, brazil and israel in the sustainable development ranking. gdp is growing at a rate higher than the global and european average. belarus began to export cars produced in belarus to the russian federation. belarus increased the share of industry in gdp to 27.5%. for comparison, the figure for europe is
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16.5%. smashed all those deceptions, all the lies that were conveyed by our alternative means mass media, this is the most clear proof to our enemies and enemies that at any moment the whole country will unite in defense of our country, god grant that this does not happen, do not miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel
12:00 pm
. live news at noon, in the studio sergei lopanitsin, hello, look in this issue, three.


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