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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 4:40pm-6:05pm MSK

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hello, my name is irina, how did you meet your wife? well, i met my wife at university. well, because we studied there, by that time i was already studying in graduate school, and she started working as an assigned worker, by the way, that’s all, and having seen each other several times, well, briefly, there was a moment when i had the opportunity to meet, after we met, well, started talking, then dating, started, then got married, i... secret information that you
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met your wife at a dance is true or not? no, no, my wife and i met near the cash register, then money was still given out in cash, but we danced, it was her initiative, my wife did ballroom dancing, i didn’t, she dragged me there and yes, we really danced . do you still dance? yes, i dance, it’s very difficult, by the way, dancing sick dances is very difficult. and if i asked you to dance with me now, would you agree? yes, i would agree, but the question is, what are you dancing? i can do anything, let's try. well, you are shy, and i no, here.
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of course, applause, bravo, tell me, do your children study at your university, no, why, is it their decision or are you from them... moreover, i did not persuade them to go to university in bguir, despite what i think , that it is the best university in the republic of belarus, i believe that it is the best university, but i did not persuade them to enroll in guir, because i think that, well, we talked and discussed a lot, and this is the decision. which was
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accepted, well, by my daughter, but on my part it was fully supported. thanks a lot, and what decision did the daughter make? what profession did she choose? she is a veterinarian, and my son does not have a higher education. uh, hello, my name is yura, let's move a little away from the topic of your work. recently i heard the expression that in order to always remain young, you need to communicate with young people. tell me, please, what age do you feel yourself to be and how or in what ways does this manifest itself? well, it’s hard for me to say how old i feel, but physically i feel very good, thank god, that’s what i mean i didn’t have any serious illnesses, there were no operations, that’s why in this part, well, i guess i myself... feel
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younger than the average man, at my age, but as far as the emotional sphere is concerned , there, well, of course, not for 18 years, because certain experiences , and well, those experiences, so many different situations, they leave an imprint. please name three facts about yourself that only your closest friends know; it’s difficult to formulate, because they know a lot, but don’t know a lot, i have there really are a lot of things that i don’t want to be public, these are my hobbies, my hobbies, for example. this is
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what i leave there for myself, for some personal space, well, yes, for example, yes, this is the music that i love. well, it doesn’t always allow you to provide sound comfort there, that’s why, that’s why i sometimes or mostly listen to it on headphones, in this part, yes, this is probably something that is very well known to my friends, people who
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are close to me, but not at all unknown to those people who work with me. vladimir anatolyevich, can’t you sing your favorite song? children, you are ready to help, right? you have to choose the best question of this program? well, i liked the question about half an hour the most. so, please introduce yourself, where do you study, in what class? my name is alina, i study at school eighty-seven, seventh grade. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question
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receives a special gift from our guest. well done! vadim anatolyevich, now you have an opportunity to ask children your question: who dreams, and if they dream, then about what? my dream is to play like michael jordan in the future. great answer, just great. well, i have such a dream, something that i want on earth. there was peace, although it seems to me that it was all because of the dough, well, because of money, in short, because of resources, yes, i want the whole earth to be clean, there was no garbage lying on the grass, they just threw everything away in the trash, and not just somewhere in the middle of a field, well, to be honest, i really
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like to read, i want to write a book, not even i was afraid to do something like a horror story, but it... is still in development unfortunately, maybe this is a little banal, but since childhood i have dreamed of running my own podcast, inviting popular personalities, interviewing them, attending film premieres, i hope this is when someday it will become a reality, i have been dreaming since i was a child , well, to learn to drive a car, because my dad is a driver, my grandfather is a driver, in short, everyone... was a driver, okay, but this is a completely realizable dream. vadim anatolyevich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. a this is where i ask you to stay. vadim
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anatolyevich, what was the most difficult question for you today? well, professional questions in a children's audience are the most difficult. the children were surprised today, well, sometimes with frankly adult questions. today you managed to answer 60 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? i think yes. and now i turn to our children's audience. do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you? if you think so, raise your hands. bone he was very open and tried to explain the answers in an understandable language for us. to questions, the person was not afraid to share with us his thoughts and some hobbies, hobbies, i think this is a sign that the person speaks honestly and speaks honestly, he had open answers to questions, and he also
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inspired me to enter the desired university, and whoever thought that today... he was a little disingenuous, maybe he was hiding something, raise your hand, not a single person, this is an excellent result, well... great, vadim anatolyevich, we have this as a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero. summarize the conversation that took place. this is a completely new experience for me. i don’t always communicate with students in a formal setting, but the experience of such communication on various topics is still new for me, and well, i hope that it will be useful to me as well. therefore, many thanks to the children and schoolchildren for this. not only did they ask me questions, but they also answered mine. rector of the belarusian
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state university of informatics and electronics, vadim bogush was a guest today the program has 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch in the next issue. today our guest is the olympic champion in ski acrobatics, multiple winner of the world cup stages alla. why do all athletes want to win the olympics, what do you usually think about while jumping? does love help or distract in sports? allah, have you ever been scared? can you
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show us any trick or exercise? 100 questions for an adult! watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel . news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all
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ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria. jordan, lebanon, set up a satellite dish satellite azer space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the open form and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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you killed, you missed, no, i hit, you missed, no, i hit, you missed, i couldn’t miss from such a distance, i missed, i hit, i missed, i hit.
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cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do i have to live, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, their family includes medium-sized birds, from thief to crow, the coloring from the feathers is dim.
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“and i’m studying your habits, it seems like a brainy guy, and you’re cackling in class? sergei ivanovich, when we study fish, i i'll sit quietly. but vanzonok cuckoos incorrectly. however, there is a cuckoo
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that makes a doo-doo sound like a dot, it’s called this cuckoo. deaf cuckoo, deaf cuckoo, deaf cuckoo, deaf cuckoo, besides the deaf cuckoo, there are 100 more different species of cuckoo, plantain cuckoo, hermit cuckoo, spanish cuckoo, californian cuckoo, yellow-billed cuckoo, emerald and mourning, this is an ordinary cuckoo, which you can find in our forests, among the cuckoos there is a parasitic species. cuckoos, to this this species includes cuckoos that lay their eggs in the nests of other birds; in a newly hatched cuckoo, the reflex of throwing out the chicks, the owners of the nest, is triggered, thus they get rid of competitors in food,
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there are no blind cuckoos, i’m talking about cuckoos - parasites. well, sit down, and you can sit down too. so, little people, let's get started with the repetition of poultry. can i sit down? no. let me remind you that wild chickens were first domesticated in india. hope, no one will crow about this. why don't you leave? sergei ivanovich, you didn’t meet the deadline, did you? go, go, lesson is over.
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let's go shoot, what about the money? vasilyuk, you have money, what are you afraid of, they should shoot once, i have fish money! how do we understand this, comrade volonet? what example are you setting for your children? excuse me, tikhon laktionovich, i’m tired today.
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bird, ha ha ha, muffed. you cover the fly, well, please, mazila,
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what kind of bird is this, a kingfisher. the bird doesn't work, why didn't you do it before? they said i’m too young to teach? come here, the bird is not working, not a bird, a man,
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a front-line friend, a kingfisher, what’s wrong with you, the fragment has widened, you know, it hasn’t bothered you for so many years, there’s a fragment on you, a fragment, this brother, from a shell, the fragment has moved. are you crazy, you're tired of living, and what am i doing for you?
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thank you, brother, goodbye, goodbye, and cap. let the boy through, let him through, come through, wait, wait, furashka.
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kingfisher. it’s me, i’m naive to history with you, squabble, the operation was successful, the parachute opened, i don’t know, but it’s me, he was supposed to... tear down the bridge at the gai station, i agreed to transfer him, who, kingfisher, the situation is serious, in the neighboring detachment the levelers died, many people died, this is the heart of a boy and i 'm running out of time, i could give it up.
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no, we’ll send a plane, i’ll go. have you jumped from raplana? no, have you prepared the boats? take me with you, don't rush, boris. you can see that his bird's life is short, his desperate flight has ended, but look, the kingfisher is flying, the kingfisher is beating with stubborn wings.
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this is not a bird at all, this is the heart of a boy, soaring up, a winged heart, not afraid of anything, it can crash into the sun, hold on, you have to jump with a parachute, commander, the plane is unloaded, maybe... send it, kingfisher, you jumped with a parachute, well he jumped, he’s already jumping, he jumped, yes, five times, listen to me,
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suicide bombers. are not needed, i need living fighters, so i jumped from a parachute tower, i will give you a good horse, on the horse for a long, long time, right, yes i will jump, yes you will jump, he will jump, a good guy jumped five times, command to take off , do not get lost.
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hey, borka, what are you doing magic? i enchant iago so that i can live.
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it's time to jump, listen, what do you need to pull, that the parachute has opened, what? you need a ring, but you jumped, but i didn’t jump, why are you fooling your head, don’t make noise, you’ll wake up the critics, well, to hell with you, i’m coming back, sit down and don’t rock the boat!
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stop the engine, and it’s you, devil, ice cream, this is for you, but i can’t, you eat it yourself, well... well, isn’t it possible? eat, i have a vacation for 3 years, i’m all heading south to the warm sea, but i was drawn here, i fought here, and then i thought, maybe i’ll see a kingfisher,
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but why would there be boats? and you realize, a boat with a charge, as if it should come out onto a bridge support, suddenly passes by. for this you need to know the flow of the river well, go, that’s what a military trick is, i don’t know whether he succeeded or not, there will be a kingfisher, maybe i’ll get up, look, i’ll help you, this is... what is it? go away, is this a post-op block or a walk-through yard? i'm asking you. son, i know
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a man was just pulled out from the other world. get out of here! marat, where did you go, what are you doing here, and i came to pull a tooth, you’re afraid of the tooth, they don’t let me in here, the queue is long, long. i need to prove that if the bridge is blown up, it means he landed. who landed? your tooth hurts a lot, what does the tooth have to do with it? a man’s shrapnel began to move, there was an operation, but there was no one nearby, he had a friend at the front, a kingfisher, how to find him? i know, museum, museum?
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yes, this bridge was really blown up, and it happened in 1943. in the fall, the explosion of the bridge froze several enemy trains with flammable ammunition for a long time, it was not established who blew up the bridge, the bridge blew up kingfisher, but we do not have such data.
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where are you, the gai station, the broken bridge, everything is in place, i don’t see marat, where morat is, his aunt is sick, but he will be back soon, where is his aunt, vasil, you don’t remember where his aunt is, at which station ? station on the railway, i heard that the house in stalingrad held on for six months, who held it, you know, i know, my sons, semyon and vasily, that’s when they crossed the dnieper, who was the first to catch hold of the right bank, where you know, my sons semyon vasily, semyon. vasily, and the banner above exhausted, they, too, they, their grandchildren, they
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kept up everywhere, kept up, but they didn’t have enough strength to return home, they sleep in the grave, and where are their graves, grandfather, my sons sleep in all the soldiers’ graves, after all, this bridge was blown up by a kingfisher , so what am i talking about, and the bridge too, semyon and vasily, here is the old woman mikhalin’s house, walk, grandson, walk, she will tell you the same thing, on the first day of the war, whoever met the german along the bug, he appeared in the morning, at first i heard a faint knock. unlock
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what do you want, hello mistress, i don’t have it nothing, give me three thicker pizzas, i twisted my ankle, call me. it hurts, bandage it, don’t stand on ceremony, tighter, tighter, i need to walk, where are you like this, but i tripped out of the blue, what kind of bird are you, kingfisher, thank you, kingfisher, yes, my mother is in winter...
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well, what are we going to do now mistress? he
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laughed, i felt better, it wasn’t so scary, and what happened next, he sat in the attic all day, and at night the partisans came for him, last week the operation failed, the levelers died, many people died, the bridge had to be blown up, what do you want need to? you need more fruit, you also need to distract the guards on the right side, but i ’ll fire the charge to the left with the current, that’s possible, you need helpers. i can handle it, yeah, count on the two of us, it won’t happen anymore, tomorrow i’ll study the current, but at night we’ll try to blow it up, let’s go, let’s go.
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alles in ordnung jawohl alles in ordnung. well, this eccentric little guy, we've been having fun for the second day, enough chatting, what the hell is not joking, come on.
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be careful, kirilych, well, swim. careful, let's go, let's push.
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come on, come on, just like that, let's go, oh, damn! i'm hooked, what the hell are you doing? go away!
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a day later there was a bang, the raids began, i went
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into the forest. is he alive or dead? maybe someone knows? somebody knows. police, there is a comrade named tsokol, he was here throughout the war, just a boy. igor, go. stop. hello, boss, and sidorov, again, overtaking, sit down, they called, i'm looking for a person, a tracker, yes, wait, wait, well,
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sit down, sit down, maybe we found each other, sit down, sit down, yes, and i'll just look for one tracker, you’re playing chess, i’m playing, come on, oh, i was visiting my aunt, and left on a lady’s bicycle, well, well, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i grabbed a bike from my dear aunt, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, i don’t have any aunt, yes, in bobruisk, well, we’ll check, you’re on a bike, on foot, in the way, tell me honestly, you sold the bike. ladies, i don’t have any ladies’ clothes, i’m looking for a man, he blew up a bridge in
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your area during the war, the man’s last name, he doesn’t have any last name, his name is earthfish, a nickname, a nickname, this is already a criminal part, here’s a bicycle in my part, i need a comrade's falcon, okay, a retake, you'll get a new license, as you said, comrade captain. who looking for a falcon? i come to me. i would say so. well, tell me, i thought you would tell me, did you know the kingfisher who blew up the bridge? yes, during the war, i saw it.
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geliebt ungeliebt, geliebt, ungelieb, delieb, ungelieb, der lieb, geldi, unigeld,
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one person can’t blow something like this up, anything can happen in war, arzakt inkrikomstvo, i ’ll shoot, where are you from, darling, who are you, guy, what’s your name, son, kingfisher. “that means he was shot, this smile just doesn’t work, he always smiled, even before
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his death, his smile was amazing, he died, i don’t know, we were sent home then, it’s impossible for such a person to die, a fascist could be shot for a piece of bread, and here is a bridge. accident, comrade captain. and alexander the great used the elephant even in his conquests, how so, like that. there were elephants, as if the fascists wanted to shoot a lot of people.
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i was at my aunt’s in bobruisk, quite far away, and what happened there, my aunt got sick, all sorts of other troubles, yes, what kind, a lady’s bicycle was stolen, and my husband works as a detective in the police, well, we were looking for how we found a bicycle, we found a lot of things,
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three-wheelers, mopeds, and this ladies’ canal was like water. and what about auntie? what aunt? yes, your babruiskaya aunt, yes, your aunt was sick, who is on duty today? i, please take me to my place, sergei ivanovich, can i leave? no, where am i going? there are more important things to do than mice, birds and rabbits. bicycle, how are you talking to me, he doesn’t have an aunt, get out of class, both, sergei ivanovich, now they will fight,
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you don’t have an aunt, go, go, otherwise i’ll give you more, mazheika, sixth, b, b. i've collected what you need! call parents
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you will, it was not your parents who lied, but you, and you let your hands go, you, and keep the answer. you, i was looking for a man, he died, that’s it, no, not everything, i don’t believe that he died, well, in war, you know, anything can happen, the one you’re looking for gave his life so that you could study, so that you by the way, he became a man, to say that during the war no one died in vain. just look at it,
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yeah, so what? sergei ivanovich, there was a fight in class, what about you? are you philosophizing as always? i ask you to. i ask you, well, yashka is hungry, again the monkey was not fed, he needs to be punished.
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who and how? sergei ivanovich. if everyone to whom he won’t be too lazy to fight, why is it that everyone already does this, and just imagine, suddenly our guys stop fighting, what kind of men they will grow up to be, the guys argued, they’ll figure it out on their own, how to understand this, eh, quietly,
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i didn’t complain, he saw his eye and turned me, but ... you don’t have it, auntie, hit me, hit me!
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the angelfish fish is very rare, but i have three of them and not gray, but black, you have black scalars, black ones, “you’re rich, i, however, also had one rare fish, molynesia, but it died, they added salt to the water, and they added salt, no, so she died, malesia, lettuce fish, you can’t go without salt, but i didn’t know that it needs to be salted, i can share, and i’ll give you black molly, and i’ll give you enchetrius for food, excellent food and easy to get around, mom, let’s buy it ,
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it’s raining outside, but nothing, well, nothing, i went, nothing, goodbye, goodbye, don’t forget about the black pier, word, this, this, in my opinion, everything is already there, let there be more, ok, hello, you don’t recognize me, and you’re the devil, well, hello, and i thought you wouldn’t come again, well, remember, after the operations were crazy, and then they talked about the kingfisher, uh-huh, i found out everything about him, he blew up a bridge and... i thought so, a brave guy, he died, probably because you were silent,
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you felt better, a whole 15 g lighter, that's what this fragment is, a military gift. “i’ll find him, you’re in vain, you need to study, i ’ll get up soon, i’ll start looking for myself, because he’s my friend, but now he’s my friend, do you know anything else about him, open the nightstand, look, here there is a kingfisher standing. you can’t see anything, this is an old photograph, turn it over, sunitsa village, from there we flew to the gai station, it’s great, it’s still
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a pity that he got caught, it hurts, it’s bearable. thank you, brother, we will fight again, well, people, little men, do you want it? listen to
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the birds, i know, there is one place, very close, an old apiary, there are birds there, apparently, invisible, that’s the only way, let’s agree, quietly, quietly, quietly, let’s agree that we will walk around the school quietly, with our mouths closed and not go hungry on tarps, let's go, quietly, quietly. let's go, guys, to the village of susnitsa? yes, he lives there partisan commander. maybe there's a kingfisher there?
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and why are you left, run, catch up with the guys, who you are, who you are, run like that,
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hear, the robin is singing, yes, she, of course, has a weaker voice than the nightingale, but some knees very soon that it’s him, wants to jump, what do you think, let’s jump, weakly, ah, weakly? jump, guys, sergei ivanovich is here, guys.
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that's who the tit is, you're the tit, that's the lark, the flying bell, that's the flycatcher, the flycatcher, you yourself are the flycatcher, the robin, that's right, who said the robin, i'm great, and it's a plane, it's a plane, it's a bee, lie down! and tomorrow the holidays begin.
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where's the class? escaped? no, the guys downstairs are washing their hands. today we had a lesson in the forest, what a lesson, communication with wildlife. by the way, do you like birds? i love. but you say you don’t like cuckoos? yes, imagine, i don’t like it. sergei ivanovich, you are a new person at our school, you behave somehow strangely, you treat them on an equal footing, but what about the teacher’s authority, and this is not good, right,
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you grew a beard like a mikluh, and why can’t you have a beard? no, that's your business, but in our at school, none of the teachers wear beards or slide down the railing from the third floor, sorry, somehow it happened, i won’t do it again, where do you spend your vacation, i haven’t decided yet. and how is your health, and what about our health,
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everything, no, not everything, marat, vasily, zagorochka, where, they are looking for the fisherman, i’m not a sneak. they said that you let them go, this is a hero, no one knows about his name, they told you a lie, but if they really approached me with such a request, i would of course let them go, this is a big deal, guys, find an unknown hero, return his name, but it’s only bad that they are looking alone. so, sergei ivanovich, what is a kingfisher? bird, tikhonovich. our partisan commander died
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recently. old fighters are being overtaken by military bullets. and those who lie here died very young. in this grave no, no, no, it’s written, we only knew that the germans shot him, and so that his name would not be lost, we wrote it on the board, along with the names of those killed in battle, he is not in this grave, july 3 every year partisans gather here. with every year there are fewer and fewer of them left, as if a detachment is fighting somewhere, and not everyone returns. went!
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july 3rd, a whole month to wait, how can this be, a man died and no one knows if he is alive, you yourself said that he was shot, everyone says, this still needs to be proven, and even if he died, the person must have first and last name, bus. tell me please, will there be another bus soon? but i went on foot, that’s it,
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i’m staying, i shouldn’t have contacted you, rabbits, where are you going, poor little bunny, you’re hot, go, go! let's let everyone out yes, let's do!
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what, who offended you? mother, what did she tell you, she won’t let me go home, wait for me here, where you are, no need, kindly. what's wrong with you, dad, mom, i'm still going for a walk, you don't dare to offend her, but where is zoyka? you don’t dare to offend her, that’s how it is, but what could i do about... for the whole day, i wasn’t at school, we were at a mass grave,
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marigolds, we’re looking for a kingfisher, what a kingfisher, a war hero, that’s it, well i didn’t know, well, why are we talking on the stairs, let’s come in, no, thank you, i’m hurrying home, i'm tired, zoya too, zoya, zoya, go, she's worried, lyukha, all over. where the king goes, it’s a big secret,
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a big secret, a big secret, a big secret, a big secret, and we always go to him, here’s the forest, and we personally must keep ottyagsky healthy.
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take it, it’s a record, and i don’t have a gramophone, anyway, take it, girl. girl, what's your name? zoya zagorodika, and i am doctor stroyla. yes, you talked to him, do you know who he is? dr. stroelen. this is my friend, he drove me home by car, i gave him three fish, viviparous. you know what kind of man he is,
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legendary. he has so many loved ones who died in the war. maybe he is. we are looking for him, and he is nearby, the kingfisher is young, now all the partisans are old, then it was him, we ran to marat, the kingfisher was found, where you found him in the store, he is my friend, he is a doctor, doctor, i gave him three jerks, similar? looks like, looks like, let's go, well, of course, doesn't look like, no name, no surname, kingfisher, kingfisher, and the year is
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1943, autumn of forty-three, station. yes, well guys, here, here is a whole library, what it's stuck, but i'm doing renovations, you can't understand anything here, you can't figure out where, let 's look here, so, what are we looking for, partisan documents, below, below, come on, corner, corner, this. oh, forty-two, forty-third, in the fall of forty-three, uh-huh, in the fall of forty-three, it’s saturday, here, here, here, like that, uh, he seems to be breathing,
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somewhere far, far away he’s beating, the ground is all wet with blood , what are we going to do, but he saved my mother, he saved everyone, we need to transport her to the construction doctor, they buried her, but she’s alive, alive, come here, we need to get a cart,
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boy, listen, guy, you're alive, guy, well!
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his bird's flight is short, his desperate flight is cut short, but look, the kingfisher is flying, beating with stubborn wings. rodok, this is not a bird at all, come on, come on, this is a boy’s heart, a soaring howl, a winged heart, a doctor, rather, what are you standing for, what are you not afraid of, can crash into the sun, in life, he will shout out to his friends without mercy, at the end of a spring day , it will disappear and reappear.
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in justice, if death acted in justice, how many good people would walked on the ground, stretcher, stretcher, stretcher, hurry up, doctor, maybe you will need blood, yes, yes, you will need blood, plane,
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