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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 23, 2024 1:30am-1:50am MSK

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the company has a staff of 6,300 people and has developed a special program under which promising students are invited to join the staff in narrow specialties of particular importance and need for the enterprise. when a person comes to work, on average, a mentor works with him, probably for a month, because we have a mentoring program for each new employee until he is fully included. each new employee is dealt with by a mentor, when the team is set up, when the team is efficient , both quality and volume will be achieved, and accordingly a person’s life, therefore, the main thing is the person, probably the biggest one as a bonus, this is the team, for me personally. very
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lucky, people have changed, but they are all so creative, so interesting, and you enrich yourself due to this number of different people, the way they think, we are all different, and we just fill each other up, communicate, that’s who is already in left his voyage, there was subsequent development and they always correspond with great gratitude, they say that it was a very good... platform and such a layer of knowledge, who got here, here they overcome difficulties, here they try and experiment, improve and update, set goals and go towards them, here everything is subordinated to the main task, to make talented equipment, the impeccable quality of which has already been proven by consumers, time, for me work is first just getting satisfaction from... the day i lived from
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the work done for the fact that today the day was not in vain, this is the filling of me, my inner world, and this is mirrored in my life, which passes behind the entrance, this is the meaning of my life, this is inspiration, development and pleasure for me, this is my life.
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in the braslav region, the azers are blue like the western skies, which are on the right in the racing forest, at the beginning of the glowing dawns, washing creatures and the world, and the fall of troubles is known, the azers have accumulated charms for fabrics, smiling at the sun, look for yourself, and never leave the sea, the bottom that is golden golden pіў i pіў would. they are endless, accumulated azers,
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as if not every year, without pain, so i want to sustrezza, so that i don’t know, mountains, seas, and i never forgot the azers, my dear. patrus brouk. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today is about how to survive the sweltering heat. is it true that the climate is changing and is there a way to protect yourself from hurricane winds? go. in belarus,
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the weather has been sultry for the second week and the rains do not bring relief, and sometimes vice versa. they come to us with hurricanes. only from saturday to monday there are more than 10 people in different parts. countries were affected by strong winds, six died, including two children, people are in grief, there is a buzz on the internet, statements have appeared that our compatriots were killed by climate change, because before there were no such weather phenomena in belarus, and now the climate situation is getting worse every year, and in general it’s time to listen to the green ones, refuse hydrocarbons in the energy sector and from keeping cows on farms. yes, the climate is changing, this is not fantasy. from the eighties of the last century to the present moment, the average annual air temperature in belarus has increased by 1.3°. this is really a lot. our scientists began to carefully monitor thermometer readings in 1981.
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for some time, warming and cooling alternated; in 1989, it was as if an extra sun was turned on above us. in winter the temperature rose rapidly. hasn’t stopped since then, so if it seems to you that when you were little, the winters were colder, the grass was greener, don’t you think so, winter in belarus has actually become shorter and much warmer than before, and summer is now continuing until october if you look at what the weather was like in the last week of september 2023, you will see that we could easily swim, it was +22 +24, and on march 31 of this year... the beaches near minsk were sold out, the air warmed up to +25. just 11 years earlier, on march 15, cyclone javier hit belarus, that is , there was no talk of any spring, much less sunbathing on the beaches in these dates. our scientists, who are responsible for agriculture,
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say that previously the territory of belarus was divided into three agroclimatic zones: southern, central and northern. now the fourth has appeared, according to its characteristics similar to ukrainian. as if it is creeping into our territory from the southern borders and pushing the cool zone to the north, there is almost no one left that is called northern, only 20-30 km, which will most likely disappear soon, because yes, the climate is changing, of course, something needs to be done, but in recent years we have been asked to do something wrong; western countries, through their pocket greenpeace people, have been promoting hysteria around climate change. to force the world to pay them taxes on their carbon footprint or shut down large industries competing countries. you have noticed that the environmental agenda always rebels against a country that has not submitted to the west. the green ones were especially good in inflatable boats near tankers with russian oil. so before everyone
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gets too hung up on eco-packaging, wind generators and switching from cars to bikes, it's worth looking at the carbon footprint of the loudest people. calling on humanity to switch from natural meat to worms, walking and living in huts without amenities. these are the people who they have never refused to fly on a private plane and own entire empires of hazardous industries. last year, the international confederation oxfam, which was founded by the british, conducted a study and reported that just 1% of the planet's billionaires pollute more than 66% of people living in poverty. for research. they used only the information that billionaires leave in the public space only about themselves; the property of their relatives was not touched. the list includes amazon founder jeff bezes. bill gates, he encourages you to eat the worm of radioecology is more active than others, elon
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musk, bernard horno, all of them are on the first lines of the ranking of the richest people in the world. and it turned out that their huge yachts, private helicopters and planes, cars, mansions and factories. leave such a carbon footprint that even if an entire country switched from cars to bicycles, it would not be possible to cover the damage to nature. in 2021, a similar study was conducted by the un, which showed that only 1% of the richest people on earth provide 15% of all harmful emissions. therefore, abandonment of the car, separate waste collection, partial switching to green food sources are measures that will help make ours. the country is cleaner and more comfortable, but will not be able to influence the climate change in any way. we will not participate in the plan of western billionaires to stop the economies of competitors through horror stories about climate change. and not because we want to destroy the planet, but because against the backdrop of their emissions, it makes no sense. there are
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several ways to really take care of our common home. equip production with modern equipment that simply does not... produce large amounts of harmful emissions, it is expensive but effective, plan the distribution of resources in order to dump less slag into the environment, use technology to capture harm. particles straight from the air, such exist, well, try to compensate for the damage to nature, for example, by planting more forests. belarusians do all this anyway. we are already modernizing production, optimizing the distribution of resources and not losing our status as the lungs of europe. in belarus, unlike many countries, there are more forests, not fewer. mine we contribute to the fight for the health of the planet and at the same time adapt to the changes that... have already happened. the first
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sector that could suffer from climate change is agriculture. any drought threatens harvest loss, and harvest loss means losses in the export of meat and dairy. in the twenty-second year, we sold agricultural products abroad for 8.3 billion dollars, in the twenty-third - 7.5. this year, the president set the bar for farmers at 9 billion. we feed our livestock with harvest from the fields. if he sag, the country will lose profit. our scientists know about this, that’s why they have been pumping plants for a long time. in laboratory conditions, they are planted in infertile soil to simulate drought, disease, and misfortune. weak material dies, strong material adapts and is multiplied. in addition, researchers are constantly looking for alternatives to plants that love moisture and coolness. the bulk of livestock feed is corn, but so that the animals do not swell from it like balloons, corn... needs to be mixed with legumes, they even out the balance of protein in the grass mixture. previously ours
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the country purchased soybean cake for this, then the logistics routes were shuffled, it ceased to be so accessible and business executives began to look at rapeseed, but this crop is one of the most expensive in production, and i want to reduce costs, so scientists have already paid attention to more profitable analogues: they grow peas, lupine, alfalfa, in the future they are looking at exotics that love heat, paisa and... chumizu, another way to preserve the harvest is new technologies for tillage , for example, striptil, this is when not everything the field is beautifully plowed, only narrow strips into which seeds are then thrown, around them the soil remains untouched, it retains moisture better and the soil does not dry out. another trick is to apply fertilizers deeply; if you simply scatter them around the area, the roots of the plants will reach for the fertilizer and crawl near the surface of the earth. will hit the bolt. the crop will die, but if you strive downwards and form a powerful crown, the sun can dry out the leaves, but do not apply fertilizer deeply, the roots will
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reach the roots, and the plant will reach rain we still have enough rain, but if there were a little more of them, no one in the criminal procedure code would be upset. 600-650 mm of precipitation per square meter of belarusian land falls annually. for different areas this indicator carries different degrees. usefulness, for example, in the gomel region there is more sand, the soil there is light and it dries out faster than in all other regions of the country. plants feel best in the grodno region, where the soil is nutritious and the farming culture is very developed. climate change is acutely felt by transport, construction and energy sphere, when the air temperature reaches 35°, it begins to cry. asphalt, rubber behaves inadequately and rails on railways are deformed,
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so the manufacturers of all this stuff have to change the composition of the compounds. builders are forced to adjust the requirements for both the process and the result of their work, change plans, standard designs, estimates, set of tools and consumables. energy workers face increased load on the electrical grid in the summer due to the use of air conditioners and load reduction fans. on... the heating network in winter due to the absence of the usual frosts, that is, the climate has gone to the extreme - this is a forced reformat on all sides, but the economy is coping. our rescuers and doctors repeat every day that abnormal heat is a circumstance in which you need to treat yourself with care, drink a lot of water so that your blood does not become viscous, do not torture yourself with physical activity, and try to avoid the open sun. give up alcohol and smoking. as for the so-called dangerous phenomena,
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like saturday's storm, there are no more of them, as before, 10-20 episodes per year. 85% occurs between april and october. for example, in the case of wind, it is considered dangerous when its speed reaches 25 m/s. last saturday it was about 29. that is, the phenomenon was dangerous by all standards, when such a wind was raging outside, it works. classic recommendations from the ministry of emergency situations, do not leave the house unless necessary, do not stand near trees and large structures, do not hide behind bus stops and under the walls of houses, stay away from the line. transfers and not talk on a mobile phone. compliance with these rules is enough to save your life. i, marina karaman, and we figured out how belarusians can get along with the new climate. all clear. see you.
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the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave when they are at home. oh, hello, hello, very nice, very nice, my name is kaylya, i’m from venezuela, and i’m kaya from china, and my name is vladislav, i live in belarus, i work as a tour guide, what kind of building do you think this is? well, there is water, obviously inside.
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reject nyama chago. workers with such with small details, including the most insignificant adhilenny transactions and marriage, the man will take care of unnecessary reporting. control over all pharmaceutical devices. the details are drawn dozens of times from control templates. the machines will be used to mark the future of our parent enterprise. the gray one has the most powerful tooling and planing machine with an automatic carving for finishing parts with a machine and 20 tons. the machine is worthy of the yakastsi sign. the ancestors visited the ancestral buildings french companies. machines from the minsk brand
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paspyakhov compete with molded foreign designs. it is not surprising that they buy many lands of the world.


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