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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 23, 2024 3:25am-3:56am MSK

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to at least start doing something, so that it will somehow move, watch the project “i am from the village” on the belarus24 tv channel. it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. the long-awaited weekend has arrived, and this is an excellent reason to go on an exciting journey, and today i am building my route to tolo. the most important thing is to be open to
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amazing secrets and facts. chagall, lissitzky, pen, malevich, these famous teachers brought up many talents at the vitebsk people's art school. we are ours museum, modern and 100 years ago, approximately marc chagall stands next to the school, which was located in this historic mansion. and don’t forget to give free rein to positive emotions by giving these views. i would be someone, what were these people called who were watching all this? warriors? i would be a warrior, because the views are simply incredible. see the project route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i studied here at the sloslav school and, of course , at the time when i studied, there was no museum; it was opened in seventy-seven when i studied at school, we were taken on excursions to... the base, well, my passion for history probably began in the third grade, when my father brought a copper coin of 3 kopecks from 1893, and this is from the russian empire, the collection began with it, collecting coins, badges , match labels, stamps, well, anything, this...
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here, well, how everyone played the war, but thanks to the fact that on the territory of modern zaslavl, then many fortifications, pillboxes were preserved, yes, today only, probably, this is the only city with more than a dozen pillboxes within its boundaries, this is both machine gun and artillery, well, at the university i chose a topic related to: i specialized in war at the department of history of the bssr, and this topic sounded like this: border battles of the troops of the western front in june of forty-one, and over time, well, who knew that then even this information, the diploma wrote coursework, diploma, this information will be useful when working in the museum, in 2004, when they planned...
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to museumify the dot museum for the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, well, that’s the information that is still. i got my student years here specifically about the initial period of the war, because the pillboxes played at least a little role in the plan, which means stopping the enemy’s advance here, at least for a short time, precisely in the first days in june of forty-one, the pillbox that we museumized and opened ,
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and from time to time, due to the fact that they were issued, the fare changed, new ones were issued according to some new designs, well, today there is already quite a large
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collection, but there are even coupons that were in the sixties on trams, which they tore it off, to get on the tram... yes , a coupon on a bus cost 3 kopecks, even living at that time, yes, i didn’t see it, i just didn’t come across it , i went on public transport, and that there were coupons for 10 kopecks, for example, when a coupon for a bus cost, well, a bus, a trolleybus and 5 kopecks. there were 10 kopeck coupons. i’ve been collecting it for a while now, i don’t remember where i found it, yes.
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what kind of funding will there be, what kind of opportunity will there be to go, but of course i would also like to replenish the collection with dyvans and zohikas, and dyvans, which, perhaps, are somewhere else preserved in vitebsk.
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zaslavsky castle is a place that i remember from childhood, because the school where i studied is located nearby, and the best memories are that we spent time playing here in physical education classes, and in the summer there was a stadium here.
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i’ve lived here all my life, the only thing is that when i served in the army for 2 years, my service was in riga, but only 2 years were lost, and it was like that all the time. this is the place where the playground is now, there was an art school, there was a cinema, we went here to dances, to the cinema, i even went to a music school once, in the choir i had a chance to sing, but today, of course, this is a place that attracts visitors to our museum reserve. because, well, there are not so many castles in belarus, but of course this is the only one, it is of course different from those
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castles, such as in lida or the mir castle, but still its originality attracts both tourists and just history buffs, come and see, here on architectural monuments and archaeological monuments, one of which is the zaslavl castle in the museum of the zaslavl reserve, was born far from not only zaslavl, from belarus, today komsomol vouchers are stored in the family archive. in 1954, my mother and father, using vouchers from the zaslavsky district committee of the komsomol, went to the virgin lands, that’s where i was born in the kustonai region of kazakhstan, but they didn’t live long... a year later my parents we returned here, well, since that time everything here has always been connected with
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zaslavl, my mother, a native of the pskov region , zhila region, lived near the border with belarus, this is the velikiye luki region, but... during the war, their village was bombed, the house burned down, and after the war she came here, and here she met her father, her father, originally from the pukhovichi district, was a member of the partisans during the war, and after the liberation of belarus, since he worked...
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street children, that is, we grew up on the street all day long some games that they invented for themselves, they played there in the same rounders, towns, er, that means, even - the same bits for money, and well, then - we didn’t even have chess, some older guys grinded , cut out homemade chess, played, well... as i already said, that in due to the fact that in the vicinity of zaslavli
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there were many pillboxes, they played war, and then they climbed into these pillboxes, already when i was working here in the museum, there was an idea, but it would be nice to restore and show what these firing points, machine gun pillboxes were equipped with , yes, to show in what conditions, with what weapons and equipment our soldiers at the beginning... the wars here fought against the enemy, well, we managed to moiseify at least one pillbox and today, of course, today’s children are interested in coming in to see what’s really actually there, well, and the machine gunners there, well, really in the form dummies, yes, but also dummies of some rifles and machine guns, all this is interesting for today’s children, well, yes. look, when we climbed into these pillboxes, we saw only bare
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walls and some debris, equipment, well , that’s how it turned out, it turned out to be a museum, constantly for some events that the museum organized, the opening of exhibitions, the opening of some expositions, i constantly took my son, well, he somehow liked it and how... somehow he also got involved in history, in the understanding of beauty, and today i, for example, am pleased that the time-lapse, which my son filmed it, he... is creating a video, and a time-lapse, one of the time-lapses, there are time-lapses dedicated to minsk, and one time-lapse is dedicated to the glory, in which our objects, our expositions are shown literally in a matter of minutes, so in the same answer ,
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which was heard in the film “we’ll live until monday”, now it’s... when they understand you, but happiness is when your acquaintances, friends, relatives, uh, are happy that they have you, you have them.
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music, dj. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and answer everything questions, are you ready to meet our guest? vadim anatolyevich, are you worried? of course i'm worried. do you promise to tell only the truth? i promise. good luck then. so, we welcome our guest, the rector of the belarusian state university.
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you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has passed, i am bogush vadim anatolyevich, born in 1975, i am a belarusian scientist, currently the rector of the belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics, an excellent student in life, i hope that i am not a botanist, married, have i have two children, i really... love my family, my homeland and the business that i do. great, you did it in one minute. so, we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer, who is ready to ask their question first. red sector, please. hello, my name is anna. when you were our age, you were probably tormented by
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the question: where to go? why did you choose the university of informatics and radioelectronics? well, i. always had a penchant for engineering and science since school, and when i i was choosing where to go, then of course i was aiming at moscow and st. petersburg, because i studied at school in the soviet union, and the centers of science were mainly there, but the nineties had just arrived and the best promising institute at that time in belarus was the byl radio engineering institute. here, so i decided to go there. did you have a computer as a child, at what age did you get one? computers only then? personal computers appeared, and i mean, we were lucky, we had a school that was equipped with computers, not even soviet ones
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production, because there were bosses at the school, and there i first became acquainted with programming, with computers, and then personal computers began to appear very quickly, and i was probably in the ninth grade when it became more or less accessible and... literally a year later, probably, personal computers appeared in every apartment, which, well, we used it, it’s clear why, for games first of all, and only then for programming, and what was the most technologically advanced thing you had as a child? i can tell you about the thing that i i earned it myself, if you're interested, yes, that means i really really like music, i wanted... i had my own device that would reproduce music well, that's when i finished the eighth grade, well, in your notation it's ninth grade,
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so i asked my mother, she helped me get a job at a factory, and i worked at the factory in order to get my first salary, so i received somewhere around 70 rubles, probably, there was a brand in the union that produced high-quality equipment. it was called radio engineering, so i bought myself my first vinyl record player, so in principle it lived with me for quite a long time until i finished graduate school. they say that all the academics are very smart, but how did you study at school? well, i got a gold medal at school, a red diploma at the university, an early defense of my candidate's dissertation, and i defended my doctorate when i was not yet 32 ​​years old. myself, i told you that i’m an excellent student in life, but when you were at school there was no internet, but why study anything now if everything can be found in google? in fact, information networks
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during my studies, they did not work for entertainment, they worked mainly for the transmission of such important information, that is , it was essentially a library, well, from a point of view... well, because on the one hand it is quite interesting work, which is in demand
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in many, many directions, that is , in your words, there is such a definite hype, on the other hand, well, i think many want to get up, although they do not understand what it is and sometimes... sometimes it even happens so that when entering our university and really understanding what modern information technologies are, suddenly, well, a schoolboy says: oh, sorry, i probably got to the wrong place, we had a very interesting story, when we opened training in a new specialty, information technology systems in the gaming industry, or game design, this is the first set, which was
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the field of information technology, this is just such a new direction, which is now growing not only in the republic of belarus in the world, in principle, well, just like before as an economist there should have been in every enterprise, now there should be a smart engineer in the field of information technology in every enterprise, recently there should also be a security specialist in every enterprise, in this part... there’s just a balance about whether there’s a lot or little - this is a very, very discussed issue, because the products themselves are possible in the field of radio in general.
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in the pocket of you, you asked me about the computer, yes, the evolution is quite simple, for 50-60 years there, the computer first occupied a building, well, really a building, yes, then a room, then a box, now it fits in your pocket, and in terms of performance a smartphone, which is the size of a pocket, is an order of magnitude larger than... that
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computer that occupied buildings, although in principle it’s already there there was semiconductor electronics. which country ranks first in the it world? well, to be frank, i would say china, because china has its own view of things related to the development of information technology. from a forward perspective, i think china is really it.
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this is more likely related to the implementation of interesting projects, and as for moving, this is also the specificity of this or that type of activity, so sometimes it is required for, well, moving there in order to communicate with the team, in order to learn from someone else’s experience, study, so i don’t know, fortunately or unfortunately, but there are certain specifics in the organization of work, and
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some... professions, they require, including such trips, what needs to be done so that they remain working at home, but in fact, many remain, the conditions must be that allow them to achieve their goals, the second question, i can even draw for you, but for you, what should be the conditions for you to be at home, i think that... decent wages, conditions, that’s material support for work in this area, well , you see, that is, you are talking about those things that lie on the surface, but for example, do not pay attention to what you already have, thanks to our state, peace, tranquility and ... good
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ecology - and opportunities to study there , start a family, give birth to children, have them there educate and so on. in the first place is safety, in second place is confidence, a certain stability, well , an understanding of the rules of the game, stability in strategic development or in long-term planning, so for every time, for every stage of your life, i think... there will be a little different priorities, this is absolutely normal, and i want to emphasize that these priorities also depend on you, and, probably, this is the key thing, what you need to value most of all, what you now have the opportunity to do yourself identify these priorities, and then move towards them, distribution can correct the situation,


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