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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 12:00am-12:20am MSK

12:00 am
until the evening, natasha, natasha, wait, listen, you know, there’s no need to go to the desk. i don’t want to,
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pasha, why are you suddenly, i promised, come on, why can’t we handle it ourselves, we’ll decide everything ourselves, this is funny, i’ll go time, lord, where are you taking him, he didn’t do anything, he didn’t it’s not your fault, natalya mikhalovna, please don’t leave sofia, i beg you, please, dad, button, my girl, dad, dad, don’t leave, i won’t be here without you, button, please, come back home, to you it’s not allowed here, you hear, but i ’ll be back soon, i promise you, you believe me, please, listen to natalya mikhailovna, that’s it, go, come on, please, yes, leya, take her,
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well, take her, what will you do to me? you think that if dad isn’t there, you’ll get everything when i die. grandpa, what are you saying? i won't give you my dad. lilya, go into the house, we’ll be right back. quietly, he married her, they will have a child, i love her. the police said that
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because of me i’m calling a person, he thinks i can’t hear, i can hear everything, i want him to turn away, quiet, quiet, quiet, everything will be fine, why are you still here, well, go, get him out, what? you are so are you worried? you have a marriage contract, even if vadik is imprisoned, you will get it, if vadik is imprisoned, then he will fire you, he will hire a whole army of lawyers unfamiliar to me, at least i’m already used to you, you’ve seen everything yourself, now there’s no time for that, so let’s do what -we’ll reschedule your classes, yes, of course not, i want to teach. french, well, another time, but
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you’re still burning, you need to call a doctor, do you want me to call you, no, a regular hospital is not suitable for us, i’ll call our clinic now, i can get up with her, don’t forget the robe, let's go, let's go, let's go, okay, i'm gone, get him out, please get him out, otherwise i will begin to doubt your loyalty to us. family, and you think that everything is done like this, up to the ankle, lilya, we are talking about the murder of a person, if vadik was detained for this , there are reasons, excuses, but not everything in the world happens the way you would like, it’s a pity,
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portov to the exit, facing the wall, hands behind his back, left, went. stop, face the wall, the threshold of zano, go, what do we have, professor grigorichin was killed in his own office institute of immunology, you sponsored his research, you had access to the premises of the institute, yes, of course, so what, professors.
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there are your fingerprints on the tape, in 45 hours, or rather already in 43, the court will make a decision on the preventive measure, and until that time you will stay with us and think about where they came from, thank you, if i am unavailable, then at the reception of the immunology center , so here’s my business card, now instead of grigorichin, i gave a sedative injection, she should calm down, but if it gets worse, we’ll take you to the clinic, you do you think it will be worse, let’s hope it’s just stress, i’ll accompany you, natalya mikhailovna, can i tell you something,
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of course, i won’t learn french, i won’t be able to, i just really wanted you to come. you can, as soon as you can, you are very capable, i feel sorry for dad, he tried so hard that today i’m tired, sorry, natalya, i fell asleep. natasha, forgive me, but whatever, i just love him so much, and i’m afraid of losing this arrest, but why was he arrested? i don’t know, i think the competitor set me up, he’s such
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a monster that he won’t stop at anything, damn it business, natasha, i don’t know what to do with sophia, if she gets worse, i won’t be able to, i won’t stand it. we have to think about it, we have to. vadik rushes about all the time, looking for some mythical medicine, waiting for something, living in illusions. we need a donor, neither he nor i are suitable, and we have no other close relatives, sonia needs a brother or sister, give birth to a child, that’s exactly what i would do. anyone would do that, i can't give birth. “we decided on a surrogate mother, we went through everything, did everything, handed over everything, in an instant everything collapsed, he’s in prison, now officially no one will not agree, they can officially deceive, natasha, but you will agree,
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i mean, no, of course, what are you doing?"? natasha, no, i can’t, what are you talking about? natasha, wait, well, agree , you need money, we will pay well, but don’t try to persuade me, why did you even think that i would agree, vadim, i really counted on you, vadim counted on me to become a surrogate mother for you, of course, he led you into our family, words, i’m so attached to you, and you, it seems, to her, you “love children, we thought that you would understand us, i'm sorry, pasha, i can't talk now, i'm sorry, where are you, i'm on my way, excuse me, i have to run, pasha, lord, what happened, quiet,
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quiet, quiet, get up, get up, you need to. hospital, come on, come on, what happened, your tailor, he set me up, he promised to help... when the guys from the bank called him, he didn’t answer the phone, natasha, i really beg you, talk to him, otherwise i’ll they’ll just kill him, you arrested him today, he’s in prison, a competitor probably set him up, what a competitor, but he promised me three boxes, but now i’m a competitor, i have the money, well... if i don’t give it back, it’s all over for me, you understand, that’s it, i’m calling the police, no, it’s impossible, they said
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that vika will be taken away, vika, yes, and you ’re sitting here like that, doesn't pick up the phone. is maria fedorovna vika at home? where is she, where does she go? she doesn't pick up the phone? what are you doing, who gave you permission to hang out here? grandma, grandma didn’t allow it, don’t lie, come down quickly, i told someone, katya,
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let’s get down, you never know, carefully, and threw the phone on the bench, i can’t reach you, neorites, nothing like that i didn’t do anything terrible, so quickly go home, you have a lover, what did you say, mom, you disappear there all the time, that means you have a lover, that means, without my... permission i won’t leave the house, understand? why? yes because it is dangerous. that's it, don't ask questions in advance. lilya, this is natalya, i’m thinking about your proposal. yes, i agree, but i need some of the money now. yes. i have no other choice. signed a prenuptial agreement, six months for a confirmed pregnancy, she also wants a photo shoot, when she found out, she almost went crazy
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come on, tan, if it doesn’t work out, i’ll end up on the street, you know, lilya, you both signed an agreement with the clinic, the two of you have to sign with mommy, too, she’s the one who doesn’t understand anything now, and then she’ll come to her senses and sue me, and that i i’ll do it, it won’t give me anything, i need all the money. do you need money too? and if it doesn’t work out, there will be no money. vadik, if he’s angry, you can’t hit him with anything. actually, not everything is clean with us anyway. i'll double the amount. vadik will pay. he will do anything for this child. tanya, i love you very much please, this is our last chance, do it without his signature, please. yes, everything has already been done.
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okay, let her sign now as is, take her away from here when you know whether it worked or not, in 2 weeks, period, thank you, well done, everything went great, you’re like, okay, your head is spinning. this will go away due to anesthesia, listen, here you need to sign an agreement, this is for the clinic’s services, that you have no complaints, you’re pale, if you want, i’ll call a doctor, no, no, everything’s fine, i want to go faster, here, uh-huh , that's it, now let's go, take me home,
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lil, maybe you've had enough already, fuck off, well , at least tell me what the reason is, there is a reason, there is a reason, order me more, no, come on. oh hell, hello, oh! hello, nice to see you both. tell me, why did you take my husband away from me? fuck off, i need your mouse, you won’t see it for 100 years. do you want me to let you go? i want it right tomorrow. only then do you have a convincing version? who killed grigoreishin if not him? and most importantly,
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why? for what? what for? and you know that your gregory was dragging his feet. this is a scoundrel and the main thing he’s a swindler, obviously, but my vadik, my vadik didn’t kill anyone, he wouldn’t even bother with this gas, because vadik, he’s a normal guy, he would just hit him in the head, why are you making him angry, calm down , i will write a complaint against you. you are taking advantage of the temporary weakness of the witness, i mean, i’m just a client here, yes of course, yes, get away from me, i ’m celebrating, it’s my holiday, i’m going to be a mother, it’s already fast, of course, damn, i had to hurry, it was you who drew up this moronic contract , i designed it, all the ideas of your noble one, who
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will be a mother, a teacher in french, like a teacher. “what the hell are you talking about in conversations with the police, don’t talk to them without me, okay, i’m a grown girl, then listen here, grown girl, your fingerprints were found on grigorishny’s keyboard, i said that vadik bought the computer, you gave it to me, well, this is some kind of charity, you know, are you accusing me of murder or something, calm down, let’s go, are you
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accusing me of something, get in the car, quickly yes..." and i think that you are the murderer, you yourself said, what i wanted to poison someone, what are you talking about, and my husband is taking the rap for you, i’ll go now, i’ll tell him everything, where you’re going, let me go, you drown vadik all the time, you hate my husband, you hate vadik. “what kind of mother was, i don’t even know what to tell you, amazing, beloved, very good, she had a sea of ​​freckles, for some reason she struggled with them, you know, one day she mixed beer with kefir and spread
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it all on face, as soon as i look at her, i’m filled with laughter, i can’t stop, but she, she was offended, i didn’t understand why then. she does it, because i liked her so much along with her freckles, they were wonderful, little button, she loved you very much, and i love you, so i fall asleep with my girl, i'll be back soon, good night. thank you, so this is what meh, yeah, everything is fine, right, but here we have, oh, wow, how
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difficult, let me help, no... thank you, i myself. maria fedorovna, what is it, what is my fault? where are you going? to work? are you on vacation? no, what. and pavlik is offended. and most importantly, vika, she is now sitting on a bench near the house, waiting. go, explain where you are going got ready. i...


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