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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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how unusually wonderful our country is. the poet wrote 17 poems here, which were included in two cycles: old belarus and the place, and two poems: veronica in the village. only in 1871 a temple grew on this site, later consecrated in honor of the intercession of the most holy theotokos. ancient iconostasis and rare icons of st. nicholas, the intercession of the blessed virgin mary. she has been protecting the city from various misfortunes for many years. look. program cities of belarus on the belarus24 tv channel at the beginning of the great patriotic war. after
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graduating from a special school for saboteurs with a group partisan was thrown behind enemy lines, belarusian people's avengers helped her move to the territory of her native zarosai district, became a fighter in a partisan detachment and was elected secretary of the underground district committee of the komsomol. conducted propaganda work among the population, created several underground komsomol groups, and participated in military operations. the occupiers promised a reward for the head of the komsomolskaya pravda, but the locals did not give it. on july 8, 1943, during the retreat after blowing up an enemy train, a partisan group under the command the melnikites surrounded. july 13, 1943
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melnikayty was shot. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, marita milnikaite was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language, today about how much.
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belarusians have been taken away by water since the beginning of the year. where are rescuers looking and how to help a drowning person? go! the warm season has just begun, and the information field is filled with news about water victims. and i would like to say the first, but since the new year 106 people drowned in belarus. some people find it especially sad that four of these 106 are children, non-infants, teenagers, but still there was everyone ahead. life, i understand that the adults from among the dead were also someone’s children, and i cannot divide these people into those who are less and those who are more sorry, i feel sorry for everyone, it hurts equally for everyone. the sad countdown of summer began from the very first june weekend, and even a couple of days before it. on thursday, may 30 , a sixteen-year-old boy drowned in the klimovichi pond; he fell from a homemade raft and did not know how to swim. in friday, may 31 , a medical college student drowned in the vitebsk region. she was 21 years old and
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dived to save her friend. on june 1 , three men drowned in different areas; in total, during the weekend from may 31 to june 2, water took the lives of eight belarusians. the first week of summer also began with tragedy; on june 4 , two teenagers, 14 and 15 years old, drowned in zhlobin. most tragedies on the water that are not associated with drowning in wells with an accidental fall into a reservoir follow one scenario: rest, children are inexperienced. in adults, alcohol, water, death. rescuers look 360° around, and if not for their work, there would have been many more deaths, 106 drowned throughout the country. last season, by this time there were 126 of them. the number of deaths on the water was reduced thanks to the fact that osvod, the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of internal affairs work together. in our country there are about 20,000 rivers and more than 11 thousand lakes. in... in their water area there are 409
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rescue facilities, 68 of them are rescue stations, each is assigned an area that osvodovites, police and volunteers constantly patrol on boats and... along the coastline. in on a normal day, a patrol can comb the area of ​​responsibility once every 2 hours, on hot weekends - once an hour. in addition to recreation areas , places not intended for swimming are checked. for some time now , drones have been helping rescuers in this matter. they fly over the water area to broadcast the current picture to them. and here is the result. since the beginning of the year , 57 drowning people have been pulled out of the water alive, and these are also someone’s children, regardless of age. and if... the conversation turns to children, think about it, there is a whole army working in the country for a lot of money specialists who save people from themselves. they ask, convince, call on citizens to behave rationally, are brought to their aid, are pumped out on the beaches in intensive care units,
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suffer from every failure, and people, as if to spite their saviors, continue to risk their lives, this does not remind you of anything, children behave the same way preschool age, the task of the parents is not to let... accidentally kill himself, while he is constantly, unconsciously trying to do this, the key word here is unconscious: the child has no experience of contact with the world around him, he does not know about the consequences of falling from a height or jumping into water, but adults know this for some reason and behave like komikazes. firstly, you can only swim where it is allowed. all locations recognized as safe were marked by our rescuers on the interactive... it can be found on the website of the ministry of emergency situations, the “swimming season 2024” tab. all the beaches on this map have been checked, cleaned and equipped for relaxation, but the main thing is that there are always lifeguards somewhere next to them, and this is the decisive moment in the situation if a person
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no longer has enough strength and starts screaming. i heard him guard patrol, the guys rushed to the drowning man in a motor boat and pulled him ashore. this story dictates the second rule of survival on water. in case of trouble. and there is no need to be brave, if your strength allows and your head is above water, you need to scream shamelessly. in places equipped for swimming, there is always someone who will hear a scream, rush to the rescue or call for help. hence the third point of behavior near water: if someone is drowning before your eyes, and you don’t know how to swim, or you’re not sure that you can pull the person out and that he won’t drown you in a panic, climb into the water, otherwise in the worst case scenario, instead of one death there will be two. we need to quit. a lifebuoy, stretch out a long stick or rope with a knot at the end and call for help, but if there is no one around the drowning person, he has no strength to scream, he still has a chance to escape. people in water are often killed by panic, the instinct of self-preservation makes us fuss, but we need to try
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to calm down, lie down on our backs or hang in a float position, while breathing , leave a little air in the lungs so that it serves as a supporting bubble for the body and it will hold on on a surface. those who like to swim long distances should do it not from, but along the shore, the recommendation is simple, but it has saved hundreds of lives. the main rule for parents is not to leave their children alone near the water, never and under any circumstances, even if the reservoir has the most wonderful swimming pool, and the same rule for everyone is not to swim drunk. yes, alcohol dilates blood vessels and blood pressure. falls, the heart begins to pump blood faster, accelerates like a locomotive in the steppe, pressure rises, a person sweats, loses moisture, ethanol dissolves membranes erythrocytes, they stick together into clots, the blood becomes viscous, the heart beats with all its might to pump this jelly into every millimeter of your body, at this moment you
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are immersed in cold water, all the vessels of the body catch an instantaneous, powerful spasm, it is enhanced by a sharp release of adrenaline, and the heart just chokes, it’s like putting... a concrete wall in front of a locomotive rushing at top speed, the result is often a heart attack, stroke and cold shock, the latter is provoked by involuntary reflexes, among them reflex suffocation and shallow breathing. in the first case , the person’s throat sharply spasms, the glottis closes, and it is impossible to breathe. in the second, you can breathe, but not deeply. the brain begins to starve, dizziness, going under water, loss of orientation, after a couple of minutes loss of control over the canoe. drowning, death. a sober person's reaction to temperature changes is not much easier. its only advantage is that at the time of vascular spasm, the blood is not thick and the heart rate is calmer. just recently i experienced this myself. i plunged into holy spring. it was cool outside, i
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was swimming in the pool, i wouldn’t be surprised by cold water, but when i suddenly plunged headlong into it, i lost my breath. and if at that moment there was no bottom under my feet , i would definitely not be able to pull out, a sharp change in temperature paralyzes the body and mind, the nervous system does not have time to adapt to the cold, but even if the dive was not abrupt, gradual hypothermia can also become the cause. death in water, our body generates heat, we freeze, swim, generate thermal energy, warm up, but our heat generation resource is not unlimited, when compared with a heating boiler, we simply run out of fuel and we begin to cool down, our strength leaves us, our heartbeat slows down, our muscles begin to spasm, and if we don’t get out of the water at this stage, we will have to pull the person out by a diver, of course. .. part of the population reacts only to direct wording, creepy photographs and
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terrible episodes personally seen, some don’t even care about this. i witnessed the removal of a body from the water twice. one young man was pulled out of the lake near the village where i grew up. doctors tried to revive him for 40 minutes. honestly. after the car with the body disappeared around the bend, some of the swimmers got dressed and went home, but some continued to jump into the water from the fish feeders. the second time i saw a drowned person was when... i was already an adult, it was in a quarry near zaslavl: the guy drowned at night, came with a group, jumped into the water and disappeared. they were able to find him only in the morning. the divers pulled the body to the shore, but did not pull out the investigators; while they were driving, it swayed on the waves 5 m from the water’s edge, on the contrary, friends and the mother of the deceased sat silently on the sand. noon was approaching, the beach was filling with people, not far from the body children were playing ball, young ladies were swimming, two shabby playboys walked past my car. and i heard one of them suggest that the second should take a dip closer to the corpse, because there
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were fewer annoying women there, and the mother of her recently living son, without blinking, looked at the blanket over the body of her child in the water, and it was clear that for her a happy life was over , it ends for all the moms who lose children, in both cases the tragedy did not touch its witnesses, but i realized that water really does not forgive mistakes, for excessive... hope or cramp, according to the law, of course, you will not have to answer, here is purchasing in the wrong places, yes, article 24.42 of the administrative the code of the republic of belarus states that swimming in prohibited areas of rivers, lakes or other bodies of water entails a fine of one to three basic units; if you swim in a location not indicated on the map of the ministry of emergency situations, you can pay from forty to 120 rubles in a fine. it's a delusion. experts prohibit swimming only where it is really dangerous. due to the bottom landscape,
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the work of special equipment, the lack of an adequate entrance to the water, underwater currents or keys. in one of the iena incidents, there was an episode when a diver in a wetsuit experienced hypothermia, because the water at the bottom was not just cold, but icy. then it became clear that the drowned man had no chance of survival. he got hypothermia instantly; the pond seemed warm from above. therefore, if at... a river or lake it is written that swimming there is prohibited, it means that the bottom was previously studied from with the help of echo sounders, in some cases people in wetsuits descended there, looked around and realized that an unprepared person would not emerge from there. re-read the first chapter of master margarita, in it woland said that man is mortal, but that would not be so bad, the bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal. we don't believe in our finitude, show us. alive and have no opportunity to realize it after leaving. the only thing that remains for us is to take
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the word of those who saw the death of gambling optimists and not risk their lives in vain. listen to the calls and advice of rescue doctors. they have seen more than us, they have the right to advise, but always remember their mothers. the mother's heart stops along with the heart of her child, even if she looks alive. maybe at least this will be an incentive for someone to take care of themselves. i am marina karamana and how can i save? we sorted you out during the swimming season, everything is clear, see you.
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secrets of good morning and good mood. we're going to a real dairy farm. i
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remember how it used to be, here the dawn stands, there star. this simply cannot be what i see. meeting interesting people. olya, how is it possible to have time to do this hairstyle, put on this sundress, everything, not a single blade of grass, just flowers. i have never seen such a beautiful farm manager. and a lot of useful, exciting information. the girls and i have already discussed what kind of bells these are on the southern side. yuka is growing well. it blooms beautifully, what is your favorite berry? so you went out in the morning barefoot, when did you pick what, what berry? strawberry, and raspberry, and raspberry, do you wash the strawberries or eat them like this? watch good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel. everything is always fine, for tomorrow that’s for sure, oh, i won’t see your husband,
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i would ask him how he lives with such a spark. who and how helps make our lives better? what are scientists working on today? the technical revolution, the rapid development of computer technology, the appearance of the first robot patient in the usa in 1965. scientifically they are called simulation devices; in addition to the human body, they have a voice, a heart and even the brain. and all thanks to special computer programs. complex things in simple language, as well as the most interesting facts: but, finding themselves in monstrous conditions, our scientists continued their work contrary to hitler’s plans and brought science to a new level. thanks to our academician lipatov, new data were obtained on the improvement of the technological properties of rubber, which then served as the main raw material for
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the military industry. see the science project nearby. follows the attractions, i felt like i was close to home because that it’s right in the south, and i have christo redentor in the background, and that’s all i need, and they say that the cleanest, so white, bracer is one of the cleanest lakes in belarus, when we were walking from mamiya across persia, we saw , what clean transparent water, that’s right, friends, and
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also share their vivid impressions, how beautiful it is here, and such a fragrant smell, the summer is bright, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. alexander lukashenko today spoke on the phone with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev, head belarusian state congratulated my uzbek colleague on his birthday. the presidents also discussed the progress in implementing the agreements reached during the visit of the president of belarus to tashkent in february of this year. as noted, this is going on in a number of directions.


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