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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 26, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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in 3 months, some case drags on for two, or even more, summers, because the volume of documents and information processed is absolutely different from case to case. thank you, this was the first deputy minister of antimonopoly regulation and trade, ivan vezhnovets. this sunday, belarusian trade will celebrate its centenary. today the industry is working. more than 600 thousand people from
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different parts of our country. in honor of the professional holiday, the best will receive well-deserved awards. one of them is the anniversary medal of the 100th anniversary of the gandlu organs belarus. but, of course, all the celebrations do not come at the expense of work. personnel, digitalization and work in rural areas. our correspondent anton maluda will tell you how trade solves all these problems. prices in belarus are under control, this is noted by consumers and confirmed in march. key approaches are enshrined in resolution 713, which was adopted in the fall of twenty-two. depending on the market situation, adjustments are made there. the next portion is just now being prepared. this is a living document that allows you to keep inflation at within the required limits. the plan for the year is no more than 6%. based on the results of 6 months, we see that our annual inflation.
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we are seeing an increase in sales of domestically produced goods, yes, maybe not all goods are selling so well, but in general most of them are actively, actively gaining volume, this is thanks to the policy that is being pursued in our country on import substitution, on promoting domestic products, and we we see that manufacturing enterprises are actively promoting themselves in retail chains, carrying out marketing activities... yes, trade itself feels good too. there are almost 130,000 retail outlets, more than 30,000 online stores and 25,500 catering establishments in the country. all conditions for the development of the industry have been created and the state is listening to requests. one of them is work on relevant legislation. we have seriously updated the laws on trade, the law on the sale of alcoholic beverages and the law on advertising. today we are working to improve the law on consumer protection. this is all. linked to the sphere
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of trade, life does not stand still, it is necessary to move forward, improving legislative framework, for example, in the law on trade we are more serious, taking into account current trends and conditions: we will evaluate and regulate the work of marketplaces and online trading in general in a slightly different way. no less urgent tasks are also training personnel, digitalizing processes and improving services in rural areas. the trade works on all this during the holidays. the century mark has been passed, but there is still a lot of important and interesting work ahead. anton malyuta, area of ​​interest. and that’s all the information for today. most noticeable in we will tell you about economics in the area of ​​interest next week. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck and good mood.
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we were glad to see the fractions, the joy, the connection between the hour and the heat, simple respect, skin care...
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and such familiar sights of simple, happy moments, forming the sacramental traditions. we are trying to save our products. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus 24.
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while the ukrainian authorities refuse to conduct even the slightest negotiations on the measure, ukrainians of military age continue to be forcibly mobilized to the front. let me remind you that from may 18, the conscription age was lowered to 25 years, although in fact they take away everyone who is seventeen years old, crooked, and askew, and i’m silent about the disabled and amputees. arsons of military vehicles continue throughout ukraine. a shopping center, an analogue of our military registration and enlistment offices. massive arson indicates the resistance of the country's residents to the ukrainian authorities and their unwillingness to fight. at the same time, the bank refuses to listen to its people. so ukraine was divided into those who send people to die and
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those who are trying to escape from their strong love for the ukrainian people. but this is probably different. and i’m with you ksenia lebedeva. hello. today, those who want to leave ukraine unite in groups on social networks, where they share information on how to do this without harming their loved ones. there are not 100 people in these channels, but tens of thousands to understand. moldova, transnistria, romania, hungary, slovakia, no one goes directly to poland, because from there. returned, handed over to ukrainian border guards, and they hand over the fugitives straight to the front line. this was the case before the minister of foreign affairs of poland, sikorski , voiced the idea of ​​​​creating ukrainian legions in poland. what they will do there is still not clear, but in ukraine there are people who
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help potential soldiers escape from the front. the administrator of one of these channels told me about how everything works and what kind of feedback ukrainians give. who managed to escape, it became possible to help people not to take a machine gun, but to quietly take a backpack, take some energy bars there, i don't know there. there - insoles, socks, there, a compass, a map that works offline, prepare all the nuances, figure out how to get there, where to jump off the train, where to climb over, crawl over, these are all the nuances, we get them in full order in order to get out of here, it’s better than this person getting caught, and he’ll be captured and taken to the fronts, he’ll... there he’ll take a machine gun, and the theory will be the same, because you, because you,
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well, he’ll still shoot, then it’s better i will help him leave, there are already hundreds of people on my account whom i really helped, they have already left, then they are all there already, not in europe, the organizer of illegal crossings there or what, i don’t know, but i don’t care, why am i doing this, people don’t go to war, they don’t kill russians, but the russians took it for us.
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motor wires to de-energize them, they sat without without suits, just in the city on the boat, they fed me on the right hand, i was clinging to the boat, clinging to the motor, they were back and forth, then they threw a circle, take the line, i’m clinging, then i’m , i'm getting closer to the shore, closer,
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people are coming, equipment, everything, preparation, where posts, where are the checkpoints, where are the border guards, shifts, where are the towers, we know all this, if more technical aspects were outlined above, now pay attention to the ideological component, for some it is a crime, but for others it is a contribution to victory, i understand that it is better to go to a society where...
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they reach out to their brother, of course, not everyone earns more from each other, living according to the principle of man, man volg. just today they sent me a profile of a local border guard from ukraine. who, without hesitation, earns money for his fellow citizens with his wife. want tell a story about the hero of the thief vlad ivanov. how he works as a local border guard inspector in berezny, cheated my brother out of money, promised to organize a crossing to slovakia near zabrody, for which he asked for 3k bucks. we talked for a long time, transferred money via crypto, told how to get
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to the starting point, where to go at what time. and it's time to move to freedom. everything goes according to plan and he... from his brother straight to the border guards, where they successfully pack him up, take him to the outpost in berezny, hold him there for 3 days and beyond in the shopping center, i found out all the information through my friends about this devil, it turns out that this is not the first time he has done this, indicators and money, everyone knows about him, but no one touches him, his wife works at the small birch pass, so to speak, a family one in a row, the same ukrainians are setting up their businesses, warming their bottom in the usa. there’s a guy sitting in america, in short, he says: you drop 15 thousand dollars into my crypto wallet, i drop it, scatter these 15 pieces across the borders, they gather groups of five people, take them to the border, in short, and they say at a certain moment, somewhere there is a shift change and they say, you are running in this direction, when you read in these court
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proceedings and there they just received five people, then they received the people who were sitting. they were waiting in a garage somewhere in mogilev-podolsk or yampol, they accepted, 20 people were sitting in the garage, they were caught, in short, it was all a scam. while someone is trying to survive, the authorities are only counting dividends; slope services in ukraine today are one of the most rapidly developing sectors of the economy. chapter verkhovna rada committee on economic development dmytro natalukha. says that ukrainian citizens pay about $2 billion annually for such services. shadow economic booking, the volume of which per year starts from $700 million and reaches $2 billion per year, according to the most adequate estimates. this is the way it is now, you will be surprised,
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but there are a lot of comments on facebook, and what is not satisfactory now, what is wrong, is still normal, there is a strategic one.
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this is in the fastovsky central central committee, you understand, call and complain, we are not military people, the question arises, why is it wartime or martial law, shopping centers work civilians, and they stupidly and blatantly refuse me paperwork, because today is saturday, it’s like, i’m also doing a favor by going out on saturday, i work, but they only work to send the military to zero, and you and your documents are legal there...


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