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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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i am very scared by the army’s approach to my children, i am afraid of death, i am scared for the children.
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pain, groans, pleas, on the contrary, indifference and bullying, this is actually a confrontation, the victim is the executioner, they looked exactly the same, they were in the same uniform, yes, they looked the same, there were seven of them, what are you feeling?
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while working on this film, we heard a lot of stories, for example, how someone who was practically beaten to death and thrown onto the belarusian border calls his loved ones for the first time in several days, and they answer neighbors, there are no more relatives, these are the morals and laws in certain countries, they were executed indicatively so that their relatives would not be bothered, or how the belarusian border guards discover a family, well, approximately... and what about this abandoned place inside, a mother and two children, they tried to cut my wrists, how to live on anymore, i don’t know, everything i do is for the sake of these children, so that they have a better future, so that they can study in front of good people, i
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was destroyed by telephone, border guards, latvia, and one photo of my youngest child lost, all that was saved were these...
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well, he graduated from the university in grodno, but he is from lebanon, he sees himself in every beaten person, in every killed person, he hopes not to recognize a relative of the non-humans on the border, he has been watching since 2021, this is the very beginning of the conflict, everyone is against it, everyone is beating, no one needs it, there are no villages, no home, it’s very hard to imagine yourself in such a situation. keep an eye on what is happening at the border, because from the very beginning, in fact, since the bruzgi, when they were, when the poles were watering, yes, why then they went there to help, our doctor, i am a general practitioner, i also worked as a translator, for some time, well, when they asked me for
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help, i could not refuse, this footage has already been shown many times, the polish army uses tear gas, water cannons, and stun grenades. the border took dozens of lives, a young woman completely died, they found her on the territory, right here on the border and the whole family was next to her, it was all in front of the children, with her husband, and almost the whole family watched as their mother and wife died with them
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in their arms, and this woman could not be helped in a certain territory, however, as her husband explained... they were expelled, pushed out, barefoot, when our border guards discovered, their woman was already dead, such cases are repeated, this is constantly recorded , all these materials were sent to neighboring countries, the result, unsubscribes, or no response at all, physician and translator ali, we will return to him later, he worked in the international organization for migration now at unisf and the un, why are international... iraq in germany, they have examples that everything worked out, i want a normal life in europe, i am very scared
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by the army’s appeal to my children, i am afraid of death, i am scared for the children, look at them, they are 10, i thought that... they all looked at death eyes this night thousands of kilometers from iraq. she was in human form with the chevrons of the border troops. in latvia , remembering what his children experienced, an adult man cannot hold back his tears. this is unacceptable, to beat the defenseless, we have been without everything for so long, without food, water, a terrible thing happened, we are so scared, no respect for to us, we were beaten like animals, he said, i, i say, please, please, not here, like...
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they are being bullied, they say, they are defending their countries, but from whom, maybe europe is afraid of this little girl who has been vomiting all night , either from a stun gun, or from dirty river water,
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after 9 days of hell and hours of torture , not everyone there managed to get out of the latian forests, as the nazis filtered people according to signs understandable only outside the border, united them into groups and threw them away, finding new toys for whipping. if we're here we'll die, help us please don't leave us here today, please, please help us. and now one more time. so what's the difference between the terrorist groups in congo that killed her child? i lost a child, they
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killed him, what is sacred is what i had, and there will be no one left if you leave us, from the guards to the border in the center of europe, who mock the stun gun between their legs, will avhadit, i run and adi, more children? you 're safe, tell me what happened to you. my name is maryam, i'm 18 years old, i'm from somalia. or just imagine, you for almost 8 months you carry a long-awaited child under your heart, for the sake of his safety you decide to escape from the plane. after the gas sector and sudaan, this african country is recognized as the most unsafe in the world. there are paramilitary gangster groups operating there, they rob, kidnap, kill,
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what kind of parent would consciously want such a fate for their child. i fled with my husband from samali, we wanted to get to holland, i lost my child at the border, the child is no more, local residents found maryam near the border with latvia in the verhnedvinsk district and came to a cry for help, later the doctors will say...
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this is democracy, these are human values, they should accept them, not belarus, why are pipes being thrown at the borders of belarus, why are wounds growing, why are you killing, what are human rights?
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in the world there should be the death of unarmed people on the border, they were killed, they were killed, this is this cruelty, inhuman, how can you kill a person in the middle of the 21st century, now the whole world should know, the whole world should know that this is called democracy, western, american, how they treat people, do you know the destruction of afghanistan, iraq? livi, the afghans themselves are not to blame, the american troops, they had bases, there were military bases, they were present in afghanistan for 20 years, trillions of american dollars were spent in afghanistan, just for war, afghanistan was like a testing ground, the americans tested the most powerful bomb in afghanistan, we found nothing for the afghans,
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except murder, destruction, except rape, except well... they did that, but not prosperity, so young people are now forced to leave the country, in 2015 in the near in the east, where it is so dangerous, they thought they would be protected in europe, angela merkel, then chancellor of germany, promised that her country would speed up the asylum procedure and allocate additional funds to help refugees, she called on others to do the same, there are still questions about why they want to go there , poland, lithuania, latvia, like belarus, are only transit countries.
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syria, we remember children’s photos and one lost in a latvian forest, ushad also had four children , worked as a nurse, the salary was small, to get to europe he saved, borrowed, had debts, if he doesn’t return it, it will fall on his wife and children in lebanon.
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he hit me on the neck, beats the others through me, that’s how my arm broke, there was no mercy at all, none of those with whom we communicated were...
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defenders, a translator, and the man told horrifying facts, these are the numbers i’m saying, about 200 people, this is far from the fact that when gaining access to those places that this polish soldier spoke about, i think that there will be a figure, maybe even tens of times more, because the person talked about at least 24 people shot near the pit at a time.
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this polish soldier referred to his last name and first name, but we still have poland, about the interrogation of specific individuals, to whom no one has provided an answer to this request. and now once again we remember germany and merkel, so pushback in action is translated as refusal. recently , the germans have begun to actively remove migrants and refugees from germany.
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that is, sections of the border where the buffer zone has been thriving since june 13 in poland, nazism, where people are being maimed, killed, have become a restricted zone, journalists, volunteers, doctors are not allowed there, in fact, now the border guards there have one task: kill , bury, as chechka said, and absolutely legally, in poland they proposed a law allowing security forces to shoot. without warning, this is real fascism in the center of europe. in just six months of 2024 , polish border guards fired 1,390
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shots on the polish-belarusian border. do you record all these stories, write them down somewhere? we write down most of everything in our heads, but there are a lot of cases, so we didn’t have time to do everything write down. so why is the world community silent? a translator is not his main job, well, you also work in an organization, yes, in which one, i worked as a translator, yeah, so i worked in an international organization for the protection of migrants mom, yeah, i worked as a doctor, doctor, psychotherapist , provided psychological support to refugees on... you can’t imagine the stress under which i returned from work, because they hear everything that they have accumulated, how they sold all their houses, their property,
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just to come, some came to debts, in order to then get to europe to improve their life, they met them differently, not as promised, disappointment, uh. little care, not enough, no home, and maybe you were disappointed, well, in the organization you worked for, well, it doesn’t help, it turns out, doesn’t see it, they tried to help, but it didn’t always work out on a technical issue, a technical issue , what is this today, no, i’d rather not talk about it, this is the general policy, yes, probably, of the west, beautiful, beautiful.
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"please, please help, and these people have already they only hope for you, even if he is not in a leadership position, even if he is a volunteer or you have already fired him, but then with him absolutely all the beaten and maimed turned to the international organization for migration, the un, appealed to stop the violence and protect them, everyone materials have been sent."
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they are dedicated to their work, ready to share knowledge, raising a turkey is a long step-by-step process, from a small chick to a large individual. it takes about 5 months, since the turkey is the most exposed to stress, we try to minimize as much as possible all negative factors that may further affect our bird. and show one day from your life. rainbow trout is the most promising species for artificial cultivation, no matter what we do, it is always produced from freshly
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caught fish. that's what it is. today lakhva’s trump card is that the fish is environmentally friendly, of high quality and, most importantly, fresh. each production site is very important, as its work affects the quality finished product. today we have shown that what is produced in our country can be, not only the same in quality, but in some cases even surpass it. look.
7:00 pm
hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening episode. the situation is informal, the agenda is the most serious, the president.


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