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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 27, 2024 6:30pm-6:50pm MSK

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security system, but the essence of the method is that the tame female with the chicks is in the area where they will be released, they get used to this whole environment, the capercaillie teaches them to react correctly to ground predators, to feathered predators, we feed...
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belarus 24 a proper morning should start with a proper breakfast. we will prepare zucchini fritters along with red fish, and in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. bulgur. great side dish, slow carb, low glycemic index, gives you 3-4 energy hours, just amazing. we will help you choose products, make the first meal, taste. if you pay attention not only to the manufacturer , when choosing a frozen product, pay attention to the expiration date, you need to ensure that there is as little ice crumbs in the package as possible. a good radish is easy to identify; it should be firm and have a bright, evenly colored skin. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. during exercises, i do the usual rotation of my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. champion on
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our tv channel, and this is the islach river, it’s very clean, really. due to its purity , cold water is considered higher in both winter and summer, but is a genetic reservoir for such fish as farel and grayling. these two species of fish are listed in the red book. many red book plants grow on the territory of the kanalibokske reserve. we also carefully guard
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and protect the places where they grow, we don’t tell even our excursionists and tourists where this or that plant grows, so as not to destroy it or lose it, let’s say. the clown reached the heights several meters, that is, such a jungle was even difficult to pass through, uh, well, in the process of evolution it came to us, this plant came to us in this form, it’s not tall, it has very good healing properties, they make it from this plant. baby powder, powder, when this plant ripens, it was used before in some theatrical performances, instead, it flares up very well, that is , even before magnesium photography, this flash was used here, this powder
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of this moss moss, this plant is not red book, but also quite rare. personally, i am neither a hunter nor a fisherman, but the nature is very, by the way, beautiful, i have been working in the reserve for almost 2 years, i like it, i have already taken it seriously, i am not going to change it yet. for such a short period of work i had not met, until i came to work here, a native volozhenian himself, from an early age, with his parents , went here to our pushcha for berries, for
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mushrooms, in general terms, of course, i had an idea of ​​what kind of forest this was, but of course already in the animal world itself. conservation of nature is important to all of us, so how we all depend on the environment, which gives us food, water, health, quality of life. i hope that our work, the work of the staff of our reserve in lebogsk,
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will ensure that rare species of plants and animals will no longer be so, will be removed from the red book. the location of the battle fronts, from north to south. to the sounds of a huge combined military orchestra, the very end of which sounds the anthem of the soviet union and 50 volleys of artillery salute. the victory parade begins.
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it is opened by a regiment of the karelian front. next are the fighters the leningrad front, followed by the first patriotic war, operated in 1943-45 in the baltic direction, created on october 20, 1943 as a result of the renaming of the kalinin front. the front itself was created quite late, it is a front that began to function only in the fall of 1943, and its first commander was elemenko, although not for very long, about a month, then the front was in charge. ivan khristoforovich
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bagramyan, born into the family of a railway worker, graduated from a railway and technical school and before the first world war he didn’t even think about pursuing a military career, but in 1915 he volunteered for the russian army, fought on the caucasian front, showed himself to be a brave fighter, intelligence officer, and just before the february revolution received his first... officer rank of ensign in during the interwar years, he went from squadron commander to regiment commander. ivan khristoforovich met the war at dawn on june 22, thousands, but he never sat in the rear, he was always on the front line. june 23, 1900, despite being extremely busy, as always, he greeted me warmly and... introduced me to the draft plan for the belarusian operation, as he noted then, the main
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offensive operation of 1944, which later received the code name bagration. we left inspired by the enormity of the upcoming offensive, seized by an ardent desire to quickly begin preparing troops for the great battle for belarus. first baltic front. attacked the northernmost flank of the belarusian balcony, the task of the first baltic front was to cooperate with the troops of the third belarusian front, encircle, destroy the enemy's vitebsk group, and then , building on success in the direction of polack, complete the liberation of the territory of belarus, transfer the fighting to the territory of lithuania and latvia and cut off the army group north from the center army group. p. army north and center. operational and strategic unification of wehrmacht troops during the second world war. it was
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precisely established that the enemy in the zone of the upcoming front offensive has 12 divisions, two divisional groups, 10 separate security regiments over 40 of the battle baltic front. operation bagration, but we have bagaramians. and then... and this hook means there will be success. a large detachment of agitators from among the most authoritative warriors who became famous in battle worked actively. a recording of a conversation between an experienced soldier of the 210th guards rifle regiment, sofronov, has been preserved. he spoke to the young warriors. the brave are afraid, the frightened enemy is half defeated.
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the commander of the first baltic front, ivan christogorovich bagramyan, planning the vitebsk operation, decided to strike at in a wide arc, not directly. the choice of the direction of the main attack turned out to be, as the course of the offensive itself later testified , very successful, the enemy concentrated his main efforts on holding the enemy’s polotsk and vitebsk area in the vitevsky and bagushevsky directions, that method of firing a barrage and attacking after the barrage of fire, which he successfully used back in kursk bulge. after the victory in the battle of kursk. for skillful management of the armed forces of the eleventh guards army of the supreme
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soviet of the ussr, bagramyan was awarded the highest at that moment the military commander's order, the order of suvoroy, first degree. day after day, again, as at the beginning of 1944, the troops will get stuck in the forefield or on the first line of trenches, and they will have to lose forces from army group north to strike the flank.
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on july 22, when dawn was a little bearable, i turned to khlebnikov, who was looking at me impatiently, and said quietly: “it’s time to start.” reconnaissance of german positions began in force. in the course of this reconnaissance there is some fighting. managed to advance 6-8 km, in some of the areas fighting began in the first trenches. the first crack in the nazi defense appeared in the area.
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a group of fighters led by sergeant sakhatov noticeably infiltrated. the brave commander climbed onto the roof of the house and tied a red flag to the chimney. this caused great panic among the nazis. it seemed to them that soviet troops were already in their rear. by evening the attack died down, eventually at headquarters. in general, the result is all expectations.
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in fact, well, almost from the very beginning and until the liquidation of the front and until the transfer of its units to other fronts, he led it, and his contribution, his talent in the road worker was a military intellectual, he was a principled person in the sense that everyone should give their all, but before giving their all, it is necessary to explain what needs to be done, because he was against ...
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troops, as well as development experience plan of military action, and he strives for victory in the shortest possible way, and has a strong, persistent character. very orderly. a man, a good military man and a good operational worker, who played a big role in organizing resistance to hitler’s invasion in those areas where he was assigned to study.
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