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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:27pm MSK

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how are we prepared for the exit from the school, but this does not frighten me as an assabist, nor my young team, we are still strong and ready to work without disorganization, without wasting strength so that life becomes easier for our people hey, if only our belarus could become more and more peaceful. what meaning do modern icon painters put into their work, and so that all this is not in vain, so that it helps people pray, so that it helps them repent, go to church, as is the case today in sunday schools, one spiritual lesson, god's law, one creativity lesson, one music lesson. and for the older ones, that is, adults,
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there are already lectures on subjects, well, there is already , so to speak, more serious preparation, what is mercy? this is probably the food that we will always need ourselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul. what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches? here we have just the holy relics of the martyr vanefatius of rome. and vanefatiy is the patron helper of such sin, which, by which many, many are involved in educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. guys whose erudition would be the envy of any eye. we remember the school program together with the project participants, i know. this famous man spent his childhood and adult years here.
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mastatstvaznaўtsa. russian classicism, it is mostly found in modern architecture. halounae, if they were great, such recognizable forms. you are a great two vezhy, which flanker not agatychny palaces, such an eighth party of the old people, and ў 19 stagodzi, when the pennies appeared and nathnen, ў published in the style of non-harmlessness. cultural-asvetnitskiy project. the architecture
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of belarus over the festive season we are very abelic with gadzinnikas, sadziba aginskaga, i just fell in love with this element. glyadzice on our tv channel. they talked about industry at the very beginning, focusing on multi-vector nature and focusing on partner countries with whom they have long been involved. there is no point here, the emphasis should be shifted to the distant arc, the economic topic, in particular the agricultural sector, which essentially feeds the whole year belarusians continued to be discussed in the fields, the yield and how the harvest is going in the minsk region, the president personally assessed the verdict, there is something to work on, especially for leaders, and the subordinates of the seven days are with you sergei gusachenko and olga makei, see the program. valaam, meeting at the source of slavic spirituality, presidents of belarus, russia. judged union projects and regional
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security. the focus of industrialists is not only on russia and china. there is demand in foreign markets as buyers. results - week one. keep in mind they want develop, you saw that there are joint productions. belarusian tractors are very powerful, they have a high share in the vietnamese market. to gain a foothold, technology and microcircuits are of decisive importance. with the help of which, well, to put it simply , a picture is drawn, we’ll tell you how electronics got out of the macro problem, defending and suffering, recently poland and the baltic states have introduced so many, avoiding the fate of remaining in the forests forever. something terrible happened, we are so scared, no respect for us, us beat. like animals, why
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is germany silent under the noise, the sentenced terrorist krieger is crying that he was abandoned by polinovsky’s berlin, that there could be victims, i thought, such thoughts flashed through. the mighty one didn’t come in and said, “joe, get out of the race, i would, but the lord will not come down from heaven.” will trump and haris debate take place?
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valaam, an industry meeting, an unexpected field inspection, the end of july is traditionally difficult in the president’s schedule. reason number one, of course, is harvesting, which is first assessed as a process, and the process always needs adjustment. therefore , there will be field trips, as they say, more than once, this was announced not only by a journalist, but also a meeting on industry, but there you have to compete, and this is not always easy. this week we discussed with the governor of the amur region the opening of a belarusian trading house in the far east, we are known for both quality and responsibility, but this level also needs to be maintained, valaam and negotiations with the russian president completed this week of the first, a special place in the christian world and accordingly, the topics are not always the same. for the public, details in the section of our colleagues. the meeting on industry began the president's work week. everyone interested gathers in the palace, directors of large
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enterprises, specialists from the ministry of industry, the waiting process is efficient, some even have time to watch the main program of the country. and of course, the discussion starts right here. almost 19°, this temperature was kept in the red hall at the beginning of the meeting on babwa nigeria, mozambique, equatorial guinea, kenya, this is already a market for 300 million people, then venezuela, nicaragua, cuba, keep in mind, they want to develop, you saw that there is no end to the work there, they discuss it all with each other. taking into account history, it is clear what they do not want, colonialism, external control of attempts to seize resources. it is clear that in the same way, historically, this is not a belarusian strategy; we are ready to sell machines, technologies and train specialists there. as the first lady of nigeria tells me: we want to remain with our husband in history by feeding the people, well, this is our topic, this is a big piece industry and our development experience in
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agriculture. plus pakistan, israel, syria, we do not exclude economic ties with the european union, belarus also has new contacts thanks to the shanghai cooperation organization. but it’s clear that now everyone is interested not only in selling, but then what they sold must be serviced, the new minister of industry will confidently report that this work and adaptive equipment for specific markets are being carried out. at the table are the leaders of belgzhi, bobruisk agromash, integral, atlanta, and it is not clear what is more difficult: go to nicaragua to announce yourself to the same mazu or compete quite fiercely in russia, but this has a lot to do with the service, of course. today, a service center in the far east is being built in rostov.
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developed in the region, gas chemical complexes, factories plus, the amur region is rich in coal and belarusians, in general the industry is seriously rich in gold, belarusian belazs were actively bought for mining purposes, we are talking about the supply of equipment now, the far east, this is also a partnership with china, we are open for further cooperation on the widest range of goods and services, i think. meetings on belarusian soil with responsible persons, members of the government, your wishes will certainly be perceived as a signal to action, and we are ready to provide geographically only this distant land with all the help and support that we are capable of, but only to a geographically
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distant, but absolutely not alien for us , a beautiful, very beautiful region, then the delegation will have many points of negotiation, but when leaving they will say it not on camera. their reserves attract tourists from all over the world, in belarus in general, there are many beautiful places, the main thing is to notice them, almost every day we are a journalist. we pass through a certain part of the territory in a hurry, but in mid-july you just need to stop and feel this summer. a sharp contrast awaited the pool on wednesday morning, an unscheduled trip to the fields, this is harvesting practice, when the president makes a decision very quickly, i want to see how it’s going , we all start to move.
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so. sometimes for additional tasks you need
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to visit the field several dozen times, but it has sown and grown, but it doesn’t work very well in general, it would be good to know its history. today, a big bet is placed on the digitalization of all processes in agriculture; this will tell business managers, answer the question. why do some succeed and others fail? but the little box is simple, the agronomist must do his own thing, the engineer must do his own thing, and the manager must do his own thing. and i also want to say that this is an intensive question about yours. simple, but there is a reason why it becomes easier almost immediately, he understands, the head
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of state understands, he feels understood, and this anxiety, excitement, somehow goes away and well it gets easier, it gets easier, it gets easier, the next stop, of course, is grain drying complexes, you can sow anything you want, perfectly, then harvest it, and then dry it very poorly, and this is immediately a loss of harvest, an hour, how much it produces, depending on the importance, well since you were at night... you overworked how much you often missed in tone-40, yeah, it even happened more, it happened more, yes, that is, seven obeyed, that’s good, normal, men. the president will visit one of the two dairy complexes, it’s quite modest here, but they work effectively, this is such a golden mean, where everything is good in terms of technology, people, and attitude towards animals, but not very good in appearance . you need to decide whether
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to restore, reconstruct or build something new, well, together with him you must decide how... the way here is to go on thermometers during all the work +27 in the field feels like +35, you should be in suits, also part of the work , relaxation without jackets, but it becomes clear why those who are now working during the harvest need to be fed it in a certain way dress, and the most important thing is not to overheat, because even the equipment was boiling. in a little less than a day , information will appear in the news feeds that the president of belarus will fly away... on a working visit to russia, the head of state’s plane will land in st. petersburg, and from there alexander lukashenko will fly to valaam, where he will meet with vladimir putin. 50 minutes in the air or 5 hours by land and water, geographically valaam is an island on lake ladazh. the history of the presence
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of monasticism here is complex. there is a documentary history of the monastery since the 14th century. into the war and russian-finnish. from here they miraculously took out the preservation of the shrine. then there was a difficult stage for valaam, when the buildings of the monastery were first given over to a school for bodsmans, then they functioned as a home for the disabled, and the monastery was restored. this is tonsure, this is a serious restriction, this is a completely different perception of the world, great wisdom that is passed on from generation to generation. valam is a recognized center of christian power, a place prayed for centuries. how did you get to us? this is not the first time lukashenko and putin have visited valaam together orthodox shrines, and although it all looks quite informal, the work goes on internally, in such places it simply does not happen differently, especially since there is a personal story: in the smolensk monastery, the brothers of the valaam monastery read the psalter for those who died in
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besieged leningrad. the terrible tragedy of the great patriotic war claimed 629 lives
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. for obvious reasons , increased attention is now being paid to the agricultural sector; you can joke as much as you like about the fact that the harvest has become news number one, but food and its quality has long been among the belarusian national brands, so god himself ordered us to show how we are developing in this area, because we provide ourselves with everything we need until the next harvest. how generous and significant this year's cow will be depends not only on strict local control of technology compliance, the responsibility of every farmer is important, even at these moments the fields of the country are... lightly farmed with 7,500 combines engaged in harvesting grain. the relevant ministry daily updates data on the progress of the harvest. total in the country, including rapeseed, more than 4.5 million tons of grain have already been threshed; on these hot days for rural workers, we looked at what is called the front line. our correspondent, victoria sharkova, went to the fields and met entire family dynasties there, making sure
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that working on a combine harvester is a very difficult task and, by the way, not only for men. about those who are used to working on the land and... know for sure that bread is the head of everything. our next bread report. the cow is a symbol of wealth, happiness and abundance, and in our country it is also a kind of brand of the country. it so happened that a loaf with a golden crust brought from belarus is a gorgeous souvenir. and any harvest starts with a loaf of bread, but with it it ends with a loaf. but what does it cost to travel the path from grain to factory ovens? the farmer is coming now. to work seven days a week so that the ear of corn turns into bread and gets to our table, they are sick with all their hearts. hereditary combine operator nikolai krubkopa was related to the field as a child, so he is behind the wheel of a supercar. feels like a fish in water. it seems that you are not sitting in the cabin of an agricultural machine, but in helicopter the pedals, the steering wheel, everything is like in a car, but in the right hand of the combine operator there is a joystick with a dozen keys and several
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elusive presses, and the heavy machine obediently lends itself to control. the speed on the highway is 18 km, here in the field there are no more than three. nikolay, how much do you think we can thresh today? they think he will thresh the mill. what if it rains? yes. less, working in the fields in dynasties is a feature of the belarusian village. ekaterina krupko, a cook by profession, but for the fifth season already working as an assistant on her husband’s combine, for the harvest in the household has to get sick together. we have 2,900 pools, and there are a total of them. 1500 wheat, 400 spring barley, 300 tretikaly and 200 rye, as much as you harvest, so much money you earn, the more the better. the management of the enterprise knows this, there is one rule: whoever works, earns, the derzhinsky farm has so far threshed more than 2.0 tons of winter barley and 5,500 tons of winter
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wheat, they are fighting both for every grain and for the best personnel, young specialists are provided with social guarantees that stimulate payments, additional payments and housing so that specialists can they returned to us, we plan to pay scholarships to targeted people who will learn from our enterprise. monthly 800 rubles, that is, a guaranteed place of work after graduating from a university, that is, our grodno agrarian university, housing is provided, a good salary, the chief technician is given a car, well, all the conditions for work and housing, well, there is a family, there are children. , my wife works, so she also takes care of the equipment, i don’t want the city, no, no, i don’t like the bustle, here... there are also a lot of questions and it can be difficult at times, but here it’s much more more pleasant to live and work. there can be no small details in the harvest, lunch, as they say, is on
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schedule, the field restaurant arrives and the workers immediately line up, chef natalya reshmakova has clearly already received her michelin star, because there are hundreds of thanks every day. today on the menu for the first course is pea soup, spoiler, a lot of meat, for the second - cutlets, buckwheat salad. guys, are they delivering cold drinks?
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but it’s very close to him, the hurricanes passed earlier, the grain that was not yet ripe was put in, to be honest, i didn’t watch this fire, whether there is grain there or not, you still need to harvest, if there is good rain, then there is no point in going there to this field at all, so we need to look, i understand that today in good weather we can start harvesting these... fields where there will be a harvest not great, we may lose high-yielding fields, but on the other hand, if there is good rain, we won’t
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take anything there, so we need to see, we were happy that it was a good year and so on, now everything has ripened at the same time, like a well- established conveyor belt without delays and downtime, farmers work along the grain field route, it is here that the belarusian gold from the fields will be processed in the future; everything on the farm is under state orders. we can say that ours, to be sure, even in tiktok, the topic of cleaning food safety is in our hands, now it’s the most important one, the head of the enterprise personally communicates with subscribers and leaves posts. the student detachments are also at work, the task is to clear the site and warehouses for grain storage, and no matter how it is, it’s not easy, the fighters themselves say, the result is obvious. there are a lot of advantages in order not to sit on your parents’ necks, so to speak, you can give yourself a penny earn money, then everything will be spent on studying. and while in the fields farmers are fighting for literally every grain, they are waiting for flour at bread factories so that every belarusian has fresh bread on the table in the morning. bread production is not easy, in
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one loaf. based on the work of hundreds of people, their strength, their energy, love, the meat plant works 24 hours, seven days a week, and in order to produce high-quality, safe products, you really need to make a lot of effort, remove everything down to the grain, feed the livestock, provide raw materials for processing factories, the result depends on the way everyone works at their workplace, from the machine operator to the deputy prime minister, but in the year of quality it is necessary to maintain a high bar as... about belarusian gold on the main broadcast victoria sharkova, andrey novgorodtsev, andrey ivanenko and alexey kozmin. it is worth noting that our products are flying off the shelves, including with the help of our closest neighbors. poles, lithuanians, germans and latvians all managed to appreciate the taste of belarusian milk or meat delicacies. it’s not for nothing that new videos appear on social networks every now and then, where guests sincerely
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surprised by the number of products. positions on the shelves and, of course, prices, and this, in turn, irritates the authorities of neighboring countries. warsaw, vilnius, riga and tallinn have already lost count, closing checkpoints and introducing new bans on the borders. there is no need to call on them to be reasonable; they have long wanted to give a damn about people who suffer from such barbaric actions. the baltic states have closed travel on belarusian license plates, and tensions remain at the belarusian-polish borders. western neighbors let cars through unrhythmically, huge queues, people wait for days.
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apparently something terrible is happening, i was on the bus for a day and a half, it felt like no one was moving, no one was working, we stood all night, didn’t move a single step, at the moment it’s 19 o’clock, the hostages of the situation are not politicians or officials, but ordinary people, yes , citizens of belarus, but also of poland, hello, hello, we don’t comment, but in general, cars from whatever countries we met, germans, belgians, lithuanians and latvians, french, polish lawlessness is now being absorbed with... with milk mothers, young people, children of kindergarten age, with children they let through faster, no, well, how many times have we traveled by car, poland has never looked, small children, there are, no, teenagers, tourists and businessmen, there is no stop in that country, all in one a long-term train, we live in france, we are coming from chechnya, we were on vacation, we are going back home,
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the vacation is over, well, as you can see, we have been standing for 24 hours, waiting for them to let us through, but after such a border we need another vacation, for sure, well, yes, that’s for sure, six checkpoints between poland and belarus, now only two are open, the closure of four is an initiative of warsaw, this is the brest checkpoint on the other side of terespol, passenger cars pass through here, and as we see, quite a lot of buses have accumulated, they are all waiting, freight ones. cars are allowed only through kukuryki kozlovichi. now you and i are moving along the line, the car in which and the people in them have passed all types of control on the belarusian side. the only thing they are waiting for is when the polish side is ready to let them into their territory. accordingly, while these there are no cars for such hours during the day, and every day, when the polish side does not accept a single car at all, not a single bus, or accepts an extremely limited number, that is, if it
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is technically possible, it will allow them to pass in their direction. up to 70-75 vehicles during each hour, they, as a rule, pass 3, 4, 5 vehicles, it should be noted that most often only passenger cars are taken into account among them, buses naturally take much more time to pass the state border, and this is good, there are food outlets within walking distance, you can stock up on water, red cross volunteers came to the border this week, there are dry toilets, the conditions may not be chic, but in polish there is no such thing, we are going home from the white podlaska, well, this is a nightmare, it’s realistic that people stand for 30-40 hours, but it’s terrible, in such heat, there are no toilets on the other side, and today there were also people standing there from ukraine, they had three children, one of them was 4 months old , but when you arrive you directly see the polish border guards, well, you ask a question, there is some kind of communication with them, they explain why this is so, maybe
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they apologize, it’s not... it wasn’t like that, how people on the bus feel, it’s normal, it’s coming soon, quickly, there were cases when an ambulance actually came, well, no to us specifically, but in general there were, well, it stood for so long, the weather is like this here.
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border depends on the normal operation of the two sides, from that orange car you can understand where the state border line is, just a couple of minutes ago polish border guards were standing there, but seeing belarusian journalists hurried to leave their places of deployment, they are not in a hurry at all, suddenly information passes through the queue, it is published in various border chats, the theoretical territory will be closed to cars from the belarusian region from august 1.
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but no matter how much this scares us away, in this case we will still come here, no matter what the situation will be, so it’s like, despite the fact that my husband is polish, he loves belarus very much and my children, and somehow
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the situation itself is their our desire for the development of belarus exceeds this entire political situation, ekaterina has been living in poland for more than 10 years, married a pole, gave birth to two children with them and came to stay.
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i’m going to die, this is unacceptable, we’ve been beating the defenseless for so long without anything, without food, water, something terrible has happened, what’s happening has become forbidden,
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volunteers, journalists, doctors are not allowed there, in fact, now the border guards have one task there - to kill and bury, besides , you can now also shoot unarmed people. those beaten by the poles and balts made a call for peace, to stop this fascism, within the television film recorded migrants' appeals to international organizations and their leaders. you experience all materials now inside, seeing them. i feel very bad. ya
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. we found nothing for the afghans, except murder, destruction, except rape, except, well, they did this, but not prosperity, so young people are now forced to leave the country, we thank belarus for humanity, it accepts them, even children, families help in hospitals, they treat these migrants, it’s not the west that treats, but belarus, this is democracy, this is there are human ones.
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in germany, rick krieger, sentenced to capital punishment in belarus, was actively discussed in foreign media, and as usual in these materials, there was a lot of unreliable information, speculation, attempts to present him as some kind of victim, but in reality, on the contrary, he is a deeply motivated person. for a week we recorded his story, a kind of televised confession, in which he speaks directly about his experience in handling weapons while working as a guard at the american embassy in berlin and about his passion for the topic ukraine and the desire to get there, despite the fact that in...
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ich bekannt war, mit weißem streifen, roten streifen und da drunter auch noch mal ein weißer streifen, so dass ich in diesem gespräch, an offer was received to fly to minsk to carry out important tasks.
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did great, go back to the hotel, in the morning i had already ordered a taxi, it took about 40 minutes to get to the airport, that’s where they detained me, i just found out that there was some kind of explosion, they didn’t tell me anything else, in fact i’m very sorry about this, and i will regret what happened every second. after the release of this material , a new circle of foreign media activity spun up with further manipulations, either foreign authors are not looking attentively, or they are purposefully casting a shadow over the fence, they come to frankly ridiculous arguments, mistakes in correspondence that he did not make in his business profile, it happens, he not a philologist, not
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a compiler of an encyclopedia, or, for example, about the discrepancy between the surname of a german citizen in rick’s id card when he worked at the american embassy, ​​the surname is not there krieger, indeed, then he had the surname of his adoptive parents, but then he changed it to krieger, probably in order to seem more formidable, krieger is translated from german as warrior. once again, with all his behavior, before he was taken under white hands, this man showed that the power component, weapons, war are his theme. new interesting facts about a terrorist from germany, who flew to belarus as a kind of safari, were told in an interview with our tv channel by the columnist of the belarus today publishing house, lyudmila gladkaya. luda, well we have known each other for a long time, i know that you are in this trial of german citizen rick krieger, you were present at all the meetings, which surprised me, you read, watch some foreign media, within one minute, it is said twice that the trial was closed, there is even
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a phrase there: the case was considered secretly, whatever you say, everything was secret, the trial took place absolutely openly, and i worked as a court journalist. and the more i learned about these details, they simply shocked me, a person who i’ve already heard a lot at similar trials , i’ve seen a lot, for example, he himself told me when he planted this backpack with an improvised explosive device on the rails of an operating railway station, where both passenger trains and freight
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trains run very often, when, for example, he told me that when he left a backpack with a homemade explosive device on the rails, he didn’t go, he ran, that says something, he understood perfectly well, he was afraid of something, of course, he tried to leave this place as quickly as possible, he i knew there was a bomb there just a little bit then a taxi was waiting for him, and he said that from the sbu he... received instructions to tell him as soon as he got into the taxi, this also means something, it means that, well, probably those who were going to blow up , they were waiting for the sign. german consuls also came to some of the meetings, yes, different people, they actively took notes, especially when they read out the names of the victims, witnesses, i don’t know what they wrote there, but it was at that very moment, and i was surprised by their behavior, that is , the fate of a citizen of their country is being decided, they are sitting there then there almost...
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which led him further, and the man began to admit only partially his guilt, well, in fact, he thereby signed his own death warrant. i remember the 2011 case of the terrorists kovalev and kanovalov, where a death sentence was also pronounced in connection with the explosions in the metro, and what is characteristic is that it was carried out very quickly, here , in fact, there is a similar situation, a similar sentence, there is very little time, so when this... specific sentence was passed, krieger somehow understood what had happened, what had happened, why didn't he appeal it? it seems to me that the person absolutely understands that
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there is nothing to cover, so he appeals, and what, how, with what he will try to prove his innocence, if the facts are absolutely speaking against him, if he himself was initially from the very first day of detention, this was again investigated in court, it was open, anyone could come and listen, any journalist could come and listen, the person spoke in detail. what did he do when, as per the instructions of the sbu, his every step was literally supervised, he agreed with his a curator from the ukrainian special service, that is , and moreover, he meticulously showed his movements first on the map, where he walked, how he walked, at what time, where he changed into different clothes, where he took photographs, how many times, and then he showed the same thing and during the verification of the testimony on the spot, that is, the person told in detail, as completely as possible, everything as it was, he also sent messages, so... to his acquaintances, to his friend there, yes, he wrote that, for example, after that how he pawned this homemade an explosive device on the rails, he wrote
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that, well, maybe i’m not quoting it verbatim, but the gist is this: i know what’s going to happen now, but i’ll tell you about it tomorrow, and there was also a message that said i brought the kgb into a bomb mood, precisely the phrase bomb bomb, that is, well, and what does the person then also write to various organizations, structures, again to his friends, he said: that i was detained there in belarus because i committed such and such actions on instructions from the ukrainian special services, i am an agent of the ukrainian special services, what other evidence is needed, he understands all this, so, of course, he is not appealing the verdict, plus he also understood that through this lawyer he was forced, in fact, as i see it, as a journalist, he was forced to refuse to admit guilt , admit guilt only partially, thereby signing his own death warrant, and he understands that he was framed, he was promised...
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to german president stanmayr with a request for help, but by the way, the german media, they are not really promoting this topic, why do you think? zhenya, he contacted him and his relatives contacted him, his adoptive parents did apply, they also asked the german government to help this man, it’s not clear to me, zhenya, because he was detained in the fall of 2023, and please note that belarus, the belarusian authorities did not publicly voice this information anywhere , what does this mean, it means that...
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since today we don’t see any results, you don’t even see any meager comments from your own country, by the way, we have a very recent example in our memory citizen of ukraine nikolay shvets, who carried out a terrorist attack on a terrorist attack at the airfield in machulyshche, just recently, and such a practice, here it exists, the case with krigger, do you think, is this the same case, similar, or are there still some nuances? well, in any situation, i think the government of the country is simply obliged to take care. about the citizens of your country, this is logic, this is any country you can take, yes, be it ukrainian, the same thing here, i see, from the comments, i see from the reaction, belarus, the belarusian authorities, they are always ready and open to dialogue, and we are peaceful people, we talk about this a lot, we don’t want to fight with anyone, we don’t want to conflict with anyone, so here too, i’m sure there would be dialogue, krieger, shvets, this after all,
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foreign citizens are not the only ones. who were detained under articles of terrorism, undercover activity, espionage activity, i know that now in the kgb pre-trial detention center there are other foreign citizens who are detained under the same articles, and the actions of our country are absolutely clear to me, we are protecting ours, indeed, to us send mercenaries to they are sending us some armed militants, they are trying to throw weapons at us, they are trying to throw explosives at us, to organize a terrorist attack, where there would be as many people as possible, ordinary people of our belarusians, because belarus absolutely... understandably reacts to those situations that arise, this is an adequate reaction, and what is happening now, if a person came, came here, he committed a terrorist attack, he committed a lot of other serious and especially serious crimes, we react to, well, my opinion, now germany decides everything, and belarus is open to dialogue, now they decide to protect their
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citizen or not, to turn to the president of the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko. or not, this is their decision, we are open to dialogue, we need to talk, we need to negotiate, especially since, as you know, the verdict in this case has already entered into legal force and can be executed essentially at any moment, that is, it’s not going anywhere now sanctions pressure, they wanted to impose on us on all fronts, but the reorientation of markets, including for high-tech industries and research organizations, helped a vast market has opened up. today ubla is in charge. all over the world there are issues of technological development and technological safety, and this strategy has become a driver for our enterprises to reach a new qualitative level, an achievement in microelectronics, something that we managed not only to preserve from the soviet era, but also to multiply for the project on submicron production, hundreds of people invested billions of belarusian rubles, as a result , they did not meet the deadlines, ended up in debt and, as they remember at the enterprise, it was difficult, but
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did they cope, how are they working now and what are the plans under the heading: quality control, when we choose a device for ourselves, for example, a smartphone, we look at the model, color, memory, camera resolution, but who knows that there are complex microcircuits inside, without which this phone will not work, chips today are in every computer, car engine, they can’t do without them even in space, but they are produced... here, only about 200 million microcircuits are produced at integral per month, we will carry out quality control. the one who has the information owns the world, because you spread it all over the world. it all starts with the banal quartz sand known to everyone, especially pure quartz sand, which is first transformed into such ingots of monocrystalline
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silicon, from which the plate is cut. then it is sent to production, we are in a clean area, the entrance here is only in overalls, so i am wearing a robe, shoe cover, my hair is tied up, a certain temperature of 22°, humidity 45% is maintained here, regardless of the season and time of day. completely different clothes those who are behind this door are all in special overalls that protect the products themselves from dust, only their eyes are open ; the girls are excluded from wearing any cosmetics. the components are much thinner than a hair, any dust is a waste, so the presence of unnecessary people is minimized. the development and testing of one such microcircuit can take up to 2 years, one mistake, start over. only the water, which is used here in technology with salts and minerals, actually gives it that taste, which we call tasteless, colorless, odorless. real diionized water, devoid of all salt
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ions, is completely tasteless and unusual. for drinking, the temperature should be from 20 to 24°, light - this is necessary for materials such as photoresist, they are sensitive to light, in 2005 they decided to step forward in development, create submicron production on the integral, it would then be the only one in the post-soviet space , subsidies were allocated for more than 70 billion of ours from the state treasury, the rest was taken on credit, as a result there are no products, no money, the enterprises themselves are in debt for 300 billion belarusian rubles. i didn't come here to distribute.
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you need to look once, we looked and looked again, because you never know the human eye always gets tired, it can make mistakes, it can suddenly miss something, we always control, we control whether all the layers in the microcircuit, which consists of many layers, each of them has its own specific thickness, very, very precisely maintained, microcircuits have reached such a level that even in an optical microscope with...
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they are used to control motors, power plants, machine tools and electric vehicles. for some reason , an integrated circuit cannot be directly used in the basic process, that is, the development of certain types of technologies is required, for these purposes our laboratory is equipped with modern technological equipment, more than 2,500 types of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, watches, medical products, transport, agriculture, the belarusian matrix today even in... in space, everything that satellites remove from orbit, simply, a picture is drawn in digital format, within the framework of the road map signed between the republic of belarus and the russian federation, minsk integral plant
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is implementing an investment project that is aimed at modernizing crystal production on flint wafers with a diameter of 150-200 mm. we are already in the active part of implementing this investment project; contracts for the supply of technological equipment have been signed. we have already received the first days of equipment. we occupy a significant part of the russian market all thanks to the fact that once they did not ruin production, because they offered the president to sell the enterprise. our chips are needed today in the foreign market. we are improving, because we understand that the competition is getting tougher every day, we need results. daria maksimov and evgeniy korobov are responsible for quality! the quality of belarusian products and the reliable support of the belarusian partner are well known today on all continents, even despite the 100 km distance and obstacles dictated by sanctions, belarus has an excellent prospect
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on the far arc, where one of the key partners is vietnam. they are ready not only to trade with us, but we are moving towards creating joint productions. maza has been collected in hainan province for several years now; in the near future they plan to launch the production of dairy products using belarusian technologies and based on ours. moreover, vietnam can become a kind of springboard for belarus to gain a foothold in the market of the entire south asian region. about mutual prospects in a report by yulia alferova. collect all the character all the authenticity of the streets of hanoi service something capacious, but this is a street that... tourists call it trade street, it reflects more; it combines wisdom and oriental tranquility with the dynamics and actively developing, even bustling city. to understand this rhythm,
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it is enough to imagine that in a few decades vietnam has made a leap from a third world country to one of the fastest growing economies. here, since 2017, it has been implementing one of the major joint projects for the assembly of mass trucks. line capacity of more than a thousand
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cars per year, competitors who for short logistics distances look more accessible and encourage increased localization. we can already make a platform of any type, and again, i repeat, side rear guards, and various fasteners, various metal parts, components, here in vietnam this industry is quite highly developed, we are moving towards... vietnam can become for belarus is a kind of platform for entering the market of the entire south asian region. osian today is 10 countries and the total population is about 700 million people, 100 million. vietnam, with whom
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belarus has been in diplomatic relations for 30 years. trade dialogue has become easier after the signing of a free trade agreement between vietnam and the eac. then a number of restrictions were lifted, including sanctions against belarus, and later new ones were added. before the signing of the free trade agreement, i had already supplied belarusian products to vietnam, but after the signing it became easier due to the fact that customs duties were reduced. now, due to us sanctions, we have difficulties in paying. not all banks can make payments to the address. from belarusian partners. difficulties can be resolved, this is confirmed by the assortment on store shelves, our cereals, rapeseed oil, and milk are here. the partners are even ready for barter payments, but with the transportation of products, things are more complicated, everything will happen, it’s just a matter of time. i, we can use this, the red sea, and we need to draw in africa, this is a longer time, yeah, about a month or a month and a half later and...
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therefore, we seriously took up the creation of an enterprise here for the production of milk using belarusian technologies and based on belarusian raw materials, it's coming soon will be built next to the mass asia enterprise, why is the vietnamese so high? interest in something that has been proven over the years, no one in belarus will talk about it, reputation and quality will be told by the consumers themselves. belarusian tractors are very powerful, they have a high share of the vietnamese market in tan ninh province, and it is much easier to find spare parts for them. i have been working in this field for more than 18 years, during which time i have used different lines of tractors and 892, this is what meets current needs. agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the economy for vietnam. it is occupied by about 40%. population, this sector
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is developing dynamically, in recent years a lot has been done to industrialize and modernize the industry, after 2 years of testing on the vietnamese market, our mtz-541, which is designed to work on route fields, is presented as a product item, it was developed specifically for this region with taking into account difficult climatic conditions. we can cooperate with belarus in all areas of agriculture, including technology transfer, as well as in export and import of equipment. second. direction is the educational process, we want to send our scientists and specialists to belarus for retraining and training, this is what is included in the program for the development strategy of vietnam's agriculture until 2030. now 70% of the equipment in vietnam's agriculture is imported, for example, japan and korea, a third remains for domestic production, there is more than enough imported equipment here, and even in such conditions the demand for belarusian equipment does not fade. i've been on a lot of buses, this one is very comfortable, so with...
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motorcycles minsk were massively imported to vietnam in the 60-80s for decades , belarus remained the most. a popular brand in the country, everyone from a doctor to a villager rode it, today in the north of the country alone there are more than a thousand units, as is customary in the biker community , like-minded people are united by the minsk motorcycle enthusiasts club. my first motorcycle was bought in 2003, at that time the minsk motorcycle
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was attractive for its price, 20 years later it became even more valuable. my parents rode a motorcycle minsk, we made money on it, from childhood i remember its sound and the smell of the exhaust. the demand for two-wheeled motor vehicles in the north of vietnam in hanoi is felt like nowhere else, if you look at the transport network, roughly a dozen units of cars account for about a hundred mopeds and motorcycles, they are used as taxis, they transport seemingly untransportable things, precisely in soviet times, the basis for the future economic construction, humanitarian ties were established, thousands of vietnamese students received education in our... and belarus helped vietnam in the formation of the state in the post-war years, this people suffered no less than ours, including in vietnam, there is its own khatyn, the village of songwe, ahead of the exchange of capsules with land between the two peoples. this is one of the most important issues that the youth of our countries must focus on.
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for the peoples of belarus and vietnam, questions of history have always played a very important role; they allow us not to forget about the support that the soviet people provided us during the war. “asia has long cast off the third world stigma; it is self-sufficient and does not need under the patronage of more developed powers. you can come here only with an equal, mutually beneficial dialogue, which is offered by belarus mutually supporting vietnam. on the main broadcast are yulia alferova, ivan martynovich and pavel poznyakov. asia and africa, this is where the time has come for us to prove ourselves, the president has spoken about this more than once. the foundations for cooperation have been laid, it is necessary to expand it, using strengths, which is, for example, agriculture. this is how the belarusian bulba reached zimbabwe, a representative delegation of women handed over to the first lady of the country potatoes from the farmstead of alexander lukashenko. these are the two most popular varieties: pershotsvet and manifest, which axilia mnangova appreciated during her visit to belarus. these potatoes are for gastronomic pleasure,
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especially since these days the first gastronomic forum is taking place in zimbabwe, which brought together guests from almost two dozen countries, but in the near future seed potatoes will also be delivered to zimbabwe for...
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these are potatoes on this land and their potatoes, it will be a competition to see where it is better to grow and we will see where it will be better. by the way, on the leader
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belarusian women's movement dress in the national style, created by belarusian designer yegor kirichenko, especially for this visit from fabric donated by the first lady. aksili also praised the designs. cosmetics for the hotel business, among the proposals made was also the creation of cosmetic production using local raw materials. and support for specific projects was discussed both at the meeting and at the international congress of african women, where belarusian guests of honor. the meeting took place in the most beautiful place on the planet in zimbabwe. u victoria falls at the convention centre. the largest hotel in victoria falls, which welcomes the most distinguished guests. here, the first lady gave an exclusive interview to a television news agency. i would like to immediately ask you about your impressions of belarus.
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i believe that this is a truly strategic product, especially given climate change around the world. this is
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the product that every family can feed themselves and their children. in addition, i was pleasantly surprised by your sweets and candies. in belarus, in fact, everything i tried it was very tasty, i really liked it. and i think the people of zimbabwe will really like it too. i also want to say about other products, for example, aromas in...
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we would really like to receive belarusian medicines, since we have a large number of people with disabilities, elderly people with many different diseases, an important aspect is training and advanced training for pharmacists and pharmacists. in other words, we have many interests in the medical field. you lead a number of programs for rural development farming for women, what are women today? can do for agriculture. currently, women in our country
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are an integral part of agriculture. they grow fruits, vegetables, grains, and other agricultural products, and this contributes to the growth of the well-being of their families, provides for their family as a whole in zimbabwe. we have very good fruits, excellent vegetables, and we get them thanks to women. we believe that women. in general can achieve everything by supplying fruits to belarus, we will develop agriculture to improve the well-being of our country. ties between women in belarus and zimbabwe are growing stronger. what do you think we can do together for our countries today? in fact, this is the first time we have begun such deep and diverse international cooperation. and this is proven by the work within the framework of the international women's conference. there was a discussion going on here. a large number of different possible projects, this opens up broad prospects for us, and i am sure that this
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cooperation should actively work, we we have no right to... failure, we want to see how the interaction and cooperation of our countries is actively strengthened. thank you, thank you very much. on the other side of the ocean, meanwhile, a new reality show is unfolding with cringe-like characters called pre-election america 2. the passions are not joking, it would seem that the first episode turned out to be very interesting. judge for yourself. and there were dead souls, and the capitols were taken, there are thousands of political prisoners in prisons, but hollywood has not gone away from the white house, the american presidential elections, than further, the less different they are from american films. the company has been making viewers feel the most intense emotions for several weeks now, and the intensity is still growing. shooting candidate trump, hiding biden in the skeleton closet is the new
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reality. this week , some of the most burning questions were answered: is joe alive, did he come out voluntarily? from the election race, who will replace him, but many new questions have arisen, is biden being shown to the public who makes decisions for him, which he considers his own, who generally rules the united states, what will happen there next, time will tell, but the viewer will definitely be very interested, analysis and forecast from oleg romanov. after biden withdrew from the election race, perhaps the most curious thing was, how does he argue for this? the question is not an idle one, his candidacy was approved at the regional...
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the record was made god knows when, so is the american president alive and well, be that as it may, the new york post, loyal to the white house , called what was happening a coup. biden announced his withdrawal from presidential race under enormous pressure, he was threatened with removal from office, and if so, who in the end is the real owner of the country. in the president’s address, the most important thing should have been the explanation, because if the candidacy was withdrawn
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due to the candidate’s senile illnesses, then how can he then rule, because if he is not able to be elected, he is not capable of leading.
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accordingly, a woman of color, and a self-made one at that. in the theater there are unique roles, pants, which is what they call an unspectacular actor whose task is to simply being present on stage, denoting a representative man. in these terms, kamala is a chocolate bar in a skirt. she is a politician without a face and a program, who does not have any achievements. its biggest failure is its attempts to resolve the migration crisis. kharis managed to never appear at the border, and uncontrolled flows of refugees to the states continued to flow. trump calls her evil and stupid. it is clear that this is the usual pre-election rudeness, but no one is trying to meaningfully challenge such rudeness. how is this? i call her kamala laughter have you ever seen how she laughs? yes, she doesn’t have everything at home. you know, laughter says a lot about a person. she is abnormal, sick all over. haris's incompetence is the subject of a long-running joke. let's say,
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she uttered the same meaningful, but completely meaningless phrase from different platforms almost dozens of times. apparently this is a godsend. the vice president liked the copywriter so much that she exploited her and continues to exploit her, not realizing how ambiguous it looks that can happen, free from what happened? what can happen is free from what happened, what can happen is free from what happened, what can happen is free from what happened. the jokers even made up the idea that harris speechwriter is a respectable gentleman in a formal suit, 6 years old. he confidently parks among the huge jeeps and enters the office with a swift gait, where he vigorously scribbles on the keyboard all the deep thoughts that the vice president has.
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work in any political storms, in states, a paradoxical but rather comical situation has developed: institutions have rebelled against democracy. who is behind kharis, the unknown bureaucrats who are preparing to rule behind her back, but on her behalf. what is trump? this is a product of the voter's hatred of the ruling elites. they expect him to break a system that works on its own, without any interest in the opinions of citizens. there is another important point: half of americans intend to vote for trump, the other half for... trump, no matter who the bosses of the democratic party appoint to them. america has never known such a split. in addition, the losers are not going to admit defeat, because for them it is like death. actually, this is how
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civil wars begin. olek romanov on the main broadcast. against the backdrop of the american pre-election party in kiev , they started talking about the possibility of peace negotiations with moscow, and through beijing. ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba made an urgent visit to china with the theme of the meeting being with the chinese. colleague became the search for ways to end the ukrainian conflict, as well as the possible role of china in achieving a sustainable, just world. mentioning the standard principles of respect for ukrainian sovereignty, kuleba confirmed kiev’s readiness - quote - to conduct any negotiations and seek any solutions. kuleby did not bother to declare china’s support in the taiwan issue and commitment to the one-china principle, but quite recently there were speeches from kiev about the readiness of the armed forces of ukraine, together with the us army, to fight in the trenches of beijing. zelensky and the company regularly accused the middle kingdom of supporting russia. in moscow, such a change in the rhetoric of the ukrainian leaders of the rada i just have a hard time believing. square
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has clearly been nicknamed the country of mazepa, which is obviously beginning the bargaining stage , trying with all its might to lure russia to the second world summit. objectively, western military assistance did not help. the armed forces of ukraine are surrendering settlements one after another with military mobilization , which is practically a dead end. and in the west there is an electoral crisis, external support is in question. here. i changed my shoes to mazeppa. zelensky has already made several statements that he is ready for negotiations with russia within the framework of the second summit on ukraine, and also wishes for a speedy peace and even suggests that the hot phase of the war may end by the end of the year. similar to combat action may be the vagaries of nature. this week, all over the planet, she again behaved like a boss. a flurry of problems when the storm tests your strength. the most destructive natural disaster in the world, where bad weather wiped out entire cities.
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