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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 29, 2024 7:25pm-7:52pm MSK

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visited us, he had little time, so every time it was a real holiday, the last one happened before the war, it was my birthday, dad came for a festive dinner, and then took me with him to the store, promising to buy something whatever i wanted, i was 12 years old at the time, he bought me candy, some boxes, but for me it was not formations, fronts, because we cannot talk about this impersonality, behind every victory for...
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they took part in the moscow battle that began to liberate belarus in the fall of 1943 of the year. after the autumn-winter operation of 1943-4 , unfortunately, our troops were unable to liberate vitebsk. this was one of the key tasks. several offensive operations were carried out during this period. the vitebsk-orsha operation, but it was not possible to achieve the goal. a special commission, which was sent here to this territory to investigate the situation on the spot, actually admitted that 11 operations were unsuccessful, 11 military operations, so the commander of the western front was removed, and he was replaced on april 15 in the year forty-four, a general was appointed...
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colonel at that time ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky, literally 10 days later he became the commander of the third belarusian front, because the western front was transformed.
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he was the only military commander who was not an army general at the time of his appointment. and zakharov, and bagramyan, and rokosovsky were at the time of their appointment the commander-in-chief of the fronts, army generals. they had much more experience behind them. at the time of his appointment, ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky was almost 37 years old.
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for education. having successfully graduated from the academy of mechanization, the future general served in tank units. certifying him, the command gave ivan the following characteristics: a highly cultured commander has excellent command of operational calculations and specific knowledge in the combat training of tank units. he knows all brands of combat vehicles very well and drives them well. he is a strong-willed, demanding commander of himself and his subordinates, disciplined, and proactive. hardworking, knowledgeable work experience, worthy of promotion to the position of commander of a tank division and assignment extraordinary rank of colonel. chernyakhovsky's military skill grew from
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battle to battle. the thirty-three-year-old colonel met the great patriotic war as commander of the twenty-eighth tank division of the baltic military district. during the defense of novgorod in august '41, he first made people talk about himself as a talented military leader, forcing the germans to go on the defensive. the fighters fought in that battle for. every piece of land, in fact, down to the last tank. after that the thinned twenty-eighth division was withdrawn to the second echelon, ivan danilovich himself became seriously ill with pneumonia and went to the hospital. anastasia grigorievna, the commander’s wife, saved it. a letter dated august 27, 1941,
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chernyakhovsky wrote to his wife. if you saw me now, you wouldn’t know it; i’ve lost 17 kg. not a single belt fits, they are all too big, even my watch slips off my hand, and i also dream of washing myself and dying. having a beard like a sixty-year-old grandfather has long since become accustomed to. however, all this does not prevent one from commanding with such same passion as always. ivan danilovich loved his wife, daughter and son very much, although he raised his children in strictness; he constantly wrote to them from the front so that they would become excellent students. ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky, first of all , always understood that personal example is very important for any leader, so he did not reduce his demands on himself, those around him saw it, felt it and willingly.
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jumped up with a grenade in her hands, shouting “hurray for comrade stalin, she led all the fighters into the attack.” this is amazing. i introduced her to order of the red banner. this is a private episode, but the soviet people have so much courage and heroism. all this is exciting and makes us be in front with them, with the people who decide the fate of our glorious one. danilovich chernyakhovsky, his contemporaries, his colleagues, speak very warmly, saying
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that he was a person who was not afraid to cancel his decisions and admit, perhaps, his mistakes and somewhere his failure, it is believed that this is precisely thanks to this. ..he and the front troops under his command were able to achieve those victories and successes that they came because the situation at the front, on the front line, changes instantly, it is not always possible to follow the planned plan, the developed strategy and tactics, you need to be flexible and be able to not just make a new, different necessary decision, but be able to... take responsibility for it yourself, because only a person who is in
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close proximity to the events, he sees the situation on the spot, he can coordinate and make the right decisions and give the right orders. in heavy defensive battles, ivan danilovich scrupulously studied the enemy, his tactics, the experience of our soldiers, and boldly applied what was new that gave birth to combat life. he belonged to that glorious galaxy of soviet soldiers raised by the party,
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the forests and swamps, thanks to which it was much easier for belarus to defend itself than to attack, but thanks to the passage through the swamps and forests, the belarusian partisans made an invaluable contribution. contribution to the approaching liberation of belarus and the victory over the horn, thanks to the fact that through its active actions, especially on the railway, during the so-called real war... did not disrupt german supplies at the most crucial period, did not give them the opportunity to transfer their military units at the right time, and also, thanks to active assistance, reach the right places where the enemy was not expecting them, which ensured the speed of the offensive.
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vitebsk was soon liberated. she died in the famous vitebsk cauldron. a large number of light ones, so contrary to expectations, pavel rak’s tank was able to break through this bridge. on the night of june 30, 1944, a soviet tank platoon officer, tanker pavel rak, was given the task of breaking into the city of borisov, occupied by german troops, starting a battle and fighting until the main forces of the corps arrived. of the four tanks, only the crew. the t-34 in the command tank managed to hold out for almost a day until their troops arrived and they destroyed the commandant’s office. after the liberation of borisov, the next important key point where troops were sent, of course, was the capital of belarus, the city
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of minsk, at dawn on june 3rd. he put into them something new that was born in battles, he polished everything down to the smallest detail. chernyakhovsky looked directly into the face of danger, he did not fear the enemy, but did not neglect him either, but patiently studied the wolfish habits of the fascists and struck swift blows in the most sensitive places, at the most
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unexpected times. the nazis kept an eye on chernyakhovsky wherever he appeared. he and his eagles are the enemy immediately, wonderful people, and how i love them, they recently called for matchmaking, refused, set a condition, anywhere, but with their heroes, my crew for selection, tank driver, petya, fearless a virtuoso, a tireless mechanic who withstands the tension behind the shooter’s levers, the second crew who spent all the combat days and battles with me and never lagged behind my tank, the same. in general, the people, our tank crews, are wonderful. currently, we are putting ourselves in order, and many are languishing and bored, everyone is eager to fight. i don’t know exactly when this happiness will come to us. ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky was a very experienced, competent commander who,
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who was always in the troops, felt their mood. felt tight connection with the soldiers who sincerely loved him, my dear, you know how everyday life in combat brings people together, no, you can’t imagine it thoroughly, here i am a division commander, but i know all my hero soldiers, i know, i love them, they love me like my own father, i have already written to you a lot about my heroes, tank crews, but this. during the belarusian offensive operation, the ogration bore the main burden on the third belarusian front; thanks to their active, swift actions , it was possible to free such people, our youth
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should know who to look up to, so ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky is a very ... such an illustrative example of a man who, in many ways, made himself, was able to go through the military path, starting from a simple soldier and actually becoming a general, he always tried to keep his finger on the pulse of the battle, regularly went to the front line to make important decisions on the spot. on february 18, 1940, a wound through the back , a shrapnel went through the back, the chest hit... the windshield, the front panel, the wound was fatal, after that, literally less than an hour later, chernyakhovsky... died, but he was in consciousness according to the recollections of his contemporaries, those who were next to him, at that time, he realized this, four guns. in
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the person of comrade chernyakhovsky, the official statement said, the state lost one of the most talented young commanders who emerged during the patriotic war. unfortunately, ivan danilovich ryakhovsky died on the very threshold of victory. is a very bright, outstanding personality, whose life path can serve as an example for our younger generation.
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we resounded with joy at the fractions, zdzіўlyazza, feel the connection with the hour and heat, just respect, the skin day is formed from tradition. sennya, a year or so agodze there, everything that was considered old, was very new, we ourselves do not
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respect it, we pass on the knowledge and experiences of the past, this is our death, the wave of the hand, and so... posing, from simple, happy momenta, the formation of sapraudny traditions, belarus 24. the foreign policy priorities of belarus were discussed at a meeting with the president. russia remains our closest ally and most important
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trading partner. analyzing a recent visit to russia, alexander lukashenko noted that following the results of negotiations with vladimir putin , mutual understanding was reached on all issues. i don’t know anymore, like you, what foundations the government needs to create in russia in order to build a good foundation for our relations. and strategically.
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the opportunity is provided by the country's accession to the shanghai cooperation organization. alexander lukashenko recalled the most important visits of the government delegation to latin america and the minister of foreign affairs to the dprk, the results of which were also discussed at meeting. in addition, the president announced upcoming visits of foreign delegations. 4,800,000 tons. this is the weight of the belarusian loaf, taking into account rabs for today. due to the rain, the pace of work has slowed down slightly, but farmers take advantage of every weather. minute to harvest the entire crop. the leaders are three millionaire areas. minsk, brezsk and grodno. the winter wheat harvest is currently underway, and harvesting
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is intensive due to favorable weather conditions. the harvesting company in the region will increase; at the same time , flax harvesting is underway in belarus. brest noted the most important dates: the thousand-fifth anniversary of the founding and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation from the nazi invaders. hundreds of belarusians gathered in the square of the legendary citadel. the flowers lay down to the eternal flame. at the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress , a memorial sign was solemnly opened to the living memory of grateful generations. this is the second such memorial sign in belarus, the first was installed in... victory in minsk. to create them, belarusian public figure aleksei talai initiated the collection of coins, which dropped hundreds of thousands into special flasks people from belarus and abroad. president alexander lukashenko expressed gratitude to the representatives of more than half a million families who responded to the initiative to perpetuate endless gratitude to the heroes of the great patriotic war in an address on the occasion of the landmark event. now the collection continues, the third monument will appear in moscow. what's unique is
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that. 80 years have passed, but young people are creating new objects, this means that this is memory, it has been preserved, this means that gratitude has been preserved, this means that it has been preserved admiration for the heroes of the winners, and this means that this is necessary, this is the education of the spirit, this is the education of memory, this is loyalty to everything that is characteristic of our people. not only to relax, but also to earn extra money, gain valuable experience, meet new people, this opportunity is given to boys and girls by the third working semester. most of the student teams are involved in various enterprises and organizations; the guys work in seven areas.
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