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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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the sun, and how our life is built from all these little things, we want to look at this world differently, to discover something new every day, it’s so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus.
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this is a panorama, we summarize the main results of the day on the calendar tuesday, july 30, see our issue. the system of the academy of sciences, inventions, work with the real sector of the economy and the functioning of institutions. today, all these topics have been updated in the independence palace, created. time passes, but poland remains as it was the hyena of europe, it remains so, now together with brussels they are eating ukrainians, the hyena is looking at the border with belarus, continuing to supposedly strengthen it for defense, but you don’t understand, this is different, tonight on the air. belarus continues restoration work to eliminate the consequences of the three-day raging cyclone igor, due to strong pore winds. hundreds
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of fallen trees, torn off roofs and power lines throughout the country, we will tell you the details in the panorama: how belarus is building an international defense shield, about belarusian-chinese exercises, special forces training in the mountains of kazakhstan and the immediate prospects for military cooperation in a new issue on the form. friendship without borders, schoolchildren from uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and laos are relaxing at the zubrenok children's center. the president had a big conversation about the prospects for the development of belarusian science today at the palace of independence. we live in an era of unprecedented opportunities, but without scientists it is impossible to rise to the next level at the national level. there are certain successes in the applied part of belarusian science and fundamental, but i would like greater results. we are talking about introducing innovations into
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the real sector of the economy; this has also been discussed more than once. to find the right approaches to this process, a working group was created that will collect analytics on the work of scientists, their approaches and the functioning of the system as a whole. there are preliminary results, but it is premature to talk about global conclusions; the process will continue. but katerina krutalevich will tell you how it should work. academy of sciences, the complexity of this topic was felt by everyone at once making a reservation that the dialogues and criticism that were heard in the palace at a meeting with the working group to analyze the activities of scientists, are not conclusions and in no case sharp preparation for changes in the system, rather an update of what is happening, the president will explain why the decision was made to create a high-level commission chaired by the chairman of the state control committee for the study. situations in the scientific
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field, the scientific community, especially in the academy of sciences. i just said that we give all priorities to science, without it development is impossible, but lately i have seen that the academy of sciences has made serious mistakes. this also happens. science is such a thing when you have to follow unbeaten paths.
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no better than other relevant centers that exist outside the academy of sciences, but should be better, well, the appeal of scientists.
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whether these developments include world-class breakthroughs is up in the air. and are you ready to ensure your technological sovereignty in the current realities? this is not only and not so much about sanctions. we are already used to this, they are passing.
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many partners are talking primarily about in china, the topic remains relevant, according to the academy’s specialists , belarusian laser systems are being bought well, the institute of physics is engaged in them, the developments of the institute of computer science problems are also in use, this is artificial intelligence, they are creating, for example , speech recognition systems, voice assistants, a scientific and practical center for agriculture, their the development sector also buys seeds and fertilizers at a time. success in new markets depends on what product we enter there with and how good it will be...
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at present, this is also a question of balance fundamental and applied sciences, for understanding, the academy of sciences itself does not produce anything, all their developments are carried out either through their own factories or on order. the simplest example is products, what we see on store shelves, it is in nan that they are developing technologies that allow this, we are also working on this, how to invest or how to support enterprises in using the results of scientific and technical activities that are not carried out in within their division, for example in...
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criticizes nas. research is carried out for internal needs, their own institutions, they themselves order, develop and accept themselves. in this situation, when we are making state scientific and technical programs, i am deeply convinced that the customers of these programs should be industries or
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even specific companies: minsk tractor plant, minsk automobile plant, gomselmash and a number of others that are able, we will say , formulate a scientific problem. collection, it is also important to have your own school, attracting young people to science, if there are no
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continuers of ideas, there is no continuity, then there is no scientist. i fully support the proposal of the scientists themselves that it is necessary to establish clear criteria for the selection of candidates for academicians and corresponding members, no nepotism of mutual responsibility, which is often the sin of our field. but scientists are born, learn and reach certain heights as citizens of their
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country. most great scientists are true patriots. i will say more, a citizen with a high rank of scientist should be the most an active promoter of the state position. how are things going here in our academy of sciences? there are many questions. there are some successes, but dissatisfaction with the results is also serious. what i said at the beginning, there is always a swing in the opposite direction, simplifying as much as possible, in order for the industry to turn into the sphere of large innovative technology, we need to modernize production, for example, the plant must buy new machines, the director of this plant must calculate, we will buy equipment, we will do, for example new engine, it definitely has to be is in demand, it should be bought not in a year or two, but preferably more than five, in order to recoup the costs, all this needs to be included in the strategy for a decade of enterprise development, are all managers ready?
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in order for these products to be liquid and last for 8 years, you need to see somewhere in the horizon until the fiftieth year, so that these products are competitive, not everyone wants to take on this and bear responsibility, so you are absolutely right, in many cases a directive is necessary administrative approach, for example, if it weren’t for the president, there would be a nuclear power plant, no? it would not exist if it were not for the president, there would be a belarusian national biotechnology
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company, it would not exist if not for the president, there would be such a large-scale modernization of the petrochemical complex, naftaan, mozyr, or we will take issues related to the woodworking pulp and paper industry products, dobruzh, shvetlogorsk, shklov, where such striking changes also took place, who would take responsibility. belgji didn’t want to take responsibility either, but today please note that we will most likely produce 80,000 cars this year. the next step is to accumulate all these thoughts in science , there are a lot of interested parties, sometimes with an internal conflict of interest, so it’s up to the working group to sort this out without offending scientists. the main goal of the working group is to maximize the efficiency of the activities of our science, this is to help, that is, we ... are not going to destroy something, we must build with their help a system that will work effectively, and
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even the fact that today there were different opinions at the meeting, the same different opinions were expressed at the working group, this is good, it means that we will ultimately come to some optimal option, we will study the situation until november, then the sphere awaits a more substantive conversation, including about quality, without guarantees of which today you ca n’t even start working in any given job. sentenced to extreme punishment. he appealed to the head of state with a request for pardon. today the president heard information about this case. let me remind you that krieger was found guilty of an act of terrorism, undercover activity, mercenary activity, deliberate damage to communications, which could lead to the death of a person, a crash, an accident and other serious consequences. six
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articles of the criminal code. based on the totality of his crimes, he was sentenced to... the head of state invited people immersed in the process to hear details and opinions to consult. let’s find out what the meeting participants say right now. an explosion occurred at the ozirische railway station on 5 october last year at 23:22, one minute before the arrival of the passenger train. german citizen rika krieger had left explosives on the tracks shortly before. it's the next day. according to the plan, he was supposed to leave belarus, but was detained by the belarusian special services, admitted guilt and told all the details of how he received the task, obtained and installed an explosive device, and how he cleaned up his electronic traces. the chain, as expected, led to kiev; in addition to the terrorist attack on instructions from the sbu, nemets photographed the military unit and military equipment. sentence court is an exceptional measure of punishment.
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the last word belongs to the president, the petition for pardon is written in the name of... the head of the belarusian state, but the reaction of the german authorities is also indicative, they simply abandoned their citizen, so today the fate of a person was decided in the palace of independence. the difficult conversation was attended by people deeply immersed in the topic: the prosecutor, the lawyer, the deputy head of the presidential administration in charge of legal issues, and the journalist who provided informational support to the process. the hardest thing in the fate of the president is these are similar cases related to the exceptional.
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there are no pardons, and there would be no rejection of this petition, so alexander grigorievich said that he would think about it and make a decision. the trial began back in june and the hearings were attended by representatives of the german consulate, but with all their appearance they showed indifference to the fate of their compatriot, and sometimes so demonstratively that they attracted the attention of journalists. i noted it for myself, then, when the verdict was already pronounced, literally, probably five minutes passed, and here they are... came out of the courtroom, lawyers, employees, representatives of the german consulate, they were like, you know, they were hugging, they were smiling, it felt like, i don’t know, they were patting each other on the shoulder. statements from the german government, maybe they just really don’t care,
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now we don’t hear any actions, and you have a smile, and i also got the impression that these people, and since they abandoned their citizen of their country, be that as it may, no matter what crimes the person committed there. but he a citizen of your country, and it seems to me that it is your duty, you should at least try to help him in some way, there, well, somehow contact him, there, well, at least do something for him, but here there is nothing of that it happened, and at some point i even caught myself thinking, maybe they want the death sentence to be carried out, in fact , there is no one to protect this man now, that is, here he is in belarus, he addresses the president with a petition for pardon, that is, to his authorities, well, he understands that it is pointless. yes, of course i am i understand that this is a very serious crime, there is absolutely no justification for them, while i was sitting in this courtroom, i simply did not understand how a person today in his right mind is even capable
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of committing something like this, this is a terrible crime, this is a terrorist attack, but on the other hand, after seeing all this, this reaction, they abandoned him, it’s just that i, honestly, somehow even humanly felt sorry for him, like a woman, well, the decision is up to the president, i understand that he now has a very difficult decision to make . "ich kann nur von glück reden, dass niemand verletzt oder getötet wurde, gott sei dank, ich kann nur hoffen, dass der präsident dieses landes, herr lukaschenko, dass er mir
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verzeiht, verzeiht, it is very scary that in case of execution my body will not be handed over to germany and my family will not even be able to say goodbye with me, nicht abschied nehmen kann, dass ich meine partnerin. “i dream of seeing my girlfriend, my homeland, my parents at least once again, ihre tochter sehen kann, dass ich meine eigene tochter noch mal sehen kann, dass ich mein vater sehen kann, but the german authorities are doing nothing at all, these are tears of awareness of what happened after the crime, but how many of them could the belarusians shed with the explosive device working a minute later, it’s the hardest.” the crime and the sentence are harsh, but fair, everything will be according to the law, the person exercised his right to appeal to the president. alexey martinenok,
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tv news agency. the working day of the head of state began with telephone conversations, in particular, the president of belarus discussed with the chairman of the board of rosneft igor sichin the prospects for cooperation between belarus and this large russian oil and gas company. companies. as for the single energy market, minsk and moscow, stalin. closer to its creation, let me remind you that the day before vladimir putin signed an order, thereby supporting the agreement on the formation of a unified energy market of the union state. the belarusian side approved the document last year, in july, and this was done by the russian government. the agreement spells out the basis for the development of this market, the mechanisms for purchasing and selling electricity. now this will be done by special authorized representatives from each side. on the second assumption stage.
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indicate common rules of the game, so that in the end both belarusian companies can freely trade electricity on the russian market, that is , sell their electricity to russian consumers, and russian generating companies, so that they can also sell their electricity to belarusian consumers, everything can be said in the document such rules of the game as there will be a system operator who will manage the flow of electricity, all these frameworks. indicated in in the future, there will be a single electricity market, it should expand to the iis market, that is , so that, for example, kazakh companies can engage in trading and sell electricity.
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also in russia and belarus, that is , the task of the states is to create conditions for this trade, and the trade itself will be debased by the companies. i would like to note that in recent years belarus has been fully self-sufficient in its own electricity; we do not purchase kilowatts from imports; on the contrary, we are ready to export the surplus that appeared with the launch of bilas. the unified energy market will give belarus additional opportunities to supply electricity to russia. alexander lukashenko also had a telephone conversation with the chairman of the central committee of the russian party. gennady zyuganov thanked the president for his congratulations on his eightieth birthday, which the leader of the communist party of the russian federation celebrated in june. they also discussed cooperation between the communist parties of the two countries, and discussed the issue of holding the second international anti-fascist forum, which is planned in minsk in the fall. gennady zyuganov invited alexander to it lukashenko. the anglo-saxons took up venezuela
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after yesterday's victory in the presidential elections of the country's current leader, nicolas madura. aggressive radicals took to the streets of a number of cities. according to maduro, attempts are being made to organize a fascist counter-revolutionary coup in the country. the protesters, who in the west will now urgently have to be dubbed peaceful, incredible and wearing socks. several were set on fire during the night.
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underground hundreds, a dead catalyst for the rebels, no one will figure out who they are set, or set up, if this is not a shameless production, on euphoria, lawlessness and impulses for some changes are kindled. there has been a massive mobilization of venezuelans across the country, showing a clear desire for change. this kind of mobilization
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was really carried out. almost conscientiously for $150 a day for each respected protester, there is a preparation from washington, maduro does not hear the voice of the people, and therefore the united states is ruling out the lifting of existing sanctions and is beginning to consider the possibility of introducing new restrictions against caracas. nothing else should have been expected after these presidential elections in venezuela. even before the announcement of the voting results.
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supporters of the leader, then it’s not just maria who was nominated as a deputy of the national assembly, but for now the listed moments of her career are enough, let’s return to the streets of karak.
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have already seen this movie, the same film with a similar script, the main characters are the same, on the one hand, people who want peace, democracy, prosperity and progress, on the other , an elite full of hatred with a fascist counter-revolutionary project associated with us empire. china, russia, iran, belarus, cuba, bolivia, and nicaragua confidently supported madura's efforts to protect peace and stability. peru, panama, chile, uruguay, and finally argentina, which has already sold its economy to the united states, ignoring the impoverishment of its population, and these
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are voices in favor of the technology of color revolutions, they work with the same miserable methods in different points, in different hemispheres, because everywhere the same interest. and they so want to return to venezuela for oil, gold, and mineral resources. elizaveta kazakova, dmitry astertakh, telenews agency. multipolarity is, first of all , respect for the choice of the people, their values ​​and traditions. chairman of the house of representatives of the national assembly igor.
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pezishkian took the oath in the presence of parliamentarians, members of the council of guardians of the constitution and the head of the judiciary. let me remind you that early presidential elections in iran were called in connection with the death of ibrahim reisi in a plane crash in may. masoud pezishkian was elected as the ninth president of the country, receiving almost 54% of the vote. well, you know, one gets the feeling that the collective west has already realized that their manual on...
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estonia will have time to realize this. that is why, precisely because there are elections in the states, washington , in some kind of mortal frenzy, is transferring to a base in poland. heavy military equipment will be deployed in the first stages: 87 tanks and 150 infantry fighting vehicles. in parallel, after the coup in kiev, the euro-democratization of the slavic country, the states continue to exterminate ukrainians. the pentagon itself also allocated a billion 700 million to supply kiev with missiles xymarc, nasamc systems, large-caliber artillery shells, high-precision aerial bombs and more. it is poland and washington who are thinking of giving.
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error, or is it a deliberate action, here. because such an agreement, since it is invalid under polish law, can be very easily withdrawn. as for the training of the so-called ukrainian legion, according to polish law, the recruitment of foreign citizens for the needs of a foreign army, in this case for the needs of the ukrainian army, is an action that is punishable by law, then eating is a crime under the penal code. thus, we have another bypass of polish internal rules. well, it should be noted, as tomasz smith emphasized,
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long before the north military district, warsaw became the largest european center for the recruitment of mercenaries of different nationalities. for details , see the project today, this is another right after the panorama. belarus is in favor of de-escalation as much as possible. both in word and deed. prevent escalation on the belarusian-ukrainian border. the southern neighbors withdrew their troops. ours did the same military. a two-week joint belarusian-chinese exercise recently ended. a unit of special operations forces conquered the mountains of kazakhstan during the summit of brotherhood exercise. august september will be no less intense for the belarusian military during joint training with their russian colleagues. csto exercises. read more.
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interacted with the chinese it is worth noting that the belarusian troops were previously colleagues in the framework of bilateral maneuvers on the territory of the prc in the far east of the russian federation. training on belarusian soil were carried out in 2011 and 2015, but these exercises can be called. the most intense in terms of intensity and number
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of tasks assigned. last year, while visiting beijing on an official visit, belarusian defense minister viktor khrenin held negotiations with the chinese military on holding joint exercises between the two countries. the agreements were enshrined on paper, so the past maneuvers were not at all a spontaneous decision and clearly not a way to increase tension at the borders. at the same time, the west became noticeably agitated. the bresske test site is located just 3 km from the polish border, 30 km north of the border with ukraine. the very next day after the start of the exercises, the media of unfriendly countries began to spread fake information about the threat from the east. the start date of the maneuvers coincided with the nato anniversary taking place in washington. or maybe this is not a coincidence, a signal to the alliance, in which you can read in black and white that the structure of the international... danger is changing every day, and belarus is becoming stronger, and now
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specifically about maneuvers: the military of the two countries have practiced day and night landings, overcoming water barriers, conducting combat operations indoors in populated areas , clearing buildings. artillery crews were also involved in the training. this is to list briefly and dryly. in fact, there is something behind the scenes that is not shown in the news. this. there were only military men. we are talking about sharing experience, learning new forms and ways of solving tactical problems. by the way, the language barrier is not a hindrance. all negotiations are carried out using gestures and signs, in some cases - military translators. at this time in the mountains kazakhstan, belarusian special forces performed tasks as part of the “pince of brotherhood 2024” exercise. here our military personnel completed a full course of combat training in mountainous desert areas. the maneuvers took place at
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the kaktal training ground, on the belarusian side, and 50 military personnel took part in them. the special forces , together with their kazakh colleagues , were engaged in mountain, engineering, taxi, medical and fire training. the reconnaissance units made a twenty-kilometer march, during which they discovered and liquidated the plant. production of improvised explosive devices and the base of an illegal armed group. in the final part of the exercise. scouts destroyed columns of imaginary enemy equipment. these maneuvers, like the chinese ones, are an indicator of close and friendly relations with the military of kazakhstan. belarusian military personnel are ahead. their joint training with russian colleagues as part of air defense exercises, and in the fall the annual csto maneuvers - military brotherhood. belarus conducts all maneuvers exclusively in a peaceful manner in order to improve our army, strengthen friendship with foreign colleagues and develop international military cooperation
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. at the same time, we show the west that we will defend our interests and defend the territory, both alone and with the help of our partners in alliances. and the west is still persistently trying to show us something. they mocked the opening of the olympics and happily rubbed their little hands together. the international olympic committee continues to demonstrate pseudo-democratic standards. they suddenly declared that they could not interfere in conflicts between national olympic committees of israel and palestine, because he could. outside of politics they said it again and rubbed their hands maliciously. let me remind you that earlier, a letter was sent to the palestinians to thomas bach with a request to ban israeli athletes from participating in the olympic games in paris. there are between 20 and 30 happening in the world. in response to
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mog’s voiced position on the conflict in the middle east , sanctions continue to apply to belarusian and russian athletes. athletes perform at games in neutral. status and subject to a number of conditions, each the athlete passed a strict test, and only a few made it to paris, some even without the necessary sports equipment. unabated, the scandal surrounding the opening of the olympics in paris was held by a rally of citizens who found the anti-christian motives in the disgusting show offensive. opening ceremony deeply discouraged us presidential candidate, donald trump.
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there are snacks in the rooms, but there are no conditions there at all, cardboard furniture is only half the problem. in paris, now it's african heat, there's air conditioning in the athletes' rooms almost absent. a relative has had an accident and cannot talk on the phone; to save him, money is urgently needed, more often. only pensioners fall for this trick, wanting to help, they are ready to give all their savings, this is what the telephone show is designed for, which brings in millions. many detained couriers, whose task is to take money from victims, do not know until the very end that they are committing a crime, believing that
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they are honestly working as couriers transporting money. about crime and punishment, vladimir korolev. i found money on the internet. v telegram channel, they told me that i needed to pick up the money at the designated place, put it on a russian card, and take a portion of this money in the amount of 300 rubles. this eighteen-year-old guy from gomel realized only after his arrest why an unknown person on the internet offered him an hour of work.


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