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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 31, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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among the most numerous are graphics and painting, bronze sculpture. editors club. people gathered with their families in their apartments to watch our parade, because it was also such a good reminder that there is this island somewhere who value peace and talk about peace. this is a demonstration of economic power, among other things, not everyone.
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belarus has overtaken south korea, australia, the usa, brazil and israel in the sustainable development ranking. gdp is growing at a rate higher than the global and european average. belarus began exporting cars produced in belarus to the russian federation. belarus increased the share of industry in gdp to 27.5%. for comparison, the indicator for...
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we have forgotten how to enjoy little things, be surprised, feel the connection between generations of times, and simply notice. but every day is made up of traditions. today, a year or a century. ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through a generation, it’s in our smile, waves of our hands, in such a familiar look from... simple happy moments
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real traditions are taking shape, we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present, belarus 24. hello, the program “sas is authorized to declare” is on air. i and the presenter nadezhda sas, welcome you. let me remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. in today's program we will talk about the palace coup in the united states and its consequences on the ukrainian crisis. immediately after the digest of key events world. politics this week.
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ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba made an unexpected visit to china, where he was received by chinese foreign minister wang yi. the main topic of the conversation was the prospects for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. contrary to the approach repeatedly heard from kiev previously, this time kuleba said that the ukrainian authorities are ready for negotiations with the russian side. true, i hastened to add that moscow must be committed to conscientious negotiations for a just peace. which supposedly is not observed now. in your it was ivan’s turn and noted that any conflict should be resolved exclusively at the negotiating table and china is determined to facilitate this in every possible way. russia reacted unexpectedly positively to kuleba’s visit. president putin's press secretary dmitry peskov noted that the message to kuleba itself is in unison with our position. true, the official representative of the mit russia, maria zakharova , spoke much harsher. she noted that there is no faith in moscow, according to she
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reminded that if kiev really wanted to negotiate, then zelensky first of all, he would cancel his own decree prohibiting dialogue about peace with putin. the opposition in the european parliament was ignored when distributing posts; the third largest faction, patriots for europe, including 84 deputies, did not give a single post of vice-president of the european parliament, chairman or deputy chairman of the committee. the europe of sovereign nations faction, which advocates the normalization of relations with russia, was also left without anything. but the greens and liberals who lost the elections got a lot. varnish and posts. representatives of the so-called centrists justify gross violations of democratic principles by saying that they isolate supposedly radical nationalists and friends of putin. in fact, among the political forces artificially left behind were the ruling fidesz party in hungary, as well as the parties that took
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first place in france, the netherlands, austria, the czech republic and belgium according to the results of the june 9 vote. thus, with the vernacular of the elites , the results were actually rewritten. in this context, the interaction is considered two countries in international organizations and the situation in the field of global and regional security. the foreign minister of the dprk expressed support for belarus' efforts to counter illegal sanctions and restrictions from groups of western
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states. the famous english writer george oreel, in his article in october 1945, predicted that nuclear powers would always be in a state of... cold war with each other, it is believed that this is how the term “cold war” came into popular use. but lately the world is so close has come to the point of sliding into a hot, nuclear war, which is simply a step back to confrontation in the spirit of the cold war and is already perceived as a huge relief. about why in the last few weeks there has been so much talk about this step back from the brink. and how the events of the presidential race in the united states influence this will be discussed today. institute of strategic studies and forecasts , peoples' friendship university of russia. hello. hello. by tradition, we begin our program with a blitz question.
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victoria, do you think they will come out? americans from the ukrainian project, as from afghanistan? you know, of course, a lot depends on the domestic political situation in the united states. because we see division, or rather we don’t see it, it is assumed somewhere behind the scenes, in that very deep state, the prioritization is different, and if the americans left afghanistan already at the peak point of the critical crisis, we witnessed this, then here for now there is no need for such a way out, yes, donald trump and those groups that support him, they can do the emphasis in the political election campaign , that this does not need to be financed, this is not at all important, but in order to find an alternative... to the military-industrial complex and restart it without ukraine, it will be necessary to incite other conflicts, there is iran, china, and so on and so on. this spiral is still working, and we cannot guarantee that trump and those who stand behind him will actually make a choice in favor of the americans leaving ukraine. here is peter, i agree with victoria, and indeed,
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when we talk about ukraine and the united states of america, we imagine communicating vessels, even based on the reactions and certain statements that have been heard recently from government officials. we should also not forget the jewels, yes, which are notorious in this regard. trump has a simple formula: if i make a profit, then i will work with them, if i don’t make a profit, then i don’t need them, and
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of course, the question is for mr. zelensky , probably, is what can he offer trump, how can he sell himself? zelensky is also not an independent figure. and what they are fighting with, it is clear that not a single one of their own production, enterprises, and even those that are somewhere in the carpathian mountains or in stalin’s. what and what will russia give in return to eliminate this war
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? actually like this semi-periphery of the usa. here. what questions, i think, now it is worth connecting to our broadcast the german politician, entrepreneur waldemar gerth, waldemar, hello, yes, good afternoon, we are talking about ukraine, the united states of america, and the prerequisites for peace, if they are in your opinion, the reaction of the european union on those returbations that we have recently seen in the united states of america? well, the first few days the reaction was shocking, because everyone piled a lot of dirt on... the ramp and so on, now i’ll have to for sure - with him
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work, therefore - there will be a restart of this relationship, but it will be built on a purely pragmatic, commercial interest in what trump is used to doing. eh, periphery, germany, or not periphery, i would say more, it is a colony, it was and is, remains. there a peace treaty has not been signed, and there the acceptance corridor is being sacrificed independently for the sake of this great global interest between the united states and china. you know, it’s still better and more pleasant for me when pragmatists sit down at the table and begin negotiations lead than when ideologically stunned idiots do this, it’s simply not logical, nothing is visible. i can’t hear it, let’s wait and see, yes valdemar, and you know, i remember the words of stap bender, the ice
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has broken, gentlemen, even zelensky said in an interview with the bbc that the hot stage of the war may end before the end of the year and not all territories of ukraine can be returned by military means. quote: i believe that if we are united and follow, for example, the format of the peace summit, we can end the hot stage of the war, we can try to do it to the end. the plan will be completely ready, if russia is ready to discuss this plan, then we will be
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ready to speak together with our partners with representatives of russia. yes, victoria, what do trump and johnson’s statements about the end of the war mean? johnson now, we understand that the new ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny has begun his duties as the ambassador of ukraine to the uk, so indeed, the british are taking away...
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the process of the collapse of the european union will now gain momentum more than ever or let’s not not collapse, but reconstruction, that is, the process of returning the european union to its original purpose, this is a voluntary union of sovereign states, this needs to be returned there, then we can say that a voluntary union of sovereign states from lisbon to vladivostok would be ideal. scenario for all living peoples on the european continent. thank you very much, waldemar gerth, a german politician, was in touch with us. let's continue our discussion. let me remind you that recently us presidential candidate donald trump, almost daily regime, promises to end the war in ukraine very quickly. he wrote about this, in particular, after a conversation with zelensky, saying that the warring parties will have the opportunity to conclude
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a deal. not so long ago, trump generally said that he would end the war in ukraine even before his inauguration if he wins. and to avoid future conflicts and uncertainty, the rest of ukraine will need to be recognized as a free country, capable of choosing its own destiny within the eu and nato, and absolutely ready for early accession. moreover, the armed forces of ukraine in the alliance could
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replace the american army in europe, thereby removing part of the burden from the united states.
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be rational and practical , aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace. yes, yuri, even the other day in some ukrainian telegram channels they joked wittily about the unexpected visit of the head of ukraine’s foreign ministry to china, that they allegedly overdid it under the impression of zelensky’s conversation with trump, but seriously, what’s more in this
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trip in your opinion? games to create a myth inside ukraine that beijing can... stop supporting russia or real readiness to start a friendly or at least meaningful conversation about peace, because it was a little strange to perceive, that is, first we establish relations with trump, then we fly to beijing, that is , there is some kind of confusion, this lack of understanding in general, what is happening, where is this lifeline, please, you have the floor, speaking about peace, the chinese certainly proposed this idea and... are offering it to ukraine, and in general , ukraine cannot escape from the fact that it is controlled by washington, so.
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to complete it in the near future, and it seems to me that the russian federation and belarus are interested in this, no one wants to continue this conflict endlessly, no one wants to continue to watch the death of their own fellow citizens, will trump come, will this crazy woman come? , as trump, the reactionary stupid lady, said, it doesn’t matter at all, that is, how...
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anything, and even, i repeat once again, they simply desire to send all ukrainians into oblivion so that not such a nation existed for the sake of russia also suffering a certain fiasco in this field, political and military, that’s the point, and victoria, but you must agree that if a new team comes, for example, a team...
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the strong will get even with their offenders and reconsider the support for ukraine that was provided by the united states. well , look what happened at the rally when
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there was an attempt on trump’s life. everyone was shown that if trump goes left or right, he is essentially given a black mark, maybe maybe a second, third, fourth assassination attempt if trump enters the field of interests of more powerful groups than trump himself. why politicians and presidents. can gain some points, have some weight in american politics, it is possible, through these behind-the-scenes agreements, to offer these same groups some solutions that will be more beneficial to them, this is really a matter of bargaining, but , of course, no one has personal sympathies will not suspect trump of personal sympathy for ukraine if it is a unprofitable business compared to others alternative scenarios, of course, trump will try to refuse this, having previously agreed with deep state that go ahead. trump took it all out of hand and decided, as he states in his election
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campaign, that now i will solve it all with one call, no, by the way, analyzing their debate with biden, when trump was asked if you are ready to go here to the conditions that putin put forward, and putin proposed essentially a minimum program for russia, these are the negotiating positions that, in principle, we we can’t hand over it, well, for the sake of objective interests , actually. ukraine, so that later there would be something to bargain with trump to lower the bar , otherwise now we have somehow even lowered our demands, it seems to me, that’s why these demands were presented, trump said that no, i don’t accept them, and i will not accept them, and this is understandable, because trump still remains a representative of the americans, and he will have to show some kind of victory to the american people, including on the ukrainian track. showing that biden the entire democratic team has failed, you are not you shouldn’t choose me, because i have such and such goodies, positive results of this negotiation process, so far
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there are no positive... indicators here, andrei telizhenko, political scientist, americanist, joins our broadcast. andrey, greetings, good afternoon, nadezhda, it’s a pleasure to be in your studio, as always. yes, andrey, i know that you are still a trump supporter, the only person who will today try to explain his further plan of action, we discussed trump’s plan today, in your opinion, we’ve just started program with the blitz question, will the americans leave the ukrainian project, as... at one time they fled from afghanistan, this picture is not yet visible, so that they leave the ukrainian project, they are very deeply entrenched in it and this is the only project so far , which they can hold on to, because they have another floating taiwan, latin america, they also don’t have such a serious foundation where to hold on, they lost africa, asia is also a problem there, so this is the only thing left for them
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- this is ukraine , they are you... from afghanistan in order to be there, now we will see whether this will be a real situation, so that president trump, presidential candidate trump, when he became president, made peace in ukraine, left ukraine , his personal position, i know that there is one, was that he wanted to get out of ukraine, if the deep state does not join trump’s team, it is coming very actively, if it does not change his personal position regarding the ukrainian case, then we will see continuation, maybe a little bit different format of this scenario, but...
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haris ran for the main government office, but later withdrew her candidacy. she held the vice-presidential post for 4 years. in this position , she oversaw issues such as migration problems on the southern border, the protection of voting rights and women’s rights to abortion, and advocates for all possible support for ukraine. i think, peter, of course we don’t want to offend anyone, but if you imagine in your head the image of kamala haris, her activity, which... came to nothing, then there is a characteristic no, if we talk about who is more of a puppet in the hands of the depstate, i think, compared to mr. biden, the main thing is always the controllability of the system, if you are a manager, you should be a manager, and not an individual player who cannot organize the work of the white house, the state department and something else. and...
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its minus for the us democratic party, which in principle has already been confirmed by some fairly significant democrats, is that...
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pumping it up, but apparently even the seventh heart does not help these oligarchs and strange gray cardinals, so death is everything -it still prevails and the aging process weighs heavily on biden that even they... with a technological tool in the previous campaign, when she was simply asked to slightly balance biden’s age, his belonging to those same wasp, white american men, she compensated here, now she is asked to be
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like that a subject, in fact, a puppet subject, before she was sent to summits to which biden himself did not want to go and in general the representation was very low for the americans, they did not consider it necessary to be there in a high position. here in my opinion , they sent kamala to the munich security conference, who is of no interest to anyone in the united states, so here she simply appears as another trippy stuffed doll, but nevertheless, given the dynamics of events that are now unfolding there, kamala harris is the ideal a candidate for the democrats, taking into account the fact that they have taken an irrational path, now everything is possible, everything is possible, everything is possible. well, about biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race from the democrats’ bet. about kamala haris, we’ll tell you in more detail in our story, let’s take a look. joe biden could not withstand the pressure of voters from the sponsors of his presidential campaign. the last weeks were extremely tense for the then- candidate for the main post, but later the democratic leader decided to leave the fight for a place in
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the white house. biden has dropped out of the presidential race. this is the first such case in a decade, as the politician himself said, now he intends to focus on fulfilling his duties until the end of his term. the resignation was decided in the interests of the country and the democratic party. calls were made to stop biden's campaign fellow party members, sponsors and even voters themselves. the pressure on joe intensified after his debate failure with trump in late june. immediately after it, the ratings plummeted. trump's position, on the contrary , has strengthened. compared to his opponent, he looked much smarter and faster. back in june , biden was literally tormented by journalists with questions. does he intend to stay in the race? then a politician. clear and unambiguous answers, he will continue to fight, but now the decision has changed in the opposite direction. analysts note that the last word remained with those who paid for the presidential campaign of the democratic leader. they didn't want to invest money in a candidate who didn't
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inspire confidence among voters. in turn, the sudden announcement of his departure made it possible to create the appearance of a decision being made on biden’s terms, which helped save the president’s image. himself, still the current head of state. nominate fifty-nine-year-old kamala haris, vice president of the united states, from the democrats. haris accepted the offer, declaring that she intended to participate in the elections. leading dim party leaders of the country supported her candidacy, but the outcome of the campaign was still called unpredictable. moreover , kamala’s approval, if it happens, will only be in august at a congress of fellow party members. she is already preparing to fight for the attention of politicians and voters. the latest polls show the vice president trailing trump. by a small margin, americans do not yet perceive her as a separate independent politician. kharis’s main task for the next 3 months is to build her own separate image, analysts say. apparently this will be done now harris, who first needs to secure
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the votes of a majority of the nearly 400 delegates to the democratic national convention . yes, andrey, your characterization of kamali harris is like, you know, the average american approaches her.
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it’s enough, i’m not saying that this is anti-ukrainian rhetoric, but it’s rather an adequate perception of reality, that’s what you think, after all, a team player. strong enough, potential and its capabilities, even someone is convinced that he will be the forty-eighth president of the united states of america, and that is, it gives understanding the fact that these people are definitely not interested in this oligarchy and this clan system continuing to exist in the united states of america, i think and not only in the united states of america. the fact is that andrei telizhenko said correctly. at
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present, practically nothing depends on the president of the united states of america; on the contrary, first of all, say, inadequacy in statements depends on them; the more such inadequacies, the better. wentz is completely different from harris in that he is pragmatic and progressive in this sense, yes, to please the united states, to please their policies, but it is still a figure. one of the british, in my opinion, modern music stars, just recently called kamala haris “otorva”, this is the same name, it was very coolly picked up in the united states itself, where they say that it is precisely this kind of “out-of-control” that is needed in american policy to behave inappropriately, to impose on the world some absolutely, well, not...
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is not a priority topic on the russian agenda, the kremlin will not give an assessment, this is an issue that should concern american voters. well, victoria, i see the smile on your face, yes, because all the shows in the russian-russian-speaking space are only concerned about who will go there, our biden or our trump? as it turned out, both of us, because putin called biden more acceptable, and a candidate for russia, more predictable, it’s actually interesting, they showed the ratings.
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throw in, now kamala haris, in principle
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, meets the base electorate that they launched in california on the southern border, kamala haris was also involved in this when she worked there as a prosecutor, criticism has already poured in about her real shortcomings and shortcomings, and of course the republicans will focus on leaving, taking the discourse away from what kind of archetype, let’s say she represents, because now there is a mythologization of politics and they will go into that very reality in order to... somehow try to balance, but the democrats, the democrats will launch the story with postal voting to the fullest, with by throwing in false ballots with the votes of the dead, unfortunately for the united states, i don’t know for us how this will be beneficial, this really puts them on the threshold of a civil war, because for the second time to steal the election from trump, and he very much heated up this rhetoric after the twentieth year that the elections were stolen from him, i don’t think that everything will work out just like that. let me remind you that
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the program “sas is authorized to declare” is on air. peter, we recalled in today’s program the visit of kuleb, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine to china, in principle, it is worth remembering that the last thing the americans would like, and this applies to both republicans and democrats, is a peaceful settlement in ukraine through the mediation of china, but i want us to end our program by talking about finding peace. the secret at the heart of the crisis is the contradiction between moscow and washington, the current crisis, in which, unfortunately, ukraine has become only a bargaining chip, in fact, without the most active participation of the united states. in america there can be no compromise, that’s how ready the americans are to search for such compromises, and if we are talking about a big deal, where the world map, i don’t know, will be divided into certain areas of interest, and here we will have to take into account the opinions of all players, all superpowers, if we are talking about building
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a multipolar world, to what extent such visits do not harm this process , or , on the contrary, they are pushing, that is, if there must be an agreement then... between washington, moscow and beijing as well. this is very difficult, why? because, well, first of all, republicans and democrats, whoever they are did not name, today they are speaking from an interventionist position, that is , a position where the united states of america should be the hegemon in the world, the question between them is a question of means of ideology. and the main thing, since the end of the 19th century, such... an object against which the americans have always fought is preventing the integration of eurasia through various methods, and there are armed conflicts, coups d'etat, pitting states against each other, and of course, neither china nor russia for the united states states of america together,
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as negotiators are disadvantageous, the americans will choose either with one or with... beijing, it will be either way, a similar formula will be offered to beijing, restoration of relations on american terms with the americans in exchange for peace with...
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in fact, we have several hundred, about a thousand cars there ours, our own, are still being held hostage, i’m already talking about this, moreover, due to the fact that we are close to ukraine, we know the culture of ukraine, we know the linguistic features of ukraine, because a war in ukraine is a war, continuation of the war on
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our territory, if we look, yes, then there we see various kinds of saboteurs, terrorists, attempts to create extremist ones. organizations we are preparing for the minsk security conference in october, the second conference at which the charter for diversity and multipolarity in the 21st century will continue to be discussed, and this is a conference on security in eurasia and their vision of the future, maintaining a balance of interests, as long as i see that in kiev there is a balance of interests, in general the word is a balance of interests. probably not very clear. yes, yuri, over to you, we are moving towards the finale, we will sum up the results today's discussion and in today's program, in addition to the distinguished belarusian guest. russian guest, three more citizens of ukraine, you understand, think about it, in fact, what comes out of your mouth
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is the adequate position of a person who wants to return to his homeland, who wants and wishes his homeland a bright future, andrey, i i think you will agree with me, and i am convinced that a fairly significant part of ukrainians living on the territory of ukraine, who are in... in this ongoing horror, think the same way as you and i and seeing this completion, and yuri, what do you think, do you see the end of the conflicts in the near future, and i think you will agree that if there was a possibility of holding, i don’t know, a referendum, elections, the ukrainians would say their weighty, no to that what is happening and what the current, unfortunately, ukrainian politicians have let it down, well, let’s start in order, hope, very briefly: today , according to the most conservative estimates, the population of ukraine is just over 19 million people,
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this is out of 53 in 1991, a nightmare, which ones can there can be referendums, what kind of elections can there be in such a large population, this is a mockery. second point, the world is wonderful, this, this, this is very good. but there is no peace without victory, this is what world history tells us, the history of our former soviet state, which broke the back of german fascism, there is no peace without victory, the tasks that were set by vladimir putin at the initial stage of the special military operation remain still these... the beginnings of denazification and demilitarization. on today, everything is moving towards ensuring that
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the special military operation achieves its goals, despite all the talk about peace, and ukraine has finally become that part of world politics that finally strives to ensure that its population, its people , its citizens. lived with dignity, we have already experienced in ukraine, in particular, the period when nazism, the bandera era had the most severe consequences for this country, until 1954, we destroyed these, these bandera detachments sleeping in the forests of western ukraine, this i know from my family history, i don’t need to read, i don’t need to be shown anything. i know this from the history of my family and many millions of ukrainians remember this, i hope more.
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thank you, yuri, your realism, toughness, it admires me, but these are the times, it feels like you are a military man, here the conversation is short, and there are no alternative fairy tales, the reality is like this. victoria, please, let's move towards the finale. yes, at this turn of history, where really tough decisions are required, statement. even from the last century, which the general prosecutor's office is leading in the rise of all these crimes of the nazis , it must be repeated, now the scenario must be present, because the work of denazification that was in germany then, when the westerners came in and then installed these former nazi criminals, they also covered up them... and moreover, they infiltrated, installed them into their structures, un structures, nato structures, and command, this situation
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simply should not repeat itself, therefore maximum control, occupation in the sense that this is control and implementation of further policies, therefore, here, no matter how much we would like to use our peaceful calls to persuade the west to agree to peace, we will have to either create extra high costs for them, which we, by the way, we don’t, for some reason, we can create costs for them, then this will force them to change their policy, either in finance.
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there will be the first part, which should be the west, to leave ukraine, because if they do not leave ukraine, there is mexico, there is canada, there are other regions that are also of interest to the russian federation, china and other countries, and they can also create problems there, and i think this is the first part of the negotiation process, which should begin with where the west should make these concessions, so that it is clear what comes next there will be no war, there will be final victory, there will be peace, this whole regime, what it did, killed people in ukraine, drove people out of... the west must understand that it must leave ukraine, just as it left afghanistan and leave this territory, otherwise peaceful
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negotiations, the peace process, well, it will simply go nowhere. yes thank you. probably, in order to begin negotiations about ukraine at all, we need to think today about that model of post-war ukraine, no one talks about it, just in 1943 we created anti-fascist german committees, the red chapel operated in germany, now this no, we need to start with this, what kind of new anti-fascist ukraine we will... establish, my dears, and this is especially for the citizens of ukraine, who are fighting against by this nazi regime, and abroad of ukraine , they are leading, in order for them to become a subject, including the negotiation process, these public organizations initiatives, only when we have a project of a new anti-fascist non-bloc neutral, and maybe even allied
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belarus, russia and ukraine, then we can really talk. negotiation process, we are grateful to all participants in the discussion , and of course, i want to recall the statement of another figure from the period of the beginning of the last cold war, on june 14, 1946 , in an address to the un committee on atomic energy energy, american politician and entrepreneur bernard baroch said: “behind the gloomy sign of the new atomic age lies hope, we must choose world peace or the destruction of the whole world.” and so far this rule has worked; the nuclear red line has scared politicians away from completely ill -considered actions. whether this will continue to happen against the backdrop of a clear decline in the quality of western elites is a big question. thank you very much, this was the saz program authorized to declare. see you in a week. a real process of resolving the ukrainian conflict is possible only after the us elections.
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