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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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[000:00:45;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is
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news from foreign countries, broadcasts about... interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania. serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. tv channel signal is broadcast in open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel
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and discover belarus. expanding the vector of mutual interests in the belarusian women's union strengthens cooperation in zimbabwe. belarusian industry exports through the ministry of industry exceeded records. dollars, the first operation in the country using a unique technology was carried out by belarusian cardiologists and the event that was awaited, for the first time, the belteleradiocompany announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the children's song competition “songs of our generation”. the events program is on air, in studio alina loppo. hello. supply of machinery and equipment for elekprom and food industry products, cooperation in medicine and the media sphere. belarus and zimbabwe
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are becoming even closer. a number of agreements were reached on the sidelines of the international women's forum. we will find out more details from our columnist olesya vysotskaya. representatives of the belarusian women's union visited zimbabwe at the invitation of the first lady. the women's movement, as in belarus in this african country is gaining strength, helps not only strengthen friendship and humanitarian ties between countries, but also the promotion of joint projects in the economy. the marathon of official events started at the multi-brand service center, where all engineering brands of belarus are represented. both for agriculture and construction, and machines for ensuring fire safety in forests. the multi-brand approach is a trend of convenience for the buyer, who can receive a range of services in one center. one of the recent contracts for the supply of more than 3,000 tractors, 131 fire engines have already been delivered, and this is unprecedented in african history. we have been working in this market for several years, it is very gratifying that every year we are growing in sales volumes, and we
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see this in an informal setting, we touched on a number of areas whose potential can be significantly revealed, a range of interests from agriculture to tourism. belarus, having competence in various fields, offers experience and knowledge. belarusian industry is breaking records. exports through the ministry of industry exceeded $6.5 billion. what are the known details? this is the maximum in the last 10 years. production volumes have been growing, and in recent years. the government directs industrialists to keep the bar high in the future. it is not enough to produce even the most technologically advanced car; it still needs to be sold. belarus is expanding markets for its goods. it will take a long time to gain a foothold on new continents. this requires not only pure exports. service, training of specialists. the strategy is working, i am confident in the government, it is being tested even thousands of kilometers from home. record figures for the industry: 6.5 billion they want to exceed dollars in revenue this year. if we take the 23rd year, in
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which we actually doubled the volume of investments, that is, their total amount was the same as in the 21st and 22nd years combined, then it is clear that we did not just start this investment cycle. but we will develop it based on the results of this year; we predict investment growth rates of at least 130%. and such dynamics are predicted until the thirtieth year, investments will constantly increase, this is our sustainable functioning of our enterprises. export plans to fit into the golden formula 30-30-30. the pool of partners is growing, live multimillion-dollar contracts from a recent visit to nicaragua , among other things, leave no doubt. bet on
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the long term. russian is an opportunity to sell more and develop production more efficiently, increasing competencies in aircraft manufacturing, microelectronics and other areas. russia finances the most important projects that will work for the union economy. an automated analysis and control system will be created in belarus by the end of the year prices it is stated that it will allow tracking the entire chain of formation of the value of goods from the importer to the buyer. how will the mechanism work? it concerns primarily those goods that are not produced at all in belarus or in insufficient quantities to avoid their supply at inflated prices. despite the fact that the country has a price regulation system, individual importers still find ways to increase their profits. to address these digital gaps
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, a pilot project was launched last year in regarding foreign-made goods. the key objective of the development of ais price analysis for the twenty-fourth year is to obtain the possibility of administration and tracking. the entire chain of movement of goods from the importer to the final consumer, both imported and domestic goods, that is , throughout the entire market, in fact we are talking about the ability to see online the entire chain of formation of the value of a product, i repeat once again, from its appearance
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to it will end up on our shelf, and the published number of stores is calculated by us more than several tens of thousands and of course we cannot visit everyone, so keeping up with the times we are creating a new system that will trace the entire pricing chain from the importer, the manufacturer of all wholesale links to the final retail link, we will see the prices of both manufacturers and all wholesale links, their markups, and accordingly we can identify who is inflating prices. even before launching a system for analyzing and controlling prices, it is necessary to adjust the legislative framework, as well as combine a significant number of information systems of various government agencies into
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a single database. belkopsoyuz continues to procure agricultural products and raw materials, most of them are purchased from the population, over 60% of the total turnover, what are they procuring? for 6 months of this year, the belkopsoyuz purchased potatoes. vegetables, berries, apples and other crops for 237 million rubles. as for apples, the harvest is expected to be good, they plan to purchase about 4,000 tons from the population, 40% will be sent to ... work at a consumer cooperative enterprise, the rest will be offered to domestic processors for production juices and other products, and will also be sold in stores. currently, we purchase cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, cultivated berries from the population, that is, everything that the population can offer us. since 2006, thanks to the presidential decree, every year we receive credit resources for settlements with the population at the time of purchase, that is, we have no debt. to the population for purchased
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crop products, we pay the population at the time of delivery; the belkupsoyuz plans to supply stolen belarusian products, for example, berries at retail, expectations, it will not be inferior to the berries that were previously imported from european countries. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere not only on the website of our tv channel in belarus , rapeseed harvesting is almost complete, which means that its processing is in full swing at oil and fat industry enterprises. the production of edible rabe oil is carried out by the belgospischeprom concern. we’ll ask the deputy chairman about the beneficial properties of oilseeds and exporting the product abroad belgospeshcheprom concern alexander yakovchits. alexander vladimirovich, hello. hello. this is why so much attention has been paid to rapeseed in recent years. what is unique about this crop? you can really use this term
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, this culture is unique for us, the fact that it is important and useful for us is absolutely certain, there are a number of reasons for this, and firstly, the climate that we have in the republic is comfortable enough for farmers grew this crop, secondly, the yield from the mass of oil seeds is about 40% yield of oil, in
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depending on the different... enterprises that are engaged in oil extraction, and at the same time there are two ways to extract oil, about 90 work in our country , these are extraction and the pressing method, these are different technological methods, the lion's share of the volume is about 65%. and these are our four
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enterprises, and those that are engaged in the treatment of oil using the extraction method, this includes our vitebsk oil extraction plant, it is part of the concern, this is our state enterprise, the remaining 35% of the volumes are small enterprises, they the oil is extracted by pressing. for last year, we will now receive accurate statistics in just a couple of weeks, but we can already see that we produced more than 600,000 tons of oil last year. and now we see a dynamics of about 11% by the twenty-second year, from this figure 62,000 tons is the volume of oil production by our enterprises, our concern includes three of them oil extraction plants, the vitebsk oil extraction plant was mentioned a lot, this is the gomel fat plant and this is the bobruisk plant vegetable oils, here are scientists, they also call their oil northern olive oil, tell us a little more about its beneficial properties, indeed, a lot can be said about this. why is it called that, because in its
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physical and chemical composition this oil is very similar to olive oil, what are the similarities? and there are such acids, well-known to everyone, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in olive oil, rapeseed oil, but what is important is that the degree of absorption of these beneficial substances by the body depends on the ratio, so in rabe oil ratio omega-3, omega-6. rabsea oil is a good source of fighting bad cholesterol, it has good blood vessels, it prevents blood clots, even some scientists say that regular consumption of oil, which is obtained from rapeseed oil, can control and prevent cancer formation, then cosmetologists use
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rapeseed oil in their industry, this means what, this means that it has a good effect on the skin, it has a good effect on the hair, when they taught it, including their colleagues beneficial effect, now colleagues already take a spoonful of rabe oil at home in the morning when they go to work, so it is indeed a very useful product, and we are very actively promoting these beneficial consumer properties and positioning it on the domestic market, well, before,
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olive oil was more popular on our table oil, sunflower, now belarusians are increasingly choosing rapeseed oil, what is the reason for this in your opinion, marketing, price, what are the reasons? basic from a marketing point of view you are right, we have been very we are actively promoting the beneficial properties of rapeseed oil in our country, if you drive on the roads, you see billboards with social advertising for slave oil, these are our omega colleagues, this is a new advertising product, and which we did 2 years ago, rabbese oil is on the table , health for the whole family, we, together with retail chains and retail, are actively positioning slave. oil and we highlight it at points of sale with special advertising means in order to separate it from sunflower oil and highlight its positive properties, regarding price, there is a price gap between sunflower oil and rapeseed, rapeseed oil is a little more expensive, it sells for 4-5 rubles, but this
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is significant, and the choice is quite wide, more than 10 brands, this is our minsk margarine plant. brand golden drop, this is the bobroy plant of vegetable oils, they have several brands, this is aderikha, this is ierafini, and this is the gomel fat plant, the domashennaya brand, this is an oily agricultural product, so the choice is quite wide, and anyone who wants to purchase this product has this opportunity is available at any grocery store. these are the countries that belarusian arabic oil is exported to, who is the main consumer abroad, and the lion's
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share. until recently, but unfortunately, including businesses that work with us in the eu countries, protective measures have been taken in terms of increasing duties, and i predict that we will redirect these resources to a greater extent to china, according to last year china's share is already 20%, this is a threefold increase in sales volumes, and we see that today the price situation
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things are going well, and china's share... this is the event program for belarus24 and we continue. belarus and china will create. a joint center for cooperation in the field of geological sciences, representatives of the environmental departments of the two countries agreed on this in minsk, where the center will appear when
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it begins work, our observer elena puntus knows. the approval of the project is now at the final stage. new institutions will appear in minsk by the end of the year. its base will be a research and production center in geology; among its main tasks is the development of innovative technologies, application of new scientific approaches and exchange of experience. the project was announced. during a working visit to belarus, the deputy minister of natural resources of china spoke about deepening integration, specialists from the two countries will join forces to develop the mineral resource base, extract minerals, including hard-to-recover ones, their further processing and use, this is an exchange of experience, and that means the development of new innovative technologies and the application of new scientific approaches, including, i would like
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to note the highest level... what technique did the doctors use and how do the patients feel? the technique is called valve to valve. it is intended for already operated patients with a bioprosthetic mitral valve. in case of stenosis or insufficiency of the valve bioprosthesis, repeated intervention threatens complications. previously, a similar operation was performed through an incision at the apex of the heart, now through small punctures. the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology has already performed two such operations. surgeons
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were consulted via video link from... the patients’ condition is satisfactory, they continue treatment at the center. in belarus they plan to develop a new and unusual sport for our country, drone
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racing. tell us more about this sport. these are racing competitions for small quadcopters; drone races are gaining popularity around the world. championships are held among drone racers, as the participants in the competition are called. belarusians also participate in them and show good results. the national team recently returned from an international tournament. this sport as interesting for children. we are planning to open at the end of this year, in a radical decision to contact
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each regional center, a very modern laboratory, a modern drone racing track, where our children can practice in the regions, plus the city of minsk. now in the belarusian national team there are guys from 16 to 24 years old, as the athletes say, you need to have an incredible reaction and constantly hone it. after all, as in any race, the main task is to go through all the obstacles as quickly as possible. the speed of drones can reach 200 km/h. in august it will be held in tuli russian championship, where the belarusian team will also perform as the strongest team. an event that was awaited for the first time, the belorussia radio company announces the call for applications for participation in the children's song competition our generation. who can become a participant and where will the final take place? a large-scale television project will be held in russia for the second time. a year ago he united. in the international vocal battle of 13 countries, belarus is looking for its representative now, these must be performers from 9 to 15 years old, a stage soloist or a group of
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no more than six people, mandatory y... conditions for participation in the selection - creation of an original song from scratch, applications are accepted until august 10 on the website if music lives in your soul, if you dream of seeing the world and want the world to see you, what will i do, thank you! our generation competition is your chance! we invite talented young performers to apply to participate in a new, bright, international show; applications are accepted on the beltelerokpaniya website don't miss your chance to become part of something new. apply today and discover the world
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tomorrow. our generation forward, the international television competition for children's art song our generation will be held on october 19 in russian kazan. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of the telenews agency - the main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website www.belarus., as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best. what will best test your erudition and
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intelligence. what is the popular nickname? got this house. matvey, you smiled so much when you saw the answer options in front of you, what made you smile so much? i didn’t know the answer and intuitively answered ah, well, because this house looks like legs that walk. pay attention to the screen. is the transcription of the word written correctly? i think the word is misspelled because there should be a comma after the t to indicate. and
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what about that comma?
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entertainment projects on our tv channel. hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening release. 30 years of managing the affairs of the president on the occasion of a special date, alexander lukashenko presented state awards. russia and the west carried out an exchange with prisoners on the list


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