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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 1, 2024 10:15pm-11:10pm MSK

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the country of belarus, peace and tranquility has its price, every citizen of a small town, a large one, in general, the residents of our country must understand that behind this peace there is also painstaking work, service, including that of employees of the internal affairs bodies, i would really like, so that the guys from my club, so that my children, my sons, grow up to be worthy people with a kind heart.
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do you want me to stay? no, i need it myself, i have to do it myself, okay, hold on, goodbye, goodbye, finally gone, that is, can you hear me, you can fall into fainting, and i, and i can’t call an ambulance for you, can i? said the ghost, uh-huh, there is a small formality left, what should i do, what should i do, sign, such a loss, for me personally nikolai sergeevich was like a father, watch the series “my favorite ghost” on the belarus 24 tv channel. when you are
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in nature, it seems that the world has plunged into silence, all the sounds of bustle have disappeared, only the song of the wind specially caresses the ear, so that you look around and understand how quiet it is all around. whenever possible, go to nature, go to forests, fields, rivers and lakes, breathe fresh air, admire the clear sky, listen to birdsong, rustle of leaves, smile at the sun. enjoy, notice
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this beauty around you, in harmony with nature. belarus 24. good evening, murad sergeevich, fans of feature films and medical topics have a clear knowledge of what a red cat is and a blue cat. the cat is black, they all
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say that at a minimum the patient requires emergency assistance, so when the word red is heard in boravlyans, what is it about? well, if you mean me, the last name matters, then i would say that this is a doctor, first of all, a surgical oncologist who has been working at the alexandrov oncology research center for more than 30 years, and he is also a scientist who today... heads all scientific research in the field of oncology in the republic, you know, we talked a little behind the scenes, after all, the word academician should be heard, just an academician, just an academician, but for your patients the self-understanding that the red ones are coming to them, here that's hope, that's what it's for them, after all, the title of academician plays a role, even for understanding, of course, of course it does, it’s a game. the role for both colleagues and patients, this
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brings a certain amount of, i would say, respect, not only respect, but also your responsibility, as i understand it. illness, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of defense of the homeland? i agree, we are talking about saving tens of thousands of people, so this is part of the country’s national security, beautiful, but most often i came across doctors,
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atheists, yes, but you are not from their category, why and how often do you see cases of healing? that’s when, well, it seems like hope is already gone, and medicine is powerless? well, i will say this : i was baptized when i was 36 years old, that is, already at a conscious age, and i had already worked in oncology for quite a long time, oncologists differ from other doctors quite significantly, therefore there are many more believers among oncologists, the highest degree of mercy . otherwise it is simply impossible to work in oncology, so it seems to me that without faith in oncology it is very difficult, but miracles have happened in your practice, as many times as you like, every day, and how positive, and negative, which
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are quite difficult to explain at the moment, but thanks to the development of science, we can explain some of them today, but explain it after the fact? a very important direction that will develop in the near future, you started working in burovlyany at a time when it was a hospital, somewhere outside the city, yes, to be honest, i remember that time, in the early nineties patients came to the hospital, in fact, literally feeling the tumor, yes, that is
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, already feeling the problems, today the survival rate from cancer is above 60%, well, according to statistics, this is more than every second person, and for some types of cancer it tends. 100% i’m not confusing anything, in this regard, there are changes, absolutely true, but i still don’t agree with you on what, the institute of oncology, then it was an institute of oncology, was never a hospital somewhere outside the city, it has always been a leading oncology center, which was in a leading position in the soviet union, yeah, and remains so today, another thing is what this institution inspired. some kind of animal fear in everyone people, some kind of hopelessness, people were afraid not only to get treatment there, but in general to simply pass by, and the word cancer itself was prohibited, now everything has changed dramatically, and what factors do you consider determining the development of belarusian science,
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the medical base, state support or the attitude of the belarusians themselves to the fact that these figures have become, well, let’s say, more encouraging, and you yourself... of these projects, this is a small step forward in some direction in increasing life expectancy, in reducing mortality, even by a few percent, to improve the quality of life of cancer patients after treatment,
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to improve diagnostics, again, in total, over decades, this gives a very large-scale result, we recently considered that we have a wonderful terminal register. the republic of belarus has always been famous for this; the country is small; it is possible to register all the events that happen to cancer patients. so, we considered that science gives colossal results for... concentrated in oncological institutions, we have preserved the system of oncological care, the oncological service,
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which has collapsed in all other countries, this gives a colossal result: the concentration of all specialists of all resources in one place, all oncological patients are treated only in oncological institutions, this has already been proven in serious foreign studies, and that in the oncology hospital, the results for... continuation of lenin’s phrase, not everyone knows this, personnel decides everything, but if there is an appropriate material and technical base, yeah, right here we were really lucky, because in the nineties this material and technical base left much to be desired, you said correctly. thanks to state support
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, several state programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system, thanks to which we received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions and republican oncology centers and dispensaries. everything you could want. including pet center positron emission tomography unique laboratory molecular-genetic, in short, anything, the head of state alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, every 5 years, and sometimes more often, visits our center, during these visits an analysis of the completed instructions is carried out, and then a new wave of development follows, this is extremely important for our system. we understand perfectly well that they always give us everything that we don’t ask for, so here
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we need to have a certain sense of proportion, because this is taken away from other branches of medicine, so that, as they say, it’s not left behind without the content of the rest, so we get everything, but only what we need, without excess, but cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, and in many countries, there are already more than thirty such countries, cancer is gone. in first place, overtaking cardiovascular diseases, thanks to the development of cardiology, that is , cardiologists, thanks to their success , increase the workload of oncologists, life expectancy increases, and cancer is still a disease of the benefits of older people, so the better cardiologists work, the greater the disease malignant neoplasms, okay, well, here are the last from the list that i... it means that people’s attitudes have changed dramatically, i already said that before cancer, the word cancer was
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prohibited, why, because the chances of recovery were quite small, less than 20% of people recovered, but before , if the time period was similar, these were the indicators 30 years ago, when i came to work, then the word cancer was forbidden to be uttered at all, why because?
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100%, people have stopped being afraid about it talk, and you can give many examples when famous people, artists, politicians, talk about how they defeated cancer, were cured, this evokes respect from people, at the same time removes this fear, if... it cured, why can’t i, well, besides, we actively promote our successes, we live in a unique time with you, when cancer from an absolutely fatal... disease becomes a chronic disease, you know, in fact, you and i, i won’t say , that we are doing comparable work in this direction, but yes, we are trying to inform as much as possible about this, and your task, of course, is to treat, diagnose and treat as best as possible, but by informing it turns out better, they
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know everything about their small homeland, the settlement, a happy childhood and youth, maybe three from the village in in the forest there is an old calm and measured life, they have what many strive for, everything worked out for me here, and i don’t regret one bit that i stayed in this wonderful place. you can see for yourself what beautiful places we have here, i just want to walk through the woods, without a certain purpose, the forest, it seems to calm you down, you go to the water, here you also find some kind of peace, we like this life, why should i change it, a project about how modern poles live, a person, if he wants, then he too he can do a lot, and
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with his work he achieves great results. every place has conditions for development, everything, everything depends on the person. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. how lukashenko as president treats corrupt officials, we all know this very well, if you are a thief, then you will be sit, no matter how pro-government fuck you are. lukashenko is demanding of everyone, but he is especially demanding of those who are nearby, ours. the main enemy is carelessness, fraud and corruption. the homeland, in my understanding, is, of course, my country, and my cities, but first of all, the homeland is the people. every third person on the territory of belarus died from the war. and when now someone suddenly doesn’t understand what belarus and specifically its leader lukashenko are doing, when we are either conducting maneuvers, then combat coordination, then we invite the wagnerites to come to you to learn from experience, then we return nuclear weapons. the enemies
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present this as aggression, are they maneuvering something at home? but everything he wants for his homeland. leader. the author’s project of igor turai protects the homeland as propaganda should protect it. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. get to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. germany, bulgaria, israel. today we are implementing several investment projects in order to increase competitiveness of products, an approach to
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business that everyone can strive for. all our products that we produce. in our workshop, tasty and healthy, made 100% from natural raw materials, even children can eat it. all food products require the approach of a good, competent, kind housewife, it seems to me that this is so, at least i have always set such goals for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what our consumers will like, see the quality mark project on tv channel belarus 20. well, look, sergei anatovich, when conversation with kondratovich, you know this doctor very well, i have known him for more than 40 years, we studied together, we asked him about one particular operation named after our capital, yes, but still this operation
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is your know-how, but how did you manage to place minsk in the history of world oncology? we are talking about an operation that was called minuch, a spider is a reservoir, and a rather severe group of patients suffering from bladder cancer, when removal of the bladder is required, but removing it is not a tricky matter, but what to do further? at that time, these are the nineties, mastheads were brought out onto the skin, tubes were placed and the urine was constantly collected in some kind of bags, or transplanted into a continuous intestine, as a result a person recovered from cancer, then he began to suffer from all sorts of inflammatory diseases, the infection entered through tubes or from the intestines enters the kidneys and develops. within one or two years, most often these patients died precisely from kidney failure, and so at that time
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artificial bladder operations were developed, when a section of intestine, about a meter long, was formed as a reservoir to improve the quality of life of patients, but it turned out that this was the topic of my doctoral dissertation, we operated on a lot of these... a lot of our colleagues came to study, and so it turned out that the life expectancy of these patients sharply increases three or even four times precisely due to the fact
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that they do not die from complications of an inflammatory nature, we went further in this regard and developed an operation for those who still have damage to the urethra, this an even more difficult operation, of course usually... they call it by the name of the surgeon, the operation, but somehow modesty did not allow it to be done, at that time our great friend, professor axel heidenreich from germany, came to us, we have been friends with him since the nineties , now he is a legend of urology, works in cologne, he watched the operation, adopted it and started performing it in his clinic in cologne, when he made several changes there, already using his experience, he...
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here is another direction, because patients have previously had tumors spine, yes they were practically immobilized, well, this way they saved life, but as in the case of the example you gave, the quality was clearly not the best, today such patients can get back on their feet, such patients are great sufferers in fact, and before it was a hopeless situation, dramatic changes have occurred with moment of organization...
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mobility, the patient can take care of himself, he is not bedridden, he does not develop bedsores with all kinds of infections, which naturally shorten his life, and he can be treated an appropriate antitumor drug, so such patients are subject to very... effective treatment, and the results are now radically different from what they were 10 years ago. i immediately apologize for, perhaps, questions that are so
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amateurish for an experienced doctor, but still i cannot help but ask, what are these killer cells that belarusian science is now rumored to be inspired by? we are talking about the so-called card-cell therapy. a very complex technology, if you allow me... and then they are outside the body genetically are modified in such a way that so-called
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chimeric or artificial receptors appear on their surface. to the patient, not only do they begin to multiply already in the body, but up to 50 to 100 million of them are injected back and rush to specific tumor cells, lymphatic 19 positive ones begin to destroy them, this is where a massive immune reaction occurs , resuscitators enter the fight, why because this
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condition is very similar to... a cytokine storm during covid, the main thing for the patient in this moment to save, so that these own immune cells do not kill him, this is a very complex technology, it cannot be performed on a stream, as they say, a very coordinated team must work here, chemotherapists, resuscitators, and, if necessary , surgeons, the technology has been developed jointly. two organizations of the republican scientific and practical center of onology named after alexandrov, the republican scientific and practical center of children's oncology, hematology, immunology and the institute of biorganic chemistry of the national academy of sciences. to date, the results have simply impressed us, the effectiveness of this method - 88% complete extraction, complete and 12% partial, significant extension
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of life, i remind you. that we are talking about dying patients, where the effectiveness of chemotherapy has been exhausted, and no other treatment methods exist, such analogues exist abroad, card-cell therapy is carried out in highly developed countries, the cost of treating one patient is about 500,000 euros, and here in the republic of belarus, thanks...
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absolutely, as we say, well, maybe this is a slang expression, neglected, that is, with the massive spread of lymphoma throughout organs in the lymph nodes of all locations, yeah, this patient refused, it was a woman, she refused chemotherapy and insisted on carrying out just such a treatment , card-cell therapy, this was the first time in world practice, so we assembled an international consultation, consulted with specialists. world leaders in this direction, decided to carry out such treatment, it was carried out, it was quite difficult to tolerate, but nevertheless all the tumor foci disappeared completely, now six months have passed, the patient great, good, but what types of cancer does this technology work on? so far only leukemia and lymphoma, the fact is that other types of tumor are much more complex, it
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is difficult to find this one. for such a belarus, yes, despite all the reputation that they are trying to create for us, and what new things have appeared in this area here, about 2.5-300 foreigners come to belarus every year in the field of oncology, every year, every year, yes, this does not in any way interfere with the treatment of our domestic patients, well, for example, in the republican scientific and practical center of oncology we treat about
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30,000, yeah.
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unfortunately, this pathology is very severe and difficult to treat, there is a blood-brain barrier, our immune system cells do not penetrate through this barrier and do not destroy brain cells, this is a specially created such a system during evolution, but in addition, this barrier does not allow drugs to pass through , therefore, all antitumor drugs either do not penetrate the brain at all. or penetrates very poorly in insufficient concentration, age matters, age does not matter much, but the results the treatments are very bad, and there are many examples where famous people, who have
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all the possibilities for treatment in the best clinics, did not achieve the effect, that is , frisky, rostov, this is all absolutely true, they are all rumors, yes, as for the tumor. brain, what changes have appeared, well, first of all, we now have drugs with local effects that can be used during surgery, we have, by the way, this is a belarusian -made drug, we have the possibility of neuroimaging, a very difficult word, and not you can always tell what it is even the first time, we can use magnetic resonance imaging to determine vital centers and not involve them during the operation, without damaging them, this is very important for maintaining the quality of life after treatment. then we had the opportunity
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to perform endoscopic operations, when a large incision is not made, for example, through a small incision above the eyebrow, which will not even be visible, we can remove the tumor using endoscopic technology, unique... just radiation technology therapy absolutely with the help of x-ray, or rather not x-ray, but this is a beam of radiation, gamma radiation, with the help of this beam you can destroy a tumor, so -called radiosurgery, as well as stereotoxic radiation therapy with 3d planning technologies, you can destroy tumors that are located in.. . in important places very deep in the brain, without damaging the surrounding tissues at all. we have cases where we removed 150 brain metastases without damaging healthy tissue. these are simply unique results that
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we didn’t even dream of it before. well, you tell such fantastic things, but for the uninitiated. this is probably the food that we will always need ourselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul. what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches? here we have just
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the holy relics of the roman martyr vanefatius, and vanefatius is the patron helper who came to us just from greece. answers to these and other questions. spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. guys, whose erudition any adult would envy. and before the game starts. before i start asking you questions, and i hope you answer them correctly, i suggest you support each other with applause, can you imagine, soon one of your students will become a king or queen, are you worried, yes, of course, we remember school curriculum together with the project participants, i know that this famous writer spent his childhood and adult years here, and i... ivan turgenev answered, because i remember exactly what ivan’s mother
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turgenev had a surname, her female surname was lutovinova, so i proceeded from the following reasoning, you see, based on my mother’s surname, he determined which mineral was not a fuel, well, granite is like a brown-red stone, and what type of mineral fossils, i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that prohar can give an answer absolutely. we are traveling on expeditions in the depths of our country, hello, if we are close to each other , we will continue to do so in advance the decline of ukraine has passed since 1900.
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and we’ve already listed almost everything, all that remains is, well, we’ve only listed it in your area, right? it’s easier for me to talk about oncology, but our first achievement is that we have preserved the oncology system. this is a unique achievement, and i don’t even know in which countries it is still preserved. this immediately gives a unique result at minimal cost. get maximum survivability and lowest
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mortality, therefore, in almost all areas of oncology, treatment results in the republic of belarus are in no way inferior to highly developed countries of the world, we will not name which, but i will give only one example, the same bladder cancer, among the countries with the lowest mortality from this disease, in 1818, the republic of belarus took third place in the world, second only to south korea and finland. if we also had less smoking, like in these countries, we would be in first place, the next thing i would like to point out is screening prostate cancer, in this area we may not have wanted it, but we ended up among the leaders, why? why? because in all countries this event was simply prohibited, it is unclear, it was believed that it did more harm than good. based on studies that
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turned out to be, well, to put it mildly, falsified, so we conducted screening for prostate cancer, studied its effectiveness, starting in 2011 and were under severe pressure from the world health organization and international cancer research agency, they demanded to immediately stop all this, well, they care very much about our country, it is why our men need to be examined by force, i would say so, but maybe this is not quite the correct expression, how often, once every 2 years definition prostate-specific antigen, thank god, thanks to this screening , almost all residents of our country, both men and women, now know prostate-specific antigen
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, so they threatened us with sanctions if we didn’t stop, but then alexander intervened again grigorievich.
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yes, belarus, democracy often has askal and no principle, after the twentieth year, yes, how problematic has become or will become for us the restriction of these supplies, certain types of the most important western medicines, including for the treatment of children. now this problem, how acute it has become, is as a result of sanctions. so far the problem has not become acute, but even so. sometimes it’s hard to imagine what pathological thoughts can arise in people’s heads in order to deprive cancer patients of medicine, but i can to give an example, this concerned tablet forms of morphine, when the uk refused to supply, thank god that we
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purchased quite a lot in advance with a large reserve, we managed to hold out for a certain period, and then ours... other logistics schemes got involved, at least for now there are no such problems no, but nevertheless you need to think about drug safety, what can be produced at home or in friendly countries. well, okay, well , how does everyone look at this problem? it’s inhumane, it’s inhumane, but they
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they are modestly silent, well, somehow this didn’t surprise me very much, however, if we move a little away from oncology, what do you personally consider a cancerous tumor of modern society? a very good question, an interesting one, but i would say that the gradual elimination of family values ​​is such an imperceptible process that occurs, oddly enough, in developed countries of the world, gradually, parents are prohibited from raising. children as they see fit, a child can simply be taken away from the family if the parents force him, for example, to study at school, by the age of fourteen over the years, these children become generally uncontrollable, and the parents themselves begin to abandon them, sending them to the appropriate institutions that raise these children,
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even if the state takes care of them, but naturally such children will never take care of their parents. artificial insemination from three people was officially allowed, but a person should not interfere in these things at all, especially from three, a person already imagines himself to be the lord of the gods. such things are clearly intended for, to reduce the birth rate, that is, this
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realistically, to reduce the population, but this will ultimately lead to disaster, there are any number of examples, remember the great roman empire, remember the biblical sodom and gomorrah, well, i have seen the end, but the treatment is complex, like in oncology. everyone should participate here at the family level, at school, by the way, you can’t blame everything on the school, it can’t handle it on its own, and public organizations, of course, at the state level, if there are no corresponding policy laws, then there will be no sense, nastya, you touched on this topic, we can talk about it endlessly, but i’m really for a sane person, especially a doctor, but there it is. besides a man and a woman, what other options could there be? well, you communicate, including with foreign stars, and from
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medicine, they think about it, but this is nonsense, for a normal person, you know, when you talk to them one on one, everything is fine, everyone is normal , absolutely right, also, by the way, it was with experts from the international agency for research on cancer regarding screening for prostate cancer, one on one they say:
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the amazing people of our country, over time, i don’t understand, grew 7,000 tulips, the next year they grew 17 thousand, i was shocked, i was so scared, but...
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at the munich security conference, there he said: “gentlemen, you they promised us in 1990 that nato will never expand. nato expansion is not an isolated case of deception. the united states, as a key country of the alliance, has a position that you cannot deceive, you cannot live. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on belarus 24 tv channel.
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trouble, leonid ignatievich, twice hero of the soviet union, sturmovik pilot. in 1940 he was drafted into the red army. he made his first combat missions near stalingrad in 1942. during the battles for the liberation of belarus , he struck enemy concentrations in the minsk cauldron. stormed the crossings across the berezina and neman, liberated the baltic states and poland. by april 1944, the sturmovik pilot had completed 109 combat missions, and by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, guard senior lieutenant leonid bida was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. over the next 105 combat
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departures on june 29. in 1945, guard major leonid beda was awarded the second gold star medal.
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here is a paper, a pen, write a statement, you are flagrantly violating the labor code, you know, i have not a single violation, not a single penalty, i will sign, nothing, i won’t, it’s clear, you deliberately
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misdiagnosed the patient, deliberately, you lied to , let him prove it, he will have to, he will prove it, write, i ’ll endorse the application and we’ll separate peacefully, no, we can’t do it peacefully, my dear, i won’t allow you to wipe your feet for me, that’s what you’re talking about you’ll regret it, you’ll regret it very much, now you’re threatening me, what am i, i’m just stating a fact, you failed to manage the clinic and you can’t be given a license like that, sit there. everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, this one is gone.


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