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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 4, 2024 4:35pm-5:10pm MSK

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although everyone’s game is delicious, it’s attractive because it’s small, tiny, it sears on the tongue, and because i want to make soups from snails, they’re just right for soup, here i get large varieties, i want to breed like belarusian potatoes 5 cm, diameter 45 mm or more. these are such non-standard individuals, their shell is constantly growing, large, large, that the usual standard one with the dominant gene is growing, and that it is growing, the difference is, here the lip is already rounded, growth has stopped.
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the heroes of this program chose life for city, after all, you didn’t want to go to the village, but you didn’t have such a plan, well, not exactly a plan, but there was no desire to return, there were other plans, these were definitely other plans, but all these plans... then you remade parent's house to the stable, now you rescue horses and dogs, you have about seven horses now, and dogs, i just lost count, you probably know better how many there are, more than sixty, i don't know anymore, i don't know exactly, they see there more opportunities use them to the maximum, so serious, nothing happened, of course, well in in the future there were grandiose plans with...
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we’ll tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. pay attention to the coloring. each type of vegetable has its own color; if it is darker or brighter than usual, then it may contain a large amount of nitrates. be sure to ask where the garlic grew. it is best to take one that grew in a hot climate. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will make
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a healthy version of pizza that everyone can eat without exception. it is believed that turkey one of the most nutritionally good meats we can use in our diet. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we pay attention to the position of our lower back; when we squat, we try to focus on our heels in order to use our buttocks as much as possible. we gently roll our shoulders back, make a full circle, and feel how we gather. the shoulder blades shook off and went into a new day, vigorous and cheerful, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel, there are closed and open farms, there is industrial cultivation, where farms
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produce 50 tons, 100 tons per year, but there are farms, mini-farms, in certain small areas there, in spain, italy, where people come and taste what was actually prepared by human hands. , when prepared by human hands, it conveys many interesting things, when we consume it with love, it is also called food - it also has a beneficial effect on a person. the company is small, it turns out, well, the turnover is 5 tons, you have to plow, plow, so approximately, this is 250,000 pieces that need to be prepared, what kind of team, how many people are needed, if there is only one, then it is very difficult to process, just prepare them to serve, of course, now we are working with additional chefs with his team on... which helps us
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do this i chose the name according to how well , to be honest, i put my hand on korkunov’s heart, i liked korkunov’s candies and the sauce melted and we can serve, we ate snails, when there were wars, these roots of knowledge were cut off, and so there was always consumption, but they were not so common, they were mainly in gardens, now you can find them on the roads everywhere, we’ll come up with them ourselves, we do everything ourselves, you now
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have two flavors: green - basil, parsley, garlic, red, velino tomato paprika, how to eat it, usually in the restaurant they also provide tongs so that you don’t burn your fingers, it’s ceramic. heats up like a plate, but if you already feel that you can hold it with your hands, take a fork or toothpick and pierce the sirloin, which has already been boiled in wine, soak it well in the sauce and eat it, i recommend trying some kind of minisetic here, our task is to familiarize at least every citizen, just for the first time, who will try snails. at least so that he understands how snails are prepared, how they are cut, how they are raised, what is eaten, so that he is not afraid, because basically fear prevails over the personality of every person, when this fear goes away, then a person can let something in new things into your life, begins to look at things from
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a different angle, moves from the point that took him somewhere in the distance, closer to himself, a snail that carries its own house, it is in its present true moment and always lives with its house, this is a very excellent observation, but there is also such a nuance if you have ever studied physics , a sound wave is shown, the universe goes like a sound wave, everything goes to one point. to one point, the snail shows this point, the beginning, the same thing, ours, their shell, our body, also has this point, it’s just that nature displayed it on an object
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that is evolutionarily very far from us, here what the snail means to me is the beginning of a reboot. intersection, she has her own rhythm of life, she does not succumb to certain frequency vibrations that our minds succumb to, she does not have this, she always has a high frequency, so she lives her pleasure always, everywhere, in any conditions, that’s all, otherwise that it is slow is a relative concept. the meaning of speed, why experience stress if we can live calmly, give each other joy.
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the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward and keep up with the soul, your stomach sings. and there is a thirst for travel and adventure, on the way you like to eat somewhere,
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always, food anywhere. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people, we will show what they go to... to create a gastronomic map of belarus. today i was walking around grodno and i had a chance to try it. buzhenina, a dish worthy of representing grodno. moose meat, game with velvet after. everyone. grodna has
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its own special charm, resulting from the fusion of different cultures. people come here to see the oldest shrines, architectural monuments and art. this city seems to breathe history, reminiscent of the times when kings lived here. arriving in grodno, you will fall in love with it at first sight. grodno has a very rich history, and its gastronomic history is even richer, and it is happening right now. in this cafe, for example, they like to eat burgers, in this cafe someone drinks coffee, here they ordered a mochanka. i'll go and find one for yourself something interesting. the streets of grodno are always crowded and lively, but if you turn to the side, you can see the city from the other side, quiet and more homely. good afternoon. good afternoon. how are you, walking through the courtyards of grodno, i was lucky enough
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to see and meet nina ivanna, you come to visit grodno, what is on the table there is a must, salty, we must have jellied meat, we must have meat dishes, rolls, all kinds, it seems , grodno residents can rightfully be called hospitable hosts, so don’t it’s amazing that you can hear amazing smells of food from everywhere here, you think i ’m in the territory of some cafe, but no, imagine, this is a simple courtyard in the center of grodno, everyone here is asking you to cook a shish kebab, sit down at a beautiful have a conversation and taste something delicious. grodno is an amazing city, there are old quiet courtyards, but you take a step. the main
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pedestrian street of grodno is often called an open-air museum, there are many ancient buildings preserved here that you can look at for hours, and the best view opens from the top. all over the world there are restaurants that are located on the roof of high-rise buildings, here in grodno there is one too, now i understand what haute cuisine means. so, i climbed high with only one goal, to meet and chat a little with stanislav. hello stanislav. stanislav is a restaurateur. and this is what interests me very much, because people like him, in the literal sense of the word, create modern belarusian cuisine. the profession of a restaurateur can be compared to the profession of a director. he is responsible for the concept establishments, from... the menu to the atmosphere, what belarusians like to eat,
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in general, in principle, what they eat when they come to your restaurant or to another restaurant in grodny, and there are those who come specifically for a hearty, satisfying meal, this of course, it will be some kind of dishes with meat, uh, with potatoes, definitely, uh, a good portion, and there will be uh, those guests who come to the restaurant to socialize and eat something light. therefore, the menu should have some light salads, it could be the same seafood, some pastas, never i looked at the menu from this point of view, so the restaurateurs, yes...
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recommended kholodnik, kholodnik, of course, it will be some kind of meat dish, well, in particular, our most popular is baked boiled pork, from pork, which we ourselves marinate with sauce domiglas, stanislav, how delicious you say, let’s do this, i really want to try the boiled pork and thereby taste what the city of grodno tastes like, i didn’t have to wait long, and then you...
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look, this is a pot tile xiv century, and this is a reconstruction of a stove made of pot tiles, also correspondingly from the 14th century, and despite the fact that this oven looks like some kind of festive gingerbread or cake, they were not cooked in such ovens, they were used only for...
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what did the grodno residents eat in the 19th-13th centuries? you won’t believe it, but 80% of the diet of grodno residents consisted of meat and fish, and in the 14th century ossetor was found outside. the name of the royal fish was assigned to sturgeon; it was served on huge silver trays, decorated with vegetables and herbs. this dish was a decoration for any holiday. within the walls of the old the castle was born. an important tradition, the tradition of drinking wine, specifically wine, because before people, well, more often drank beer or similar drinks, but stefan batory loved wine, so everyone around him was forced to agree with his taste, and then they certainly liked it, and even in the castle there is
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a detailed description of the last days of stefan batory’s life, he fell ill and was treated, as we’ll see now, pay attention, it’s very interesting, they treated him, for example, with lily of the valley, lily of the valley, which is a poisonous plant, there are more such poisonous plants here a few pieces, well, in general, he had no luck with the doctors. disputes about the cause of the king's death continued for another 3 years. the court doctors were accused not only of improper treatment, but of poisoning the monarch. after the death of stefan batory, difficult times came for the castle. numerous battles completely changed him. appearance in the 18th century, the castle lost the most important thing - the kitchen. she moved to a new castle. but the old castle remained a kind of castle for guests, an auxiliary castle. to get around. the whole area will take several hours, but there is a place you can pass by definitely can't get through. and even if you are not
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interested in history, it’s worth climbing onto the roof of the old castle, there is a stunning view, an observation deck. once upon a time, more than half of the total population of grodno were jews. you can’t even imagine how much we took from their culture, for example, the words shukher, shmon, freebie, and not only words, but also amazing cooking. and in the grodno choral synagogue there is an exhibition dedicated to the traditional jewish holiday, and where there is a holiday, there is delicious food. more about this.
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we eat, because it was the same there, first there was a prayer to the lord, a sacrifice, and then eating that part of the sacrifice that was, so what was on the table was that part of the sacrifice. indeed, religious customs had little influence on the formation of jewish cuisine. one of the holidays is new year. oh, what an amazing holiday, it concerns what is absolutely necessary to have on the table.
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the uprising was brewing for 30 years, but when they managed to win, you can imagine what a great joy, but trouble, it’s impossible celebrate the holiday, because the temple is not consecrated, and what is needed for this is to light the minora, but there is no illuminated oil, which means there is no consecrated oil, and the oil is prepared by priests, and the oil is prepared in a special ritual way, in that... jug, on which, in which this oil is located, there should be a seal of the high priest, wow, our enemies, apparently knowing this tradition, destroyed all
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the vials with this oil. after a long search, one small jug with clean oil was found and then it happened a real miracle. instead of one day, the oil burned for eight, until new kosher oil was delivered to the temple. and for 8 days there was such fun and such a holiday that in honor of this event, when celebrating the holiday, we should always eat those foods that consume a large amount of oil during preparation. kurim is considered the most joyful holiday of the jewish calendar. its story is connected with the biblical heroine esther. the persian king akhash verosh took esterevzhona, not knowing about its origin. at the insistence new king. he made mordechai, a relative of esther, his advisor. the persian nobleman haman was offended that mordechai refused to bow to him and decided to destroy
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the entire jewish population of persia, but esther was able to prevent this. and she was smart enough when her uncle turned to her and said: “you know, esther, that soon we will no longer be in this world.” why? the king signed a decree that in 3 days everything would be over. think about what to do, you’re a smart woman, come up with something, i did, she invited him to dinner once, the second time, she said, we’ll be here tomorrow we won’t meet again, like this, like this, and so, you signed a decree on the extermination of all jews, and i’m a jew, and you, yes, who slipped me this one, and he’s sitting next to you, hang him, that’s how the people were saved, so we have our own rose luxembourg, which appeared 3,500 years ago, in honor of this holiday,
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and brought the king to the need for them to be full, for this you need to eat his ear, yes, a good tradition, yes, i also have a good tradition, in every city i visit, i find a place where i can eat deliciously. what is the meaning of modern icon painters? into their work, but so that it would all not be in vain, so that it would help people pray, so that it would help them repent and become churchgoers. how is training conducted in sunday schools today, one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one creative lesson, one music lesson, and for older people, that is, adults, there are already lectures on subjects, well, there is already, so to speak, more serious preparation that is that?
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mercy, this is probably the food that we will always need ourselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul. what unique shrines kept in belarusian churches? here we have just the holy relics of the roman martyr vanefatius, and vanefatius is the patron helper of such a sin, which many, many are with. it turns out that this is a sin of drinking wine. this is a particle of relics that came to us just from greece. answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects. on the belarus 24 tv channel. in the western direction, there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces. currently , 10 multinational combat units are deployed in poland and the baltic countries alone. tactical groups. dozens, one might say.
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dissemination means, especially drones, are already on our territory, these drones are already moving quintals, the most modern explosives, special exercises have begun jointly with the people's liberation army of china, before that we were friends with the people's republic of china, and today, excuse me, we are in the same shanghai organization of cooperation, and these are essentially allied relations, one can only believe that common sense is truly...
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grodna is meat, meat is, first of all , game. let's go hunting. by the way, everything is game. women run away from the kitchen because only real men can cook game, like sasha, hi, hi, what are we going to cook today, moose meat with meat sauce and potatoes with bacon. elk meat is considered one of the safest and cleanest types of wild meat; as a rule, it is more healthy and dietary than meat from domestic animals, yet game is a product that you need to know how to approach, so
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we start with stripping. our oil is heating up, let's start preparing the potatoes, we simply cut the potatoes in half , pour vegetable oil into the frying pan so that it has time to warm up, until it is in large cubes, then put it on salt and pepper, then grease it with vegetable oil and put it in the oven for baking, so, the oil heats up, the potatoes are baked, crush... a clove of garlic and put it in a frying pan, then lay out the meat, cook it as you would cook a steak, let it seal until a crust forms, then turn it over, do not marinate the meat additionally, salt and pepper it during the process, how long should you fry the meat until it is fully cooked or not, no, not until fully cooked, it is still game and
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will need to be slightly stewed. we remove the meat from the frying pan, but do not rush to wash it. we will prepare the sauce based on the remaining juice. add a little more vegetable oil, cut the cereal into carrots, onions, parsley, and stem. celery, chopped onions and send them to fry in a frying pan. since this is a sauce, you need to add something liquid here. what we shall we add it here now? we have few options: wine and wine broth, and broth, and this and that, and this and that, yes, but first we will add red semi-dry wine, since this is our meat, game, and if we add semi-sweet, it will turn out sweet and sour chinese sauce, which we basically don’t want, because we are preparing a belarusian dish. pour in the chicken broth and let it boil for a couple of minutes, then return the meat to the frying pan and simmer. how long does it need to simmer? we won't be here for long, so again, as i already said, this is our tenderloin, elk. the meat
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has never undergone any physical activity or done anything in its life, so it is soft, juicy meat in itself and does not require much time to cook. we will also need demiglass sauce to thicken the flavor. a sauce from french cuisine that takes 24 hours to prepare, a sauce made from bones and vegetables. domiglaze sauce is considered the highest mathematics of cooking and is the basis of many french dishes. it has a rich meaty, slightly spicy taste and a pleasant velvety texture. certainly, you can take the time to prepare the sauce yourself, or you can buy a ready-made dry mixture. the most correct thing is to take a sample in time, now we’ll check whether we put enough salt, pepper and in general what it all looks like, mm, incredibly tasty, listen, it doesn’t look as beautiful as it tastes,
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really, seriously, that’s me as soon as i tried the sauce, what will happen when i taste the whole dish, the meat is ready, the potatoes are baked, you can start preparing the side dish, heat it up. grease a frying pan with oil and add bacon to it, frying with two sides, it seems to me that bacon will play its role in this dish and add exactly that fat, well, in the good sense of the word, which we lack in game, but it will be so, that’s why we add bacon here and let’s add a little of the fat itself, which is now rendered from the bacon, tell me, what if instead of bacon we put just such pieces of lard. you can use some lard, but good lard, homemade, rustic, like butter, put potato wedges in a frying pan, frying them together with bacon. here this is our resulting juice, we will now
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salt the saucepan. at this stage we add the butter to the domiglaz sauce, stirring well until it thickens. ready, ready, ready, serving, yeah. now let's start serving our dish. first, add a little sauce to the plate, followed by pieces of venison and potatoes. we got such a potato, baked with a crust, so crispy, just a cannon. we also place the bacon on the plate, after which we pour the sauce over the meat again. as decoration, place tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, radishes and greens. the final touch is to baste the dish. with pestle sauce, ladies and gentlemen, voila, so many incomprehensible machinations, actions that i probably didn’t even remember, and a masterpiece, as you called it, elk meat with
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demi-glace sauce, with baked potatoes and bacon, here it is ready, recipe elk meat with demi-glace sauce. with baked potatoes and bacon, peel the meat from the tendons of the film, cut it into large cubes, heat the frying pan and add vegetable oil, crush two cloves of garlic and put it in the frying pan, then put it in.


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