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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 4, 2024 7:50pm-8:50pm MSK

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in europe there is such a unique situation when almost all european elites have essentially lost their legitimacy, that is, they act against the interests of their own peoples, this gap is increasingly observed, but this is the american system of governance, this is a deal with the elites at the expense of their own peoples, that is, everything will be fine, excuse me, people understand this, we often talk about this, how they use their own no one asks, they start and won’t ask, they begin to feel, yes, they begin to feel, yes, that is, deep people always exist too. as well as the deep states, while this is being recorded by sociological questions, it is clear that all this is brewing, and the opening without visas, that is , the opening of the border for the people, the opening of access, is an absolutely accurate and correct move, which allows, in fact, to spur these processes , to stimulate, because in general the european elites have been and will remain unfriendly to us, there is nothing to quarrel with the peoples, that is, these are completely different things and than...
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there will be more such grassroots contacts, which, in general, will allow, in fact , to nullify propaganda, to nullify the legitimacy of western elites, the faster will be the changes that will still allow, well, to talk about the possibility of restoring some kind of friendly contacts and friendly interactions. alexey alekseevich, i wanted to ask you this question, it is related to what we have already discussed, but this is a further step into the next topic, which we will definitely examine, it is from the loudest topics of this week, maybe... of the last days, which we see here in the information field, this is the case of rick krieger, we understand perfectly well that european politicians exploit their own population, it suffers, the decisions that are made even on this border, it hits the people themselves, moreover, they distort information , that is, they either close information from us, from russia, which goes along with demonizing us, we can say that rika krieger is a kind of.
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the work of german propaganda or nato propaganda, this is a product of probably the last 400 years of capitalism in europe, which formed such loners, they broke all the ties that were within communities, yes, societies, broke them, made them selfish, made them loners, then they began to be exploited in any way, one of the ways.
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what can we say in this situation, that western society will continue to train such terrorists, it is dangerous when the entire country in the form of ukraine or the entire society turns into such terrorists, exactly the same terrorists are being trained in poland and the baltic countries now, that is, here we are they said that troops were being sent there.
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it was correctly said, they will get their jackpot, they will make money on this, but ordinary people will suffer, just like this terrorist, let’s listen to him, every day i have a feeling of total abandonment and that i have been fooled, the government must fight for me, but only my family does this, for myself i concluded that germany does not want to make any contact with belarus, although there are chances for me, but germany.
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peacetime of counteraction, but sometimes laws of war, specifically about this man, purely humanly, his condition now can be understood, that’s what we see in this video, but we shouldn’t be naive in relation to the tears that we see on him, he’s a professional, i don’t think that he has some kind of psychological gap in himself
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in order to prepare, come and perform this kind of action, these are people of a special psychotype, make-up, preparation, therefore... of course there is a certain game, it cannot but exist, but i i don't think it's this is the kind of repentance that can really be perceived by us in full. i think that let’s try to compare two events: without visas, and rick krieger, but it seems like such comparisons, you look, our state has learned to act from the point of view of soft power, something that used to be the prerogative of the west, i’m saying this it’s no coincidence, look, this one... without visas, we, what are we, people? the people, they are not subjective, yes, because there are still some governments that are not are collected by those who lead these nations and so on, but this message with these visa-free travel and soft power is not a message for the west at all, it is a message for the global south, for the east,
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about who is really to blame for this conflict within our states, between eastern and western europe, the same soft power is now beginning to act in relation to rick krieger, yes, this is... a man who committed a crime, and the most serious crimes associated there with terrorist acts, he was also a terrorist, especially since the world has generally gone crazy, yes, that is, representatives of the red cross, even ex-representatives of the red cross, commit terrorist attacks, but the peace fund pays for wars, yes, let them understand with tears in their eyes that at any moment they may be subject to attack from ukraine, they are blacklisted, they are called criminals, that is, it is really a paradox, and look practically. month germany here he himself rika krieger says that no one needed him except his family, for a month he was condemned, and after it was only germany, after this was reflected in the media, that suddenly began to stir, and even moved at the level of olaff scholz,
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who is repeatedly asked such uncomfortable questions. it goes without saying that soft power is at work and the president yesterday pardoned a german citizen. will stand, i think everyone is already talking about this, as i like to repeat now, that they will exchange him for a good soviet intelligence officer who should be worthy of returning
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home, let’s listen to the president, we’ll come back now, let's listen to the president, who on the eve of a really interesting form, until we hear the german government, do not see how they are dealing with this issue, himself... krieger says that his only hope is alexander lukashenko, so the belarusian president is starting to deal with this personally a question that he simply calls, as it is the most difficult, the most difficult in the president’s fate, questions of this kind, and then he says the following, let’s listen, this is interesting. krieger rika, a german citizen, it turns out, was only ninety born in the third year by a court, sentenced in belarus to exceptional punishment. according to our constitution, laws, the last word is always with the president, whether he addresses or does not address, i already said once that the hardest thing in the fate of a president is something like this. cases related to exceptional punishment, but a decision needs to be made, i
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just want to talk to you in this regard, well, not that you can consult, but to hear your opinion, you people are directly involved in the consideration of this case, both our investigator and the lawyer who , as i understand it, defended rick krieger in court, well...
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for us, rika krieger is now absolutely harmless, we neutralized him, we showed the whole world, this is how we work, our anti-terrorist groups, our special units are working, please look, now the ball is in germany's court, look , please, take, take your citizen, we are ready to exchange, we are ready to meet halfway, next comes the game of politicians, that is, the special services have done their job, now the game of politicians begins. further, what remains, olaf scholz, further, what remains for the german leadership not to take away its citizen, you know, it may find its own, it may find the appropriate appeal to influence in the future, including elections, the rating of the same and the same parties that nominate their leadership, so now the next question is, even if they take a terrorist, what next is to put him in a german prison or release him, here is what happens, what... contributes to his terrorists, yes, even if he is a citizen, but he committed a real terrorist attack,
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who was proven, who was assigned, assigned the highest, highest degree of danger and sentenced to capital punishment, here the head of state forgave him, returned him to germany, well, please play, it’s interesting to see how the game will develop further, what am i talking about, that we have learned to play on these conditions of war, which olga igorevna spoke about, that in these conditions we began to play with soft power. and this game is primarily aimed not at whitewashing us, but at discrediting the leadership that trying to isolate our state from our closest neighbors to show our true face specifically for the countries of the global south and east. how do you look at this? i agree that this was actually a wise decision, because whatever choice germany makes, it will not be in its favor, that is, in this regard, no matter how scholz behaves, but...
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which the german authorities today there is no answer, that is, in this regard, we saw from the behavior of the german embassy how much they did not need all this, yes, that is , it is said that they calculated perfectly the situation that no matter where the wedge was thrown, in this regard, they hoped that all this would pass, in general, all the responsibility would not be on them, but they, in general, would find themselves on the sidelines, then they would be able to blame minsk for the fact that he acts quite harshly, as usual, that everything that was said about the dictatorship is true, but it turns out that it would be more profitable for them if the verdict was brought, of course, of course, of course, they would then say that in
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fact there was no terrorist attack it was, it was all wrong, it was all invented, it was all drawn, that’s it in general, we have always told you that minsk is the last dictatorship, how tough all this is, how everything is, you see evidence once again, now they are faced with unpleasant questions, very unpleasant questions for which they have no answer, let’s do one more thing. we’ll discuss the unexpected confession with you now, or rather more than one, i’m sure you ’re following our evening broadcasts and the interview through which igor tur and his interlocutor reveal the dark essence of the fugitives, i’m here: i’m not exaggerating, you have to hear it all and decide for yourself, the ex-head of the regional branch of the opposition party, statkevich’s longtime friend, talks about a lot, spoke about the merciless political struggle, money and terror, that’s just one of the fragments, and in our office there was one very interesting
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person, he came, he was there lived, doroshkevich, he tried to create drones, but i call it that...
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back in nazi germany, when fugitive traitors were not sent away, so they were taken , you know, and sent to elite hotels, they arrive there and...
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to all possible special services where they can to reach out, they knock there, what kind of people are they, this is normal typical behavior for those whose main motive is material, that is, they are fighting for each other for access to american funds, european funds, why? because they are not ready to work, that is, they
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won’t go to some european factory and stand behind a machine and make volkswagens, that’s right, but they want to. a lot of money, and for the sake of this big money in a short period of time, they are ready to commit such illegal actions, naturally, all the time they are ready to fight against their people, then naturally they are ready to fight with each other for the sake of access to big money, that’s all. andrei petrovich, again, i’m appealing to your military component, your job, how are we , brought up on these films, to defend our homeland and you are raising a new generation of soldiers? when you hear stories like this, what train of thought arises at that moment? well, look, what's the line of thought? well, first of all, she didn’t say anything new, because general tertel laid everything out in general everything became clear to the shelves at vns, but here is a very interesting fact, and that all these people worked for the children's state security, and this is the lithuanian department of state security, including madame tishkevich, and they were
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repeatedly summoned, of course, recruited everything else, but i think our military counterintelligence will figure out what’s what. i take my hat off to igor tur, overall a very interesting interview, very informative in many aspects, after it, to be honest, i even want to wash myself a little, yes, because well, this is the dirt into which our citizens got there today and who they have become, you know, but they were preparing to become the elite of our society to rule our state, so you look, yes, these drones flew, but look what it was not planned to carry an explosion here, not to drag explosives, but essentially their own elements of mass weapons. defeat, that is, contamination of our area, that is, it is a violation of all possible and impossible conventions. the question is, if the state security department knew this, and if they didn’t god forbid everyone is still smoking.
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poland, and already the czech republic, has begun to form national units from citizens and former citizens of ukraine. what do you think, that in 2025 some other fate was prepared for these people? they already understand perfectly well that they a priori have done, maybe some more than this rika like riger in terms of receiving capital punishment here, and here they can return, only in one case, they realize, if they carry out the state coup. forceful method, including the involvement of such people and those there like kolinovsky’s regiment and with them, who there even clearly understood, in my opinion, the ukrainian side, that it needs to disband these
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loafers and disperse them, because there are no belarusians, but money is allocated somewhere, where it is allocated and how it is cut, we all also heard during this program, so i say, the plot is very interesting, very well chosen, we are waiting for the continuation, i think that this sheds light on many, many things, in twenty-fifth year, which year we wait exactly.
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but after the failure of the american guaido project before the eyes of the whole world, their indignation does not sound so convincing, however, their rivals will not give up the fight; maduro’s are not only internal, but external. the eccentric president of argentina, miley, even before the announcement of the first voting results, said that he would not recognize maduro’s victory. the us state department cannot hide their irritation. guest blinken has already declared that washington is a serious american official, whose people are hardly... happy with the state of the owner of the white house and squabbles of the election race, but this is different for them, however, the world is changing, and the voice of pro-washington forces sounds muffled against the backdrop of congratulations that maduro received from the leaders of countries such as russia and china. alexander lukashenko congratulated with the following words: “the residents of your country supported the course towards building a modern and independent state in which the people can independently determine their own destiny.” olga
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igorevna, why is it so difficult for venezuelans to determine their destiny, why does washington want it so much, i put the word help in quotes to the venezuelan people, using all its resources, including its proxies in the region? i would draw attention to two points: first of all, everyone was worried that the figures that were published based on the voting results: 51 and 44, but if there had been a much larger gap, then i think there would be concern...
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the opposition candidate is very strong and his chances are so great that maduro simply will not be able to write himself these extra votes, it will be completely impossible, well, according to the election results, we actually speaking of which, we saw this gap, which in numbers is quite small, and the fact that maduro was not afraid of their publications, the sanctions did not work, unprecedented pressure and maduro in these conditions managed to rally the majority around himself. because he began to pursue a very balanced foreign policy, which is based on the diversification of ties, that is, he expanded the range of countries with which he cooperated, and especially since today this is possible, we talked about the obrix, about the sco, about new structures that allow such countries how can venezuela feel more confident in the international arena, it is possible to revive the guaido project with a different name only guaido, it is clear that it is already in the political trash heap,
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but... even, even in the foreign press , we see that this is no longer possible, no one mentions such an option, the emphasis is only on protests, mr. blinken said, we are concerned, now in venezuela we will see what lies behind the word concerned, yes, that’s what the americans mean today in the word concerned, that’s a step already followed, so different countries can draw conclusions, why are they so interested in the americans, because there is the most powerful... oil, remember that ugachavis did everything to exclude american corporations from the country, why? because they exploited natural resources, that is , they bought it all cheaply and not at market prices, the americans naturally invested in venezuela for guaido, now there is a lot of money in order to carry out velvet revolutions, change political power, but...
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but them, please note, all these velvet revolution technologies have been constantly failing lately, they are failing due to what is going on, at the very beginning of the program we correctly noted that there is an awakening of the masses, an understanding of what the united states of america is, they are not democracy, they do not bring freedom , they bring generalization, exploitation, destruction, of the people and as a result, naturally, the masses, being a living organism, choose the leader who will protect them, so they choose him, yes, they understand that the rest of the leaders are artificially created opponents, oppositionists, who in reality will not pursue any interests of their people, agree with the fact that there will be no new guaido and that the bet will now be placed on power
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projects for... the overthrow, bets will be placed on sanctions to strangle economic, financial , trade, logistics venezuela is not excluded.
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but the main thing is how we respond to their methods, but it was correctly noted that we have moved to the technology of soft power, at a higher political level, and this is their annoying, because they were the founders of soft power, starting with the confrontation between the gdr and the federal republic of germany, then they just began to introduce this method, and it shows that the federal republic of germany is better, yes, that they have a better picture, and there are better stores, jeans and gum. yes, now, now we definitely must develop methods to combat the tyranny of the random, that is, we must make sure that this tyranny of the random operates on their territories, and for them the most dangerous thing
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is, of course, when society, their society, begins to awaken , it awakens due to our visa-free regime, when we invite them here, just ordinary citizens see that we have a normal economy and... that is, in this regard, they will strive to demolish madura at any cost simply because oil prices will skyrocket in the event of a big war in the near future in the east, they need to have their own cheap oil, which they can take for 3 kopecks, but in fact they
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have been trying to do this for a long time, because in fact , let me remind you that only the supply of s-300 to venezuela saved it from full-fledged aggression, from full-fledged american democratization by military means, because in fact , to approach there from the sea... from the air , it was enough for venets to protect it, what he did at one time, and at the same time it is clear that there will be three, there will be, because any latin american country for the last 100 years , these are two strata, this is the aristocracy that trades labor with the united states, this is the military who respectively protect this aristocracy, and well, strictly speaking , the government, which is appointed by the same aristocracy. "fidel castro nationalized both, that is, he made a workers' peasant army, he did, accordingly, nationalized the economy, due to which it turned out to be hopeless and impossible to carry out a real coup in cuba.
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ugachavis managed to nationalize the army, he did it on the workers' peasant army, the army is absolutely reliable, now it supported, now it supported absolutely publicly, in fact , he did not have time to deal with the economy, and there , by and large, "the people who eat are those who have all their money in the united states, so venezuela, of course, will still have long enough it will shake, because the second step, well, i didn’t have time to take it, it’s just right anyway . it consists of two moments, when alexey just said that the united states of america essentially supplies the world, these are not only coups d’etat, not so long ago in an interview with the wall street journal, a journalist asked tucker carlson, why are you doing this don’t like the current american government, he... he replied that it’s like this: homosexual racial communism does not
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attract anyone, but that’s what we export, that’s how he outlined it, all this fell into the global discussion that is now being built around the olympics in paris, the opening ceremony, and so, let’s remember this moment, the opening of the thirty-third olympic games in paris, or as the german businessman kim put it, the closing ceremony of humanity, disgusting... a parody of the last supper, millions of viewers saw a bearded woman instead of christ, an lgbt party instead of the apostles, extreme disrespect for christians, elon musk spoke out. but the outrage of millions of people around the world it seems to us that the representative of the russian orthodox church, vakhtan kipshidze, expressed it best. he said this: one can only regret that in the center of europe a counterculture of godlessness has grown up, parodying christianity in much the same way as a monkey parodies.
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don’t you think that now people are choosing not just a person and a political force, they are choosing something more, and the reaction to the olympics in paris is another confirmation of this, well, in general, if you look at the world as a whole, you can understand that literally in twenty the fourth, early twenty-fifth year, such a political regrouping of forces is taking place, that is, this is happening in europe and america and is happening almost all over the world, in various ways they can... like in america, they
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can try to remove a candidate using appropriate means, there are some other elements that we see with you in venezuela, and i think that issues related specifically to the color revolution, they are already a thing of the past, this is an instrument of a monopolar world, and a monopolar world, i think, will soon become a thing of the past, polycentricity will come, already centers of power have appeared that are able to fight this; people today want to choose. this stability, well , stability is unlikely to happen, because this monopolar world, namely the united states, will not simply give up its empire, which goes far beyond the boundaries of the united states. in the case of venezuela, look at how cautious even blinken’s speech was on this issue, that they are very concerned, that they want to see this transparency, look at how britain he says practically nothing at all, because the question arises with gayan from sekib.
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look at the work that the same maduro did with his global neighbors before this, yes, this is colombia, with which it was in a pre-war situation, but when petro came, agreements appeared, economic and primarily political, and look how the same thing with brazil there was a tense situation, and today venezuela is friends and is friends with maduro along with silva in... peru, ecuador, they don’t play any role there now and chile, they are recalling their diplomats, they are recalled, they will be taught a lesson, believe me, the first who will now again look for opportunities to interact with venezuela will be these states, look how the same one came. the current head of state of peru came to
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power on exactly the same wavelength , everything went very smoothly there, but he supported the west, will he act today just as actively? the united states is only because of oil? no, i’m sure no, why of course we can’t rule it out, but my personal point of view, no, he has global problems in ukraine, today this is the main nerve in taiwan, it is about to be pulled in the near future, but what is happening today in the middle east is not some kind of tanya, but today it has become. it is known that they killed ismail haniya, yes, the head of the political bureau, namely hamas. the issues of the unification of hamas and fatah are also very controversial about what could happen.
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views on this latin america so far, so i think that the elections in which nicolas maduro won, i think that he will retain this power, because the most important thing is that these machada and lopez rutia, they are not have you read the april theses? they read the advice of an outsider, which vladimir wrote about, they did not fight for the army, only the army and navy can ensure the actions of the leadership in the country in such conditions. we are present in all their plans, i mean nato of all others, let’s sum up some, maybe the results of this conversation, it is coming to us one way or another, we also have a very busy electoral cycle, we have a single voting day behind us, it’s great passed, this is a good test of maturity that our society has passed, even look at venezuela, what a low turnout,
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what is humanity voting for today, here we are belarusians, what are we voting for, what should we stand for, so that this, as is customary now, says turbulent times...
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with the family, that’s what olga airyevna was talking about , this is the most important aspect, so that there is calm in the family, there is peace. secondly , which is also important, what we saw with you at this opening of the french olympics, although i am sure the majority did not look, except for these terrible prices that are shown today, these are traditional values, we saw that we do not fall under
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these traditional values, and what we did today with france as this great country falls according to the traditional ones, but we do not fall under their values ​​and we do not strive. with this france, yes, now i no longer consider myself to be with this france, because for me france is the same, the same juulvern, the same dzuma, georges sant, exupery, yes, the greatest people, for a military man i understand that these are the same henri turin or the great conde, or even the same charles de gaulle, this the greatest people, this is the greatest nation, where has it all slipped to today, to what level is this, that the country, which was essentially catholic, yes they were there. little time, where do we stand? we stand firmly in the position that peace is ensured by what? first of all, there must be a family, a stable job and there must be conditions for the existence of people and common values, and this is the consolidation of the individual, society and the state, what we fought for and what we put into our
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fundamental documents for the concept military doctrine, today it lives among our people, which means these documents are truly alive, they will create for the benefit of our society. to be a subject, as in the case of the state, or to be an object, and here is this polarization, returning to the opening
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of the olympics, it becomes very, very strong, either you are a subject or an object. alexey, 25 years old, for us, for belarusians, will be the most important, because we see the level of tension growing, in our region and throughout the world, why is it growing, because.
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we definitely must unite as a nation, we must understand that we are fighting, we are fighting now for our future for the future of our children of the next generations, and there is no other option if we do not unite and do not understand this, we do not understand this ideological nature of our struggle, then, of course, we will turn into... into something similar to what we saw from these pseudo-oppositionists, who will always be waiting with outstretched hands for some handouts and are ready to commit any actions against themselves and against their people. thank you for participation in today's program, that's all for today.
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i was state secretary of the security council from 1994 to 2000, then there was a short break, i worked as prosecutor general, head of administration and again returned to the state secret security council in 2006, 2006-2008, in total i served as state secretary of the council safety 8 years, the most. i would probably start the conversation with you with the presidential elections. in ninety-four.
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alexander grigoryevich lukashenko went to elections as one of the candidates, a number of deputies spoke out in support of the head of state, including me from the rostrum of parliament, who said that i am part of alexander grigorievich’s team and am running in this team, i am walking in alexander grigorievich’s team. the elections came, they were not easy, there were great difficulties, the head of state won, i was invited to the head of state, he said: “your task is to form and prepare a structure, a new structure of the security council.” it was.
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approved the position in the security council and by the second decree on the same day, august 5, i was appointed security state. the tasks have become completely different in volume, scale and significance. i have already begun to substantively deal with issues of national security, the protection of the national interests of the republic of belarus from external and internal ones. and the threats were indeed very serious , first of all economic security, the largest enterprises maz, belast, the tractor plant, they stopped, the envelope was stopped, people did not receive wages wages, at some of our enterprises they did not pay wages for 6-8 months, but they needed to live, and the head of state, when he went to the elections, promised to start up languishing factories, give workers the opportunity to work, receive a salary, support a replacement, in september ninety fourth year... i receive a command from the head of state, prepare my visit to the national bank, let's see the state's gold reserves, what is
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in the national bank, at that time bogdanich was the chairman of the national bank.
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soviet security, based on this an appropriate structure, number and functionality were created. at first, the security state consisted of seven people, then 13, then 23, then 27, 47, 93 and further, depending on the tasks, the volume of these tasks, the complexity, the corresponding structure was created, different issues were resolved, including issues of economic security and military ones.
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this department was established as an independent structure, a state border committee was created, they were very actively involved in the external borders of the republic of belarus, and formed a new composition of the customs committee, appropriate people were selected, tasks were lined up at a completely different level, including the head of state setting the task of reforming the security forces, after the elections in ninety , a large amount of weapons and military equipment ended up on our territory...
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to detail, many things to tell, these issues were successfully resolved, difficult, not easy, but successfully resolved. then we were faced with the following approach, and the task was to remove nuclear weapons from the territory of the republic belarus. this decision was not made by the head of state; more precisely, he should have carried out this decision based on pre-signed documents. the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was signed by belarus in
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1993, even before the presidential elections. and ours. and security guarantees for belarus were given by the united states of america, the russian federation and great britain, when they began to withdraw nuclear weapons from our territory of the republic of belarus, an agreement was signed there even before the presidential
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elections that we are destroying the sites where these missiles are located, we had to blow up the mines, blow up one mine, this mine collapsed, the head of state gave the command to look into it, there really were problems with the environment, there...
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brought poland into noto , hungary and the czech republic, the summit was attended by the former leader of the former soviet republics, including those that led the soviet union, and the president was present.


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