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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 7, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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in no case should we forget about basic anal things: measuring blood pressure, checking the pulse, for women, checking the mammary glands, performing an annual visit to the doctor and a banal medical examination. my name is oleg rumo, i am a transplant surgeon, director of the minsk scientific and practical center for transplant surgery and hematology, our motto is science, practice, search and innovation.
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my working day usually starts at 8:00 in the morning, i arrive at work, a certain number of urgent matters accumulate, which need to be resolved before everyone starts active work, these are the things that usually come up right before the start of work, then i - having resolved these problems, i move on to our work meeting, a daily meeting, which starts at 8:30, colleagues, good morning, let's get started, there are about 20 people present at the meeting, these are all deputies, heads of our institution, these are the people who are responsible for their deputies, for key areas: procurement, construction, organization of work, hr, infection control, and those specialists who... are engaged in
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covering what is happening and working with foreign citizens. we won't be able to survive more from the bariaartery, even if we wanted to, because there is quite a lot of growth there , but in other respects we need to be more active, okay? at about 9:00 we start making rounds, examining the most severe patients who are being treated in the intensive care unit. based on the specifics of my immediate work, since i am also a surgeon. today, the center
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concentrates all areas of modern surgery, from banal general surgery, which treats patients with penicitis, perforated ulcers, hernias, intestinal obstruction, to such complex high-tech areas as organ transplantation, cardiac surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery,
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this is several thousand dollars annually performed absolutely free of charge for every citizen of the republic of belarus. as itself did you feel? more or less, they are preparing you for discharge, but this is only the beginning of the journey. the queue, when we talk, say, about a liver transplant, because if a person gets sick and he will not live for 3 days, then what kind of queue can we talk about? if organs appear to perform a transplant at this time, the one who is waiting, he will wait further, because he can wait. the chain is a slightly different situation, so there is a computer program, it is very transparent, it is very clearly verified takes into account all the necessary indicators, i have already said medical, social indicators, because we live in a society and people should clearly see that everything is fair, honest and most importantly there is no way to somehow use this human factor, the computer will still suddenly take over,
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the computer will not write that he is some high-ranking person, so he needs to have an operation right away, no, no one is going to do an operation for the sake of an operation, it is done only so that a person can live a full life, express himself, raise children, make plans for the future and was a full-fledged person, almost always, taking into account again the good level of development of the dunovets in his side , we have time, we find an organ... for the patient and the life being saved, this concerns, of course, the heart of the liver, this does not concern the heart, because there is dialysis, and then the day is planned depending on what needs
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to be done, monday is usually rounds, rounds in the transplant department and in the liver surgery department, all over the world there is an order and... similar operations. a dilemma arises: perform 150-180 belarus, which are, every year we are able to perform 350 more further, that or ... basically patients come from kazakhstan for
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liver transplantation and for soil transplantation, i am deeply confident that it will be completely established i am also very grateful to you. provides, a foreigner must pay, i see only advantages here, citizens are not infringed, there are opportunities, i help others.
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medical institute as a clinical resident, in the ninety-fifth year i was appointed deputy chief physician for surgery, then, on a functional basis, for a long time headed the republican scientific and practical center for organ tissue transplantation, which was not a legal entity, well, later, when the decision was made to create the minsk scientific and practical center for surgery, transplantology, imatology, i headed this... institution, the first liver transplant, in 2008 i performed the first and first successful liver transplant in the republic of belarus, a young man
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who had liver cirrhosis, he was from minsk, he was 31 years old at that time, today day in the piggy bank of our team, almost 1,100 liver transplants, of course, not all of them are mine, i plan, as a rule, two operating days, well, this is a related donor for liver transplantation, dad, now there will be a process.
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got acquainted with scientific projects, including ours, and also visited those patients who were treated within the framework of this functional unit of the clinic in the transplant department, he made a decision to build a new building for transplant surgery, over the past 6 years we have introduced three new buildings of our hospital are in operation, one of them is a building. utility, it is also needed, it is very important to have a place where we are, in general, where we
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have all those necessary things, thanks to which this large, huge clinic functions, well and two medical buildings known throughout the country and maybe even throughout the world, this is the transplant surgery building, which was put into operation in twenty-first year, the second building we put into operation on december 29, twenty-third, this is the bone marrow transplant building,
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we are in the laboratory of cellular biotechnology, this is a unique laboratory where scientific research is carried out with stem cells, here the properties of stem...
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there is no recipe for success in scientific research today. slavgorod is located in a beautiful place, the confluence of two rivers, pronya and sosh. there is also an ancient settlement, zamkova hill and a magnificent landscape park. well, i feel quite comfortable on this place.
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don't be afraid, when you go out, you won't be cold. oh, oh! oh, oh, i can't feel my legs, i just, i'm already worried, to be honest, oh, it's already starting, wait, how cool, right, you're ready, i am, of course, so what, how are you, how cool, i want to do it again. travel with the belarus 24 tv channel. in the western direction, there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces. at the moment , 10 multinational combat tactical groups have been deployed in poland and the baltic states alone, with a total of over 11 thousand people. everything was fine, but
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recently our border guards and military intercept dozens, you could say. intelligence assets, especially drones, are already on our territory, these drones are already transporting hundreds of kilograms, the most modern explosives. special exercises have begun together with the people's liberation army of china, before that we were friends with the people's republic of china, and today, excuse me, we are in the same shanghai cooperation organization, these are already allied, in essence, relations. it remains only to believe that common sense really will win the situation will be resolved without any military actions. belarusians are peaceful people, but we will fight back the enemy. ksenia lebedeva's author's view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. in the republic of belarus, more than 300 kidney transplants are performed annually with a total of about 500 operations annually. in our center alone , 170-180 such operations are performed annually. good afternoon. good afternoon. how are you feeling? excellent. she came to us a week ago from bulgaria, we examined her urgently performed a kidney transplant from a deceased donor, today the transplant function is satisfactory with good laboratory control indicators, so if everything is stable enough within two days, we are ready when
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the patient is looking for an opportunity to thank that one of the... known or unknown people, thanks to whom his life is extended, then the idea arose of creating a monument to the donor, a posthumous donor, the idea is that this angel is hollow inside, hollow, because he gave his organs to the one who is in them needs, it symbolizes and such a torn line running along the front surface of it. the new transplant surgery building was opened in september of the twenty-first year, a fairly fast building was equipped, one might
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say, with equipment that is the highlight or the heart of any surgical program. we were pioneers in conducting reperfusion therapy, if earlier in case of cerebrovascular accident . these technologies were used in one and a half to 2% of cases, now every fourth patient gets the opportunity perform such reperfusion therapy, restore blood flow in the damaged area of ​​the brain. well, this is where endovascular surgeons work, the most common pathology that patients receive treatment for here is patients with acute coronary syndrome, but this is the only real chance.
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equipment, there are concentrated surgical patients, patients who need the most modern technologies to perform a transplant operation. availability, things are relative, let's compare how long the average waits belarusian kidney transplant surgery average uk residents, let's say, 50 slightly more days belarus, more than a thousand days uk resident. belarus is available, we are not the first, we are
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in the top 25 in terms of the number of operations, and in terms of the level of organ donation development, the top 10 in the world. the last 3-5 years, this is a fact. this is how we work. those people who are close and dear to me, i put in the place that was the first operating room where it was performed. liver transplants, the first kidney transplant operation together with the pancreas gland, in which i also took part. a landmark place for all belarusian surgery medicine, the first liver transplant operation, in particular a gift from one of the patients from moldova, who won a bronze medal at the european games for patients with...
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the operation rarely moves less than 5-6 hours, i am waiting for, well, approximately such a stack of papers, if you take it from here, in kilograms, probably about 7-8 kilograms, a lot of public affairs, in 2016, residents of the city of minsk, represented by the deputies of the minsk city council, provided i have the great honor to represent... the city of minsk, the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. rosatom, which would like to present, including their advanced developments related to
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the innovative development of the union state. therefore, we would very much like you to also evaluate with your expert opinion the proposals that were the basis of these recommendations. this section will be a kind of continuation of the conversation that we began with our russian partners in february, they held a large forum, innovative forum, it... to go, youth is the future of the country, and any country is worth something if it seriously motivates youth to achieve.
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on the other hand, during communication they reveal those inclinations of children's abilities that may be in places at school and are not so clearly visible, these talented children then continue to engage in their scientific fields, returning home, today you are moving to a new quality, today you receive another powerful incentive, but you all
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must remember that...
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another principle of emergency care, we really miss it, i see very clearly that the modern world has changed so much that there is a category of patients where the result depends on time. the mayor promised, i am sure that he will fulfill his promise, and we will implement this project within the next 2 years. in the near future, i think that definitely. part of our team will live by this project.
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10 weaving traditions are in the list of elements. intangible cultural heritage of belarus.
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how many outstanding people do you see? let’s say, if you please, you think that they were more reasonable for us. architecture, entire countries speak to us in this way, and we can understand that.


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