tv [untitled] BELARUSTV August 7, 2024 4:05am-4:50am MSK
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it’s a hell of a deal for you: tax declaration. kali laska, kiryl and tanya, the declaration of declaration. dakladna. and the most amazing words of the ill-gotten competition, are you used to me? kali laska, kiryl, tanya, are you familiar with me? they didn’t sound at all, but they got used to it. i, thank
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tanya, i'll come! to such chins, tatstsyan, bazhen, i ask! shanoina tatstsyana and bazhena, you are the most popular of other competitions and the first words for you: apalonik, what is this? geta vyazen, ski, sculpture and god of the world? advance bazhena, dear caress! in my opinion, apollonik is a geta sculpture. apalonik is such a flaccid ski that you can spill soup. another word for you, bazhen, tatstsyan, uvaga, eўnya, shto geta, geta strava, geta needles, geta zbudavanne, and maybe geta dubets, and first tatstsyan, kali weasel, i’m flying, what geta... forgotten, geta correct adkaz,
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malaychyna, tanya, eўnya - geta memory for drying, sleeping and for babies. advancing words - words kіyakh, shto geta, geta stick, corn, robe tsi syakera? i know tanya, i think this is a robe. and all і not, tanechka, kiyakh - heta corn, kiyakhі on the corn trunk know, pa-ruska pachatak, pa-belarusian kiakh, і yashche adno words, zyauchatki, aposhnya, words of the vetah, shto geta, geta month, geta old rivers, it’s sick, it’s hot tanya, tanya, please, in my opinion, it’s sick.
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geta sign, board with installation inscriptions, and yashche adno words for you, words akhmestrynya, geta lapata, nastaunitsa, spadnitsa tsi ekanomka. kiryl advazhyўsya, kali weasel, in my opinion, ahmistrynya - this is the sister, i won’t give up the entire lid, this is the economka, with the old ones. the words abazane zhanchynu, yakaya vyadze khutnyu gaspadarka in a rich house. i yashche adno words, aposhnye words, kilim. what does this mean? privitanne, dyvan, hat, and hut.
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ira, pershaya, kali weasel. i'm flying as far as i can - geta hut. kilim - geta dyvan. pa-ruska, duvan pa-belaruska, lint- free handmade duvans, thank you for the rolls, well, all and the other pair of superniks were walking, this was a great party, there is this applause for you, shanouns, kiryl, ira, prahodztse, kali laska, existing other competitions , and we look at how much balance the skin team has stored, 40-80. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, because you didn’t want to go to the village, but
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you didn’t have such a plan, well, not exactly a plan, but there was no desire to return, there were other plans, this there were definitely other plans, but all these plans were crossed out and you realized that this is the kind of life you want. you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you save horses and dogs, you have about seven horses now, yes dogs, i just lost count, you probably know better how many there are, more than sixty, i can't tell anymore, i don't know exactly, they see more opportunities there and use them to the maximum, yeah, nothing serious happened, of course, well later there were grandiose plans to connect your life with the theater, yes, i thought yes... here it is like that turned around, don't you regret, well it's stupid to regret, what's there to regret, everything is as it is, it can't help everyone anymore, the same thing and we have a bunch of sick children, the question is not to help everyone, but to at least start
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doing something, so that it somehow moves, watch the project i'm from the village on the belarus 24 tv channel . traditional folk expressions are clear and figurative, to ease them modern language will help the next competition. attention, his words. teams indicate the correct interpretation of phraseological expressions, they are explained in words, kosht is correct.
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what about geta? don't get confused, maybe, try to get out of the way, maybe get out of the way, get out of the way. well, my dears, i accept your adkaz, let’s try to forget, and aposhny expression, look, shurum-burum, what the hell is this? not crazy, probably not crazy. of good, my sisters-in-law, i jumped and said hello. kali laska, we rule, wukha on wukha, without payment, i don’t want byars, velmi shmat. let's go back and forth from forgetting shurum-burum not unraveled
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hell only hella soapbox zyauchatka akazvaetstsa wuh on wuh without payment but on the other hand it's obvious why kiryl and tanya ў the chakanny first envelopes have taken you find others, let's see that their darkened teeth are not falling apart velma hutka is insatiable. and so they are not patient, geta tlumachenne. and immediately the first phrasealism appeared on the screen. yak to dog? sto geta mean? i'm flying because this is not going to happen. geta may not be suitable for us. and maybe even without falling. like the dog, geta zusіm do not fall. good, i made a statement, we don’t know, right, wrong, whatever. step on the screen. yak. dzirka ў mostse, and what is it? as a dzirka is a bridge, this is not
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a good idea, but it’s a dzirka, right? if you ask for such options, an expression will appear on the screen: why not, but what? i'm flying because this world is so insatiable. i'm flying the dachshund because the geta is insatiable. yeah, i don't know what's possible slave? well, as a matter of fact, it’s like it’s not for yourself. good, i wash it off, and put an expression on the screen: like a pig’s saddle, and what’s this? zusіm not patrabny, chatsverty, zusіm not patrabny. well, okay, i’m washing out the words and let’s correct what we were trying to do, like a dog, the great hutka, we guessed the expression, chewing, like a dog, all the great hutka is adbyvaetsa, like a dzirka in the bridge, we’re not going to we, you're right they said that they are not satisfied, they are not satisfied, they know the correct admonitions,
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as pigs do not give up, so for these admonitions we support you, there were difficult tasks, and you coped well with them, the final competition is completed, and here’s to the end of the day, ira bazhena 65 points, kiryl tatstsyan - 100 points. understand this talent, words of diligence, plus intuitions, looking at how we will apply to the fourth round of our victorian. let's listen to the brains of the competition. gulets apisvae prudmet pa-belaruska do not call yago, unless the partner guesses. on tlumachenna kozhnaga baby is not more than 10 seconds.
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this national culture lived in belarus, it is listed in the red book, with such sharp noses, chyrvonym, truncated, malaychyna! step on the slide! such a powerful life has gota, like a deer, vyalikiya! raga, rogi! correct, correct! step on the slide! this is some kind of sum that we pay for that, padak! good, and yashche adzin
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slide tanya tlumachytsya, tanichka, you will be tlumachyts dzeyaslou, on trial, that the work of any plant is possible, but for example, to pick berries, we commend you, and remember tsya, kali weasel, months, you... it is necessary to understand that there will be a tlumachyts kiryl, a weasel, this object, which we measure separately on geometers, perhaps, a ruler, the correct statement, the slide is coming, this is the people you have in your family, we are
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kali laska, geta mesa , where we live, belarus, not, from denmark, there is a private house, but there is an apartment, faithful, malaychinka bazhena, velma hutka , nastupny slide ira tlumachtse, yana sunny has come with us, sister, change, and such pharmacists, sister, have not arrived. the slide is coming, when you go out onto the street and the magic chagosts are not bachysh, because there was a drained pagoda, it was raining, not even forgiving, tsudoina, irachka, now you are tlumachytse dzeyaslou, as you say on the torture, that is off,
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a great thin ghoul no problem , remember, kali laska. kamesami, and we give you a message, tlumachyts budze bazhena, first slide for you, this month is in the spring, spring, kastrychnik, and what is spring, spring month, may, march, no, daughters, not paspeli, handsome, change, we wished for it, this is another spring month. available slide: time, hour, more, хвіліна, plural, хвіліня, correctly, malayčynka, khvilіny, bazhena, yashche adzin nazonik for you, this amount of money that is given to the budget,
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correctly, malayčynka, malayčynka i... i aposhnye words, aposhni slide, gata dzeyaslou, adkazvae on torture, what a slave, when we put the kettle on, we are boiling, no, darling, yes, malaychyna, velmi hutka i pravilna, zyauchatki, you had a good walk, ўna we got it done, we had a lot of fun watching your party, yakuy. to you, this applause to you, forefather, kali weasel, looking after the end of the tour, greetings from our gulni 205, 240. lessons from classical literary works we will hear from this competition,
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but let us hear from you ўmovy. teams jump avtarau literary works, walk in the charze, kolkasts balla for the right adkaz hell 40 yes 10 deposits hell kolkastsі try. on this moment, the roof of my balau at bazhena i... dzyauchatki, forbid to you, i’m starting to listen to these accomplished radki. snowflakes are falling, dew is falling, snowflakes are falling behind my window, cherries are blooming, shivering braids are falling, snow is falling. all these radks are sad, you need to think, guess and guess, who is it for these radkos? rygor baradulin, maxim bagdanov.
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district of minsk region, pisa is off top. for the children, a book of poetry “the snowwomen are falling” was issued. i yon mala prazhyў gety paet. geta is not baradulin, not yanka kupala. dzyauchatki, what would be your order? pauluk coward. geta correct adkaz. uryvak z paema dzyasyati padmurak. aўtar paulyuk coward. tsudouna. advancing.
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i... kiryl and tanya are walking towards the promenade, applause for the march. respect, hearsayer uryvak. we followed the sled quickly, the pack didn’t fall asleep, and then we sat down in the dusty fires, and there was a hill-slide for us, and there was a hell of a fire , and there was a hell of heat, as we swallowed, with falling water, and then there was a hell of a roof, so we couldn’t be bothered to war, we would show ourselves off there, and at the same time we would ride on tanks and collect a bunch of cartridges. otherwise they would get tired of the pellet guns that the sailors wear films of great value. who is the author of the creative work? mikhas slynko, ivan syarkov, yanka bryl and yakub kolas? i'm flying that ivan syarkov. geta uzho adkaz? no, what are we thinking? i'm flying. what’s interesting is that they don’t fight for war, even if they were young. geta...
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the final stage of the festivities is upon us, they will help you developments, reactions and exhaustion of the hour. i am pleased to welcome you with a kryzhanka, which you have ordered. i’ll just tell you that the dygraphs j occupy two cells. respect, brains. the udzelniks are solving the kryzavanka through torture. the signal from the command that has the latest version is down. for correct skin the order is 10 points. only in this competition there is a selection, if one team clicked on the button and gave an incorrect order, another team can use its strength, and if another team’s order appears to be correct, they will count five bala, and immediately the first task, we will unravel the words from the same literature, from the other one. respect, par-russian portion, in russian and the first
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the cut out of the padatkova. geta is your special termin. it’s coming, it’s already given. dzeyanne abazanachae gata chastsina mova. kali laska, ira, bazhena. dziejaslow. you can't wait. short words. yes ўstarelaga words chalo, padbyarom suchasnae. kali laska, tanya, kiryl, lob. the adcas is correct. advance, apovests drigva napisaў gety aўtar? kali laska, ira bazhena, magchyma, kolas, yakub kolas? so it is, little girl. uvaga, patsuk,
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malpa, baber, geta zhyvely. that's how it is. short words, respect, tension grow, and everything is soft to hear, and sonorous, and thick. kali laska, ira, bazhena, what? so it is, they said, it’s correct. and the most important thing is that the words end with m. pratsyagnitsa. you can't be that friend. whoever it is, byadze, kali laska, kiryl, tanya, in circles, so it is, this is the correct statement. it’s time to listen to our expert,
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svyataslav krupenka. shanovny gultsy, created, only since the first competitions have passed, there is already a need for paddzitsa. abedzwe teams. sennya walked with velm is good, revealing deep knowledge, pavagu and sapernika, i know, i’m tseshyasya with your walk, there my rashenne is: balls for the par-roinu, leather kamanze for 15, and rolls jakui for a party. the telegulna in your own words has come to an end, and now we know what the final faces of the gulna are, 345, five days! all the sunny victars are in line with the new rules of belarusian spelling and punctuation. if i don’t want to buy a drink, then i’ll have
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evening primetime and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together. 482 steps of memory for the anniversary date of the mound of glory is undergoing its third reconstruction. the president got acquainted with the progress of the work, we will tell you how the memorial complex is being transformed. more than 6 million tons of grain, taking into account rabs, the country's farmers have crossed the equator of the harvesting campaign. in a report from the fields about the culture of agriculture, compliance with technology and harvest prospects. belarusian trampoline athletes ivan
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letvinovich and violetta bardelovskaya triumphantly returned from the olympic games in paris, our athletes won gold and silver medals at the main start of the four-year period, a victorious report from the panorama with airport meetings. minimize damage and extract maximum profit, what is windfall timber processed into today, we will tell in the material. doctors conduct treatment, investigation. in the circumstances of the emergency. during the head. tonight the boy was transported to football training in vitebsk , an eight-year-old child was injured, he has serious injuries minsk in the republican scientific and practical center for neurology and neurosurgery. was during sports activities, what doctors say about the schoolboy's condition, we will tell the details very soon. the largest exchange prisoners occurred between russia and the west on august 1, but why poland remained offended by the united states and where is that same pochyobut now. this is in the program. this year
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is special for the heroic history of belarus. a series of large-scale events for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus continues throughout the country. and the legendary offensive operation bagration. kurganslava reminds us of the decisive events of the summer of forty-four. the memorial complex has been under reconstruction since last year. the president got acquainted with the progress of the work today. in focus the attention of the head of state as a whole the situation in the capital region, harvesting development of the agro-industrial complex, recovery after the elements. veronika buta collected the main. 482 steps of memory. the mound of glory is one of the most famous memorials dedicated to soviet soldiers-liberators. over more than half a century of history , its own traditions have already developed here. at the foot of the mound, pioneers were accepted, flowers were laid for newlyweds. now here they take the oath, solemnly send off to military service,
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washed with blood from the cities of heroes, from places of military burials, mass graves, from the ashes of burnt villages. today, people also continue to go to honor the memory of those who fought for peace, to remember, to cherish the victory. we have a granddaughter, and we went on may 9, i work at a school, she knows everything, we were at a rally, at a memorial, in our city, we came from 100 -odd kilometers, well, we went to walk in minsk. well, this is a must, this is probably in soul. by the anniversary of the mound of glory this year, 55, the complex received a second wind, or rather, a third. now the third reconstruction of the memorial is being completed. the president was told about the progress of the work and plans for their completion today, but first, symbolically, flowers from alexander lukashenko in memory of
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the heroes of the great patriotic war. a series of large-scale events are taking place across the country these days for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of operation bagration. by the sacred date for belarusians , the memorial was completely updated, the paths became wider, replaced the step.
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