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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 7, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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i want to say a sincere thank you, thank you for putting me on my feet, thank you for giving me an education, thank you, friends, for giving me a big.
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my heartfelt, heartfelt gratitude to those who were unable to see today's flights, but i would like this land, which personifies all those difficult years, enormous sacrifices, to visit space, when you fly up to your territory, you experience such a kind of pleasure and the same feeling as when you drive up to your house, your heart goes out chest and here you fly up - just into the communication zone, then... similarly, in orbit at once two of his messengers, pyotr kalimuk and vladimir kovalenok. what is this, a symbolic event? no, just cosmic everyday life. the cities of minsk. minsk, the hero city. great, we see. the celestial roads of the cossacks are high, but the beginning.
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varya, can i talk to you? what happened? you know, i turned out to be a very bad mother, i don’t know my daughter at all, i thought that i knew her, i understand, of course, that the girls are already in
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full swing, but for lisa, i just, i just don’t i expected something like this, i found this in the bathroom, this is mine, sorry, i forgot to throw it away, yours, wait, vlad, he knows, what does vlad have to do with it , well, or rather, formally, of course, he has to do with it, but it doesn't concern him, why? because his wife is pregnant, i'll soon leave for moscow, and this will all end, if vlad knew, then maybe i'll have an abortion , there won't be a child, something can be done about this, of course, since he decided to order an advertising campaign for children's clothing from us, here , take a look, oh, varbara andreevna.
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hello, you were waiting, i have a new order and would like to bring the products to the regional level, you will take it on, of course, you know, our agency has a huge experience in organizing promotional campaigns, i will make sure that my best employees take on your project, vlad will lead them, wait, i was counting on you personally, varvara andreevna? no, i can’t do it, i ’m returning to moscow, but don’t doubt it, vlad will handle everything. so you are definitely leaving, i have already allocated a budget for this, well, you are afraid i will have to, excuse me, wait, let's not rush to decide, and you will allow us to go out for a couple of minutes, of course, thank you, it takes several days to develop a concept, they are also waiting for me in moscow and also rushing me. "sorry, yes, how are you
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feeling, okay, i will buy everything, yeah, give me some more, i think,
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years ago in a car accident, this name is inexpensive, as a memory. taras, you will forgive us, we will do everything as it should be. well, okay, then i will leave the materials here and see you tomorrow. all the best. happy, happy. goodbye. um, friends, i need to go away personal matters, so we'll meet tomorrow at the same time. everything is fine. goodbye. no signs of pregnancy anna vladimirovna, well, my husband and i try every day, sometimes several times, this is unnecessary, there is no need to force the process, the sperm concentration should be restored, and then this will have a positive
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effect on family life, and how long do you need to wait 2-3 days minimum, i haven't seen your tests, and in general, if you are active, then the period of ogulation, and it's still 2 weeks? "so you need to be patient, tell me, doctor, do you have a patient in mind who is already pregnant but does not want to carry the baby, i would pay, leave these thoughts, you do not need this, you are quite capable of giving birth to a baby yourself, well, you just need time, i do not have time, doctor!" maybe you will change your mind, i am scared? marin, we have already discussed everything, we do not have money
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for a child, you understand, we do not, then you will give birth again. excuse me, are you going to have an abortion? yes, why? and how far along are you? 5 weeks, what does it matter to you, or are you one of those opponents? no, i just do not want to get pregnant i can, but i really need the child, sell him to me, how is that? well, do you need money? and i will pay you 500. how much? half a million, but not all at once in parts, well, think about it, why would you kill the baby, and i will love him, i will take care of him, i have a good family, i have a husband, i need to think about it, think about it, here is my phone number, i would not even think about it,
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it's just that my boyfriend was fired from work. he said that he would leave me if i don't, and my husband will leave me if we don't have children, let's help each other. congratulations varvara andreyevna, you want to keep the child? no, that is, how do you want to have an abortion? wait, so many women
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dream of having a child, and i have such a job, i can’t combine it, so i need to change jobs, you understand all the risks of this operation, you may never be able to have children again. so i can. doctor, how is everything going here? you need an additional appointment, tests. okay, i’ll write it out. big, well done, yes, we have talent, yes , we have talent, i’ll help you, i’ll help you, you
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won’t be able to get there alone, where you just went too far, i bought it for the publishing house because it's cheaper for kindergarten here, well i know about it, we try to keep prices for children's books down, you and this is your publishing house, varya told me that you have a completely different business, and another one, and this one, and another one, and how do you manage to do everything, i manage to do it like this, you see? so you ride this monster, and you drive, i don't, i can't, i no, i 'd rather walk, four wheels carry the body, and two carry the soul.
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he should write me a referral, and i'm very late, yes i'll tell you.
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irreparable, fracture, they'll do an operation, what do the doctors say? well, what do they say? nothing , they'll put in some kind of plate, then plaster, even, well, how did you end up on a motorcycle? yeah, i wasn't thinking at all, i just suggested taraz, i agreed, then taras, of course, well, you know, he also feels guilty, he rented me like that. the ward bought a lot of fruit, and the fact that he could leave the children without a mother, that's normal, well, you're not dramatizing, by the way, about the children, i really need your help, well, i have no one to leave them with, i'll be stuck here for another two weeks for sure, i well, yes, but no-no, no, no, no, u i have two jobs, i don’t know children at all, i ’d better hire a nanny, what are you talking about, what nanny, they’ll drive her out in 2 days, we ’ve been through this, dasha, wait a minute, well, liza, she ’s an adult, but liza, she’s a teenager, she only has boys and dancing in her head, in general, she
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also needs an eye to eye, is there no other way out, or what? well, i wouldn’t turn to you, i just have no one else, believe me, well, please, okay, thank you very much, yeah, please, well, tell me about your bike ride, was it worth it? it was so cool, aunt, varya, can i go to girlfriends i'll stay overnight, until mom is in the hospital, i'm responsible for you, so no, well, and if you don't talk, no, i ask you not to argue with me, let's go into the house to cook dinner and eat yourself, i don't eat after six. by the way, are you going to pick up styopa? what? well , pick up styopa from kindergarten. 8 o'clock? why didn't you
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tell me earlier. i thought you knew. go into the house, i ask you. oh, good evening. hello, is there something urgent? yes, i wanted to help even take the things. and, you know, i forgot the child pick up from kindergarten, so we need to hurry urgently. come on, hop on over to my place, i 'll take you there, that way you'll be faster, seriously? thank you. oh, come on, when i was alone with the kids, i often forgot to pick them up on time and nothing happened, i don't know how you managed, three kids - that's just awful, no, that's great, i don't know, a huge responsibility, a bunch of problems, and no time to work at all, i was like that too, all work, work, work,
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work, i didn't notice how the kids grew up, maybe alyoshka will have grandchildren, then we'll get along. really is this life? oh, come on, this is real life. they are dedicated to their work, ready to share their knowledge, and growing a turkey is a long , step-by-step process. it takes about 5 months from a small chick to a large individual. since turkey is the bird most susceptible to stress, we try
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to minimize as much as possible all the negative factors that can further... how his work affects the quality of the finished product, today we showed that what is produced in our country can be, not just the same in quality, in some moments even surpass it, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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it seems that this has never happened in belarus, the elements swept away broke from... it is somewhere in a year, it is in rubble of the order of 400 years of reconnaissance alone. shooting is an extreme method, you must always learn to negotiate. lithuania, latvia, estonia have banned entry into their territory by cars with belarusian license plates. our mit immediately declared: there will be no retaliatory sanctions, on the contrary, the president supported the introduction of a visa-free regime for all europeans, plane, train
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or car, green light. main topics in main broadcast. watch on the belarus. 24 tv channel, stepochka, don't cry, stepa, i thought you wouldn't come, forgive me, forgive me, please, hello, i'm varya, sister dasha, we finally found out, the child is already exhausted, he... forgive me, please, i just forgot, dasha, she's in the hospital, and i was at work, forgive me, please, excuse me, how can you forget about the child, you understand that they are waiting for me at home too, goodbye, they told me that mom got sick, it's true, but everything will be fine, i promise you, and for now i will be about you take care, okay, i don't know, oops. i don't
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understand how you even came up with this idea, to buy a child from a stranger. what other options do i have? i don't have time to get pregnant myself so that the timing matches up. and so everyone is happy, she gets the money, and i get the baby. and what will this baby be like? do you even know anything about this marina? nothing, but she seems normal. it seems like a normal mother wouldn't abandon her child. "she'll definitely deceive you, i swear, or have mercy on her friend, mom, don't push it, she needs the money we need it, and where will we get the money, and i have something put aside, i hope." that you will help me, anya, i am retired, my savings are only enough for one payment, okay, even if i rent out a room, it still won't
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save you, it's pennies, in general this is surrogate motherhood, it costs more than a million, i still managed to negotiate well, oh, you will simply drive me to the grave, mom, well, stop criticizing me, let's change the subject, who do you want, a grandson? i don't want sunshine, let's dress him, please, aunt varya, can i drop by my friend's after school today? okay, only until 6 please come back because i have to pick up styopa from kindergarten, styopa, come to me and eat some candy, i don't want to, and where are you with all your makeup on, like you're going to a friend's? yes, we all go like that, varya, can i not go today, i have a temperature, okay, what, what, how did you measure it? yes, 37.5. so, what about homework? should i send it to you on e-mail? come here, i beg you, okay, please, come on, eat some candy,
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okay, come on, get dressed, well, this candy is delicious, very delicious, why are you laughing so much? yeah, this candy was just on his shoe yesterday stuck on the street, yeah, weird, she's not late, usually, thank you. i 'll call now, find out, good afternoon, please forgive me for being late, nothing, hello, hello, everything's fine, so, we suggest you organize a children's fashion show in the city park, thank you, that's where a lot of families with children walk on weekends, they are our main target audience, so i suggest installing fitting rooms, yeah. a photo zone where children can take pictures, and then post these photos on social networks with the hashtag bratsy rabbits, well then we will advertise your clothes for young people, as an idea, i like it,
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great, i also thought about how to integrate your logo, we thought that the presenter will be in a suit, in a full-size rabbit suit, well, i think that's good, yes, let's then figure out the budget and start everything. the children themselves will advertise us, nothing special, just regular free advertising, well, don't be modest, it's a great idea, only you will be the one implementing it, get used to it, please,
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we'll see, i will be very glad to see you there, thank you for staying, despite the fact that everything turned out this way for us, so what? and what about you, phew, something, oh well, it passed, it's probably because of the child, what? the children, dasha's , my nephews, i'm sitting with them, she's in the hospital, my nephew gave me some candy from the floor, who? the child, dasha, i told you, these children are the only ones with trouble , i don't know, bye, hi, mom,
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hi, hi, hi, hi, my dears, mom, and i brought you a present, oh, a present, thank you very much, varya, how are you coping, nothing, with varying success, but it's okay. we'll manage, how are you? for how long? oh, well, tomorrow they're promising to operate , they'll put in this plate, then we need the swelling to go down and for 2-3 days and it'll go away, boys, eat some cookies, at least aunt bog feeds you, with kopchki and rukaloy, what do they eat? they were capricious the first couple of days, and then they got used to it, and where's lisa? lisa, she's having a get-together with her girlfriends, oh, these get-togethers, make sure she doesn't come later than ten, okay, and
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she's chasing mishka on the computer, otherwise he's fed up with these games . shash, everything's fine, we'll manage everything, you get well soon, i miss them so much, misha, mom, what did you say, come on, exit the game, pause it, that i'm a monster, i'm not playing, i'm working, excuse me, what kind of work is this, i'm testing a new game, i'll enter the protocol, i'll record all the bugs, and the guys will fix them later,
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here it is, do you know where it is? so what happened? nothing, well no, you don't have to lie, why didn't you pick up the phone? because it wasn't him who called and he'll never call again. and who is he? nikita, nikita, he called me a stupid painted chicken and threw it. it was him, it turns out he doesn't love you, right? no. leis, well it's good that you found out about it now. and imagine, you would have lived with this nikita for half your life, and he would have told you, i don't love you. it's he, nikita, who may not be able to. come on, no need, let's go. anya, i
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talked to the guys in the office, they advise getting three in one, a car seat, a bassinet and a stroller, or you don't like it, i like everything, vlad, this is great, only what should i do with this, with this we'll do this. you wanted to divorce me, right? i'm sorry, yeah, i wanted to, then i thought it would be the only way out, but now we have a baby, everything is different, well, well, quiet, quiet, what are you talking about, it's okay, it's
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normal. the reaction of a pregnant woman, well, well, please, not that, well, my god, why, something happened, aunt varya, why aren't you sleeping, i wanted to drink, the file won't open, it won't open, i've been preparing for a whole week. show it to customers, go to bed, please, give me a flash drive, i'll do everything with my friends, or if you want, i'll ask my friends to hack into my competitors' email to find out, what are they planning there, no, you know that, although the idea is interesting, i'll think about it, well then i'll go and work.
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liz, so what, have you collected everything? yeah, there's some really cool stuff here, good cook, can i come with you? mish, so what's up with the file? here, it's ready, are you checking it, seriously? yeah, right. misha, you're such a good boy, so can i come with you? yes, you can, just go get styopka together and we'll go together. styopka, go get dressed. i'm big, i can do it myself. you need to eat well, not be nervous, take all the necessary tests. he needs to be healthy, you understand? yeah, i i understand. so, i should not work, sit
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at home, yeah. eat well and properly, do physical exercises, walk, yeah, with what money? well, we agreed, here is the first payment and yes. every month, you know, i read on the internet, it is more expensive, you were going to have an abortion anyway, okay, 800 , well, if you don’t want to, as you wish, okay, okay, i agree, i agree, only my husband should not know anything, you understand, and i will go with you to the ultrasound, okay, i should see how my child grows, it’s not difficult, by the way, coffee you can't, as you say,
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secrets, good morning. have a good mood on the air of the belarus 1 tv channel from the belarus 24 satellite tv channel, the program dobraya ranitsa belarus, my name is svetlana borovskaya, meeting amazing people of our country, and what can you think about here, like this you look around, beautiful, beautiful, everything goes away, everything seems to be left behind, listen, oh, oh, you're biting, oh, wait, there 's some kind of horse there, and there's still a lot of useful and interesting information oh, only he's still very much alive, very much alive, you have to wait a little, you have to wait a little, let him calm down, yes, because it was recently identified, yeah, now i 'll mix rice with mushrooms, fried onions,
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we'll stuff me, oh, adopt me, mom, don't be offended, mommy, darling, it's so good in this family, in the western direction , there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces. at the moment , 10 multinational combat tactical groups have been deployed in poland and the baltic states alone, with a total of over 11 thousand people. everything was fine, but recently our border guards and military intercept dozens, one might say, intelligence assets. especially drones are already on our territory, these drones are already transferring hundreds of kilograms of the most modern explosives. special exercises have begun together with the people's liberation army of china, before that we
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were friends with the people's republic of china, and today , excuse me, we are in the same shanghai cooperation organization, these are already allied, in essence , relations. it remains only to believe that common sense will indeed prevail. will be resolved. without any military action. belarusians are peaceful people, but we will fight back the enemy. ksenia lebedeva's authorial view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . can i have a friend.
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andrey, but he is afraid of the stage, so, you need to do everything yourself, here you go, where is the suit, there , like this, that's it, everyone is ready, do you want to please the teachers and not look sad, do you want to stand out from your peers during a walk, come on, we're starting, and this is sabina. yeah, and lera, come in, they are wearing blouses and multi-colored jeans, a modest but romantic look, very suitable for relaxation,
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so, and this is vasya, he is wearing a t-shirt and jeans, very comfortable, and this is, and varvara andreevna, the director of our branch with her nephews, hello everyone, maltese girls, who? do you want ears as a gift, who, who wants to take a photo with sonic, who wants mom, i want such ears, such wonderful, cool. decided to change the concept, yes everything is great,
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i assumed something like that, well, now we will come you asked who will be the face of my brand, yes yes, i thought about it and we need it children of three age groups, so here they are, brothers, rabbits, we smile, we look at me, well done, and now do your hands like this, yeah, that's it. well done, and now let's do it together, three of us, you're in the center, yeah, well done, you just saved us, you came and created an ordinary chuva, an ordinary event, you had to work with a couple of big brands in moscow, everything will work out, these little ears suit you, thank you, the kids figured out how to... nothing, how are you coping,
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amazing with three, i can't imagine what i'm doing with do it alone, you have no choice, varya, the photographer said that i was great, yes, because you are the bravest rabbit, great! how wonderful you are there, we have big plans,
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put all your plans aside, come to moscow quickly, on the next flight, yavashov approved your presentation, you know, the next flight won't work, but come second, in short, so that on monday you are here like clockwork, yeah, this is mom, no, this is not mom, this is not mom, let's go, styopa, i'm sorry, what kind of children are there, these are my children. nephews, my sister was hospitalized, there is no one to leave them with. varya, what kind of what's going on? what kids? do we have ivashov? and besides, you said that your personal life won't interfere with work. well, you said it. hire a nanny or someone and come. if you don't come on monday, i'll hire another employee in your place. excuse me, is this an ultimatum now? yes, an ultimatum. yeah. okay, lened arkadyevich. in that case, find a new employee. and i'm quitting, i'm handing over the management of the branch to the authorities, well, as you know, and
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give the documents to the couriers, i won't take you back, you're leaving, yes, and you work, work, let's go, not now, hurray, mom, here's mom, mom, mom, she's arrived, oh, hi, hi, mom, hi, hi, hi, thank you, thank you, i'll put the kettle on, your mom, yaga, bone leg, uh-huh, how are you here without me, nothing, why are you home so early today, valya, it just so happened, mom, we liked aunt varya, and we want to keep her for ourselves, aunt varya, do you know? come in, here i am at home,
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your gate doesn't creak, and taras fixed it, it seems like a man's hand has appeared in the house, i beg you, he just feels guilty after the accident, that's why sucks up, nothing personal, of course, let's go, well, beauty, i'm sitting here, little queen, do i have to break my legs already to take care of you like that? well , maybe i don't have to break my legs, well, your children will now be the face of the company "brother rabbits", soon in all the magazines of the country, but why, well, this is already?
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i've never written articles, i read your presentations, slogo, wonderful texts, very good, so think about it, well, okay, thanks for the tea, i'll leave late already, bye, thank you, that is, are you staying with us? well, i need to help you with the children somehow? well, yes, with i still have two weeks to jump around with a cast, have you sorted out yours? no, how long do you have? enough, yeah, will you keep the baby? i don't know, dasha, there's no work,
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there's no father in sight either, even some kind of, i don't know, some kind of completely different life will be, well , it will be, it will be. you'll like it, you'll see, i 'll help you, i'm used to relying on myself, working somehow, getting by, well, you'll work, you'll sit, write without leaving home with the baby, dasha, i've never written articles, well, what should i write about, well, write about yourself, about yourself. varya, i congratulate you, what's wrong? what happened? your article, i read it, the article,
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so, yeah, great, i wrote it half the night, there 's a middle, though it fails, but god forbid, not the middle, but the ending! i woke up, come in, good morning, good, look, here's some cottage cheese, porridge, and i read that pregnant women need to eat my calce, thank you, you're so caring, tell me, when
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should the... tummy be visible? well, i don't know, probably in a couple of months, and when are you going to the ultrasound, i want to go with you, yeah, okay, aren't you late for work? i'm late, okay, have a nice day, come on, i'll see you out, no, no, sit down. mom, please come in to see us. no, nothing happened. bye. varya, varvara andreyevna did a great
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job, she got the branch running. from now on , we'll act according to her plan. yeah, yeah. and my wife is pregnant, i don't think she 'll agree. varvara said that you're creative, come up with something, good
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job, you'll earn money for the child, why am i trying to persuade you, yes or no? dash, dasha, yes, when do you need to smear it on for stretch marks, silly, what kind of cream for stretch marks, it's too early for you, yeah, listen, taras wrote, he said, he liked the article, yeah, so i'll keep my blog, yeah, about my feelings, oh, cool, i'll read what you read, go do your homework, well mom, she'll have time. that's it, you know, when you give birth to your own, then you'll get it, he writes here that the belly is already visible in
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the third month, how are we going to hide it, blas said that he'll be very busy at work, i thought so too, and he was going to follow my every move, we can't sleep in different rooms for 9 months, yeah. more marina needs to find the rest of the money somewhere, but for some reason everything is so complicated? anya, i have news, i am invited to work in moscow, i want to accept this offer, i understand that you are pregnant and that i promised to be by your side, but this is a chance, i dreamed about it, i will come, the salary there is very high, i will. send money, well, why are you silent, but if you do not want, i will refuse, vlad, i
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congratulate you, this is so great, i always knew that you are the most talented, and you are my smartest. everything is fine, i went to the ultrasound, they promised to send a photo by email, of course, i'll show you, oh, vladik, sorry, my mom is on the second line, yeah, kisses, i see you, good afternoon, good afternoon, here's your order, thank you. where should i sign, right here, and it's not a secret, are you buying for yourself? no, what are you saying, we
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're filming an advertising clip, these are props, yeah, goodbye. hi, why are you so early? why are you so clingy? did you go to the store, what did you buy? yes, but it's a surprise! and when are you leaving? i'll leave tomorrow morning, i need to pack all my things. so i 'll pack for you. please bring a suitcase with mezzanine. yeah, will you bring it?
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what is a normal life for belarusians, for others may seem truly exotic, good morning, friends, rooster, yes, that's how it is with us, good morning, and how does your rooster heal, kikeryaki, kikeryaki.
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news is on air, with you elizaveta lokotko. good afternoon and briefly about the topics of the issue. from a call for help to a rescue the ministry of emergency situations is preparing for recertification according to international standards simulation of an emergency at a training ground. 8.00 euros for transportation anyhow and anywhere, draft dodgers from the independent were found in a truck among the meat. we'll collect.


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