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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 8, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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the country's international reserve assets are foreign currency assets and monetary gold. according to experts, the volume of gold and foreign exchange reserves by the end of the year should be at least $6 billion. the government has changed the legislation on exchange trade in dairy products for export. in particular, the list of such products, mandatory for sale through the exchange, is supplemented by dry whole milk butter, with a fat content of 72.5%. previously, the use of the exchange was mandatory only for export. dry skim milk butter with higher fat content. also, according to the changes, the over-the-counter scheme for exporting dairy products that were not sold at exchange trades has been excluded. the possibility of over-the-counter sales will remain only within the framework of intergovernmental agreements with other countries. dairy products can also be sold over-the-counter by decisions of regional executive committees and the capital's executive committee with the consent of the ministry of agriculture and food. in this case, over-the-counter prices will not be tied to exchange quotations with...
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individuals remain net sellers of foreign currency; according to the results of july, they sold 120 million dollars more than they bought, according to statistics from the national bank. the total volume of cash non-cash foreign currency purchased by citizens in july amounted to just over a billion dollars, and sales exceeded purchases by 660 million. business entities.
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and 100 russian rubles cost 3 rubles and 61 kopecks. and finally, a record number of new cars were sold in the country in july. total sales of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles amounted to over 4,700 cars, and this is more than ever, if we take into account the last 3 years. for for example, july sales exceeded last year's by more than 2.5 times. in recent months, strict restrictions on the import of cars to belarus have come into force. this ban has complicated the import of vehicles by individuals. including used cars.
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based on the reality, official dealers of the belarusian automobile association are trying to saturate the market with new affordable cars, this is noticeable from the sales results of the last month. the trend will intensify, the association predicts, provided that the current ones in our country are maintained conditions for production and import, monthly sales of new cars in belarus can reach 9 units. we should also note the almost tenfold increase in sales of electric cars in 7 months. the number of electric cars sold amounted to over 1,200 cars, and that's all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business and see you soon.
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the morning broadcast on the belarus-1 and belarus24 tv channels continues with the program "zone x". i am yuri shevchuk. hello. the cartridges seized by customs officers were recognized as ammunition based on the results of a ballistic examination. vitebsk customs officers stopped the import of 39 rounds of ammunition for firearms into the territory of yas . realizing that it would not be possible to legally move the ammunition across the border, the citizen of the russian federation hid them in his personal belongings. he was traveling with his wife in a peugeot passenger car from france at the grigorovshchina checkpoint, they chose the green corridor for movement, but during the inspection a box with fishing gear was found, which contained an arsenal, a criminal case was opened. next in the program is a review of criminal and emergency incidents, his prepared by victoria radevich. a belarusian left for poland with a large sum of money, but on the way he gave it to eight of his passengers,
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now he is a defendant in a criminal case, because the money is still considered undeclared, the fact that this cannot be done, the driver was explained by customs officers at the brest checkpoint. the belarusian tried to illegally withdraw more than 88 thousand us dollars from belarus by splitting it up and distributing it among the passengers of his vehicle. his scheme was exposed by brest customs officers during customs control and subsequent events. to cross the border, citizens chose the green corridor, hoping that their actions would be recognized as legal, since each had up to 10,000 us dollars. the brest customs office added that about 115 similar cases have already been identified this year. the total amount that they tried to illegally carry across the border is more than 1 million dollars in equivalent. criminal cases have been opened in six cases. the investigative committee has disclosed details of the case of the theft of almost one and a half million rubles from the account of a capital enterprise that is engaged in export
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domestic forest products. the accused is a forty-one-year-old lead accountant of the organization. when drawing up payment orders, the accused entered false information about the purpose of the payment. to do this, he used the keys at his disposal. digital signatures, necessary for conducting banking transactions with foreign partners, but according to the investigation, the money went to the current accounts of the company founded by the defendant himself, this continued for eight months, the man distributed the criminal proceeds among his subordinates, paid leasing payments, loans, and credits issued to his company. the fraud disappeared when the chief accountant of the enterprise discovered a serious shortage of funds in the accounts. after checking the payment orders, it was established that the colleague had been stealing money for several months. during interrogation, the resident of menka admitted his guilt and spoke in detail about how he implemented the illegal scheme. the damage caused to the enterprise was compensated in the amount of 347 rubles. in addition, under the control of investigation , specialized expensive equipment in the form of sawmills and a loader belonging to
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the defendant's company was sold as compensation. the defendant's property in the amount of more than 163,000 belarusian rubles was also seized. based on the results of the investigation, the actions of the lead accountant were classified as theft. abuse of office, committed repeatedly on an especially large scale, the defendant was given a preventive measure in the form of detention. stole, drank in prison. a resident of minsk took a very familiar path, previously convicted of theft and robbery. the thirty-three-year-old man was detained on suspicion of embezzlement of official earnings; according to operatives, the man has no income. and now he risks ending up in prison again. a criminal case has already been opened. it was established that the man waited until the end of the working day and entered the... construction site through a hole under the fence. in an unfinished building , he found power tools, which he stole and sold on the street for a nominal fee. he spent the proceeds on alcohol and food. another minsk resident stole from tambura's brother's bicycle, although the fact that the two-wheeler, worth about 500 rubles,
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belongs to a relative, the twenty-nine-year-old young man found out only at the police station. as the department reported, on the day of the thefts, the defendant came to his parents, but found no one at home. the guy was about to leave, when he came across a lonely parked bicycle on the landing, at that moment he had the idea to resell the bike to make money, then the defendant decided to abandon this idea, however, it was too late, he was rolling it in forest belt not far from his parents' house, where he left his bicycle. law enforcement officers classified it as theft and opened a criminal case. a vacation did not go according to plan for a resident of the berezovsky district, his vacation turned into a criminal case for robbery. the thing is that at dawn the defendant went to a local gas station in the mezhdulesya agro-town. in the sales area, he took alcohol from the counter, but did not undress. he walked past the cash register with a bottle in his hands. this did not go unnoticed by the gas station workers. they pressed the panic button. a few minutes, security guards detained a lover of early walks, as it turned out, he was a local livestock breeder who had previously had problems with the law. didn't get through. the state traffic safety inspectorate published a video of an accident involving
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a motorcyclist in minsk. a kawasaki and a renault collided on partizansky prospekt the day before. judging by the footage, the driver of the car, letting the truck pass, was going to move to the right, and the motorcyclist who was driving behind him did not have time to brake at speed. after which there was a blow. who was at fault? law enforcement officers are currently investigating. a sixty-one-year-old biker was taken to hospital for examination. this was the x-zone project. our news is on the project's youtube channel and on instagram. have a nice day and spend it on the bright side. and don't forget to turn on belarus-1. in the evening. as usual, we will summarize the day's crime news.
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tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova are helping you wake up today together we are celebrating thursday - firstly, and secondly, a very beautiful date 08 08. and i am sure that everyone who is interested in numerology. many have noticed that it is not just a beautiful date 08.08 today is 08.08.2024, and if you add up all
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the numbers, it turns out that today is the day of three eights. yes, that's it, you can also call it the peak-gate of the lion, karma in the cube, the portal of abundance, and this is only me starting to list the name of today in the world of subtle matters. esoteric experts say that august 8 , twenty-four, this day is significant in that it opens the corridor of a great karmic lesson. or karmic cleansing, in general, it's just a wonderful day to reconsider your priorities, let go past and, if you really want to, then today you can and should start a new stage, but our team knows how you greet the day, so you will spend it, so a little about the plans for this morning in our announcement. the mobile polyclinic project has been operating in the capital for several years. what is its essence, we will find out from the report of our correspondent olesya boyarskikh. we will find out how karl schilder changed the world in our regular column, and also
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figure out how a metal smelter greets his morning. let's continue our educational walks around st. petersburg together with madvey lichonok. today we will look into the architectural uniqueness of st isaac's cathedral. and our sports columnist andrey kozlov is on vacation now, but don't worry, we won't be left without sports. he has prepared a surprise, namely, he penetrated the lives of the presenters. earlier he learned about our sports passions. well, we also want to tell you that today, 08.08, the world breastfeeding week ends. and about the importance of this process in the life of the mother of each baby, as well as other interesting facts, in the second part of our broadcast will tell pediatrician olga kardash, that is, it will happen in a few minutes. yes, well , right now we are on the line with the city of mogilev , our colleagues nikolai kamantsev and konstantin tetomirov. good morning. good morning, colleagues, good morning to all tv viewers, good morning belarus from the mogilev region, yes, good
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morning country, have a wonderful mood to everyone, well , and what about the fact that it is august on the calendar , it cannot be otherwise, yes, indeed, so, we are ready to tell you about the events that are important for our region, let's begin our review a news from the fields, of course we will talk about the harvest, we have, we are not afraid of this word, a real hero, a machine operator of the servalyuks agromagyovsky farm. district sergey may once again breaks the records of the 2024 harvest. sergey was the first in the region to thresh 1.0 tons of grain, he surpassed the bar of 3,000 in our country for the first time. well, at the beginning of this week , sergey maes became the first five-thousander in the mogilev region. and this despite the fact that he sets such labor records not for the first time on board his combine, marks about records last year. well, naturally, the work in the fields is largely a team effort.
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active preparations are underway for the harvest . well, it is worth saying that in parallel with next year's harvest, a number of districts in the mogilev region are already sowing winter crops, we, of course, take this opportunity to congratulate all those who are busy with the harvest, yes, as they say, praise be to the hands that smell of bread, but i want. a little about our cultural heritage the legendary bobruisk fortress has a promising future, it is awaiting a large-scale reconstruction, this became known during the meeting of the minister culture of anatoly markevich. in 1810, the fortress is listed on the pages of the history of the war with napoleon, of course, the great patriotic war, and this complex acquired the status of historical and cultural value in 2002, well, now our cultural heritage is planned to be revived,
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the alexander nevsky cathedral has already been restored in the historical place, but more large-scale work is ahead, including ... with the support of state funding, well, actually, according to the already developed concept, not just a reconstruction is planned restoration of some individual objects, in the historical part it was decided to place residential development sports facilities, it sounds unexpected, but as they say, all this will look very organically authentic, so very soon we are waiting for you in the renovated bobruisk fortress, well now let 's travel a little into the past on the castle hill in the glorious city of mstislavl, and about ... another knight's fest, yes, what beauty, sword fights, ancient crafts, ladies and honorable men, all this is worth seeing, of course, so we suggest you watch a story from the scene. colleagues, thank you very much for your news, and we are ready to watch the story from mogilev. in mstislavl , the ringing of steel armor is heard again, for
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the sixteenth time a knight's fest was held here. the center of the festival, according to tradition, was the castle hill, which was transformed into a medieval knight. camp, in general, my name is timofey, at the moment i have arrived with the reenactors, i have a plague doctor costume, and so to speak, i now adhere to special methods of treatment in the middle ages. staging a legend mstislavl is a bright opening of the knight festival. almost 1500 spectators watched the large-scale performance of the equestrian historical club "golden spur". from different parts of belarus and from other countries, for some to visit the fest is a good tradition, and some see this bright show for the first time, we are local, this is not our first time here , we have been here before, you come here every year, we go every year, and what makes you come back here every year, a very beautiful holiday, a lot of different shows, interesting, emotions,
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concerts, this is my first time here, i have wanted to for a long time, first impression at... very good, i really liked it, everything is so medieval, melody, melody, slavic, that's what i really like, cool, i want to say, cool, knight festival mstislavl 2024 meeting place for history lovers, here everyone can find something to their liking, exciting fights, fascinating master classes and concerts of folk groups, the real stars of the holiday, of course, the knights this year at the holiday and...
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everything was impeccable,
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there is no point in resisting in random touches. meeting our doubts melted, simple eternal truths, yes they are written openly for us, no matter who we are and where we are now, with thick they burn for us, as if for the last time, make the music louder, doubts quieter, and you will hear, the main darknesses. with a slight movement, as easy as breathing, make the music louder, doubts quieter, believe me it is necessary. and lebo to the stars higher and higher, i will be near, i can not be the only one, i cannot build these walls, but
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everything will someday end with my salvation from loneliness, make the music louder, doubts. quieter and you will hear, catching darkness, with a slight movement, as easy as breathing, make the music louder, doubts quieter, believe me it is necessary, and i am under the star higher and higher, i will be near, i will be near, belarus,
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we remind all our viewers that 08, 08 is on our calendar, we continue to wake up in the midst of the summer season ready to share important news: this is an event that the children's show business of belarus has been waiting for several years. so, attention, for the first time the belarusian television and radio company announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the children's song contest our generation 2024. this is this large-scale the tv project will be held in russia, by the way , for the second time. a year ago, it united 13 countries in an international vocal battle. belarus is already looking for its representative . and the details, they must be singers from 9 to 15 years old. on stage, a soloist or a group of no more than six people. a mandatory condition for participation in the selection is the creation of an original song from scratch. applications are accepted until august 10 on the website, more details right now. if music lives in your soul, if you dream of
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seeing the world and want the world to see you, that i'm naked, thank you! the competition our generation is your chance. we invite talented and. young performers to apply for participation in a new, bright, international show. applications are accepted on the website of belteleradiocompany don't miss your chance to become part of something new. apply today and discover the world of tomorrow. forward, big purchases in mayak, unreal savings, i
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use active games for lessons, definitely every, every lesson, except for swimming, naturally, when we, here we are.
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slides they work, that is, everything is possible, the lesson should just be varied, the child should be in full force to go to the lessons, well, unless of course after an illness and so on, he should go with pleasure and leave the lesson in the same way, the rope is more, it is understood here for attention, it is given at the end of the lesson, in general, we usually remember the children. it was good and they
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enjoyed it, in the younger grades we try to have a winner, there were no winners, so that friendship wins for us, in the fourth they already sort of figure it out, they know, they can choose a stronger team, so here it’s as if i’m saying, you always have to play so that you have fun, at competitions we’ll be talking with other classes already to win, to show your strength, agility. skill, dexterity, everything else, dear friends, every year at the beginning of august the world breastfeeding week is held, and this is a great opportunity to talk about its importance for mother and child, and we are glad to welcome in the studio
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of dobra ranitsa belarus. pediatrician olga kardash. olya, good morning. good morning. hello. well, indeed, there are a lot of questions around breastfeeding. olga, tell me, in your practice, how often do you come across mothers who consciously say at the very beginning of this process: "i will not breastfeed my child." well, you know, of course, i would probably be glad to answer that such mothers do not exist at all, but in fact such mothers do exist, sometimes they do it for health reasons, and sometimes they do it of their own free will, but this is extremely rare on... i probably have enough fingers on my hands, to recount these mothers for twenty years of practice, yeah, what is the reason, maybe someone here thinks, so i know that there are certain things, so i will refuse, well , in fact, very often they refuse really because of the mother's health, and this is such a weighty reason, you know, because a woman should look at her health first and foremost, yes, we need a healthy mother, and the second reason is... not myths, i
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probably wouldn't put myths in first place here, but some, you know, either fears, or the person read something, or he someone said something incorrectly, or some direct desire of the mother, or some work situation of the mother, who cannot be on maternity leave near the baby, and is forced to leave, that is, such situations when it is either necessary to do this, or it is very scary, these women who are scared, we try, of course, with them...
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we had, we heard that 20 years ago wet nurses were allowed there, yes, when one woman there had little milk, the second woman there in the ward could help feed this child, today, of course, we do not do this anymore, and we moreover, we prohibit it, because breast milk can contain antibodies from infectious diseases, and directly infectious agents, in the end, yes, so this is a very individual product that is unique. in composition, that is, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and is suitable for a specific child, that's at the moment, yeah, ah, but if we are talking about the fact that the baby needs to be transferred to formula, i would like many mothers to remember, after watching today's program, that our formulas are perfectly balanced in composition, they have passed all the tests, they meet all the norms, absolutely all the standards, so if there is
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a need for this for some... but again the formula, and tomorrow the milk will disappear? no, not many are afraid that suddenly i will transfer today will disappear, if it is competently supported to follow the recommendations that specialists give, therefore in re-acting it is possible to carry out and even after two weeks of a break in breastfeeding, in general it is not necessary to be afraid of this, this break, it’s good if the mother decides... that her child will be breastfed, what are the recommendations, up to what age is it better to continue this process, this question is very controversial, because someone says that you need to feed up to 2 years, someone up to a year, someone says that in general the first 3-6 months, but i want to say that if we are now talking about immunity, then we must clearly understand that we are protecting the baby, that is, this is a baby up to a year, very well from intestinal
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infections, so everyone’s favorite oligosaccharides, yes, these are complex carbohydrates that are part of breast milk, and they work in your favor, yes, and in general there are many biologically active substances in breast milk, there are hormones, all sorts of things. yes, and if i finish talking about immunity now, and if we talk about some delayed moments, yes, there is a 3-year-old, 5-year-old child, will he get bronchitis, allergies, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, then no, we cannot guarantee and we
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cannot give him protection for 10, 5, 20 years ahead, therefore breast milk at the moment up to a year plays such a big role for us supporting role for doctors as a protector. then everything depends on what genetics the baby came into this life with, yeah, but probably, now we will voice, maybe not the most popular opinion, but there are always those who go too far, those who believe that a child should be fed until three, i don’t know, and even older, years, and is there any psychological aspect to this moment, well, look, if we talk about how much you need to feed directly, purely with breast milk, then here is always a very debatable question, there is always a 4-6 month boundary, everyone has their own story, but we must understand that the biologically active substances we talked about, as well as this unique composition, it is also partly genetic, well
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, it is provided, yes, and we know that proteins and carbohydrates are genetically stable, but fats, vitamins and minerals, they will of course be... depend on what the mother eats, therefore, up to 6 months, absolutely breastfeeding can be, but if the child requires early introduction of complementary foods at 4 months, then we can mix breastfeeding feeding and complementary feeding, and it will not be worse for the baby at all, yeah, olga, i would like to quickly turn to mothers and give them a recommendation, is it possible to eat everything if you are breastfeeding? absolutely, if you personally as a mother do not have contraindications to the use of any products, and of course, you need to be a little careful in the first months of life, while the child is going through, including metabolic adaptations, adaptations in
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, let's say, in the environment in which he was born and so on, because the maturation mechanisms, the maturation of the baby, the formation of all the functions, the relationship, when they connect with each other and agree on how... they will work for the future for the baby, of course, this period takes place, this is where you need to be a little careful. olga, thank you very much for coming to us this morning, it was a very interesting conversation, i am sure that we dispelled many myths, at the same time confirmed many facts, certainly answered someone's most needed questions, well, and i remind our viewers that we talked with pediatrician olga kardash. and here the second part of our broadcast comes to an end, we will see each other right after the news block on... the heroes of this program chose life outside the city, after all, you didn’t want to go to the village, but
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you didn’t have such a plan, well, not exactly a plan, but you didn’t want to go back, you had other plans, that’s for sure, you had other plans, but all these plans were crossed out and you realized that this is the kind of life you want, after that you converted your parents’ house into a stable, now you save horses and dogs, you have about seven horses now, and dogs, i just lost count, you probably know better how many there are, more than sixty, i can't tell myself, i don't know exactly, they see more opportunities there, they use them to the maximum, yeah, nothing serious happened, of course, well , later there were grandiose plans to connect my life with the theater, but i thought, yeah , that's how it will all turn out?
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the lakes are scattered like the sky in the early morning, that in the right of the race ... the forest at the beginning shines with stars, washes the creatures and lights, and warns of
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fall, the lakes are scattered with charms woven, smiling at the sun, you look for yourself, and never from the pestilence, the bottom, which is golden and fluffy, and without end, accumulated azers, like not most years, so much so and want why don't i call you.
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