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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 8, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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as it turns out, the light poured into the city, all the sounds of the darkness began to sound, and only the sand of the ear sang to the wind, as you sleep and understand what the city was singing. the skin magic is applied to nature, near the forest, near the field. on
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the rivers and lakes, the advent of fresh winds, the smell of clean skies, the sound of singing birds and forests, the smile of the dormouse. for the fat, respect the jumper, he screamed. in harmony with nature belarus 24, what is a laboratory 50 years only for a person 50 years is nothing since peter the great's times they have been researching fish in the russian federation fishermen are sitting and approaching so american is lying around look.
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belarus is the most fish river, well and fish where the fish was eaten or fried, well this is not a scientific approach, because if we allow its mass distribution in belarus, but there will be trouble. where did those people who released this catfish get it from? the first rule that we have is not to release anything from your own aquariums into natural water bodies, it is a taboo, when you go to a pond, you take this fishing rod, sit in silence, the birds are singing, it will be, it will be with us eel. it can't be any other way, it's one of the best types of recreation, relaxation, psychological relief, today it's not profitable for poachers to be, hello, the program say don't be silent is on the air, in the studio is tatyana and... and today our
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guest is the head of the laboratory of their theology of the center for bioresources of the national academy of sciences of belarus, candidate of biological sciences elena goiduchenko. hello elena. to begin with, such a small reference: fish research in belarus began in 1951, right? and in 1972, their laboratory was already theology became an independent division in the then institute of zoology of the national academy of sciences of the bssr. what achievements, discoveries, perhaps research can you be proud of at the moment? yes, indeed, you are absolutely right, the beginning of their theological research in the territory of the republic of belarus was laid in ...
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ivanovich zhukov studied the structure of the fish population, biological features in general, and so on, then under the leadership of serofim vasilyevich kahnenko , research on eel, biological foundations began in belarus eel farming, eel reproduction, everything that concerns biology in general, distribution, application in agriculture, but in addition to eel, other commercially valuable fish species were also studied, the possibility of their...
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50 years only for a person 50 years is nothing, but for a scientific laboratory this is a very short period, because since the time of peter the great , fish have been studied in the russian federation, if you look at the academy of sciences, how long it has existed in russia and so on, we are starting in the seventy-second year. here is a laboratory, and in fact it is still very young, we are lucky today, that our colleagues work with us in the laboratory, our seniors, let's say, our luminaries who began to open it, this is such a continuity, you can't tell how great it is, this is viktor kazimirovich rezevsky,
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the previous head of their theology laboratory, this is dmitry fedorovich kunitsky, this is vladimir vladimirovich koltunov, and many more specialists from other structural divisions who stood at the... drains, and what has been done during this time from such global world discoveries of world level, and we have them, they were, viktor kazimirovich, dmitry fedorovich, we were at the origins of this discovery, and eel farming, when they were researching, then in 1979, i think, if i'm not mistaken, the sexual products of eels were obtained for the first time, and already in 1982, for the first time in the world... eel larvae were obtained, that is, living ones, they were published in local publications here, well, in soviet ones, but abroad, naturally, no one found out about this, and this is a shame, because in essence this is a world-class discovery, and that no one studied eels in other countries, for example, they did, of course, and the whole world did then
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sought to obtain a viable eel larva, but we obtained the first in 1982, but there was no internet then, yes, that's the problem, now you can, for example, declare yourself, say that we had such a discovery in 1982 or someone already our colleague vladimir vladimirovich koltunov regularly attends international meetings on eel, issues in preserving eels are a big problem in the world now, it is declining not only here, the number of european eels, and the whole world is concerned, and one day there spoke one of the foreign colleagues says: here we have received a live eel larva in artificial conditions, he says:
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i also wanted to ask about eels, is it really disappearing? the disappearance of eels in general, what are the reasons? well, of course, it is anthropogenic first of all, that is, an anthropogenic factor: regulation of river flow, and you understand that the silver eel leaves the reservoirs, does not spawn in the sorgasovo sea, then by the gulf stream, and the larva within a short period of time is washed up on the shores of the baltic and then rises already independently... into the rivers of the crescent-shaped waters, that is, the baltic basin, in this case,
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we are talking about our territory, now look, we have regulated the flow of the rivers, that is, how it can rise, there is a dam there, and there is a dam, and there is a hydroelectric power station, so a decision was made, there was a way out of this situation, they simply took the larva and transferred it themselves, and so do european countries, until in the 2000s the eu decree was issued banning before... so we are working on these issues, our colleagues, who deal specifically with eel on
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international level, they are working on the issues, and you know, we will, we will have eel, it can't be any other way, if you take into account the size of the fine that smugglers receive today, if poachers catch eel, then there will be eel, really, well, we are interested in what is the most fishy river or lake in belarus, can we call it, oh, well , what is the most fishy river or? lake, well , we will come, if with you now to some reservoir, yes, a lake, well, we have fishing rods and completely different experience in fishing, i have, for example, there will be fish, you don’t have it, i’ll say, there are fish here, you’ll say no, from the point of view of a scientist from the point of view of a scientist, i ’ll tell you, it’s logical that the lake with the most fish will be the one that is stocked with fish today or a reservoir, here we have a forest, state inspections, state offices in general, carry out stocking. joint collection, chegerinskoye reservoir, soslavskoye
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reservoir, there are many of them around the country, if we’re talking about reservoirs, indeed, then take the tenants users of fishing grounds, who specifically they are engaged in stocking, restoring the population, so that people can come, fish, have fun, somewhere it costs money, somewhere it is free, let's say, within the framework of recreation in general, but if we talk about rivers, for example, today, well... you understand that fish migrate, they do not stand still, i know that fishermen really like berezina, yes, berezina, pripyat, dnieper, neoman, in fact, but again, it can be here today, standing near your gear, and then for some reason for some reason, to go to another place, upstream or downstream, it has nothing to do with ecology, in general, their fauna is dynamic, that's the thing, so to say directly that this river is fishy, ​​but this one is not, these are corridors.
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in general, if we talk about the ponto caspian region, but such a beauty, yes, a beauty, but in my opinion, here, but a bandit, but a bandit, a terrible bandit, his homeland is originally north america, this is carolina, south dakota, hudson bay, this is the territory of his original place of residence, his registration, here, well now look what happens, initially it was brought here as a fish for... an aquarium in aquaristics, breeding, and of course, look, a beautiful fish, that is, in
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an aquarium, it looks amazing, it is active, very interesting, and then someone got the idea to release the fish into the wild, and it took and took root, and if we are talking today, then in the reservoirs of crimea - this is a big problem, there are a number of reservoirs where nothing else is caught except for the sunfish, it destroys the eggs, destroys the food. after all, if you want to destroy it, you need to grind it, then over time it will not there will be other fish, this is very scary, moreover, it actively attacks fry, it has a voracious appetite, very, but you know, i'll tell you, here 's the news, that's all, but in order for us to claim that the sunfish has populated some part of the reservoirs or at least one reservoir in belarus, we need a voucher, a voucher is the fish itself that we will catch,
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because they show a photo, well, and where is the fish , was the fish eaten or fried, well, this is not a scientific approach. in general, ideally alive, well, and how to fight the dominance of these fish? invasive fish, alien, invasive fish, you know, you just really need to, if you catch them, in no case release invasive alien fish species back into the water body where you are fishing. i saw a very beautiful picture, for example, in the brest region, we
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were researching there, we were just working in belovezhskaya pushcha, and nearby reservoirs. for the presence of the american catfish, my graduate student and i worked, she is now going to defend her dissertation on the american catfish, yes-yes-yes, he is such a beauty too, here we drive up to one pond, and there is paid fishing, that is, the tenant maintains the pond, the fishermen are sitting and we come up to an american catfish, the cats don’t want to eat it anymore, that is, there are plenty, i deliberately brighten it up, i understand that the guys are doing the right thing, everything is clear, this is how it should be. i say: why are you doing this? they look at me like this, says: well, do you understand that this is an invasive species, that this is a terrible species, where should you let it in, do you think with your own head, i became so shameless, and i think, i think with my head, this was very cool in this regard, so of course alien invasive species must be removed from the ecosystem in this regard, and
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there is another one type of fish, rotan, golovyoshka, it is also considered invasive. lukina irina ivanovna, candidate of biological sciences, defended her dissertation on the distribution and biology of ratan golovyoshka, showed in her work that already in the tenth years he shot. throughout the territory of belarus, well , what can be said about him, in general, of course, he is a great guy, not counting the fact that he is a bandit, he is a very caring father, first of all, because the success of species survival, here is the peculiarity of invasive species, which often consists in the fact that the father, the head
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of the family, so to speak, takes an active part in the upbringing, the preservation of the offspring, and he guards the eggs, all this... so to speak, he watches that no one runs away anywhere and so on, this ultimately ensures good survival of the offspring, when it is protected, here further m, the rotan-fire, voracious, truly omnivorous, getting into reservoirs, it is capable, if its there is a sufficiently high numbers, exterminate any white fish that are there, it eats their eggs, eggs, then grind, of course, eats the young. grind white fish, so, let's say, this is a big problem today in reservoirs, but the ecosystem is also cunning, such an interesting process is underway, when a new species penetrates, let's say, alien, invasive into the ecosystem, and it immediately experiences a maximum surge in numbers, yes, that is, it has multiplied, because the entire ecosystem and the fish
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community, which is this place, well, a little in shock, who came, that's what happens, and then starting. but we must remember that the first rule that we have is not to release anything from our own aquariums into natural water bodies, this is taboo. and in general, to be honest, let's say, if such facts take place, for this we should probably even fine, punish very seriously, but i 'll tell you, here we must give credit to our
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population, which for the most part, for the most part, the mass, is very conscious, so, for example, when we studied the spread of the american catfish in belarus and we came to the grodno region, agro-town novy dvor shchuchinsky district and there we found this catfish.
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in the years of the last century as such an aquarium fish it was simply bred for beauty catfish are very beautiful here is the lake oltuzhskoye maloridsky district brest region here it turns out orekhovskoye there is also a lake well then drainage channels and then people began to transport it, to settle it, that is, by means of a person, somewhere it is able to pass through drainage channels itself, here it is also interesting, it is a eurebiont, let's say so, that is, it can live in wide ranges, for example, when we caught the american catfish, we started working with it, just imagine, imagine where the brez is, where the malarita is, yes, this is the very edge of belarus, it turns out to be the southwest, this is our extreme southwest point. here are the lakes there, the fishermen helped us then, the orienteers also helped us to immediately take a large batch of this catfish for research, and this was november, november of the twentieth
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year, we were transporting it to minsk without water, without anything, before that it was at our base, where we lived, stood simply in such containers without water, suddenly on a friend they were, they croaked so, they have interesting sounds they make american sumik, we brought it. we placed it in our aquarium, it continued to live, that is, it was without water for several days, and we will take a break for a while, i remind you, we have a telegram channel, say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we have connections, this is the say don't be silent program, and today we have a candidate of biology as a guest.
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strong, here are sharp temperature changes, and fish don't like it, like any organism, let's say, there was a period when fishermen even complained that this is why the fish don't bite, this is what it is that the fish don't bite, of course, there are many factors that can be considered here, but this was one of the most frequent requests and discussions in fishing channels, in viber, we have... wonderful fishing channels and where a large community is gathered, a community of fishermen, amateurs, where they advise each other, i am there too, in general, and they help us, they are great, there are
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guys, are you there for scientific purposes or are you a fisherman, or both, and both, and let's say it's easier to contact, for example, if we need fish from the iput river near gomel, yes, for example, it's probably easier to contact the guys from dobrush and gomel, who can help us with... in particular, yes, that is, they help science, we immediately say that if there is an opportunity, they just call, then they write there that come, it's frozen, something like that, then it's very cool, we work, lake volodkino, there is a tenant, very cool, very competent, he is already a generation of fisherman, it turns out that the tenant of the reservoir, he helps us a lot, also if somewhere they find such an interesting species, there, let's say, or they can't even, well, figure out what kind of species it is, guys, but it's great that there is such a connection, feedback, this is very important today, so i have to say that there was such a request, no fishing, no fish biting, here i go,
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here you look, and others are biting. here the question is, in a specific place there was no biting, or something, or experience there and so on, but in general i have to say that of course such here are climate changes, some kind of cataclysms, fish also do not like, in this case it goes closer to the bottom, moves away, or finds a calmer place for itself, here it is not to say that it is the atmospheric pressure that affects it, probably not, because while the fish is in the water column, you understand that okay, the banks are 1 m, roughly speaking, but there are rivers, and lakes there are 15 and 20 m, for example, deep and there the pressure is different, it can rise several times during the day, that is, not this, not that pressure influences how much what will provoke then this pressure, that is, this is a change in the weather, this is a heavy downpour and so on, but at the beginning of the downpour, at the beginning of such transitional moments, the fish are always more active in biting, and then it comes, well, fish, let's say,
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have a certain type. which prefers a certain water temperature, of course, now we often hear about global warming, so somehow, this phenomenon affects our fish, yes, of course it affects very strongly, that's look, now we are observing such a process, such a tendency already since the 2000s, when they began to clearly see it in the 21st century, that we have cold-loving fish, large ones, yes, replace.
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i had so many of them 50 years ago, now you will not see them, yes, this is in addition to my words, really what we see, not even 50, you can say 100 years ago, here were here, there are photographs, at least, here we had asetr, and what kind of blanks there were, they swam, well, in general, here are cold-loving fish again, there are migratory ones species, now they have been replaced by small fish , that is, you know, how it turns out interestingly, it would seem that we have. today there are 65 species of fish in belarus, we know, well, let's say, we know 65 species for sure, together with invasive ones, yes, yes, yes, yes, for example, in the middle of the last century, there were 49 species of fish, then it grew to 55 in the seventies, there is a population, and because of what, big fish leave,
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valuable fish leave, that's it. and small fish come to replace them, there are a lot of them, all sorts of ratans, which are almost never grow like this, it has no commercial value, we are now faced with the task of generally studying in detail our species diversity, in general, each species, what it consists of, where it comes from , what awaits it in the future, this is our task, if our fathers, so to speak, and grandfathers, so to speak, said, here is a fish, such, such, such, it lives there, there and there, then our task is already, like dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants, to say that, here it lives, because so, and in 200 years will be like this, it will go there, and what to apply, what measures to preserve it, and the motto of our laboratory, in particular, is to preserve and increase, preserve what our generations have done before us, scientists, our fathers, ancestors, and increase it to preserve
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ours. there is no need to panic here, this does not mean that everything will disappear now, they will remain, they will remain as a rotant, a catfish, an american sunfish, no, of course there will be again , a balance always occurs, and you understand that, for example, good specimens of pike there are large ones, this sunfish, it will quickly deal with it in the reservoir, here too these are the mechanisms of struggle in this case are possible, the same thing a pike will easily take such a rotan.
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here there is no american catfish, yeah, and you know, this is the only species, probably today even a small one, no, why, and the spikes, the catfish on it? this is how it looks, if you look, then bish the dorsal spike of the dorsal fin, its pectoral fins are modified into spikes, and this is its defense, as soon as it is afraid of something, it straightens these spikes, it turns out, everything, he takes such a pose, try to swallow it, and fishermen told cases, just on the bracken, that they saw pikes that surfaced, that is, yes
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, our colleague, my graduate student, and the dissertation is already ready, because if we allow its mass distribution in belarus, but there will be trouble, okay, if we are talking about a reservoir, some small quarry there, a rod that can be lowered, the water will come out of it, accordingly this fish after a while, naturally without water it cannot live, although you said that several days yes, but if we will lower it for a couple of months for the winter, for example, so that it freezes well and so on, then there is probably no chance, this is a radical method , that's it. well, and so, of course, well, we already know that this is not in one prod, not in one lake, we already know its distribution throughout the territory of belarus, in this case, we can still take some measures, yes, of course, the first point is working with the population,
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firstly, preventing its spread, that is, transferring it to other bodies of water not as bait, as live bait, you know, they take it, not as, let's say, on principle, let's have one here. let's catch it, it's tasty, here, no, it's forbidden, you can't do this, it's just a direct path to disaster, caught a small one, don't let it go, either throw it away or take it, there's a good phrase, i don't remember, one of our specialists said, here at one of the symposiums, that if rotan, sunfish and american catfish get into a specific body of water, then start the countdown until the moment when... there will be no fish at all, here the countdown begins, therefore, urgent measures must be taken, and i will tell you, our youth are all in the laboratory, here we have, let's say, a laboratory that is very competently assembled, there are those who pass on experience, then the middle part and the youth, our
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youth are now ready to go for this sunfish, we even have to restrain them, like, wait where, we'll decide everything, we'll do everything, but there is no voucher, so i'm turning to the groups and my colleagues too... review of the red book again, there will be a new reissue, once every 10 years these points are always reviewed, well, come on let's count together, so we have nine species: brown trout, brook trout - this is a variety of brown trout, let's say shape, then
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there is grayling, vimba, snout, then we have minnow, here we have sterlet, salmon, lamprey barbel. it turned out to be 10, yes, and why 10? because there are varieties, probably, yes, yes, firstly, brown trout and brook trout, it is also important, many river trout, it is not, let's say, a fish in the literal sense of the word, these are cyclostomes, they used to be called fish, for some reason it was believed that lampreys are difficult to study, there are very few of them there and i've looked at so many works, well, lampreys have always been so tangential, but also their legs, also their legs, now together with colleagues from the institute... of ecology and evolution named after a.n. severtsev, this is the russian academy of sciences, and we started this season, this year, the study of lampreys, and you know what's interesting, we have rivers where the lamprey is dominant, that's how
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it would seem, but this is in the northern regions or in the southern, in the northern, we are looking at the northern regions for now, but there are still interesting things here there is, it is not worth talking about it yet, but with lampreys in general this miracle will simply be at... this is, this is fantastic, this is simply, this is what is interesting, as they say, he who has ears let him hear, he who has eyes let him see, when you have no eyes, you do not know how, there are no methods. then you cannot, it seems, there are few of them, this is how important it is in science to always learn, to learn from each other, not to be afraid to ask for help, so we turned to colleagues, lamprey specialists, let 's say so, here on, yes-yes, no problem, let's do it together, remember, there were such the times when we released salmon, sterlit all the red book species, some reservoirs , i think, they set up an experiment, well, you can breed them in the red book species, so that they themselves can restore them there. even in soviet
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times there were a number of soviet programs, such serious ones, in which our laboratory took part, where in general not only red book species were studied, in general biology, fish productivity, then of course morphophysiology, fish physiology, reproduction and so on, and not only by us, here it should be said that there is also an exodus of fish farms that... work with lake ecosystems, with farms, that is , aquaculture, fish farming and so on, there is a laboratory in gorki, also aquaculture fish farming, where our colleagues also work in serious areas of modern closed-loop ras installations, modern ones, and so on, everything is very serious there, there is snikivr, the central scientific research institute for complex research of water resources, there are also specialists there, but they work more on water quality. on these issues, these were complex works, well,
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for example, now, because we have sterlida stocked, and birch stocked, and dnieper stocked, that nothing works, well, how to say, it doesn’t work, here of course, the questions are that stocking is happening, and of course it is found, it’s just not possible to catch it on such a scale, but here it is important how and where to carry out stocking, whether someone knows about this stocking or not, you understand, because it is possible to stock fish so that i... when we work on reservoirs, on waterways, that
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is, in a specific region, if we come, the first thing is important to get to know the local population, this is very important, because if you arrive at a water object that you will be investigating, although we have a special uniform, everything, let's say, vests, it is clear that the academy of sciences is working and so on, but if you do not report, do not arrive on time, either the police or other authorities will be here. that is, they will always report and this is very correct, because well, it is interesting that such a team arrived, they have boats here, it is not clear to them why they are starting to rustle in my reservoir, but recently, just a week ago, we returned from an expedition, there were the lovat river, it's small, in belarus we have 45-47 km of it, it's the niva basin, the neva river of st. petersburg, and accordingly it's the baltic sea basin, a small piece.
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then it turns out, we arrived on the fourth
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day after we had been working, it turns out that all the locals already know who 's sitting there, naturally, on the fourth day, it's already the surrounding village, they've already passed by , they've seen our signs, they've seen how we fish, what we fish with, well, and what struck me is that the locals are very responsible treat this lake, they consider it theirs, and they clean up the garbage, and among themselves they even ask us: is this your net, we will cut it, no, this is not our net, and where did you see a net, there and there, we say, report it to the competent authorities, of course, here they are. they say that there are such visiting tourists here, poachers, who put out nets, try to catch, and the locals always dispose of them, cut them, well, they do not dispose of them, they cut these nets, so that there are no more, they always understand, moreover, they we were immediately told where the spawning grounds were, what problems the lake had, what kind of fish there were, what
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kind there are no more, and so on, we always ask, in your opinion, your recommendations, you have been living here for so many years, what needs to be done for this lake so that it is, let's say, preserved and continues to develop, they always suggest, that is, the person who lives, who this is his place, his piece of land, he always perceives it differently, if we are talking about the community of fishermen, amateurs today, in general, then of course this is very literate people, we communicate with many, with all the administrators of viber channels, when i needed to connect, i wrote simply... to the administrator, and he told me with this, with that, with that, he told me that there was a girl who needed this, this, who works there, help, they put out a call and that's it, there was a problem, we solved it, well, as a problem, we needed samples, a specific fish, they told us where what and how to do it, they always help us, that's important, another thing i like is
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that sometimes, someone younger throws out there, for example, they caught a white-eye, they know what it looks like, well, they throw it down, who is it, tell me? they start explaining to him that no, it 's not a bream, no, it's not a white bream, no, not that, not that, i would just like to wish our fishermen, well, because it's still important, it's supportive, helping young people, learning, because when you go to a pond to fish, uh, you have to know the endangered species of fish, you have to know the commercial limit for commercial species of fish and so on, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation, but today... in the city we see that the reservoirs are now equipped perfectly, they sit and catch fish, is it just for fun or to eat? i just have a question for you, can we eat this fish that is in city
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reservoirs, they are quite possible, if you mean that it can be polluted or something, no, here you understand what the thing is: it is dangerous to eat fish without proper heat treatment, that's the first thing we take, secondly, well, this is already a question for an amateur, i really like the idea and the trend that more and more fishermen are releasing, they work on the principle of caught let go, i like the idea of ​​holding competitions, it's great, it's a way to involve people - in something good, useful to nature, look at the boor, i recently looked at the statistics on the boor, here they showed on the website that as of january 1, 2024, the structure of the boor included 64,000 amateur fishermen and hunters, of which, well, they divide it 50-50, but of course not every fisherman goes to the boor
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, you understand that we have many times more fishermen than hunters, because in order to be a hunter we need today documents. only a gun, not only that, of course, to go through everything, and, let's say, and all this costs money, equipment, ammunition, and then buy a ticket, a trip, and to be a fisherman, what do we need today, we need a fishing rod, a form, there is a line, in fact, in any fishing store, even if you want to become a fisherman after work, if you haven't yet, you can stop by on the way and say, i need a float rod, for 30-40 rubles maximum they will simply assemble this awesome rod for you. and you can go and fish, here you are already fishermen, and now we will take a short break, after a short break we will return to this studio again, subscribe to our telegram channel for now, say don't be silent, suggest guests to us, look for all our releases on the belarus 1 youtube channel. on air
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again. be silent, our guest is a candidate of biological sciences, elena goiduchenko. surely, in conclusion, i would like to know what their theology laboratory is doing today. we currently have several areas in which we work. of course, if we talk about the priority of the state, the benefit for ordinary people, what are we doing? we are developing biological and economic justifications for fishing, fish farming and biological justifications, calculating damage to the fish. population and so on, this is one part of the work. if we talk about the fundamental aspects of our work, then of course, this is still important to us,
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that's what will happen and how to limit their numbers in general, a separate direction, of course, we still have the question of where this fish came from, how it came to us, we are now using modern molecular genetic methods, we are researching phylogeography, phylogenetics, here we have very good results published in world scientific journals, foreign ones, from the latest works, here we studied the three-spined stickleback, and before that we showed what kind of... american catfish we have, where exactly it is from and so on, we reconstructed the whole history of how it got into belarus, again this is an investigation, when we talk about
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science, you are always an investigator, there is a criminal, there is a case, so it is necessary to compare all this, and i can’t help but recall political analogies, all the bad things come from america through poland, how does it happen , you know, the american catfish came from america through poland. we work to preserve the salmon population and endangered fish species, our laboratory does this, our colleagues, well,
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further, i'll tell you honestly, when i think about the prospects, i'll just tell you honestly, my head is spinning, just from the volume of everything that can be done, we still have theroincognita in belarus, it has not been studied in terms of fish, that's what we know, but further in world issues, and the more you learn, the more. questions arise, but our most important task is to preserve and increase, to convey to future generations in general to preserve this find this balance between man and nature, so that we all feel comfortable. and how did you yourself become their theologian, when did you suddenly become so in love with fish that you decided to dedicate your life to them? mound of glory, yes, we have a mound of glory, from for example makayonka 9, here is the building. you can get there directly through the navigator, yes along independence avenue, you go, go, go, if draw an analogy with my mound of glory, this is
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a laboratory, this is their theology, then i went through gomel, i graduated from gomel university, here is the geological-geographical faculty, specializing in geoecology, i had wonderful teachers there, i will say, to this day i am very grateful to the gomel geography department and ... the biology department too, because there i passed a number of examinations with them, i defended myself in general on small mammals, on the morphophysiology of small mammals, mice and so on, that is, you understand, on the way to my mound of glory, i just drove into the neighboring streets, and looked at everything, i must say that i loved fish since childhood and goby, gobies, which i still have future there, i was 7-9 years old, we had simple fishing rods, we made them ourselves, and we caught these gobies and i looked at them and could not. i know now that it was a grass goby, and it was a black goby, how they differ in their suckers, everything, and for me it was a great pleasure, my
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parents helped a lot, my childhood was good, happy, when you could spend time on the river in in general, i fell in love with nature, graduated from university, and of course i then entered graduate school, graduated from graduate school, worked as an assistant, and then as a senior lecturer in the biology department of the mosel state pedagogical university, if colleagues see me, i greet you, i must say that my development also took place there further, i had complete carte blanche freedom of action in that regard, i had my own student research circle, so i worked with students there, and then i got into academy of sciences, began to deal specifically with questions on their theology, there molecular-genetic, and then it all lined up, i realized that it was necessary to work specifically in the laboratory. their theology to move on, that is, to my object as close as possible, thus, it was a long path, probably 35 years long, but
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nevertheless, now but, but thanks to your path, we see how in nature everything... is interconnected, yes, yes, in nature, in life, so, i think, if a person goes the straight path, but this is also bad, because he does not see what is around, when you agree, of course, and in our journalism they say the same thing, that the best journalists are those who went to some other schools, universities, because their horizons are correspondingly broader, but today we were very interested in talking about fishing, hunting and fishing, and even fields , how to sow. no one knows better than a local resident, it's very bad when they impose an initiative on him from the academy, people who don't know the area or any of its features and don't study it their whole lives from generation to generation, and you start yours research, as you said, exactly from this, it is expensive and pleasant, i think that such meetings should be repeated, yes, tatyana sherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today,
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goodbye, goodbye, now elena gaiduchenko is speaking, our respected. amateur fishermen, respected nature lovers, schoolchildren, students, young people who love nature, who relax in nature, let's take good care of what our previous generation passed on to us, preserve it, increase it, it is very important, i want to say, it is very important for all of us after all. so that there is this continuity, if you do not know some fish, found something strange, incomprehensible, contact us, we will always help you, i want to thank my colleagues, the employees of our center for their very difficult work, because not only their theology, of course, these are also ethraeologists and ornithologists and entomologists and everyone who accompanies various environmental issues, and you, we are all
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great, thank you for... that's how it turned out up.
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only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes. it's hard to believe, but once upon a time there were centuries-old forests on this land. we are in tolochin, welcome. and we are going on a fascinating journey. there was extensive trade, suddenly they brought lavender oil, rose oil, this. belarus stone iconostasis is not just a whole historical era, and a piece of the soul of each parishioner. local families donated money for some icons, and pilgrims donated money for others to show how unusually wonderful our country is. the poet wrote 17 poems here, which were included in two cycles old belarus and the place, and two poems: veronica in the village. only in 1871
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on this place a temple was built... consecrated in honor of the intercession of the holy mother of god. ancient iconostasis and rare icons. st. nicholas, intercession of the holy mother of god. she has been protecting the city from various misfortunes for many years. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the belarus 24 tv channel. in the program "belarusians" we will meet the trainer and rehabilitation specialist denis mirko. i am a personal fitness trainer by education, i am an instructor and methodologist of "physical therapy". in recent years i got carried away by the fact that he went more. rehabilitation, we learn how the hero came to the decision to help people and made this craft his life's work, my brother once came to visit me, he says: listen, you've been in sports for half your life, you 've been going to the gym for so long, i trained as a company commander in the army, let's become active observers and join the training that will help strengthen the body and spirit, the pose is called the pigeon pose, for this
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we need to position the front leg in this version, roll the pelvis from right to left let's be curious, what is the meaning of life? a serious, self-confident young man, close people, relatives who are alive and support you, a calm sky above your head, here is home comfort, watch on friday on our tv channel, the heroes of this program chose life outside the city, after all, you didn't want to go to the village, but you didn't have such a plan, well , not exactly a plan, but there was no desire to return, there were other plans, these were definitely other plans, but all these plans were crossed out and you realized that... this is the kind of life you want, after that you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you rescue horses and dogs, you have about seven horses now, yes dogs, i
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just lost count, you probably know better how many there are, more than sixty, i can't see it myself, i don't know exactly, they see more opportunities there and use them to the maximum, there was nothing serious, of course, well , later there were grandiose plans, to connect your life with the theater. yes, i thought, yes, here it is, how everything turned out, you don't regret it, well, it's stupid to regret it, about which too, everything is as it is, can't help everyone either, we have a bunch of sick children, the question is not to help everyone, but to at least start doing something, so that it somehow moves, watch the project i'm from the village on the belarus 24 tv channel. six karagod traditional rights and want to commemorate
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the butchers of the zhytkavitsky vedka, pinsk, drahichyn, gomel and maladzechansky districts. six karagods are now on the list of elements of the intangible cultural heritage of belarus.
12:00 pm
live main news at noon, in studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue: opposition to potential color revolutions and the fight against terrorism, as well as protection. cybercrimes in the palace of independence of the head of the ministry of internal affairs of the commonwealth countries. a state of emergency has been declared in the kursk region, measures have been taken to protect.


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