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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 9, 2024 4:50am-5:34am MSK

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we are belarusians, small people, hearts fanatical about selling land, where we unite all.
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dear zapelsky union, our beloved mothers , your belarus, our beloved mothers, all ours. this is a panorama, we sum up thursday in the studio. hello, here are the main topics of the day.
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minsk hosts the council of ministers of internal affairs of the cis countries, what tasks the president called the main ones for law enforcement agencies in the world. minsk hosts the council of ministers of internal affairs, states, cis participants. today , the heads of the ministry of internal affairs of eight countries held a a detailed conversation with the president. the discussion covered situations that concern absolutely
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everyone, from internet security to countering terrorism. for a long time now, any crimes have not been limited to the geography of one state, and this is very important at this point. the council of ministers of internal affairs is just such a negotiating platform. once a year , the police of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, azerbaijan, russia, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan and belarus, conditionally whistle their watches to develop mechanisms for joint work. the ministers will name and arrest figures, will tell about the specifics of the exchange of experience, what is behind the polvic traditions. details from katerina krutalevich. this is the fiftieth anniversary.
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"we are under the pressure of illegal, absolutely illegal unilateral economic sanctions. plus the pressure of hybrid warfare, the issue of protecting the information space is acute, taking into account the development of non-heavenly networks. any of the most provocative statements can be edited into the speech of the top officials in the same security agencies, not to mention the flow of news leaks that need to be controlled, everything this is shaking society, statements taken out of context about mobilization, detentions, explosions, attacks, anything to..." unbalance people to start a civil war, the situation may develop in such a way that any of us, the state , cannot do without this unity, and if we do not understand this today, we will be dealt with separately, in the last few years, here are
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the color revolutions, although these are not color revolutions, here in belarus it was an open rebellion, because a color revolution, it is calmer. long in time, it could not get to belarus in any way, so they chose the path of rebellion. we then did not allow the country to collapse, the beginning of a civil war in it, and took a number of radical steps to change the situation in belarus. the same, albeit a softer version , once again in armenia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and, as far as we are informed, they did not leave the sore spots alone. in your countries they will constantly play on this, look, i have already warned before, the events of january 2022 in kazakhstan, chaos on the streets, an attempt at a violent coup, takayev will seek help from the csto in overcoming the terrorist threat. in foreign reviews of the central asian media
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, events will also be described as follows: the government is weak, there are internal problems in the state and quote: kazakhstan will probably recover from this crisis, but the country will need the american one. and did not allow our country to be destroyed, to cause some chaos on our streets, therefore,
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of course, colleagues are interested first of all, and we have been communicating since the first day after 2020, many have already come to us, adopted our whispers, in general, the council of ministers in such composition it can meet as needed and not less than once a year. exchange of experience, adoption of interdepartmental acts, discussion of training, in general all decisions made by this council are extremely controlled, it is like the most authorized. body on issues within its competence, well, and simply put, these are people who are immersed in the most unpleasant manifestations of society, it is difficult to deceive them, and thus they protect everyone else from deception. the police know everything, they are everywhere from the district police officer to the minister of internal affairs, well also, we have already gone through these things, therefore everything depends on you in the country, in any country, and the main thing is to receive. preemptive information, if it comes from you, then we begin to act, but the fact that today
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international terrorism uses the latest technologies and media resources to promote its activities, we know very well, an effective fight against this evil requires a comprehensive approach, including political, social, economic measures, the development of international cooperation, the exchange of information, only together we can do this resist.
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that the final operation bagration involved the peoples of all the countries present, this is a common history, a foundation that
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is built by generations, well, here we have no differences, all the peoples of the soviet union, and your peoples, like belarusians, russians, ukrainians fought and died in the thousands on the fronts, moreover, the peoples of central asia sheltered thousands and millions of citizens of those territories that were.
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or personal misunderstandings always turn into tragedies, the president will also say about this. god forbid that in our countries in yours something serious happened in the independent states, when it would be necessary to resort to action on a full scale of security agencies, but we are not insured against this, and we will be together, no color revolutions and other betezhs are scary for us. i and... sincerely thank you for your willingness to cooperate, for the desire to further intensify joint efforts to ensure security and law and order in our states, you should know, this is what you will agree on and even not agree on, we are always ready to come to your aid, ready
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act adequately, but let's not quarrel over trifles, this always imposes: depending on the short, because further on there is a rather tight work program, but, by the way, some of the heads of departments in minsk for the first time, which also imposes certain obligations on the belarusian side, but how can we not show our beautiful, most importantly safe capital, to those who are responsible for this security together with us in a large region. ekaterina krutalevich, alexey volkov, alexander oleshka and pavel poznyakov, agency tv news. it is more important than ever to jointly
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counteract challenges and threats due to the proximity of a hot war. the kursk region of russia. was subjected to a brazen but senseless attack by the armed forces of ukraine. russian troops successfully repelled the attack and are now continuing to practice strikes on the remaining concentration of troops and equipment, but during the raid , ukrainian militants still managed to shell civilian infrastructure and innocent people, once again demonstrating their inhuman face. about the situation at the point of tension on russian-ukrainian border in the story by evgeny belausov. dozens of destroyed buildings, several dead, about thirty wounded. these are dry statistics that cannot describe what has been happening in the kursk region of russia in recent days. behind every interrupted or crippled life is the pain and suffering of loved ones and relatives. more than 3,000 people were forced to leave their homes, leaving their lives and previous way of life to be torn apart by drone shells of the ukrainian armed forces.
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our evening was like an ordinary evening, there were audible shots, there was shelling - this. lying lying everything, well, everything calmed down, it became calm, we could sleep at 3:00 in the morning, it all started with a massive shelling, that is, from 3:00 in the morning until the morning they shot without a break, it seemed like there was just a second between some of the volleys, they were gray, well , my child and i were sitting, accordingly, in the basement, we didn’t even have the opportunity to run away, because it was even scary to go outside, it was scary to walk within the walls of the house. they just shot, missiles, tanks, first my son left, he has five children with his wife, then he calls, let's break loose, it's getting stronger and stronger, now the state of emergency continues to be in effect in the region, as reported by the russian ministry of defense, the military continues to destroy armed formations in the ssu, in
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the sudzhinsky and karenevsky districts, directly adjacent to the russian-ukrainian border, they note that the enemy's advance has been prevented, over the past 24 hours the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 400 servicemen and 32 armored vehicles. in total, during the fighting, the enemy lost about 700 militants and about 82 vehicles. 5:30 august 6, a unit of the armed forces ukraine, numbering up to 1.00 people, went on the offensive with the aim of capturing a section of the territory of the sudzhansky district in the kursk region by the actions of the state border cover unit, together with border guards and reinforcement units, air strikes, missile forces and artillery fire, the enemy's advance deep into the territory in the kursk direction was stopped. if we put aside reports and statistics, then an important part of what is happening is human valor
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mutual assistance. caring residents lined up to donate blood for those for whom it may be critically important. in a couple of days, the regional clinical blood center collected more than 150 liters of whole blood and an additional supply of components. kindness is still present in this world, not everything is so lost, probably after all. but for ukrainian militants , there is no place in life for kindness, humanity, and especially holiness, after all, it was not military facilities that were under fire, ordinary people, ambulance workers and husbands, wives and children, one of those who came under attack by the armed forces of ukraine a resident of sudzha told about the state of his family by ...
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touched, they even deliberately attacked a holy place, gornalsky, the st. nicholas belogorsky monastery, where civilians and monks took refuge from shelling. and against the backdrop of all this godlessness, what happened to war correspondent yevgeny poddubny yesterday was a real miracle. first, there was a wave of reports about his tragic death, and then it turned out that the journalist had survived the drone attack. now he is in a moscow clinic, despite multiple injuries, he is conscious and... to communicate, well, and the west, however, as always, prefers not to notice the bloodshed and crimes of the kiev regime, their media do not talk about the tragedy, but only draw attention to the absurdity
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of what is happening. thus, the new york times called this operation of ukraine senseless, both politically and militarily. forbes magazine condemned kiev for wasting its last resources and suggested that the general staff of ukraine probably wanted to seize some part of russian territory in order to use it as a lever in negotiations, indirectly confirmed this and kiev propagandist podalyak, who was the first to break the silence on the part of the regime. will everything that happens, for example, in this or that region of border russia have a psychological impact on social strata, will it certainly frighten them? yes, do they react to anything other than fear? no, they can sit down at the negotiating table and you can get something from them only if they understand that the war is not going according to their scenario. the united states, as expected, refused to condemn the invasion, since kiev allegedly determines its own strategic tactical tasks. the eu also stated that the ssu
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has the right to strike any targets on russian territory, the un expressed its concern about the escalation of the conflict and went quiet. of course, you saw all the reports, we are going to contact the ukrainian military to find out more about their goals. as for the details, i would ask the ukrainians to... tell us about their own military operations, in general, we support ukraine in its self-defense against russian aggression, but let's face it, no one has reacted differently from the west i didn't expect it, but now it's more interesting to understand how , against the backdrop of the russian army's successes, the attack in the ssu became possible, because this is not the first time that raids by ukrainian troops have at least an informational victory, however, it is not for us to judge and speculate, i think that soon the kremlin will demand answers to all the questions of interest, with all the consequences for the guilty. evgeny belausov, mikhail drugakov, telenovostey agency. ukraine's sabotage operation in the kursk
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region is another political trick. kiev is trying to play a variety of cards for the possibility of entering into negotiations, understanding that external circumstances may change. this opinion was expressed to our tv channel by russian military expert viktor boronets. first, working off the money that kiev has recently received in huge quantities, and naturally, washington is interested in where it all went, you see, the situation in the ukrainian armed forces, especially near kharkov, in other areas has recently been very difficult, you know, neither syrsky nor neither zelensky, they openly, they said this to their people, all this somehow created in the allies... of ukraine, that the armed forces of ukraine are already dead, they are not capable of anything, not a horse's feed, russia is winning,
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well here kiev decided. here to create a victorious breakthrough and thus show that ukraine can still do a lot, here this breakthrough, this terrorist attack of a huge number, several thousand ukrainian soldiers on kurb land, this also has another goal, to get some winning, strong card before sit down at the table with russia for negotiations.
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the head of state, using his right of legislative initiative, introduced a bill to parliament on changing the codes on criminal liability issues. the bill was developed by a specially created working group under the presidential administration. specialists conducted a systematic analysis of the norms of criminal procedural laws , taking into account the instructions of the head of state given at the meeting on january 11. deputy head of the presidential administration olga chupris noted that methodical work is underway to humanize.
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children under 14 years of age, as well as women and single men raising minors and disabled persons of the first group, imprisonment is not assigned, alternative, more lenient punishments are provided in the form of arrest for up to 3 months for the acquisition or possession of drugs. the relevant measures will allow the courts to approach the issues of sentencing more flexibly, taking into account the social danger of the crime and the personality of the perpetrator. we are talking about the degree of their involvement in this.
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process, whether it was a random commission of a crime, or a certain pattern and repetition, and based on various conditions, based on the assessment of various circumstances, it is necessary to issue, as the president says, a fair sentence, so in order for these sentences to be fair, certain alternatives are needed for the court. in the near future , belarusian parliamentarians will discuss the proposed innovations in legislation, and in accordance with the established rules, the bill will be posted on national legal internet portal. a working group from the ministry of internal affairs, which included specialists from various fields, also joined the discussion of the draft law on amending the codes on criminal liability. the experts studied in detail the judicial and investigative practice, on the basis of which the corresponding proposals for adjustments were made. for example, speaking about sanctions, we analyzed those
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sanctions where we have the only. punishment, the main one, is imprisonment, and proposed as alternative main punishments arrest or restriction of freedom, naturally, this did not affect the composition of particularly serious crimes, also in a number of sanctions it was proposed, where we have deprivation of freedom, either to reduce the upper limit of punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom, or both the upper and lower, in the disposition were also subjected to a scrupulous assessment, respectively, both the main and qualifying features were studied, a number of proposals were made. decriminalization is one of the key positions of the new bill, for example, criminal liability for illegal, gratuitous alienation of property to a trusted person in the absence of a selfish goal. this point, taking into account practice, was commented on by the first deputy chairman of the supreme court, valery kolenkovich. if as an example, then we can cite some transformation of approaches to liability for
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so-called carding. the draft proposes to introduce non-criminal administrative liability for those people who, at the request of, well, roughly speaking, fraudsters , register bank cards in their own name, and then transfer them. to do, because administrative that this will be possible with complete impunity responsibility for these actions is supposed to be established quite strict, on the pocket it will also hit no less their details to anyone, but this does not mean , sensitively than a criminal fine. the fundamental principle of justice, laid in the basis of the new bill has no legal definition, but each person understands this meaning close. emphasized in the supreme court. in the law, public justice should be expressed in clearly defined categories.
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the national children's health camp zubryonok continues to welcome its young guests. all summer long , children from egypt, china, kyrgyzstan, loos, uzbekistan and syria have been vacationing there together with belarusians. 75 children from the arab republic arrived in belarus today. this is already the third shift of syrian children in our country this summer. why it is important not to pass by other people's grief - a report by anastasia bendesyuk. for the vast majority of these syrian children, this is not just their first trip to belarus, they for the first time outside their country, this is their second flight in 24 hours. the young passengers spent the night at moscow's sheremetyevo airport. this is evident from those who fell asleep as soon as the plane takes off. the most persistent will be looking at the curly clouds, recording, it seems, every minute of the flight, their peers in damascus are waiting for their sketches, i like to watch the clouds, they look very beautiful from the plane, i am happy, and there is also delicious food here, i like it, we want
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to play a lot, study, and i also want to find friends in belarus. i am a teacher and we are taking our best children, they received the highest marks at the end of the year, to go on holiday to belarus. all these children are from the same orphanage, children of those who died during the war, their mother or father died defending syria, the syrian state took the children under its wing, we visited them in damascus, the children were introduced to life and only dreamed of getting to belarus, they really have a selection, but what is not an incentive to be an excellent student, to become a winner of the olympiad, a sports competition to go on holiday to friendly country, i am 13 years old, when i was 11. i was in zubryonok, there is a lot of greenery there, i remember the lake, we sailed on a boat, i tried very hard and wanted to come to belarus again , what did these children experience at home on the way to belarus, we did not ask them consciously, our film crew spent a week in syria,
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a country with a rich history, beautiful, but the people, the syrian people have been at war since 2011, there are children there who never sat down at school desks, there are crippled, everyone is exhausted by economic pressure, a country where the average salary is 25 dollars, where bread and gasoline are received on a subsidy equal to ration cards, and this is a country that has oil and gas, but those same fertile lands are still under occupation, we have been assembling a real picture using puzzles, we will show syria through the eyes of a belarusian this month on the first button: belarus, which knows what war is, could not pass by the grief of the syrian people, simply could not help but support the children, probably, the syrians would not let them go so easily, the most precious thing they have is their own children, it is clear that they come and tell, but that however, if you had not seen the attitude of belarus to your country, well, really
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, to trust your child is worth a lot, especially to foreigners, and here time has shown syrian parents that belarusians can be trusted, it began a little earlier. with our long-term humanitarian action to deliver humanitarian supplies to the syrian arab republic, not only, not only this was connected with recent history with some emergency situations, such as the 2023 earthquake, at one time the president accepted once for several current years the decision that we really should support the brotherly syrian people on a regular basis...
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in belarus in 2019, not yet being an ambassador together with the minister of foreign affairs, the topic of children was the main one in the conversation with the president, we expressed the desire to continue this program. from the start, alexander lukashenko gave permission to extend this program, it is very important for our children, as it brings them happiness. i would like to express my gratitude to the belarusian government, the president, the ministry of education and the leadership of the zubrenok camp. the project, initiated for 3 years, has proven its effectiveness.
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the east remains restless, the region is frozen in
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anxious anticipation of a large -scale retaliatory strike by tehran against israel, but it may still be possible, as the newspaper politics reports, iran may reconsider its decision due to the position of washington, which warns that a massive attack will only increase tensions and could lead to direct confrontation. however, cnn points out that regardless of the islamic republic's plans to attack israel, may be the lebanese hezbollah movement. due to the worsening situation in the middle east, the belarusian foreign ministry recommends that belarusian citizens do not visit israel unless necessary and make decisions about traveling to this country based on the development of the current situation in the region. belarusian citizens living or staying in israel must follow the recommendations of the authorities, as well as observe personal safety rules. you can see the emergency consular assistance phone number of the belarusian embassy in israel on the screen; calls are accepted around the clock. miscalculated, but where? it turns out
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that the eu's open door policy is not so selfless. the second country to profit from migrants has found itself at the center of a visa scandal. this time, the chair has been shaken by the head of the german foreign ministry. the illegal issuance of entry documents to foreigners in germany was so large-scale that its scope cannot even be estimated yet. several thousand afghans alone were allowed into germany, and from berlin. the scandal in poland broke out last year, with local media reporting that through polish
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embassies and visa agencies sold more than 350,000 visas to citizens of african and asian countries bypassing the official procedure. the opening of the iconic objects of the multifunctional complex minsk-mir will take place in the very near future. the new district is being built by belarusians and for belarusians. it was created for the comfort of success, the developer notes. breakthrough solutions in the project provide a new quality of life, opportunities for the economy and doing business. very soon , the shopping and public center aviamol will open its doors. according to the plan, this is not only a shopping space, but also a place of attraction for the entire area. future tenants of the premises have already familiarized themselves with its possibilities. details is practically ready for opening, the builders have done their job. future residents are preparing to arrange their shops, boutiques, restaurants.
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development, a lot of young girls, so we will see that everything will be fine here. both belarusian and international will be presented in the aviamol shopping center.
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in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. pyaredadzen 1974. at the cosmase saul 13. the crew of commander petr klimuk and flight engineer valiantsen lebedzew took over the space watch. petr klimuk, our fellow countryman from the village of kamarovka, which is in the brescia region. caucasus, i am glad, can you hear me? ural, i am the caucasus, i hear you, great, we understand you, i feel good, i am in a cheerful mood, the helicopter is normal, it seems as if we will leave on such good months, i want to say a sincere thank you, thank you for getting me back on my feet, thank you for
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giving me an education, thank you, friends, for something that you have done me the great honor of performing.


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