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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 10, 2024 11:30pm-12:21am MSK

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fractions, zzіўlyatstsa, feel the connection of the hour and heat, just respect. the skin is stored traditionally. sennya, year albo stagodze tamu, everything that was considered diligent was kalisci new. “we ourselves do not respect this, we pass on the knowledge and experience of the past, this is our smile, the wave of the hand, and such a familiar pose, from simple, happy moments, forming our own traditions. we honor the downfalls of our
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goodbye, thank you for our daily life. belarus 24. hello everyone, in a minute the hero of our program will take his place and answer your questions, what do you expect from the children with whom you are now in... interesting and sincere
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meetings, in what mood are you going to talk? good, of course, do you promise to tell only the truth? yes, of course, today in our studio is the honored doctor of the republic of dvarui, head of the department of plastic surgery and combostiology of the belarusian state medical university, vladimir nikolaevich podgaisky. vladimir nikolaevich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse a question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has started, briefly, i was born in 1955 in the city of nesvizh,
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great, thank you, you fit into a minute, but now questions for an adult, we will start with the red sector. hello, my name is anastasia, why did you decide to become a surgeon? i grew up in a family of doctors, so those years these smells that my parents came with me from the hospital. they remained like
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family to me until now, i say, i love these smells, plus the nestver hospital, when in those years when i was very little, it seemed... there was a kind of barracks, that is, a wooden building, which on one side was surgery, on the other side was therapy and a general doctor's office, where all these doctors sat, and there was also an emergency room, and we lived there next to this hospital across the road or through the fence, i don't remember, in the house where we lived, there was no there was hot water, that's how my mother took me, i was like that. to the hospital, and there was a titan that heated up, you didn't know that, they heated it with herbs, and this titan heated up, water, and i was under this hot water then, well, we washed ourselves there or as they say, like
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taking a shower, so here is that stream of hot water, i still have it, when i sometimes drink hot water, i know exactly that titan that i. what was your family's financial situation in childhood? in childhood, in my childhood, of course, if i remember, so, my parents, as i already said, were doctors, yes, all doctors at that time worked one and a half, or even two jobs, as you know, what is that or not, this is from the morning, no matter how he left, he comes there at 80 to 9 in the evening, and this, as i remember, it was a salary of about 80 rubles. then in
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the fifties, 50 rubles - that's soviet money, that was big money then, when we started working already in seventy-eighth year yes... in seventy-nine we already had a rate of 100-110 rubles, i think, but all of us also worked one and a half or more rates, that is, you work a day, plus you had to be on duty, these shifts were also paid, so in order to live well, you had to work all the time, hello, my name is gordey, tell me, when did you study at school, was it you?
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such an exam, because there you had to cram and learn everything. and can you remember any story, a funny or interesting one from the university? it was not even called the university back then, but the minsk state medical institute. all
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the interesting events were connected when we we went to harvest potatoes, i think, in september. and one time we came and...
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to study all my life, we had medical practice after the fourth year, and
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i was on medical practice, what do you think, where of course i contributed already there with my parents, when i washed up with him for an operation, with my father, i mean, i tied something there, and he praised me, and i said that this would be mine, and after that i never left surgery. vladimir. nikolaevich, and how many generations in your family are doctors? well, if you start with your parents, then it was the first generation, i was already with my wife, the second generation, the third generation is already my son, also the head of the surgery department of the minsk regional hospital. and did such situations often happen when you really operated with your father or did you operate with your son? with my father, somehow rarely, with my son we often. practically we worked in the same department, although
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after graduating from the institute he worked for 2 years as a traumatologist in borisov, there was such a criminal city at that time, and he sent us patients from there, he came himself, and we operated together. we started doing reconstructive microsurgery, that is, these were the first plastic surgeries called sewing on severed fingers, it was emergency surgery or... microsurgery, so finger replantation - these were the first
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plastic surgeries that we performed for emergency indications, there is a yellow sector to your left, please tell me, why do you think people don't like the way they look, if god created us in his own image, well, as a rule, patients create this for themselves or some patient... early there, when surgery, when you have already
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worked for some time in surgery, then any of the surgeons, in his office there is always one, two, or even three icons, which you worship, and well, and before major operations sometimes, well , you talk to yourself, about what. in that case, one more question, tell me, please, what is in the hands of god or the surgeon, the patient? and there and there, why after classical operations everyone becomes similar to each other? in fact, this is so, because there are some ideals, but i would i didn't say that they are all similar to each other, but some of them are very noticeable that...
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they are what we did to them, therefore before performing any classical or aesthetic surgery with the patient , all the finest details of these are always discussed , so that she imagines what will happen next, and she should be ready for this, and the surgeon should be ready for this, so that you have a consensus, then everything will be fine, and what to do, well, from practice, if
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the patient still doesn't like the result to redo, well... if you see that it is possible, then of course it is better to redo, a difficult, difficult question, and it is very, very difficult to solve. let's move on to the purple sector, to your left, let's say i don't like something about myself, from what age can i do plastic surgery? well, in principle, it is possible from any age, depending on what, like there are some congenital clefts on the face, congenital protruding ears, there already... it was possible before school, so that they wouldn't tease at school that you are a protruding ear, it is possible to do it at five or six years old, or congenital absence of fingers on the hand, to restore them, of course, you need to do all this before school, this is with regard to such reconstructive surgeries, and beauty surgery or aesthetic surgery is usually after 18-20
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years or after childbearing begins , there have been several births, so that...
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or the absence of fingers on the hands, these surgeries, of course, are always complicated and well, let's say, the absence of one mammary gland is reconstructive and needs to be performed by both, adults and children. how often do you get asked to do an operation like in the photo? as a rule, they send a photo and... to do exactly like this or correction of some wrinkles or volume of mammary glands, well sometimes they send such that almost candid photos, but of course this is not good. what was the most unusual request of a patient? so once a patient.
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feet were missing, so there was such an unusual situation, but we did it for him, how do you restore again, and there you will react to fingers, if a person asks you to do something that does not suit him, well i
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will also dissuade him in some way, that if it does not suit him, why does he need it to do, and often? i have to dissuade patients, i almost always dissuade them, almost always, and what operation will you not do on principle, well, they say that the operation that you did not do is better.
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when you started working, what was plastic surgery in belarus, when we started working in plastic surgery, that is, more accurately, reconstructive microsurgery, it was only surgery, well...
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hello, my name is matvey, my question: how to understand that the surgeon is a professional in his field, well now what, everyone looks in instagram. and if you are there, then they will find you, but i do not use it, but i have more of a word of mouth, as if in the old fashioned way, do you consider yourself a professional, well, if i were different, then i would not have come here, tell me, do you often meet charlatans, surgeons, well, in our country, plastic surgery is such a long, long, training. the training of a plastic surgeon always takes a certain amount of time. and in all countries it is
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different. here, in belarus, we only opened a department in 2014 plastic surgery, where we train our future surgeons who will be engaged in plastic surgery. there is a clinical residency, which we have for now. two-year in russia, they have already made a five-year residency, five-year 5 years to study only plastic surgery to get a certificate or diploma, we can study for, that is , it is called retraining, if you were a surgeon engaged in surgery, then 4 months at our department you can get a diploma of a plastic surgeon, of course, it will be not enough, but there is such an opportunity, so i teach, that is, in belarus there is
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its own, quite a good, already established school of plastic surgeons, well, the school, perhaps it does exist, but i mean that four months is still not enough to prepare a plastic surgeon, it is better... of course, so that the plastic entrance to the specialty of plastic surgery was through a clinical residency, this is a two-year one, at least, in this way it is possible to determine to understand whether a person is a professional, such as you, or just dreams of becoming one. tell me, how can i become the wife of a plastic surgeon? i don't even know what to answer. and under
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what circumstances did you meet your wife? and we were students, it was easier for us, we kind of called mutually married, then there was such a thing, we were distributed, we mutually married. and the wives of plastic surgeons , they should be ideal or is beauty not the main thing, i think it is not the main thing, then what qualities do you value in women, kindness, decency, that's all, well beauty, of course. well, beauty, if we can correct anything, there is a yellow sector to your right. hello, my name is artem, look, if we are talking about your appearance and character,
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what would you like to change in yourself? losing weight is not plastic surgery, to lose weight, there is a surgery called, what is it called, bariatric surgery, which is performed on the stomach or intestines to reduce absorption, that is, to remove this transit of food through the body, and this is a whole series of operations that are performed on the abdominal organs cavities, and these are patients who weigh
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170, 180, 200, and more kilograms, and after surgery they sometimes lose 100 kg more, these are weight loss surgeries, aesthetic surgery, it is not aimed at weight loss, including liposuction. do i understand correctly that if a person uses liposuction, then with further improper living, improper nutrition, it will all come back and this will not have any result, in fact. liposuction removes areas of fat deposits in certain places, this is not, that circularly on the body you can remove this fat, if you remove it, you can get excess and get a place of bulge in a bulge, as they say, yes, therefore liposuction is not a panacea, to the right of you is a red
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sector, the next question is from there? hello, my name is denis, and what kind of dad are you? probably, there is some kind of dad, good or bad, i don’t know, but he was strict, what do you think, did you pay enough attention to your children, or do they have something to reproach you for? of course, there is something to reproach you for, because i, as they say, married surgery, that's why i was very rarely at home when they were growing up. how are responsibilities divided in your family, for example, what do you do and what, let's say, does your wife get? well, now we are left as if it were just the two of us, because the children have already moved out and now we kind of live for ourselves, as
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if we do everything together, when there is. plastic surgery in west berlin, so in ninety-second year i visited there for the first time and looked at the medicine that they had then, plastic surgery was just starting to be developed here little by little to walk. okay, and what was the most expensive operation in your practice? we have such private centers, yes, where
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the whole spectrum is performed. also plastic aesthetic surgeries, and there are state clinics where operations are performed, both on an extra-budgetary basis, there the approximate prices can be an order of magnitude, somewhere higher, somewhere lower, but in a state clinic, well , let's say, when we have on the basis of a regional hospital, there breast augmentation costs about 300 belarusian rubles. would you sacrifice your life if this very would you save another person's life, if so, under what conditions, well, when my brain was dying, i gave in, yes, that's it, an accident that is incompatible with life, well, like any sane person, you sign up for transplants, we turn 180° into
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the yellow sector. do you believe in life after death? no, but would you like to become immortal? no, i don't believe in it, therefore. i don't even want to dream about the downsides of immortality, well, for you, well, firstly, surgeons are more realists in life, although sometimes we believe a little whether or not in god, but i don’t want to see a rough life yet. “i really want to become a doctor, but i have a terrible fear of blood, how can i overcome it? you’ll overcome it gradually, when i was a child, too, when i cut my finger, i lost consciousness, now
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i don’t have that, and what are you afraid of? what am i afraid of, being left, as it were, alone or lonely?” and have you had moments in your life when your hands dropped? of course, when we take on what i said, reconstructive microsurgery, that is, when we take a section of some tissue from one area and we transfer it to the place where there is a deficit, that is, it is either post-traumatic stemilitis, for example, the shin. candle there and the like, without this microsurgery we will not do anything, but before we transplant it all there we cut it out, that is, we cut it out to healthy tissue, and there is no way back there,
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except to move or transplant there, that a large piece of tissue, of course, against this background, if you do not apply the microvascular implant qualitatively , thrombosis may occur and ... all this work that you did during the day, it may come down to the fact that it will have to be removed, of course, this is always a problem, in principle it is possible to redo it, well, it is possible, but look, firstly, when the tissue is taken plus the place where we transplant it, it sometimes takes 5 and 8 hours, or even 10, or when we take a finger from the foot. with its transplantation to the hand, this is also, as you understand, it is not that it was cut off here by sewing, each vessel is isolated, which is then restored, the blood flow is started already in in another place, to your right, the purple
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sector, please tell me, what do you like about plastic surgery in the modern world, and what irritates you, irritates you...
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we have now returned to the fact that we remove these implants, because some are ruptured, some are something else, some are already out of that age, the patients say, well, i don't need them anymore, let 's remove them and just make something good out of what's left. tell me, how have the sanctions affected the field of plastic surgery?
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any contribution to transplantology, in terms of in what, that we, together with transplantologists , helped them with a liver transplant, that is , it was called a pediatric transplant, a liver transplant in children, from 6 months and older, we helped them by applying a vascular or microvascular onstomosis from the hepatic artery, because the hepatic artery in a child...
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it seems that this has never happened in belarus at all, the elements swept away, broke and flooded everything in their path for a week. there was no adequate reaction to this event, fast, clear, military. around the country, about one and a half million cubic meters of forest
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, the task is to restore order as quickly as possible to save commercial timber. the crushed stone plant is the main enterprise of the region, here at a depth of 60 m is the basis of future belarusian roads. according to estimates of reserves, with our production volume of about a million per year, this is in crushed stone for about 400 years of only explored. shooting is an extreme method, you must always learn to negotiate. lithuania, latvia and ... estonia banned entry into their territory by cars with belarusian license plates, our mfa immediately stated: there will be no counter-sanctions, on the contrary, the president supported the introduction of a visa-free regime for all europeans: plane, train or car, green light. the main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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why are doctors called price tags, well , doctors are all a bit cynical, so it's easier to live this way, is it hard to keep a cool head when you want to cry? i knew such surgeons who? let's go there, well, having started the operation, then they couldn't continue it, they almost started crying, well, usually, you call for help in any case, because that surgery is such a collective surgery, you are not alone there solving some problems, so we help each other, you play some musical instrument, or if not play, then what would you like to play, well with u...
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these groups of ours, i know that doctors are very superstitious, if in your profession there are any? signs, rituals, well, of course there are, for example, when i go to the operating room, and we take off everything there, put on something else, well, the surgical suit, roughly speaking, i never turn it over, that's how it lies, so i put it on, and even when i put it on,
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it turns out inside out, they tell me that you have finished it, i tell them, here, here is such a sign for me, poisonous yellow color from iodine this smell of iodine and some kind of corbolic acid this is such a smell of surgery now surgery does not smell purple sector your turn my name is varvara and what is your best
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childhood memory of course when your father took you fishing with him. your son is also a fisherman, did you take him fishing with you when he was little? yes, and now he's, how can i say, outfishing me, what's the biggest fish you've ever caught, show me, i won't show you, because it weighed 43.6 kg, it was probably a catfish, a dream on the obstacle, yes, in 2000, well, and what was its length, about 80 meters, wow, it's really hard to show. you said that you like fishing and hunting, but how often do you go? more often before, now with age somehow less,
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i don't even want to go hunting anymore, but i like fishing, now once a month, well, it's not related, namely quantity, well, it happens. i don't like winter, i only like summer, i'm wondering, do you save lives, but don't you feel sorry for animals when hunting, but i'm already saying that such an age comes when you feel sorry for them, you even just watch them, and what action do you regret, i won't say, do you refuse to answer the question or simply don't have such an action? well , let's say that i refuse to answer, but you used the attempt, there are still two, if you had a chance to go back to the past or to the future, where would you like to go, probably into the future, to see how life
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will turn out after me, tell us about... the eldest son, who now works as a surgeon, he also has three sons, that is, i have three grandchildren, three grandchildren, the age difference between them is somewhere between, well, about 5 years, the eldest grandson graduated this year, graduated in 23. he entered rti school, the former, well , now it’s called something like that, computer science and radio electronics, and the second grandson, who is studying, the very last one, he is now, probably, in first or second grade, somewhere like that, and another grandson, he is about 10 years old, well
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, i can’t say specifically, because i know that they exist. and how old they are exactly, i can’t, i know approximately, and what kind of relationship do you have with your grandchildren? well, they are all good, of course, i love them, adore them, and cherish them as much as i can , although they live separately, but sometimes all three grandchildren come at once on weekends, and then you wait for them to leave, because they sit everywhere. and would you still like your grandchildren to be doctors too? in principle, there is such a desire, but it seems they are not very keen. how you belong to the current generation, what do you like, what do you not like about it? of course,
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the current generation is not at all like we were, they are more advanced, i can see from my grandchildren that even they understand these gadgets so quickly that by the time you think of it, it has already shown you everything, i think that in any case this is the future. for you , not for us, the purple sector, my name is yaroslav, i'm wondering, when you come home from work, what relaxed you the most or relaxes you now, before i i smoked a lot and drank coffee, now i only drink coffee, but i don't smoke, that's when i had this pleasure, a cup of coffee and cigarettes, you said that you smoked, what motivated you to quit? well, i had
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an oncological operation, and after that i didn't smoke after the operation, that is, it's been more than 10 years, now there is no desire, this signal means that time for the hero's questions has run out, vladimir nikolaevich, now you have to choose the best question of this program, i... i liked the last question he asked me, great, let's get to know each other better, what's your name? my name is nikita, i study in the tenth grade a, the seventh gymnasium of the city of minsk. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, come out to the site. vladimir nikolaevich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, like any adult, i wanted
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to ask about your dream, a great question, who is ready to answer it, raise your hand, please, i really want to go to the university of gastronomy and study to become a chef, and i would like to become an actor give most of the money to your parents, your family, tell me, please, would you do the same in my place? well, probably yes, since my parents don't have enough. i plan to become an elementary school teacher and want to teach children. i dream of becoming an interior designer and thereby help myself create my dream home. i want to become a programmer and live with my parents. and why? my parents, because i love them very much, well then you will love someone else, well then i will live, i will always come to
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my parents, well done, okay, my dream to enter a college of digital technologies, well, and if i don’t get in, then i’ll open my own beauty salon with my friends, i think that you need to visit all the countries of the world with your loved one, this is my dream, my dream is to become a tank engineer and a diplomat to create a universal peace treaty, but to keep other countries from a sudden attack, i dream of becoming a plastic surgeon, noble, but this is a difficult path, age is now the most interesting, here i have already heard a lot of good things, i think that your dreams come true and may you have everything. in life. vladimir nikolaevich, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. honored doctor of the republic of belarus.


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