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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 11, 2024 11:45pm-12:16am MSK

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hairdressers have their own, they simply call it a training head. seamstresses and clothing designers also have one, but it looks different, it is called a partnovsky. well, each of us, regardless of profession, regularly sees them in stores and shopping centers. surely you have already guessed that we are talking about ... about mannequins,
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we will talk about them in the next half hour, but not about all existing types, only about those that help to master the profession of a doctor. scientifically, they are called simulation devices, they have, in addition to the human body, voice, heart and even brain, all thanks to special computer programs. this is the science nearby project, my name is ekaterina beretskaya, hello, watch the program. royal assessment, where and how the world's first medical simulator was created. what world scientific developments have been implemented in the work of our robot training clinic. almost a real clinic, in which robots replace patients. a big report from the simulation center of the medical university. the first simulation
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device in medicine was created in order to to practice obstetric skills. when this happened and how events developed further, i will tell you right now. so, the first mention of a simple medical simulator dates back to the 15th century. it was then that the chief midwife of the paris hospital angelique ducoudray at a meeting of the french academy of surgeons effectively, as they would say now, presented a mannequin of a woman made of bones, cotton and leather belts. the set also included a figurine of a baby. king louis liked the sample so much that he appointed angelique ducoudray responsible for training of midwives throughout france. soon similar devices were produced in britain, germany and... in japan until the 20th
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century simulators were only for female doctors, until in 1957 austrian anesthesiologist peter safar developed a modern system of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. based on this data, in 1960 they created the first mechanical simulator-dummy, on which it was possible to practice the entire cycle of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. and then the technical revolution, the rapid development. technologies the appearance in 1965 in the first robot patient in the united states. although the project was not successful, it prompted scientists to create an advanced model of the mannequin. its author, dr. michael gordon, named the mechanical patient harvey in honor of his teacher. this model could already reproduce various options for breathing, pulse, blood pressure, noises and heart tones that ... can occur in
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twenty-five cardiovascular pathologies. already in 1986, american anesthesiologist david gabba released a commercially available simulator. all previous versions cost from 100,000 dollars and becomes one of the key figures in the simulation community. and at the beginning of the 20th century , medical simulators began to be produced in almost all developed countries. and today, doctors even have so-called hybrid medical simulators, which are used to practice the actions of an entire team of doctors and nurses in conditions as close to reality as possible.
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simulators are available in virtually every specialized university, and in the belarusian country today there are training centers with medical the state medical university is certainly no exception, a large modern simulation center opened there in the fall of 2023, in our studio today is the director of the center natalya vasilyevna, hello, hello, natalya vasilyevna, in fact, it seems to me that most people far from medicine do not even imagine that... today at the disposal of future doctors, and probably not only future doctors, but already practicing doctors, there are real cool computer, well, you can't call them dolls, mannequins that talk, who breathe, who have a beating heart,
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to what extent is this necessary today, this is necessary not only today, this has always been necessary, because medical education, firstly, is practice-oriented... it is always continuous, a doctor continues to study throughout his life, that is, we have such a concept as continuous medical education, therefore the level of complexity of our mannequins, phantoms, simulators, it certainly progresses from the beginning of training, already to doctors, specialists in some narrow specialties, where there is already a completely complex virtual high-tech equipment, just as high technologies in healthcare are growing, it requires specialists with certain skills, with abilities, the technological level of simulation training is growing. therefore, yes, we have robot simulators that are tactile, skin, mucous membranes are felt like a person's, which
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blink their eyes, their pupils react to light, during examination, manipulation , the mucous membranes are felt like a person's mucous membrane, that is, intubations are carried out, it is possible to measure pressure, you can ask him... a question, he answers some questions, they listen to him with a regular phonendoscope, turning him like a person from right to left, the heart, lungs, sounds are identical, the same as in real life in a person, but at the same time the teacher, in accordance with the program, can change them to suit the topic of the lesson, to suit the clinical situation that he is now analyzing with his listeners and students. natalya vasilievna, but similar centers, training centers, well, today they already exist in every, it seems to me. specialized pre-university, they worked before 2023, but to you, to us in minsk, they want to get, well, almost everyone, why, more opportunities, more medical simulators,
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i don’t know, the profile, we have very good centers in each university, they are all well equipped, there are simulators of a fairly high class, it is clear, the center that was built last, got the last one. which already have more opportunities plus in our center there are unique simulators, which are not in any other center, which allow you to practice skills for very narrow specialties, which, well, if you can put it that way, there are individual specialties, where we have 12 specialists for the whole country, 15 specialists for the whole country, we have a cardiac surgery operating room for open heart surgery using the apparatus. one is located in our center, one is
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in the republican clinic under the presidential administration, and these two simulators allow us to provide training, advanced training and passing the exam during certification. these doctors for x-ray vascular surgeons, well and also each of the simulators has its own features, its own innovations, because you understand that when there is high technology, then everything changes literally within a year, the next purchase of the next robot simulator, it is already a higher class and has more skills, since we are talking about specifics, yes, there is a classification, here you can go into more detail, you can, we are talking not only about simulation. robot simulators you can start, let's say, with a dummy that will be demonstrated, which only depicts some organ or part of the body, it does not have neither tactile nor any other, close to reality, characteristic, the next, no, it is a dummy, the next is a phantom, a phantom is the same part of the body, but it is already made of those materials that, when
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you touch it, tactilely, it feels like human skin, for example, if it is a hand, on the phantom there may be, for example, a phantom hand, it has veins, they can be filled with a liquid simulating blood and conduct training on teaching intravenous injections , taking blood for some research, but this is a phantom, it does not respond, you just conduct some manipulation, the next step we have mannequins, these are full-length simulators, they also do not have electronic filling, but they are very important at the stage of training, say, medical care, the correct transportation of severe patients, how to provide emergency assistance and the correct position to give the patient, the next step is a patient simulator mannequin, there are some electronic settings that allow you to get the opposite.
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its volume, worsening or improving in accordance with its own condition, that is, this is already more high-tech, well, the next stage is virtual simulators, which are really some kind of. some kind of virtual filling in it and some kind of electronic-mechanical device, well, in the form of a medical instrument, for example, virtual laparoscopy, the handles of the instruments are real, the feedback is real, but the picture is virtual, that is , virtual reality, augmented reality, well, and here you can go on endlessly, now there are already developments, as far as i know, the use of artificial intelligence in the development of simulation training in healthcare, that... well, everything is thought out in the simulators themselves, there are a lot of them, it's really just fantastic,
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everything is probably thought out in your center itself, everyone has their own place of registration, yes, who, who where, according to what principle were generally located, well, simulators are like people, yes, we don't have a registration, we have him registered somewhere, but we can move him, it's really convenient to place the simulators so that we can practice not only a separate skill, but also skill...
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we actually have them on our floor and you can conduct them there, learn from them, there is a floor that is dedicated more to emergency care, there are various levels of simulators from basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation, providing assistance in complex emergency situations, and there is a unique complex on this floor - this is a disaster medicine hall, where in addition to having a real ambulance, there is a car in which you can put simulator, again, a 3d image of a street is reproduced on the walls, with traffic, with noise, an ambulance can also make noise at the same time, that is, we create as much as possible - a real environment for ... solving specific problems, so that later, precisely in critical situations
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, a person, according to the algorithm already worked out in such a situation, does not have a stressful situation, or he does not get lost, he clearly knows what to do step by step, because he has undergone training in such, say, a block as an emergency aid and disaster medicine block, there is a floor dedicated to the surgical profile, where we have basic laparo... it's high time to see how everything is arranged there, my colleagues are ready to show,
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let's watch the story. natalia, your task is to conduct a birth in a purely breech position. if at that moment an outsider had been in the classroom of the simulation center of the institute for advanced studies and medical white university, then i would have definitely thought that i had ended up in a real oral surgery room. at least our film crew, having opened the doors of the classroom, the first seconds was confused. but still , as planned, we found ourselves at the obstetrician-gynecologist classes, only instead of the expectant mother.
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childbirth deserves attention, it is conducted by a doctor, it has a high perinatal risk for the mother of the fetus, so we must do everything clearly, instructively, step by step, knowing the theory, being able to possess all this knowledge in practice. the atmosphere is like in a real rotsal , the mood of the doctors undergoing training is also collected, as if they are really communicating with a real patient. by the way, it is in a soft calm communication. the teacher emphasizes the future mother, this also needs to be learned, a minute of tension of the entire team of doctors , the baby's cry is heard, we congratulate the woman on vkontakte, so that skin to skin was immediately, that 's why well, we leave our baby to the mother, then the newborn was waiting for the procedures that he usually goes through in the first hours of real life,
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well, in the neighboring class, dentists, everything is the same as at a real appointment, a doctor, an assistant and of course a patient. so colleagues, okay, we turn on the light, in principle you can see everything, carry out all the manipulations, the main thing to position it correctly, you see the upper jaw, to position the lower jaw you need to move it a little bit to a different position, we need to sit it down, lower it, in addition, on a similar simulator you can practice first aid techniques, here you can play out absolutely... that scenario when a patient, for example, feels bad, and he says: my stomach hurts or my head hurts, then we can connect all the catheters to him, introduce the necessary substances in order to, so to speak, resuscitate him, our computer shows, we reanimated it, whether we succeeded or not, and we can also use it as a training material
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for students for doctors for processing the development of some manual skills, removing dental plaque, for example... to look at the condition of the oral cavity, conduct diagnostics, also treatment, setting up some restoration, processing for orthopedic structures , removing dental plaque, well, in general, everything as much as possible that can be done, also any surgical, dental manipulations are honed here by doctors, for this there is small mannequins, where artificial teeth are a consumable, because after one session, that is, treatment with dental devices, the tooth is disposed of. having got into another a... at first it seemed to us that there was an appointment, but no, here doctors improve their qualifications in the field of ultrasound diagnostics. here on these simulators there is an opportunity to read the patient's complaints, the so-called scenario, which reflects the patient's complaints, after which the program, the sensor is turned on and we can see a certain on the mannequin
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changes in the thyroid gland, measure its size, volume. and compare what we see with the scenario that we read. on this mannequin, you can check the condition of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs, heart, so if problems are found with the heart that need to be solved by x-ray and vascular means, then you can contact specialized surgeons right on this floor, who also train on simulators. and another audience, in which our film crew lingered - a reflexology class. here are medical students study. learn how to insert needles there correctly, for example, if the lesson is devoted to acupuncture. you are watching the science nearby project and here is what else
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is waiting ahead: further, more, what new equipment is planned to be installed in... the simulation center, what world scientific developments have been implemented in the work of our robot training clinic, are ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural monuments await you. the temple greets you with simplicity, high windows and a belfry tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine. here in the family estate of mikhail aginsky, together with his wife and children, spent perhaps the most fruitful years of his life, and today the composer's family cordially welcomes guests, bows and goes out to the polonaise, this is
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a regular walking dance, they take the usual three steps, the fourth step is with a half-squat, and the most interesting historical facts: at that time krechev was surrounded by a fortress, now only the name reminds us of it... watch in the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel we will tell you about the diversity of belarusian cuisine, and also, if you did not know, buzhenino is an original slavic dish, it appeared among the eastern slavs who lived in verkovye buga, hence the name buzhenina, of course, you can go to any hypermarket now, buy such a huge mousse cake, but all this is nonsense, compared
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to these bloods, they have a soul, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces, i grated the potatoes for you, volodya, and you will beat the meat yourself, i like the approach to business of the volkovysk girls, as you called it? elk meat with demi-glace sauce, with baked potatoes and bacon, here it is ready, and we will make a detailed gastronomic map our country. the fact that this dish was invented in volkovysk confirms my guess. volkovysk loves meat and knows how to cook it. this is an interesting, very tasty and very unusual dish. and i believe that it can boldly represent belarusian cuisine on the world stage, watch the project "food is good", on our tv channel, for those who have just
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joined us, i'm telling you, today we 're figuring out how, with the help of robots, future doctors learn to do. we've already realized that you are a unique happy person, you are leading a large clinic, which has doctors, patients, most importantly, not a single complaint from patients, not a single patient was hurt, and not a single patient was hurt, how many of these same patients do you have today, can you count them, you can. we have only 182 units of simulation equipment, and this is 79 items, that is, some in double, in triple copies are available, i am talking about
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computer equipment, but at the same time we need to note that the robot simulator, like the patient, is in itself a person, in order to to carry out some manipulation or say help, you need medical equipment, we also have a complete set of medical equipment, that is, all medical equipment, starting from a syringe and ending with a defibrillator, an electrocardiograph, a ventilator, an endoscopic stand, this is real medical equipment, our simulators are mainly of russian production, but i wanted to ask if there are any domestic ones, mainly of russian production, unfortunately, robotic simulators are not yet produced in belarus, but as far as i know, our belarusian companies are already starting to work on the production of consumables, that is, to work with silicone, with 3d.
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something, well, perhaps, as they say, world experience, although it seems to me that today the world can learn a lot from us? you are right, when we worked on the project of the center, we used, of course, the experience of colleagues, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel when it already exists, we mainly used the experience of russian colleagues, they are already building such centers on a turnkey basis, so we used their experience, but by that time we had accumulated personal experience, centers in universities have existed for more than... 10 years and of course opinions were collected it was taken into account when locating simulators, when building logistics of movement when placing
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instructors in the center we have instructors.
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organizational direction, but nevertheless medical specialists who graduated from a medical university, maybe even earlier than me, coming to our center with pleasure work with simulators, and we are very glad that we can give them this chance, although such an opportunity is not theirs, as students they did not have, you, probably, as the director of the center, want to provide even more opportunities for future students and practicing doctors, maybe there is something in the plans, will develop?
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a doctor does not rely on reasoning, on experience, supported by reason. if you have been with us for the last half hour, then now you know that today, future doctors can acquire this experience directly in the process of training, without waiting for practice in internship. and all because in this topic, as it turned out, science is nearby.
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this is our wonderful studio showroom boutique, you can call it differently, well , we call it a studio - this is the room in which we receive our esteemed guests, where we, where i, our team, we personally take measurements, that is, this is the place where a person can immerse themselves in the atmosphere, and see the overall strength of the brand, it is in this room, let's go, i'll show you, we create masterpieces together with our team.
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olga antonovna works here, a master fashion designer at... further, and here everything, everything that you saw there, is created right on this cut table, here even olga antonovna is building women's classic checkered trousers, one of such words.


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