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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 12, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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july 1941. an atmosphere of general chaos, death, dirt, blood and sweat. the wounded are arriving around the clock, the operating room is never empty , doctors faint from fatigue and lack of sleep. a fragile, little girl is in a hurry.
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the biography of konstantin konstantinovichasovsky is so surrounded by legends that it is almost impossible to figure out where the truth is and where the fiction is. konstantin konstantinovich radkosovsky was born, and here we encounter the first very important mystery. firstly, we do not yet know exactly when and where he was born. there are several options at once. the confusion in the biography begins with the moment of birth. in 1914, the order for enrollment in the fifth korgopol regiment indicated the year of birth as 1894, later konstantin konstantinovich wrote that he was born in 1896. it was believed that he was born in warsaw, although at the end of the great patriotic war he began to indicate the city of velikiye luki as his place of birth. pskov region. and only
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a couple of years ago the gap was filled. 2021 , national historical archives of belarus gives out a sensation. the famous soviet marshal, who commanded the historic victory parade on red square in moscow, he is also the author of the brilliant operation bagration, in fact, is belarusian. the record of the commander's birth was discovered by pensioner vladimir abramchuk.
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quickly managed to master weapons, that is , a saber, a pike, learned to shoot and was a very brave commander, and often went on reconnaissance, so we can note that here is the initial period of his life, begins to be associated with the army. since 1918 after the revolution, konstantin rakosovsky served in the red army, graduated from the military academy in 1936 and became one of the first commanders of the cavalry
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corps, but a year later, on a false denunciation , he fell into the repression machine, he got into the terror machine and, it seemed, was doomed. in the thirty -seventh year, he was unexpectedly arrested and spent several years in prison, where they tried in every way to beat testimony out of him that he was a japanese and polish spy. rakosovsky was brutally tortured. the head of the leningrad nkvd leonid zakovsky, whose motto was the phrase: "we must destroy the enemy to the end, and we will destroy him." the trial
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was postponed because all the witnesses who gave any testimony against him , according to the investigation, were dead by that time. in the end, he was eventually released and, moreover, fully reinstated in all his ranks, he was treated for quite a long time, because during his imprisonment he was subjected to torture and physical abuse. during the interrogations, rokossovsky had several of his front teeth knocked out, three ribs were broken, they beat him on the toes with a hammer, they took him out to the prison yard to be shot. and gave him a blank shot, but rakosovsky did not give false testimony either on himself or on others. stand
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to the death, you need to die wisely only when this achieves an important goal, only if it kills a few, prevents the death of the majority, ensures... general success. konstantin konstantinovich rakosovsky. during the great patriotic war, he participated in all the major battles, including the battle of stalingrad. the troops under his command, completing operation uranus, captured field marshal paulus and 24 other german generals, they say that from that moment stalin began to address rakosovsky by his patronymic, only shapushnikov , the chief of the general staff, was honored with such an address from stalin, that is, this also shows how much rakosovsky was respected, he was respected not only, let
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's say, in the highest echelons, but in power, even the germans respectfully called him general-dagger for his sharp unexpected breakthroughs that tore apart their defenses, but the apotheosis of his... and here we come to a very important point moment, that rakosovsky leads the central front, which on october 20 , 1943 becomes simply. parts of the army group center, which were located on the territory of belarus in the area of ​​bobruisk.
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it was very difficult to liberate the corner of belarus, because there were still difficult natural conditions, here, let me remind you, there were swamps, here was a very difficult terrain and so on, but nevertheless. the first belarusian front, coped with this situation quite successfully. finally, it must be said that during the development of operation bagration, it was rakosovsky proposed the idea of ​​a double strike. there were doubts, there were such very serious debates, but rakosovsky, having shown excellent knowledge of the area, knowledge of the situation, having demonstrated military talent, he still managed to achieve. that this double strike was carried out. the task was set to encircle bobruisk, destroy the group of german troops located here and move further towards baranovichi towards minsk in cooperation with the troops of the second belarusian front under the command of
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zakharov. zakharov's command of the second the war with the belarusian front ended not without the participation of konstantin rakosovsky. despite his military successes, at the end of november. the obstinate commander was demoted, and rakosovsky was appointed in his place. rokosovsky himself later wrote about this: i accept the position. i admit that i felt very awkward in front of him, because he commanded well, suddenly i came to take his place, it’s not so bad for me, taking up an equivalent position, and zakharov is appointed, formally speaking, with a demotion. and on june 29, 1900. forty-fourth year bobruisk was liberated, and this german group was routed, some of the troops were
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captured, then they were held in the famous parade of shame, which took place on july 17 , 1944 in moscow. after the capture of babruisk, the troops of the first belarusian front were partially sent towards minsk to liberate minsk together with the troops of the second belarusian front, and some of the troops of the first belarusian front moved towards baranovichi. baranovichi was liberated on july 8, the enemy group was also destroyed in podpinsk. defeat also happens on benefit, it teaches, makes even the most narrow-minded take a sober look at life to understand the extent of their guilt and their responsibility to history. konstantin konstantinovich rokossovsky. rakossovsky managed to solve the tasks that were set. and quite brilliantly already in the first weeks to show a large advance of troops, successful
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areas that were chosen for the offensive, therefore, in general, rakossovsky made a fairly large contribution both in the initial period of the bagrution operation, and in the subsequent stages implementation of this operation, in fact, in a little more than a month, almost the entire territory of belarus was liberated, including thanks to the actions of the first belarusian front of rakosovsky. both tactical, and of course, gaining experience in preparatory work, as well as engineering , this preparatory, soldiers with greater confidence, with greater understanding, as they say, each soldier must know his maneuver, and thanks to this careful preparation, at different levels, starting with ordinary soldiers and ending with...
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training of troops to carry out combat missions within the framework of operation bugartion was of course quite large and faith in their subordinates trained soldiers it of course also gave such an additional impetus to well to successful actions. glory to you, wonderful soviet people, i am happy that i was with you all these years, and if i was able to do something, it is thanks to you. konstantin konstantinovich rokossovsky. marshal konstantinsky will forever
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remain in the memory of people as one of the best military leaders of the soviet era, marshal victories. his fellow soldiers, combat generals, spoke of his strong-willed qualities, foresight, unerring intuition and ability to lead a subordinate to the right decision. two meters tall, and he struck with grace and elegance, as he was unusually built, truly classically built, he held himself freely, perhaps a little shyly, and the kind smile that illuminated his handsome face attracted ivan khristoforovich bagromyan. rakosovsky's adjutant, major zhigarev admired the amazing endurance of his superior, agreeable.
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soldiers for humane treatment of people with concern for the material and technical support of the troops, that is, he was quite well-known and widely...
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konstantin konstantinovich rakosovsky had a very exciting life, which could have become the basis for the creation of a masterpiece of world literature. a soldier from god, that's what men said about him , women who knew him in the war paid attention to completely different qualities. all our nurses were in love with him, one recalled. he was insanely handsome, another said, good himself, a tall, well-built commander, there were legends about his romances, but were they true or were the rumors generated by envy, because in reality he loved only two women. officially, konstantin rakosovsky was
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married once to a young girl, yulia barmena, whom the future marshal, then a young red commander, met in the small town of buryadsky, where his unit was stationed. the twenty-four-year-old officer drove past her house every day for a year, just to look at the windows, and if he was lucky, although would like to catch a glimpse of the silhouette dear to the heart. at that time, the commander of the cavalry regiment was rabble before the provincial. in 1923 , rakosovsky, unlike many officers of that time, officially registered his relationship with his beloved woman, in 1925 their daughter ariadna was born. julia always
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remained faithful to her knight, even when he was tortured in stalin's dungeons. she did not abandon her husband, like her daughter ariadna, did not abandon her father, although both julia and ryadna were bullied at work, and ryadna at school. no one wanted to sit at the same desk with the daughter of an enemy of the people. rakosovsky appreciated his wife's loyalty for the rest of his life. but during the war , a second love settled in rokosovsky's heart - a military doctor at a field hospital, galina talanova. the more than twenty-year age difference only added special poignancy to their relationship . rakosovsky carefully protected this relationship
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both as a general and as a man. and at home , meanwhile, his daughter and wife were waiting. yulia petrovna learned about her husband's affair very quickly, the front-line radio worked properly, she took the news outwardly calmly, and in war, such things happen, but the heart was breaking. the daughter of a rowman was growing up nearby, who asked about her dad every day , about where they would go together, when the war would finally end, and... petrovna did not know what would really happen after the war and in general, whether all of this would happen together. rakosovsky wrote her letters, invariably calling his wife lyulya. she answered them regularly, but instead of
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the mailbox, she put her letters at home, in a separate pile. he will return. he will read, he will not return, well, that means fate. rakosovsky returned, having survived a severe injury, from whom both as a doctor and as a loving woman, talanov nursed, and no less difficult separation from her. frontline love, galina gave birth to a daughter in 1945 and named her. hope, that hope which in her real life was never destined to come true. marshal gave his daughter his last name and helped her all her life after rakosovsky's death... the daughters even met and maintained very good relations for life, because in those difficult years in the life of soviet people there was an honorable word - nobility.
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it is believed that the bogration operation is the most brilliant operation of the second world war, when such results were achieved by an unexpected blow, including the first belarusian front. by the way, during the offensive, on june 28, 1900 44, rakosovsky received the title of marshal of the soviet union, and on july 30 he received the first star of the hero of the soviet union.
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subsequently, the marshal wrote that this assignment became his greatest reward in half a century of military service. we had little infantry, i personally observe. these are the pictures, when the guns were rolled, remember, they rolled, opened fire, some were firing at the enemy, others were already rolling behind to replace them, and
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they would go further, there was so little infantry, if you look at the field, you can see the katyusha guns, there are almost no infantry, sappers, signalmen, there are, after the war, twice hero of the soviet union, awarded the order of victory, he will become the minister of security of poland. he was loved and proud of him. serving under the command of the marshal was considered a great honor. and on the mass graves of his soldiers one word was often written: rokosovtsy. victory is the greatest happiness. for a soldier,
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the knowledge that you helped your people defeat the enemy, defend the freedom of the homeland, return peace to it, the knowledge that you have fulfilled your soldier's duty, a heavy and noble duty, above which there is nothing on earth. konstantin konstantinovich rakosovsky. everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus tv channel 20 especially
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important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating journeys around country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia. turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite izerspace-1. the channel's signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the belarus 244 tv channel. and
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discover belarus. new deputy prime minister. energy, head belzhd and the updated composition of the local vertical and diplomatic corps. personnel monday for the president alexander lukashenko made a number of important appointments: energy minister viktor karankevich became deputy prime minister. his cross will not remain vacant. the head of the department will be alexei kushnarenko, ceo of the beltop-gaz association, and first deputy minister of transport and communications valery verenich will head the belarusian railway. in the brest region, the new governor will change his residence permit from...
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already former deputy prime minister pyotr porhomchik. a number of personnel decisions affected the local vertical. vitebsk, grudno, minsk and mogilev regions welcome new leaders. thus , the appointment of the chairmen of the volkovysk, lyuban, bykhov and osipovichi districts, the new first deputy chairman of the vitebsk regional executive committee and the head of the administration of the leninsky district of the city of mogilev were agreed upon. it is necessary to restore order in the regions. the head of state recalled that during his recent working trips he had already spoken on the topic. strengthening the powers of the heads of the local vertical, alexander lukashenko more once emphasized, the heads of districts should be presidents in the territories entrusted to them. belarusian farmers are on the home stretch. across the country, taking into account rabs , 7.6. tons of harvest have been collected, of which 6.10,000 tons are grain and leguminous crops. they remain to be harvested on 13% of the area. the average yield is high - 33.6 centners per hectare, which is higher
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than last year. the leaders in threshing are minsk, grodno and brest regions, and the southernmost has already completed the mass harvest, but the vitebsk region still has work to do on a third of the area. minsk the automobile plant is expanding the geography of deliveries, maz assembly plant will appear in zimbabwe. a large contract is being implemented for the delivery of equipment to nicaragua, about 300 units. this year, new consumers were also found in russia. the company celebrated its eightieth anniversary the day before. minsk residents and guests of the capital with... could enjoy a parade of retro modern equipment, including a tractor of the future, can be turned on, it can drive only on electric traction, the second it has a fairly large power reserve about 3,000 km, well, a large forward-facing cabin is maximum comfort for the driver, it is larger than any other european manufacturer by one and a half meters, that is, let's say, this is a cabin in which we made zoning, this is a block, let's say,
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a zone where the driver controls, a zone where the dk of thousands of modifications. six districts of the minsk region presented their achievements on the mound of glory. guests of the memorial complex were surprised by smolevichi, chervensky, kopolsky, myadel, minsk and berezensky districts. they presented expositions of the centers culture, industrial agricultural enterprises, museums. guests were also offered to take part in quests, attend master classes, attend concerts of amateur groups, and look at exhibitions of artisans. assess the efforts of the districts of the minsk region. the next time on the mound of glory is on august 24 and 25, the locations will be deployed in nesvizh, derzhinsky, soligorsk, uzda districts and zhodino. there are 3 weeks left until the new school year, the innovation of the season was an experiment to introduce a single school
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uniform. among the participants of the pilot project, 20 capital educational institutions. bellikprom has developed a capsule line in one color and style. the basis of the collection is a textile knitted group. additional elements. in the form of shirts, accessories and shoes are offered to choose independently, the entire list of products is of a recommendatory nature, we saw an increased interest among buyers not only belarusians, and guests, we see a lot of russians on weekends in our stores, then the collection is being finished and we see that by september 1 we will have made 50-53 thousand products, which are included in this capsule collection for boys and girls, certain models from capsule co... are sold in central department stores of minsk. manufacturers monitor the market situation and finish sewing popular models, taking this factor into account, more than 1,200 items of school clothing will be produced. mosaic icons, church books, designer ceramics and
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stained glass. the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh turned into a center of spiritual education for a month. the charity exhibition fair "klades" is dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary minsk st. elisabeth monastery. visitors can see icons in different techniques, from mosaics to fine painting, silver gilded ponagia, a richly decorated image of the mother of god, as well as shrouds with embroidery and gold thread, a special scarf used during the liturgy of the byzantine rite, each product from icons to glass angels, the author's work of the masters who serve at the monastery. we show not only the industrial, cultural, secular development of our country, but today we also show the unity of our two countries, spiritual unity, the unity of the orthodox church, why is it important today, because the orthodox church is values, these are the values ​​of father and mother, respect for elders, raising children, these are
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the values ​​of love for one's homeland. i really want all visitors who come to vdnkh to visit our belarusian pavilion and touch this real spiritual beauty. belarus and russia. the exhibition also tells about the history of the monastery. over 25 years , the st. elizabeth monastery has become a center of spiritual enlightenment, education, missionary and social service. violation of airspace on the border with belarus, we suspect that these are attack drones, definitely flying to violate
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the airspace of belarus were flying from ukraine. joint response to the provocation, interaction was exclusively with russian air defense forces, and that absolutely all targets were destroyed. modern production based on the best traditions of the soviet automobile industry and a striking example of union industrial cooperation. this enterprise is known to everyone in the union state in the world, because our products are supplied to 40 countries around the world, what is coming off the assembly line in minsk today, resounding victories on the tracks of world rallies, a parade of equipment in honor of the anniversary of the famous automobile plant. 30 years on air according to all the laws of television, from large-scale projects,


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