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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 13, 2024 7:25pm-8:00pm MSK

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watch the intellectual and entertaining project "i know". on the belarus24 tv channel. introduction to belarusian enterprises and outstanding results of their work. the enterprise strategy is aimed more at quality, at naturalness. this is how we position ourselves on the market. we have such countries as germany, bulgaria, israel for export. today. we are implementing several investment projects with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of products, an approach to business that everyone can strive for. all our products, which we produce in our workshop, are tasty and healthy. made from 100% natural raw materials, even children can eat them.
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a competent, kind housewife, it seems to me, this is so, at least i have always set such tasks for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what our consumer will like. watch the project " quality mark" on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. my name is denis mirko, we are now in one of the best halls in the city of minsk, here i directly carry out my coaching activities, i conduct findings and tests and also work online. i am
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a personal fitness trainer by education, i am an instructor of exercise therapy methodologist, recently, in recent years i have become carried away by the fact that i have gone more towards rehabilitation, in my training i use the knowledge and skills that i usually receive directly during the training that i have undergone, yes, my experience, namely practical, since in our country as a whole the difficulty is that we have a shortage of personnel precisely as rehabilitation specialists, because a rehabilitation specialist, in a good way, it's medical. they need a person who can build a load and train, that is, use that is, i don't do this, but including physical exercises as the main method of solving, for example, requests regarding rehabilitation, basically people come who are very often bothered by their back, these are hernias protrusions, people come... who
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had an operation, for example, on the anterior cruciate ligament on the knee joint, or with minisks there were ruptures, people come who had fractures, for example, body vertebra, spine, yes, and people also do not know how to correctly build the load, how to dose the load in general, how to recover, and many people, in general after any injury they are afraid to do anything at all, they do not know right, wrong, whether it is possible or not, therefore here i, together with doctors, approach this issue, everyone does, again, i say their task, the doctor looks, determines the diagnosis, we discuss with you how to build the progression of the load, in fact, i am just the one who implements all this from the point of view of exercises, also people come who, let's say, have some ordinary overload injuries, for example, a person decided to do some squats, or do some kind of barbell press, his shoulder hurt or his back hurt, and the person does not understand why this happened and what to do in principle so that this does not happen, well, again, a common request, classically aesthetics, to pump up, lose weight, it will always be relevant, here you need to actively participate.
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person, it will not work out that we will give some kind of magic pill, say: here, take it and you will be fine tomorrow, nothing more is needed, people are by nature a little lazy and want it quickly right away, but unfortunately... a little time is needed, and if a good specialist in principle, then he understands these moments his task is to smoothly draw a person into this motor activity or into rehabilitation or even just into some kind of ordinary strength training yes, that's why gradualness , continuity, smoothness are important here and these principles are universal, regardless of whether it is rehabilitation or just some kind of ordinary strength training training with a request to walk or pump up the profession of a trainer it consists in the fact that in addition to the fact that we must...
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to constantly learn, some topics more, to reveal more deeply into this to delve into, in order for it to be more professional and more effective , they arrange work with doctors, where they do their work and directly the trainer, who , for example, leads knowledge, skills, physical rehabilitation, does his job in order to keep himself in shape, i, as a rule. rest, that is, the same recommendations, as for absolutely any person or my client, if i try to do strength training at least two or three times a week, regularly, on a regular basis, strength training is usually built from the fact that i first do some mobilization exercises, stretching
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for the hip joint, for the thoracic region, this is what people usually lack, where they are clamped and where they lack mobility in most cases, then comes the strength training block. strength exercises, where i do strength exercises for target and the main large muscle groups, at the end a little bit on the abdominal muscles, on the core muscles and at the end i always do some kind of aerobic exercise, that is , some low-intensity cardio, now i will show several exercise options that in principle should suit any person, and they will be a little general, general in that the majority of the population of people will have problems with the hip joint always being clamped, the thoracic spine, so these exercises will be aimed at... we get into a lunge on the knee, feet at width pelvis, our task is to move the pelvis forward with a straight back, that is, a straight body, not like this, from the pelvis we move forward and return, the exercise is aimed at mobilizing the hip joint, with the leg that
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is on the knee, the next exercise will also mobilize the hip joint, the task of this exercise is to increase... rotation of the hip, that is, rotation of one second hip joint, the position is called z, because the letter looks like the letter z. we put the arms back, our task is to change hips in places, without lifting the foot, touching with the knee, here internal, there external, then we alternate, change, here again external, here internal. the next exercise is to mobilize the thoracic spine in extension, for this we will need a bench or any object that will be slightly above parallel, we place our hands on the palms, arms straight, legs at the width of the pelvis, on all fours, the task is to fall into the chest down
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and push out. what meaning do modern painters put into their works? and in order for all this to be not in vain, so that it helps people to pray, so that it helps to repent, to go to church. how is teaching in sunday schools today? one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one lesson.
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roman, and vanifatiy is a patron helper of such a sin, which many, many people encounter, this is a sin. wine drinking this particle of relics, which came to us just from greece. answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects, on the belarus 24 tv channel . i myself was born in the brest region, district. the village of rechitsa, i was born, in fact, in an ordinary family, i had a complete family, and
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my father was a military man, my mother was a commodity expert, that is, a salesperson by education due to her occupation, i have a younger brother, there were no computers, we spent more time outside, uh, there was more connection, it seems to me, with nature, so we did not know what it was like to sit for a long time, like most people at laptops and game consoles, so we spent more time again, outside, uh, since childhood i always, probably, liked it - something active, rather than sitting, i was generally quite restless, i may have even been harmful to some extent, and i needed to do something, with sports, with physical education, i guess, i was always good at it, it was more in my soul, - in my school years it was my favorite subject, so i understood that i was good at it, uh, i never thought that in principle it would somehow connect me in the future, that i would be doing it in principle. i graduated from this as a type of activity , actually as an instructor physical therapy methodologist, i also didn’t think that
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i would need it at all, i would do it, it all happened, probably at that moment, when my brother came to visit me, i had such a period in my life when in fact i somehow didn’t find my calling, i didn’t know that i was interested in what i would like to do, and he simply suggested to me, in fact, highlighted, probably such an obvious moment, he says: listen, you’ve been in sports for half your life, you go to the gym and do it. i trained my brother in the army the company commander, i was a water scanner, plus you always trained some of your friends who trained with you, why don't you want to try, you also have an education, why don't you want to try training people, i see a lot of sense in the fact that people like it, they see sense in it for themselves in terms of doing physical education, my parents were a little wary about this when i said that i wanted to do this, most likely they were just worried that maybe there would be... some failures, this would upset me, i guess, i think they believed, most likely, that it would work out after all, now they are convinced
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that i have succeeded, in principle everything is going well for me, everything is working out, do i consider myself a goal-oriented person, yes, because in my work i also set some of my own small sub-goals, i always achieved them, i clearly knew what i wanted to achieve, it was a matter of time, but nevertheless i understood that i wanted to get from point a to point b, and i always came to this point. and i always try to set some such goals, to which i want to go, if i don’t see that i ’m going to something or moving or growing, i lose enthusiasm and passion in general, like some kind of career movement, so it’s important for me that i’m moving somewhere, when a person comes to me, usually this is always the first thing i do, it’s some kind of consultation, testing, that is, in order to... understand what needs to be worked on, in principle , to communicate with the person, he will tell you what his problem is, this is also important, that is, this
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is part of the initial survey, yes, then i i conduct tests, some kind of small diagnostics in order to better understand what are the limitations of the range of motion, where some movement falls out, where there is discomfort, what are the weak capabilities , lack of mobility, perhaps not enough strength, and after that there is already an understanding of how exactly for this particular person with all this on... a set of his some individual functional features to build a training process in such a way as to help the person, as a rule, training or physical rehabilitation classes are built it is not particularly different from classical strength training in terms of the fact that there are the same periods where there is a conditional warm-up, let's call it that, there is a main part and there is a cool-down, in the warm-up, for example, we usually do, i do exercises that will usually be aimed at mobility, at mobilization, perhaps some exercises from... in the main part we directly do strength exercises and
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from the same, even in principle, classical strength training or fitness, in fact, in principle, this is even like one of the main means of rehabilitation in fact physical exercises they will not be too different from how people think that rehabilitation is some kind of magical exercises with boss, and there is something very, very strange there, in fact these are the same exercises, the question is that we still exercise on exercises with... we look not from the point of view that conditionally we want, well, like, probably pump up, yes, we are trying to solve some problem with the exercise, what we want to change with this exercise in terms of a specific request of a person, right? for example, from a person, the anterior cruciate ligament was torn, yes, you have to understand that, let's say, there is an element of instability there, the joint is unstable, so you have to understand how to make it stable, what exercises will we use to make it stable, when we start to approach it like this, we start to approach this request more purposefully and more professionally, training is not only about exercises, training is actually -
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even some kind of psychological relief from training, because any training in that to one degree or another... it's tiring, you want to take a break from it, so we always look at any task, not only from the point of view of exercise, but in general multidimensionally from different factors, there are simply different ways to approach teaching a person to eat right, who has a more mathematically precise mindset, they like to count, then in principle an application would be great for them, where you can simply write down for a person kbzhu, yes, that is, calories by proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and the person writes down very well, he likes and likes... it structure, he likes to watch it, he likes to track it, it's for those who like it, but most people are not all like that, so they like it a little simpler, to make it easier and not to bother, if you don't bother, then in principle there is such a standard recommendation, the so-called principle of a healthy plate, where we divide the plate into several parts and explain that this is how much fat there should be, so many carbohydrates, so much protein, because many people are just working out, they think that
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this is enough, all that's left is to lie on it for a while couch, that is, well, like, basically, i go to the gym twice a week, like i move, that's it. the rest of the time, like, a person sits on the couch and does nothing else, so good recommendations in terms of everyday activity are just to walk continuously for at least half an hour a day, well, for example, you chose some distant store, i say this to mine by the way, like , use it for business, you choose a distant store and just walk there incorrectly without stopping, like, low-intensity cardio load will be positive affect, firstly, the expenditure of calories and for the cardiovascular system, by the way, this is a very good, cool, universal remedy for chronic pain, for example, in the back, research shows that just regular - at least half an hour of walking every day will be great for preventing back pain, one wonderful moment i was at work and they called me, would you like to try to act in
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a program as an expert, it's great to be healthy, i decided that i should try, i realized that i can due to this, to broadcast more. my knowledge, help to people who watch this program in principle, i see the point in the fact that this is a good thing, my specificity is that i am there as an expert, invited as an instructor of a methodologist in exercise therapy, and as a rule we analyze a cluster of questions related to the fact that a person, for example, has an injury to the glenoid joint or knee or any other part of the body, or there is pain somewhere, or correction of posture, and the person does not understand what he ... can do and i act as an expert who shows with the help of physical exercises, how you can help yourself greatly, as a person, in particular, involve yourself in physical activity, for me this is first of all some kind of experience and growth in being able to give in to yourself, speak confidently, convey information, be understandable and clear, not be afraid of the camera, in general i have always had a fear, in fact,
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since school i hated going out in front of the whole class to recite poems, like i was always super, i was wildly worried about this in fact, the first couple of minutes always a little bit exciting, as if you need to talk a little, relax a little, understand that you are being filmed, in any case, for me it is a positive experience, it consists in the fact that i see the meaning of, uh, broadcasting more information to the masses, helping people - with one problem or another, i see positive responses both from my clients, and in principle from people who come to the program, which i basically show exercises, i think it's cool, this is cool, this is awesome and... and i definitely see for myself, this makes a lot of sense in order to help people, it is always important to support a person at all stages, it is important to be able to competently build a training process,
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specifically for a person, and i think that in fact, not too much... time is needed in order to see some changes, when a person sees a result, or some intermediate changes, results, intermediate but not the final goal yet, then as a rule this motivates a person, he sees that he is changing, he sees that it is not in vain, a person he feels that it is easier for him to climb steps, it is easier for him to bend over, he can, for example, a girl, can lift a child from the floor and at the same time his back does not hurt, that is, this is such a large cluster of moments where a person understands that he is not limited in some activities. when i see that a person is changing and he gets what he would like, that is, seeing some kind of result, it greatly inspires me, inspires me, i believe that in principle the whole training process and love for the training process are built on this coaching work itself, that's what it consists of, at least i, let's say , went into this profession not because i wanted to earn some money there, there was some profitable niche in this. initially, i think, many
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years ago it was always like this with us, that in most cases people go into working with people because they want to help people, now the market is changing a little, everyone promises successful success, everyone wants, of course, not without this , to live well, to earn money, but it seems to me that this is not the case.
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to achieve success, i believe that a person must have such skills as determination, persistence, the ability to build communication, no matter how successful a man is, i believe that there is always some strong or important woman in his life behind a man, for example, this is my wife, because she is always support, she is always a support, she is always a psychologist, she will always give the right advice, it will always be possible to discuss some plans, it is always... to be sincere, in addition to my professional activities, i am also a semenin,
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that is, i have a wife, her name is alina, we met on social networks, we corresponded, then we went to each other, i was in brest, she was in minsk, then we decided that we needed to get closer somehow, i moved to minsk, our meeting was interesting because i immediately realized that it was probably love at first sight. there was a funny incident when we first met, we sat down together and ate ice cream and it was like we felt like we were getting closer, we really felt like we were getting closer, it was like are drawn to each other, it was so unusual, for the first time in my life i realized that it was probably not just like that, after some time, when we met, we decided that we needed to get married, and so we became a family, it is always important to me when i return home that i always have support at home, they will always meet me, they will always ask how things are, how the work day went, it seems to me that it is important for a man, no matter what he does, no matter what work he does, there should always be support, it seems to me that in couples, it is important that they have common values, they
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look at things in the world with some slightly similar eyes, there may be some disagreements, but one way or another some basic, well family values ​​always remain the same for people, in denis i value qualities such as care, understanding, support, that is, it should be, especially in the family, that we talk and solve some issues and problems, precisely by communicating and talking, and not revealing somewhere inside ourselves. it is important here, it seems to me, that we always we communicate, we talk, this is what i think many people lack, if they say that we can’t find a common language, we always find it difficult to find a compromise, it seems to me that most people simply don’t communicate with each other. there must be support both from my side and from my husband’s side, so that love is felt not in words, but in actions,
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in care, support, respect, always, so that people can find some kind of compromise, it is always needed, because you can always rely on your own and say, no, i’m like this i want to, but i, but i don’t want to, we need to look for some kind of compromise options so that both options are acceptable for two. people in our free time and until dry we usually spend together, i think that on the other hand there is nothing wrong when absolutely we can meet each with our friends, and alina with her girlfriends, i, for example , can see friends, but in most cases we are always together, rest, which we probably like and we really feel that we are resting there, this is probably some kind of format in nature, we love rent some houses or estates, we literally rented a similar option this week for 2 days, a lake, in
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simple things, in fact, i think there is happiness, it's just a question of being able to see them in time, we like living in belarus, we like the surrounding nature here, our birches seem to me to be always more native than some palm trees, although palm trees are also good, but still, the native land is still closer, it always pulls you to return to it, eh, from such that we like belarus, probably, we really do not indifferent city verest, i was there in principle
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, maybe not the first time, but nevertheless it is a question of patience and determination and desire, from such that i would like or dream, it is difficult to say, well, probably, i want my own house somewhere in cool nature, there is a lake, a forest, so this could be a dacha, i don’t know, well, my own house, it seems to me, this is generally a cool thing, i would like to have my own house, or again i say a dacha, do we feel happy, yes,
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of course, it is so, because... you are supported, a calm sky above your head, here is the comfort of home, so i think, in such simple, some mundane things is the meaning of life, happiness, so it seems to me, these things.
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we have forgotten how to enjoy the little things. to be surprised, to feel the connection of times of generations, just to notice. but every day is made up of traditions. today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was
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once new. we. without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through generations. this is in our smile. hand waves. in such a familiar look, from simple happy moments, real traditions are formed. we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present. belarus 24.
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the harvesting campaign in belarus is at the finish line karavai 2024, taking into account rapeseed, already weighs 7.129 thousand tons. the mass harvest of grain and leguminous crops. brest region has completed, with 1.313 thousand tons collected from almost 98% of the area, the leader in threshing is minsk region, with 1.612 thousand tons of grain on its account, the leader in yield is grodno region, here with hectares harvest over 48 centners, the highest harvest rates today in the mogilev region. 1.56.000 tons of rabs have been threshed across the country. its harvesting has already been completed. today, the savmin introduced a new deputy. prime minister, we recall, viktor karankevich, the former minister of energy, has been appointed to this position, he went from an ordinary economist to the head of the department, which he headed for about 6 years, in the government viktor karankevich will oversee industrial issues, among the primary tasks,
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the new vice-premier calls import substitution, investment projects and quality. belarusian products must be in demand on the domestic market outside the country. this is a high position, this is a huge trust. great responsibility, so i am already here in the workplace in the morning in order to quickly get up to speed on all issues related to the activities of the supervised industries. the main task is the further implementation of investment projects, modernization of the main production assets, these are issues of import substitution, just the implementation investment projects, is aimed especially at industry, this is the first task that stands, in relation to this area of ​​activity, this is the introduction of modern equipment, increasing the efficiency of enterprises. viktor karankevich came to the place of petr parkhomchik, who, according to the decision of the president, was sent to the brest
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region as the chairman of the regional executive committee. roman golovchenko thanked him for his work. parkhomchik worked as vice-premier for two difficult years. he had to cope with the pressure of sanctions, completely restructure the work of enterprises and entire sectors of the economy. intensify work with our strategic partners, according to the prime minister, his former deputy has proven himself worthy, and suggested that this did not go unnoticed by the country's president. the belarusian delegation is taking part in the international military-technical forum army 2024, it is dedicated to the latest developments in the military-industrial complex. participants are 120 companies. in total , official military representatives of 83 countries will visit kubinka near moscow, and as noted. at the opening of the minister of defense of belarus, the country's participation in the event is an indicator of our readiness to further expand cooperation with all interested states based on mutual respect and each other's interests. the weapons presented at the exhibition and the opening
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of the forum, the minister of defense of belarus met with his russian counterpart. viktor khrenin and andrei belousov discussed the current military and political situation. the cardiology center in grodno is implementing a project that has no analogues in belarus. the construction of its new the construction of the building provides for the expansion of the diagnostic base in the direction of early, complex, difficult in the primary assessment of cardiopathology processes, ct, mri and angiographic buildings will be installed here, and medical care will be organized according to the principle of an intensive admission room, where there will be three intensive care beds. all this will allow providing patients with cardiovascular diseases with qualified medical care from the threshold of the medical institution. eight student teams, including two russian ones. are taking part in the reconstruction patriotic center based on the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress. joint efforts of the union youth carried out work on laying paving slabs, installing curbs, waterproofing work, laying insulating and rubberized material on
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the exercise area and running tracks. it is planned that the first stage of the republican center for patriotic education of youth will be completed in november 2024. another 180 student brigades of belarusians and russians are actively working on the basis of the mas as part of the republican labor project avtozavodets. in the third labor semester , seven labor projects are being successfully implemented throughout the country. another seven received the status of regional, minsk city youth construction. for the first half of the year.


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