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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 15, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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i perform the duties of a medical assistant laboratory technician, i really like it so far, i have a very good team, i have a wonderful manager, also wonderful doctors, to whom i can turn, ask any question, they will gladly help me and answer it. we really like our work, the main advantage is our team, because belar navigation is basically one big family, i will be a dispatcher of the planning department, the main task of the planning department is to process applications for the use of air space and issuing permits. in their organizations, young personnel also have the opportunity to improve their qualifications and category, undergo additional training. equal conditions regardless of place of residence. since 2021 , a new system of social standards has been in effect in belarus. implement them in all rural settlements and agro-towns, as per the president's instructions. logistics, high-speed internet, mobile banking services - this is the basic set. do belarusian
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villages meet the new requirements? details in joint project under the control of the president in the evening broadcast. fashion rural life. the village is prestigious again. leaves minsk for a gardening association in the village. and every year this trend, it is increasing. but how to bring agroservice to the city level? if we use an atm to withdraw cash to the city - this is a kind of a deprived matter. then for small settlements this.
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it is necessary to apply more activity to local authorities, just to be closer to people, the comfort of rural life is a right or a privilege, joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch on thursday after the panorama. rapeseed, meadow, flower and more, the first point of sale of polesian honey appeared in the capital, in the department store belarus, the opening took place on holidays. honey rescue, everyone could taste evaluate the product of belarusian apiaries, this is the product of the polesian radiation and ecological reserve. he is a repeated participant in international forums and the holder of diplomas in the field of beekeeping. all this confirms that our products successfully compete abroad. this is the first point of sale in minsk, but this is our first step and we will certainly move towards expanding the representation of our product.
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in retail outlets and networks, in addition, on the territory of the republic together with the network of petrol stations belarus neft, today we already have our first met in the gomel region, it is presented at petrol stations, and both our local residents and guests of our republic, driving along the road, stopping at a petrol station, can also to acquire it. beekeepers on the territory of the reserve increase the volume of honey collection every year. for the first half of the year received. controls an electric scooter of a schoolboy, the state traffic inspectorate conducts lessons of skill on devices for schoolchildren, instructors will tell the rules of movement by means of personal mobility, and young road users will also have practice, the project is already operating in several schools, there are plans to implement it throughout the country to make a separate subject. here we tell basics of traffic rules for those who pass. tests on knowledge of traffic rules
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already on the elements, which are improvisedly placed on the site, practical skills are being worked out. special attention to pedestrians, school and preschool age, let me remind you, you can ride electric scooters and unicycles from the age of 14 only in specially equipped places, the speed should not exceed 25 km / h, for non-compliance with the rules there is a fine. in yekaterinburg today the championship will start russia in athletics. belarus is represented by the strongest athletes on the tracks in the sectors of the local stadium, fans will see oleg tomashevich, elvira groborenko, alena dubetskaya and others. a total of 39 athletes are in our team's application. watch the live broadcast of the first competition day on the belarus 5 tv channel, starting at 14:30. these are the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks. in
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the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch the developments on our air at noon. have a successful day.
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everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is
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news from abroad, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating trips around the country, art companies for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain. portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal
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is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel. and discover belarus. in belarus, sales are moving online. how not to get confused in the online shopping network in our story. internet development. let's hear the author's opinion, let's look into one of the most picturesque corners of belarus, the kamyanets district, how the region is developing, what they are betting on, let's ask the local authorities, this is an area
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of ​​interest, we talk about notable events in the economy, with you veronika buta, hello! in belarus, sales are actively moving online, now there are over 30 thousand online platforms in our country, of which a little more. what has changed, what do belarusians most often buy online? what is the difference between an online store and an online platform? ilona volynets on how not to get confused in the online shopping network. belarusians are increasingly going online shopping. last year , goods worth 5.8 billion rubles were sold online. most often, people buy clothes. cosmetics are in second place. everything is clear here, men will exclaim, it is clear who stocks up on online platforms, that's it.
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in third place among online purchases are auto parts and accessories. electrical appliances and building materials are also in demand, so they also like to make purchases in one click. as of august 1 of this year , 30,279 online stores were registered in the trade register of the republic of belarus. by the beginning of the year, their number had increased. by 367 units or 1.2%. this activity is carried out by more than 19,000 trading entities. more buyers, more sellers. now in there are more than 30,000 online stores registered in belarus, plus almost four hundred in six months. to prevent sellers and buyers from getting confused in the network, and to prevent someone from falling for the bait, the legislation was adjusted. changes to the law on state regulation of trade came into force on july 11. at present , the main change concerns the fact that we have differentiated the concept of an online store and an online platform, now
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an online store will mean a site that belongs to a specific trading entity, only it will be sell goods on this site. the online platform implies that several sellers can operate there. a number of restrictions in the field of distance selling are also being lifted. from now on, there is no ban on the online sale of biologically active additives, household pyrotechnics, medicines. and veterinary drugs. the responsibilities of internet site owners have been slightly expanded; they must notify of suspension, termination of work or changes to the rules for the provision of services no later than 15 days in advance. i would gave our consumers this recipe: if you see the name of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the website, its location, working hours, contacts of the person who accepts claims, yes, it is already clear that this person is not hiding, right? that is, this seller is not hiding, then you can check in the trade register, whether it is registered in
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the trade register, then you understand, as a consumer, with whom you are dealing, you can place orders with such a seller, you can buy goods, order services, and so on. if this information is not available, i would recommend consumers to refrain from shopping on such websites. experts remind buyers and sellers. the law on consumer protection has not been repealed. small quarter of all retail sales on the planet, such a path e-commerce is a stable global trend, today it has passed in just 30 years, the absolute leader of online trade china a few years ago the e-commerce segment in the middle kingdom for the first time in the world exceeded half of the entire retail market, these are trillions of dollars ... high indicators south korea the united states, technology development, mobile application contributes to further
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rapid growth. what path has online trading taken, what else spurs its rapid development in our country abroad, and what do people prefer to buy online on different continents? reality and forecasts from olga onishchenko. i suggest to start. go back to 1994, when one, then still a future american entrepreneur, decided to offer users of the network to order goods sitting at a computer screen, they say that this is how the first online store appeared, and the first the goods put up for sale on the network became books, they are easy to store, transport, they cannot spoil, the logic was such that even if the new idea did not work, the risks were small, who could have thought then in the nineties that this small... online bookstore 25 years later would become a world giant of internet trade, and its
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founder jeff beze the richest man in the world. by the way, the first official online store in our country was also a bookstore. it will appear 5 years after the american pilot in ninety-nine. and today exactly 30 years have passed since the first online purchase. during this time, online trade has gone from $12 in revenue to $6 trillion. it is predicted that by the twenty -seventh year. why is trade going online so quickly? there are as many advantages as you like, if you think about it, perhaps we are all online shepaholics to varying degrees of dependence and we know that it is simple, fast, comfortable and profitable. large digital platforms, they are called marketplaces, offer us not only a huge assortment. they give us the opportunity to compare prices, delivery terms, see photos. reviews and so on plus a large number of pick-up points, went to a neighboring
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house after work and picked up your purchase. many chinese resources today generally offer to try on the thing you like virtually in one or two. today it works everywhere. after all, we always thought before how to buy glasses, a coat or a bag without physically trying it on, for example, the color, model or size may not suit, then the phone screen pointed itself and you see how you are wearing a suit si. well, or glasses in my case. there are even ratings of why people prefer online goods, so among the main reasons are free delivery, promotions, discounts, the ability to read reviews, and also simplicity. return and speed of ordering. experts assure that those who have tried all this, online trade will not leave the vastness. in addition, it is profitable for business. internet platforms expand the geography of deliveries, eliminate issues with the delivery of goods, their storage, packaging, allow you to save significantly on services for the creation, introduction of sites, etc. further. one way or another, according to some estimates,
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the total number of websites in the e-commerce sphere is approaching 28 million. and the number of users who buy something online reaches 2.7 billion people, which is almost a third of the world's population. a few more indicative figures: a third of buyers order anything online at least once a week, on average they buy more than four items at a time, and 2/3 of online purchases are made using a mobile phone. the most popular goods are electronics, food products, and fashion products, but these are average world data, the belarusian top online shopping according to. according to belstat data looks like this: 30% is clothing, 13% is cosmetics and perfumes, less than ten are spare parts, car accessories, and then decreasing electrical appliances and building materials. and in general, the share of online trade in our country is slightly higher than 8%. today, it is provided by slightly more than 30,000 online stores. an important point is
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that everything goes smoothly with shopping, the legislator, understanding the increasing weight online shopping, regulates. and unreliable information on the site immediately how many inconveniences or requests from stores to pay extra for an order already made. the internet platform is a story not only about speed and comfort, but also responsibility, so that online shopping is a joy for everyone, both sellers and us buyers. now we will break off for a short advertisement, then about regional development we will look into one of the most picturesque corners of belarus. district, stay with us. this is an area of ​​​​interest, we continue, now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. let's tell you how the exchange rates have changed. the russian ruble has risen in price. the dollar and the yuan have fallen a little. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 21 kopecks. the euro is now
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3.54 at the national bank rate. they are asking 4.51 for 10 yuan. 100 russian rubles. kamenets district is an advanced agriculture, famous throughout the country attractions, perhaps the most recognizable brands, belovezhskaya pushcha, and of course, zubr. the region has repeatedly been included on the republican scoreboard, including for the achievements of the past year. does it retain the pace of the district this year, how much housing costs there and whether the townspeople are ready to exchange comfort for rural landscapes, we asked the deputy chairman of the kamenets district executive committee. and how is the economic development of your region? well , i would like to note, first of all, the kamenets district is to a large extent an agricultural district, that is, it is a fairly high level of agricultural development , repeatedly, if we boast, we receive, so to speak, quite significant awards in terms of achievements in
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agriculture and in harvests, a large region, well, in the population is not the largest, of course. the region has only 3,100 people, but nevertheless it is one of the westernmost regions, this leaves its mark after all, because the proximity of the border with the republic of poland, our strong point is the belovezhskaya pushcha, the national park, of course, this is, well, let's say, a magnet for tourists, if we talk about numbers, on average it is about a billion rubles in annual revenue for the official sector of the economy, this is about 200. dollars in exports of goods, but this is so as to estimate some scale, a record for agricultural harvests - this is about 150,000 tons of grain per year on average. probably, the indicators can set wages, yes, that, in july of this year it amounted to an average of more than 2.0 rubles per month and this is basically the fourth fifth place among
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the districts and cities of the bress region. how willingly do they go today from large cities to the countryside, what? as for the issues of construction, development, well, to be honest, that contingent of people come here from large cities, they come, i will say right away, they definitely come, especially to the countryside, but we must take into account the specifics of the komenets district, this is the beloevskaya pushcha national park, everyone wants to touch nature, therefore all populated rural settlements, starting from such fairly lively villages and ending with farms, the purchase of these old village houses for summer cottages, for temporary residence, is quite in demand , breschans come, they come from minsk, a lot from the russian federation. they buy houses, some even go so far as to demolish them and build themselves solid individual residential we sell houses, so to speak, in a modern style.


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