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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 15, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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that's all great, and now we take a brush and carefully draw, try, and finished, i think, a sieve, look, get well soon, signora natalia, tell me please, these are ours... or now look at
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the crow, they will also want to make something so beautiful for themselves at home, this can be done, what is needed, the simplest piece of fabric, you can buy ordinary fabric paint in the store, but in general, in principle, they used to cook paint based on wood glue, or oil paint, they painted on anything, blanket, bedspread, oilcloth, everything that was at hand, i think that today was a wonderful day. despite the fact that i touched today alone, well and you together with you too, i learned a lot about this city, which for me was - at first incomprehensible, starting with the name, and also that yakuva golosy for me is no longer just a square on which you can walk in minsk, these are great writers, and which for me it was an honor to visit exactly those places where he lived, and of course, i already know what i will do in the evenings. if, of course, it worked out
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beautiful, very, everything is ahead, see you next week, bye. we were glad to see the fractions, we are happy, we feel the connection of the hour and the heat, just respect, the skin day is formed from tradition, sunny, year or year old, everything that was considered old... was so new , we ourselves
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do not respect this, we pass on the knowledge and the experience is immediately intense, our smile, the wave of our hands, and such a familiar pose from simple, happy moments is formed.
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watch on the belarus24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts are especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries. finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia , estonia. set up. satellite dish
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express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in open form and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus 24 and discover belarus. prosecutor general's office of the republic of belarus. criminal case on the fact of genocide of the population of belarus during the great patriotic war and the post-war period. from
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the testimony of a resident of minsk. on the day the fascists appeared. the germans drove me, my mother, sister, all the neighbors into a barn located on orlovskaya street in minsk, and announced that if at least one shot was fired or a german died within 24 hours, the barn would be set on fire along with everyone residents. there were a huge number of people. everyone was standing on their feet, it was impossible to sit down, due to the lack of space. we stood there all night and until lunch the next day, when they let us out. not a single shot was fired. i remember the occupation very well. the germans immediately made no advances, as they said, with
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the population. immediately searches, arrests, detentions, they identified who, communists, workers, activists of the soviet government. but they did not stand on ceremony with anyone, regardless of age, they did not spare anyone, neither women nor children, they killed just like that, for the purpose of reduction of excess population, according to the manuals developed by the fascists. things already, when minsk was occupied, a fascist killed a child in front of my eyes, they were doing a search, and the child was crying, the mother gives him her breast, so that he gets milk, and this gives, it is transmitted to him, and this german tells her, shut
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his mouth, once or twice, well, he tries somehow, then he had a parabel, he threw him up, caught him by the barrel and with the handle, it seemed, touched the head. girls on the mother's chest, i remember, black blood is flowing, killed. these, like many others eyewitness accounts once again remind us that the nazis in the occupied belarusian territory scrupulously carried out the orders of their command in relation to the civilian population, in them, increasingly sophisticated methods of killing. in the twenties of september 1941
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, ss oberführer, the head of einsatz group b arthur nebe was expected at the residence of wilhelm kube. he was urgently summoned to the gautleiter. the conversation was going to be serious. the data on the use of gas in the psychiatric hospital in novinki was disappointing. the execution of himmler's order, given during his visit to minsk in august, cannot be considered fulfilled. nebe tried to prove the opposite. this is only the first experiment. at the same time, ober führer recalled that back in 1940, before the invasion operation began, he proposed to carry out euthanasia actions using carbon monoxide. this method was tested in the new products.
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testimony of witness akimova, to doctors of the minsk psychiatric hospital. it was september 18, 1941. an ss police officer, accompanied by a chemist, ordered doctor kitoevich to prepare about 20 patients for the subject of testing the action of some gas. the patients were ordered to be brought into the bathhouse, near which.
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specialist. the first experience of extermination by gas in the occupied belarusian territory was used in the psychiatric hospital in novinki. subsequently, gas installations, mobile, stationary, created on the basis of new developments of german specialists, will appear in the concentration camps of the ghetto. the car, the black raven was called, they put people, supposedly for interrogation, the whole family and children, everyone, went, the exhaust pipe did not go past, but went here through this camera, yes, while they were driving, they weren’t transporting it for any good, nothing, it’s carbon monoxide, it’s a corpse, they’re taking it to a storage place, they threw it out. history has preserved the terrible evidence of mass executions
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that were carried out from the very beginning of the fascist invasion of the republic’s territory, but i know that the nilki poured, those who managed to get off, those who couldn’t were killed, they only saw smoke, well, and they said that this, dobrenevo, this is also on september 22, 1941, in the small
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belarusian town of kletsk, they heard shots. for the residents, this meant one thing: a raid, and the fascists were about to break into houses, rob, and kill. people tried to somehow protect themselves, hide their children where possible. but it didn’t save anything. emil goltz, ober efreitor, and his thugs were already breaking down the door. having broken into the house, the fascists committed reprisals. they spared no one. adults were shot point-blank with a rifle, children
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were stabbed with a bayonet. emil goltz, ober efreitor, after the bloody massacre, made an entry in his diary, where he cynically noted, some used a pistol, some a rifle, and some a bayonet. i prefer to use a pistol. during the preliminary investigation, dozens of previously unknown sites of mass destruction of burials were established.
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from the testimony of cherny vasily famyach in the uruchye region i met an eyewitness, he began to tell me the following story: early in the morning my mother woke us up, she said: let's go, children, let's collect something for the winter, it was a hungry time, there was a war, well, she said, let's go back, somewhere there, we heard a hall, some screams, gomans, mom us... gift of all, how long we lay there, he says, we don't remember the time, one volley ended, cars drove up, more volleys, more shots, more noise, more screams, on this fact the prosecutor general's office of the republic conducted an examination of the alleged place of execution of civilians, during the excavations the picture was
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terrible, skulls were broken. jaws were broken, this says that the murder took place here to save ammunition, that is, they even felt sorry for the ammunition, so on these people, they just killed, threw into a pit, half-dead, buried them right there, from the material: general prosecutor's office, ivanovshchina tract. ivanovshchina tract on the site of mass shooting of residents of the lagoysky district, a previously unknown burial was discovered.
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according to experts, the age of the dead ranges from 4 to 70. the grandmother remembered the tragedy that occurred on may 3 very well, she always remembered and told about it with slime in her eyes, she saw the bodies of her parents in ... in a common pit they were in undershirts, grandmother told that literally on every section of this territory someone was buried somewhere, then throughout the war, detainees were brought here, civilians were simply shot here, the outskirts of minsk from
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the first days of the occupation of the belarusian capital were turned into one... huge burial ground. on belarusian territory, the fascists worked out all the methods of extermination of the civilian population, from individual shootings to mass executions. by the end of forty-first year , the nazis had already created a clear system of extermination of people, concentration camps. ghetto - punitive operations, which in their cruelty towards the civilian population and scale, subsequently shocked the world.
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konstantin konstantinov rokossovsky, the legendary marshal and twice hero of the soviet union, made an immeasurable. contribution to the victory of the soviet army over the fascist occupiers. from august 1941 to july forty-second, rakossovsky was at the head of the sixteenth
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army, then commanded the bryansk, don, central, first and second belorussian fronts. he took part in the smolensk, moscow, stalingrad and kursk battles. in the grand operation. bagrotion, rokosovsky's first belarusian front, defeated field marshal von busch's army group center, together with general chernyakhovsky's troops, surrounded up to 30 enemy divisions in the minsk cauldron. for outstanding service during the belarusian offensive operation, rakosovsky was awarded the title of marshal of the soviet union. at the final stage. on june 24, 1945
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, marshal rakosovsky commanded the victory parade on moscow's red square. slavgorod is located in a beautiful place, the confluence of two rivers, pronya and sosh. here there is an ancient settlement, castle hill and a magnificent landscape park. well, i feel quite comfortable on this trirodnya. don't be afraid, when you go out, you won't be cold. oh, oh! and oh, oh, i can't feel my legs, i just, i'm already worried, to be honest, oh, it's already starting, wait,
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how cool, right, you're ready, i, of course, so what, how are you, how cool, i want to do it again. travel with the belarus 24 tv channel. we will introduce you to the people of our country. artist of the grodno regional puppet theater, honored collective of the republic of belarus, leading master of the stage. i was very pleased, of course, that such a fairly short period, i was so, well, and received medals for one title and the second, here they have many interesting stories behind them, i take a trap or a fork, i will attach a bow to it.
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what to stand over a cancer, like a golden bird, what lives in the wild, let me love you, let
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me love you for the song that i hear, for the silver loud laughter, what a pure ringing, for clear eyes, for a young soul, let me love you. let me love you for the bright hours that you give me a lot of experiences, for the most intense, dear daughter-in-law, let me love you. broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 working in the capital region, daria tarasava is with you, kind.


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