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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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when you leave the army, then let 's work together with projects from the past. on the belarus 244 tv channel
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. a high-profile scam at the end of the 2000s, motorists in belarus are increasingly faced with the so-called polenka, low-quality gasoline. the problem concerns not only owners of private cars, counterfeit goods are seeping into belarusian enterprises and organizations. such cases, conditionally hotbeds, lesions during the pandemic, flare up in every region of the country. motorists complain about sellers of counterfeit fuel, even among themselves make a rating of honest and dishonest petrol stations. sometimes it copes, as they say, at its own risk. a problem on such a scale, of course, does not escape the attention of government agencies,
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the state control committee of belarus, the main controlling body in the country, gets involved in the problem. fuel samples were taken at hundreds of petrol stations. country, specialists stopped petrol tankers and checked documents. the main thing in this work was not so much to erase the point of sale of surrogate from the map of the country, as to find out the supply channels through which it settled on belarusian gas stations. basically, it happened like this: dishonest businessmen bought cheap straight-run gasoline with an octane rating of up to 67 in russia. they are prohibited from selling at gas stations. then fuel bootleggers poured in generous portions of cheap. additive, which
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further increased the octane rating. in this way, they got ninety-second or ninety-fifth gasoline. belarusian private firms bought the diluted material cheaply from intermediaries, sold it wholesale or retail, and bypassing taxes earned millions or even billions of then still non-denominated rubles. the reaction was not long in coming, a large-scale wave of inspections revealed violations in almost all the inspected organizations that had the right to trade in local products. and such a license. as it turned out, more than 500 companies received it, while many of them had nothing to their name except rented offices and office equipment. the opinion was formed that whoever wanted, got these licenses. delcii moga business, turned the turnover of petroleum products into a long chain of resales, commission agreements, loans, breaking off, as as a rule, on false structures. according to the results of the audit, 63 criminal cases were initiated,
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about 100 officials were brought to administrative responsibility. tough measures against those who worked dishonestly allowed to cleanse. the market from unscrupulous participants stopped the flow of consumer complaints. the high-profile case of the shadow market of petroleum products became one of many, where the state control committee was engaged in restoring order and protecting the interests of the state. the history of the control agency already counts 105 years. its countdown began in 1919, when the commissariat of state control was created in soviet belarus, during this time control has gone from party-state to people's, but its essence remained unchanged, to prevent and suppress attempts at any deception of the state. after the collapse of the soviet union, control bodies were abolished. in 1992, their function
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was taken over by the control chamber. the beginning of the modern stage of state control was laid on august 2, 1900.
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industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy of belarus, knowledgeable leaders see in it a huge potential for replenishing the budget, while others find personal gain. this topic is under special control of the head of state. in the early 2000s , various types of crimes began to seep into the industry like an invasive disease: illegal logging and mass theft of forest resources, gray timber trade schemes. the simplest scheme:
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their indulgence. since that time , the head of state control has been responsible for the forestry industry. in order to make timber harvesting more transparent and prevent corruption in 2017, the state control proposes to create a system that would allow tracking the movement of timber at all its stages. foreign experience was taken as a basis. as a result, in 2021, a special program "egais" was launched in belarus, electronic. timber accounting, today the traceability of timber harvesting begins from the very beginning, from the felling area, and today we see what kind of timber, how much, in what volumes, where it was shot, to what intermediate warehouse, when it was shipped, to what transport,
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today, without leaving my office, i can open the system, view any shipment in any forestry enterprise, how much of what kind of timber is in the warehouses, to whom it was sent. the forest has become more, today in the area of ​​forest restoration control. this is the task set by the president, because it is important what kind of forest we leave to future generations. all these years , the focus of the control agency has been on issues that worry people, health care, education, housing and communal services. strict control on the part of the agency has eliminated a number of pain points. for example, significantly reduced. deadlines for major repairs. the situation has changed with long-term construction projects. numerous complaints from citizens about delays in receiving the coveted keys to apartments poured into the department. in 2013, the scale reached a critical point. in all regions , there were over three hundred long-term construction projects.
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having paid for square meters, people waited for years for the construction to be completed. developers began to enter the belarusian construction market, working, as they say. according to the manifest principle: if there is a will, build. the state, without creating unnecessary difficulties, gave the opportunity to prove themselves, counting on the conscientiousness of the performers. as such , there were no requirements for newly-minted developers at that time, they did not... the discontent of the equity holders grew,
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the state control committee took up the solution of the pressing issue, consisting of a special working group, together with specialists from various departments, took control of each unfinished construction. in the most difficult cases, the work on completing the construction was transferred to state contractors by the capital construction department. as a result, to at the beginning of 2014, most long-term construction projects were put into operation. changes were made to the legislation, in particular on the protection of the rights of equity holders, it was decided, firstly, that today the developer can attract funds from citizens only after he has built at least 15% of this object with his own funds, the underground level and the first floor, then a standard form of a shared construction agreement was determined at the legislative level, where the mandatory indication of the price of one
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square meter is indicated. at the initiative of the state control housing bonds were also cancelled. the reason was the high-profile stories of defrauded capital shareholders of houses built by tambas and zhil stroykomplekt companies. in both cases , after the inspection by the state control committee, criminal cases were opened, and the state lent a helping hand to the people, state construction organizations completed the houses. only an organization with experience in this area can undertake housing construction now. at the suggestion of the state control committee , mandatory certification was introduced for all customers, contractors and designers. is your husband at home? in the operational footage, the dfi officers , together with amon's fighters, visit the immodest home of a gomel businessman. the event of this. in the presence of the owner, law enforcement officers will find in the wall what, in the man's opinion, was well
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hidden, a safe with money, where did such a sum come from, this is my mother's sum, such a weighty stash, more than 1 million dollars, the businessman's company's revenue hidden for 2 years, from which he did not pay taxes. the fight against dishonest business has always accompanied history sovereign belarus. about 10 years ago , the so-called... already entrepreneurs became a tangible problem for the economy , they worked, as a rule, in criminal groups, often registered companies to fictitious persons , did not intend to provide certain services, receiving excess profits, unfortunate businessmen, and there were such in almost every sphere, disappeared along with the money, hence another problem arose, tax evasion. a strategically important stage in the formation of the state control committee was 2001, then the department of financial investigations, which specializes in identifying and suppressing... economic crimes. every month , several criminal groups
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of false entrepreneurs were liquidated in the country , their clients, directors of private companies were brought to criminal responsibility, but this did not stop either one or the other. gray business covered almost all spheres of the economy. it became clear that existing methods could not defeat this kind of crime, a new approach had to be found. dfe decides to do the opposite.
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more disciplined, but also more technological, crime is moving into the virtual plane, and this is a trend of recent years. the financial investigation bodies of belarus have been monitoring processes in the cryptocurrency market since 2018, when digital money became very popular all over the world, including in belarus. most of the transactions are legal, but cryptocurrency has become especially popular with criminals, because in their criminal games they bet primarily on the anonymity of transactions. they use it in all areas of crime, from drug trafficking and fraud to bribes and financing terrorism. the dfi says that the anonymity of cryptocurrency is over-exaggerated, and the available technical capabilities make it possible to successfully track criminal transactions and document virtual traces. how exactly this is done
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is classified in the interests of law enforcement, but today the financial police database contains hundreds of criminal cases. including those who are trying to finance activities directed against the interests of the state. recently, financial investigation agencies have stopped the activities of three of the largest illegal crypto exchange services, the turnover of which exceeded hundreds of millions of belarusian rubles. criminal cases were initiated on the specified facts based on the materials of the financial investigation department. more than 130 crimes related to financing were initiated.
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with its appearance in belarus , the development of its own anti-money laundering system , a set of measures aimed at combating money laundering and terrorist financing, begins. special recommendations are mandatory for all countries of the world. our anti-money laundering system, national.
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convenient for business entities , including individuals, who live in belarus and abroad. the department of financial monitoring remains one of the most closed structures in belarus. the task of specialists is to find a gray deal and prevent the legalization of criminal proceeds. although the financial intelligence itself and its employees often remain in the shadows, it is their analytical developments that have become the basis for identifying many high-profile crimes. it is difficult to imagine any industry that would remained without the attention of the controllers, in their focus are practically all spheres of activity, budgetary-financial and social, material production, agro-industrial and natural complexes, housing and communal and forestry, banking,
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use of state property, control is carried out on many important issues. our proposals, then for example, this is the national development fund, for a very long time its income part was formed manually, collected. list of organizations, we raised the issue that it is necessary to determine the list of payers on a systematic basis, it must be said that in the twenty-third year
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the volume of receipts to this fund increased threefold. many belarusians today remember how almost 2 years ago in stores prices suddenly began to rise, they seem to come out of nowhere, and speculators do not hide at all. the situation on the consumer market is discussed at the highest level. the main approaches for...
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inspections showed that the so-called irregular carriers literally chewed up state carriers, working according to their own schedule, drove in front of bona fide minibus drivers and took all passengers. gray schemes were revealed in the work of the taxi company. their managers hid revenue, payment of wages to workers in envelopes was. put on stream according to the proposals of the state control committee, supported by the head of state , a decree on automobile transportation of passengers was developed and adopted,
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which creates a register of irregular carriers, this register will include information about the carriers themselves, as well as about dispatchers, drivers used transport vehicles. in principle, it can already be stated that the activities of the so-called irregulars have been brought to the legal plane, many of ...
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threats, but at the same time not to complicate the lives of enterprises and businesses, keeping under control almost all sectors of the economy and social sphere, state control for 30 years has defended the interests of the country and its citizens, professionally, reliably and objectively.
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when you are in nature, it turns out that the world has turned to darkness, all the loud parties have disappeared and only drank in the wind. the fox's ear, if you woke up and understood what a turkey is. whenever possible, go to nature, to the forest, to the field, to the rivers and lakes, feel the fresh air, breathe in the fresh air, listen.
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the turkey is jumping for the sake of happiness. in harmony with nature. belarus 24. growing a turkey is a long, step-by-step process. it takes about 5 months from a small chick to a large individual. since a turkey is a bird most susceptible to stress, we try to minimize as much as possible all the negative factors that may further affect our bird. show one day of his life.
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rainbow trout is the most. promising species for growing artificial conditions, whatever we do, it is always made from freshly caught fish, this is today the trump card of the lohva, that the fish is environmentally friendly, high-quality and most importantly fresh. each production site is very important, since its work affects the quality of the finished product. today we have shown that what is produced in our country can be uh not only the same in quality, in some moments even surpass it. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. let's give it some heat on belarus 24, seriously? what frying pans are cut with a knife, cool, yes, got to it and are examined under a microscope, like space, honestly, is aluminum safe? are we going
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to try it now? vika, vika, does non-stick coating replace oil? i want to suggest checking your attentiveness, everything about the production of frying pans, how it shines, on belarus 24, this saturday we will organize a master class and tell you how it's done, marketing works well, there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces in the western direction, at the moment only... 10 multinational combat tactical groups have been deployed on the territory of poland and the baltic countries, with a total number of over 11 thousand people. everything was fine, but recently our border guards and military have been intercepting dozens of, so to speak, intelligence assets, especially drones already on our territory. these drones are already transporting hundreds of kilograms, the most modern explosives.
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watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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on air is news, with you is yulia pertsova, good evening, watch in this issue, not only the situation, but also the development of the situation on the border with ukraine.


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