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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 17, 2024 7:35pm-9:00pm MSK

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the temple greets with simplicity, high windows, and a belfry tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine, here in the family estate mikhail oginsky, together with his wife and children, spent, perhaps, the most fruitful years of his life, and today the composer family warmly welcomes guests. bow! and exit to the polonaise, this is a regular walking dance, they go the usual three steps, the fourth step is from a half-squat. and the most interesting historical facts: at that time krichev was surrounded by a fortress, now they only remind of it, perhaps, the name of the ancient settlement - zamkovaya gora, and therefore its full the disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists has been preserved. watch. in the program cities
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of belarus on the belarus24 tv channel. everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news of the country abroad. broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria. switzerland, italy, greece, romania,
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serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello on the belarus 1, belarus 24 tv channels, the editors' club program , let me introduce ours at the very beginning, according to our good tradition
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, russia will be released on sunday, be sure look, and we will show, i think, all the fragments, fragments of the entire interview, it will be on sunday, probably in the afternoon, given the time zones in the russian federation , some information will probably be coming in from lunchtime, but also what was...
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we have also seen this for a long time outside our country, from among, especially our fugitives who left belarus, various kinds of banners are being formed and, as they loudly call regiments, entire corps in order to invade belarus at a certain time. to seize power, to turn the country sleep, we have seen this too and we know, knowing this, we have always prepared for this, to counteract these people, especially through the special services, through the armed forces and above all the army, but before discussing these things, of course, it is necessary to look at the root of everything that is happening, at the basis, at the reason why the world found itself on the brink of the third world war,
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about one thing, the correspondent asks, write the truth, what is the truth, describe what is happening here, and what is happening, genocide, this woman answered, and a dutch newspaper wrote about it, well that was then, then, the news is already this week, the german ministry of defense included in the list of military traditions of germany, wehrmacht officers who were previously members of the sss and the nsdap, what is this, naturally, among them are fascists, pilot eric erich hartmann, who shot down 344 soviet and eight american planes, but they are proud of it, a submariner, submariner erich top, who sank 35 ships, mainly anglo-american, brigadier general heins
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karst, who received the iron cross of the first degree on the eastern front, and another 22 fascists should have been entered into the book of military glory. germany and personally scholz, after the uproar that arose, it seems like they put the brakes on it all, these days we celebrated another anniversary, celebrated, by the way, celebrated, it's good that everything went, as the president said, it had to be invented, if it didn't happen, in the twentieth year, they are still picking them out from under the baseboard, we warned everyone then, pay attention, who is on the streets, bandits.
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good money for this - paid, well, this week with the forceful support of brest the special forces squad storm detained a protester who ran around rallies in 1920, well, in 1924 he was summoned to the investigative committee, he tried to, uh, hide, but he is quite an interesting character, look what they found on this young man's leg, remember the obrezki events, yes, the police were beaten in the first or second row. the man was standing, well , if this is not confirmation that the nazis participated in the attempted coup, then what other confirmation is needed, i threw the bridge, the dutch europe, the germans our days, belarusians, our days, and ukraine,
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the most important thing, everything that is happening these days causes increased interest, this is ukraine, against whom we are fighting, the kurb region, nato troops entered the kursk region, no need. they shout that putin was slapped, putin is an officer, putin, of course, he, i think, worries, people are dying, but these are people who think strategically, and i think that we will see in the near future a great disappointment of ukrainians about what they did, but here is an example, sudzhe got on the internet video where banderites in ss uniform are harassing an elderly man, a russian in uniform. with then information appeared, the ukrainians already wrote, they were harassing him, that ivan, go
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zavodka, that zavodka he never arrived and was killed, relatives say that for 10 days they have practically not been able to find him, here you see this video, we can watch, yes, there is, russian, russian ivan, hey, russian ivan, how's life? how's life, russian ivan, i've been here for 5 days, everyone in life got lost, went the wrong way, the wrong way, you see, ivan, here he is, ivan, dubist, rusishe, schnapst, schnapps, gut.
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"unfortunately, they warned about this, about the fact that the shoots of neo-nazism that were ripening in bandera's caches, were not strangled in soviet times, will give fruitful shoots, because nazism and nationalism are the same tool as any other, like economic strangulation, sanctions, like information, hybrid warfare, which decomposes society from within, and this tool really decomposes post-soviet states, not only post-soviet,
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well, this is not against russians, but against migrants, which we are now seeing in great britain, just mass clashes, because the ideology of nazism itself, we have also discussed this here many times, it is designed precisely for such freaks, scoundrels, people with a flexible psyche, it is very simple: you have an advantage, you have the right to kill, torture, capture, rob other people only on the basis of the fact that you were born with a certain eye shape, skin color or an inner sense of being an orian,
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a superman. the only thing is that these aryans, so-called in quotes, yes, ukrainians, it would be nice for them to remember what their grandfathers or great-grandfathers fought for, if they have just memory, consciousness, brains, who would they have been in the forties in ukraine, i think, at best, ukrainian fertilizer, in ukrainian black soil, or ashes. or that same expendable material, those same banderites who killed their ukrainian people first of all, baber, what is this, listen, well, i gave you, i gave you the example of germany with full support, but this is absolute revanchism, these are absolutely nazis, like once again, this one of these young people, who is in the last video shown, who is ivan vodka and so on and the dubi from trus and shishvaino. says, he is from ivano-frankivsk and i very much doubt that his ancestors fought on the side of our ancestors in
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the great patriotic war, probably this series that you made, it best shows the fullness, clearly shows the fullness of this revanchism, this crawling of the fascist hydra, which is no longer embarrassed by anything, is beginning whitewash, enter into... some books of military glory of perfect military criminals, convicted and tribunal, whom until recently the entire civilized world considered absolute evil and... the fact that they are allowed to do such things, they are armed and financed, and clap their hands and help carry out such nazi raids on peaceful citizens, because this is a war crime by all laws, because killing innocent defenseless people is a war crime, these are precisely the black traditions of the fascists of the 20th century, which are here on
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women, children and old people were killed on our land, buried, burned in villages for no reason at all. eye shape, skin color, skull shape or anything else, it is very scary, but the gratifying thing is that always in history, when the historical swing was swinging towards this revanchism, the fascist hydra, for them it all ended sadly, and we do not see another outcome in this story, returning to the interview given by the president, in such a critical period, when...
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fulfilling the editorial assignment that is prescribed to them, they know how they, what they will cover him with cliches and give him what they want, they want to hear his thoughts, his analysis of the situation , because there are few such people, politicians left in the world, but listen to the forecasts, as we know, the forecasts of our president, they come true in many ways, and not one of their artificial intelligence blackrock can predict the development of events, because it cannot understand the slavic soul and cannot understand what is happening now... many people skip when they see these freaks in helmets on the screen of their tvs or smartphones fascists with a swastika, when they have this cat of the victorious people, the people who lived, this horror of war, this hatred boils up in a great way, what it can lead to, they don’t understand, they don’t understand, but they have such
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historical amnesia, yes, there are journalists, such lightweight empty shells, who come... to sit, to hang out, mainly from the western media, they have seen this too, but there are journalists of the level of yevgeny popov, i am sure that not only all of russia, the russian-speaking world, but also many, many people will watch this interview on sunday, who know how to listen, hear, understand thoughts, in order to hear the thoughts of the head of our state, find some kind of civilized way out of this whole situation, which, as you rightly say, is already approaching the second, minute x according to this. clock, which you know, which counts down the minutes and seconds until the end of the world, and god forbid that this does not happen, everyone who today sponsors, supports fascism, nazism, must remember one thing, history repeats itself, all this will come back to them like a boomerang, take osama binladin supported, received the same americans, which raised, created isis, then
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received from this isis themselves, the same will happen here, europe is already suffering from the fact that it supports the fascist nazi regime, will suffer... americans and all the rest, history cannot go any other way, the story with nord stream proves it. the second point, why did all this happen? immediately after the victory in the great patriotic war of ours, a plan began to be developed to destroy the soviet union. from the great patriotic war war our enemies made one clear, understandable conclusion: it is impossible to defeat russia, the ussr countries by military means, they need to be set against each other, first the country needs to be destroyed from within, they have this largely thanks to...
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why? because it is a wonderful tool that has been used for more than one century. why? the easiest and
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most terrible thing later, well, these are the catastrophic consequences - it is to divide people along national, religious lines. it is extremely difficult to bring this back to normal, so they take it into service, support it, finance it, cultivate it. ultimately, it leads to these events, so there is no good nationalism, patriotism should not be confused with nationalism, here in belarus, patriotism is cultivated, and not unhealthy nationalism. you know, let's clearly say that these shoots of nazism, which essentially grew into fascism, were very abundantly watered by european gardeners, and they did it absolutely consciously. purposefully, and we must understand that the seed of fascism in europe never disappeared anywhere, the elites in
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germany, in other countries, were after the second world war, the same ones who fought with the soviet union, the same people, the same officers, even, yes, occupied the highest positions in international structures, not only national ones. this is one thing: you need to understand that behind any force that has neither morals nor principles, and fascism is one of them, there is one thing, one human threshold, it is greed, all this is done in order to get rich, and we remember very well whose money hitler came to power in the thirties in germany, it was uncle sam's money, today the scheme is the same, that's why...
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which appear on the territory of any country, this is the kind of weapon that all these radical organizations take out when it is necessary to take some radical measures, when only force is effective, you said everything correctly, when the army was being formed in the gdr, when they were allowed to form an armed army, then those people who fought in the fascist troops, they became the leaders of these troops, that's what you said about...
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in any country that they are trying to destabilize, post-soviet country, if you come, if you walk the streets and talk to people, i say this calmly, because i just returned from such a country, talk to people, talk to taxi drivers there, to ordinary people, then you will understand how much they warm up and prepare society for some turning points that are facing them , they cultivate this and bring it up, and the worst thing is that society accepts it, accepts it, perceives it like a sponge, because there is no... counter-propaganda, yes, because there you won't hear or see from tv screens what we are doing now, conditionally, because everything is bought up at the root, right, you understand, society is very
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tolerant of this, they are calm. which would be able to stop the growth of neo-nazi, nazi, fascist sentiments, because the first bastion in history, which became against nazism, against fascism, were the left communist, social democratic forces, look at what the left, conditionally, has turned into in the modern european union, well, in the german in parliament one courageous person and that woman, sarah wagenknecht, who spoke
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said that...
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additional irritation in that he represents not only, let's say, a small, successfully developing european country, but shows that this small european country can have an alternative position that is understandable to people and that carries, continues to carry, internationalism, and humanism, and social justice, so today we are recording a program, today my memories came flooding back, this is august 16, rally, the rally was yes the president. the president, it was such a historical key event, in my opinion, in august, i am proud that i also spoke at this rally, so remembering all these events, here is what really happened, this was a bet on the division of the country, on the outbreak of a civil war, and today, well, you can already tell people this, i think everyone understands, today already in 24, that we would have the same nazis, the same fascists walking the streets, the monuments would have been torn down long ago, this proves
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the program that published this is radical, what a position, the fifth column, literally a month later all this surfaced, again everything is the same, everything is like in ukraine, language, russia is the enemy, we must fight for sovereignty, and this fight for sovereignty would end with us losing independence, like ukraine, it does not exist, the most terrible thing for me today in ukraine is that since 1991 they have been shouting, shouting for years, independence is ours, independence is ours, everything, they lost it, the second point:
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among those detained were more than 300 football players ultras with neo-nazi views, and i remember my streams on my russian colleagues, they asked me where in belarus, in modern belarus we managed to find these 300 in a month, minsk dynamo, now our gubopik was doing this, yes oleg sergeyevich knows better, at the root, remember these corrupt sports pseudo-publication, everything came out that puts pressure on fans, what fans, now fans.
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here it is democracy they wanted our belarusians then in front of these scum with swasikas forced them under threat of execution to kneel killed those who on knees did not rise, therefore football fans harshly, by the way, it was the president who gave the order at the time, i worked in the ministry of internal affairs, so that they would strictly restore order, because fights began, there were even some murders somewhere, they were all registered, no one stood on ceremony with them, i remember opening these so -called media, i am a police officer and there was an article: poor fans.
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thanks to these publications already at that period when everything had calmed down, our people understood, probably, the main thing is that in this revolution of cultural youth, who in socks on bench, with bright faces, for everything good, against everything bad with flowers and balloons, there is a combat wing, which their own organizers, who owned these media-like and sub-media, showed the most. the combat wing consists of those who are completely trained in these street fights, in football skirmishes, in some nazi organizations, including people who have been through real combat points and people who have gone through other
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color revolutions, who acted there as commanders of these platoons, coordinators who showed, told, somewhere even stuffed with some pills or alcohol and... this combat staff, the combat wing, which we kind of didn't notice, because it's multi-layered, yes, there are ideological fascists, they went for their own ideological reasons.
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when we were visiting, we remembered the club, our get-togethers with
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tea after the club, when they told us in plain text, when they dealt with communists with any from an alternative point of view in the then democratic ukraine, according to which they entered here, everything is simple in our country, they said how great it was there, they fight in parliament, business is developing, and corruption there is all on bentley, but nevertheless he told how they were dealt with, how they were promised to hang them on trees, how they threw bottles with... with a molotov cocktail at them, how many of them went missing, how many are sitting in prison, how many escaped and are now hiding in various countries, afraid that they will be dealt with in other countries, all this would have happened to us, and the reprisals against business, even against the business that sponsored the orange coup, and the maidans, took money there, transferred some kind of uh cookies, those who stood in the square, they came, broke their fingers, forced them to open the safe, forced them to rewrite their business under the gunpoint, took all their property,
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rewrote their apartments and houses, this would have happened to us, because they promised the same thing there, they promised the same thing here, to the leaders and representatives of the criminal world, which also came out in the front ranks, and behind them , of course, were these beautiful faces, who got into the shots, because of whom all the mothers cried, because of whom people in civilized european countries cried, who created this false picture. which , thank god, now everyone understands what it is, great, but there is nothing to give, i absolutely agree, this is what we would have come to tendencies, a wonderful publication by dmitry alexandrovich and his colleagues, ukovostshchik wrote the material, yes, as it is called here, a poisonous disguised trap, and what happened to the eastern european countries that came to the eu, and what would have awaited us, well, here about the baltics, about other countries, here is poland.
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now, perhaps, there are no national ones left entrepreneurs, american, french , german, italian, swiss capital, hungarian karusi have strong positions in the greek economy, remember the buses that the entire socialist camp used to ride on, now they have renault and iveka instead, in latvia everything from vef and raf was closed, looted, stolen, the entire city of venspels with its port and oil was bought up from the roots with... he says, you have to be not
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only brainless, you also have to take off your pants, if you don't take the rulers of the world, the anglo-saxons with their new world order, then europe is simple, there is old europe, the union of coal and steel, the descendants of the romans, germany, france, italy and benelux, all that, all the other countries of the continent, all in search of life's blessings and comfort, are lining up in a symbolic queue behind them, behind everyone, now another one and he says, i absolutely agree, why are the baltics so active, poland, especially the baltics, because they are on the outskirts of the european union, they get crumbs, they are slaves there, i mean states, there is another term, limitrophe states, and he writes, now it is the turn of belarusians to think, instead of the hallway, the sanitary cordon, the garbage dump and
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the frontline territory , our belarus should have come, not poland, but belarus, you and me, with our families and children, namely...
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the union was not created on equal terms at all, there is no principle of freedom there, there is no principle of respect for the opinions of others, we see this in relation to slovakia, we see this in relation to hungary, we see in relation to serbia, where when they cannot break them politics, they are simply preparing the murder of these leaders, trying to destroy them, organize a coup d'etat, this is already openly written in
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all european media, even, even european media write: we do not like the policy of hungary, brussels, they want to change.
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openly, they say, high-ranking people, let them beat each other, and not, let the ukrainians, russians beat each other, let them all die in this cauldron, these are high-ranking officials. they say this of american origin, i will open it up to you a little, is this normal, they want us to destroy each other, well
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, taking into account the video that i showed at the beginning, i absolutely agree, we need to respond in the harshest way that exists, otherwise hitler's dream of destroying the eastern slavs will be fulfilled in one form or another, and it is also very important to understand what the president said, that their... their dream is their task, and that's how they always act, to quarrel, to strangle, to make quarrel, to do everything with our own hands, so we ourselves need to be attentive to everything that happens in our country, in our neighbors, and not to allow us to become this instrument, thanks to which some negative things happen, everything that you said about the european union, everything that the head of state said, you know, i will still say it, probably, because i was sitting there worried inside, i know that we are being watched, and georgia is now standing on...
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for this they are not going to accept them into the european union, for this they are ready to impose sanctions on them and everything else, people who are more educated in this country understand well, that their path is to go all the way to the end, to go their own way, but what i said when you talk to...
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in prison, they realized what harm it is to the georgian state, they didn't realize, that's the problem, they didn't realize, there are propagandists, sorosites at the head of all the television companies, how do they realize when an adult who has a higher education takes you in a taxi and says that saakashvili was the best president and we want to free him, well guys, well you understand, you understand, you understand, how deep is all this, you just met, probably, with a radical representative. gets 300 dollars
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is happy that she gets them, i want to tell you one - such a social dilemma, which is a distortion in many post-soviet countries and leads to such life disappointments of people who go to taxis. this is the uselessness of society and the economy of such a number of people, such professions with higher education. you in western europe, which we scold here, everything is regulated and such a number of universities on per capita. education planning there is done according to completely different approaches, when a person went, got one higher education, fashionable at that time, economist, lawyer, then he got another higher education, and then he came out and realized that no one needs him in this market with these higher educations, he then gets offended by whom, by the bad state, which did not employ him with his two higher educations, on such a salary a taxi goes, and these contradictions are
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a lack of realization, all these...
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elections in russia, they will always pump, and today, by the way, i noticed that our media noticed this, what kind of a summons was received, our fugitives appeared, they suddenly started talking about the need to negotiate about something, no one will negotiate with them about anything, who are you, but some kind of goal of theirs in fact, to sprout again , so that we weaken a little, grow a small foundation, a small public organization, a small npo, and then somewhere they will allow, let's maybe launch.
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factories of bots trolls, writing for the treasury or whatever these are called media-like, this is from sharing it on social networks, ending with the so-called bloggers, who also have nothing to do with the media and other so-called media-like structures that memic radio stations, information resources and tv channels, they have a very specific goal, which is drawn for them by their patronized centers. information and special psychological operations, the special services, the government or the oligarchs who give money for this, what do they want, to capture the minds, eyes and ears of people who live on our territory, on the territory of georgia, on
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the territory of ukraine, and the work that was and is being carried out in our country by the ministry of information and other structures, including law enforcement, it is much softer, it is based, in general , on the experience and approaches that have long been...
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history, god forbid that this happens there, we want to wish them only the best turn of events, so that during the elections , truly nationally oriented real patriots come to power in parliament, who will build a real future in the name of welfare and prosperity of the people of georgia, i can only tell the georgians one thing, if you think that the west... wishes you well, so that you live richer, better, calmly, do not fight with anyone, tell the representatives of the american embassy, ​​who, don't be afraid, go around there, like we do on television, now they go to the ministries and
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so on, please tell me, can we be with you and with the european union, the usa and russia too, because well, it is profitable for us to trade with you, with the russian federation, to be in friendly relations and trade too, and you will hear a certain answer. i think you can guess what this answer is. you will be faced with a choice: either you are against russia and the west, or you are enemies of the west. after that , think about whether the countries need you. they should also clearly understand that the election results, no matter how hard they try to show the west how democratic everything is, all the ballot boxes will be transparent, a million thousand western observers. if the west doesn't like the election results, geopolitical ones, then everything is fine.
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we had the chaos of the twentieth year, the west calls them peaceful protests, that's it . the same peaceful protests swept across the uk, i call the uk protests peaceful protests because they called the same events in our country peaceful protests, the chief prosecutor promised to give everyone 10 years up to 10 years, you probably heard this statement, that the london police commissioner, mark rowley, said that we all...
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i draw your attention again, there was just a video from belarus. where he punches the glass of a law enforcement car, smashes it in britain for this a twelve-year-old boy is held accountable, the crown prosecution service the service reported 389 people detained for commenting on the internet, well done, that's how it should be , i absolutely agree, but in general they should allow it to be done in all countries, in particular in belarus. twenty-six-year-old tyler kay received three... to prison and 2
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months for publishing on the internet, for inciting hatred on twitter, the man allegedly incited to set fire to a hotel where migrants were staying, now we remember the messages that were written, well, to all of us, you can go to my instagram, i haven't deleted a single one, like a memory, well, only in the lip-smacking i'll give it to you, i keep forgetting about the lip-picker, yes, but i can't delete it anymore, because i covered it up, so i forget these threats to hang him on a pitchfork, to impale a fifty-three-year-old -
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until about 2022, belarusian legislation, from the point of view of legislation on freedom of speech, media, protection of reporters, from the point of view of pluralism of opinions, from the point of view of the free internet , everything that is developing and happening there, right up to e-commerce, from the point of view of punishment for insult, defamation, including in the new so-called media, so here belarusian legislation was one of the most liberal not only in europe, but in the world , the most liberal, this allowed us, on the one hand, to develop our media market, media landscape, as vladimir borisovich likes to say, but on the other hand it provoked the fact that here we have all these sorosites and media like them, yes, they have become brazen, they have crossed the notorious red line, but it seems to me that belarus is no longer keeping up with the hodgepodge of legislative changes, tightening, which allows itself, the so-called...
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italy, great britain, i don’t know, the fifth time is already wearing down, given that great britain had one of the toughest laws before, up to 10 years, more than 10 years, this is the notorious phrase of our favorite media of such garbage dumps, they put him in jail for a comment on facebook, well, here’s someone’s cheon. they never told our audience about how things really are in the west with this regulation, with criminal and administrative prosecution, moreover, about the agreements, about the pressure that the authorities have on these, so so-called digital corporations that give out metadata, that provide a lot of things and are regulated by special services, this is simply not included in the legislation, we were not told about this. and i, due to
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my job, had to request all these legislations from both eastern and western states and read what approaches they have, so to be honest, now the legislation that regulates the media in our country is probably the most liberal and the most democratic, i can say this with complete responsibility, since the latest version the law on the media was being prepared not so long ago by the ministry of information under my guchu to the deputy i remember he spoke by the way i remember i always only for tightening.
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and for me the conclusion is one, here i am, like everyone, probably, here are the deputies, we go, communicate with people, you know what i like, our people already like the word propaganda, they like ideology, they are not afraid.
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countries, that's one, propaganda, ideology also belongs there, they take away consciously in order to deprive other peoples of subjectivity and historical memory these things, they themselves never gave them to anyone, they just called them differently, and i am sure that
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today we are capable of solving some problems, but we must clearly understand, and i will quote... what vladimir borisovich said at a meeting with the activists of the minsk region, serious corporations, special services are working against us, which have simply fantastic financing for us, and this apparatus and mechanism must be resisted systematically, we will soon be finishing, two examples, there was one, there is, fortunately mantas daniliunas, this is ksenia lebedeva, a lawyer in latvia, she did reports, he is a public figure there. he told about our opposition, he faces 11 years for his connection with the kgb, only because he communicated with journalists from a white television company, and today's news, you remember that scott ritter was not allowed to the economic forum in st. petersburg, his house was recently searched, the moderator at the st. petersburg economic
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forum was dmitry sainz, i think he is an american citizen, today they came to him with a search in the usa, the host of channel one, this is what is it. europe and central europe new york times wrote a letter, well there is a wonderful article
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in many respects, for example, what did he say tikhanovsky candidate of the president of the disputed elections of 2020, already disputed, no longer falsified, okay?
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in fact, such a series of significant, grandiose shocks, firstly, the new
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york times newspaper is not an account - latvian, i do not know, proactive or non-proactive, lawyer, patriot, maybe, or a person who fought for justice, this is a serious publication, which has absolutely certain circles behind it, which support it, circles which it influences, and simply such... articles do not appear, this is a signal, and this, well, in essence, for us this is a description of the real reality, that they do not have, that they are impostors, and that they simply steal, steal money that is allocated to them to support some political prisoners here and there and so on, secondly, well, another shock is the exchange that took place not so long ago, in which they did not show any initiative and it became clear that they are in no way political dialogues with no one anywhere, even with western elites, special services, well
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at least with those who decide something, they do not participate, because russians, europeans, western europe from the usa, conversations were held, and those people who needed to be exchanged, were exchanged, and as it became clear that our country is conducting dialogues both through special services, through ministries of foreign affairs, through other western political resources.
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today they called take, cut, take care of financial support urgently, with poczobut the brightest story, yuri voskresensky in the last program of the club editors drove all of poland into the cauldron, the entire polish state, because they managed to report before that he does not want to, how much, in fact, go out on an exchange, go to warsaw without returning to belarus, to which, in my opinion, his wife said, are you crazy or something, he wants to get out of places not so convicts, our niva managed to.
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this is well to inform you and ask you to contact law enforcement agencies to soften the measure against you, if it is well, yes , tough, and what the media write to you like lithuanian and polish about the fact that this is a pardon commission, then they, as always, in the mouth. thank you very much, it was the editors' club,
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see you in a week, goodbye. in the framework of the match meeting against the russian team, work and discipline give results, this is the principle by which bobruisk dynamo shinnik works this off-season. hard training, exciting competition. when you lift the cup, for the very first time, this is probably the most. emotional moments, of course, yes, now there is a new season, you already need to prepare, to defend this title. exclusive interview with athletes, a lot of people love hockey, in general quite good, i think the results, we show in it, sport is developing, is cultivated in our country in order to remove children from the streets as much as possible, so that the maximum number of children are engaged in some kind of sport,
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this is a healthy nation, these are healthy children, all this in sports projects on the tv channel. belarus 24. we are going on a trip to belarus, we will make a historical excursion. well, this chapel, it was erected in the year of the anniversary our city, our city turned 575 years old in 2017. side by side, look, these are nails from the beginning of the 21st century, that is, on the nails we show the development of nail production, where it began. and what it continues to be 100 years later, and we will also visit the bright sights of our country, it is known only from the archives that the temple was built somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. milograd culture is
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a tribal association that arose, settled on the territory of our country, in the south of our country. look in the program the route is built on the belarus24 tv channel. 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself. time has started. how will you react if a person asks you to do something that is not suitable for him. well, i will also dissuade him in some way. there is a stereotype that all athletes study poorly, how did you study.
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was the whole day, how did it go, how did i wake up there, what did i eat, watch the project 100 questions to an adult on the tv channel belarus 24.
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good evening, live on panorama, with you ekaterina tikhomirova and we will sum up this saturday, watch in the issue. the era of the western.


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