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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 18, 2024 12:20am-12:43am MSK

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exists only in the soviet union, in other countries there is no such concept of a dacha, there is a house, if a house, you live there, and so that you have both a house and a dacha and something else there, a question that caused nostalgia, pleasant memories, girl, let's get acquainted with you again, take the microphone, introduce yourself, please, where do you study, what grade? my name is yevtushik anastasia, i study at secondary school number 131 in minsk, tenth grade, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift. our guest, come out to the playground, i'm helping you out, i'm going to the dacha, i want, i really want, i want, i want, thank you, thank you, vladislav lyudvikovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, so, after all, what's interesting about this program, firstly, the children communicate, well, from opposite sides.
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changes in life not for the better, arose, well, like the question of death, of aging, all this will happen, this is the inevitability of the life cycle and i was just afraid, i see that i'm not the only one, probably you feel the same way, now this age is approaching, it turns out, i was deceived, i was deceived, yes, of course, everything ends.
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than so to speak not being, but my age is so interesting, only you need to be prepared for it, and nevertheless this is life, moreover, even retirement, when there are no direct obligations, but hobbies should be, some kind of system of physical activity should exist, but you are already free from many things, and this is a great discovery for me, i get colossal pleasure from my age, and i look at your age without... envy, but simply with such i become on your place, i enjoy life, only my pleasures will not end, i continue, as well as prepare for it, but not to prepare specifically there is some kind of special regime , everything, here is to live in such a way as to know that you will live a long time, well, 80 years, that's a long time, suddenly this is not the end, it's generally a thrill, it's generally great, don't be afraid, and i myself have experienced what you are experiencing now, many of you ...
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fear, unwillingness to be old and funny, you can avoid this, and how you feel, so i evaluate you, it is visible, how you feel, you can be at 20 years old a very old man, and how do you, any of you, look at your old age, which i am in now, here is my question, personally in my view, old age is actually not so bad, because... the rest of your life, when it is already over, you have some experience from this life, and you understand what you are generally capable of, so for me old age is a very good conclusion from our life lived, your answer is generally worthy of admiration, and i see that you are talking and you feel the same way, i would at your age, i have... i don’t
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was ready for such an understanding of old age, and you are ready, here is the result of today's upbringing, which means that our society is not so bad, i perceive old age as a moment when you reap the fruits of what you have done all your life, what experience you have gained, what you have learned, what you have left behind, what kind of people you have raised, if such people exist, at this moment life is hidden, if not completely, then you understand how important a person you were, how much... you were valuable to this world and the people around you? your answer is a continuation of the previous answer, it means you have gone through education, and you answered everything absolutely correctly, everything is the same as the previous answer, congratulations, i am happy, well, of course, personally i imagine it as when it is already quite a difficult, let's say , period it has already been lived through, when it was necessary to work, study, when... you want, yes,
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of course, in youth everywhere you also devote time to yourself, but this is precisely as a rest, dedicated specifically to yourself, this is what i seek, feel and sense, well great, well great, thank you very much, wonderful answers, red sector, please, it's your turn, and i think that old age is a time when you already know a lot of things, you understand something in this life, and you... can continue your life to the end, great, great, and despite other answers, i personally think that many people take old age very seriously, you could say, as - starting a new life, yes,
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the end, but personally i don't see anything serious or deplorable in this, you could say, because it's the same life, we continue it, only you could say, we are already more experienced, we wiser. and we can say that we are living this period of life, looking at the new generation, we are proud of them, i also think that we are proud of ourselves for the fact that we were able to become a very wise, nourished person, we can say, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, guys, vladislav lyudvigovich, it's time to say goodbye to our audience, the last answers to the last question, just brilliant and as if they summed it up. they characterized you as bright representatives of today's youth, so if i had any doubts before the program, now you the rating of my perception of young people has been raised to an unexpected height for me. thank you for this, thank you. pass on my words to the parents.
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so, honored artist of belarus vladislav misevich is a guest on the program 100 questions to an adult today, i'm waiting for you at the entrance to the site. thank you! thank you, child, but here i ask you to stay. vladislav lyudvikovich, how do you think, did you cope with our children's audience today, at the very least, i just had a lot of fun, but i received a lot of information, a lot of impressions. what question was for you today the most difficult? everything, everything was within the limits.
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maximally honest and not only did not look down on us, but also tried to be a friend mentor to us in life, the hero seemed very open, because when he told, we immersed ourselves in his life, and it felt like we were communicating with him not - not here now, but that we had known him for many, many years, and who thought that our hero today a little bit, this line that between us...
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fascinating travels around the country, feature films for all ages, on territories of countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan , tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite azerspace 1. the channel's signal is broadcast in open form and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. i am vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city. i cannot imagine my life without high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of the coffee shop, lats makiata. every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing their life in the city for the village. after the divorce, she and her children moved from kazakhstan to a belarusian village, i lived in kazakhstan in the city of almaty and there i had to look very carefully. with my things. the river that suddenly overflowed caused a lot of trouble. and flooded all my
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flower beds, flowers. a few years after the move, her daughter went through a difficult transition period. and i had to get to know her in the form. hello. hello. me vasya is your name? nastasya. nastasya, nice to meet you. nastasya, a few interesting facts about you. you are originally from kazakhstan. at some point in your life, you realized that kazakhstan was not it and started looking for a new interesting place.
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just calm down, relax, enjoy nature, belarusian roots and there was
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a plan, in general, i had to go to russia to see, then to belarus to see, then to go to russia to see, get out, and decide, yes, where i like it more, in kazakhstan i have no one left from relatives, so what to do there, and decided or they said, yes, we rent, you can come live, i came here, moved in and we became friends with them, because such a young, nice, creative family, they told me that here, too, houses are for sale, here, that is, that is, but i say, i have such requests, i need to have a job, where i am generally a swimming coach, they say, so in volozhin , a sports complex is being built, they are just finishing it, they are handing over the facility this year, we bought this house for 500 conventional units later, i started count how much we invested, but at some point i stopped, because there were continuous
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frustrations with this matter, like any village house was built around the stove, there is a russian stove, everything was already arranged around it, and we left everything like that, the only thing is, we removed these partitions that divided the space into small parts, and a little bit of an attic floor turned out and... this bay window, not a bay window, this cold part also raised the ceiling a little bit and there we got a bathroom, how to earn money living in the village and not keeping this is some kind of economy, the question is not easy, our heroine also faced this question and solved it with her characteristic ease and humor, i went to this volozhin, i drive up to volozhin, there is some kind of administration near this not yet on swimming, wow, you didn’t have anything here yet, you just came to visit. i was researching the area where i could stay, in general
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they quickly told me, yes, we are just looking, here we are just here we urgently need a swimming coach, here it opens, and we don’t have one, well, that's how it is, usually everything happens the other way around, a person buys a house in the village only then thinks about how and where he will earn money, nastasya and still not having a house in tea is made, tea is prepared, some kind of footstools. for some forms, what is this, well , these are also some kind of creative projects, future ispotya, for now preparations, i want a backroom on the first floor, yes, this will somehow be like this, but ... what and you see at this stage nothing is clear yet at the stage nothing is clear is clear, but it is very interesting, before it was a nursery, it was not immediately workshop, well, yes, it was a small room being built for my educational measures to move her to another place, and there let her butarit, well, yes, there is such an unfinished rough room, she said that i am fine here, i can
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do whatever i want here, it's generally cool, well, in general , everyone is happy, i say, then my workshop will be here for... take it to my daughter's room nastasya did not let us in, she said that our psyche would be more intact this way. slavgorod is located in a beautiful place, the confluence of two rivers, pronya and sosh. here is also located. i have a hillfort, a castle hill and a magnificent landscape park, well, i feel quite comfortable on this throne, don't be afraid, when you get out, you won't be cold, oh, oh, oh, oh, i can't feel my legs, i'm just, i'm already worried, to be honest, oh,
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it's already starting, wait,
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there's an eye on the belarus 24 tv channel, she flew in on a plane, here's the white pashka who flew in with us on a plane, well , the locals have also wandered in here, and an even bigger dog came with us, what a cake, cake, yes, he had such a big one, here it is, by the way, it's not standing under... he was riding in this on the plane, yeah, and the ticket, the plane ticket for him costs the same as for an adult, okay, yeah, yeah, well, plus, everyone had to be chipped, everyone has a chip implanted there, do it, here's a wolf, he strayed here, came, lay down on the porch and stayed, well, i would say, if you make friends with the cupcake, you can stay, and they became friends, they became friends,
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it's clear with animals, no one asked whether they wanted to go to the village or not, and how are things with the children, did they ask them? well, let's start with the fact that when i said, well, guys, we're moving to the village, and i was moving with children with my grandmother, with my grandmother, an old woman, my grandmother told me at first only over my dead body, so at first i came here alone and started settling down, the children stayed in kazakhstan, the children stayed in kazakhstan with my grandmother, the children, well, even less than a year, probably passed, so we arrived and of course it was a little difficult, because they took off our roof, yeah. they poured our floor, we walk around here in concrete, we walk on these bridges, there is dust all around, such, there are boxes with packed, yes, things didn’t arrive right away either, things took some time to arrive, at first it was such a slightly difficult time, but such adventures, in general, well, and as for children, under
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pressure, here are some friends and relatives, when everyone began to tell me and the children including that... you've gone crazy, you dragged children from the city, from the metropolis to some wilderness, to the village, and the children also wound their moustaches and yes, mom, why did you bring us to this wilderness, like dogs and cats followed you from kazakhstan, no, we flew on a plane, we acquired this friend here, well, over time he acquired a new color, yes, i and we are not talking about it now orange positions, yes, we are talking. here are the orange positions, i tried to cope with them myself, i am an independent girl, i like to do everything myself, yes, so i sanded them, treated them with all sorts of zinc
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oxide. i wanted to get rid of the rust, so, but in the end the color white can be different, as it turned out, as it turned out, most of the shades are just white, yes, in general it became like this, well, some kind of not quite white, it is not clear what, i decided to approach this creatively, i tore off all sorts of leaves, yeah, that is, this is a product, these are not stencils, this is straight real, no, this is the environment, you see all sorts of, yes, yes, well, she sprayed all that stuff, but it lasted for a short time, how long have i had it? the second year, here again, all the rust has appeared again. at the time of the move , our heroine's children went to school, the third and seventh grades. let me remind you that nastya moved with her children from kazakhstan. the school is belarusian. yeah, and this, and we are not at all boom-boom. well, naturally. yes, uh, but the children fit in so quickly, very quickly, especially the youngest, she just lightning fast. what language do you speak with your children now? that is, in everyday life we ​​speak russian, yes, but they were the only thing that was difficult for me to do my homework with them, because they tell me everything in belarusian, i don’t
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understand, a dictionary, there’s a business, i say what it is, i don’t know, explain it to me in russian, he says, i don’t know how to speak russian, in this sense i had to buy additional russian textbooks in russian for me to get used to the program, to understand in general how to help children in this sense, against this background it’s incomprehensible. i don’t understand anything at all, now i already understand everything, and i'll fill in a little bit myself, yes, very good, our heroine not only found a job before she bought a house, she planted her first tree when the plot of land didn't belong to her yet, with this plum there is a very...
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