tv [untitled] BELARUSTV August 21, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK
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give a drama of people burned alive, the king looked at the sketch solution on the tablets without hiding his irritation, and you guys are completely, of course, i understand, you can do whatever you want, where are the holy things that require a classical solution, well, what is this, then the young architect ...
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i don’t want a brisk run and a storm like the rain, the shady forest, the sunny sun, and like our life is built up from these crushed particles, i want to look at this light for everyone, kozhny zen adkryvatsya for sebe neshta novae, us geta so tsikava , where we work together with anyone. with love to belarus, hello, with you the project everything is clear with marina karaman, where we do not hesitate to talk about finances, resources and financial resources in our and other people's pockets, today my view on the trendy fun of the eu countries, sanctions against russia and belarus, who needs them,
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are they as scary as they are painted, who is their real author, will they collapse our economy , is it the goal? let's go! first, about why everyone around has broken the chains in recent years and is dividing something. the sixth dominant technological order is being established on earth, this is a new era of technology. the first one started 260 years ago, during these years, in five wide steps from water mills of manual labor, people have come to the serial production of goods and services. the main... resource of the fifth previous of the technological order became atomic energy, and the products are new types of materials, genetic engineering and space exploration. in the sixth, coming era of development, the goals are focused on a person, from whom the employer will be able to squeeze out maximum productivity. now the locomotive of the world economy is interested in nanobionics, super-fast internet, stem cells, growing spare human organs , creating robots. and in the development of such technologies, there are two leaders - china and the united states. who
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will be the first to transfer their country to a new technological order, it will become the new hegemon, and the us is terrified of the risk of losing this status, because 78. 7 years ago , american dollars became the reserve currency of the planet, and the states are the only country that can simply print money for itself if there is not enough for something. the us constantly uses this opportunity, and does not intend to lose it, and if they lose their leadership status, someone, for example, china, can encroach on the sacred dollar and stop paying with them, then print or not, accept paper no one will. it is for the right to remain the sole owner of legal printed money... that the american government is fighting on all fronts. belarus is an active participant in the processes here, as is russia. china is counting on its participation in the development of technologies. siberia has deposits of rare earth elements, cheap gas and oil for the operation of factories, and it is also possible to cover
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china's tender belly from territorial harassment in the united states. belarus is the last territory on the russian border that has not fallen under west. and how did they see it? first, as a location, where? you can place pressure points on russia: military bases, biolabs, coordination centers of their technologists, offices of foundations and organizations. second, we are a piece of the transit route from asia to europe, and to control such a rich piece of land, the states are not against it either. third, there are not many of us, but even 9.5 million people is a good market for american and european goods, of course, if you first destroy our production, and we are breaking all these desires, yes ... no we accept democratic values and democratically transmitted infections. the vos said that monkeypox spread like that. all of this, but presented at different times and under different sauces, became a pretext for putting pressure on belarusians. economic
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sanctions are a refusal to trade with a state that needs to be pressured to change its political course, that is , sanctions are a whip that is used to beat those who have not succumbed to training with gingerbread. in... in our case with cookies. we can say that the whip works if the one being trained obeys, if there is no obedience, then either the whip or the trainer is bad. if i say that sanctions bring us pleasure and we want more, i will be lying. our producers had to look for new sales markets and format production for them, and importers urgently re-draw logistics, but the sanctions whip has gone limp. a year and a half has passed since the restrictions were twisted to the max... belarus is not ready to obey and change its political course to the one dictated by the west. moreover, there are not even prerequisites for this. alexander lukashenko for almost three decades, it was preparing to fit into this turn, developing agriculture and mechanical engineering, strengthening the medical sector and
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drug production, and maintaining a balance in relations with the countries with which it linked the belarusian economy. therefore, in the whirlwind of the reboot, our country has enough food and energy resources. factories and hospitals receive equipment, new export channels for our goods are being formed quite quickly, sanctions could not even destroy the social policy of belarus, people continue to receive pensions, benefits, free medical care and education. the restrictions against russia are simply the apotheosis of the apotheosis of the sanctions policy. even iran and north korea have not received such a number of bans for their nuclear programs, but so far russia has managed not to fall into the minuses. themselves even to come out on top, because most countries are not able to replace its raw materials and energy resources without losing the profitability of their production. yes and no. there are two tough levers of pressure in reserve. the first is secondary
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extraterritorial sanctions, the second is complete trade embargo. secondary extraterritorial sanctions - this is if the west prohibits third countries from entering into trade with russia and belarus. threat of punishment, will begin to blackmail india, china, israel and others. what is a full trade embargo? it goes without saying. another question: is the west ready to put pressure on these levers? both the us and the eu countries understand that independent states may not listen to them, like a drunken sheriff who exploded. and with such authority , you can't drive the world into the baseboard. sanctions are a club that hits with both ends at once. and the fight here is for survival. but the winner is not the one who hits harder, but the one who has more reserves to survive the period of restrictions. the most painful feedback for the future of europe is the refusal of belarusian fertilizers and russian energy resources. according to the international association of fertilizer producers, the share of our belaruskaliya products on the world market is about 20%.
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more than 130 countries were interested in it. after some of them were blocked from accessing it by sanctions, and export logistics were broken over the knee without access, their thousands of eu farmers are left without fertilizers. food production is a chain that falls apart as soon as one link is torn out. the shortage of fertilizers drives up prices, harvests fall, and food becomes more expensive. and feed, because of this, prices for meat and dairy products rise, and producers leave the agricultural sector, most of them are now simply waiting for belarus to find an outlet for its fertilizers on the international market in the same volume. lithuania tried to attract the attention of sanitary workers in this process, when banned the shipment of fertilizers from its ports, thereby depriving itself of money for transit and leaving its citizens who worked on cargo handling without work. belarus did not grieve for long, alexander lukashenko got for...
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a belarusian port is already being built, and southern ports will also be available to us. as for sanctions against russia, germany is currently getting the worst of it. its economic model is built on buying cheap energy resources in russia and selling its goods abroad with a huge markup. germany will find a replacement for russian gas, but this replacement will be much more expensive to... recoup the cost of gas, it will have to raise prices on goods, and who needs expensive goods from germany if there are already cheap ones from china. the german authorities understand this, which is why olaf scholz personally tried to return the turbine for the nord stream to russia, then tried to throw away gas from canada, was refused, became despondent, decided to make peace with gazprom and went home, and at scholz's home millions of people receive reminders that instead of showering they should wipe themselves with rags, the country's largest crematorium switched to... 24/7 operation to save energy on restarting the furnaces, because 77 years after the great patriotic
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war, the furnaces of german crematoria operate on russian gas, and they can no longer afford it. the vice chancellor of germany announced that he is raising the electricity tariff, declaring all those who are dissatisfied as destroyers of the country's energy market. the entire city of shved is protesting against the refusal of russian oil. in october, berlin will douse a rally in support of nord stream 2 with roar, to top it off. due to drought, the river has become shallow rein, and according to it, all of europe received fuel, chemicals, paper and grain in tankers. another postradamus from sanctions is britain. the guardian writes that this winter , shelters will be organized in the country's libraries and museums for those who cannot afford the heating bills. sky news released a touching article about how sedate british women go out on the streets because they have nothing to feed their children with due to record inflation. the don't pay uk movement is gaining momentum in the kingdom. these are people who are not going to pay for utilities, so that punish the government for inaction in a crisis situation. local psychologists
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conduct sessions to combat creophobia, the fear of freezing, and the catering industry reports that 75% of pubs will close due to the energy crisis. that is , britain will fill its libraries with priestesses of love with many children with psychological problems, they will not even be able to relieve stress in a pub. and in order to relieve stress, despite the warnings of their authorities, residents go to belarus. the state border committee reports that since april 15 , more than 211 have arrived in our country without a visa thousands of citizens of lithuania, latvia and poland, go for a walk, fill up their cars at reasonable prices, stock up on quality products , the finns also go to russia to fill up, firewood sales have shot up in switzerland, and panicking citizens of moldova are buying them up with such zeal that the state has created a new progressive body, the national agency for the sale of firewood, and this is no joke. in poland , two
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of the largest fertilizer plants, azoty and anvil, have shut down due to record gas prices , and in lithuania, the leading baltic fertilizer producer, achema. the boomerang in these cases hit the forehead. the losses of the sanctioners can be listed endlessly, almost all eu countries and the us are suffering from rising inflation, tariffs and prices, shortages of food and resources . the mass transition to a green economy is a lie. the wind europe organization reports daily on the share of energy for the european region that the wind brought over the past day. the figures range from 7 to 11%. for factories, these are tears. all those who a year ago broadcast about a civilized approach to the threat of global warming, instantly forgot what was said and in papykh uncork coal stations, which they promised never to return. because most of the eu countries are governed by people who were pushed into positions by the us to work out
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the agenda needed by the states, in the agenda: first - pressure on russia and china, second - the transfer of eu countries from cheap russian energy resources to expensive american ones. how people live in this case is unimportant, the sheriff does not care about the problems of the indians. ordinary europeans understand this, their patience the end is coming. that's why analysts predict mass discontent and even revolutions for the eu countries. do what you have to and come what may, as you can see, belarus is not the leader in this chain, but it is far from the weakest link. we cannot influence the giants' battles for hegemonic status, but our own well-being is quite possible. the task is to catch the current and maneuver, and also undress and work. and it is imperative to have time to live without plunging into the sanctions frenzy. i am marina karaman and what is peeking out from the sanctions case? we figured it out. everything is clear. see you there.
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everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous. belarusians, fascinating travels around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey , iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar,
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united arab emirates, saudi arabia. syria, jordan, lebanon. tune in satellite dish satellite azerspace-1. the channel's signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. what meaning do i put in. modern icon painters in their work, and so that all this was not in vain, so that it helps people to pray, so that it helps to repent, to become churched, as today the training is conducted in sunday schools, one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one lesson of creativity, one lesson of music, and for the older ones, that is adults, there are already lectures on subjects, well, there
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is already, so to speak, more serious preparation, what is mercy, this is probably the food that we will always need ourselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul. what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches? here we have just the holy relics of the martyr vanefaty of rome. and vanefaty is a patron helper - this is the sin that many, many people encounter, this is the sin. drinking wine, this is the particle of relics that came to us just from greece. answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. in a short period of time, thanks to state support, thanks to the president, he
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