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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 22, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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equipment in pakistan, and also to organize an exchange at the level of the expert community. i should note that belarus is a very green country, belarusian wood is of very high quality, so we are interested in organizing supplies of belarusian furniture to pakistan, as well as the possibility of developing the creation of joint ventures in pakistan. trade turnover between belarus and pakistan has great potential, and for its gradual development in the near future it is planned to carry out an exchange of visits of representatives of business circles, now we'll take a break for a short commercial, then how the housing construction and loan procedures will be simplified, stay with us! kostya, i told you about that woman i was sitting with in the restaurant, she 's digging under me, she wants to buy out the club, our business is going very badly, memberships
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aren't selling at all, i talked to my doctor, you should make a turn, what are you saying, you recently saw my father with some woman, well, well, and i saw your mother today, getting out of some guy's car, how lucky we met, he's a good guy sign, this is my wife's son, very interesting, that is - the courier is your relative and he was acquainted with the victim, in fact, they both fell for the coach's daughter. do you really not believe that we will rise? no, get out. pomenko konstantin konstantinovich. you are charged under article 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation. a guy came, paid cash, did not give his last name, but we do not require this, asked that kostya deliver it. dasha, can you go with me to the investigator? i am ready to sell the club, than the sooner the better, and i need money, preferably tomorrow. watch the series, all for the best two. on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is
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an area of ​​interest, we continue, now the results of trading in the belarusian currency on the stock exchange. we will tell you how the rates have changed. the russian ruble has fallen in price, the dollar and the yuan have risen in price. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles, 18 kopecks. the euro is now 3.54 at the national bank rate, for 10. they are asking 4.46, 100 russian rubles cost 3.52. in belarus, they are simplifying the procedures for the construction of housing loans. by the end of the year, a system will appear document that will update the rules, the range of answers to questions is expected to be wide. how much easier will the procedures for building individual houses become, what will happen with rental construction for employees of enterprises, how will the categories of those in need change, will the traditional mechanism change at all. in a word, there are many innovations,
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the first approximation of the answers has already been found. in particular, it is planned to abandon the shared housing for those on the waiting list in its pure form, and offer them ready-made housing on favorable terms. in addition, the country is preparing important changes for artisans by analogy with individual entrepreneurs, whose working conditions have recently been adjusted. but first things first, our correspondent olga onishchenko. it is more efficient to lend, it is easier to build. here, perhaps, are the main construction trends of recent years, the country is building a clear housing policy to meet the demands of the time, updating the categories of those in need, solving the painful issue of the current of personnel in the countryside, in general, making the process of large-scale construction closer to the people, for example, by canceling design documentation during construction individual houses in the countryside. now they expect to go even further, to simplify the approaches to connection and...
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approaches for both citizens and operating organizations, why? because, well , let's say, in my opinion, those who subsequently operate the utility networks should be responsible for them. another issue, the solution to which has been announced for a long time, is a new level of state support for the construction of rental apartments. we are talking about those who build enterprises for their employees. to solve the problem of personnel shortage, that's why this mainly needed not only by specific companies, but also by the country. that is why the budget will have to pay off part of the credit burden. we
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discussed the issues of supporting legal entities in the construction of rental housing for their employees, yes, they will really have certain preferences, they will be paid off almost half of the rate, that is... loans that they will take in order to subsequently provide this rental housing to their employees, at least 20% of such housing will need to be provided as a matter of priority provide to young specialists who have just joined the enterprise, because we clearly understand that this category needs to be given special attention, they are the most mobile, they need to be retained, for this additional tools are needed, and yes, state support will be adjusted in general, a large systemic document will be prepared by the end of the year, it will... update the standards of need, categories of people on the waiting list, the procedure for providing this or that type of assistance. in fact, state assistance in construction will be concentrated in more profile and relevant areas, in other words, will be left to those who need it most. another know-how announced by the government
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concerns artisans. they will soon see clarification of the types of activities that will fall under this sphere. by analogy with the ipep, which also defined the business framework and working conditions. the main requirement for: we have developed this list and today actually agreed on it, this is, first of all, the preservation of the authentic, original crafts of ours for the population, all this should, of course, be produced by artisans exclusively with their own hands and or with the help of primitive tools, that is , not all types of craft work will be included in the new list, but carrying out activities for those who are not on the lists, of course, will not be prohibited, but in this case, work will have to be done on the terms of paying a tax. on professional income, it is 10%. a special fee of 6.5 rubles per month will be provided for unique artisans. the list for artisans will be shortened taking into account the preservation of exclusively original types of activity, that is, today here are popular types that
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are developed among our population, for example, the production of isopoxide resin, yes , soap making, and therefore products made of gypsum, of course, this is modern. this means there is no application here of our belarusian identity, such types of activity are leaving this list. the government promises that a list for artisans will appear in the near future. savmin will dot all the i's and cross all the t's. and according to these lists, it will be possible to become an artisan from october 1 only with an eye on the new document. olga onishchenko, alexander aleshka, sphere of interests. this is all the information for today, successful deals and productivity in business. we are on air every. tuesday, wednesday and thursday, with the most noticeable in the economy. see you.
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marite iozovna melnikaite. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, she was evacuated to tyumen. in june 1942, volunteers joined the rifle division of the red army. after graduating from a special school for saboteurs with a group of partisans , she was thrown into the enemy's rear. belarusian people's avengers. helped her move to the territory of her native zarosai district, became a fighter partisan detachment was elected secretary of the underground district committee of the komsomol, conducted propaganda work among the population, created several underground komsomol
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groups, participated in combat operations, the occupiers promised a reward for the head of the komsomol member, but the locals did not give her up. on july 8, 1943, during the retreat after the explosion of an enemy train, the partisan group under the command of melnikaite was surrounded. in an unequal battle, marite was wounded and captured. she was tortured for five days, but she did not give up the location of the detachment. july 13, 1943 melnikayte was shot. u... by the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, mariteja melnikaite was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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camera, action, says lukashenko, everyone shut up and dry your breeches, a lie is not the truth, the truth is always one, my name is grigory azaryonok, this is the secret spring of politics, hello, the line for an interview with batka is longer than in the entire soviet history at the mausoleum. bbc and cnn humiliatingly push each other in the reception area, timidly looking into the eyes of the press.
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no need for this, in your place i would be many i didn't comment on the issues concerning lithuania because they don't know what they're doing, well, they're crazy, real crazy, so, well, what can we say about them, if there were responsible politicians there, we could discuss their policies, but there are no responsible politicians there, so, well, from the point of view of citizens, our citizens, belarusian citizens.
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khaluyev, face in scabs, in caverns, in rotten wood, covered in mold and fungi, this is radiation from the ignalina nuclear power plant. in general, this is how that same democracy works: they did tariffs for the population of business are unaffordable, they ruined their own port and their own railway, they closed all production, they reduced the population by half, but there is no way to get rid of them. by the way, do you know that in our country there are coprophiles, these are those who eat on the cart. so it turns out. izmikashevich continues to shit in the mouth of the flock and assert himself as democratically elected
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forever. quote: my mandate is not determined by time, it is determined by the goal that we set for ourselves, well, that is, it will be eat boar, until the last crayfish on the mountain whistles on thursday after the rain, you bastards, eat - is eat, eat, eat, eat and eat, you like this, look, another zmogarskaya hut, drunkards, rags, these are the ones who want a new order in our country, everything is filthy, everything is covered with rust, the scum of society, bunin called them, read grigory klimov about degenerates, degenerates, actually walking dead, as a rule, liberal democratic beliefs are directly connected with the most vile perversions, here is a zmagarzophile, was stopped by police officers on the direction to work for... this when viewing the phone subscriptions to extreme channels were found,
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i wrote 14,000 comments, including destructive channels, dumped information in the black book of belarus, regarding queries in the search engine i can explain as if the following, it was just as if there was an interest as if, what would really happen with the horse, no need to get it? or what, we will watch how she is with the horse, we are normal, pornographic content with animals, you will say, when dirt, scum!
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and so on, we are responsible for our words: i am ready to meet sikorsky at the border, we will go to minsk together, at the same time we will see our country, maybe we will stop by belas, mtz, then we will stop by novopolotsk colony, we will take this guy for no reason and we will see how he will open an additional point, thus,
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there is no stumbling block on our side, come and take him, poles again, here is a proposal right on the air, i don’t know how else, more diplomatically, how else to tell you more openly, take him, but you will not come, because that you don't need him at all, well then there's no point in chatting, by the way, you idiots, about their punks, remember they lied, to beat up voskrasensky, to become a citizen of belarus, propagandize.
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absolutely closed, where do they openly say, high-ranking people, let them beat each other, let them beat each other, ukrainians, russians, let them all die in this cauldron, these are high-ranking officials talking about this, of american origin, i'll open up to you a little, is this normal, they want
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us to destroy each other, everything got it, we won't repeat it twice, everyone sit down and don't move. it's not even about the union, as some say, we are russian people, how are we different, belarusians , from russians, in no way, i once jokingly said belarusians, the same russians with a sign. quality, well, just jokingly, we are not different in any way, we are russian, god is with us, we are russian, russian.


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