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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:10pm MSK

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live on air, the main news at noon, in the studio ulga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue. to discuss the whole range of issues and further expand the interaction between minsk and beijing. the premier of the state council of the prc arrived on an official visit to belarus. fallen trees, flooded private houses, power outages. rescuers are eliminating the consequences of a thunderstorm. today, the orange level again.
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danger. belarusian s-300 and tor m2k air defense systems at the russian ashuluk training ground. the belarusian armed forces in the australian region are participating in maneuvers with combat shooting. and dynamo minsk begins the playoff matches. today's opponent is belgian anderlecht. live broadcasts on belarus 5 and belarus 5. internet. in belarus on an official visit, the delegation of the people's republic of china headed by the airport, he was met by the head of the belarusian government roman golovchenko. the ceremony according to all the canons of protocol with a loaf of bread and a company of honor guard. the first negotiations on foot, right at the airport, roman golovchenko noted that letyan's last visit was fruitful, and this must. surpass it. in
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the afternoon, important bilateral projects will be discussed in detail. official negotiations will be held both in a narrow and in an expanded format. and immediately after arrival, the prc delegation headed to victory square. the premier of the state council laid a wreath at the monument. this is a tribute to the history of the country of the people with whom cooperation is actively developing today on the principles of strategic all-weather comprehensive partnership. immediately heading to the independence palace, at this moment the meeting of the president with the prime minister is taking place state council of the people's republic of china. alexander lukashenko noted that we attach exceptional importance to this visit. the head of state believes that it can be historic. despite the large geographical distance, belarus and china are similar in their assessments of current international tensions. and advocate the formation of
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a fair global security architecture. litian's official visit to our country allows us to discuss the entire spectrum of issues and continue working on the practical content of the established relations. according to by the end of last year, minsk and beijing traded $8.5 billion, and this is just the beginning. there are 15 new investment projects worth $3 billion in active development with chinese partners. at the same time, the economic foundation is firmly based on the policy of all-weather friendship between the two countries, as alexander lukashenko and chinese president xiding ping met on july 4 this year in astana on the sidelines of the sco summit, and the former visited china twice last year. details in the following news releases. belarus is eliminating the consequences of bad weather, rescuers fallen trees are being cleared and water is being pumped out, emergency crews are restoring power supply. according to operational information, due to the passage of a thunderstorm front
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, 16 cases of fallen trees were recorded in the bress and minsk regions. in addition, the ministry of emergency situations reports that as a result of heavy rainfall , seven private residential buildings in the minsk and molodeshchinsky districts, as well as in baranovichi, were flooded. according to belenergo, during the day, power supply was periodically disrupted in belarus due to bad weather, 391 settlements were affected. power outage emergency teams of electricians quickly eliminated, and this is 240 people and 89. will bring together equipment. as of 6 am , work continues to restore power supply in 39 settlements, mainly in the minsk and vitebsk regions. and today in belarus also expected showers, thunderstorms gusty wind, in places squally up to 20 m / s. an orange danger level has been declared. the air temperature during the day will fluctuate from 20 to 31 °, at night up to 19 degrees. in the coming days there will be again a zhak. bad weather is raging in japan,
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torrential rains in the country have been going on for several days, today they reached tokyo, which is literally going under water, the streets are flooded, sewer manholes. underground passages resemble waterfalls. the takiya subway suffered the most. water pours onto the platforms directly from the ceiling, including into the cars. yemen has also been suffering from torrential rains for several weeks, it is reported that at least 60 people have died as a result of the elements. 14 of them died as a result of. 13 are missing due to lightning strikes, the total number of victims of the natural disaster is almost 270,000. in some cities
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rains destroyed public infrastructure, including schools, roads , hospitals. combat firing at the ashuluk training ground. maneuvers on russian territory are taking place with the participation of anti-aircraft gunners, missile and radio-technical troops, as well as fighter aircraft. the belarusian military traditionally conducts combat launches of exercises in the astrakhan region, where conditions have been created for the operation of long-range air defense systems. and today, the minister of defense of belarus arrived at the oshulyuk training ground in the 185th combat training center of the russian aerospace forces. viktor khrenin will observe the next stage operational and tactical exercises. combat shooting. belarusian s-300 and tor m2k air defense missile systems were transferred to the russian training ground to participate in the exercises. the missilemen have already launched training targets, and the tor m2k air defense missile systems fired on the move for the first time. us military warehouses
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have been emptied, as us presidential candidate donald trump noted. the current administration has distributed their contents to those in need, and they are also selling products to them. the country's military-industrial complex and the american army exist in conditions of an acute shortage of resources. now we simply do not have ammunition. you know, we gave everything to ukraine and other countries, we gave them everything. our warehouses are empty. well, let's now give everything to people for free. i will make a historic investment in the restoration of the us armed forces. i have already done this once, but i will have to do it again, because they have taken out all the ammunition reserves. just like they took out the strategic oil reserves. earlier , congressman mike walz said that if trump wins, he will demand that european allies shift the entire burden of providing assistance to ukraine from washington to eu countries. instead of bread and weapons,
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the moldovan ministry of agriculture has already sent three letters to the european union asking for help for farmers, but has not received a response. but the eu does not skimp on military needs; earlier in... a tranche of 40 million euros was sent for the country's weapons. the situation in agriculture is also aggravated by chisinau's refusal to cooperate with russia in this area. moldova has joined 80% of the eu sanctions against russia and plans to continue the synchronization process. in belarus, 97% of grain has been harvested, the harvest is almost complete. together with the rabs plan to collect 10 million tons of grain. today, there are 7 million 700,000 tons of the new harvest in the bins. the minsk region is in the lead, its contribution is more than 2 million tons. grodno and brest regions are slightly behind. farmers of the mogilev region have threshed almost 900 million tons. 733 gomel. 7% of the area remains to be processed by the grain grower of the vitebsk region.
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sowing is underway in parallel. of course, our farmers are on guard for food security all year round, and how much bread will be in the bins depends on the fullness of personnel. on the ground. how to attract young people to the dean of one of the faculties of the belarusian agricultural academy knows how to make a profession popular. in 2020, vladimir gusarov started his own account on tiktok. today, his videos collect 700,000 views. we need to communicate with our youth via t-tok. where are they sitting? they are now sitting on tiktok. therefore, the chances of getting into their heads, somewhere to sow some reasonable grain. and my task as a teacher, an employee of the academy. to tell what agriculture is now, what it is now, recently the topic of agriculture is especially relevant, it is not surprising that the content created has become popular among the audience, however, this coin has two sides, now we have to repel attacks of the alleged unpopularity of the agricultural profession, in
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agriculture it is getting better, salaries are growing, conditions are improving, knowing what we have, what we work on, we need to be proud of this, we need to be proud of this and tell everyone. today, four universities are engaged in training personnel for the agricultural sector in the country , including minsk, grodno and vitebsk. to study. in the hill go including for a strong practical component, annually only daytime form.


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