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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 23, 2024 3:50am-4:20am MSK

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there are several flights a day, the journey will take at least 3.5 hours, and this is if you are lucky, but believe me, this journey is worth it. the name of this wonderful city was given by the pina river, a left tributary of the dvina. and the exact day and year of pinsk's foundation has never been established. it is only known that the first mention of the city in the tale of bygone years dates back to 197. in food - a place with a special character. sometimes this region is called. venice, because at one time there were more rivers here than roads, and this circumstance greatly influenced the growth and development of the city. its convenient location on the waterway made pinsk an important trading point. for some time, pinsk was even the capital of the independent pinsk principality. the city has experienced many difficulties in its lifetime, fires, wars and destruction, but no one has managed to destroy it. it has preserved its culture, beauty and originality and is not called for nothing.
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where else, if not in the center of traditional culture and everyday life, should you begin to get acquainted with the region ? to understand how people live, you should first understand how their ancestors lived, what they believed in and how they arranged their lives, glad to welcome you, dear guests, welcome!
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the life of a simple peasant in all its glory. on ordinary days, our hut looked very modest, only transformed when some big holidays came to us, and our first big holiday was christmas carols. on christmas carols , a table covered with a white tablecloth was pulled out into the center of the hut, all the embroidered shirts that the female half of the family wove in the evenings were hung in prominent places. and of course, the main... source of life for the whole house is the stove, it warmed, they slept on it, baked bread, which was then hidden in chests. here is a cradle like this that our children grew up in until they were 2 years old, it was convenient because it was portable, since there used to be a lot of work in the field, the housewife would go to work in the field , take it and do the work, and the child was always under her supervision, then here we have this chair, here the child sat also until... years old, this was our parking place, here he
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stood, well, he grew up in such cradle, well, probably until he was about 5 years old here in the villages we slept and usually put it near the stove, since it was warm, in the next ritual hall everything about the holidays and the traditions associated with them is collected, for our ancestors the holidays were very important, they never arose just like that, but marked the passage of time. the whole year and the first such time mark is the well-known carols. previously, carols were celebrated in our village in very large groups, yes, they dressed up as a goat, a gypsy, a bear, but for some reason in our village the mershchisa had a symbol - this is a goat, the goat had to necessarily enter the first house, this blessed the owners for a good year. tradition, of course, yes, we go, we go. the koledas were followed by an equally cheerful day.
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the hooting of spring, people saw off the cold winter and welcomed the warm spring, before this time the bushel should fly in, bring 40 branches, this meant that the spring would be warm, if it did not fly in, then our spring would be long and cold. then on may 5 they celebrated a day that many probably have not heard of, yurye. this holiday is considered the shepherd's holiday. after a long winter, on this first day they drove the cows out to pasture. and more in our village it was so customary, that on this day the housewives planted cucumbers, they also said that there would be a great harvest, it has been preserved with us to this day. the next one for us is trinity, they celebrated it, they chose the most beautiful young girl in the village, dressed her in maple leaves, in birch leaves and also went around the villages in small groups to the courtyards, they arranged rituals, that is, with songs, dances, now in our village. this,
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unfortunately, is not done, but in the pinsk region it is done, in other villages. it is on trinity girls were telling fortunes about marriage, throwing wreaths on a birch tree, and if the wreath got caught on the tree, it means... this year the girl will get married, but if not, then you will have to wait. and of course, one of the most important days is easter, it was customary to go on palm sunday, shine in the willow, come home, and the hostess had to go around all the members of the family. bila, it is the eldest from the house who must go around all the members of the family and the owner takes it and goes around his entire household with this willow. and for a whole year it is kept at home near image, and then the next one, if it’s new, they bring it and hide the second one somewhere, but don’t throw it away, it was absolutely forbidden to throw it away. our ancestors gave their own flavor to everything that surrounded them, the whole alphabet of peasant life is encrypted,
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for example, in homespun shirts, in their creation the most different types of art were combined, this is embroidery, weaving, lace-making, straw-weaving. the patterns on the shirts were created according to their own laws, each combination of ornament had a certain meaning, for example, a distinctive feature of the pinsk region are birds and rowan berries embroidered on fabric. in our hall , we have a wedding dress, it looks very simple nowadays, but in the last century, wearing just such a dress was considered very prestigious. was it short or was it floor-length? no, it was a bit short, it didn't go to the floor, the veil was longer, if you don't know that this dress is a wedding dress, you won't understand at first glance. when a girl turned 15-16, her father
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would start making kufrs for her, and at that time she would weave or embroider a dowry for herself, well, when it was time to get married, the kufrs were carried open throughout the village, so that... everyone could see how rich or hardworking the girl was, it happened that the kuforwala was not filled, that is, always for every girl, always yes, always, this was a tradition then, but a wedding is an infrequent event, but work is every day, and how and what ordinary villagers worked, sometimes it is simply amazing, our ancestors learned to use fields and meadows.
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cut and with a compass go from this spaz six times, we get a radius. our ancestors without education understood geometry and architecture, and everything that is now taught in universities, to dress, they sheared wool from rams, with scissors like these, yes, with scissors like these, listen, well, they were sharp, yes, of course, they separate two people. they could even shave with scissors, yes, wow, they cut, they wove this wave into a thread with knitting needles, which they spun out, socks, socks, flower shirts and so on, i don’t know what a grade can be, wait, for threads, for threads, colored threads here, and
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colored threads here too, and you can make a belt like this, yes, by the way, there are a lot of such things, different varieties. a homemade small, the smallest weaving loom, yes, i came across one, i want to tell you that this is, i remind you, higher mathematics for me, here are home millstones, there is a mill made of a lot of grain, here are home ones, so yeah, and hop, that's it, flour poured out, grain went, women did this work, although, i'll tell you, it's not at all easy, in a couple of minutes your hands get so strong that you don't need any gym. the next important science that should have been at least one person from the family to weave baskets. a frame was made, first from thick protiya, here it was made, then
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here, yes, this is a vine, only thicker than protiya, yeah, then such a core, here wire or thin-thin twigs were woven, and then there were thicker twigs. first from here from this end, then from this and so slowly, slowly it was woven in the middle, here such a kosh ended. this was a man's occupation, and it was done in the winter, and the reason for this is simple: in the winter there is no work in the field, while women spun and wove, men wove baskets, some for themselves, some for sale, wait, let me take it, i take it, i take it, this one bent over here, here, up here, then it had to go there, yes, here, here, here, like this, oh, like this, then here, like this.
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it doesn't look that difficult, but you need physical strength to hold it all so it doesn't fall apart or come undone. the purpose of wicker baskets was very different, not only storing supplies, as you might think, they caught fish with such baskets in winter, with such a thing, and how did it happen? a hole was cut in the ice, a skin was put in, then twigs were laid on the ice like this, twigs were covered with hay, then snow was poured on top, it was like a vent. when the fish, uh, froze , the swamps froze, the lakes, the ice was
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about a meter thick, even more, the fish had nothing to breathe, it went here for oxygen, to get some air, oxygen, so it went here and came in, it stood in the water, this crust, it came in here and swam here, it was already hard for it to get back out, so in this way it was possible to catch five and 10 porridge fish. well, while the adults worked hard, the children were left with their grandfather, who entertained them with invented games, they created such a game, it’s called a bunny, we ’ll show you now, let’s repeat it too, behind the mountain the buckwheat was dawning, the bunny was chewing, so that my legs would be too small, so that i would be too. that’s how the children
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earned themselves something tasty, and the one who gets out of rhythm and steps on a piece of wood loses the game. in the garden the buckwheat is dawning, behind the mountain the bunny is chewing, so that my legs would be too small, so that i would be too chewing. that’s how our your ancestors spent their everyday life with you, but there was another very important part in their lives. belarus charmed them at first sight, i was attracted by the cleanliness of the streets, the consistency of the rhythms,
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every day i learn something new, something beautiful, something wonderful, and this simply enriches my life experience, the atmosphere here is different, you understand, everything is provided to people, please, belarus for me. this is a wonderful country, i can say, i feel very good, watch the project view of belarus on our tv channel. history of the heritage of the residents of the pinsk region inseparable from their beliefs, here you can find
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religious monuments of different times and architectural styles, and many of them are still functioning and performing their functions. the church of the transfiguration of the lord in the urban settlement of logishin was opened in 1892, at that time the state provided significant financial assistance for the construction. there was a five-domed iconostasis with icons was covered with gold leaf, unfortunately, then someone unknowingly covered the surfaces with bronze powder the gold leaf was destroyed. look up, then, the people who sometimes your residents of mensk come and say, but it is somehow unusual that there are no vaults when you look up, so the unusual form is determined not by symbolism, but by technical necessity, and the color of the walls is also unusual for a church, orange, so that there is
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a feeling of warmth, are there any interesting stories associated with ... that perhaps happened in this area or during construction. the icon of the monastery, abraham himself, sarah, you see, here is the addition there, you see, look at the eyes of the apostle, so, someone picked them out of abraham, either with a bayonet or a knife, and this, this is absolute scum, in fact, you see. who did this for what reason is unknown, but the impression is eerie, here in the church there is a memorial plaque with the names of the officers who died in the first world war, whose remains were found in this area, the remains of officers of the russian army, the russian army, then they were buried not far
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from the temple, here nearby, when the authorities found documents from... the names of the heroes became known , a ceremony was held to install a memorial sign. this place is a historical landmark of lagishin. once upon a time in one of the most talented and famous belarusians worked in this building. now people come to learn a little more about his life and work. the yakub kolas museum is the main attraction of the village of pinkovicha. all of belarus knows yakub kolas as one of.
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get a selfie for the partner of the famous poet, well, let's try, if we are kind, not only buildings have been preserved, but also books, some of them are quite old, for example, you can read a guide to raising and teaching children, written in 1875, such as an old manual for young mothers and
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teachers, very interesting, how did they teach to raise children then, no lullabies and... their means should be allowed, all of them are harmful for the child, restless for those caring for them, a child accustomed to falling asleep in arms, every time he wakes up, screams to be picked up, and since he wakes up quite often, you will have to take him out of the crib often, and it is very easy to catch a cold, what language are you in? it's in russian , it's just that here uh pre-revolutionary - more -
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i can also boast that our native kolas often visit us, we can say that we have invaluable relations with the granddaughter of yakub kolas, the dacha of that same mikhas, about whom kolas wrote mikhasev's prygody.
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another monument of the past: the skirmontov sugar factory, which is located in the village of porechye. once it was an advanced enterprise, now it is just a beautiful building with an interesting history. it started working in 1800. in 1879, the factory burned down and was never restored to its original form, and after 10 years it was adapted for distillery and it became the only plant in the minsk province producing purified alcohol. now only this brick building reminds us of the life that was once in full swing here, and if you don’t know what it was, you can’t tell,
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there are more than enough creative people in pinsk, they can show something that takes your breath away. the poleskie zori author’s song collective has become a kind of calling card of the city, representing it not only in belarus, but in other countries. let’s go get acquainted. sergey, i just saw something incredible and amazing, something that shocked me, because on stage, even if
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you take the vocalists, how many vocalists do you have in the ensemble? 22 people, but it seems like 100 people were singing, and while i was watching, i was also thinking how everything came together, bright costumes, amazing, by the way, we'll talk about this later, wonderful choreography, vocals and... and most importantly - live instruments, i want to know everything about your group, so the group was created here in the city of pinsk in 1976, it was created in the formation of trestya number two, there is one construction organization, gathered our first leader, the creator of the team, the founder mikhail vasilievich, at the construction site, literally on the street this team was created, and for the day of the builder they made just for themselves the first concert. all this, all the more surprising that the team was assembled from the people. here perform those without special education who simply have a soul for music and creativity. i also noted
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an important point, in your team there are people of different ages, both young people and older people, and what is the most interesting that they are generally combined, combined, that is, no one stands out, no worse, no better, all with some kind of mad. climbed hands feet, since then i have been in this team, as they say, grew from 15 years old to my majority, in 1977 through
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8 or. europe, in 1997 entered the top ten best teams in europe at that time, but we once set such a bar for ourselves and try today, today not to lower it lower, only try as much as possible, but forward. stylized stage costumes are based on folklore motives, all this is handmade
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, all embroidered by masters. well, friends, this is where our acquaintance with pinchina ends, i'm heading home to plan a new route for you, see you in the next city.
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hi, i'm vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city, i can't imagine my life without... high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of a coffee shop, lato machiata, every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing their life in the city for the village. after the divorce, she moved with her children from kazakhstan to a belarusian village, i lived in kazakhstan in the city of alma-ata and there i had to look after my things very well, a river that suddenly overflowed caused a lot of trouble flooded all my flower beds, flowers.
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a few years after the move, her daughter went through a difficult transition period and had to be resettled to another place as an educational measure. our heroine went through all the trials with dignity and today is ready to share her story. let's get acquainted. hello. nastasya, very nice. nastasia, some interesting facts about you. you are originally from kazakhstan. at some point in your life, you realized that... takstan is not the place to live, a place where it will be comfortable, great, cool, that's what's interesting, you did not stop at a village in kazakhstan, you did not and started looking for something new interesting stopped at a village in russia, you stopped at our belarusian village, every day you travel 25 km to work, well , actually not every day, but i have a certain schedule, and i go and especially for me in volozhin they built a forklift, it turned out to be so interestingsocially for you, we will definitely talk about this today about
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the reasons... we will also talk, we will reveal all these questions, but for now i suggest starting with an excursion. it turns out that nastasya is not only a certified swimming instructor, i realized this when it was already too late. now the viewers will probably say, well, finally, the host put on his everyday clothes, something that suits him very well, but this is amazing, this is a real work of art and i understand that this is a hobby, such as in free.


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