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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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prohibition on the placement, distribution of advertisements about employment and training outside the country. when an image of a trademark appears, is it advertising or not advertising. but now you haven’t advertised the telegram channel? one big plus is that individual entrepreneurs, advertising organizations and bloggers have learned the legislation on advertising better.
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hello, the program say don’t be silent is on air. in the studio svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest, the head of the department for the protection of consumer rights and control over advertising of the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus, inna gavrilchik. inna anatolyevna. good afternoon, we are very glad to see you in our studio, we usually see you in the studio of the belarusian vremyashchik, where you are not only a frequent guest, but also, it seems to me, a full-fledged employee of the vremya team. thank you, hello, inna anatolyevna, let's talk about the changes in the law on advertising, they came into force quite recently, let's understand the main innovations, what would you call the main innovation or important each point? i would answer right away that each point is important. yes, why? because for
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each part of the advertising market audience there are changes that should be taken into account. conventionally, they can be divided into three groups. the first is what is aimed at business development, the second - at protecting consumer rights and the third - at ensuring information security in the information space. the updated law has changed the concept of the object of advertising. explain what is now considered such an object. the object of advertising is what advertises, if we speak in simple terms, using the definition of advertising and the object of advertising is a product, work, service, organization or individual entrepreneur, another citizen, and so on. what are the changes? this definition has been supplemented by the fact that now the object of advertising can be, for example, a trademark, logo, some other symbolism of an organization or... product, why
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was this change made, because disputes arose when an image of a trademark appears, is it advertising or not advertising, of course, we say that this is advertising, because under a trademark are registered goods, works, services, for which it was invented, works, services, goods that it denotes, therefore it is a full-fledged object of advertising, that is, if, for example, some, someone's trademark suddenly appears on the screen, this is already advertising. there is an image, a sign, and another important purpose for promotion, therefore when such an addition, this definition is also supplemented by an object of advertising is a commodity a new object of advertising, which in fact, in practice it already was, yes, but it was not legally recorded, it is an information resource or an internet resource, as we are accustomed to calling it yes.
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on radio and television, as i understand it, this concerns specifically strong alcoholic beverages , because low-alcohol, in my opinion, even before these changes came into force, yes they were regulated, and the head of mart alexey bogdanov said that this was precisely one of the most controversial issues, because
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opinions appeared, citizens made such statements that they say this will lead to alcoholization of the population, but at the same time bogdanov said, here we will quote, that they came to a common opinion... that in the prepared version of the bill there should not be a negative effect on the population, but still there will be some restrictions? firstly, it is necessary to understand that for a long time the law on advertising has established very strict requirements for advertising of alcoholic beverages, yes, especially if we are talking about advertising that is distributed not in retail outlets and not on the websites of the manufacturers themselves, but in all other places where you and i can to visit, so this advertisement... is very limited in content, for example, it cannot indicate the type of alcoholic beverage, wine, vodka, cognac, and so on, this information should not be in such advertising, only the trademark, only the trademark , yes, the name, that is, what is in quotation marks, yes, for example, if the tincture is
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called belarusian, yes, then exactly what is in quotation marks belarusian in the advertisement can be indicated, but without the type of alcoholic beverage, this is the first point, the second point, there should not be in such... advertising images of people, including among drawn, some images, sketches and so on, yes, fantasy characters, images of animals should not be in such advertising, that is, this is a serious restriction, plus there should be no call to use and information that drinking these drinks, for example, will create a joyful mood for you, yes or will allow you to have a good holiday, such information should not be in advertising. that is , in fact, such an information block is made from it, there is such a trademark, there is such a name, this is enough, if you want to buy, that is, here the advertisement plays an informational role, yes, they indicated, then the person makes the decision
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independently, no calls to drink, plus a warning sign is required that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health, whoever spoke interestingly with...
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said, this is information about this drink, it does not call you to the store, it does not call you to drink, yes, it does not tell you how delicious it is or what joyful consequences you will have from it, this is dry information, moreover, with a warning sign, an adult who, for example, suffers from
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insomnia, yes, and he watches tv at night , he perceives information critically adequately, yes, probably, well, for you and me , who do not abuse alcoholic beverages, probably, in the middle of the night this will not push, suddenly go for a drink, yes, that's why the decision was really discussed a lot.
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to show beautifully taking into account the restrictions on information and visuals, that is, any restrictions can in principle be circumvented by showing creativity so let's say i would say not to bypass but to show creativity in order to create a beautiful and non-alcoholic beer can it be advertised at any time if not not to pronounce the word beer? no that's not quite so well firstly a really serious change was made to the law on advertising this firstly defined what non-alcoholic beer is.
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it's a brand, that is, we advertise the brand in any case, of course, we use it, but in order to make it clear that it is still a non-alcoholic drink, there is a legislative requirement where it should be in large print, the same print as, for example, the beer trademark, it was indicated that this was non-alcoholic beer, well, there was advertising.
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a lot, yes, practically the entire city, you could say, is hung, covered with these posters, even the guests of the capital pay attention to this, tourists who come to minsk, for example, one of the bloggers writes, the first thing ... you notice when you drive along a smooth four-lane highway from the minsk airport to the city, these are advertising banners and mountain establishments, no lie, about every the fifth or sixth advertisement above the road had this content, it's not minsk, but las vegas, well, that is, now there will be even more of this advertising, that is, in addition to the fact that these are banners, some advertisements in newspapers, somewhere else, their number will also increase on the radio and television, by one
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hour, yes, it will really increase, but again this... the change was also very long and actively discussed, including from the point of view of not entailing negative consequences, yes, but as we already said, we we always try and in general, in principle, when developing any regulatory act , a balance of interests is sought, yes, so as not to prohibit something so that the sphere could not develop, yes, or for some other reasons, for example, support for television and radio companies that earn money on advertising.
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on the one hand, it is proposed to prohibit a lot, on the other hand, it is proposed to somehow...
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and not make a problem out of it, but make a reason to raise your own child. and we will take a short break for now, i i will advertise our telegram channel, it is called say don't be silent, subscribe, offer us new interesting guests ask your questions, we are in touch. what is a normal life for belarusians? for others it may seem truly exotic. good
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morning. rooster? yes, that's how we do it, good morning. and how is your rooster? does it crow? kikiriki. friends, any journey in an unfamiliar city. you need to start in the museum, where you will be told how to build the right route to see interesting places, but it is easy to become one of your own in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history culture, this is a five-hundred-year-old oak tree, wow, which can fulfill a wish, 1 2
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the program "say don't be silent" is on the air again and today our guest is the head of the department for the protection of consumer rights and control over advertising mart inna gavrelchik. inna anatolyevna, well, let's continue to study the changes in the new law on advertising. a ban is being introduced. on the placement, distribution of advertisements about employment and training outside the country, with the exception of advertisements placed by distributed organizations and individual entrepreneurs on their
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websites, on the internet, that is, a running line on tv channels about shift work in a neighboring country is now prohibited, yes, now it is prohibited only on the websites of the organization that carries out such activities, if we are talking about employment outside the republic of belarus. then - licenses for such activities have organizations, please, be kind, place such advertising on your own website, if we are talking about training, then on your own website organization that provides such services. here you also need to analyze the advertising itself, because it happens that they advertise or invite people to some vacancies, and the hiring is carried out in the republic of belarus, in a belarusian organization, but there are long-term business trips outside... the republic of belarus, this is not employment abroad, this is employment here, but the specifics of the work are long-term business trips outside, well, now in the advertising of real estate services.
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the responsibility of realtors is included organizations in advertising real estate indicate the date of issue of the license for the implementation of real estate activities, why is this change, why is it some kind of perpetual license is now issued and no, it's just that this information is actually not important for the consumer in the advertisement itself, if there is a license number, now it is enough to indicate the license number, and this applies specifically to advertising of real estate organizations.
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you know, i'll tell you a terrible secret, and this information may not be in the radio advertisement, it's just that those who made this advertisement and posted, they don't know the advertising legislation well, namely, and these changes were made several years ago in order to eliminate this funny situation, when they start to rattle off information about manufacturers there and so on, for a long, long time, yes, that's why most of this information from advertising can be removed, completely according to the law, that is... yes, that someone wants advertising longer, that is , the organization that sells advertising time, they simply take advantage of the fact that this tail, yes, this is also money, every second is a hundred ignorance, someone's ignorance, yes, well , maybe we opened someone's eyes, how many secrets will we reveal today, and i also want to tell you one secret before the question, we will just talk about the number of increasing minutes of advertising, i once worked in the press service of the belteleradiocompany, we had
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a very active viewer. who really didn't like advertising, he called many times, it was a long time ago, then e-mail was not so widespread, he called many times, and one day he said, he said: i have a very good offer for you, how - so that everyone it was good, and for advertisers and tv viewers and advertising did not bother us, i propose to combine all the advertising that you give out during the day, into one block and give it out somewhere there in the morning, after after midnight, everyone will be fine, well, i think that... of course, none of the advertisers would like such a creative proposal, but at the same time it is increased by 2 minutes from 16 minutes now to 18 minutes already possible yes during each hour the time for placing advertising in programs broadcast in the evening time between 18:00 and 22:00, that is, this evening prime time, but there is also a lot of advertising on television, you will agree, and it will become even more, that is, another plus 2 minutes has already become?
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already is, not always a tv channel, minutes and it is not necessary that it will be such a tv company radio can gain such a number of minutes, yes, that's right, at the same time, it is forbidden to interrupt programs with advertising lasting less than 15 minutes, but we were interested, so we just opened the tv program of the belarus 1 tv channel and in order to see if there are many such programs, shorter than 15 minutes, but basically this is news, zone x, that is, the rest actually, well, that is, the news is not interrupted anyway, you have now opened up a niche, yes , you can think about what other programs could be filmed with such a duration, especially since they have now allowed advertising to be placed in them by superimposing or by running line, for example, there really is no way to interrupt,
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because well, this is a very short period of time, but by superimposing or integrating into the program itself, this is like, for example, you and i sometimes see programs where there is a bronze mug, yes, again let's return to the object of advertising, a trademark on... a vehicle, this also exists now, another thing is that the approval procedure has changed a little, yes, at the place of registration of the vehicle it is always necessary to approve, with the exception of certain information, when it is, for example, an advertisement
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of the owner, the name of his organization of goods, a trademark that the owner of this vehicle produces, or a taxi service number, if it is a taxi car, or information about the cargo carrier. or passengers on this vehicle, here is a certain list of information that can be posted even without approval about this organization, everything else, please, taking into account the requirements of the law on advertising, we agree with the executive committee and post, no questions, claims to you are not received on this matter, regarding these small changes that affected the approval, no, there are none, the market was familiarized in advance, when we were still working on the project, that's why no, this is the procedure for... more improved, that is, it has become easier for those who need to register all this , to coordinate, you know, it has changed slightly, it’s just that now this coordination does not apply, or rather, the coordination of advertising
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on a certain vehicle, for example, registered in the grodno region, does not apply to the minsk region, that is, if your organization has another branch or some division there. where there is also a vehicle, then please, be kind, go to get the approval of this same advertising in in minsk, for example, the executive committee, for outdoor advertising, now a private person will not be able to place it, he will be able to, but there are also some restrictions in this, yes, restrictions have really appeared there, the restrictions are quite serious, but in our opinion, it is justified, and this is that the activity of an outdoor advertising operator. cannot be carried out by an individual entrepreneur, yes, only an organization, who is our operator? this is the one who installs advertising structures and provides services for the placement of outdoor advertising on their structures, here please tell me, if
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, for example, an individual entrepreneur has 10-15-20 structures, how will he be able to provide for them all, right? yes, it is clear, according to the law he has the right to have several employees, but... as a rule, this is still not carried out directly by the individual entrepreneur, but some other people are involved, so let's be honest, yes, if we want to have such a business, then please, register as an organization and provide such services, and there was a period, yes, after all, six months were given for the law to come into force, those individual entrepreneurs who decided to continue this business had the opportunity to re-register.
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in part, the law on advertising has not changed, but taking into account certain problems that arose in the market regarding the placement of social advertising of state holidays, advertising of memorable dates, yes, for example, victory day, other holidays of national importance, in order to remove these problems, this issue was settled: advertising distributors do not have the right to refuse to place such advertising, this is firstly, secondly, government agencies can choose the place where such advertising can be placed, we all understand that it should be distributed, firstly, evenly throughout the city, for example, yes, in the district, somewhere so that the citizens of our country understand, see that this is a really serious, important
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holiday for the country, plus there are requirements that the government agency has the right to specify the period in which this advertising should be placed, and that there have been cases when they refused to place information about the day victories? 5% of the total amount of all commercial advertising that is placed, that is why there is such a requirement, but here, probably, you also meant that after all, several years ago we had amendments made to the law on advertising, commercial organizations have the right
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to assist government agencies in the production of social advertising, well, and this is really important, and the social activity of business, why not give it the opportunity to show, that is, in order to show that business is involved in social projects, the law provides for permission for 7% of the area, for example, outdoor advertising, yes, it can be the name or trademark of the commercial organization that...
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this is not a condition on which the provision of telecommunications services depends, some operators managed to refuse to conclude contracts, that is why, in order to remove all disagreements, actually, while this norm did not exist, we explained that this cannot be done, yes, but in order to be clearly spelled out in the legislation itself, here this rule appeared: they have no right to refuse, here it only remains for consumers to gather their determination, and to defend what i do not want. and that is, up to now, let's say, in the contract there is still this clause, it
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is in the contract, yes, here the question for the consumer is not to miss, to be attentive, in general, in principle, when you sign a contract, you must definitely read it, especially what is written in small print, yes, and what you come across is that our people are not so demanding, say, to suppliers of some services, and do not defend their rights, so you say that you know, rights begin to be defended when they have already been violated, when they read. contracts are often simply mechanically ticked for the fact that, well, for example, some purchase is made, an agreement is concluded, yes, now our time is very dynamic, yes, we do not want to waste a lot of time, so they quickly tick, so sellers or performers of the service say: here, here, here and here, that's when they tell you here, here and here you need to tick something, at least these points i recommend consumers to read very carefully, but in general they often contact, what was stated in the advertisement does not correspond.
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are ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural monuments await you, the temple greets you with simplicity, high windows, and the bell tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine, here
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in the family estate mikhail oginsky, together with his wife and children, perhaps, and therefore its complete disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists has been preserved. look in the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is the basis of the program say, don't
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be silent, and today our guest is the head of the department. consumer protection and advertising control for march, inna gavrilchik. inna anatolyevna, well, in the final part we will discuss changes in the regulation of the register of advertising distributors, a ban is being introduced on the provision of services for placing advertising on the internet by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs not included in this register, the register of advertising distributors. under what conditions can an advertising distributor get into the register? the conditions are very simple. you can go to the website of the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade, download the notification form, fill it out and send it by mail, within 5 days we will include it in the register, you can look again on our website, the names and details of the organization will already be in the register, the organization or individual entrepreneur or blogger
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yes, for example, provides advertising services to other persons for placing advertisements on the internet, then in this case he can carry out such activities. only if he is in register, that's it, you don't have to pay any money, you just have to send a notification, they'll turn it on, that's all, but by the way, this is our most popular change, we get a lot of requests about it, who needs to turn it on , who doesn't, why does confusion arise, if, for example, you, as an advertiser, yes, you produce some product, you have your own website, you advertise yourself there, your products, but no other...
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provides advertising placement services, yes, because it's not some product of its own, it's not just advertising itself, but something in its own, in his blog, in his video materials, he integrates something, some product, yes, a product, or talks about some service, he provides services to someone who produces certain services, or certain goods, so yes, he should be in the registry, and if , for example, a blogger shoots a review, that's just how there is such a genre of unpacking, and he. they don't pay anything for this, he just wants to create content, to attract the viewer, so to speak, yes, there, he bought a dishwasher, shows how to set it up, yes, he also indicates the brand manufacturer.
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we often talk about unification of the legislation of belarus and our closest neighbor, our strategic partner
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, the russian federation. are there any significant differences in the law on advertising in our two countries? yes, there are on certain points, but in general we can say that our legislation is unified in a certain part, yes, there are, for example, differences in what, it is prohibited to advertise there. permits and places are determined for advertising and so on, therefore, in general, our approaches are the same, especially, that we have an advisory committee on advertising of the cis countries, about once a year under good circumstances, twice a year we meet, share our experience, and we see that our approaches, in fact, are the same and not only with the russian federation, but with kazakhstan. for example, from kyrgyzstan, that's why yes, we are indeed unifying, let's say so, but in fact, you know, i think this
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is facilitated not only by government agencies that regulate advertising activities, but also the cross-border nature, the internet, yes, everything is becoming interconnected, everything is open to each other, so whether you like it or not, you need to invent some kind of unified approaches, well, now we are actively... the work scheme and so on, but we are always very persistent and ensure that, regardless of the scale, the organization works
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within the legal framework, if a foreign business entity comes, or even our partner comes to our territory to work, all the same, the legislation it is necessary to comply, that's when any business enters the market, because it studies the entire legal basis, however, before stepping somewhere, we must find out: how, what rules, how it is there, what is in effect, and especially, let's say, with the russian federation our legislation on consumer protection is very very similar, although i can even brag a little, we have somewhere a little more progressive and stronger protection of the consumer, especially with regard to online trade. recently, the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade concluded an agreement with a large russian marketplace, here is alexey bogdanov, the minister of antimonopoly regulation and trade from the belarusian side signing. what was agreed on, what is the benefit for belarusian consumers and producers, what is the benefit for us from this?
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let me just clarify a little, this is an agreement, yes, of the state body mart, as a regulator in the field of trade and consumer protection, and a really large internet platform that operates in the republic of belarus. and i want to say that key approaches were discussed and secured in parts.
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in the placement of distribution of advertising, but there may also be a fine. and how often does it come to fines, or well, we know that punishment by the ruble, it is, as a rule, more effective, yes, well, how often does it come to a fine, or there are enough orders, in those cases when the order is not executed, or improperly executed, yes somewhere something has changed a little, but nevertheless
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we continue to violate a little, in these cases, of course, there is always a fine, that's it. a lot of trouble, yes, because it is wrong placed it can introduce the consumer into a comma unfortunately sometimes it can create misconceptions regarding the content
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of the semantic of the entire phrase of the advertising well here from... so let's say, research, yes, about the impact here psychological impact of advertising on a child, on adults, we even have special restrictions in the law on advertising that provide for measures aimed at protecting minors from inappropriate advertising, yes, for example, advertising should not discredit the authority of parents, should not inspire a minor that this
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he needs the product because it is not enough yet...
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that individual entrepreneurs, advertising organizations and bloggers have learned more about advertising legislation, because in connection with the need to be included in the register they have at least become interested in it, and we are trying to explain, march also enlightens, it turns out, well and thanks to you, today we also learned more about advertising legislation, its innovations, innovations, for this of course thank you very much, and what else would i like to say, we see that... the market is developing, let advertising become more beautiful, more aesthetic, we will be watching this, well, we wish you success in your activities, come to us again, it is always very interesting with you, tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you, until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, now inna gavrilchik is speaking, advertising is very important for the country's economy, advertising is important for
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consumers, it carries a lot of interesting new information about goods, works and... services, advertising should not violate the law, then it will bring success and pleasure from its contemplation. inna anatolyevna, a permissive autograph from mart, i think. many would like to receive it, but now this chance is given to us, and some wish, well, let life be bright, like advertising.
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it is good to be friends with neighbors, but we will not perish without them in the modern, new architecture of the world, we already do without them. we are now in a state of a tough information war, it can be stopped in the simplest, most primitive way: we open our borders, please, come and see, today in europe such a unique situation, practically all european elites have essentially lost their legitimacy, that is, they act against the interests of their own people, but this is the american system of governance, this is a deal with the elites at the expense of their own people, which are mainly the divisions that revolve around us, these are mechanized divisions, from the third corps of the us army and the eighteenth airborne corps, that is, these are the same formations that participated in iraq, and in all absolutely recent conflicts of the post-cold, and even before the cold war. we are definitely
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must unite as a nation, must understand that we are fighting now for our future, for the future of our children of the next generations, and there is no other option. the project is objective, do not miss new releases on the belarus tv channel.
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this is a panorama, we are summing up friday in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, here are the main topics of the day: belarus vatican, when positions on the world stage are consonant from the topic of faith to traditional family.


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