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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 25, 2024 12:25am-1:01am MSK

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each question had its share of sincerity, well, it is very beautiful, but especially on the question about the letter to the past, it was clear that the person was not withdrawn and it was interesting for him to participate in this program, and i am very grateful to her for this, that she showed us, and her sincerity was so welcoming and open. each person is associated with something, for me this person is associated with the sun, she is so sunny. bright, energetic, kind, she is so frank, so positive, that it simply captivates me breathing from how much a person, how much a person can be sincere, open, cheerful and simply joyful. victoria, we have such a rule, the last word is always for the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, a wonderful conversation, thank you very much to everyone, to all the guys. in order for
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me to be sincere, they needed to give me this sincerity, everything worked out, our symbiosis, our synergy, it happened, it's magic, and i am grateful to them with all my heart, a wonderful program, thank you very much, belarus-1 for this invitation, i just happy, seriously, it's true, singer. victoria oleshko was a guest of the program 100 questions to an adult today, see you in a week. we have forgotten how to enjoy the little things, to be surprised, to feel.
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from generation, it is in our smile, hand waves, in such a familiar look, from simple happy moments real traditions are formed. to all our ancestors, we value the past
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for our present, belarus 24. hello, i am vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city. i can't imagine my life without high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of the coffee shop. lataty machiata. every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing their life in the city for the village. because of work, she almost never sees her husband at home. well, i always want him to leave. mines, well, everyone knows that, every day
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he goes down to depths that we never dreamed of, we have mines up to kilometers, she had to completely reshape her life schedule, i also adjust to dima's shifts, together they are building a dream house and improving 40 acres of land, they have two children and more thirty chickens, how do they manage to do everything, we'll find out today, let's get acquainted, hello, my name is vasya, dima, dima, nice to meet you, vasya. and a year ago you decided that life in the city, yeah, got boring, got boring, terribly, i don't like it, and you moved here, now you have 40 acres of land, you have a huge territory around you, a forest, a house that is currently under construction, and you live in a construction site, yes, we have a unique opportunity to see not already finished you...
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i had such reasoning, after how long did dima break down? well, i want to say that dima breaks me, now, i tell him, stop, he needs more potatoes, you need, your carrots have grown there, like your garlic, so he says, we will expand, i
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say, no, i will not let you touch the lawn, that is , we will no longer have a vegetable garden, yes, i already, i am stopping him now, last year of course we sowed watermelons, zucchini, that ... what is needed, for example, you do not need to buy such and such green onions and parsley dill and such carrots and so why do i need to go to the store, i just don’t really believe in summer cottage watermelons, you consider me watermelon skeptic dacha, and there is a watermelon here, which we right now as an experiment, so as not to violate your gardening traditions take, try to open and see what. let's try yes right here this yes like this - please pay attention the watermelon is still uh is on let's me i will hold and you and you will tear off how is it right oops while we were deciding whether we will wash
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the watermelon and move to the table i suddenly remembered one very effective way how to calculate a ripe watermelon so come to the point you see many watermelons take the first watermelon. make a smart face, pay attention, i'm good at it, smart face, knock, put, take the second, knock, put, take the third, such a life hack that you don't knock, but just take, just take confidently boldly, we'll definitely come back to tasting the watermelon just picked from the garden, but for now let's start revealing the story of our heroes. irina, what is it like to live with a miner husband, well, i always want him to leave the mine, well, everyone knows this, like initially we... got married, like him, i told him, maybe change something, like he says: "ir, well, where would i go to dig the subway." i have an education, it turns out that i can't go somewhere, well, as a taxi driver, well , that's also, you know, no, the work is not easier,
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as they say, yes, probably, the income level is not at all, yes, that's why we have a miner topic - this is an unhealthy topic, probably, at home, because. like he knows that i'm always for him leaving the mine, but he always says: "ir, i'll work off my seniority and leave." yeah, well, we're waiting. we still have to get it done before that time, that's all here. well, i work, i'm a manicurist, i've been working since 2011, i work for myself, i had, like , my own offices in two cities, people worked for me, now i only work for my clients, i already have my own regulars, that's why. there is still some income on my part, so we'll finish it somehow, i'm thinking, and what is he like when he comes home from work, is he a very exhausted, tired person, who is better not approached with some kind of rural work, or not? it all depends on how the shift went, yeah, if there were any
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repairs, accordingly, well, it’s hard, it also happens sometimes, you come, yeah, well, of course they have everything in addition, besides the fact that you got on the combine. well, we try to do it ourselves, we distribute our work, he knows what he needs to do, and i know what i can do too, accordingly, i try, if it’s a day shift, well, let’s say from 10 there and 30 he leaves and comes back at 8 in the evening, i think, well, i try to do everything my way as much as possible schedule. i adjust it to suit myself, when i need a day off, i'll take it, and accordingly, i also adjust to tima's shifts. we're going on a trip around belarus, we'll take a historical excursion, well
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, this chapel, it was erected in the year of our city's anniversary, our city in 2017. 100 years later, and we'll also visit the bright sights of our country, it is only known from the archives that the temple was built somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. the milograd culture is a tribal association that arose, settled on territory of our country, in the south of our country, starting from approximately... the route
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is built on the belarus 24 tv channel, they are delighted with every corner of their small homeland, i was always drawn to the forest, to the swamps, to the water, and a paleshuk without a boat, this is not a paleshuk, there was always a boat in it, there is a river nearby, a forest, mushrooms, berries. our pripyat river, it is the most beautiful, so
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self-worthy among all the rivers, it feeds all our paleshuks. poleshuks, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . well, finally this moment has come, we washed the watermelon a little, after all we put it on plate, it will be more convenient, you need to try how you do it at home, a triangle, and on top, yeah, yeah, i'll do it, well, it didn't crack, yeah, and the lips will be green, it's easy for you, and i can already see through the crack that it's not green yet, well, it's a variety. well, they're essentially pink, yeah, they're pink, well , this is the same one straight from the garden,
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which was just washed, just what an aroma, we cut it and don't need these false promises at the market, astrakhan i swear by my mother , astrakhan, you've never eaten anything sweeter in your life, here you have it without oaths, without anything, normal, delicious, belarusian watermelon, sweet watermelon, belarusian, it's so great when you don't have to... invent, depict, surprisingly, few imported watermelons can compare in sweetness with the one we just picked from the garden. for many viewers, working with a miner will be limited to the fact that a person goes underground and does something there. i would like, probably, to go deeper into this issue, like on my fingers, please tell me what your work in the mine consists of, what you do, here's how a child, let's imagine, i'm a child without very smart words. well, i control a mining and tunneling combine, this is a combine that
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bites off, well, breaks off pieces of rock, oh-oh-oh, and loads them into a bunker-loader, is this some kind of big machine or not, 60 tons of weight, 60 tons of weight, yes, i directly control this equipment, well , yes, yes, on levers, if on... 700-800 m underground we have mines up to a kilometer dark there is some kind of artificial light yes or in general well lighting all the equipment is illuminated well on a headlamp it is constantly with me included this is this shift from what time does your shift start, well, roughly speaking, from zero. yes , until 6, from 6 to 12, from 12 to 18 for 6 hours, i
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understand, well, 6 6 hours we work directly at the face, yeah, we are underground for one hour, half an hour we go to the combines, half an hour from the combine, half an hour, half an hour of time is given, this is together with the elevator, i guess i'm right , the elevator is a cage, a cage, a cage, a cage, and what is a cage, what is it, well, a miner's elevator, how many people can it fit? 28 people 20 27 20 yeah, this is for understanding in our elevators maximum four or five in regular passenger elevators yes well roughly such size somewhere 2x6 2x6 maybe there. no doors, nothing, it's just a cage, yes there are doors, well regular doors, as you put them in, yes, yes, yes, yes, swing doors, it's clear how many days a week, how to say correctly, you work, that is, what, here is a day on, a day off, a sliding schedule, well as usual five or two, yeah, that is monday, friday,
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working days, yeah, yeah, yeah, sometimes there is saturday-sunday there once every six months on the weekend, yeah, oh, dima admitted that when comes home from work, turns on all the lights. the darkness and semi-darkness are so annoying at work that when you come home, you want a lot of light. i have about 100 programs from the village and it so rarely happens that we come to people who have their own pond on the territory of their plot. do you have such a pond, is it artificial or natural and was it here? artificially, probably, it was dug here once, i call it our pearl, even. our plot, and i saw fish here, yes, we definitely have fish, it is, crucian carp, grass carp, just obiki, grass carp was released so that it would be clean, because it turns out there was a lot of ryazka, and it was decided to release grass carp so that it would eat, so this season we have no ryazka, respectively, it means that the grass carp
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is alive, the grass carp is working, yes, it is working, and we have already caught fish here, no, why is there not enough time? i admit, there is not enough time, yes, work, a plot, a large territory, well, look, today you have freed up your day for us, if i understand correctly, that is, no work, no squabbles, plot, nothing will happen, so, that is, free time has formed, i am leading to the fact that a little later i propose to arrange a small competition here, who in some short limited time can catch more fish, let's try not a glove, of course, not a duel, but nevertheless, it is interesting, let's try, agreed, right? i don't know what i was thinking when i challenged an experienced fisherman, but i must have been thinking something, very soon you will see for yourself that i got carried away, how did you decide to move, to move permanently, at first all this is with us it was like a seasonal place, like a dacha, like a dacha, yes we bought it, we bought it like a dacha, and we came and stayed, well, oh, we spent the summer here, and
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it dragged on so much that it was september, usually the dacha owners are already at... school-age children are returning, we didn’t want to at all , so what won us over, well, why in september, when everyone seemed to be leaving for their cities , we didn’t want to leave this place, it’s really so relaxing here, my husband and i have already said more than once that it’s like we’re in a sanatorium here, you walk around here and you just understand, that we don't keep track of time here, sometimes it turns out that we even have to go to work, but you forget.
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the i'm from the village program only confirms this theory. well, it's time for total humiliation, i'm talking about fishing. let me remind you, the task is to catch a fish in 5 minutes. the number of casts is not limited, but you have to try to catch at least something. dima claims that he doesn't have time for this idiocy. there's enough work here on the site, he and his friends go somewhere, they fish more professionally. personally , if i had such a rod on the site, i wouldn't would crawl out of it. like in that cartoon, if i had. i might not have married such a cat at all, it's the same with fishing, i wonder, we'll see, they put a heavier worm, a worm that ate after six, yes, yes, yes, but in general, to be completely honest, it seems to me that in terms of fishing i'm cursed, how many times we went with my father, how many times we went with my father-in-law, here they go with me, they never catch anything, almost not a single bite, there
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or some one failure that's all, you can sit on the shore for several hours, i have there is also such a thing, here... they go without me, they catch, i need to have a fish near me, seriously, irina, according to the horoscope i am a pisces, there is always a good catch, the 5 minutes allotted to me for catching fish have come to an end, the only ones i was able to feed were mosquitoes, while our worm has not yet completely died laughing, the move goes to dima, dima, please, i beg you, everything is the same , we did not change the depth, the fishing rod is the same, the worm, moreover, i will say it is the same, it is... still moving alive, a different fisherman, attempt number one, so, at the same time we will check if mine exists fish curse, because now i have nothing to do with fishing. i'm standing nearby, not showing off,
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which was to be proven, don't show me, i don't want to, this, and there's a diver, that is, a childhood friend, who brought this fish, like... they brought it on time, we lost a day, the crane didn't arrive on time, we lost another day, in the end , well, that's it, we're starting, in the end, we went there, concrete wasn't there
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, in the end, we were 2 days short, it was flooded by rain, it was flooded, there were streams in the house, and for the first time i saw irina confused, i think, well , that's it, our rural life can give a break, no the devil we didn't give up. nikita very well says to us: mom, i 've washed your floors in my entire life, we threw everything we had on the floor, these were sheets, bath towels, yes, like, we threw everything in order to catch this water, yes, there were even silicone molds, we caught the water, do i understand correctly, you completely removed the old roof and it blew, that's what happened to the whole country, we tried to cover it up, the wind tore it all off, the electric meter from... the stream flowed, at that moment our heroes actually had a thought, return to the city leave this place exclusively as a summer house, as soon as she visited,
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she flew away, our heroes fell in love with this place too much and no flood could stop them, we continue our excursion and it's time to talk about the house, before our heroes the house had two owners, each of them added something of their own to the house, the first time a summer house was built, a living room, a kitchen living room, that is, these are the rooms that were still from the second owners, probably, yes, well, and there was an attic floor, there was also a bedroom, if it's not a secret that
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maybe such a house will cost, how much does it cost, it was initially put up for sale for 57 dollars, when we arrived, the owner told us we saw in the ad 57. dollars, yes, we did not sleep at night, we thought how to reduce the cost, yeah, we reduced it decently, oh, we reduced it decently by the fact that... there is a basement, yeah, there is moisture in the basement, it was this moisture and some other problems with the documents that helped to knock out a 20% discount. doubts evaporated by themselves, the price is acceptable, but here's the question: did our heroes move without leaving anything in the city, did they burn their bridges? who and how helps to make our life. better than what scientists are working on today, but it is thanks to it, or rather what is in it, in an emergency situation you can save more than one
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human life, for the fact that now it is in every car, we say thank you to the doctors, and of course, scientists in the 15th century in japan, something like a portable first aid kit appears, doctors carried it on their belts, complex things in simple terms, as well as the most interesting facts: tablets, medicines here, except for hydrogen peroxide, no more bubbles and i don't see any blisters, why? the car in which the first aid kit is located can heat up to 50° in the summer, and can cool down to temperatures as low as -20-30° in the winter. naturally, such storage temperatures are not provided for in medicines. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel. getting to know...
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a little later, i think it's now clear why dima can't afford to just take off from the mine, at least until he gets his dream house in proper condition, if it weren't for the ko-ko, the characteristic smell, which is heard in this area, i would have thought that this building is a bathhouse, luxurious on the outside, very small on the inside, such a bathhouse for an introvert, yes, to go in alone , so as not to see anyone else, but i understand that this is not a bathhouse, no, this is a chicken coop, a chicken coop, yes, a poultry house, as there is no under it.
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we put it up because we wanted to restore it - old, but there is no possibility, the logs have rotted, well, of course, we are planning that maybe we will do something with it, but the desire to have a bird, of course, is above waiting, there is no time, as if when restore, decided to order a new one, because we bought ourselves some chickens, not dryers, watched them, listen, well, this is very expensive, this kind of chicken coop, well, this is just... excessive for a chicken coop, you could get by with some simple design, but this is a log house, but this is not even an imitation of a log house, this is 100%, how much is this, how is this, who did it exactly, with his own hands, this is the one who does not know how, who started with a fence, and then a fence and moved on to collecting a log house, yes, and this is the first experience, yes, everything, from scratch, starting with the foundation, everything with our own efforts, this luxurious chicken coop is not the first construction of our hero, it all started with
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dima, who can't... what can't he do with a fence, we'll talk about the fence a little later, this is a memorable place for our heroes, now finances allow us to calmly finish building, put it all in order, or well, it will happen that we will probably have to freeze this construction, say, probably, at a slow pace, but we will probably build, no, say that we have collected some money there, that's right, no, we collected, of course, during the winter period, we just put it off, started construction. now i think we'll try to install windows, put the roof on already, i think in the near future, there will be interior finishing, it turns out we won't touch the facade, we'll build inside, and we'll build it ourselves, unfortunately, now our heroes have to choose either the facade or the interior finishing, naturally, they choose the second option, the first building we made here is this fence, dima said that i don't know how to do anything.
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ira, i won't make this fence, i'm showing him, i took a photo of one person, and i said to the second, please, well, come on, well, oh my god, this is the simplest thing, he says, i won’t do it, i don’t know how, i don’t... and dima is generally very far, as i understand, from all this, he’s always in the city, that is, if there’s something underground, i ’m fine with it, then it turns out we built this fence in two stages, a long process, here you need to burn the board, as it were, cover it, and buy the metal, everything, of course, and finances played a big role here, then he did it, he liked it himself, yes, but i say this a person says, i can't do anything, but he does everything now. everything, you can do everything, we don't have anything else that i can't do, i'm not a builder, that's out of the question, everything, i do everything, let's list what dima didn't want and couldn't do, there won't be a vegetable garden on our plot
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, i won't be able to build a fence, a chicken coop is some kind of pinnacle of engineering, i mean that you shouldn't be afraid of what you 've never done, sometimes, in order to master a big... journey, you just need to start walking, the path itself will tell you what to do, your parents consulted with you before the final move here, well, they asked for some opinion, whether you wanted it or not, how it was in general, remember, i think they felt that i was not against their move like this, but in reality, well , that is, life has not changed much compared to that city life, when the school is nearby, all the shops are close, there, i don’t know, some kind of parties, friends, they… they all live, maybe even in your yard, but here all this has become suddenly far away, there is no nostalgia for that time, well no, i communicate with friends on social networks, yeah, i keep in touch , they come here to visit, they haven't come yet,
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haven't come, it's already the final year, that is , next year will be the last decisive one, yes, and have you already thought about where you will apply, will you apply at all or maybe there, i don't know, you will go to work right away, that is, there are some plans, yes, there are thoughts, of course, what will you share? at least the direction, what you would like to do, well, i think, to me technical specialties are most suitable, i want to get a higher education, mathematics-physics, yes, yes, yes, mathematics-physics, this is my profile, yeah, you will be entering minsk, yes, of course, that is, there you will be able to meet your older brother, yeah, yeah, and your older brother, he went to minsk because he didn’t want all this or he really wanted to study, well, how would he go to study, to conquer the capital, right? like a higher education, yeah, he went to live an independent life, i really believe that thoughts are material, but one desire it's not enough, you need to do something, go towards your dream, i suggested that our heroes say out loud their immediate plans and dreams,
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finish building their dream house, yes, we have such an estate here, probably a manor, i don't know what to call a small farm, an atypical estate, yes, i want, probably, to build it now so that i can stay and not leave here. kind family, i really hope that everything will work out for you, even if not in a year, well , a very noble goal, noble, good, a year and a half, don't blame yourself for this increase deadlines, don't chase time, the most important thing is that you are as friendly as i see you now. there is no doubt that everything will work out, a year ago this wonderful family was sitting in a city apartment
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and could not imagine that they would have such a large, beautiful, well-kept territory. who knows, maybe in a year i will come to visit them again to see the progress myself and show you.


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