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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 29, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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activities of the russian orthodox church, this was stated by a member of parliament from the ruling action and solidarity party. let me remind you that on august 20, the rada adopted a law that allows banning the ukrainian orthodox church, the largest christian denomination and community of believers in the country. before that, the bill was supported by the all-ukrainian council of churches and religious organizations. the kremlin called such a step an open attack on christianity and freedom of religion. the pope also expressed concern for the freedom of believers roman. tsysk stressed that no christian church can be abolished. in japan, more than 2 million people are urgently evacuated due to the approach of a typhoon. the hurricane hit the island of kyushu. three residents died there, another went missing. more than fifty were injured. on a neighboring island, due to heavy rain , a landslide hit a house where a family of five was staying. two were rescued, three are still being searched for. the typhoon left dozens of areas without electricity, and it also paralyzed the movement of high-speed trains in several.
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prefectures, more than 700 flights have been cancelled, many shops have been closed since wednesday, and the postal service has not been working. the annual tomato battle festival, la tomatina, took place in the spanish town of buñol. more than 22,000 people from all over the world came to the town's main square to throw tomatoes at each other, a record. this year , about 150 tons of ripe vegetables, allegedly no longer fit for food, were used at the festival, and vip tickets were even on sale for $500, for which you could throw tomatoes straight from trucks. more information from my olek at 15:00, all the best.
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weekly socio-political talk show on the subject, today we will talk about our relationship with great china. in the studio kirill kazakov and alena syrova. as always, you can become participants in our program. here at the bottom of the screen is a qr code, please point your smartphone screen at it and join the conversation, ask questions, share your opinions, in the right corner is a link to our telegram channel, where you can find out what we think about and what we live by off the air. let's to start. well, we talk a lot about the fact that we have an all-weather alliance with china, an all-weather partnership, and we even tried to philosophize on this topic and explain how it all works. it sounds, well,
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so to speak, without a certain pathos, but we can only say that china, like the russian federation, is one of our strategic, both economic, and the latest exercises, for example, have shown that it is probably already a military partner, but the most important thing is that because of this isolation that we fell into after the introduction of sanctions, china has really become a part of our lives, well, actually, go outside, look at the cars that are now driving around minsk, well, i... i won't say that every third one, but there are quite a lot of them, specifically chinese ones, and those who are thinking, for example, about changing their car are also thinking about what should i get, because somehow china has entered our lives tightly, this is chinese or this is chinese, this is chinese or this is chinese mobile phones are chinese and the most important thing is that again we can already talk about this, that if there is still in the early 2000s, chinese was synonymous with consumer goods, but now chinese is far from being consumer goods, and we know this very well, gennady bodislavich, well, about cars, yes, and...
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that means chinese cars on belarusian roads, this is already a kind of established trend, or, you know, when jelly appeared there, about 10 years ago, yes, it was one of some very original, unique and somewhere fantastic brands, and especially since these were not always reliable cars, the last five years of geely, when they switched to them and traffic police officers and taxi drivers, who , in fact, choose more or less high-quality cars, yes, well, and we, in fact , understand that the queue... in all car dealerships, this is, in fact, some kind of trend, but still, this will not end, well , first of all, i want to emphasize that eeli was the first company that allowed us in belarus to master the production of passenger cars, for us this is a completely new segment, and 5 years ago in 1918 , when the plant was launched, it was said that we should produce world-class products level. fight for the value of ownership, in
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5 years we can look at the results, intermediate for now, first, we can say that more than 60 thousand cars have been sold and are in operation. this means that a service network has been created, this means that our users, consumers have already seen this level of quality and choose these cars, but i would like to draw attention to a more, in my opinion, more important issue over these 5 years, over these 5 years, together with our chinese partners , we have survived the pandemic, during this time, together with chinese partners have experienced issues of sanctions restrictions last year we have already...
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contradiction, but there is movement in this, but i can say very qualitatively, there are certain i can say that now we are working in two directions, the first direction, here is the order of the head of state on the basis of the already beloved x50 cars, now
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the academy of sciences is creating a pilot batch of cars, electric cars, that is , the x50 modification will appear in pilot samples, will appear on electric traction. that is, here , as it were, two goals are pursued, the first goal is this is really, as you said, to give modern electric cars to the market of our country, the second is to study those competencies more deeply, and these are very complex competencies of passenger cars, here are chips, here is safety, here is navigation and many, many other things need to be mastered and understood, therefore, such work is now organized, the second, the second direction is the last. the gilly brand, which we are planning right now, we knew, we were the first, by the way, who sold electric cars 3 years ago, and i think, remember geometry a, geometry c, then there are the first ones that have appeared, now we have taken that this year we will give a completely new car, which is literally entering
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the market, literally this year in china, well , in order to see this benchmark of modern technologies, and so that the user could ex... results, well then technical and commercial conclusions will be given, well, for the possibility of serial replication. gennady bich, i apologize, ask, this electric car, a new modification, this is without a sufficient level of localization, this is , in fact, you are testing on our market
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chinese car, there will be assembly, yes or still screwdriver assembly, large-unit assembly, we have large-unit assembly planned at our plant, that is , we are preparing to produce not only gasoline, but...
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you have to understand that some units, like electronic storage devices, the chinese, they are ahead of europe today, the whole world, all 70%, 70% of storage devices are produced by chinese enterprises, there...
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indeed today the most advanced in terms of digitalization, localization, production, in some sense even unique production, i have a friend in russia who headed the valeo plant, well, you know what valeo is, it is the largest supplier of auto components, so he was at the russian plant, but i will not say which one, and he was at geely at ours, he said that the difference is cosmic, you know, in terms of technology, that is , they came to us so that you understand, the highest technology, production culture, and the technologies themselves that allow us to compete.
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in the discussion about the electric car, it really, as they say, got me hooked, listen, well, this topic everyone is very worried lately, i agree, i will still try to shorten, i still do not agree with what you are saying, here the chinese component will be tested here and so on, nothing of the sort, a series of experimental design works is underway, within the framework of which experimental samples of components specifically for electric vehicles will be created, the most basic ones, this is everything that concerns electric traction, on-board electronics control, yes, you uh, i am talking about serial production. i am sirin, but understand that the experimental sample is being developed in order to start producing ourselves, and
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not then buy what we have developed , what we have, what exists on the market, well , why do you think so, that's how it is, the ministry of industry and trade together with the head of blg will order a price threshold, and be kind, as they say, well, okay, now i will try to answer directly about interaction with the people's republic of china, in principle, if we talk on a large scale, then china... this is the second state with which we are going, project activity is going on at a fairly serious level, i'm talking about those states with which we have project activities, as a rule, this is limited to scientific research, that is, there is a series of joint educational works, the subject of which is mutually interesting to both states, there are countries of the world with which we have scientific and technological cooperation, but we have not implemented a single project for... various reasons, so china is one of those states with which we
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have been carrying out project activities since 2016, we have already gathered four times, once every two years, four times we have gathered our commission on scientific and technical cooperation, as a rule, once every 2 years the program for the next 2 years is approved, the last time we gathered was in 2022, we agreed on a program of thirty-five joint projects, well, as a rule , of course... scientific research, sometimes development, that is , there is a level of development, now we have agreed on another twenty projects, as part of the visit of a high-level delegation of the people's republic of china, the minister of science and technology will be there and technologies of the people's republic of china, and he will come specifically to sign the relevant document, but that 's not all, within the framework of the intergovernmental commission that took place in beijing last fall, our side, belarus, put forward an initiative to move on from the stage of scientific research and development, of which we have already
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completed a fairly large number over the past 8-9 years, on the basis of we we proposed to create something more large-scale on the basis of the results of research and development, for example, for example, production capacity for the release of some product in demand gearboxes, let's say those, they plan with the chinese, gearboxes, for example, yes, well, as journalists we want to hear right away. quite a normal direction of interaction with china, so i'll finish, the chinese took a break for these few months, just 2 months ago i received a notification that they are ready to consider the possibility of selecting three projects, and these projects, well, i want to dream of the same scale as blg, but the experience of creating
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we have enough joint productions with china, we have them in the veliky kamen industrial park. legal entities, for example, again, in the areas that our committee deals with, for example, zaoatk, aviation technology complexes, this is just an example of a joint point of a large chinese corporation, avik, and , accordingly, founders from our country, it is engaged in, this enterprise is engaged in the production of not only unmanned technology, but also manned, in our country this is an unprecedented example, it produces an autogyro, she is very interested in such a property, if it cannot break. cannot fall, yeah, so - our interaction is very deep, the chinese are going to meet almost all our wishes, the only thing, of course, they observe their own interests, of course, and the project topics are always selected on the basis of mutual mutual, but this is normal, you said that you took a break, yuri
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alekseevich, well, you worked as an ambassador to china during such a difficult period during the pandemic,
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various options that they are conducting itself, in fact, experiments, in particular in the twentieth, twenty-first year , the government decided to conduct a deep study of the possibilities of developing the auto industry in the territory of the people's republic of china, there were corresponding programs, about 200 companies entered the chinese market, which offered their developments of cars, these were gasoline, electric, different and such tough
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competition that within a year 100 ceased to exist, there was a merger with another. buy this car, which itself ordinary citizens recommended it with great pleasure, it pleases, so returning again to the mentality, the chinese i will draw such a small conclusion that we always treated with understanding and always prepared the relevant materials through our various ministries, whose competence included the consideration of this or
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that issue, rather deep materials, because with superficial material no one will talk to you, in this only... our leaders accepted and announced the president of our country alexander grigorievich lukashenko and sidin ping in the twenty-second year , on september 15, this decision was made
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, it was announced: on any platform, in any province, any governor, he first of all begins with the fact that we perfectly evaluate, understand the level of relations that exist today between our countries, and we are ready for comprehensive all-weather, that is , any discussion of any issues in any situation, well, of course, yes, a humanitarian. let's then try the next point: first of all, what is happening with china today is a deeply thought-out a step that was taken by our
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country's leadership many, many years ago, it was rightly said just now that china does not make hasty decisions, in no way, everything must be planned, everything must be agreed upon, and the most important thing is to find a balance, what is beneficial to china, what is beneficial to another.
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already had good potential, using, then it came to us, what came to us first of all, cars came to us, which are in supply today, including armored ones, they have been in our arsenal for many years, we we looked, because the chinese used world experience and machines of sufficient quality with the appropriate reserve and solving combat tasks, we learned to some extent from this issue, unmanned vehicles, fuel or so to say... missiles including, all this is in our polones, because no one wanted to help us on a certain, and this country found
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the strength and readiness to lend us a shoulder when we could not solve this problem, this is worth a lot, and it is not in vain that today we, we also receive chinese help, but we also use our brains we are helping china, for example, in the space sector it was just said, there are certain developments that we are helping them with. we have the opportunity to rely on russia, secondly on china, in this case belarus will put forward, well, vadim, look, so many experts began to write about the appearance of the chinese at the exercises in belarus. this
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is essentially the first appearance of chinese troops in europe, yes, it is clear that this news can be sucked out from all sides, and so, look, the chinese troops that were in our south, yes, it is clear, who is being threatened, poles ukrainians, well, actually, a purely political moment, it is important the appearance of chinese troops on the territory of belarus, well, in general, the appearance of chinese troops on our territory, it generally proceeds from the fact that belarus, firstly, always, as i have already said more than once, knows how to be a useful. effective partner, we are not dependents, we always work on the principle of plus for plus, the chinese are sincerely interested first in a peaceful belarus, in a sovereign belarus, in lifting sanctions from belarus, because one train, one way assumed work on western markets, and today many companies in the great stone, unfortunately, are slightly restraining their activities, including because of these sanctions, therefore china is ready in every way to facilitate
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the lifting of sanctions from belarus, namely china... partners are interested in belarus having a strong economy in the region, not being drawn into a military conflict, they are ready to provide us with effective assistance in the event that aggression is committed against our territory, therefore this is very important partner from the point of view of geopolitics, an element of containment, yes, well, listen, such a partner is beneficial to them, you understand, you understand, we must understand, some of us are starting to have such an inferiority complex , either in relations with russia, in relations with china. time tells us that we, someone is helping us, we cannot cope without someone, no, today russia is very interested in us, a great benefit for russia is that they have a peaceful border of more than a thousand kilometers, they have the opportunity, including thanks to china and chinese components, here we can produce dual-use products and products for the peaceful rear, what russia needs is a symbiosis of cooperation, and china needs a stable region and a stable belarus, a peaceful belarus, that's
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the whole point. even from the point of view of, well, you know, we've never had any sparks with china, it 's probably this eastern restraint, the ability of unhurried children to try vadim, now to inflate the story, remember all those headlines when the head of state met with pin, and they wrote that sidinenpin almost educated alexander grigorevich there on the topic, again, no need to look through glasses, we understand that china has its own geopolitical interests, economic interests, etc., but here...
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as they say, if trump comes, there is a possibility, here again they start this topic, perhaps russia will turn away from china against china, the us will start working against china, this will not happen, because russia will behave decently, you know, why do the chinese trust us, why do they treat us like this, we we behave decently in the foreign arena, we have been on our entire historical path, for the period of our sovereignty, we have never
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turned an inconvenient place towards our partners, towards russia, towards china, towards a number of other states, we... we have positive relations with these states, including economic, political, and we have points of growth and interest. there is one center left, the west, europe and china, there is russia, there is india, we are with all the united states, which today it is unclear where they are heading. therefore, we have chosen the right side, we have chosen the right allies and are moving in the right direction. no, let's go
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a little, i suggest. he paused. the chinese have built it very competently, it's not just transport logistics, it's hubs, hubs with localization, here's one hub with a high level of localization - this is our great stone.
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therefore, this great route from the east, it can even perform its function here for some period. but here is the second topic that you raised, sanctions. i wanted to say that maybe it creates the impression that we have such a blessing. the states of america about 700-800 billion with the union state, where 99% is the trade turnover with the russian federation 100 billion, that is, we have somewhere 6 billion plus. and therefore when - our western opponents, they introduced the so
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-called sanctions list secondary sanctions, that is, not direct deliveries, but where, so to speak, through you as it passes. therefore , they believe that we have problems with payments, with state banks, we have problems with the supply. components, we have problems with our partners, who forced to implicitly show our, so to speak, relations, that is, there are problems, this also needs to be understood, and this problem exists in russia, but this does not mean that this, so to speak, is the stop signal for our relations with china, moreover, these difficulties, difficulties, they form the basis, a reliable basis for risk management for the future, that is, there is no need to sprinkle ashes on our heads,
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according to the status of a member of this global community, he was not invited, that is, here we also need to understand that china is also a player who has competitors, our politics, pay attention, colleagues here were right, we find an approach with india, we find an approach with vietnam, with china with the countries of the african continent, this flexibility, so to speak, just when everyone talks about multi-news, look, the belzhi enterprise is chinese, we have sanctions from the outside.
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so the controlling stake belongs to the state, as for the sanctions restrictions, here i agree, we are looking for new ways every time, there is no recipe here that would be one pill, which... very expensive, and to share like this, they do not they are going to, here we ourselves must show really persistence, show a certain patience in achieving goals, remember that after all we are in a union
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state, and this is our first harmonic of interaction, well, and relying on the experience of china, interacting, creating incentives for them and for ourselves... still achieve technological independence. along the chinese path, so to speak, their technology, because if you go , take it apart, look at it, do it right, we, well, i don’t think that’s bad. well
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firstly, i want to talk about the chinese experience, which is not quite what it is, yes, maybe 10-20 years ago and further in retrospect, maybe that's how they did it, they took the hardware, carried it out , so to speak, reengineering, launched their own production, now modern china is... a megapower that has learned not only to copy, but also to develop its own business models, and this, in my opinion, is the strongest side of the chinese economy. yes, now some analysts note that the strong side of the chinese economy, this is the suppression of labor, yeah, well, actually, the value system of the population is changing in china, well, for obvious reasons, the growth of earnings, the growth of the standard of living - this is a normal story, this ultimately goes into the cost of production and so on, but about technological
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sovereignty, we must understand that technologies are developed and applied not only in the economy, in almost all areas, here is the information sphere, it is also filled with modern technologies, they do not stand still, they develop and so on, but about sovereignty, we must understand that each technology has a so-called corresponding life cycle, first we invest in it, then we... begin to implement, commercialize the results of research and development in the economic sphere, if we talk about the economy, then this technology returns the invested investments to us, begins to bring net profit, but we live in an information society, someone saw our product, someone did the same reengineering, copied it, competitors appear on the market, sometimes unscrupulous and as a result our income starts to slow down, to fall, so in a number of countries of the world i... i will not talk about geography, in
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state policy, essentially all procedures for handling technologies are invested, until the economy of some technology has not entered the stage of decline, beyond the state border, it is not supplied anywhere, neither in technology, nor in documentation, well, i will say okay, exactly, in america this is 100% accepted, that is, the most advanced is unlikely to go, yes, in the leading countries of the european union it is so, china, well, probably close to this, although it feels like we are getting technologies of chinese origin, specifically chinese, and not, that is, taken from somewhere and delivered to us through china, there is a feeling that we are still getting the most modern chinese technologies, originating specifically in china, an example can be given as 5g, which is being implemented using chinese technologies, here are the projects, yes, well, if we look into the depths of this term 5g, then its roots are in the soviet union, like this.
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yes, indeed, we supply a wide range of products for the chinese market, these are both processed meat and milk products, and we supply, constantly expanding the range of both meat and dairy products, that is , now we have begun to go into deep processing, for example, shipments of dry milk, but packaged in small packaging, that is, this gives higher profits for our enterprises, revenue, profit, and of course, allows our enterprises to earn money on the supply. supplies of this product, and, as
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for the range, this is not only meat and milk processing products, this includes rapeseed oil and confectionery, chocolate and a number of other goods, at one dairy enterprise, so, they told me that these milk candies of dry milk, so, they released them with many flavors for their employees, so that they could try them with shrimp, with bacon, in order to understand which one people like, and so. it turns out that we are trying to find our target audience, that is, it is not that we are releasing, so to speak, beef here some processed or frozen bread, we are trying to find flavors to sell more, yes indeed, because each market has its own consumer, its own preferences, therefore , completely
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different types of goods are in demand on the chinese market, these are candies made from dry milk, this is instant dry milk , which is in stick packs, which can be dissolved and... ae drink it like a glass of milk, ice cream, our ice cream has also begun to be supplied, but as for this product, it has less sugar content, that's what they have such preferences, but yuri alekseevich, here is the most important, probably, such sensational news was a couple of years ago about how chinese marketplaces entered, yes, you commented then, i remember, you said that as soon as they appeared, almost everything was immediately taken apart, how sensational was this situation really?
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difficulties, but at the same time, our belarusian enterprises have studied this route and belarusian goods are in great demand, completely new types of products. i think that today the demand for increasing the chinese market is so deep the possibilities, let's say, are constantly increasing due to the fact that a moderately well-off society.
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goods, including the republic of belarus, so we supply, as the whole world supplies today china finds its niche. but look, it means that we also have a household market, why? because now if you go to any, i don't know, internet portal, they will tell you: we will teach you how to buy in china. that is, belarusians know how to go in, buy. here is this story, how belarusians, let's say, talk not so much with business as with entrepreneurs, they buy some, well, i don't know, some small consumer goods, which are immediately sold here in russia.
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veterinary inspection, to confirm that in order to pass the necessary production meets the requirements that the chinese side puts forward, so it doesn't take that long, but we achieve this, here's the opposite story, when chinese products come here, i notice, for example, in minsk, stores that sell chinese products, everything from year after year more and more, here they come to our market, we buy with the same joy, well, i think, of course yes. "the thing is that kirill, here we need to understand how they come in, why they became competitive, that is , there is such a concept in customs policy, non -tariff methods of restriction, unfortunately,
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post-technology - this is from there, therefore, from this point of view, there is another copy, which is very important, and where we can evaluate our level of all-weather partnership, these are direct investments, unfortunately, today china in general hundreds of billions of dollars, trillions invest directly, especially in the african continent, a number of countries, unfortunately, belarus is not in the top, but these direct investments, we have credit resources and preferential ones. well, no, we position ourselves that we are the market of the european union, there is still not much, not a little 170-180 million, and russia
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is the same, therefore, in this direction, both the embassy and government bodies, including business, need to work, we need to attract business, which the chinese invest money at their own risk, and not under a guarantee governments, well, we need to think about how to do this, remember, when we talked about business and the economy of our union state. we talked about the fact that very often, especially if we come, for example, to the far east, to siberia, we have to compete with the chinese, not with russian goods, but with chinese ones, and the president also emphasized that, well , actually, you have to compete with quality, we have a year of quality this year with quality , specifically with chinese technology there, well, that's also a question, china is, frankly speaking, quality high, that is, they are certified by poiso, so to speak, everything there is not according to chinese. according to international standards, because it is an export-oriented economy, i have given you trillions of dollars in exports. another
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thing, i say again, but this problem that i outlined, it is already being solved within the framework of the second package of programs of the union state, which was signed in january by two heads, two heads of state, that is, russia, if they follow their obligations, will have to coordinate tariff policy with us, will have to agree on subsidies, we , i really hope, i believe, especially in the current... conditions that russia will fulfill its obligations, i have moreover, no doubt, then we will really protect in a good sense our market of the union state sovereignly, because to talk about such terms as a free trade zone, a customs zone in eurozes, unfortunately, unfortunately, because of some of our partners, therefore the union of states, well, it is not possible, well, and about the quality of products and we must understand, that the chinese market is complex and highly competitive, even today they have learned to do how...
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we are getting there thanks to a political decision, you see, in many ways the head of state, so to speak, has cut this road, and this is, in a sense , a political decision, but in general it is not so easy to compete in this market, you see, that is, it is a complex market, and of course, let's be objective, this whole western sanctions policy and secondary sanctions that are hitting our market, well again, well listen, 80% of local banking companies have now stopped making payments to russia. and so on, well there are colossal costs, many companies constantly act on their own behalf, some components cannot be supplied, this complicates everything, we
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must understand this, therefore we are interested, i need to explain it again, today we are losing every day of this special military wonderful wonderful operation, these are losses for us, no matter how we say that it’s good, we will manage there, well yes, we do crisis management well, naturally we will not, so to speak, to curtail trade or to throw up our hands, no, we will try...
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to take some technology, again not the newest, but we are obliged to run today, to run forward along this road, including, developing our own competencies and not to think that what we have done is a panacea for everything, we must, among other things, use the experience of china, yes, we do not have such billions, but we have brains today, we have those niches that we are still able to develop on our own, using a small foreign potential, it seems to me, here...
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so to speak, blood vessels for our contacts, personal level, this direction, it is fundamental, but it seems to me, and the chinese, as far as i know, there are grants, it is necessary now to somehow radically increase and train our most talented, motivated specialists, young people in the people's republic of china, that is, this will not give a seven-minute effect today, tomorrow, in a year, but it will lay the foundation for a personal relationship, in the east in general and china in particular.
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china, but what the people's republic of china does, i'll just tell you as an example
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, which is to become more expensive and take on weapons. i'm not afraid of this, probably 90% of ours, any, belarusian, russian , any students who come to the people's republic of china, the people 's republic of china, their education system, obliges first of all to study the chinese language, yeah, study the culture, which means, then through the culture they work with each student individually, work on separate programs, teaching him, very high quality teaching, and if the child grows up to be a wonder in a good sense of the word, they will of course offer him a good job.
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most often they start working in business as communicators with chinese technologies, with chinese managers, that's what they basically - they don't teach or don't teach chinese culture there, they...
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we know exactly how to start the morning right, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. good morning, i am very glad to see you in my kitchen today. this will be one of my favorite. breakfasts, we will prepare zucchini omelette with red fish, and in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. vlad, good morning, glad to see you in my kitchen. today we will prepare an omelette with zucchini and cottage cheese spinach filling. and we will get a boost of energy for the whole day. and the third exercise will be a crunch for the press, this will help you maintain a good figure. bend your legs, move them as much as possible to your buttocks. lie down and slowly rise, we will have three exercises at an easy, calm pace, repeat all the movements and your joints, your muscles, your body will thank you,
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stretch your legs forward, take a deep breath, raise your hands up, lower them down, touch your right hand with your left diagonally, watch the breakfast of champions project on our tv channel.
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