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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 29, 2024 6:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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five children, yes, i was really drawn to nature, i just realized that nature is my priority in life, and therefore, in general, i gave up everything, i already missed this space in the city, i missed nature, you studied, lived and worked in moscow, then at one wonderful moment in your life you had to return here to your historical homeland, take care of your grandmother, then you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you save... horses, why horses, because other animals also need help, everyone mine, well, by and large, horses are such a childhood illness, well, cannon, what can i say, the only thing that relaxed in me is that something somewhere down there, that's all, that's here, the cheeks, in particular, the entire speech apparatus, eyes, spine, everything for some reason tensed up, i'm from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information, the 20-minute format allows us to tell you about what's happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk in the company our guides, but to find a new place on the map of belarus, which is definitely worth seeing, and also to offer projects and films, which are definitely. watch on the belarus24 tv channel. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only draniki, we will cook something new, something that i have never tried, never seen, the name of this something is very funny, say, the most important, remember, asyotor, sochi.
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good afternoon! on the air of the first national channel of belarusian radio and the belarus24 tv channel, an analytical project is relevant microphone. my name is evgeny meleshka and i will immediately introduce our guest, our guest, this is the chairperson of the belarusian union.
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americans all over the world, chinese, indians, now fashion has also gone, well and... uzbekistan, before that mongolia, what about zimbabwe, ahead, i understand, there are still trips, but what can i say, of course, we have women under the special care of the state, personally under... the care of the head of state alexander grigorievich lukashenko, well and i understand that you sow this goodness all over the world, well, you understand correctly, on the one hand, of course, you said right that maybe you don't see me often in the country lately, but believe me, my heart and soul are
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always in the country, yes, because the more you see the world externally, the more you understand and appreciate the country in which you live, and the conditions that are created in this country for all-round development. and any woman, well, and not only women, it seems to me, we understand that we have a socially oriented state that gives everyone equal opportunities for the equal development of their potential, and really shuttle diplomacy is gaining momentum and it's great, and you know why it's great, because in fact you can correspond for a very long time, communicate online, have some contacts, but nothing will ever replace a face-to-face conversation, this is as the president said at a meeting with the teaching staff, right? no gadget will replace a teacher at school, just like your presence in the environment and offline communication will never be replaced by any online platform or gadget. of course, today every country is trying to attract as many people as possible to its territory
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representatives of different countries, yes , in order to show the potential of their country and to become an international platform, it is very pleasant that belarus is invited to all forums, believe me, there are very few of our neighboring countries that are represented at this forum, and at best it is a representative of the russian federation, and not everywhere. belarus is represented everywhere, i will say honestly, we are received very well at the highest level, and this is certainly thanks to the head of state, because any trip women, whether in zimbabwe or mongolia, is carried out after the visit of the head of state there, that is, this once again emphasizes the role of women and the role that the president - as if entrusts women in establishing such informal contacts. everything that we do, everything that we go to, these are not just tourist trips, this is true, but contacts that develop somewhere into the economic plane, and somewhere this develops, has an important political
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significance, yes, because when you come to a site where they are represented, america is represented, in the person of the assistant, there is the same kamala harrison, yes, or the european union is represented in the person of some of our international organizations, when you say that you are from belarus, people's faces change when they allow you, well, rather, give you the opportunity to speak on this platform, when you talk about what conditions are in belarus, how belarus lives, how women are developing in belarus, and when these people see that you are not a person who came there dressed strictly, with a strict bun on your head, and you don't read from what is written you text some theses, they understand that it is far.
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yes, to watch how it develops, and the first lady is responsible for the social situation in the state, the social situation of women, the creation of jobs for women, improving the working conditions of women, the development of women's business, it seems to me that today the way women's business is developing in zimbabwe, it is developing in few places in european countries, the second visit was already specifically with a women's delegation from zimbabwe, where all the industries of interest to them were represented. agriculture, by the way, women work in metal mining, there is no need
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to be surprised at this, in heavy industry and everywhere there is a woman's hand, it seems to me that this is even evident from today's visit, or rather yesterday's visit to the zimbabwean delegation, who is the head of the delegation, is also a woman, so this women's business and the feminine principle is very strong there, so when we went at the invitation of the first lady, the visit took place very quickly, it was supported by the head of state, of course we went and with... those women from our side, who also understand how to establish economic ties and who can offer something specific to the zimbabwean side. and as for the potatoes, it was a gesture on the part of the head of state, because the first year zimbabwe really liked the potatoes that she tried here on our territory, it is different from the zimbabwean one, it is different in that, as she said, it is more tender in consistency and taste, and it is suitable for baby food, and you know that... it is precisely the children's topic, it is special for any woman, so this
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here is the task of feeding children to feed children with a really high-quality product, they also have, hence their interest in our processing, in our baby food, in our in our agriculture, because zimbabwe, like us, is an agricultural country, they don’t have to think about the fact that it is distant africa, in fact, they have built the largest logistics center in harare, which can very quickly deliver anyone. bring them here to this large logistics center and thus distribute the products further, help, that is, sell to women here these products, so of course they are interested in us coming there and not just bringing our heavy equipment, for example, our tractors work there and they are very well valued there, that is, we have been there with this for a long time, but also more so.
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so it is very promising, it is difficult, it is difficult to enter their market, firstly, because they do not let everyone in, and i will say that this is a big plus that they open the doors for belarusian business, not for everyone...
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what did you promise him that he came to you with such serious intentions with with such serious proposals? well , everywhere we have the head of state opening the doors , then the rest of the delegations are received by the head of state and judged, that's true, and if the head of state comes somewhere, look, he always says that our policy is an open policy, we are not going to solve our national interests at the expense of some nationalities, yes, we come with an open heart. with an open soul, we bring technologies, and we also expect that we will be treated similarly, that is, it is an equal works with an equal, no matter what color your skin is, no matter how developed or undeveloped your country is, we offer equal partnership relations for any country, this is especially valued, here it is as if nothing can ever be violated or let down,
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so that is why i say that entering these countries is a long game, because coming with a smaller business is more difficult and takes longer ...
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it is better for us to put something there today and get feedback from there, than for us to play the long game. we need understand that this is exactly what you need to do and count on the long-term perspective. well , your mission is very difficult, even based on what you are saying now and the fact that you have to promote our interests, including, probably, even well, this is not a woman's job, but at the same time, what is there, that is, tell me, at a high, at the highest level , do they listen? to what you bring from there, your opinion, your view of what you saw in this or that country, well, in zimbabwe, or is it, well, really it is a closed country, indeed, and the richest country, it is a mineral resource, we have our own interests there, not only to promote our technology, but probably to get something from them , of course, common extraction of minerals, yes
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, so here is your opinion, is it taken into account when making decisions? i will say this, of course , women's opinion is taken into account, of course, on the one hand, as far as the head of state is concerned, i am sure that he follows and sees our agenda, he understands, he always says, when we met, there was a meeting with the asset of the belarusian union of women, the head of state gave clear instructions to the ambassadors, if something doesn't work out, speak directly, we have the opportunity even from today's broadcast to convey some things to the head of the state, if they confuse me there or someone somewhere doesn't hear me, like the editors' clubs, right? and therefore there are no questions here, but i would like, of course, that at a more, let's say, low level they still listened even more, because of course there are some skeptical men, unfortunately, who and those who occupy leadership positions, including those who say, well, what about bringing potatoes, you know, to zimbabwe, yes, so i want them all to hear and understand that it’s not easy, well, bringing potatoes to zimbabwe is not
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easy, let’s say, not everyone will be allowed there with these potatoes, that is, i... but we need to find somewhere this golden mean, which will lead not your interests, not my interests, not women’s, not men’s, but will lead the interests of the country, and therefore our children in the right direction, this is the most important thing,
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it seems to me, here in this regard it is necessary we all work together, i will completely agree with you, thank you, especially since they listen to you, i am interested in your last trip, this is uzbekistan, a large joint business forum, a women's business forum, we have a lot of women, businesswomen, as far as, if i'm not mistaken, in my opinion, there are about 40%, 40%, yes, women who are engaged in business, in general, these are successful women, true, what was agreed upon, well, there was a lot of information, but here is your personal impression, how effective it was and the documents that signed, there were specific contracts, but there were also framework, yes, agreements, that's how much this business will work. well, in general , everything always starts with framework agreements, then it develops into specific contracts, this is the second business forum of women entrepreneurs belarusian-uzbek, the first was held a year ago on the initiative of natalli
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ivanna kachanova and with the support of tanzila kamalona, ​​natal ivanna, these are also two women leaders who are interested in the development of women's business, of course, and already on the first forum we saw that the second one will definitely take place, because there is a demand for it, at the second forum, by the way, there were more men represented as heads of enterprises, because already through our female contacts we understand that large enterprises are coming out on top, well , as it were, on top position, signing contracts, the representation was the widest in uzbekistan, but i am always more interested, because what concerns big business, it is always visible, that is , we see, for example, going into a store in tashkent, we see the kommunarka candies, and we understand that this means that two businesses are working well, yes, or we see our tractors and on - as if their territory, we see our light industry suits on their territory, these are such stories about big business, i am always interested in smaller stories, what this gives to small and medium-sized businesses, because we
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are trying to bring to uzbekistan, just as uzbekistan brought to us, and we invited our girls, namely these representatives, because today the future belongs to them too, they must develop successfully economically, to expand our production, which means creating jobs and giving our women work, we are interested in this. of course, because a successful woman is a successful family, this is also such a direct story, and i asked the chairman of our women's wing, the belarusian union of women, also our wing of women entrepreneurs, it is a little over a year old, but we see how interested women are, they come to work successfully, businesses that women open, they are socially oriented, which is also important, yes, this is inclusion, this is also what concerns the green economy, which is popular all over the world today and is developing, women behave very carefully in business in terms of ecology of everything and such subtle, let's say, things and matters, where maybe men will not pay attention, so she told me, gave the following facts: one
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small woodworking enterprise, according to the results of the signed contract last year, the woman, roughly speaking, the income of the enterprise, i am not an economist, i can to be mistaken somewhere in the terms, but the income of the enterprise increased by more than 150,000 dollars, well, this is already a specific example, a specific result, the same applies to the light industry. our enterprises that sew, small enterprises, sew products from cotton fabrics, concluded a contract for the supply of fabrics, this narrowed the logistics, narrowed the costs of supplying raw materials, and therefore made it possible to produce more and cheaper, but at the same time the same quality products, which again increased the income of the enterprise, then there is all this is growing into something concrete, so the interest is growing, we had a plane, a charter flight, and we could take a certain. the number of women, on the contrary, yes , willing to go, and there were even more , and such industries are even completely unexpected, there is heavy, somewhere the industry was represented by women, yes, because well
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, women are everywhere, yes in mongolia too, after all , you flew to uzbekistan from mongolia, there was an international women's forum, you spoke there with a report, you just talked about the green economy, i think, and including about the green economy, right? what was the agreement for? well, if in uzbekistan it is still a business forum, and how it would result in specific projects in specific ideas, then in mongolia, of course, it was not, there were no contracts signed, and we signed an agreement with the mongolian women's union on cooperation, and this means that we are waiting for the mongolian side already on our territory in order to introduce women closer to each other in areas, and the main thing is that we have established this contact for... who
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work on and you understand that there are many america, the united states of america are many, they are represented everywhere, they are trying to conduct a rather aggressive and women's agenda and not only in this territory, because they are interested in these countries, so it was important here that we belarusians are also on this platform, when you speak, when, i'll start with something a little different, yes, when there are many countries represented that do not attend our traditional forums, and we rarely...
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they saw how the country is developing, how beautiful our women are, than our women are engaged, that we work as a non-governmental public organization, we have access to the head of state, and the head of state supports us, and i always openly say that our president calls himself a women's president, and we are proud of it, by the way, mongolian women really liked it, their president also really supports the women's organization, they said that we will ask our president to call himself a women's president, too, so here the head of state sets the trend, well... and well, that's it i think it is very important, yes, because no matter what, when you see this woman with your own eyes, hear from her lips about how the country lives, and i always do this with specific examples, i repeat, with specific figures, even according to international ratings, because we are in very good positions in terms of gender equality or inequality, how to correctly express it, yes, our country is quite high, there, if in uzbekistan the economic
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component was very important, then in mongolia for me it is like...
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give an impression or, let's say, a tradition or attitude towards women that we lack and that perhaps should be introduced into our society, although i understand that you most often visit, uh, the global south, the countries of the global south, it's a different culture, but suddenly you discovered something there, you are an observer, well, i can't say directly that it's a different culture in terms of attitudes towards women. it seems to me that throughout the world a woman has always been revered and will be revered as a woman, as a mother, as procreation, take any religion, any culture, everywhere a woman still has a special status, special significance, and as if, well, probably, and this is shown by men there in different ways, yes , there may be less freedom somewhere, somewhere more, but everywhere a woman has always been respected, revered, and what do our men lack, well, i don’t know, in
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my opinion? and i really like to come, well, i mean, i love uzbekistan in what way, despite the fact that uzbekistan is actively developing economically and women are actively enter businesses, women are actively involved in political activities, women are actively building careers, getting an education, their birth rate is not falling, and today the male population prevails over women, over the female population, that is, more men are born and their life expectancy is increasing, when i ask the question, aren't you afraid that - after all, this is already such a global practice: the higher the economic position of a woman, the more opportunities she has to realize herself in her career, the lower the birth rate will be in this country, because such women, as a rule, give birth to one child, two children, and yes, and the first birth is postponed, of course, to a later date, they get married later, they have another tendency: women who have children, who improve their economic situation, give birth
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to fourth fifths. that is, three children is a normal situation, they give birth to fourth fifths, so how to instill this beautiful fashion and good tendency for our women, how to explain that a child is not a hindrance, well, the state pays attention to this...
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and there is precisely the wisdom of the president, and i am sure that you will never let him down, yes, that is 100%. this is the man who influenced, well, with whom i lived for 30 years, the only one , probably, with whom i have lived this time without any conflicts, problems or anything else, well , that is true, yes, of course, that is true, this is the time of my youth, this is the time of my formation, this is the time of my maturity, so i will never let this man down. thank you, olga aleksandrovna, i will remind you that in our studio... was the chairperson of the belarusian union of women, director of the representative office tv and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, olga shpilevskaya. it was the program actual microphone, take care of yourself and see you soon.
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economic indicators in the us now are about the same as before the great depression of 29. over the past 15 years, the us national debt has doubled, 34 trillion dollars. how are they going to get out of this situation, this is printed dollars, which is not backed by anything, yes, that is, in the region of 2 billion.
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100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult, you have one minute to briefly tell about to yourself, time has passed. how will you react if a person asks you to do something that is not suitable for him? well, will i also dissuade him somehow? there is a stereotype that all athletes are bad students, how did you study? we studied on a five-point system, somewhere there were,
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of course, threes, and fours, there were fives, well , in different ways. to your right is the red sector. the next question is from there? hello, my name is denis, and what kind of dad are you? probably what kind? this is dad, i don’t know whether he’s good or bad, here you are the first belarusian, who won the olympics in freestyle, and how did you feel when you stood on the podium? the first night i couldn't sleep at all, i couldn't fall asleep, because i closed my eyes, i had the whole day in front of my eyes, how it went, how i woke up there, what i ate, watch the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel, are you ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural ones await you.
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the temple greets you with simplicity: high windows, and a bell tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine. here, in the family estate, mikhail oginsky, together with his wife and children, spent perhaps the most fruitful years of his life. and today the composer's family warmly welcomes guests. bow and exit to...
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in the braslav region, lakes of blue as the sky are clear, which in the right forest, at the beginning of the dawn , shine, wash the creatures and light and prevent fall, the lakes of the slavyansk region are filled with charms. the fabrics smile in the sunshine, you look
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at the sea, the bottom is gilded, the bottom is gilded, the bottom is endless, the azers have accumulated, like not most years, so much so i want sustretstsa, no matter what, mountains, seas, and azera have never been forgotten, my dear. patrus brouk.
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