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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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already a grown-up nation that can afford not to hide from anyone, but to do its business honestly. well, i'll just say that after all , traders are not always bad, well, really, people should be able to trade, on the other hand, you know, be that as it may, we talk, talk, talk, it seems like we are discussing a minor problem, on the other hand, believe me, i agree with alyona that no matter which way you run, you must clearly understand that you must obey the law , pay taxes, and it doesn't matter how, and history here are us citizens who see what. i'm tired of consumer goods, i want something original, i'm a person who does repairs, i know how to understand this, so go to the artisans.
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this is a panorama, we sum up thursday in the studio elena nasacheva. hello, here are the main topics of the day. only the truth, the unchanging principle of information state policy about it and not only a conversation with the main ones on news, propaganda of ideology. details ahead. import substitution cooperation, today in the russian delegation of our government discussed the goods that will be the market needs in 5 or 10 years, and also today the days of the vitebsk region started here. monitoring the area, creating checkpoints, deploying a special purpose medical unit, units of the belarusian army continue to strengthen the state border. and under the surveillance of special services. pavel
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durov was released from custody, but remains under judicial supervision. why the west needs telegram, details in the periodic table. will igor bokiy become a seventeen-time paralympic champion, we will find out very soon. belarus to the final in the 100-meter butterfly came out with the best result. work of the media in the upcoming electoral period, a new project. in the infosphere, launch of the first news tv channel in the country's history, creation of a media company of the union state. today , those responsible for information policy reported to the president on all these topics. the election campaign is ahead, the media at this moment are always at the forefront. alexander lukashenko focuses on covering all the events taking place, exclusively in one key: only the truth. this is the most powerful weapon, recently serious wars flare up precisely in the information field.
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and there have been countless ideologies throughout my career, but today is a special moment, the report to the president is important, including because an active electoral campaign is just around the corner, the media here are always on... naturally, the media, fortunately, thank god, will play practically one of the leading roles in this situation, i say fortunately, that not other problems, wars and so on, it is better to fight in this field, for now we will fight, although it is not entirely simple, the creation of our information channel, as i always said about the fact that continuous information, as the presenters do.
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i looked at you on the screen yesterday i thought: well, everyone has gathered, they showed the people who is responsible for ideology in the country, so even more is taken here, it was the day before that the curtain was lifted. information secret, which the president mentioned, a loud presentation of the first in the history of domestic television news channel took place, about what is happening in the country and the world they are preparing to talk show 24 hours a day day. news, every hour, hot topics, main speakers, live broadcasts from the scene, voices of experts bloggers and more than fifty, special projects. style and drive in visuals and in the presentation from. at the same time , the newsby news portal will start working, reporters, directors, technical groups have been interpreted non-stop in recent months, so when the first informational one will work, we will start working on september 17 on the day of national unity, a gift to the country, a good belarusian tradition of giving
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our people gifts on special dates, on special days, so we decided that the first news channel will go on air for the first time on september 17, on people's day. this is the idea, so that it would be symbolic, but definitely not symbolic time and circumstances have long forced journalists to rebuild themselves to a new information mode. the era of post-truth and an avalanche of fakes forces us to be tough, prompt and principled in the media space, but the main thing is to convey the truth to real fighters on the information front, they have to do this under a hail of fake news, and sometimes under a hail.
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obscure or somewhere there, as some they say that propagandists will say something, yes, propagandists will promote our migration policy in the sense that we were open to europe in terms of migration, and through our border, a mouse could crawl unnoticed, they reproach us for having moved away from that policy, well, we said this a long time ago, i said this, that we will not pursue that migration policy.
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well, why should we protect them in terms of migration policy, it was their protection, they were pulling these people to themselves, to us quietly they said: listen, let's do this, we'll give you money for it, we moved away from this, we honestly, frankly said, we will not pursue the policy that we pursued, i was figuratively saying that by putting a noose around my neck and the belarusian people 's neck, you want us to protect you, we will not do this. debunk myths and fakes, refute the leaks, today this is a big block of work for the media, the president is the best assistant here, alexander lukashenko often personally cuts off rumors at the root and speculation, the same thing about the ukrainian crisis,
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absolutely understandable, honest politics, it makes me sick when i read these reviews of the world media, yes lukashenko this, yes he that, yes he will give up tomorrow for... we don't need to lie, don't invent anything, and other countries can't do that, they really need to, well, you know better than me , how to get around some problems, present something in a favorable light, to put it mildly, we don't need that, we need to show it as it is, elections, not exactly a trigger, but
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objectively, the information intensity in the electoral period is always felt from a small info-spark a public flame can flare up, destructive resources often deliberately pedal... what should they do who to choose, therefore the issue of preparing
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the media for this election campaign is very important, what will we offer people, to dump in favor of the current president, if he is a candidate, we do not need this either, we need to calmly show what we have, we reported on other projects that will be prepared by our media, tv channels and newspapers, for the new information, television season, about the projects that will be... launched in the near future, well, and the projects that you already see on our tv screens on the pages of newspapers, for the election campaign, here too, everything is quite simple, but nevertheless not simple, because we need to tell the truth, we have something to be proud of for 30 years of independent belarus, for 30 years of the presidency, for the period when our belarus was actually built in the form in which we can now observe it, with that points when it was a destroyed post-soviet republic. without an economy, without money, without resources, even without grain to bake bread the next day in the country,
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all this is worth showing once again, and of course, video hosting, is our first ott platform, which will host programs and various headings and even off-air activities of video content creators, if you like, this is such a first step towards creating a belarusian youtube, you see what is happening. with youtube and other t-services of video on demand, we cannot predict, we cannot know how this situation will develop further, but we know for sure that the belarusian viewer wants to watch not only belarusian, video on demand via a personal computer, via a mobile phone, where it is convenient for him, at a time when it is convenient for him to do it, therefore this project will be launched on september 12, the voice of the regions should sound louder in the information battle, the local district newspaper is sometimes read.
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certain tasks and problems, but an initiative from regional media is very much needed, so that they understood how important it is during the electoral period to cover those issues that directly affect people's understanding of the nuances of politics and public life, which develop in a special way during the electoral period, we will support projects first and foremost those that help people. understand the truth, the ministry of forms is also attracting other
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content creators to its side at the initiative of the department, the first bloggers' forum will be held at the end of september, this is only the beginning, but they will work with the median formation systematically, in the agenda is the creation of a union media holding. we talk a lot about the creation of a union media holding of the union state, naturally, taking into account the policy that is being implemented in russia in relation to the media, you also know it, you negotiated with them, you understand that there it can be even more than the economy. russia is huge, without mass media, naturally, do not be afraid, well, due to certain nuances, russians pay very serious attention to the mass media. recently, we have very warm friendly relations with the russians were becoming, especially at the top, and i think this will... contribute to the creation of a normal, independent media holding,
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on an equal footing, this is the main thing if we are building our union, the main principle is equal conditions, no one salutes, no one, so to speak, obeys anyone, on an equal footing, and we discussed this topic a lot with sladilavić putin, i have never heard him say when we discuss these issues, listen, we are big here, you are small... let's do it this way, let's do it this way. the last time, when i put this question rather harshly, well, how long are we going to talk about this, we need to move somehow, first of all, the russians, we need to create an independent holding, he says, i then...
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representatives of state bodies of the republic of belarus and the russian federation and the permanent committee of the union state, in general, we received certain other instructions from the head of state, ready.
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tv news. common interests in defending themselves in belarus and russia extend from the media agenda to almost all spheres of life. our country and the pskov region have everything prerequisites for sustainable growth of trade turnover. these are new cooperation projects, new agreements and new contacts for business. a delegation
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of the belarusian government is on a working visit to this russian region, and the days of the vitebsk region have also opened there. the results of the negotiations and what unites us at. the vitebsk region meets us on a large scale deliciously, so they come to visit only friends. belarusians brought what they can do themselves in cooperation with russians. it seems that this fair is the center of attraction for the whole city. they bet everything, try everything, and take from kiev cake to a piece of bread. such an opportunity to buy our products, everything at once is not always available, the taste of meat and milk from belarus is well known and loved here.
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arshansky instrumental after modernization is mastering new products for itself for export. we brought here a new line of our tool, which we mastered as a result of the implementation of the investment project. we mastered the application of three types of coating. this is a foreign-resistant coating, it increases the durability of the tool by 2.5 times. the task of belarus and the pskov region is the same, this is import substitution.
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we heard that there is interaction, today there are also a lot of heads of enterprises, it is important that enterprises cling to each other, and this allows, firstly, to support each other and give impetus to development.
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for the purchase of agricultural machinery, we offer both mechanisms of financial support for exports, and, of course, our military-industrial complex technologies, they are taking root here, by the way. in 4 years, we
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have planted almost 50-500 hectares of gardens, all using the technology from which we learned, went, looked, namely in the vitebsk region, looked at those enterprises, who are engaged in gardening, we work together and the rules of the golden triangle, this is education, science and production on the basis of our pskov university. bntu. it is necessary to prepare highly qualified specialists. and the main task is the advanced training of a new generation of engineers. to date, almost 2,500 people have been trained there since the twenty-second year. they hold the goods of tomorrow, and today, as the prime minister of belarus said, a wagon is also working. there are contracts based on the results business forum. i will say right away that new ones will appear soon. today, following the results of the business meeting , five commercial contracts have been signed for a total of one billion 600 russian rubles, and there are many interesting small cooperative products, we are one of the largest
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gingerbread factories here, and we use only rogachev condensed milk in our production. we are also united by many new tourist routes, historical patriotic ones, and of course, the heroic past, on such examples we educate and the younger generation, soldiers of the great patriotic war. belarus is open to equal partnership, but does not accept provocations of encroachment. the situation on our southern borders remains tense, in connection with this, units of the belarusian army continue to strengthen the state border. in tactical areas, the terrain is being monitored . checkpoints are being created, a special purpose medical detachment is being deployed. our film crew worked in the border area all day, vladimir korolev's report. the tasks of protecting
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and strengthening the state border are carried out by forces special operations, tank, mechanized columns, divisions, missile systems. in tactical areas , the terrain is monitored around the clock, air defense is operating on the ground, drones are patrolling in the sky. reconnaissance from the air day and night, the peculiarity of the southern border, forests and marshy terrain, with a minimum of roads, a drone, the most important sentry, at the moment we are conducting additional reconnaissance, reconnaissance of the area, to identify the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group, lightly armored vehicles, well, tanks, cops, dugouts, the presence of the enemy through a thermal imaging camera, the eye of his... division from above. the military has enough work: to dig trenches, set up camp, camouflage vehicles and structures. from the air , the forest is empty, but various
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units have been here for a long time, communications have been established, service is underway. we arrived in this area to strengthen the southern directions, the southern regions of the state border, occupied, equipped the camp, then we continue to occupy the area, equip it in an engineering sense, also timely post patrols, various. ambushes, conditionally practice them in practice. tank and mechanized units have also accumulated on the border these days. in the interests of ensuring border security, belarus regularly conducts joint training of various forces, to respond to possible provocations and incidents. arrived in the area of ​​concentration, to strengthen the borders, we carry out tasks, posted guards, made engineering structures, that is, trenches for tanks, dug trenches for shooting, also made dugouts for cover, went out, shot at home, at the training grounds, went out, shot, prepared for this, also the same conducted classes on how to dig trenches, how
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to properly... arm them, how to camouflage trenches, how to camouflage tanks, how to dig trenches with a tank blade correctly. in the interests of defense , air defense alert forces have been increased at important state and military facilities, and additional electronic warfare units have been deployed. the tunguska anti-aircraft gun-missile system has repeatedly recorded the approach of drones. the combat vehicle is capable of not only detecting low-flying targets, but also attacking the enemy on the ground, on the water. in the air we are carrying out the task of covering the air defense of a tank unit, already at this stage we have post-visual surveillance equipped - near our location, daily the machines detect via a radar channel, we conduct training, all related to our air adversaries, all the calculations are prepared, all are trained, they know their equipment by... 100%
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own all its options that it must perform, a special purpose medical detachment has been deployed in one of the areas, military doctors are ready to provide qualified assistance to soldiers at any time if necessary, however, the ministry of defense states that despite the difficult situation on the border , there is no escalation of the situation on the belarusian side, but our country will respond to any provocations. vladimir korolev and dmitry chumak, telenovosti agency. meanwhile, the pentagon, albeit reluctantly, confirmed the loss of one of the first f-16 fighters transferred to ukraine. the americans report that the aircraft crashed, the possible cause of the incident called pilot error. the planes, although manufactured in the united states, were transferred to the ssu by european countries, in particular the netherlands, which, as a strict restriction, established a ban on strikes on civilian targets in russia, although this requirement is hardly strict. i
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am sure that the restrictions on the use of weapons transferred to ukraine should be lifted, full use of weapons for strikes on military targets in russia should be allowed in accordance with international rules, otherwise weapons are useless. meanwhile, this will mean the transition of western countries from the category of allies of ukraine. to the category of direct participants in the conflict, which in turn is fraught with uncontrolled escalation. this strategy has plenty of opponents. the same barrel reported that 6 billion euros intended for ukraine have been frozen due to the hungarian veto. but along with large -scale state business , small businesses of individual corrupt officials are also thriving in the war, for example, the czech prosecutor's office has filed charges against the founder of the fund to help ukraine
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fraud charges. this one stole 800 thousand euros collected to help refugees, and the kiev ministry of defense is introducing new types of dry rations for soldiers, in particular vegetarian, halal and kosher. many military personnel believe that this is a new embezzlement, in the trenches under fire, a normal person somehow does not have an intricate diet. the case is stupid, continues to remain at the top of the main topics of the world media. pavel durov, the owner of the telegram messenger, although released. so that he does not hide in the russian embassies. the authorities will be especially attentive to and the united arab emirates. the businessman also had all of his passports taken away so that he could not leave france. in such a restricted freedom regime, the suspect could live for many months, or even years, until the end of the investigation, which is being conducted very slowly here.
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new ones are constantly being discovered in the history of the special services' hunt for nadorov. commentators are unanimous in the opinion that macron has set himself the goal of taking control of the messenger. freedom of communication on telegram greatly limits the lack of control of the french authorities. the new york times writes that durov's indictment has given new energy to the long-running debate about freedom of speech on the internet and pitted its hard-line supporters, in the person of dorov and elon musk, against state regulators and legislators. about the high-profile arrest.
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details in the author's column the periodic table. political action western hypocrisy and freedom of speech under judicial supervision, the hunt for telegram, what happens if you chase two brothers? let's consider all the political elements and put them in their places, this is the periodic table, let's figure it out together. easy prey, durov barely had time to set foot on french soil to say bonjour, as he was arrested on... the runway of an airport in the suburbs of paris, while 20 minutes before landing, the business jet of the telegram founder abruptly turned towards the border with italy, but either due to a lack of fuel, or due to an order from air traffic controllers, the versions differ, it soon
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returned to its previous course. the entrepreneur was held in custody for several days, in the enlightened west, advocating for freedom of speech, they remained silent. human rights activists made a fool of themselves, no sanctions. he has large assets, it is clear to everyone that this case is, firstly, political, and secondly, it has a business subtext. the arrest of the founder of telegram could have been provoked by the unwillingness of the messenger administration to cooperate with the french
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authorities, the newspaper politics reported. french president macron waited a pause and only then burst out with a comment. the arrest of the president of telegram on french territory occurred as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. in order to carry out the mission that was required its owners, jail everyone who defends freedom of speech, we demand an explanation from macron. this version cannot be ruled out. in addition, macron and durov already dined in 2018. then, according to the wall street journal,
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the french president offered the entrepreneur to move telegram's headquarters to paris , promising french citizenship, which pavel, by the way, did not refuse, and did not move the headquarters. here she is, the unforgiving french.
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loved the platform from 2014 to 2020, because thanks to its unique features and anonymity, we could finance political associations or activists. however, this is not enough. the west is thirsty for total
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submission. now the founder of telegram has been released, but not completely, of course, he remains under judicial supervision. he was banned from leaving france. he was ordered to post bail in the amount of 5 million euros and to appear at the police station twice a... week. the french themis accuses durov of refusing to cooperate with the security forces, participating in the distribution of child pornography, money laundering, fraud, but until any court decision. pavel durov is not guilty, but there, of course, as they agree. the victorious news has just come from paris, the main favorite and multiple record holder, our igor bokiy opened the medal count for belarusians at the seventeenth summer paralympics. the athlete won gold in the 100-meter butterfly in class c-13. let's see together how it was.
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even in the qualification, the swimmer showed a result with a shot at gold of 54.23. seconds iboki stepped from first place to the final, where he triumphantly became a seventeen-time paralympic champion. and i say, really, no equal in the 100-meter butterfly, the athlete holds the world and paralympic records in this discipline. congratulations. tomorrow our igor boki and evgeny kovalyonov will start the 100-meter backstroke. preliminary heats are already at 12:00. the final is scheduled for 20:50. let's cheer for our. athletes. in the united kingdom
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, an eleven-year-old boy was detained for participating in the recent religious and racial riots. police raids and arrests continue, in the last few days alone 14 people have been detained, four of whom minors. previously, the youngest of the rioters arrested was considered to be a twelve-year-old teenager. in total , the british authorities are going to. participants in the riots. in order to find places for them in prisons, they are going to hold two amnesties during which hundreds of the most hardened criminals will be released. a new round of corruption scandal around the extremist resource belsad. the polish prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation, it is assumed that the leader, former and current, caused damage to the budget of the neighboring republic by 7 million zlotys. the money was spent through their own companies in private apartments, but it may also be... more, we will add information, all grant
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funds were spent through the fund of the directors' staff, what role in the schemes was assigned to the fund of the belsat managers, the solidarity zone did not jointly throw the relatives of its employees. watch today after the panorama a new series of the project the inside out, embezzlers, the belsat mafia. extremist belsad, a tool of soft power against belarusians and... the source of embezzlement. the polish prosecutor's office is conducting an audit. what did the audit show? according to the information, the audit conducted in belsat showed, among other things, fictitious or overpaid invoices for it services. according to the auditors, as a result of contracts signed with external organizations, poland could have lost almost 7 million zlotys. directors, current and former. how they conducted it through their own fund.
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nanka, embezzlers, belsat mafia.
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they got busy organizing the illegal sale of places in queues for entry into poland, 10 people were detained. this was stated in ministry of internal affairs. it is reported that law enforcement officers, together with border guards and tax inspectors , conduct daily raids to identify such offenses. illegal business selling. places in queues at the border has emerged against the backdrop of poland, lithuania and latvia closing almost all checkpoints. so -called entrepreneurs take up a queue, do not plan to cross the border, when their position stops. profitable, they sell it. the situation near the varshavsky most checkpoint is under special control breshchyna police officers, all necessary measures are taken to ensure the safety of citizens in the waiting area. every day , representatives of the provincial police departments for combating economic crimes, public safety police, and
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the border service of tax authorities conduct joint raids to identify offenses, including cases of illegal sale of places in the queue for travel to a neighboring country, close interaction is organized with all interested parties, including internal affairs agencies, customs authorities other entities to control the situation developing at the entrances to the checkpoint. in addition, near the varshavsky most checkpoint, traffic police officers conduct round-the-clock control over compliance with traffic rules. since the beginning of summer , more than one and a half thousand violators have been brought to justice, including drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. who will study and how to train managers, this was discussed today at the academy of management. before the new academic year, key issues of the educational process are traditionally discussed during the meeting of the council of the academy. the key message in training managers is to focus primarily on the demands of the labor market. one of the most serious
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issues is the requirement for enrolling students. in accordance with the state order, the quality of their selection at the academy is given. who are ready for any changes, adaptable, ready for any challenges, for any difficulties and react to any changes immediately, without waiting. training programs must respond to the challenges of the time, and here today the academy has
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colossal potential. today, the priority in public administration and construction is the economy, but it is inseparable. the director of the institute of civil service of the academy of management under the president celebrates his 75th birthday today. alexander valfovich presented the colonel general with an honorary diploma of the state secretariat of the security council, and also read out congratulations from the head of state. indeed, today is a significant event, after all, 75 years is a worthy anniversary for a person who
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continues to work for the good of our country, a person who held various leadership positions in the national security system and the secretary of state. the chairman of the state security committee, the minister of defense, the chairman of the border committee, has been passing on his experience and managerial talent to the younger generation of state, civil, and government employees for many years now. it is very important that those people who today govern the country in the regions, locally, in the districts, understand how to build and solve issues of public administration, how lead the teams, the merit of everything, during the meeting were also. jubilee medals were awarded, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the teacher remains the main figure in the school, and today it is extremely important to raise the prestige of the teacher. this was noted by the chairman of the lower house of parliament igor sergienko. during the seminar of the meeting. today in the government house.


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