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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck to you in business and see you soon.
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hello everyone, my name is kaylya, i came from venezuela, you belarus is learning russian, as a result i settled here for 8 years, because i fell in love. i love this country of people, and also herring papshuba and holodni, and most importantly, i love to travel, shoot videos, well, it's too late, hello, kai, where are you, i'm already in the city of ivi, what are you serious about, okay, you know what, kai
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i won't be today, i'm very sorry, because i came up with a very exciting trip and i'm ready, if you are too, then let's go, i am in ivy for the first time, and i liked this small town at first sight, it is so cozy and beautiful, i am sure it has a very rich history. friends, any journey in an unfamiliar city should start in the museum, where i will tell you how to build the right route to see interesting places, well, are you ready, then let's go, why is this city called ive, in my opinion, it is a female name. well, you are partly right, because
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the city, the name of our city is from a legend, and this legend tells us about that once upon a time the grand duke gedimin, the prince of the grand duchy of lithuania, had a beautiful wife, princess eva, so the legend says that when eva passed by our city, she, she really liked it, she fell in love with it, so this legend says that... that the name is in honor of her name, but there is another legend that in the city of ivya there were a lot of willows, so yes, from the name of this tree the name of the city of ivya also came, we are now in the museum, and what can we see in this museum, what do you imagine, our museum is relatively young, 15 years ago the doors of our museum opened for visitors, and many who come to... to visit us here
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are surprised, well, a small town, only a few thousand people, why such a grand name: the museum of national cultures, and the fact is that people of different nationalities have lived here for many centuries, we hope that in the future people of different nationalities will live in a world of harmony and tolerance. it turns out that ive is the only city in belarus in which there is a monument to four confessions, in the museum you describes. will tell a lot of interesting things about the life and everyday life of representatives of different cultures who live on this land, on the reflection of many centuries. and we usually begin a conversation about the indigenous population from distant, distant, distant times, when for the first time, when for the first time on the banks of the neman river, which you drove today, the first settlement of people was found, let's say, on the territory of our modern ivyevshchina and... this is the eighth sixth
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millennium bc, it is clear that time went on, history moved forward, here we are already we are talking about when our ivyevshchina was part of it.
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well, here is another hall that will prove to you the fact that it is not for nothing that we are called the museum of national cultures. another nation is represented here - these are, of course, the jews. before the great patriotic war, they were more than 70% of us in ivyshchina. there are many jews here or today, unfortunately, we do not have a single family or a single person, very many. jews died, were destroyed as a result of the great patriotic war. to this day we see that our a has been preserved ivye synagogue, and it is unusual, yes, it is used for other purposes, now it is a children's sports school, but it is very well
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preserved, because you see how it looked in 1916 and practically has not changed its appearance, yes, we had them. i am not afraid of this word, in another hall, which is dedicated, how bright, i am already talking about the indigenous population of ivye region, indigenous, of course, they are not indigenous, but they have lived on our territory for more than six hundred years, so hand on heart, we can
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truly say that they are our relatives, indigenous, our own, and many ask how the tatars appeared on our lands, it is quite far from their ethnic homeland, there are. of course, there are many different opinions, but our ivye tatars still remember the grand duke vitovt when they pray , they remember, yes, they remember him with the thought that thanks to him the ivye tatars appeared here on our lands, because he appreciated them as great warriors and invited them here to our lands so that... they would help him fight against the tyton order and for their merits awarded them belarusian lands. to this day, as i have already said, they remember his name in their prayers. well, of course, we, like few, probably, cities in belarus, can
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boast of one of the oldest, mosques in our territory, it is muslim, it is a muslim temple. and the mosque, operating since 1882, it has never closed. 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for adults. you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself. time is running. how will you react if a person will ask you to do something that is not suitable for him. well, i will also dissuade him in some way. there is a stereotype that all athletes are bad students. how did you study? we studied on a five-point scale.
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of course, there were some cs, and some bs, and a's, well, in different ways. there is a red sector to your right. the next question is from there. hello! how did you feel when you were standing on the podium? the first night i couldn't sleep at all, i couldn't fall asleep, because i closed my eyes, i had the whole day in front of my eyes, how did it go, how did i wake up there, what did i eat, watch the project 100 questions to an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel, a native minsk resident goes to the village to find out what is better than the city, you are a real modern belarusian gusli player, yes,
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you have five children, yes, i was really drawn to nature, i just realized that nature is generally my priority in life, so in general i gave up everything, i already missed this space in the city, i missed nature, you studied, lived and worked in moscow, then at one fine moment in your life you had to come back here to your historical homeland, to look after your grandmother? after you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you save horses, why horses, because other animals also need help, to each his own, but by and large horses are such a disease from childhood, well, kushka, what can i say, the only thing that relaxed in me is something somewhere down there, everything that is here, the cheeks in particular the entire speech apparatus, eyes, spine, for some reason everything is on na... i from the village, watch the belarus 24 tv channel,
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tell me please, what do you see inside the mosque, do you see any pictures, faces on the walls? no, there is nothing, no, and what do you see, windows, well, the windows are clear, and i also see there at the end such a small picture, as if thinking of some kind of ride or napits, inscriptions, right, you will never find in the mosque either an image of a person or even an image of an animal, because according to the laws of islam it is forbidden, people decorate the mosque, decorate their own houses.
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beautiful, yes, this is such a basic technique
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the mugir that is encountered is of this type as there are generally many different techniques there is writing on glass on paper we will write on paper these are the patterns we will cut out and what will you need ink paper well and efforts? ours with you, and it is also necessary to say that in the arabic language, there are no vowels, there are only vowels, vowels are placed on top, below they decide what it will be, what the syllable will be, that is, either a he gives the letter or, or y, and where is the letter a, if here it is written alla, and where is the letter a here, well this is alif letter, this is the only one that is with the letter a, it cannot be combined with other letters.
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well, and g at the end, that is , no vowel is needed here, sometimes they put such a circle that this is a voiceless sound, that is, we close the word, allah is read. until this moment i thought that the russian language is very difficult, but today i am ready to change my mind, well, let's get started, well, the first time i did something wrong, it will also work out, so yours is more beautiful than mine for sure, well, you and i cut out such
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special decorations, and we will be with you now lay them out. on our mugers, so that we don't need a lot, yes, we don't need a lot, we'll just lay out such a composition from them, yeah, what will we have, what will we like, here i pasted it, beautiful, how do you like it, gorgeous, for the first time, wonderful, and what remains now, well then we put it in a frame like any work, you can hang it on the walls, and i'll have it.
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oh my, it goes on without a break, cold, cold, how delicious it is, clean, natural, m, sweet, exactly, you can save this city, because they have their own own. that from the ploughshare, well, now i'm ready, let's move on,
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friends, you know that i noticed how beautifully the fire is... against the background of the blue sky, the sun, bright, just like a picturesque picture, beautiful, so i didn't understand where i came, what is this in my background, a little belarusian, it can't be, huh? i felt so close to home, because i'm right here in the south, and i have christo redentor in my background, and that's all i need, the sun is burning.
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hello, my name is.
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since i'm new here, but i know that here local people laugh like this: if you want to see the original jesus, you have to visit ivia, and if you want to see a copy, then, well , that's a joke, well, that's good, no, well , naegnyaka, naegnyaka, i was advised to visit your church, your catholic church, why? probably because it's the oldest building, the very first one here of all these, let's say, buildings, because the catholic church we are in. this one, which we can see now, it was consecrated in 1787, 18th century, but in this place there was another church, which was built in
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the 15th century. father pavel, i want to share with you that the architecture that we see now is the architecture that can be found in latin america, well, because the spaniards arrived in latin america, and of course, catholicism spread, yes.
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monastery, yeah, monasteries, here, this icon, the oldest icon, which is called the mother of god of ivie. father, pavel, where have you brought me now? we are in the building of the former bernadine monastery. benodinitsa yes, yes, that is, there was once a monastic order here, the benadines, yeah, there were monks, this is only a small part left from that
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monastery, well, at least you can see the architecture, look at the thickness of the walls, in our parish museum, where we can see a little bit of history, that is , like this.
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i'm coming here, i find myself on the bank of the neman, and you know, this is just a wonderful place to relax, all that's left is to settle in, just to be comfortable, let's go, this is my first time in this city and i wanted to say that you have it very beautiful and cozy here with taste, but tell me please, viewers, what do you provide? here are guests, for our guests we present our comfortable houses, here you can rent a separate room, also for - a house for a company, a company, yes
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, great, but tell me also, how many people can be accommodated here, in our houses you can accommodate 30 people, 30 people, well, and if i'm alone, there will be a room for me, yes also for we have, as i already repeat, there are separate comfortable rooms and i can show them to you now, oh class, just right i can't wait, because if it's beautiful like this on the outside, i can't imagine what it'll be like on the inside, it'll be even better on the inside, that'll do. let's go, please, please, go upstairs, i 'll show you our vip room now, and vip, how lucky i am today, good, just not with me, oh, oh, matryamia, how beautiful it is here. and such
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a fragrant smell, the summer is bright, that i could live longer in this life, and what beautiful nature is here, these landscapes simply take your breath away, by the way, you can find a lot of interesting entertainment here, kayla, i want you offer our entertainment, it's quad biking, i love it. me on a quad bike, i rode it once, it was only in the fall, now it's summer - this is what you need, oh, let's go, it's convenient, yes, of course, great, an unexpected walk, this is the best, oh,
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well, in my opinion, from here. i don't want to leave, i would definitely stay here for a week to live, but i want to say that this trip today was just wonderful, moravyossa, i liked absolutely everything, despite the fact that kai was not with me, but you were with me, remember, friends, when it seems to you that you have seen everything in this world, just take your hands and travel, and if you don’t want to, then wait for the next episode, like... at home, ciao, ciao, when you are in nature, it seems that the world
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has plunged into silence. all the sounds of vanity have disappeared, only the song of the wind specially caresses the ear, so that you look around and understand how quiet it is around. whenever possible, go to nature. go to forests, fields, rivers and lakes. breathe fresh air, admire the clear sky, listen to the birds singing, rustling of leaves. smile sun. enjoy, notice this beauty around.
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in harmony with nature. belarus 24. good afternoon. on the air of the first national channel of belarusian radio and tv channel belarus. analytical project topical microphone. my name is evgeny meleshko, and i will immediately introduce our guest, our guest, this is the chairperson of the belarusian union of women, the head of the international television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, olga shpilevskaya. hello! hello! well, of course, today we will talk about women, here i am i noticed this trend at all.


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